How to draw autumn leaves. Autumn leaf drawing


It has a very unusual and interesting shape Maple Leaf. It should start with an image of a circle, with a part of it missing at the bottom triangular shape. Inside the resulting figure you need to draw 5 straight lines directed in different directions. From the junction of these lines, you need to draw another line down (leaf stalk). Next, around each of the five lines you need to draw figures sticking out in different directions, reminiscent of the outlines of houses. Smooth triangular lines should be drawn around the two lower stripes, connected at the base of the cutting. Now the outlines of the maple leaf should be notched, and the veins should be drawn inside the leaf.

The oak leaf also has a very interesting shape. Drawing an oak leaf is not difficult. First you need to draw it on an oval with a slightly elongated lower part. Then wavy lines should show unusual shape oak leaf At the bottom of the resulting figure you need to draw a short stalk. Next, you need to draw veins on the plate.

Drawing a linden leaf is also not difficult. The base of the linden leaf is a figure resembling. This means, first of all, you should draw just such a figure. Next, you should notch the sheet and add a handle to it. All that remains is to draw thin veins inside the leaf. The linden leaf is ready.

The strawberry leaf consists of three small leaves. In order to draw it, first, you need to draw on paper 2 intersecting perpendicular lines(cross). The three upper segments should be identical, and the lower one should be slightly longer than the rest. Next, you should draw three ovals connected to each other. The three initially drawn segments should become their midlines. Now the three resulting ones should be memorized using triangular lines. Then you need to finish drawing the stem and veins on the leaf.

The rowan leaf, like the strawberry leaf, consists of several leaves. First you need to draw the main long line. From it you should draw pairs of medium-length segments directed in opposite directions. Now you need to draw oblong leaves with small ones along the edge. The segments coming from the main stem should serve as midlines to the leaves. The lower part of the main line should be turned into a leaf stalk. The final stage of drawing a rowan leaf is to depict the veins on it.

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Helpful advice

Now you will learn how to draw a maple leaf. Step 1. To make it easier for us to draw the leaf, let's make a sketch of three lines. Step 2. Let's put four points, which will later help in drawing the sheet. The sheet is ready, it should look something like this. Watch the video below and you will learn how to draw leaves on a branch.


  • how to draw oak leaves

Each tree differs from another species in silhouette, bark structure, and leaf shape. Big variety trees distributed throughout the world. Therefore, the variety of shapes of their leaves is also great. In order to learn to draw leaves trees, take a simple birch or linden leaf without any complications. How do you learn to draw like this? leaves, you can take their most complex forms.

You will need

  • sheet of paper, pencil


Prepare necessary materials for drawing leaves trees. Start drawing a birch leaf in the form of a teardrop-shaped figure. Jagged its edges using triangular lines. The leaf needs thin and small veins. Don't forget to add the stalk.

Draw a linden leaf. This won't cause any difficulties either. Its leaf resembles . Thus, on paper you need to indicate this shape of the figure. Notch the leaf, draw the veins inside and add a stem to it. The result is a linden leaf.

Draw a maple leaf. It has an interesting and unusual shape. Start it with a circle shape without missing the triangular part at the bottom. From this figure, draw five straight lines that are directed in different directions. From the center of connecting these lines, draw another line - this will be a maple cutting. Then around each of these lines you need to draw figures sticking out in different directions. They resemble the shapes of houses. Around the 2 bottom stripes you need to draw triangular lines that connect at the base of the maple stem. All that remains is to notch the sheet and draw thin veins.

Learn to draw an oak leaf. It is not difficult. Draw on paper an oval-shaped figure with a slightly elongated part at the bottom. Use wavy lines to show the beautiful shape of the oak leaf. And at the bottom of this figure, draw a stalk. Don't forget to draw the veins on the leaf.

Try drawing a leaf. It consists of three small leaves. Draw two perpendicular intersecting lines on paper. The three segments at the top should be the same length, and the bottom segment should be slightly longer than the rest. Then draw 3 ovals. They must be connected to each other. It turned out to be three. Memorize them using triangular lines. Add veins and stems to the leaf.

Helpful advice

To draw tree leaves, use with a simple pencil. This is the most common drawing tool; you don’t need to look for it for long.


  • How to learn to draw leaves, branches and other parts of a tree

There are a great variety of trees. They all have a certain appearance and differ from each other in the shape of the trunk, the structure and color of the crown and have different sizes and shapes of leaves. You can draw a single leaf from life or using a stencil.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - brush;
  • - watercolor paints.


