Pony names from my little. My Little Pony: why does the "children's" cartoon have so many perverted fans

My Little Pony is a children's cartoon produced by the Hasbro animation studio, part of the franchise of the same name, owned by the same company. The first episode of the show's first season was released on October 10, 2010.

In the animated series, the title of which was officially translated into Russian as “Friendship is a Miracle,” the action takes place in the fictional country of Equestria. Equestria is mainly inhabited by intelligent ponies, as well as other fantastic creatures (griffins and dragons) and ordinary animals (rabbits, dogs, cats and others).

The world of Equestria is full of magic, and almost no one in the land of ponies can do without it. For example, it is with the help of magic that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna control the time of day, raising the Sun or Moon at the right time.

All characters "May" Little Pony“There are more than a hundred in total, but most of them are minor and they appear in the cartoon only from time to time. Basically, the plot is built around 6 main heroines.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle)

We can say that it was with this pony that the action of the entire animated series began.

Twilight Sparkle (in the official Russian adaptation - Twilight Sparkle) is a lilac-colored unicorn pony with purple eyes. Twilight's tail and mane are made up of three colors: dark blue, purple, and hot pink. Her cutie mark ( distinctive sign on the rump) is a pink six-pointed star, which is surrounded by five more smaller white stars.

At the very beginning of the series, Twilight Sparkle is shown to the viewer as a pony who loves to learn and that's it. free time spends time reading books, preferring them to communication and walks with friends. However, everything changes when Princess Celestia asks Twilight to go to Ponyville to oversee preparations for the festival.

Rarity (Rarity)

Of all the characters in My Little Pony, Rarity can be called the most fashionable and elegant. Like Twilight Sparkle, she is a unicorn, but that's where the similarities between them end.

Rarity is a white pony whose mane and tail are dark purple and whose eyes are bright blue. WITH in English her name literally translates as “rarity,” which fully characterizes this pony: Rarity loves everything unusual, knowing a lot about true beauty. Her cutie mark is 3 blue crystals.


Pony Fluttershy is a light yellow pegasus. Her mane and tail are soft pink and her eyes are turquoise. This pony's cutie mark is 3 pink butterflies.

Fluttershy was the shyest and shyest of all the characters in My Little Pony before she met Twilight Sparkle and the others. In the first episode of the animated series, she spoke in a quiet, unintelligible voice and could not even pronounce her name, but after meeting new friends, she became more confident in herself.

Pony Fluttershy loves animals and strives to constantly take care of them. She is able to communicate with them and understand, and also has an innate talent - a special look allows the pony to control animals.

In her forest house, Fluttershy shelters a large number of different fauna, but her favorite pet is a white rabbit named Angel.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash, Rainbow)

One of the fastest among all the My Little Pony characters is Rainbow Dash. This pegasus is light blue in color with lilac eyes, and her mane and tail are colored in the colors of the rainbow. The pony's cutie mark is also related to this - rainbow lightning shooting from a white cloud.

Rainbow Dash is the complete opposite of Fluttershy: bold, self-confident and cocky. Sometimes Rainbow can be a little rude, which is why she has conflicts with her friends, but in reality she is very kind and is always ready to help.

Rainbow Dash's main responsibility is to monitor the weather in Ponyville, clearing the sky of clouds. When she first meets Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash says that she can clear away all the clouds in 10 seconds, which is the fastest time of any pony in the city.

Pinkie Pie

In addition to pegasi and unicorns, Equestria is also inhabited by ordinary ponies, which are most similar to real horses. One of them is Pinkie Pie (Pinkamina Diana Pie). This pony is tender- Pink colour with a mane and tail of a brighter shade. Her eyes are light blue and her cutie mark is 3 balloon.

Most of all, this pony loves sweets and parties. She works at a local bakery where she helps Mr. and Mrs. Cake bake cupcakes and cakes. Cooking is her main talent. Pinky also loves music and can play many musical instruments.

Pinkie Pie is very cheerful and cheerful, which sometimes goes to the extreme. There is practically nothing that could make her sad, but sometimes, due to increased emotionality, her joy can suddenly change to sadness, bordering on depression.

Apple Jack

Applejack is an orange-colored, green-eyed pony with a wheat-colored mane and tail. Her distinctive sign is 3 red apples.

Applejack from "My Little Pony" lives and works on the family farm "Sweet Apple", where, in addition to her, Applejack's brother Big McIntosh, younger sister Apple Bloom and Granny Smith also work.

Applejack is a reliable and hard-working pony, but can sometimes be overly stubborn. In almost every episode of the animated series, Epjack demonstrates her honesty and straightforwardness - qualities for which all her friends value her.

« Names are not translated...»

“I didn’t say anything,” March Hare hastily interrupted him.
“No, I did,” Mad Hatter objected.
“I didn’t think so,” March told Hare. - I deny everything!
“He denies everything,” said King, “don’t put it in the protocol!”
“Well then, that means Dormouth said it.”

« Names are not translated»

“Girl,” said Big Bad Wolf, “where are you going?”
“I’m going to my Grandmother,” answered Little Red Riding Hood, “to bring her some pies.”

