What habits and qualities should a successful person have? What does it mean to be successful? Poll results

Hi all, Dear friends! Today I will reveal to you the most main secret how to become a successful person. No business school will tell you this secret. No business coach will teach you this. If you want to truly become a successful person, then read this article.

What does it mean to be a successful person? Is success wealth or is it health?

I look with concern today at those who, for their own sake, material well-being loses his health, spiritual and physical health, and most importantly loses his conscience for the sake of “material gain.”

IN to a greater extent this applies to young people who strive to earn all the money in the world in order to show how “cool” and “rich” they are, what cars they drive, what clothes and watches they wear. But few of them realize that the main thing in life is not money, not wealth, not the material superiority of some over others.

Yes, financial and property well-being are undoubtedly important for each of us. Everyone wants to be confident in the future. Everyone wants all their bills to be paid. Everyone wants to drive a quality car. Have your own shelter - cozy nest, in which his closest and dearest people are waiting.

There is one saying: it doesn’t matter how rich you are, what matters is whether you can hold onto this wealth and be truly happy with it.

Having a lot of money makes you “no cooler”, “no better”, “not happier”, believe it. You don't even know what true happiness looks like. You are rich, you can buy yourself whatever you want, but not happiness.

You know a lot about how to run a business, but you're not smart. You love women, but do they love you? Hide all your money, hide all your property, will there be at least one woman left next to you? You'll never know true love when people go through fire and water side by side.

You have a lot of money, but you are not healthy. Look at yourself in the mirror and see who you look like. Is your woman ready to stay with such a man without money? You have pain in your spine, dizziness, and you constantly complain of pain in your internal organs. This is the law of nature, my friend. You cannot be truly happy, and therefore successful, without absolute health.

Many people do not understand the very essence of the concept of “success”; they do not fully understand what it means to “be a successful person.”

One wise man once said: “First people spend their health to earn as much as possible.” more money. These people then spend all the money they earn to restore their health.”

The opinions expressed in this article will go against the majority opinion. Only a few will understand me, and even fewer will adhere to the method of real success. If the majority says otherwise, this does not mean that they are all right. It’s just that the majority do not have the flexibility of thinking that allows them to reveal the principles of self-knowledge of the world, to reveal to themselves all its secrets. All of them follow the path of a pre-developed program, introduced into their subconscious through the media and the press, generally accepted stereotypes of modern society.

What does it mean to be a successful person? I reveal the essence of the concept of “success”

In a broad sense, the word "success" means . A person experiences true happiness only when he achieves his goal, he realizes his dream.

So, what does it mean to be a successful person? How to become a successful person? I will answer you this way. To be successful means to be healthy, beautiful and happy. Never !

Not money and not material goods bring joy to the house, and our spiritual and physical well-being. This is something that no amount of money can buy at any time. Those who believe that big money, buying cars, owning property, jewelry, high social status and glory is there life values, are mistaken. Of course, these are important values. But what are they worth if a person who owns huge capital is sick or experiences a constant breakdown.

When you are healthy, beautiful, happy, and all members of your family are happy, you achieve high results in work, business, sports, communication and much more. There are no barriers for you; you easily overcome difficulties. This is real success! In this case, you will be a successful person!

Material well-being can and should be the result of absolute health, and not a means of achieving it. The measurement of success goes far beyond work and business. When you overly tie your success in life to your business or career, then if you get fired or your business goes bankrupt, your life can simply fall apart.

That is why real success in life is achieving absolute health. Success is health, happiness and joy, good spirits and freedom physical movements. A person is successful when he has achieved real full health, when he has a powerful surge of strength every day. And he spends this energy on development and achieving goals. I am simply convinced of this! I know! This is personally verified!

How to become a successful person: technology of success

As you already understand, success is nothing more than achieving absolute health. The logic is simple. If you are rich but have a lot of diseases, you are not successful. You will never be happy. If you are healthy and moving towards achieving your goals, then in the near future you will achieve them! In this case, you will be healthy, rich, and happy at the same time.