Draw a birch or linden leaf. To do this, mark an oval with a thin line. Draw a vein in the middle and draw both halves. Make teeth along the edges. Draw the leaf more clearly.

To make the leaf look more natural, outline it with the thin tip of a brush. Use smooth strokes to paint the entire sheet. The veins should have a lighter tone. To do this, use a brush dipped in water to paint a light stripe. To keep the lines thin, hold the brush vertically. Blot the design with a clean, soft cloth. The paper will absorb paint from areas moistened with water. Light stripes form on the leaf.

Draw Oak Leaf. To do this, also draw an oval and narrow it at the end. Draw the main vein in the middle. It will smoothly transition into the cutting. Mark small stripes from it in different directions. Draw the right and left sides of the leaf symmetrically. Make the edge of the sheet wavy.

Draw a strawberry or strawberry leaf. To do this, visually determine the ratio of the width of the sheet to its height. Using a thin line, draw a horizontal strip of the sheet and mark its width. Draw leaves, make the edges jagged.

Draw a branch with leaves. On a piece of paper, mentally outline the location of the branch and sketch it. Look how many leaves there will be? Will the leaves be the same size or different? Keep in mind that some of the leaves cover others. Look carefully at the shape of the leaves and their color. Draw some leaves darker and others lighter.

Try drawing maple leaves. They can be green, yellow and red. Look carefully at the sheet. It has a complex polygon shape. Unlike the leaves of other trees, the maple leaf has five veins. The strips diverge from the base in different directions. Draw a separate leaf around each line. Draw sharp teeth in the shape of a crown.

For artists, depicting a maple leaf is very difficult, so draw a leaf from life. Take a sample, dry it, or make a stencil from it on a thick sheet or cardboard. Take Blank sheet paper, place in the center. Using a pencil or marker, place dots at a short distance along the contour of the maple leaf. Remove the piece of paper and carefully trace the dots along the contour.

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When drawing leaves, note that their vein always turns into a stalk.

Helpful advice

When drawing leaves, look carefully at the fact that if some leaves are folded in half along the middle strip,
then both halves will be the same.



Leaves of different tree species are ideal models for learning to draw. Their shape, on the one hand, is clear and symmetrical, and on the other hand, it is not too simple, consisting of several elementary forms. Drawing leaves allows you to hone not only the skills of constructing figures and their proportions, but also the ability to select and mix colors, convey the texture of a material, and many others. Oak leaves have an interesting, recognizable shape that fits into a simple oval.

You will need

  • - drawing paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - paints, brush/colored pencils/pastel.


Focusing on the drawn axis of symmetry, draw an oval elongated and narrowed at one end. To do this, mark approximately equal distances on both sides of the center line, corresponding to half the width of the oak leaf. On the axis itself, mark the length of the leaf, proportional to its width. Connect the found points with smooth lines forming an oval, one end of which is narrower.

More specifically, draw the central vein inside the oval, turning at its narrow end into the “tail” of the leaf. From this vein, draw lateral, thinner ones - they are directed at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the central one.

Now draw the characteristic wavy edges of the oak leaf. To do this, draw a small semi-oval above each side vein, and smoothly combine the spaces between them with small curves.

Carefully erase the auxiliary lines of the outer oval. Add even smaller lines on the side veins. Make the middle vein and the “tail” into which it goes thicker by drawing a duplicating line next to it.

You can paint an oak leaf different materials, but the principle will be approximately the same in any case. First, set the main, relatively light and light tone of the leaf: leafy green in the summer, or yellow-orange, ocher-brown in the autumn.


Now take a maple leaf in your hand and look at it carefully. Pay attention to the veins, color transitions, and the location of the handle.

Now take colored ones and, looking at your maple leaf model, try to convey all the gentle transitions of color that nature has endowed maples with. You probably use several. To create a smooth color transition, rub the transition areas with a piece of paper.

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Helpful advice

If you decide to learn how to draw leaves without aids, pay attention to the shape of the maple leaf. As you can see, this is a complex sheet consisting of several simple ones. First, learn to draw one simple leaf and, after you master this technique, the whole leaf will be easy for you.


  • how to learn to draw trees in 2018
  • how to draw a maple leaf with a pencil in 2018

At the leaves maple very beautiful and varied colors, from green to yellow-orange tones. Leaves maple have a complex shape. You need to learn how to draw a separate leaf, and then repeat the drawing, copying the technique of drawing leaves. Let's draw a maple leaf.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - Maple Leaf;
  • - leaves;
  • - watercolor paints;
  • - palette.