« Names are not translated!»

- Hello, Mr. Filsey! — I prefer “Mr. Rich.”

Names are not translated - this rule is often cited as an argument on forums; it is indignantly used by the authors of reviews of the next “Little Red Riding Hood”; You can even hear it on TV along with a joke about the name Serpen (August). Hundreds of comments to “” in one way or another touched on the issue of translating names. As a rule, the answer to this question was unequivocal “ don't translate" And it’s not without reason that there’s such a reaction!

- You are Moon Pony, Moon Pony!

Unfortunately, there are more and more cases of reproaching translators (not only of the series “ Friendship is the miracle) for such “adaptations”. For example, one of the characters " Toy Stories", astronaut, in the original name is Buzz Lightyear. The first name is a reference to real-life astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the last name is a space-themed word (light year). Both versions of the Russian translation, Svetik And Lightyear, are unsuccessful in their own way. The first one has nothing to do with space, but rather reminds us of Tsvetik from the adventures of Dunno. The second one also points not to space, but to a lighter. Animated series " Kim Possible"for some reason turned into " Kim Possible" The lost play on words with a parody of a famous spy film has been replaced by an association - not even with an assessment! - with candy from the school canteen.

« Names are not translated»

– a search for this phrase will not give any links to textbooks for translators. Only forums, magazines and discussions in which “everyone knows that names cannot be translated,” “this is a rule,” “they teach this in school.”

What is this rule and where did it come from? Where can I read it?

The names in the passport are not translated - this is done for the convenience of both those crossing the border and government officials. This also includes the situation with Augustus-Serpen (in addition, this is August, who is Serpen, named in honor of Augustus, who is Octavian). For a literary text, the following rule is more applicable: “ names are not translated...poor quality" Viewers of the first season were shocked not by the very fact of translating the name of the Moon Pony - Moon Pony, but by such a construction of the phrase, the translation of two characters as one, and the loss of the play on words. By the way, find an adequate replacement for the double pun mare(sea) – mare(horse), night mare(mare of darkness) – nightmare(nightmare) is really very difficult.

In the second season, a different trend emerged, which at first many perceived with enthusiasm. Wonderbolts, Rapid Fire, Fleetfoot, Cloud Chaser... The first sign of the fallacy of this approach was Siterniptrag (Hayseed Turnip Truck). The names will not say anything to the Russian viewer Jet Set, Upper Crust And Fancy Pants(they tried to keep the joke here - rather unsuccessfully). And with the rich man Filsey Richam, as the Bronies put it, the translators “didn’t talk.”

The authors of the Russian version listened to numerous requests regarding character names. But in the end, the result can be described as a series about outfits from the first season: at first you like it, and then it reaches the point of absurdity. In addition to the mentioned Siterniptrag in the series, for example, there are Princess Platinum And wise Clover. Let him beat Clover the Clever it didn’t work out (which is a pity), but who would be worse off Platinum And Clover?

The book “ The word is alive and dead"(http://www.vavilon.ru/noragal/slovo.html) by the famous translator and editor Nora Gal. The book is structured as a review of examples of successful and unsuccessful work with language and is especially directed against the excessive and unjustified use of clerical style and foreign language borrowings. Nora Gal examines many translation, writing and simply speech errors and outlines some general principles, thanks to which literary text sounds lively and expressive, reads captivatingly and inspires the reader’s trust (based on Wikipedia materials). A separate chapter is dedicated to the names of the heroes of works of art (http://www.vavilon.ru/noragal/slovo17.html).

The following quote from Nora Gal's book shows how the honest senator was treated:

« But, I think, the case is not trivial and therefore more distressing. Twain's novel was translated anew, almost a pamphlet, where the American electoral system, parliamentary morals, the Senate and senators were sharply and evilly ridiculed. In the sea of ​​venality and demagoguery, Twain erected one island - a senator named Noble. But not every Russian reader knows that Noble in English means noble, honest. Couldn't this senator be christened in a way that sounds English and still lets the meaning shine through? Why not at least - a senator named Chasten! After all, there are surnames Chester, Chesterton, Chesterfield.»

Let's return to the character Filthy Rich and consider the translation of his name in more detail. Literally this expression means “ filthy rich", which is what the joke is based on: " Mr. Filthy? – I prefer Mr. Rich" Of course, the joke will be lost in a literal translation - just as it would be lost without translation at all. Why not pick up Russian analogues of the expression “filthy rich”? For example, "money bag". "Mr. Bag" is already more like a joke. “Money” is not very suitable for the role of a name, so you can play with the types of money. For example, dinero is very similar in structure to famous surname DiCaprio (or De Niro). And here is a new dialogue between Granny Smith and Mr. Bag Di Nero: “ Mister Bag? – I prefer “Mr. Di Nero”».

However, the word “ Bag", to put it mildly, sounds very strange as a name. But there are other expressions that characterize wealth: “rakes money with a shovel,” “moneybags.”

