Foreigners about the Russian soul, people and order. What do foreigners think about Russian women?

Stereotypes are a controversial but very tenacious thing, especially when it comes to residents of other countries. Many people firmly believe that all Italians are expressive and emotional, all Germans are stingy and pedantic, the British are all snobs, and the Japanese are perverts... There is probably some truth in these judgments, but each person is unique, and you cannot judge everyone the same.

By March 8, the editors of Reedus have collected for you the opinions of foreigners about Russian women. And among them there are some pleasant, some surprising, and some completely outrageous ones.

France, Frederic, 45 years old

“In my country there is an opinion that Russian women, like all other representatives of Eastern Europe, a little bit of a slave. They obey their husband in everything, do not argue, do not contradict, and jump up to clear the table and serve the next dish. I don’t know how it is in other countries, but ladies from Russia are definitely not like that - proud, headstrong, with character.

Russian girls are much better at understanding things than French girls. high technology. They masterfully use numerous gadgets and applications, are always in touch and masterfully search for information. It’s a paradox, but very often it is precisely these modern beauties who have completely archaic views on certain things. I heard with my own ears how young Russian women (25-27 years old) discussed “feminine” and “non-feminine” professions, and also said that the main thing in life is to get married successfully, be a good wife and follow a man everywhere. With all this, they came to France on their own, the route themselves and with one hand they booked and rebooked train tickets over a cup of coffee. They were superbly educated, smart, well-read, traveled halfway around the world... But these thoughts and judgments of theirs are a thing of the past.

Girls from Russia are incredibly concerned about their appearance. Very much! They extend eyelashes and hair, and obsessively monitor the combination of colors in clothes. There are such ladies in France, but there are much fewer of them. The dissonance is that from people who are so concerned about their image, you expect narcissism, coldness, and selfishness. But in the case of Russians, every time you understand that you were wrong again: they turn out to be sincere, open, warm. At the same time, it seems to me that Russian women are more anxious and less confident than French women. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so important for you to make a good impression.

With Russians, everything is not the same as with others and you have to keep your eyes open, because you never know what to expect from them. You are unpredictable. It’s like you have “no limits”. Are you sure that “everything is possible”, and it doesn’t matter in what area: go swimming in the lake at night, get ready for a trip in two hours, open a restaurant, get a job outside your specialty and do brilliant career, write a book, make a film. You are constantly at a low start and always ready to swing over the barrier. But this quality has back side. In my opinion, Russian women are less prudent than French women. If they like the food, they will eat more than they need; If they come to a party, they may drink too much alcohol. I don't understand what makes them do this.

Slavic women are often credited with being melancholy, but here I only partially agree. Yes, Russian women are more worried about “where is he, what’s wrong with him, why doesn’t he call, what if something happened.” French women are calmer and will not spoil their mood with what has not yet happened. But on the other hand, Russian girls show emotions sincerely, know how to have fun from the heart and look at the world with optimism.”

Australia, Robert, 37 years old

“Women in Russia are incredibly beautiful! When I first arrived, I fell in love two or three times every trip on the subway. You know exactly how to look stunning everywhere and always, but this habit has a downside. And I’m not talking about money, although I understand that beauty is expensive. I teach English and one day during a lesson the conversation came up about the word “narcissism.” I explained that this concept is negative, and a “narcissist” is a person who cannot calmly pass by a single mirror and constantly checks how he looks. The student looked at me puzzled and asked: “What’s wrong with that?” I was simply stunned, I looked at the others and saw the same question in their eyes.

I had a Russian girl who was constantly fixing her hair or makeup, she lost sight of everything that was happening around her because she was posting selfies on Instagram. This made me terribly upset.

In sex, Russian women strive to fulfill their partner’s desires. I had to come up with more and more new fantasies, because almost every girl asked what I dreamed about in order to immediately realize it. Russian women are most often confident in themselves and their physical attractiveness, because they spend a lot of time maintaining it. Sex with them is wonderful and full of enthusiasm. But, unfortunately, you can’t build a relationship on sex alone.