First make a print from . Take a sheet, clean paper and... Color the front side yellow, orange, and red. Turn the front over onto a clean sheet of paper. maple and press with your hand. The result is a very beautiful, neat print. maple. Watercolor brown paint draw the edges of the sheet and draw veins and lines. Add a stick.

Now get started detailed drawing. Draw an open circle. Spend one, ending it at the base of the open circle. Then place a point from the straight line to where the open circle ends and draw 6 lines (sectors) around the circle to get the shape. Count together with the first line - you should get 7 lines. Place dots in the middle of each sector, not necessarily in a neat order. Now draw the leaf shape from the beginning of the bottom point maple. The top has the shape of a triangle. Connect it to every point in the sector. Draw a straight line from the closed circle.

Now on the edges maple draw detailed, similar, different shaped angles. Start from straight lines (sticks). You can stretch them or narrow them and have different lengths. Then draw on 7 lines different sizes veins, they should start from the bottom in small lines, gradually lengthening to the size of each. Erase the extra lines.

Color the maple. First, add yellow watercolor paint to the palette, dilute it a little with water and paint over the entire maple. Take orange paint and mix with yellow. Apply this color without touching the veins and lines from beginning to middle maple. Add more orange to make the color a little darker than the original and paint the remaining edges on top of the beginning. Then use light orange to outline the yellow edges and lines. maple so that there are outlines. Maple is ready.

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Autumn, “the charm of the eyes,” is the most picturesque time of the year, pleasing the eye with a variety of colors. Experienced and not so experienced artists love to depict it in their paintings. And one of required attributes golden autumn are maple trees leaves.

You will need

  • - Maple leaves;
  • - paper;
  • - pencils;
  • - paints.


Find the right size maple leaves. They should not be too dry and fragile, as they may simply crumble during the drawing process. In addition, dried ones do not convey all the brightness of autumn colors. You should not collect leaves. You will need to apply them to the paper, it will get wet and yours will be ruined.

Place the maple leaf on the canvas and redraw it, holding it with your free hand so that the leaf does not slip and the drawing does not turn out uneven.

Once the outline of your leaf is ready, carefully examine the veins on your maple leaf - the model. You should not redraw all the interlacing of veins, otherwise it will be difficult for viewers to understand what kind of mesh you have in your drawing. Redraw the largest veins with simple ones.

Now take colored pencils or paints and, looking at a real sheet, try to convey on paper all the colors that you have awarded. Special attention pay attention to the transitions of colors one into another. Achieve similarity to the original by mixing several colors that fade into each other. If you are coloring a drawing with pencils, rub the transition area with a piece of paper - the color mixing will be smoother and more natural.

Take a couple of maple leaves and paint them. One can be made red-green, and the second – bright orange. Now place them on the paper with the painted side. Remove carefully, being careful not to smudge the paint. Your autumn leaf fall is ready!

If you want to be able to cut maple without using any aids, pay attention to its structure. The maple leaf is complex, consisting of repeating elements. As with other complex leaves, you just need to learn one element and duplicate it several times in your drawing.

Video on the topic


  • pencil drawing of a maple leaf

Leaves of different plants - a popular element of embroidered or woven ornament. They meet constantly and paintings, and not only in still lifes or landscapes. It’s not very often that you come across paintings without a twig or flower. Before you draw anything large, you need to learn how to draw leaves pencil.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - tree leaves or pictures.


Look at several different leaves. Notice that there is a noticeable thick vein running down the center of almost all of them. Compare the shape of the leaves of different plants. Among them there are round, oval, . There are also carved ones. A novice artist may think that the lines are too intricate. This is not entirely true. If you look closely at a maple leaf, you will see that it is also built around a central vein.

Start with a round leaf. For example, let it be an alder leaf. Place the paper in a way that suits you. Draw the central vein. It divides the round leaf strictly in half and does not reach the second edge a little.

Draw a circle, imagining that the vein is an axis of symmetry. It's good that the line is a little uneven. In nature, leaves rarely have perfectly even outlines. You can even make barely noticeable teeth along the edge. Several thinner ones extend from the central vein. Please note that from the side of the petiole, the angle between the main vein and the lateral ones will always be obtuse, and the thin lines themselves are located almost symmetrically.

The maple leaf fits perfectly into the square. Sketch thin pencil this geometric figure or just imagine it. Perpendicular to the bottom side of the imaginary square, draw a central vein.