« Mister La Pato? – I prefer “Mr. Grabby”"(Grabby La Pato)

« Mr. Tolsto... - I prefer “Mr. Rich”"(Moneybags Rich - real name retained here)

Or in a more condensed version:
« Mr. Thick... - I prefer “Mr. Sam”"(Fat Sam)

Pay attention to the declensions: a man’s surname does not decline with “o” (Di Nero), just like a woman’s surname with a consonant (Smith), but the lack of declination of a man’s surname with a consonant and a woman’s surname with “a” is a mistake. Therefore, for example, Princess Celestia had to announce the wedding Shining A Armora(cf. Mark Twain) and princesses Mi Amora Cadenz Y . There really is such a rule (http://www.gramota.ru/spravka/letters/?rub=rubric_482), although on forums dedicated to translation from Japanese, users sometimes make it a rule that it is prohibited to declension of surnames with “a” (for example, Akira Kurosawa). Apparently, this “rule” is just as justified as the ban on translating names.

Let's look at other names. Terrifying to hear Siterniptraga Of course, it was not worth translating literally: “ Hay and Beet Truck» (« Hayseed Turnip Truck"). But you could limit yourself to a simple name that sounds quite English - and at the same time Russian! – Reddis.

What about the names of the main characters? So far, out of six, only one and a half have been translated (yes, Rainbow Dash, as well as Moon Pony, also caused “delight” among the audience). At the same time the name Twilight Sparkle Quite pleasant to the ear: in our world a horse may well be called Sparkle.

Applejack. This name in the original relates not only to apples themselves, which, by the way, is played out in the teaser Appletiny. Broni found an excellent analogy in Russian: Anisovka. Both meanings are present in the name (although methodologists and psychologists may not like them).

Fluttershy. Based on the name, this pony is very timid, which is why she trembles. In Russian there is an idiom for this case too: trembles like an aspen leaf. Osinka!

At first glance, how can you translate the name Fluttershy this way? But later in the series there are two teasers: Flutterguy(which indicates her new voice) And Klutzershy(sad sack). In the first case, Spike can call Osinka With a baton, in the second, pegasus athletes laugh at the slow-moving Kerosene stove. Here's what a conversation on a train would sound like:

- What should we do with the tree? - Are you talking about the apple tree? - No, I'm talking about Osinka. ... - She's not a tree, Dashie! - And I would like to become a tree!..

It's not just the names of the characters that help maintain the atmosphere of the series: almost every title hides a joke, a play on words - often, as noted in the "Petition", related to horses ( Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Canterlot). Without translation of some names, the series will also lose color. Here, as an example, we can cite “ Dodge JunkEshon", the town that AJ is leaving for. As the reservations suggested, the town can be given a name Adventurer's Shelter or Sly. It is immediately obvious that something is unclean there!

Pegasus team name " The Wonderbolts"is a reference to the American aerobatic team" Thunderbirds" And even if it didn’t work out in the Russian version, “ Wonderbolts"is still closer and clearer to the viewer than " Wonderbolts" Fleetfoot, one of the group's members, also remained as is - but the name speaks of its speed. The appearance and decisive (as it turns out later) character of the captain is reflected in the name Spitfire. To translate or not is a moot point: on the one hand, “ Spitfire"- famous military aircraft; on the other hand, you can give her a last name Fire(by analogy with O’Henry or O’Neill), however, not so seriously perceived by ear.

« Names are not translated?»

Let us remember here another “lightning” - we mean the cartoon character “ Bolt" The bright meaning of the name was perfectly conveyed by replacing just one letter: in the Russian version the dog’s name is Volt. If he stays Bolt– associations would come to mind, for example, with a construction site or a workshop (and this is in the best case).

There is a character with an adapted name, who doesn’t mind the “techie” associations: Gadget from Rescuers (“ Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers"). Name " gadget” would have sounded incomprehensible at the time of this translation. And now it will be more suitable for a computer geek than for an inventor.

The Disney animated series that hit our screens in the early nineties are generally very successful in terms of both translation and adaptation. Who doesn't know Black Cloak with his catchphrase “ come on, away from the screw!» Neither Darkwing Duck, nor Darkwing Duck are not both a good name and a recognizable image. The name of its pilot is also adapted very competently: the viewer can imagine the trajectories along which he flies Zigzag McCrack(orig. Launchpad McQuack).

The very first example was the dialogue from " Alice» Carroll. Translator Demurova wrote a separate article about “ Alice”, in which, in particular, attention is paid to names (“ On the translation of Carroll's tales", http://lib.ru/CARROLL/carrol0_10.txt). Without going into details, we note that Hatter, Sonya Mouse, Tweedledee and Tweedledee, Jabberwocky With Bandersnatch would lose a part of themselves if their names were translated “head-on” or not translated at all.

