Triangular shaped musical instrument. Children's musical instruments: triangle, rattle, tambourine, xylophone, metallophone

Playing music on children's instruments is one of the most accessible forms of introducing a child to the world of music. Music has always (along with movement, speech and toys) been a necessary condition general development children.

Playing children's instruments - develops ear for music, rhythm, musical memory, forms verbal and nonverbal communication, forms the readiness and ability to act in a team, develops fine and gross motor skills, as well as auditory, visual, and tactile perception abilities.

Triangle- this geometric term refers to a musical instrument that is part of the percussion group and is often used in symphonic and operatic music. The shape of the instrument is an equilateral triangle. Made from steel rod. The triangle is hung from the remote control and lightly struck with a metal stick.

The sound is high (of uncertain height), sonorous and gentle, and when struck strongly, it is piercing, reminiscent of bells.

Ratchets. A ratchet is a bunch of wooden plates that, when shaken, hit each other and make a rattling sound.

The ratchet is usually held at the level of the head or chest, and sometimes higher; after all, this instrument attracts attention not only with its sound, but also appearance. It is often decorated with colored ribbons and flowers.

Tambourine- one of the percussion instruments that came to the symphony orchestra in the 19th century, the tambourine was known in the countries of the Ancient East. Then he became folk instrument in Italy and Spain. Not a single dance was complete without his accompaniment.

And in symphony orchestra he accompanies oriental, gypsy, Spanish and Italian dances. This is a hoop with rattles - small metal plates inserted into the holes.

Xylophone- a percussion instrument that looks like bells. The xylophone has the same shape, but consists not of metal plates, but of wooden blocks. They are played with two wooden sticks. The range of the xylophone is from “C” of the first to “C” of the fourth octave. The sound is dry, clicking, ringing.

GLOCKENSPIEL Nowadays, there are quite a few instruments in which the sound arises from the vibration of an elastic metal body. These are triangles, gongs, bells, cymbals and other percussion instruments. All of them are united by a common name - metallophone. One of the metallophones, the vibraphone, is especially interesting for its design and expressive capabilities.

  • getting to know and working with letter designations sounds on instrument records
  • ability to hold chopsticks correctly (do not hold the chopsticks with your entire palm, do not put forefinger on the stick, do not press the head of the stick against the record while striking)
  • mastering various techniques of playing with two hands (joint movement, alternating movement, parallel movement, converging and diverging movement, crossing arms, tremolo, glissando).

The most basic percussion instrument considered a triangle. Not a single modern orchestra can do without him. The triangle musical instrument has a bright and sonorous timbre.

First mention

Unfortunately, the history of music has not preserved reliable facts about the origin of the triangle. However, most musicologists are inclined to believe that the triangle musical instrument came to us from the East.

The triangle first appeared as a method of extracting music in the 15th century and was more like a trapezoid in shape. This is evidenced by some English and Italian scenic images. The name "triangle" and the description of the musical instrument were mentioned in one of the property records in 1389 in Württemberg. Today it is impossible to say with certainty when exactly the trapezoidal “triangle” was transformed into an isosceles triangle, but in 1600 there were already 3 varieties of them.

The classical musical instrument triangle entered the symphony orchestra in 1775, when it was first performed in Gratry's opera La Fause Magie. Until this year, he actively took part in military bands, where he acquired the not entirely deserved name of “snaffle”. It turns out that the musical instrument triangle, as it is called in the orchestra, has several more names that have more European roots - these are triangolo and triangle.


Today, this tool is a metal rod of medium thickness (8-10 mm), which is bent in the shape of an isosceles triangle. The ends of the instrument are not closed, but the rods are located close to each other. In the world of music, there are three types of musical triangles:

  • large - with a base length of 250 mm;
  • medium - 200 mm;
  • small - 150 mm.

Despite the fact that the triangle musical instrument seems simple, it is made in accordance with clear rules. In order for the triangle to sound special, a special steel is used to make it - silver. The material by which it is hung is also important. If in the old days an ordinary rope was used for these purposes, today this is done with the help of strings, since they do not dampen the sound of the triangle. Due attention is also paid to the stick through which the sound is produced. It should not contain any handles and is usually made of the same metal.

The sound of the instrument

A triangle is a musical instrument that belongs to a group with an indefinite pitch. It is characterized by transparent and clear sound with varying levels of volume and character. So, to achieve a subtle and high sound, a small triangle is used, for a more “juicy” and low sound - a large one.

If you need to play pianissimo or piano, you should hit the upper side parts of the instrument with a stick with a diameter of 2.5 millimeters. To obtain fortissimo and forte, strike the base with a thick stick. Tremolo is achieved by hitting the sides quickly, while glissando is produced by running the stick along the outside.

In what works does it appear?

The echo of this musical instrument can be heard in many famous works. Its most vivid sound was revealed in F. Liszt's Concerto No. 1, which was written for piano and orchestra and where the triangle received an independent part. Also, the musical instrument triangle is present in such works as: "Don Juan" symphonic poem by Strauss, "Scheherazade" suite for orchestra by Rimsky-Korsakov, 1888, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice", Duke's symphonic scherzo, symphony "Antar" and many other works.

The triangle is by no means a simple tool. Its sonorous sound is capable of enveloping any polysyllabic composition with enchantment and making it brilliant and unique.