If you really want to become a successful person, you must develop in all areas of your life - , And . Otherwise, your victory will not be real. If you have psychological problems, fears, complexes and traumas, you will not be happy, even if you earn a lot of money.

Your career is undoubtedly important, as is paying your bills and providing for your family, but to truly be happy in life, you need to succeed in three basic areas: intellectual, spiritual and physical. I wrote about this in more detail in my first book: . You need to constantly work on yourself, improve yourself! But only by achieving absolute health can you become a successful person.

A healthy person, charged with optimism and vigor, is many times happier than someone who constantly invests money in the treatment of their ailments. Waking up every day without headaches, toothaches, pain in joints and internal organs, beautiful and energetic - this is real happiness. Only such a person can become successful.

After all, when you are truly happy, you are ready to go to work with a smile, start a family and raise children properly, you have an incentive and desire to act, to develop in all directions. You are becoming a successful person! Life is the most valuable thing we have. But you can enjoy this priceless treasure only when you have absolute health. And absolute health is the unity of physical, mental and spiritual health.

So, the method I proposed for building a successful and happy life is based on absolute health. Only through recovery can you become a truly successful person! Being healthy means being a successful person!

How to become a successful person: a case study

A significant number of acquaintances regularly contact me and strangers for help, primarily consulting. In this article, as an example of a successful person, I will give an example from the life of a friend of mine.

One of my friends complained about health problems and unwillingness to do anything. Every autumn and winter he fell ill. This prevented him from achieving specific goals. He claimed that this condition was congenital and that it was impossible to get rid of it. After a series of joint theoretical and practical sessions, I managed to convince him to use the system outlined in the book .

He practiced the method for about four to five months. After this time, while performing health procedures, the friend seemed to be reborn. He became a slender, strong, self-confident man, with cheerful and lively eyes. And most importantly, he did not limit himself to this result. On the contrary, this result gave him an incentive for further improvement.

He began to devote a lot of time to classes on spiritual, intellectual and physical strengthening. Now he has unique secrets to a happy life. Soon he bought a new car, acquired land plot, where the whole family comes for a vacation. The apartment was well renovated. Everything is going well at work. Now he plans to start building his own house and bathhouse. The attitude of those around him changed, people began to greet him with confidence. He became a successful man!

Wealth through wellness? Exactly! For some reason, many are firmly convinced that this is not the path that leads to money. But they are mistaken. True health comes from an influx of huge amounts of external energy. Now this energy does not have to constantly heal health, it is directed towards improving life itself. Only achieving absolute health will help you become a successful person!

Now you know how to become a successful person! So, good luck, friends! This is the only way you can find truly happiness in life, live a long time without fears and doubts, without pain and fatigue, beautiful and charged with optimism!

Optimal implementation of set goals is called success. This concept is relevant for those who make a career, play sports, start a family, and raise children. It is applicable to many areas of activity. Achieving excellent results means being successful.

Everyone wants to be successful


Successful is the one who is accompanied by success. Success is achieving the desired goal by obtaining the intended result. Most people think successful people those who have only the outward appearance of success, but expensive clothes, a brand new iPhone, a car, etc. All these benefits could be given to him, and a successful person is one who has achieved everything through his efforts. Few people know, but it is wrong to evaluate success only by the car; success is achieving a goal, and the goal can be anything. It is clear that he owes only himself the achievement of his goals.