With rare exceptions, all the names in the series about ponies are “talking”. Therefore, the question of whether to translate or not is inappropriate. Rather, it is worth asking the question How translate (or rather - adapt). If we ignore each name separately, then we can answer it like this: thoroughly, thoughtfully, efficiently.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) - Twilight Sparkle is the main character of the animated series. A young unicorn with a purple body and a blue mane with purple and pink stripes. At first, Sparkle appears to the audience as a somewhat asocial character - she has no friends and her favorite pastime is reading books, but in Ponnyville the unicorn changes, becomes a loyal friend and an active participant in parties. Twilight is trained by Princess Celestia, loves to read and loves to plan her actions. Twilight is excellent at magic, knows how to teleport and can rightfully be considered the best magician of Ponnyville. The Sparkle mark is a six-pointed star overlapping a white star, surrounded by five white stars.


Rarity is a white unicorn with a purple mane and tail in beautiful curls. Rarity sometimes wears blue-lilac eyeshadow on her eyes, and her mark consists of three blue diamonds. The fashion designer unicorn has magical abilities, but uses them only to create beautiful things - clothes or other items. Her main weapon is charm. There is a certain mannerism in Rarity's behavior, she speaks in more complex and artistic phrases, and loves to be the center of attention. This character is the epitome of generosity, as she doesn't hesitate to make sacrifices to help her friends.


Applejack is an orange-brown pony with large green eyes and freckles. The mane and tail are yellow, secured with small elastic bands. The pony always wears a brown hat, and her special mark is three red apples. Applejack is simply a master when it comes to agriculture and cooking - she bakes sweets, grows apples and sells them. Her character is quite stubborn, but in general the pony is quite reasonable and calm, she can restrain a friend from a rash act and find the right words.

Applejack lives with her large family on the outskirts of Ponnyville, in the Sweet Apple estate, has strength and agility, and is an extremely honest and open character.

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie is a pink earth pony with blue eyes, a pink mane and tail, and curly, cheerful curls. Pony mark - two blue and one yellow balls. Pinkie Pie is very active and positive - she cannot sit still, loves parties and jokes, loves sweets and works at the Sugar Corner bakery. Pinky is the embodiment of laughter and fun, but she also has a special ability to predict events. This is the only character in the animated series who sometimes looks directly at the viewer, and she often uses cartoonish techniques - an excessively wide open mouth, hovering in the air, and others.


Fluttershy is a pegasus with blue eyes, slightly downturned, and a yellow color. Pink mane and the pony's tail is combed to one side and curled into flirtatious waves at the ends. Fluttershy's mark is three pink butterflies. She is very shy and polite, afraid of heights and gets along well with animals. Despite her sensitivity and vulnerability, Fluttershy becomes a true example of courage when it comes to her friends. One of her abilities is “Gaze”, which can frighten any animal, but the cute pegasus does not like to use it and is a symbol of kindness, which is so necessary for friendship.

R uh th n b O at D uh w / R a i n b o wD a s h

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) - Rainbow Dash is a winged pegasus of blue color, with lilac eyes. Living up to her name, her mane and tail shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, and her personal mark is a cloud with rainbow lightning. Dash is a very athletic and active pegasus, she doesn't like to lose and loves competitions. Despite this, Rainbow is sometimes lazy, lying in the clouds instead of fulfilling her duties - clearing the sky of clouds. Rainbow Dash is the expression of loyalty in friendship, and despite the appearance of self-confident and arrogant behavior, as well as a love of pranks, Dash will never hide his attitude and speaks honestly about the behavior of his friends.


Spike is a small dragon who, however, has already grown out of childhood. Spike assists the well-read Twilight Sparkle, and is her constant companion, since it was Twilight Sparkle who awakened him from his egg when she took her magic exam. The dragon's character is somewhat sarcastic, which allows him to comment on what is happening quite funny. Fashion designer unicorn Rarity is the object of the dragon Spike's affections, and jealousy often pushes him to rash actions. When it comes to food, Spike prefers turquoise and other gems, although he can also eat regular foods.

Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia is a white alicorn with pink eyes and a multi-colored mane that combines blue, green, blue and pink. The attributes of the princess are a crown and hooves, and her mane develops even in complete calm. The distinctive sign is a bright sun, which appeared when the alicorn, as a child, raised the sun in place of her deceased mother. Celestia is very kind, strong, friendly and fair, it is very difficult to anger her and she does not mind fun pranks. The white alicorn is a symbol of harmony and it is her responsibility to understand the sun at dawn. Twilight Sparkle is one of her talented students.

Princess Luna

Princess Luna - In the first season, Luna appears in a light blue color with a blue mane, and starting from the second season, her tail and mane become translucent, the color darkens. The princess's attributes are a black crown and hooves, and her sign is the moon against a dark sky. Luna is Celestia's younger sister, she is friendly and affectionate, but can sometimes be aggressive. Previously, she ruled Equestria with her sister, but anger and envy turned her into Moon Pony, who wanted to create eternal night. To prevent this from happening, Celestia imprisoned her younger sister on the moon. After many years she returned back, and Twilight Sparkle managed to turn her back into the good Princess Luna.

Princess Cadance

Princess Cadance (Princess Mi Amore Cadenza) - Princess Cadance is a light pink alicorn with purple eyes, a yellow-pink-purple tail and a curled mane. Cadence lives in a crystal empire, and her distinctive sign is a crystal heart. Previously, the princess raised Twilight as a nanny; she has kindness, courage and tenderness. The alicorn's full name can be translated as “I love everyone,” and indeed, she really loves the people - the crystal ponies. The alicorn's ability is love magic, which maintains a protective barrier over the Empire, preventing Sombra from infiltrating. Before Season 3, it was unknown which country Cadence ruled.

