Male chauvinism - what is it? What is chauvinism in the modern world and what types of it exist? Chauvinism: definition and concept

No matter how much we talk about equality, the statistics are inexorable. Women earn less than men, even if they do exactly the same work. The difference in men's and women's salaries in Russia is significant. On average it is about 30%. True, for the sake of fairness it should be said that ladies do not receive less everywhere. For example, in the education sector, salaries for men and women are almost the same.

This situation is typical not only for our country. Even in Europe, where equality is strictly enforced, women earn less. And although the difference is not as great as in our country, however, it is still very noticeable and amounts to almost 19%. At the same time, Western sociologists have calculated that women for the most part work better than men, and in addition, they are more educated.

Despite the fact that gender discrimination is prohibited by law, HR managers do not hide the fact that they offer women obviously lower salaries than men. In this way, they allegedly justify their risks - an employee can go on maternity leave or spend a long time on sick leave with a child. However, this does not mean that bosses do not like to hire women. It turns out that it is easier for ladies to find work. The unemployment rate among women is lower than among men. Why is this happening? Sociologists and psychologists offer several explanations. Women tend to rate themselves more modestly than men. Their salary expectations are lower, so they accept salaries that men simply reject. In addition, often representatives of the fair sex simply cannot afford to remain unemployed for a long time, because single women bear the responsibility of caring for children and elderly relatives. Therefore, ladies do not have the opportunity to spend a long time looking through vacancies in search of their dream job and agree to work where there is space.

Who's at the helm?

Leadership positions have traditionally been considered a male domain. However, gradually the ladies began to crowd out the gentlemen in positions of authority. Moreover, in some countries special quotas are allocated for women. For example, in Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Greece and Sweden, managers of enterprises (both public and private) are legally required to hire a certain number of women. Their share in the company's staff must be at least 40%.

However, even though quotas exist, there are still fewer women managers than men. The most striking example is politics. Only in the Scandinavian countries about half of the parliament members are women - 41.6%. In the rest of Europe and the USA - only 19%. In Russia it is even less - 14%.

At the same time, psychologists and HR managers unanimously insist that the fair half of humanity copes with leadership work no worse than the stronger half. It’s just that women’s management style is different from men’s.

According to research, women are more democratic leaders than men; they are better at establishing good relationships in teams. Business women are more likely to praise and financially reward their subordinates, while men are more prone to criticism. In addition, despite their emotionality, women are better able to withstand long-term stress and are not inclined to “treat their nerves” with alcohol. According to psychologists, women make good mentors and are able to interest their subordinates in their studies. And only where an authoritarian management style is necessary do men cope better. So ladies should not be afraid of bosses at all.

If you are being harassed

As a rule, discrimination against women based on gender is common only in teams where mostly men work. After all, if the number of employees of both sexes is approximately the same, the chauvinist simply cannot survive. But if you find yourself alone among men, this does not mean that you can forget about good relationships at work. It is quite possible to make friends with colleagues if you behave correctly.

  • Eliminate even the slightest hint of flirting from your behavior. You may be able to win the favor of your male colleagues through coquetry, but you will have to forget about respect on their part.
  • Try not to shirk your work and make fewer mistakes. Professionals are respected regardless of their gender.
  • Dress in business casual. By the way, men consider a woman more decisive, ambitious and businesslike if her wardrobe has at least one masculine item - a tie, shirt or watch, stylized as men's.
  • Sit with your back straight. Slouching and drooping shoulders are subconsciously perceived by people as weakness.
  • Don't be afraid of men. If you show your fear or embarrassment, you increase the risk of attacks.
  • Don't show emotion. Even if you were offended, try to hold back your tears or scream.

Personal opinion

Yulia Shilova:

— I believe that we have discrimination, and whether it is male or female depends on the place where the person works. I quite often see this picture on airplanes: young people, flight attendants, walk around with trays, hand out drinks, and passengers grumble: “It’s a shame, healthy foreheads, men walk around with a tray!” And our women are oppressed in places where there are many men. Leaders are especially oppressed - men do not like being bossed around by a woman.