For some reason, in Russia it is customary for a woman to clear the table. When at one party I tried to help with the dishes, they looked at me in amazement. But in Australia, absolutely everyone does household chores, regardless of gender, just to get rid of them faster.

One day in my class the conversation turned to gender roles. Surprisingly, most students fiercely defended the traditional patriarchal system. It was the girls who spoke loudest, and the men willingly supported them. The few brave men who spoke out for equal rights were quickly silenced by ladies who wanted to maintain the status quo of the 1950s. In Russia I also met independent, beautiful feminists with wild, untamed, free souls. But in general, most Russian girls are subject to stereotypes that are imposed on them from early childhood.

Russian women are frank and directly say what they think - even not the most pleasant things. But they are also amazingly generous and caring. I like that they are always ready to support you and help you with advice, and in this they turn out to be amazingly insightful. I have many female friends in Russia, and I hope to maintain our communication when I leave.”

USA, Jeff, 29 years old

“Russian women are magnificent - this is pure truth. One morning on the banks of the Neva in St. Petersburg, my American friend and I met two very beautiful girls- short bright dresses, stilettos, chic makeup. They looked like aliens! My companion, following them with her gaze, said: “They dressed up as if they were going to night club, but it’s just a morning walk!“. Russians are much more likely than American women to dress beautifully. On the one hand, it takes so much time that I sympathize with them. On the other hand, it is obvious that they enjoy it, so... respect!

What struck me was the absolute indifference of your women to feminism. Many are smart, educated, strong-willed Russian women consider feminism to be some kind of stupidity. I, like most Americans, consider the feminist system of views and values ​​to be normal and obvious, so I have a hard time in Russia.

Russian girls are very modern and at the same time very conservative. You are capable of running companies and solving a bunch of issues at the same time, but when a friend of mine says something like “I’m a typical woman: I drive like an idiot” or “I’m just a stupid girl,” I want to take her by the shoulders, shake her and say: “Never.” Don’t say that, you’re smart!”

It's hard not to fall in love with Russian women for their generosity, kindness and attention to others. Whether it’s your grandmother scolding you for not wearing a hat in the cold; or an official making an effort to help with your problem; or friends who hand make gifts for you and beautiful cards. I tell them that they don't have to take the time to make all these beautiful things, but it melts my heart every time. All the Russian women I communicate with at work, at home, in stores, make me happier. Not only are they sweet and caring, but they are also heartbreakingly good-looking. Sometimes I even feel like an energy vampire.

In many ways, Russians are more straightforward than American women, and this is usually great. But when it comes to sex and relationships, most begin to speak in riddles and expect miracles of deduction from a man. Sometimes I get the impression that I am inside a Russian drama, where asking a young lady to dance or helping with English suddenly means that I am in love with her and want a family and children, although I just wanted to be nice. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, not understanding what a girl really wants from me.

Russian women are very generous with sex. But their conservatism manifests itself here too. Blowjob is included in the obligatory sexual program of the night, but at the same time, half of the girls are extremely surprised, and sometimes scared, if I offer to do cunnilingus. I always try to be attentive to my partner and take care of her pleasure. But with some people, sex turns into a show for me alone. Once I asked a girl in bed: “Do you want me to help you achieve orgasm?” - this is after I came myself, and she obviously didn’t, because she was too carried away by the incredible acrobatics. And she answered me: “Stupid question.” OK. I took it as “No, but thank you.” It was a fiasco."

Italy, Cataldo, 39 years old

“Russian girls get too carried away intimate haircuts. They shave everything clean off there. For what? This is completely unnatural.”

UK, Jason, 31 years old

“Russian girls worry too much about little things. I understand that the 90s were difficult in Russia, but in England they were not at all, we had different childhoods, hence the problems. I am a spender, and my Russian wife is extremely thrifty, and sometimes we argue about this. But that time has passed, and I think it’s high time you stopped worrying about it.”