Shining Armor

Shining Armor - Slender Unicorn white with a blue mane with dark blue stripes and dark blue eyes, he is the older brother of Twilight Sparkle. Even before his marriage to Princess Cadance, the unicorn Armor controlled the royal guard, and after this event he began to rule the Crystal Empire. His name can be translated as “Shining Shield”, which is reflected in the distinctive sign - a blue shield with a pink star and three more white stars on top. Since childhood, Shining has dreamed of becoming a guard commander, and he is cheerful and brave, has a generosity and loves his little sister. Armor has a strong magical gift, for example, with the help of a spell he created a barrier over Canterlot.

Big Macintosh

Big Macintosh (Big Macintosh) - Big Macintosh - This character first appeared in episode 4 of the first season. A pony with a red body and a short-cropped orange mane, with green eyes and freckles, like her younger sister, Applejack. Calm and reasonable, Big Mackey with a mark in the form of half a green apple, has modesty and kindness, loves to work on the farm. The solid stallion's ability to knock apples from trees with the help of his strong hooves makes him simply irreplaceable on the Sweet Apple farm, where he lives with his family. However, despite all his calmness and modesty, sometimes Big Mac can be quite aggressive or, on the contrary, very joyful.

Granny Smith

Granny Smith - it was thanks to this earthly pony that Ponnyville appeared at one time. She has a light green body, a white (gray) mane that used to shine gold, and orange-red eyes. Granny's trademark is apple pie, and she makes excellent cooks to match, including her special thunder apple jam. Around her neck, Smith wears an orange scarf decorated with an apple pattern. Granny Smith's character is kind and cheerful, like the rest of the Apple family, she loves to work and, despite her old age, participates in many activities. Over the course of her life, Smith has accumulated many stories that she loves to tell her family.


Zecora - Zecora's species is a zebra with a light gray body painted with dark gray stripes. She has a white mane with gray stripes and blue-green eyes, and her distinctive sign is a stylized African sun. Zecora lives in the Eternal Forest, wears jewelry - gold earrings, a bracelet and a necklace and is well versed in potions. Previously, the residents of Ponnyville were afraid of Zecora, believing that she was an evil witch, but in the end it turned out that Zecora was kind, smart and affectionate. She speaks in poetry, always helps those who ask her and can make any potion - both a panacea and a drink that can awaken talents.


Cheerilee (Cherilee) Cheerilee is a dark lilac earth pony Cheerilee has an iridescent light pink mane and green eyes. Cheerilee works at Ponniwilaya School as a teacher junior classes, teaching Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and other ponies. Cheerilee's sign is three flowers with smiles, symbolizing hope for the blossoming of her students. Cherili is a natural teacher who always cares about her students, is not very strict with them, giving them freedom in the classroom, and is very loving. If her students get into trouble, the teacher pony will definitely help them, and teaching is this character's main ability.

Derpy Hooves/Derpy

Derpy is a Pegasus girl with light gray coloring, a straw-colored mane and yellow eyes. Derpy has a squint, and despite the fact that she constantly remains in the background, her popularity is quite high. Derpy is cheerful, carefree and very clumsy. She often breaks things, for example, in the episode "The Last Rodeo" she broke the town hall. The distinctive sign of Huvs is soap bubbles. The creators of the series attribute her squint to an animation error, but it is this, coupled with her amusing clumsiness and carefree disposition, that has made the minor character so popular among fans of the series.

Lightning Dust

Lightning Dust is a turquoise pegasus with a bright red mane and light brown eyes. Lightning Dust used to study with Rainbow Dash at the Wonderbolt Academy, but was later expelled for bad behavior by Coach Spitfire. Lightning is brave and purposeful, but she does not choose methods to achieve her goals, and does not care about who she might hurt. Pegasus flies very fast, just as well as the athlete Rainbow Dash, and back at the Academy the two fast-moving pegasuses got along well and made plans for the future. Turquoise Pegasus loves to be the center of attention and is not averse to boasting about its successes. Lightning's distinctive sign is three stars and white lightning.


Discord is the embodiment of chaos in the form of a Chinese dragon, as if made up of different parts. Discord once ruled Equestria, bringing destruction and suffering, but the princess sisters Celestia and Luna turned him into stone, establishing order and harmony in the world. Much later, Discord rebelled, influencing the inhabitants of Equestria with the magical powers of madness and hoas. He turns the main characters into their opposites - cruel, cowardly and greedy creatures, but in the end the power of friendship defeats him, and Discord turns to stone again. Only in the third season does he become free and try to use his magical abilities for good purposes.