Our contemporaries often use “chauvinism” as a synonym for the words “nationalism” and “patriotism”. Are they wrong? We will answer this question by telling where this term comes from and what it means.

Chauvinism: definition and concept

Chauvinism is a worldview based on the identification of an exclusive, that is, the main, nation, whose interests are placed above other ethnic groups. Chauvinism underlies the idea of ​​colonization, when the dominant nation enslaved and exploited other peoples, opposing itself to them and putting its interests above others.

Let us recall the colonial policy of England, as a result of which the largest state in the history of mankind was formed - the British Empire, which had colonies on all continents. The subjugation of peoples whom the British considered to be at a lower stage of development - Hindus, Algerians, Indians, etc. - is a manifestation of chauvinism. Moreover, in this case, there was great-power chauvinism, as a result of which one nation deprived other peoples of the right to state sovereignty.

At the end of the 19th century, the ambitions of the British to dominate the continent caused a resurgence of chauvinistic sentiments. Extreme English chauvinism, present since then in British politics and society, was called jingoism, from the word “jingo” - this is the nickname people gave to ardent champions of the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the British nation.

History of the term

The concept of chauvinism came to us from the French language. Researching the origins of the word, scientists came to the conclusion that the term was based on the name of the 19th century vaudeville hero, Bonaparte army soldier Nicolas Chauvin. Historians cannot find documentary evidence of the existence of this person; he is known only from literary works. Writers of that time claimed that their character was based on a real person who was devoted to Napoleon to the point of fanaticism and zealously supported the idea of ​​imperial nationalism.

Being a volunteer and joining the French army at the age of 18, Chauvin received seventeen wounds and only a 200-franc pension, which, however, did not shake the soldier’s devotion to his emperor. Chauvin's blind admiration for Napoleon began to be called chauvinism. Later, the semantics of the term underwent changes, acquiring a modern meaning: today this is the name for national swagger and superiority.

Nationalism and chauvinism: what is the difference?

Chauvinism is an example of extreme nationalism. Let's look at the differences between these concepts in practice. Residents of Scotland, part of the United Kingdom, have been fighting for sovereignty for centuries, defending their nation's right to self-determination. Here is an example of the manifestation of nationalism. But the actions of the British, who considered themselves the dominant nation and asserted themselves through discrimination against the rights of the peoples of Scotland and Ireland, can be regarded as chauvinism.

In other words, nationalism presupposes the desire of a nation to protect its sovereignty, cultural and spiritual heritage. Chauvinism is aggressive national dominance achieved by infringing on the rights and freedoms of other peoples.

Great Russian chauvinism

Great Russian chauvinism, also called great-power chauvinism, existed in both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, and its manifestations remained in the Russian Federation. During the monarchical rule in Russia, the leading role was played by the Russian nation: the main financial flows flowed into Central Russia; the countries that were part of the empire were, in fact, its appendages that did not have the right to vote.

In the Soviet Union, Russian chauvinism was opposed to internationalism. However, only in words. In fact, the ideologists of socialism elevated the Russian people to the rank of “big brother,” thereby assigning them a leading role in the life of the state and leaving other nationalities to stand a step lower.

Russian chauvinism still exists today. Nowadays, many public organizations and political parties have adopted this ideology. Among them are skinheads, the Order of Great Russia, the Russian National Patriotic Movement, the National Socialist Initiative, the Russian National Unity, and the People's National Party.

Gender chauvinism

Gender chauvinism, also called sexism, is a worldview built on the principle of discrimination based on gender. This type of chauvinism has nothing to do with politics, but is no less relevant than national chauvinism.


A chauvinist man emphasizes his superiority over a woman through his actions and behavior.