Pay attention to how the side veins extend from the central vein. The lower ones are located at right angles to it. Their total length approximately equal to the side of your imaginary square. Between them and the central one there are 2 more lines, approximately at an angle of 45°. Guide them through. Two more thinner and shorter veins extend from the middle of the inclined veins.

Mark the sharp ends of the maple leaf. Of course, you shouldn’t measure the angles using a protractor, but they should be approximately the same and quite sharp.

Draw the outlines. It is most convenient to do this from the point where the central vein connects with the two lower ones perpendicular to it. Please note that the line starting from this point describes a not entirely smooth arc. Its convex part is directed downwards. The line itself is uneven. In this case, there is no need to strictly observe symmetry.

Learning to Draw Simple Leaves different shapes, try to depict a complex one or even a twig. A compound leaf consists of several identical small ones. The role of the central vein is played by the petiole, to which single leaves are attached. Place this line randomly.

Mark the central veins of the single leaves. They depart from the main line under a small acute angle. Like a single leaf, the obtuse angle is on the side closest to the branch.

Please note that a compound leaf must have one unpaired leaf. It is the same as the others, but its axis continues the central vein.

From this article you will learn

This lesson is a great exercise for beginning artists to understand symmetry and the basics of construction.

Agree, the maple leaf is not a very symmetrical shape; it is difficult to find ideal symmetry in nature. But the two halves are very similar, so we will conditionally designate them as symmetrical. How to use construction to draw symmetrical shapes and how to draw a maple leaf pencil, we will learn from this lesson. I use photos processed in Photoshop that clearly demonstrate the construction lines. However, remember, they are imaginary, they are formed in real life by applying a pencil and comparing with the help of an eye.

Construction. Comparing leaf processes using construction lines

Construction is a term that denotes a set of actions aimed at accurately transferring the proportions and shape of an object depicted from life onto a sheet of paper. In other words, it helps to depict the object as it is in nature. Construction lines are drawn temporarily to determine the shape and proportions of an object.

There is no clear guide on how to draw a maple leaf correctly. Any object is depicted by the artist as he feels and understands it. I propose to consider the lesson in detail and step by step to teach you how to disassemble any objects into elementary components. This will help in the future to cope with drawing complex objects in which it is difficult to understand what to relate to what. Simply put, the more complex the construction of the simplest form, the easier it will be to understand the most complex objects. In practice, it is possible to skip some steps in the future.

First, let's designate the dimensions of the maple, note the height, width, and compare these parameters relative to each other. The maple is slightly wider than it is tall.

Let's mark the middle of the leaf and the center of symmetry, find the point from which large shoots emerge like a fan.

The maple leaf has five main branches, four on the sides and a fifth at the top. The lower two are located on the same horizontal line with the point that we previously marked.

The tips of the two upper processes are not on the same line. Draw an imaginary horizontal line from the left tip. Note that it is almost the same distance from the top tip as the line through the fan point from the bottom edge.

We draw a fan of processes; using horizontal lines it is easy to compare the angles of inclination of the fan lines.

Detailed work details

Now you can draw a maple pattern as similar as possible to the photographed leaf.

We clarify the details, draw the contours in more detail

Hatching. Applying tone to a linear drawing

Before shading, remove the construction and clean up any imperfections with an eraser.

The left half of the leaf is shaded, the right half is illuminated by a light source. Notice how beautiful the falling shadow is on the left. We cover the entire area with tone, distributing dark and lighter spots.

We detail the foliage pattern, draw the veins with an eraser cut at an acute angle.

Before finishing, slightly generalize the veins drawn with an eraser in some places, correct them in some places with a pencil, and refine the background. Finish the job by emphasizing the ends with bright sides and adding contrast in the falling shadow and the central part.

If you understand the principles of how to draw a maple leaf step by step with a pencil, you will be able to draw more complex forms using a similar method.

Detailed lesson will help you learn how to draw leaves step by step with a pencil. Leaves are an indispensable element of any summer or autumn landscape. The nature on our planet is incredibly diverse, and therefore there are many varieties of leaves, so drawing them is always very interesting. Drawing leaves is not difficult at all if you have very little time at your disposal and suitable materials. We will show you how to draw leaves with a pencil step by step. Try drawing with us, and you will definitely like both the process and the result.

An easy way to draw a maple leaf in 6 steps:

Draw a simple autumn leaf. This tutorial will be useful if you are drawing a detailed tree. Please note what colors we use and what transitions they have.