Switzerland, Lucas, 31 years old

“The average Russian woman is more savvy in matters of fashion - both women's and men's. Russian girls are more passionate when it comes to sex. I also heard that there are two categories of Russian women. The first are rich, spoiled sex dolls who haven’t worked a day and are burning through their parents’ money. The second are unprincipled, cold as a stone, ready to sweep away everything on the way to their goal. I haven’t met the first, but I really believe in the existence of the second.”

In general, after talking with representatives of the United States, I realized that the citizens of this huge state have a very rough, and sometimes completely erroneous, idea of ​​​​what is happening in our country.

What do Americans think of Russians? Well, I would say that in general they think no more about the residents of our state than about any other nation in the world. Although, of course, it should be noted that Russia, due to the scale of its territories, last years is becoming more and more popular tourist destination.

Section 1. What Americans think about Russians. Where we live

For the most part, people in the United States believe that we all live in a huge, politically and economically strong country. In addition, our military power may well be considered a source of pride.

However, in their erroneous opinion and geographical illiteracy, it is a huge refrigerator, in which it is not just cold, but terribly cold. And, in general, Americans believe that the words “Siberia” and “Russia” are simply synonymous.

Then it’s even more interesting: ask one of them to name a few Russian cities. I’m almost sure that you will hear in response: Moscow, St. Petersburg, well, maybe also Kazan and Kaliningrad. Although, probably, there is nothing to be surprised about, because now you just have to travel outside major cities, how even we have the feeling that civilization, and with it high-quality roads, street lighting and places common use, just end.

How surprised they really are when, having finally visited Moscow, they realize that bears do not walk on Red Square. A local residents are by no means forced to earn a living by hunting, dressing in ugly sheepskin coats, earflap hats and felt boots.

What Americans think about Russians. What are we like?

Interesting and unusual. In general, we can say that the attitude of Americans towards Russians is very ambiguous. For example, many consider us to be a very hard-working nation, for which it is simply unnatural to sit idle: men are constantly making something, and women are regularly engaged in cooking or needlework.

Women dress beautifully and elegantly, even while shopping at the nearby supermarket. Men, on the other hand, actively engage in sports, meet with friends and buy impressive cars.

But, nevertheless, unfortunately, we have gained the reputation of drinkers and that is why the Russian people in foreign literature and the movie very often depicts people being drunk and holding a bottle of vodka. Is it really a shame?

What Americans think about Russians. Our compatriots in the USA

Before you reveal this topic, I would like to clarify that the concept “Russians in America” in most cases does not mean specifically Russians, but all people from former USSR who consider the great and powerful to be their native language - Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Tajiks.

When coming to America, Russians, as a rule, try to adhere to what is traditional for them. way of life. They often go on visits, send their younger ones to Russian-language kindergartens and schools, organize lavish feasts, relax on a grand scale, prepare food on their own, without succumbing to the temptations of fast food restaurants.

Life doesn't always turn out as rosy as it might seem at first glance. Because of this, it’s not immediately possible to find a way to enroll in a university or even go to a driving school.

In fact, the first years of living in the USA are very much like running in circles; many people return, but only the most resilient and purposeful remain.

For foreigners, not only the Russian soul has always been mysterious, but also its appearance. They paid attention to body structure, skin color, hairstyle, clothing, which were very unique among Russians.
One of the first descriptions of Russians is given to us by the Byzantine historian Leo the Deacon, characterizing the Kyiv and Novgorod prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. The Byzantine saw Svyatoslav sailing on a Scythian boat in the company of his entourage, from whom he, according to the historian, was no different.

“He was of moderate height, not too tall and not very low, with shaggy eyebrows and light blue eyes, a snub nose, beardless, with thick, excessively long hair above the upper lip,” continues the Deacon. - His head was completely naked, but a tuft of hair hung from one side of it - a sign of the nobility of the family; strong back of the head, wide chest and all other parts of the body are quite proportionate, but he looked gloomy and wild.”