Character traits

Such a person must have appropriate character traits. Below is a list of characteristics it should have:

  1. Hard work. Laziness must not be tolerated. It slows down progress. If you are motivated enough, you won't have any problems. To achieve good results you need to work. Nothing will ever fall on you for nothing; everything is achieved through hard work.
  2. Self-criticism. You must evaluate yourself and your results soberly and as critically as possible. Don't feel sorry for yourself.
  3. Confidence. Self-confidence gives you courage to take further action. If you are confident in your abilities, then you will not be afraid to test yourself. But do not confuse confidence with self-confidence. Self-confidence is a sober assessment of one’s capabilities, and self-confidence is an overestimation of oneself (a false assessment).
  4. Attitude towards opportunities. Chances are everywhere. It is important to see them and use them in time; they will help you get closer to your goal.
  5. Having a global goal. She is the engine of progress. For such a goal, a certain strategy is needed, with the help of which it can be implemented step by step. You must really want this goal to happen. Remember that successful people live it.
  6. Motivation. It can be called fuel, and it should always be there. She can be anyone. Motivation will guide you and inspire you to new actions.
  7. A look at failure. A successful person is motivated by failure. She has a desire to recoup, to take revenge. She understands that failures are inevitable obstacles on the way to achieving a goal, and encountering them is completely normal.
  8. Responsibility. A successful person knows that changing reality depends only on her. Nothing is impossible and only she is responsible for achieving her goals. Such a person must rely only on himself.
  9. Ability to take risks. But it's worth doing it wisely. If the risk has prospects, and if you fail you will not lose everything, then take the risk. It can change the distance between you and your target suddenly and dramatically.
  10. Order in your head. U successful personality everything is sorted into shelves. No negative thoughts should haunt her, nothing should bring her down. A clear worldview must be formed in your head. Getting your head in order is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Just take the right amount of time to understand yourself. What's in your head is where you begin as a person and as a successful person.

Not all of the character traits listed above are characteristic of you now. They can be acquired by working on yourself.

Psychologists note that the presence of motivation changes people very dramatically. This will push you to change yourself. Even just the desire to become better can become the motivation that will lead you.

Self-development may take days, months and years, but with your persistent efforts this period can be significantly reduced.

Principles of success


Successful people are the driving force behind world progress. They are able to change something not only for themselves, but also for others.

Now you have a better understanding of what a successful person is and you know that the path to success is not easy. Strive to be the best and you can achieve life-changing results.

How many people - so many opinions! This is exactly what you will be able to further verify as soon as you decide to clarify for yourself at least a little the concept of “successful person”. So what does this designation actually include? And who can rightfully bear this proud title? Let's try to figure it out.

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Concept of a successful person

Among our population, there remains a fairly common opinion that success is completely determined by external attributes and status things. However, is this so? After all, such things often turn out to be an ordinary mask, created just to show off.

Can a person be considered successful if he drives a respectable car of a friend by proxy, inherited an apartment from his parents, and received a prestigious position through an acquaintance? Most likely, “successful person” is a much broader concept.

  • a purposeful person who is able not only to clearly formulate his goals, but also to achieve them;
  • confident in his strengths, abilities, knowledge, and actions of the subject;
  • a person who has a sought-after and well-paid job;
  • a person who does not forget about development and self-improvement, and never stops there;
  • that he is in demand, has social recognition and occupies a high social position;
  • this is a leader who is able to group people around him and lead them;
  • only such a person can turn a dream into a goal and achieve what he wants.

Many survey participants agreed that a successful person is determined not only by his financial success (although this was put at the forefront), but also by the presence of good health, a good family, friends, as well as whether he is loved and has spiritual achievements and other.

However, some points seem quite controversial. So, if we talk about a good career, then a person can be considered successful only if he really loves what he does with all his heart. But, alas, this is still not the most common case in our open spaces. Yes, and talk about the success of a person whose health is undermined at work and nervous system, you understand, it’s not necessary.

Moreover, the most successful people ( recognized by the world) are not successful careerists, but investors. This is a much more stable path to financial independence and steadfastness. Although, undoubtedly, having a high position opens up much broader horizons in the matter public recognition.

In addition, I would not like to mix merits in personal and family relationships, however, as well as spiritual developments. Here it is more appropriate to talk about the concept “ happy man“, but the formulation “success” has its own specific features and there is not a single hint of family well-being in them.