His part takes place in almost all symphonic and opera masterpieces world music. The triangle musical instrument belongs to the percussion group and has a bright, sonorous sound.


The triangle shape is not closed - one corner remains slightly open. This is due to the acoustic characteristics and method of manufacturing the instrument. The classical triangle musical instrument is made from a steel rod bent into the shape of an equilateral triangle.

Tool sizes may vary. The volume and timbre coloring of the sound depends on the value. IN classic version, the triangle is equipped with a steel stick - a nail, but in modern configurations you can find tools equipped with two nails.

In the article you can see a triangle (musical instrument). A photo of him is offered to your attention below.

Origin of the triangle

Despite all attempts to establish the homeland and time of origin of the triangle, no one has been able to establish an unambiguous version.

It is believed that its first predecessor appeared in the 15th century. The ancestor of the triangle, judging by the works visual arts those years, had the shape of a trapezoid. TO XVII century Several varieties of this percussion instrument appeared.

Already by end of the XVIII century, the musical instrument triangle has become an integral part of all orchestral parts.

Does the triangle have pitch?

The beauty of the triangle is that it, like any other, is capable of producing a sound of indefinite pitch. But despite this, the sounds it makes can be quite varied. This depends mainly on what the instrument is made of, as well as the material from which the striking stick is made.

The classic version made of steel is rather an encyclopedic version. Today, experimenters make it from various metals and alloys. And triangle sticks can even be found in wooden versions. These features give the tool endless possibilities.

What is another name for a triangle?

The triangle is a musical instrument, the name of which, in most cases, is pronounced exactly like that. However, there are other names that are more likely nicknames. For example, in Russia, during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, the instrument received the nickname “snaffle”. Fortunately, this formulation did not penetrate into the classical orchestra, but was used only in the military environment.

Some people also tend to pronounce a name that is close to the European sound - triangle or triangolo. However, such delights are not very welcome, even in the most refined society. Therefore, the musical instrument is called a triangle, as it is called.

How to learn to play the triangle

It will not be difficult for a musician who has mastered playing any musical instrument to master the triangle. In fact, it can be mastered by anyone with the basics and musicality. It is no coincidence that it is used in music lessons in the school’s general education program, as one of the main tools that allows students to instill an elementary musical and rhythmic culture.

The main tasks of a musician are to control the strength of sound and its duration. These goals are easy to achieve, even relying on elementary representations O physical properties items. The volume is adjusted by the force of impact of the nail. The duration of vibration is adjusted by touching one of the sides of the triangle.

Concerto for a triangle

The most famous work, in which the triangle is assigned a rather independent part, is considered the first concerto for piano and orchestra by F. Liszt, written in 1849. This work even received a playful nickname among musicians - a concert for a triangle. The fact is that, in addition to the background rhythmic functions, the triangle performs a separate part, opening the third part of the concert - Allegretto vivace. Having proven its right to independent development, the triangle with dignity took its place among classical musical instruments.

The triangle is one of the simplest musical instruments used in a modern symphony orchestra. It really is a metal rod bent in the shape of an isosceles triangle. The triangle is not closed - in one of its corners the ends of the rod are close to each other, but do not touch.

The sound is produced by striking the triangle with a wooden or metal stick. The sound of the instrument depends on the material from which the triangle itself and the stick are made, as well as on the place of impact. The triangle is suspended from a closed corner on a thin wire or ribbon.

It is quite difficult to say when and where this instrument first appeared. Some experts suggest that he came to Europe from the east, and this happened around the beginning of the 15th century. For a long time it was considered a folk instrument, but in the 18th century, thanks to such great composers as Mozart and Gluck, it became firmly established in the symphony orchestra. The first appearance of the triangle in a symphony orchestra dates back to approximately the 70s of the 18th century.

A little earlier it began to be used in military bands. There is information that in Russia it was used by the troops back in the time of Elizabeth. In our country for some reason it was called a snaffle. However, this name for the triangle was assigned only to the military orchestra - in the symphony it remained the same.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the tool, it must be manufactured according to strictly defined rules. To make the triangle, a special steel is used, which is sometimes called silver steel, as it produces a special “silver” sound. This metal is very elastic and quite rigid. It must be said that the parameters of the triangle are not the same everywhere: for example, in France it is slightly smaller than in our country. The most common values ​​are 6, 8 and 10 inches (the size of the base of the triangle). The cross-section of the rod itself also varies. The main determining factor in this case is the sound of the instrument.

Currently, a special suspension for the triangle is also used - if previously they used any suitable rope for this, now it is a string.

The fact is that it is the string that practically does not dampen the sound of the instrument. For the same reason, the stick with which sound is extracted from the instrument does not have handles. The thickness of the stick depends on what kind of sound you want to produce. Usually sticks are used three types– thin, medium and thick. More often, sticks are used from the same material as the instrument itself, but sometimes they can also be wooden. At the same time, it is believed that the triangle does not belong to those instruments from which it is possible to extract a sound of a strictly defined frequency. Two sticks can be used at once, which the musician holds in the left and right hand– this way he can tap out a certain rhythm.

The strength of the sound produced usually also depends on the wishes of the composer. The performer achieves it not only by changing the force of the blow, but by changing the place where he delivers it. The sound in the middle is stronger than closer to the corners. The duration of the sound can also be adjusted by the performer. This is done quite easily - he simply touches the triangle with his finger, this can be done at any point on the surface.

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