  1. A woman is assigned the role of a housewife, whose responsibilities include serving her husband and raising children. The rule applies: “A woman’s word is not given.”
  2. Adultery is the norm for a man, but having lovers for a woman is condemned.
  3. A man must dominate in everything: occupy leadership positions, determine the fate of the state, have the final say in the family. A woman is content with the role of a subordinate, she is paid less, even if she occupies a position equivalent to a man, and in government bodies there are only a few representatives of the weak half of humanity.

In contrast to male chauvinism, feminism arose - a movement for equal rights for women and men. However, besides it, there is another phenomenon of sexism - female chauvinism.

Female chauvinism

Men claim that their rights are also infringed, and women in some cases are in a more advantageous position compared to the stronger sex. The descendants of Adam see discrimination of their rights in:

  • different retirement ages. Women have the right to retire earlier, and men want the same;
  • the need to serve in the conscript army. Why should the defense of the Motherland be only our responsibility, the great-great-great-grandchildren of Russian heroes ask;
  • the right of women to individually decide whether to have an abortion or not;
  • established lower standards of physical activity for women, especially pregnant women. Why shouldn't an expectant mother work on equal terms with a male colleague? Or maybe men with beer bellies weighing 15 kg should be switched to shorter working hours?
  • the need to remove hats when women remain in scarves and hats. For example, in church, theater, during the performance of the anthem.

Chauvinism, regardless of the sphere of manifestation, is a negative phenomenon, generated by the eternal desire of man to suppress and dominate, but this can lead to a third world war. Therefore, you need to be wiser, not following your desires and ambitions, but making decisions that your descendants will not have to pay for.

Does Russian chauvinism exist today? Watch the Russian President’s opinion in the video:

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Nadys read a very funny article on Lurka. Here are some excerpts:

“Male chauvinism is a collective name for various absurd ideas that primarily affect the male sex, especially rednecks, virgins and idiots.

The concept of male chauvinism arose after the spread of feminism and the granting of certain rights to women. In the era of malicious patriarchy, there could be no talk of any chauvinism: a woman from birth was the property of a man, dissidents were consigned to the sacred fire.
It must be said that in those distant times the idea that women were second-class was generally accepted - slightly less than all men were sexists (but not necessarily misogynists). Modern chauvinists are very fond of citing this circumstance in an attempt to justify their right to borscht. They completely ignore the fact that our ancestors lived in a certain sociocultural environment that had little in common with current realities. Human history knows periods when slavery and torture were considered absolutely natural (ancient world), burning people at the stake due to red hair and squint (Middle Ages), bringing 7-year-old children to work in factories and mines for 16 hours a day (19th century ), execution without trial (XX century) and other interesting phenomena. Stubborn sexists are ready to admit all of the above phenomena are delusions, but the issue of women's equality remains a sacred cow for them.
Humanity gradually developed, moved forward, and only the numb mind of a sexist drifted for centuries somewhere on the outskirts of our tube civilization, like a piece of crap in a pond.
However, time does not stand still, and one day a part of the planet's population SUDDENLY realized the fact of oppression and began to fight this fact. In the process of fighting discrimination, some males, sensing the risk of losing their status as household rulers, began to remove tons of bricks, calling for the woman to be driven back under the stern male fist. The females said “Yah!” and accused men of sexism.

Stubborn chauvinists are characterized by irrational judgments, which they proudly call male logic and a scientific approach.
Professes phallocentrism: he is convinced of the indisputability of his own superiority only by the fact of the presence of MPH. The three main postulates of this teaching:
1.All women are fools.
2.Women are to blame for everything.
3. A man is always right.
In his opinion, women are really to blame for all the troubles - from expulsion from paradise to the decline in the birth rate in this country. And the fact that he himself lives so badly is also the merit of vile women.