Based on all of the above, we can say with a certain degree of confidence that a successful person is:

  • one who continuously moves forward and is not satisfied with what has already been achieved;
  • this is a versatile personality who does not allow himself to get hung up on anything;
  • For him, today's success is the amount by which he has surpassed himself yesterday.

But let's be honest. By and large, everyone determines for themselves what success means specifically for them. And that's great! After all, only this way of posing the question allows you to move towards your true goals, and not towards someone’s image of success.

Qualities of a successful person

However, all truly successful and prosperous individuals still have similar traits that help them achieve their goals, competently managing their funds and earning even more.

These features include:

  1. Curiosity and constant search opportunities. Such people are interested in the world around them, and they tend to view any event rather from the perspective of how it can be useful to them and what prospects it opens up.
  2. Decisiveness and activity. He acts despite obstacles, both external and internal (fear, laziness, lack of necessary knowledge).
  3. Purposefulness and the need for more. Such a person not only longs to achieve his goals, but also wants to be greater than who he is at the moment.
  4. Self-motivation and hard work. Successful people motivate themselves with passion, willpower, and sincere interest in their field of activity. It is on these pillars that their phenomenal ability to work rests.
  5. Perseverance and self-belief. Only thanks to these traits are they able to move on, despite failures, mistakes, ridicule and the disbelief of others.
  6. Ability to take risks, thanks to which they boldly take a step into the unknown.
  7. Patience. The road to success is a slow and step by step process And man of sense always has the ability to wait.

Fortunately, almost all of these qualities can be developed in yourself, which means that anyone can become a truly successful person.

Habits of a successful person

Every person is a collection of habits. Some help us, others outright ruin our lives, however, there are also those that invariably lead to success in life, and many prosperous and successful people agree with this list.

So what habits can subsequently guarantee you success in everything:

  1. Early rise. A significant portion of successful people wake up very early. This is a time when they can calmly reflect, reflect and meditate. Being able to get up at dawn gives them new strength and inspiration for subsequent activities throughout the day.
  2. Love of reading. Reading books allows you to significantly expand a person’s horizons, as a result of which answers to many life tasks and even problems come as if by themselves. In addition, this is a great way to brighten up leisure time, anticipation, and also an excellent means of combating accumulated stress.
  3. The ability to simplify. It is extremely necessary to be able to simplify what can and should be subject to this process. This is how the useless is cut off. And this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. However, enough practice and a sober, rational approach will teach you that to simplify means to sweep away the unnecessary so that the necessary speaks.
  4. The ability to slow down. It’s difficult to call a life planned out minute by minute fulfilling. In all the hustle and bustle, you need to be able to find time for yourself, so that you have the opportunity to stop and listen to your inner feelings and the voice of your heart. This is the only way you can be confident that you are still on your path and have not lost the essence in the weather behind the form. And besides, as soon as you slow down, everything you are chasing will catch up with you.
  5. Physical activity. Anyone from childhood has learned the rule that prevention is always more effective than cure. And in this case the situation is similar. Unfortunately, we understand the importance of health only when it is irretrievably lost. Don't make this mistake and do regular training. Even if it’s not going to the gym, but just doing home exercises or jogging, the main thing is that you exercise.
  6. Attentiveness to the environment. Successful people choose their social circle very carefully, because they understand perfectly well: a community of inspired and positively minded people can transform us, but people who are always complaining and criticizing neutralize any of your efforts and achievements.
  7. Successful people are grateful. Such people are able to appreciate any service and kind word On your part, in addition, successful people are grateful to life in general, because they are well aware that they will never receive anything more than what they have if they do not value what they have.

Habits of failure

As it turns out, what makes a person successful is not his mental abilities, but rather the totality of his habits. The same is true for lack of success. Thomas Corley (financier and psychologist) argues that our habits are like snowflakes: although each individually is practically weightless, together they form an avalanche... of success or failure.