Queen Chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis is a werewolf or shapeshifter who controls the same creatures. Chrysalis appears to be an alicorn with a black body, a blue-green mane with holes, translucent wings and the characteristic "chewed" horn and hooves of a changeling. Chrysalis's attribute of power is a black crown with emerald beads and a green suit. The Queen of Changelings can transform into any other pony and be saturated with positive emotions. Chrysalis, like her subjects, has no identifying marks; she fuels her magical power love, while she herself is angry and proud. The Queen is very strong, and can even be compared to an alicorn - in the second season she defeated Celestia herself.

King Sombra

King Sombra is a unicorn with a dark gray body and a backward-curved horn, the end of which is blood-colored. Sombra's eyes are red, he has fangs, he wears iron attributes - a collar and boots, a crown and a fur cloak. In the past, the king was a tyrant who brought misery to the Crystal Empire, and was later defeated by the sisters Celestia and Luna. However, along with the disembodied king, his kingdom also disappeared for a thousand years. King Sombra tried to return in the form of a shadow and eliminate the magical artifact - the crystal heart, protecting the Empire from his presence, but his attempts were in vain - the Heart was returned to its place, and the bright energy of joy dispelled the shadow of the evil tyrant.


Gilda (Gilda) is a griffin, a creature that combines the features of a lion and an eagle. She has white feathers on her head and neck, which above her eyes have a gray-purple tint, a lion's body is light brown, brown wings and a tail with a tassel. As Rainbow Dash's longtime friend from flight school, Gilda is only kind to the Rainbow Pegasus and treats others with contempt. Gilda is selfish and rude, she can steal and cruelly make fun of everyone, while she herself does not tolerate ridicule and practical jokes. Gilda's only concern is her prestige, she is very selfish and does not care about the feelings of others. The griffin flies great.


Trixie (The Great and Powerful) is a Trixie blue unicorn with a pale blue mane and pink-violet eyes. Trixie loves to show off, and the purpose of her coming to Ponnyville was to show off her magical abilities, but her magic is very ostentatious and theatrical. The unicorn is very self-confident and cunning, loves to mock others and is not averse to cheating and lying. On her first visit to Ponnyville, Trixie leaves town in disgrace, but later returns to take revenge on Twilight by attempting to defeat her with the help of a magical alicorn amulet. But this does not help her - the amulet has side effects, and after saving the boastful unicorn, she still decides to apologize. Trixie's distinctive sign is a magic wand and a crescent moon.

Flim and Flam

Unicorns Flim and Flam - brothers who visited Ponnyville to sell apple juice. Unicorns have beige skin, red manes and tails with white stripes, and green eyes. The brothers wear striped blue and white shirts with bow ties and hats.

Translated from English, “Flimflam” translates as “scam,” which fully expresses their characters. Dishonest unicorns challenged the Apple family to a juice production duel and used a magic machine to work. The loss of the family threatened them with the loss of the farm, but the Ponyvilles did not like the juice of the fraudulent brothers and they were forced to leave the city. Flim's distinctive sign is a quarter of an apple, Flam's is an apple without a quarter.

Diamond Dogs

Diamond Dogs - three intelligent dogs live in the caves of Ponyville and are subordinate to unreasonable dog guards who, despite the lack of intelligence, are dressed in armor and obey their masters. The dogs have gray bodies of different shades and yellow eyes and ears. different forms. The dogs are wearing spiked collars and vests. The names of the dogs are not announced in the animated series, but producer David Thiessen said that their names are Spot, Fraido, and Rover. Greedy and treacherous dogs captured Rarity, hoping to use her talents to find magic stones. However, Rarity drove them crazy with her complaints, and when her friends came for her, they gave Rarity herself and some of the gems without any problems.

Apple Bloom

Apple Bloom is an earth pony with a yellow skin color, red mane and tail, orange eyes and without a distinctive sign. Apple Bloom is the main character Applejack. younger sister. She constantly wears a bow on her head and is friends with other little ponies - Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Little Apple is very friendly - it was she who first met Zekra, dispelling the myth that she was a terrible witch. Bloom has tried herself in many areas - she danced, made cupcakes, did karate and roller-skating, in addition, the pony shows talent in design. The only thing Apple hates is being ridiculed for not having a distinctive mark, and she even founded a team called “Mark Finders”, which includes her friends.


Scootaloo is an orange pegasus with a lilac mane and light purple eyes. Scootaloo is Rainbow Dash's sworn sister and admires the rainbow athlete. She can fly, loves to ride a scooter and even got a distinctive sign because of this - a scooter with a fiery end. The Pegasus girl with a short-cropped mane is very kind and friendly and loves adventure. Scootaloo's character has boyish traits - she loves extreme sports and hates sentimentality. Scootaloo is a member of Apple Bloom's Mark Finders club and enjoys searching for cutie marks. She is very confident in herself and is not shy about the fact that she does not have a mark.

Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle is a small white unicorn girl with pink and purple mane and green eyes. Belle is Rarity's younger sister; she sings well, but is too shy to show off her talent on stage. Sweetie Belle joined the Mark Finders club, and her distinctive sign is an image musical note, received due to the fact that she overcame her fear of the public and sang beautifully. Baby's character is kind and cheerful, she loves adventure and does not attach of great importance neat, like her older sister. Belle cannot be called smart, since the little unicorn takes a long time to think, not understanding the global plans of her friends.