The chauvinist is insanely proud that he is a Man and G-d himself has given him the ability to think rationally. He will prove his rationality until he is hoarse: first with “scientific” arguments that boil down to kitchen discussions about patriarchy, then with insults, and then he will completely merge the conversation in the spirit of “woman, you’d better go to the kitchen.”
The chauvinist is highly moral. He likes to complain that modern females have become completely immoral. That doesn’t stop him from fapping on photos of schoolgirls or “appreciating chicks” in a bar with wise-cracking colleagues, sincerely surprised by his unsuccessful attempts at pickup. Because of this, it logically divides women into two main categories, depending on whether the woman managed to get laid: either she becomes a whore slut, or an arrogant bitch who did not want to jump on his diamond dick.
Every chauvinist fights feminism. In particularly advanced cases, he believes that feminists want to take over the world and establish a Black Matriarchy. Like Spiderman, he drops everything he’s doing, goes online and searches for feminist and anti-feminist sites with the goal of throwing feces at females, and then discussing the results with other wrestlers. Of course, there are no profits from such activities, but the hero of the article is sincerely convinced that he is making a valuable contribution to the development of society.
Calls for women to be beaten on the for disobedience. He claims that the man has every right to do this, which was taken away from him by evil forces. What is most characteristic is that the last time the patient fought was in the fifth grade, and if he suddenly found himself in a situation, “Should I punch a two-meter big guy who called you a bastard?” experiences a state of frustration and shows miracles of ingenuity in finding excuses.
It would seem that someone who is confident in the absolute unsuitability of females should realize that in this case the financial issue falls entirely on his shoulders. But it was not there. The mature male declares: “you are all idiots, the women are extracting money from you, and I am d’Artagnan” and mercilessly suppresses all the woman’s attempts to stick her nose into his wallet. Of course, out of principle. Although there is a different opinion.
A meeting with a woman who is more successful and richer than him puts our hero into a state of deep affect and hits such a fragile male pride. In order not to admit to anyone that a toad is simply strangling him, when he sees a female with a cool car, he will invariably mutter: “Pumped.” There is a suspicion that he himself would have sucked with pleasure, but his bearded mouth didn’t give in to anyone.
If at work they promoted not him, but a female, he will go crazy, proving that the only reason for this is the presence of boobs.
Any attempts by another man to appease a female with compliments, gifts and other kosher behavior are interpreted as nothing other than p... leasing. If they don’t give it to me, it means others don’t need it either. He claims that all men are sexists by nature and that this is quite normal. He despises those who consider vile vagina-bearers to be people. Wanting to demonstrate to everyone his condescending calm, he says that he does not hate women at all, but only treats them with a mixture of skepticism and contempt, like animals.
You can often hear a driver say a phrase a la “I don’t need women and are completely uninteresting, there’s no point in wasting time on these holes in the meat.” It is interesting that he will assert this again and again, refuting his own words.
Avoiding comparisons with other males, he attacks females, proving to them the superiority of his intelligence, strength and endurance. He sincerely believes that he is a priori smarter than any female. If you directly point him to a woman whose scientific and creative achievements have enriched the world, he will invariably say that the exception only confirms the rule.
Without his own personal merits, he uses generalized phrases such as “men are generally smarter, stronger and better than women”, “Einstein, Newton and Copernicus were men”, “what did women do?”
In the vastness of this country, there is a widespread opinion among sabzhi about the pathological inability of women to drive vehicles. Catchphrase: “Driving a pussy is not driving.” The fact that there are more and more women driving on the road, most of whom, if they drive “worse” than men, is only in the sense that they are much more careful, is stupidly ignored by them..

Don't confuse the struggle for the right to a decent life and the "demand to fuck whoever we want"!

Today in the media there is constantly news about any women's, feminist movements and organizations; it is customary to present their activities with a “satanic”, “lesbian” or “anti-human”, “countercultural” sauce...

In addition, with another shot, almost always in such materials they hit the ideas of socialism and equality, linking the well-founded and legitimate demands of women's organizations for a more equitable redistribution of social wealth towards its direct producers, towards those who currently need these resources for the possibility of a decent existence and raising children - to the demand for freebies and the desire for social dependency...