So which habits can cause such significant harm:

  • Tendency to be satisfied with little(this refers to a reluctance to change something around, and not at all a penchant for minimalism, which many successful people have a weakness for).
  • Endlessly postponing life until “later”(such a person lives not in the current moment, but in some illusory, fabulous tomorrow).
  • Busyness is out of place(they hate their job and have long resigned themselves to this fate, considering it the only one possible for them).
  • Self pity(sooner or later, everyone around them gets tired of such people, and with the loss of their inner circle, they lose many chances to improve their lives).

In addition, personal qualities such as:

  • information greed (when in pursuit of news you are distracted from your real life);
  • multitasking (often the desire to do everything and everywhere leads to failure on all fronts);
  • seeking the approval of others (by and large, you are simply looking for a reason to remain “like everyone else”);
  • perfectionism (your belief that there will be best opportunity and more appropriate time and place lead to you endlessly marking time).

Take a closer look at yourself and think about it. Perhaps your familiar and almost family habits are costing you too much? And maybe it's time to change something?

How to develop a habit?

So, you have dealt with all your bad habits and are eager to establish other, useful ones. What to do and where to start:

  • First, decide on the changes you want to make in your life. Next, divide these changes into stages and determine the importance and priority of certain changes.
  • It's better to implement just one habit at a time. It is quite difficult to change even one habit, and if you take on several, you are guaranteed to fail.
  • The more radical your start, the greater the chances of success.
  • Be prepared for the duration of the process. Many people talk about the power of 21 days to develop a habit, however, this period is different for everyone. The benchmark for your success should be the feeling of ease with which you stick to your newfound habit.
  • Don't forget about regularity! Missing one day is not a big deal, two days is already a serious signal, but after missing three days you will have to start the process again.
  • Involve someone close to the process with whom you can discuss daily progress. Sometimes just the thought that you will need to talk about your weakness motivates you to continue on your way.
  • Try to replace a bad habit with a good one. It just so happened that nature does not tolerate emptiness and in the place of eradicated bad habit, two more worse ones may bloom. Therefore, immediately think about how useful action you could change a habit that doesn’t suit you. So, it will be much easier and more pleasant to live this process.

If you have finally decided to attract success into your life, then do not forget to follow these tips:

  • decide what the concept of “successful person” means for you;
  • check the list of qualities of similar people and find out which ones you have strengths, and what features still need to be worked on;
  • do similar work regarding healthy habits;
  • Pay special attention to analyzing your habits that are harmful to success;
  • if you suddenly find out that they are inherent in you, then develop a plan to get rid of them (additionally, think about whether it is possible, along with eradicating a bad habit, to instill in yourself a useful one).

This path may not be easy, but only by starting to move in this direction can you truly transform your life. I wish you success!

The very concept of “success” includes the factor of competition; accordingly, it can only exist in a society in which a person can achieve something directly through the competition itself.

Soviet society was by no means a society of achievements, but rather a “society of awards.” The concepts of “success”, “successful person” for Soviet man didn't make much sense. The word “hero,” heard from the stands, worked ideologically. Success in the sense that we mean by it today could only belong to the country, to the collective whole: “The USSR achieved success in...”. After all, at that time systems, not people, competed. But in this sense, the concept of “success” has changed several times.

If in the period of the 30s-40s the generally accepted image was of a certain worker, an ordinary person, a production worker, who outwardly did not stand out from the crowd, but answered everyone necessary qualities in production, then by the 40s-50s people who distinguished themselves in the war were considered successful people.

Speaking about the image of a successful person in Soviet society, it is necessary to make allowances for outstanding personalities, because it was they who formed the image of success, affirmed certain qualities necessary for a successful person. For Soviet people Undoubtedly, one of the most successful people is Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. He was held up as an example.

Gradually, the public and industrial sphere, where one could achieve success, also added sports area. Sports were actively promoted. Therefore, one of the indicators of a successful person is playing sports. In the 60s-70s. follow-up continues healthy image life. The image of a successful person, along with the builders of communism and socialism, is complemented by images of “heroes”: courageous people who performed certain feats “in the name and for the benefit of the USSR.”