Babs Seed

Babs Seed is a dark ocher colored earth pony with varying shades of pink mane and light green eyes. Babs's bangs always fall over her eyes and sometimes the pony blows them off, she has yellowish freckles, and her side is often covered by her tail because she is embarrassed by the lack of a mark. Babs Seed is Apple Bloom's cousin and lives in Manehattan, but she sometimes visits Ponyville.

Babs's character is kind and shy, she is very dependent on the opinions of other ponies, and it is because of her lack of self-confidence that she becomes a bully. When Apple Bloom finds out that Babs is actually friendly, is simply afraid of ridicule and prefers to attack first, her cousin is accepted into the Mark Seekers, after which she leaves for Manehattan to create a branch of the society there.

Diamond Tiara

Diamond Tiara is a light pink earth pony with a white and purple mane and blue eyes. The pony wears a silver crown on her head, which is her distinctive sign. Tiara has a rude character, she behaves like a typical “cool” teenager, tries to stand out from the crowd and always be the center of attention. Diamond can be quite aggressive and often taunts the Mark Seeker community. Tiara's abilities lie in the area of ​​command. She uses her influence over the other little ponies and unicorns of Ponyville to get her way. She has a rich father who is in sales and the pony has completely adopted his abilities.

Silver Spoon

Sylvester Spoon - earth pony gray, with a shimmering silver mane braided and a curled ponytail. She has purple eyes, funny glasses and blue beaded jewelry. Sylvester is a proud and confident pony, no less arrogant than her best friend Tiara Diamond. The gray and silver pony loves to express her feelings and supports her friend in everything, but she is more sincere and sweet than the “cool” Tiara. Sylvester Spoon's distinctive sign is a silver spoon, which comes from the saying “Born with a silver spoon in your mouth,” that is, surrounded by all the good things. The pony first appeared in the first season in the episode "Cutting Marks".


Twist is a light cream colored earth pony with light pink eyes and a pale red tail. Twist has curly hair and wears purple glasses as an accessory. The pony's distinctive mark is two sweet sticks placed diagonally towards each other, which expresses her love for making sweets. Twist just has a talent for making sweets, she is always in good mood and tries to make sure everyone else has fun too. Before the formation of the Mark Seekers, Twist was Apple Bloom's best friend at Ponyville High - she is very friendly and kind, and supports all ponies, regardless of their talents and abilities.


Sneeps is a small, dark green, full-bodied unicorn with a dark orange mane and tail and black eyes. The kid is friends with Snails and goes to school in Ponyville. A pair of young unicorns often cause trouble in Ponyville, which they do not do on purpose. Along with his friend, Snips thinks Trixie is a great pony and admires her. One day they even decided to help Trixie by bringing Ursa Junior to Ponyville. According to the plan, Trixie was supposed to defeat him and prove her strength and power. The distinctive sign of a red unicorn is white scissors, one side of which is slightly paler than the other. Snips first appears in the sixth episode of the first season.


Snails is an orange school-age unicorn with a green mane and tail and yellow freckles. Unlike his plump friend Snips, Snails, on the contrary, is a tall and thin unicorn with a rather melancholy appearance. Along with his friend, Snails the unicorn admires Trixie, a boastful bully who comes to Ponyville to show off her magic. Snails' signature sign is a pink snail with a purple shell and bulging eyes. In one episode called "Boast Busters", a unicorn shows its magical powers. The magical aura of a young unicorn is corn-colored.

To be continued…

Source http://equestria.su/

Meet the new characters from the cartoon "My little Pony: to the cinema"


Queen Nova is the leader of the sea ponies who were once hippogriffs (half horse and half bird). When the Storm King invaded their land, they turned into sea ponies and disappeared into the depths of the ocean. It seemed like the right decision at the time, but now the queen secretly yearns for her old life over the waves. She is the mother of the chatty underwater princess Skystar.


Cheerful, chatty, curious and never discouraged, young Princess Skystar spends her time in Sequestria making friends out of seashells and giving them names like Shelly and Sheldon. She wants to find new friends and new adventures. When the Mane Six discover her world, Skystar is excited by the event and ultimately convinces Queen Nova to help the ponies.


Once a bold and daring traveler, Captain Harpy now serves as a simple courier for the Storm King. But when she discovers ponies aboard her ship, they remind Harpy of who she used to be and transform her into a brave adventurer once again. She plays an important role and helps the ponies resist the Storm King!


Serenade is the most famous performer in all of Equestria, using her angelic voice and performing skills to celebrate the magic of friendship. What truly makes Serenade so beloved is her deep belief in the values ​​she sings about. She devotes all her time and energy to good causes and is always ready to give back love to her fans.

Storm is a unicorn from Equestria who lost her way and lost her magic. Bitter and feeling betrayed by her friends, Storm teams up with the Storm King and is tasked with tracking down and capturing the Mane Six. If she succeeds, she will regain her magic. She will soon learn that the magic of friendship is the most powerful.