I would not have written what you will read below if I had not come across the thoughts of one of my nationalist acquaintances, where the author (referring to Novodvorskaya’s text, wow! is trying bring your readers to the conclusion that any movement of women in the struggle for their rights, for a decent life, for the recognition of a woman as the same “Human” as a man is a purely negative phenomenon, associated with destructive and countercultural processes, which works to destroy (the ideal probably, in the opinion of the author) of society and the relationships that have developed in it.

It is clear that today, under “feminism,” society is often presented with lured, artificially created organizations of a radical-Shivinist persuasion, which proclaim man-hatred, rejection of motherhood, sexual and pseudo-human freedoms as the main goal of their struggle.

However, it is clear to a fool that these “movements” are created artificially and are intended to distract, with loud actions and “outbursts” on the right and left, socially active women dissatisfied with their position in social relations from the real struggle, from the understanding of economic, rather than gender, class , rather than sexual reasons for the state of affairs in modern capitalist society. In short, these are all dummies, bluff and deception perpetrated by young and inexperienced, as well as frankly crazy citizens. “Masters of Life” are pumping up radical feminism; against this background, nationalists with “traditional” values ​​and home-building concepts are financed, and as a result, the class struggle is obscured.

If we briefly, emotionally, state the content of the “message” that is broadcast by modern traditionalists, nationalists and religious preachers - then, in my personal opinion, it sounds something like this:

“In short, women, know your place!

Move within the boundaries of the house, cook, mend your great competitive male’s socks, give birth, feed, clean and wash, spread your legs at the first “legal” request of your legal spouse, keep your virginity until marriage and smile happily, smile, smile...

But if YOU think that a woman has the same social rights as a man, if you feel that you have been driven into a stall and if YOU are ready to defend your right to love, to work and equal pay, the right to education, equal rights in marriage, the right to maternity leave, the right to an abortion, the right to independently manage your life - YOU are a stupid dependent and opportunist, a socialist and a Jewish Mason (oh, God) and (God forbid) a revolutionary - whose main goal in life is to stick to feeder and live at the expense of normal law-abiding taxpayers professing one or another tradition or religion...

Long live Great Russia, united together into a single, age-old traditional fist!”

And most importantly, many women agree with this.
It doesn’t bother you at all that at YOUR expense, including your own, billionaires and millionaires are fattening and buying yachts, eating black caviar and foie gras in restaurants and keeping whole herds of servants, that every year it is becoming more and more difficult for YOUR children and Is it more expensive to get a decent education, medical care, housing?
It doesn’t matter that those who are enriching themselves at YOUR expense are those who shout from all the media about “traditional values”, about “chastity”, about the purpose of a woman in satisfying the desires of her husband - this is, after all, such a desired quiet and calm “female happiness”, so -li?

In this case, cram “Domostroy” and get ready to put on a “civilian burqa,” dear women.

From feminists, in response, quite often (which is very unfortunate) I hear and observe this position - “we are white and fluffy, we are downtrodden and unhappy, the female brain works for good and creation, the male brain works only for violence and destruction, in everything chauvinist men are to blame with their patriarchy, wars, capitalism, etc.”... Dear ladies, this is a dead end!
And that's why:

It must be recognized that modern society (like any other) is a joint product of men and women. It is as much masculine as it is feminine. Anatomically, a woman is different from a man, but this is associated only with the function of childbirth. Biologically and functionally, the brains of men and women are no different, but differences in perception, information processing, and behavior are associated exclusively with sociocultural factors.

Women in modern society suffer and are exploited on an equal basis with men, in some cases to a greater extent, but these cases are due to the traditions and prejudices we inherited, mainly from the feudal era, and transmitted through the lines of religion and “tradition”.

However, recognition of this fact does not at all mean that women in the modern world are in such conditions only because they are women. No and no again!