It should be noted that Leo the Deacon could well have been shocked appearance Svyatoslav. For the Byzantines, a man with a haircut was associated more with a jester or a magician, but not with a grand duke.

Meanwhile, the “Svyatoslav haircut” was very popular on the Taman Peninsula, and was later inherited by the Cossacks. The Hungarian Dominican monk Julian, who visited here in 1237, wrote that local “men shave their heads bald and carefully grow their beards, except for noble people who, as a sign of nobility, leave a little hair above their left ear, shaving the rest of their head.”

The Arab traveler Ibn-Haukal spoke about the habit of some Rus to shave their beards; the rest twisted and braided it, “like the mane of a horse.” Another Arab, the writer Ibn Fadlan, who made a trip to the Volga in 922, reported: “I saw the Russians when they arrived on their own trade affairs and settled on the banks of the Atil (Volga) River. And I haven't seen people with more perfect bodies than them. They are like palm trees, ruddy and red.”

Modern scientists are confident that Ibn Fadlan had every right compare the Rus with palm trees, since according to anthropological data the “glades” made up the majority of the population Kievan Rus, significantly exceeded the height of the Eastern Slavs.

Gustav-Theodor Pauli in his “Ethnographic Description of the Peoples of Russia” notes that the formation of the Russian nation, fundamentally Slavic, took place under the powerful influence of outside influences. The inhabitants of the provinces of Great Russia, according to Pauli, are predominantly people of strong constitution.

“Those of them who live in the remote northern or eastern provinces, as well as in the former Polish provinces, descendants of fugitive peasants, have preserved the ancient type intact: they tall“, they are strong, athletically built, they have large expressive eyes, noble, pronounced facial features,” notes the ethnographer.

In his notes “Curious and new news about Muscovy,” published in 1698, the French diplomat Foix de la Neuville strengthened the opinion of the Russians as barbarians, a people lagging behind Western Europe, but also on the other hand, unlike Europeans and not understood by them.

According to de la Neuville's descriptions, Russians are not very attractive in appearance. Men, he believes, dress like Poles, and women dress like Turkish. The recklessness of the latter “goes to the point that they paint their faces, shave their eyebrows, the places of which are painted in various colors,” the Frenchman marvels.

Neuville also draws portraits of Ivan V and Peter I, who were in power at that time as co-rulers. “Tsar Ivan, despite the fact that he is completely paralyzed, spends his entire life visiting shrines,” writes the diplomat. “He is terribly ugly and arouses only pity, despite the fact that he is only 28 years old, so it is difficult to look at him.”

Neuville also portrays Peter as not very attractive. In his words, the king “is very tall, well built and quite handsome in face. His eyes are quite large, but wandering, as a result of which it can be unpleasant to look at him. Even though he is only 20 years old, his head is constantly shaking.”

Over the centuries, little has changed. For foreigners, we are just as original and mysterious, but they evaluate us mostly on their own territory. The time of the Iron Curtain has long passed, many of us have adopted European style clothes, mastered foreign languages, but Russians abroad will still be recognized.

How do they figure us out? The Italians say, according to gold. Russian gold due to high content copper has a reddish tint, which gives us away. Any experienced souvenir seller, taking one look at the jewelry, will immediately speak to us in Russian.

We differ from modern Europeans not only in gold, but also, as before, in our appearance. One journalist from the Czech Republic once remarked that the facial features of Russians seemed “more rounded and softer” to him than those of Western Europeans.

At resorts, Russians, according to the observation of foreigners, are usually distinguished from other tourists by their well-groomed appearance, brightness, flashiness, and “inconsistency of attire with the place and time.” Only a Russian girl, they say, can go down to the pool after breakfast in stiletto sandals and evening makeup. It is curious that “Russian fashionistas” in Italy are women who dress tackily and tastelessly, not only Russians, but also Italians.

German resident Wolfgang Röhl always watches visiting Russians with interest, and in particular, Russian tourist buses. He knows that they will definitely turn out to be girls with long legs and short skirts.