Draw an oak leaf in four simple steps. You don’t even need to use an eraser, it’s so simple!

And now - a more detailed lesson on drawing a leaf.

So, to draw leaves, we need a blank sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. First of all, let's mark the sheet, draw the base, so that in the future it will be easy and convenient for us to draw. In this case we are drawing a beautiful maple leaf, so the base will look like this. You only need four lines to draw the base for the leaf.

Now we need the shape of the sheet so that the further drawing is neat and beautiful. Focusing on the previously drawn lines, we begin to draw cone-shaped figures, we should have five of them in total.

Next, we begin to draw the outlines of the sheet on top of the sketch. The base lines should be barely noticeable, otherwise the leaf pattern will turn out dirty and ugly. The jagged outline of the leaves is not difficult to draw if you try hard enough. If you don’t get it right the first time, use an eraser, you can practice on a rough draft until it starts to look nice.

Gradually draw the entire outline of the leaves. It should look something like this. Next, you will need to arm yourself with the eraser again and remove all the extra lines, leaving only the outline.

To make the painted leaves look natural, you need to draw a twig and veins. The veins won't be even, so just draw by hand, don't use a ruler.

The final stage will be coloring. You can draw leaves using colored pencils, watercolor paints, gouache and other materials, you can choose exactly the ones you like best. In the end, this is what we ended up with.

The following picture shows how to draw beautiful tropical leaves in the shape of a heart.

  1. First we draw a base that resembles a heart. Let's draw a line in the middle.
  2. Let's start drawing the edges. There are notches on the edges of such tropical leaves; they must be marked.
  3. We draw the veins with a double line; here they should be neat and repeat the shape of the leaf. I also add some holes to the surface of the leaves.
  4. Color the drawn leaves in a tropical style. I'm using a cool turquoise green, you can get it by mixing green with blue. I add warm shades to the edges - they can be easily achieved by mixing yellow and green. Don't forget to leave the holes unpainted.

There are many more ways to draw leaves. For example, if you are a complete beginner, you will like the doodle technique. To draw these leaves you will need paper and a pen.

Drawing with a pencil is a fun activity. By following the advice of the masters, anyone, regardless of age and ability, can learn to create masterpieces.

What do you need to draw with a pencil?

You can draw anything with a pencil: animals and plants, people, buildings, cartoon characters. In general, everything that is enough for your imagination. This article explains step by step,

For successful work A beginning artist should have everything he needs at his fingertips. Prepare the paper good quality, sharpened graphite pencil medium hard, a soft eraser and a reminder “How to draw a maple leaf.” In addition to the instructions, it is good to have on hand and carefully examine a few real maple leaves. At first glance, it seems that drawing them is very simple. However, in reality everything will be a little more difficult. has a complex structure of several repeating elements. To help you get the job done, we will show you how to draw step by step.

Step by step drawing of a maple leaf

Step 1. You need to create a base. To do this, you need to draw a vertical line and a horizontal line intersecting it. Then, through the intersection point of these lines, draw 2 more inclined lines to the left and right. You will get six intersecting lines, as shown in the figure.

Step 2. Draw numerous small “branches” from the large lines. They need to be spaced unevenly, which will make finished work more natural.

At the first stages, a maple leaf is drawn with a pencil without pressure. The instrument should be held in your hand gently, without tension. The lines should be light and light.

Step 3. We have on paper a preliminary frame for the future drawing. Now you need to make the correct contour. To do this, use broken curved lines to outline a lattice of twigs, as shown in the figure.

Step 4. Using clear strokes, carefully draw the main skeleton and petiole of the leaf. The picture shows that they should be slightly thicker compared to the secondary branches. Their appearance resembles - narrowed at the top and widening at the bottom.

Step 5. Using light, small strokes, add small veins to the secondary branches. At this stage we already have an idea of ​​how to draw a maple leaf. However, this is just a sketch. To obtain a real drawing, it is necessary to correctly distribute light and shadow across the sheet. Then it will not be just a picture, but the work of an artist.

Step 6 This is the last step. At this stage you need to make the sheet realistic. This must be done by shading the sheet. Look at a “living” maple leaf through the eyes of a master. You should note which areas are darker and which are lighter. We must try to convey this play of light and shadow on paper.

Now you know how to draw a maple leaf. To achieve the best results, here are some more general tips:

  • when starting to work on a drawing, do not press hard on the pencil;
  • trace the contour with stronger pressure to obtain a clear line;
  • Shade the drawing gradually, do not immediately make too sharp transitions from light to dark.
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