In general, the image of a successful person in Soviet society is outlined approximately like this: a man (yes, exactly a man, since women are still rarely associated with success), quite mature, physically strong, having certain services to the Fatherland, which are expressed in certificates, orders, medals and other attributes. An honest and fairly popular activist, respected in the team.

But we must not lose sight of the following, in my opinion, extremely important aspect"success" of the Soviet man. Soviet times compulsory and, let's not hide, poorly paid labor led to alienation from work, which began to be considered as a service. Therefore, in the USSR, a person who, for example, stole from a meat processing plant or occupied a position in the nomenclature, was considered “successful” among the masses. So they said: “I got a good job,” that is, work itself meant practically nothing. The employment factor itself changed its meaning over time - whether a person considered successful was a hard worker was not of fundamental importance for his environment.

But the invariably valuable and integral qualities of a person who has achieved success remained ingenuity and an unconventional approach to business, as they would say today - creativity.

XXI Century. Who's on the horse today?

Today, the idea of ​​success has seriously transformed compared to the Soviet one. Appearance and surrounding things become a significant indicator of a person’s success. A successful person has become a marketable and clear image. These include branded expensive things, prestigious education (sometimes only a diploma), and self-presentation on social networks...

The material factor plays and will continue to play a decisive role in modern concept There is no talk of success or any transition to “post-material” values. A special place is occupied by the level of income, publicity, and integration into the system.

You can try to identify several of the most common variations of images of a modern successful person:

    Outwardly successful person;

    A person who is successful thanks to personal qualities;

    Public successful person;

    Successful in his field of activity.

    One who considers himself successful, who is one;

    Not considering himself successful, but being so from the point of view of others.

There are enough variations. But there is one factor that is obvious and surprising at the same time.

A little about needs, motivation and desire for progress

Man is a desiring creature. He is extremely rarely completely satisfied, and if he is, it is very short-lived. As soon as he satisfies one desire, another immediately appears in its place. Motivation for the realization of desires is the main factor in the social evolution of the individual, the key to his growth and movement. It almost always depends on the overall level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the body's needs.

Needs must be considered in a situation of stability and satiety, that is, when basic needs are satisfied. From this it becomes quite clear that modern stage the idea of ​​success should not be considered as final, but as an idea associated with the search for evolution and other paths of development.

Perhaps this is what turned post-Soviet society towards Western values ​​and ideas of success. To adopt and fully understand them we are at at this stage we can’t, but one way or another we move in a given direction, sometimes deviating to the left or right.

The image of a successful person is a dynamic and subjective concept. It is impossible to define it precisely; it will always be a little vague, approximate, because it is based on the opinions, judgments and ideas of many people.

A successful representative of our society today... What is success for him? What is the prioritization? Success as an opportunity for self-realization? Success as high personal self-esteem, an honestly lived life? Success as respect from others? How is the family well-being? Popularity? Financial well-being? Or is it all together? There is no clear answer today and there is unlikely to be one tomorrow.

Perhaps our descendants will be able to discuss this with greater objectivity. We will probably wait for an answer from them.

Today I propose to talk about a slightly abstract topic: what does it mean to be successful? So when we say – what do we mean? As you may have guessed, all thoughts will lead us to the theme of the site: a successful person is primarily associated by most people with a respectable financial condition. But first things first…

In the media and on the streets, we periodically meet people who are considered successful. We define this by the standard generally accepted “attributes” of success: an expensive car, expensive clothes, luxury house, holidays at world resorts, working in a high position in a prestigious company, etc. Are these people really successful? After all, it is likely that all these external attributes are just a mask that a person wears for one reason or another and behind which hides a bunch of debts and a series of serious failures. Can a person be considered successful if he received an expensive car from his parents or if he won it in the lottery? Is a person who gets a high position through connections successful?