But Röl characterizes a typical Russian man as a man of short stature and strong physique with the constitution of a T-34 tank. His hands are like those of a prize fighter in a booth, and his ankles are like chimneys in a taiga hut.

“On the bear’s neck is a heavy gold chain from which hangs a massive gold cross. This guy starts drinking in the morning and falls asleep on his lounger after lunch. It smokes like a Siberian bathhouse, always and everywhere, even – and precisely – in the dining room,” the German sneers.

And yet, Russian girls have always enjoyed great popularity in the West, outperforming representatives of other countries in this regard.

“The beauty of a Russian woman is the country’s innumerable capital,” notes Alexander Lats. This is how the Frenchman describes his meeting in Russia with a migration service employee: “There is Gioconda, there is Monica Bellucci, and there is also the head of this district FMS, who completes the trio.”

“I saw that the beautiful creature chatting on the phone had a delightful body: long legs and beautiful shapes,” Lutz continues. “Hung with jewelry, the head of the Federal Migration Service seemed like an oriental princess. From the French point of view, she was the embodiment of corruption with a capital C, evil at its best."

Luts’s compatriot, 45-year-old Frederic, also points out that Russian women “concern themselves about their appearance,” and even very much so. “Some people get eyelash extensions, while others don’t use makeup, but obsessively follow the combination of colors in their clothes. We also have such ladies, but there are fewer of them,” notes Frederic.

“I easily recognize Russians on the street, and it’s not about blond hair,” continues the Frenchman. The main thing is a blush like your nesting dolls. This is a sign of health."

29-year-old Swedish car mechanic Anders Hendriksson had similar impressions from a trip to Moscow in 2004: “Russian girls, painted like nesting dolls. Very bright, elegant, plump, rosy.”

Teacher in English From Australia, 37-year-old Robert, one might say, was driven crazy by the beauty of Russian girls. At first, he said, he fell in love two or three times every trip on the subway. A Russian woman definitely knows how to look classy anytime, anywhere,” says the Australian.

News channels' versions are generally predictable, but here's what they think ordinary people about our ordinary life? A selection of wonderful confessions that got lost on the World Wide Web.

About work

“What immediately catches your eye is probably punctuality, which does not exist in Russia.” Top manager from Germany.

“It was crazy to me that it was the Russians who worked so hard. They may stay late. They may arrive ahead of time. They can go out on weekends.” Lead engineer from North Africa.

About the language

“You can’t understand a word, you don’t even have an idea of ​​when a sentence begins and ends. I can’t separate the words from each other: one big chaos.” Meeri, Finland.

“Russian is very similar to Chinese. That's probably why you are nearby. What I hear is more like the sounds made by a sick bird. It sounds like this: cherek shchik chik cht chtrbyg.” Girl from the USA.

“Russian is almost the same as the language of the minions.” Young man from Germany

About the broad soul

“Russians do not know how or do not like to make superficial acquaintances. For them, people are divided into “strangers,” with whom it is not customary to talk, and “friends,” whom you can wake up in the middle of the night and dump all your problems on them.” John, Ireland.

“It’s funny that on the streets the smile of a passer-by for no reason alarms Russians, but in online communication they overuse emoticons. Not a single Irishman, for example, will put three emoticons in a row after a simple phrase like “I’m at work.” And the Russian will deliver. And the girl will also stick a heart on it.” John, Ireland.

“Russian men are real gentlemen. They open the door and help me take off my jacket. It's amazing".Ploychanok, Thailand.

“Russia is an inhospitable society. Russians are generally very aggressive by nature.” Banker from the USA.