They (as well as most men) are in such social “chains” only due to the fact that modern society is built on capitalist relations between people. It is in this society that exploitation of man by man is possible based on the right of the owner of the means of production to appropriate most of the results of the labor of other people.

Capitalists and their servants (representatives of the “authorities” and the state) are people of both sexes. If discrimination, exploitation and coercion in society were based only on gender, we would not be able to meet the so-called “strong” women - women businesswomen and politicians, women managers, women rentiers. And vice versa - we would not have found a single example of homeless men, unemployed men, or hired workers...

Hence the conclusion - society is divided into those who live at the expense of others, appropriating what is created by others, exploiting people and resources, and those who work, create everything that the first category of people then appropriates.

Of course, it is clear that in such a society - for most people (including women) - one of the main desires and aspirations will be to get from the second category of people to the first. And they achieve this in every possible way. Someone sells their body in exchange for a place in the social pyramid, someone mercilessly drowns those around them - in order to climb as high as possible on the career ladder. But such strategies are inherent in both sexes equally.

It is necessary to clarify that modern society provides a woman with a much greater degree of personal freedom than a feudal or slave society. And the ancient tribal relations tied a person (not just a woman) to the clan, clan, family so much that there was simply no need to talk about personality and freedom to choose a life path in their modern understanding. A woman (like a man, although to a lesser extent), in these eras was more of a commodity, a resource, rather than a Person (although today, especially in rich families, this is often the case).

However - in the main thing - the freedom to realize oneself, to be a Human, to develop and grow, to feel and have the right to independently and completely decide how to arrange your life, while having the opportunity to live with dignity, to realize seemingly simple things - the right to move around world, the right to work, to housing, to education, to rest, to motherhood, to abortion, finally - here at this point in time our society limits a woman to precisely those relationships that prevail in it. And this has practically nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman. Restrictions on the implementation of everything that I have listed also apply to men (yes, even the right to abortion also applies to them, as strange as it may seem) - all these restrictions in our society can only be lifted with money and connections. The more, the easier it is to avoid them (restrictions).

Hence the conclusion - if modern women striving for personal freedom continue to believe that in order to obtain it they need to defeat all men as carriers of patriarchy - then they will never change anything in this world. Patriarchal relationships (like any other) are always relationships in which both sexes participate. We inherited them from ancient and more recent eras, they were generated by the introduction of such a concept as “property” into society, and they stand guard over property. After all, if there is no need to transfer inheritance, divide property, or force children to enter into a marriage that is “beneficial” for the parental business, patriarchy, paternity law and many other remnants of traditionalism will simply not be in demand by people...

The fight against men, against so-called “male chauvinism”, for women is a fight against windmills. We all, both men and women, must understand that this is not a matter of gender, but of class differences. Only by understanding the true reasons for your current position in society, by understanding where the real enemy is, can you fight and change the world.

There is no freedom for some - without lack of freedom for others!
Only such a society, such relationships between people that ensure and guarantee development, the realization of rights in life, and not on paper, that creates conditions for mutual respect and mutual assistance - only such a society will allow every person to realize their desires and dreams, and - only such freedom will give women the opportunity to feel like true masters of their destiny!

And this, in my opinion, is really worth fighting for!

Therefore, I and my comrades, among whom are both women and men, urge all real feminists to think about this position.

Girls, women, sisters - let's treat each other with respect, let's be friends and love, this is the only way we can achieve real, in the full sense of the word, freedom for everyone - both men and women.

Men's preaching of sexual exclusivity and superiority is based on certain psychological stereotypes. Male chauvinism is based on the social inequality of women and men. Many people are familiar with the formula: “All women are fools and their place is in the kitchen.” Time sets accents and priorities, dictates new rules of the “game”. Is a man always right and is it a woman who echoes him in response?

What is chauvinism?