Various statistical research showed that most often the questions “what does it mean to be successful?”, “Who is a successful person?” Residents of post-Soviet states answer approximately the following:

– A successful person is one who constantly sets life goals and achieves them;

– A successful person is a person who is confident in himself, his knowledge, abilities, actions and deeds;

– To be a successful person means to have a highly paid and in-demand job;

– To be successful means to never stop there, to constantly develop and improve yourself;

– A successful person has a high position in society, public recognition, he is always in demand as an individual, he is respected;

– A successful person has leadership qualities, he is able to lead other people;

– A successful person is a person who is able to turn a dream into a goal and achieve it.

Many research participants also noted that success cannot be associated solely with a career and financial status: in order to be successful, you also need to have a family, be loved, and some noted that in order to become successful, you need to be rich not only financially, but but also spiritually.

In general, the majority of people surveyed still associated the concept of “successful person” primarily with his.

One way or another, in a modern capitalist society, which, as we know, is ruled by capital, the ability to achieve goals, self-realization, and accumulate wealth always directly or indirectly depends on the state of personal finances. And the state of personal finances largely depends on the psychological qualities of a person, because it is thanks to his personal qualities that a person is able to earn money and accumulate material wealth.

Thus, speaking about what it means to be successful, we come to the conclusion that competent management of personal finances plays an important role in this.

Now let’s outline the main qualities of a successful person that allow him to earn good money, manage his money and achieve his goals:

1. Hard work. As you know, you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Therefore, success is unlikely to fall on its own.

2. Patience. Nothing happens quickly, the path to success is a long and gradual process, so a person needs to be patient to become successful.

3. Determination. Without this quality, you definitely won’t be able to be successful. If a person does not strive to achieve his goals, what kind of success can we talk about?

4. Perseverance. To become successful, you need perseverance. On the path to success, many difficulties will arise that should not stop a person in his quest.

5. Determination. Indecisive people will not be able to become successful, so you need to try to develop this quality in yourself, which is quite realistic.

You can supplement these qualities of a successful person with others, such as the ability to communicate with people, the ability to plan your time, etc., but at the same time they will all flow from these five basic ones.

As for a career as a sign of a successful person, here you can argue a little, in this regard. The fact is that the most successful people in the world (those recognized as such by the world community) were not careerists, but investors. Although a career and high positions open up more opportunities for self-realization in terms of public recognition. But in terms of money, I would still recommend focusing no longer on promotion career ladder, but for creating sources of passive income - in my opinion, this is more promising, and the experience of successful investors speaks to this. A career is good when work does not take away from your health and brings not only material, but also moral satisfaction. How often does this happen in our country? Can a person whose nervous system is undermined at work be successful?

Also, when talking about what it means to be successful, I would not mention family or personal relationships. Still, for this purpose, it seems to me that the formulation “to be happy” is more suitable, but the concept of “success” has its own clear definition, in which there is not a word about family happiness.

To summarize the above, I would like to focus on the most important, in my opinion, characteristics of a successful person:

– A successful person always moves forward and never stops there;

– A successful person develops into different directions, never gets hung up on one thing;

– Success today is the amount by which a person has surpassed himself yesterday.

In order to be successful, it is not at all necessary to strive to imitate the generally accepted “standards of success”: drive an expensive car or dress in prestigious boutiques. The most important thing, it seems to me, is to be able to achieve a goal and not stop there. And the far-fetched external “attributes” of success are just an unreasonable expenditure of personal finances, which would be much more effectively directed toward achieving real goals, rather than creating and maintaining one’s image as a successful person.

A successful person strives to achieve financial independence, but this should be reflected in the actual state of his personal budget, and not in the external demonstration of his wealth.

However, this is just my point of view, your opinion may differ. I would be interested to know who a successful person is in your opinion, what do you agree and what do you disagree with my point of view on this issue? I invite everyone to a discussion in the comments to this publication.

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