About girls

“Your girls are very beautiful, but it seems to me that they don’t know their worth! With us, such a beauty would sit at home and wait for the prince to woo her!” Behrouz, Iran

“I was amazed by the abundance of pure women's companies in expensive karaoke clubs: they come elegant girls groups, order a table, a minimum of food and sing.” Deisel, South Africa

“I came to Russia eight years ago, and my first impression was that there was a competition to win men.” Patricia, Germany

About food

“In Russian cuisine, the main thing is meat. Russia in general looks like a big piece of meat. Tough weather, serious people." Pedro, Chile

“I fell in love with buckwheat so much that even when I go home, I take it with me.” Sulma, Colombia

“Your borscht is somewhat similar to undercooked gazpacho, I like it that way.” Daniel, Ecuador

“I like your dairy products best. Also milk soup is a very unusual dish.” Francis, Australia

“I hope they will learn how to make anniversary cookies in Germany.” Chocolate candies are ok.” Dennis, Germany

We call Olivier “Russian salad”: it’s a disgusting dish, but here it’s very tasty. Perhaps the Greeks are copying something incorrectly. Stratos, Greece

About cinema

“The Diamond Arm”: “Does anyone know where I can find the lyrics to the song that Nikulin sang in a restaurant when he got drunk?” Alienbychoice, New 3land

“The Adventures of Pinocchio”: “I was not prepared for how idiotic and at the same time serious he turned out to be.” Bobs-9, USA

“Station for Two”: “You know, this should be just an incredible movie! Because five people who don’t know a word of Russian (one of whom completely hates this language) watched this film without subtitles, and not just once, but three times!” Ajigasawa, Japan

“Morozko”: “Some kind of silly fantasy about a boastful guy who turned into a bear, an eleven-year-old autistic girl whom he wants to seduce, an idiotic house with legs, dysfunctional family ugly Russo-Finnes, a killer kitten, a long-bearded ugly grandfather who freezes trees and kills birds, a sleigh in the shape of a pig, a mushroom-shaped gnome...” TV viewer from the USA

“It’s a completely barbaric custom to drink strong alcohol with soda or juice!” John, Ireland

“Viy”: “A very interesting, strange and meaningless story. The special effects are amazing for 1967. I dare say that the whole story is a little crazy. Probably, the Russians understand it somehow in their own way - after all, it is based on their folklore. But I think true horror fans will be pleased." Claudio, Brazil

About life

“The Moscow metro is the best in the world. Trains every 1.5 minutes during rush hour! Inexpensive tickets and no division into zones! At the same time, there is a whole class of Muscovites who, as a matter of principle, will never take the subway, even if they are late for an important business meeting». From the BBC blog “Russia Country”.

“One day I found myself looking at the shoes of people passing by and thinking: “Clean, clean, clean, cool shoes, clean.” This is impressive." Nacho, Spain

“I have always said that Ecuador and Russia are very similar. The only difference is that the poor steal from us, but in Russia it’s the other way around.” Luis, Ecuador

“People here are not so dependent from political correctness, like in Europe. They say what they really think, they are interested in what you say and what you think. This is wonderful". James, Scotland

“For example, in our country, if everyone drinks, it means there is some reason. Here it’s not necessary.” Chris, Cameroon

“The silence in the metro was a pleasant shock. You go down into the subway, you are surrounded by thousands of people, but it’s quiet there.” Bruno, Israel

“Here people continue to use things even if they are broken. The bombs have a completely crazy system for opening and closing doors. If the table is wobbly, then most likely they will slip a piece of paper under the leg rather than fix it.” James, UK

“When for the first time in a minibus a man put money in my hand, I looked at him in surprise and returned the money to him. He started shouting at me: “What are you doing? What are you, a fool? Money passes through people’s hands, over people’s heads, change comes back - for a Spaniard this is incredible.” Sergio, Spain

“When the weekend comes in St. Petersburg, people discuss which play or ballet to go to and which opera to listen to. Russians are very smart people». Ellen, Brazil

“In Russia you can be a bit of a hooligan, walk down the street drunk and make mistakes. In Europe you can’t do this: if you take risks, it means You are crazy. But here it’s just fun.” Leo, France

“People here constantly live in tension, you get used to it, and then it’s difficult to get out of the habit.” Charles, USA

“I've been to 54 countries, and nowhere is there such nightlife, like here. People act like it's the last night of their lives." Thomas, USA

“The beauty of a Russian woman is the country’s innumerable capital.” This is what he said about our compatriots French author, Alexander Lats. What do foreigners think about us, and how true is this?