Chauvinism (French chauvinisme) got its name from the semi-mythical soldier of the Napoleonic army, Nicolas Chauvin. During the Bourbon Restoration (1814-1830), Chauvin was an ardent supporter of Bonapartism, despite the unpopularity of this party at that time. The soldier wore a violet flower in his lapel as a sign of devotion to the deposed emperor. According to legend, Nikola remained loyal to Napoleon despite persecution, poverty and insults. Chauvin propagated that all the best and good things in the world are associated with the name of Bonaparte and France.

The term “chauvinism” began to be used as a common noun in 1843, after a satirical treatment of the Chauvin myth in the comedy “The Tricolor Cockade” by Theodore and Hippolyte Cognard (1831). Chauvinism in its modern meaning is the ideology and policy of aggressive nationalism, the preaching of national exclusivity and superiority.

Features of male chauvinism

Male chauvinism is based on the following postulates:

A man is always right based on the fact of birth;
A man is more important, more necessary and smarter than a woman, since male logic is built on reason, and not on feelings;
What is proper for a man is prohibited for a woman;
A man's word is a woman's law.

The origins of this phenomenon can be traced to religious teachings. The Bible records the legend of the creation of the world: God first created Adam, and then from his rib - Eve. A woman was born for the pleasure of a man, so that he would not be bored. And it was not Adam who committed the “original sin,” but Eve, who plucked the apple from the tree of knowledge.

Logically, gender differences between men and women exist: nature prescribes a certain role for women in bearing and giving birth to offspring, which men are deprived of. Objective biological differences lead to men occupying a higher position in many areas of life. The sporting achievements of men and women are strikingly different; there are much more men than women in high political and clergy positions; men's achievements in science, literature and art are more significant than women's.

As a rule, chauvinism arises as a result of serious psychological trauma received at an early age. In many cases, chauvinism is naturally formed on the basis of a man's homosexual orientation or is brought up in the family.

From a young age, a girl is prepared for the social role of a wife and mother, a boy for the role of a protector, breadwinner, and head of the family. Male chauvinism is especially widespread in Eastern countries, where women do not have equal rights with men.

Women's response

Women in modern times are fighting back against male chauvinism, advocating for gender equality. Feminism- the women's movement for equal rights and opportunities, arose during the “high Middle Ages”. The word “feminism” first began to be used with the light hand of the utopian socialist Charles Fourier at the end of the 18th century, who believed that “the social status of women is a measure of social progress.”

However, the female response to male chauvinism is not fundamentally disdainful of members of a different gender, race or nationality. Feminists advocate for equality, without seeking to deprive men of any privileges, humiliate or offend the stronger half of humanity.

The meaning of a woman’s life has long been not reduced to the formula “children - kitchen - church”, but gender equality in the mass consciousness still does not exist, even in the civilized world.

Interesting Facts

Throughout Asia, there are currently many more men than women: in India and China, two of the world's largest population centers, there is an acute shortage of the female part of society. This gender imbalance is the result of the traditional preference for male children and the selective abortion of girls, which became possible in the early 1980s with the advent of ultrasound. Male chauvinism is so rooted in the East that a family is not considered complete if it does not have an heir.

The shortage of women is particularly severe in India, China, South Korea, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, where there are at least one hundred and eight boys for every one hundred girls. Asian countries are taking urgent action to provide social assistance to families with girls, but time is running out: by 2030, China and India will be missing more than twenty million women aged 20 to 50.

Male chauvinism has turned against the strong half of humanity.

In the United States, the term “glass ceiling” was coined in the 1980s, metaphorically denoting an invisible barrier limiting women’s career advancement. Women face this obstacle, regardless of professional qualifications, only as representatives of a social group. 95% of top managers of large companies are men, while the majority of employees are women.

If a woman had not given birth to a man, breastfed him, raised him, and given him an education, who would he be today? If the modern world becomes dominated by the absolute masculine principle, which is not in harmony with the feminine, where will such a society come from?

Finding a common language, understanding and accepting each other as people were born, without comparing or contrasting, is the key to true love and a sign of high development of the individual and society.

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