Gruber is a small hedgehog soldier who serves as the assistant of the nefarious Storm King. Thanks to his wit, he cleverly cracks jokes and develops battle strategies, but he prefers to relax in the sun with some tasty treats. At heart, Gruber is just a good guy caught in a bad situation.


King Storm is the evil and cruel ruler of all lands south of Equestria. He's been expanding his empire for the last few years and now wants to take over Equestria! Loud, angry and a little crazy, he overcame all potential threats to his kingdom with the help of a huge army of terrible Storm creatures.


Tricky Tail is a smooth-talking (and singing) con man who was once a dapper aristocrat and lived among high society with pride and dignity. After a deal falls through and the Storm King leaves him penniless and in debt for life, Capper relies on his wit and charm to make ends meet. He may seem cunning, but he does not commit crimes out of malice.

The kind, magical animated series “Friendship is Magic” or “My Little Pony” has won the hearts of many children. It tells about the fun adventures of adorable little ponies. The main characters correspond to the fourth generation of My Little Pony toys.

The action of the cartoon “Friendship is Magic” takes place in a fairy-tale country called Equestria. At the very beginning of the story, one of the main characters, Twilight Sparkle, who became seriously interested in magic and books, goes to Ponyville with her mentor, Princess Celestia. In this small town, which was founded by earth ponies, she will experience the amazing wonders of true friendship. Let's take a closer look at the main characters of the cartoon "My Little Pony".

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Star)

Twilight is a unicorn pony, Twilight Star's signature sign is a red hexagonal star with white stars arranged in a circle. Twilight has extraordinary magical abilities. Her tree house is a whole library filled with books, which the pony spends hours studying. Twilight Star is also very punctual, neat, and never deviates from the rules. Her faithful assistant is baby Spike, a magical dragon. In the third season, Twilight returns special marks (cutie marks) to all her friends and receives the title of alicorn princess.

Applejack (Apple Pie)

Applejack is the name of an earth pony who is passionate about the family apple business. This is a real cowgirl, her cutie mark is three juicy red apples. Applejack's huge family owns large farmlands. “Apple Pony” loves to work and cultivate gardens, working for the benefit of the family. She also lovingly cares for her little sister, Apple Bloom. Applejack's friends can always rely on her; she is a very reliable and loyal friend.

Fluttershy (Shy Trembling)

The name Fluttershy exactly matches the character of a timid quiet person. The timid Pegasus pony very rarely takes to the air, she has a lot of earthly affairs - Fluttershy loves to communicate with animals and directs her care to them, although this is usually not typical for pegasus. Her special abilities are eloquently evidenced by her cutie mark, which depicts three soft pink butterflies. The forest inhabitants - rabbits (and especially her pet rogue Angel), ferrets and songbirds - listen with great attention to Fluttershy's quiet voice. Despite her meek character, Fluttershy has enviable courage and is ready to defend justice in any situation.

Pinkie Pie (Pink Pie)

Pinkie Pie is not afraid to look funny and clumsy; this cheerful and active earth pony is always optimistic. She rarely stops talking and stands still; usually Pinkie sings songs and trots briskly. She has the amazing talent of organizing parties for friends, where everyone has fun with music, plays games and treats themselves to delicacies. Her love for sweets brought her to the Cakes' store, where she lives and sells sweets. In addition, she has a special “Pinky Sense”, that is, the ability to anticipate certain events.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Splash)

Rainbow from the cartoon “Friendship is Magic” is a mixture of pegasus and pony. This character cannot imagine himself without dizzying flights. The Pegasus pony performs her dangerous tricks to the sounds of rock music; her “signature” number is called “Rainbow Strike”. Rainbow has lightning speed, this is where her talent lies. The distinctive sign of the Rainbow Splash is a pattern of rainbow lightning that appears from a cloud. In addition to her unique talent, Rainbow boasts an original style of appearance. Only she has a tail and mane painted in all the colors of the rainbow.

Rarity (Rarity)

Rarity is both a unicorn and a pony, and she's into fashion trends and sews clothes with great passion in her boutique. She highly values ​​style, grace and neatness in everything. Thanks to her talent, Rarity from My Little Pony is able to find shining gems, which is why she has three sapphires on her cutie mark. This is a subtle nature with a complex mental organization, who takes on any job and is even ready to make sacrifices for the sake of friends or in the fight for her ideals of beauty. Rarity, a Persian cat named Opal, or Opalescence, lives under the same roof as a unicorn pony.

Spike (Spike)

Spike the dragon is still very small, but he can hardly be called a child. He feels great in the company of ladies and amuses them with his jokes and antics. Unlike the hardworking Rainbow and Applejack, Spike is not averse to being lazy and taking a nap; his favorite pastime is commenting on everything that happens with humor. But the dragon also loves helping his friends; he always carries out Twilight’s instructions: for example, sending letters or sorting books in the library. Spike has an unconditional love for Rarity.

The world in the cartoon "My Little Pony" is populated by a huge number of heroes. Spike, Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy are just the main characters. Each of them has its own character and unique abilities. All pony girls have a cutie mark that matches their name and talent.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova

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