Victim of patriarchy

In Russia, women are still at the mercy of men. This is exactly how the “weaker sex” of Europe sees our social structure.

In the West, the attitude towards women and the position of the woman herself are very different from Russian reality. There, emancipation prevails not only “on paper”, but also in public opinion. It is not customary for a woman to pay, hold the door, give up her seat, or help with heavy bags. And not because men “take revenge” on the weaker sex for feminism, but because this can offend a woman and result in a serious misunderstanding.

European women are quite happy with this position. Looking at the conditions in Russia, where it is customary to “court” the weaker sex, they are perplexed why our compatriots have not yet declared a revolution and overthrown machismo. However, as Anna-Lena Lauren, a Finnish journalist who worked in Russia for several years, noted: “Apparently, the most closely guarded secret in Russia is this: women are not dumber or weaker than men - on the contrary. But no one told the men about this.”

Woman is the head of the family

The previous stereotype also has a downside. Many foreigners, especially men, who happen to for a long time to live in Russia and have the opportunity to observe the way of life of a simple Russian family, they say, “a hidden matriarchy reigns in Russia.”

This paradigm is true, but only partly. It is the woman who in most cases runs the entire household. Even where a man has reached a dead end, a woman must still find a way out - after all, she is the one responsible for the home and family. But the last word still often remains with the stronger sex.

Russian woman cooks well...

Every Russian woman - good hostess, who knows how to cook borscht perfectly. If she doesn’t know the recipe for this “mysterious dish,” then that means she’s not from Russia at all, but is simply pretending. The stereotype that all Russian women do is cook, fatty, abundantly and a lot, is very popular, especially among Americans. They can be understood - most American women do not know how to cook at all, except perhaps to heat it in the microwave. But unfortunately, in many Russian cities this stereotype is no longer relevant.

...and drinks a lot of vodka

Regardless of gender, if you are from Russia, you will definitely drink vodka. And he does it in large quantities. If not, then as in the case of borscht, he/she is definitely not from Russia.

Russian women lack self-confidence

Both in your career and in everyday life. Even HR specialists note that Russian women, being ideal candidates, will always respond to lower vacancies, and they will still need to be convinced that they are worthy of higher positions. And if they think that they do not meet some requirements, then they will not send a resume at all. The same is true “on the road” - women are a priori worse drivers than men. Why? Because "everyone says so."

The most beautiful

Russian girls are the most beautiful, stylish and desirable in the world. This is usually what foreigners say when asked about Russian women. Slavic appearance, of course, is very popular in the West, but it is not what puts beauties from Russia head and shoulders above the rest. In Russia, it is customary to take care of yourself, and appearance is the key to success. In Europe, on the contrary, feminism dictates a careless attitude towards appearance. Beautiful and well-groomed woman perceived as a “stupid woman.” At least, this is what French author Alexander Lutz said about the perception of his compatriots, comparing them with Russians: “In France, the average young woman believes that not taking care of herself is the most The best way attract a man who will appreciate her personality and intelligence. Thus, European feminism has deprived daily life beauty and eroticism."

Russian woman is pragmatic

The Russian woman is often described as selfish and unfeeling, with a wallet instead of a heart and “with a brain as empty as her hair appears light and smooth.” This stereotype developed in the 90s, when thousands of beauties from countries former Union rushed across the opened borders to look for a beautiful and stable life in the West. The idea that marriage to a foreigner, no matter who he is, is better than life in Russia has led to more than one personal tragedy and has formed in America and Europe a clear conviction that Russian women are ready to do anything just to get a European citizenship. The attitude towards them developed accordingly. Even today, if you have a visa at the border, you have to explain to the officers that the main objective trips - business or tourism, and not the search for a second half.

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