Igor Krutoy real name: Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy biography of the composer. Olga Krutaya: personal life, biography, photo Who does Igor Krutoy live with now?

Name: Igor Krutoy

Age: 63 years old

Place of Birth: Gayvoron, Kirovograd region, Ukraine

Height: 176 cm

Weight: 78 kg

Activity: composer, producer, singer

Family status: married

Igor Krutoy - biography

A composer whom Russia and many foreign countries know and love. He performs his songs beautifully and is a producer. He is an Honored Artist Russian Federation, National artist Russia and Ukraine.

Childhood, composer's family

Ukraine is Igor’s homeland, or more precisely, the Kirovograd region in one of its district centers. His mother worked as a laboratory assistant at the sanitary-epidemiological station, and his father worked as a forwarder at the Radiodetal plant. The parents saw each other on the dance floor for the first time and got married almost immediately. The family had a son, Igor, and a daughter, Alla.

Music fascinated Igor from birth, but his dream was to become a driver. The musician’s biography began from the moment when the father noticed his son’s musical talent. He acquired a button accordion, which Igor mastered at the age of five or six.

Then he accompanied the school choir, and from the fifth grade, playing the accordion, he created musical ensemble. Once in the House of Culture, Igor began to play the piano, and the result of all his independently mastered instruments was a music school, where he entered after finishing 7th grade secondary school. The teachers determined that the teenager had perfect pitch and said that they would enroll him as a student if he mastered playing the piano within 12 months. Igor succeeded.

Professional musician

The biography of a professional musician began from the moment Krutoy graduated from college in Kirovograd with honors. After this, the graduate submitted documents to the Kyiv Conservatory, but to no avail. Whole year he had to work as a rural music teacher, then he passed the exams at Nikolaevsky pedagogical institute per department choral conductor.

Igor had good friend Alexander Serov. The two of them worked in a restaurant: one played, the other sang. After graduating from the institute, the future composer wanted to enter the Saratov Conservatory, but first he moved to Moscow and spent a long time looking for work.


Krutoy was invited to join the tour of one group. He traveled around the country in company with Serov, whom he also invited with him. Fame did not come immediately, only after the song “Madonna” written by him and performed by a friend.

And immediately the first title of laureate of the “Song of the Year” competition appeared in the composer’s biography. Inspired by success, Igor wrote several successful compositions that brought victory to Alexander.

Krutoy's creations have been awarded many awards and prizes. The first prize for services to music was the Lenin Komsomol Prize. The composer managed to produce, he not only acts as the president of the ARS organization, which organized concerts, he takes it to a new level. Performers Russian stage organize their concerts through Igor Krutoy’s company.


The songs written by the talented creator became hits, and there were concerts and creative evenings in Russia and abroad. The maestro still composes popular pop works. Igor Krutoy considers his work with children to be his most important achievement. Especially for talented children, he organized the Children's New Wave festival, similar to the adult New Wave.

As a composer, Krutoy composes not only songs, but also instrumental music, and has already released several albums. He recorded one of them with famous performer, opera baritone Dmitry Hvorostovsky. And since 2010, he began collaborating with singer Lara Fabian. Based on them joint project It was based on the singer's own poems and Igor's music.

Performers of Krutoy's songs

During his career, the composer had to work with big amount talented performers. At first he worked in the Moscow concert orchestra called “Panorama”, meeting for the first time with Vladimir Migulya and Palad Bulbul ogly.

Later he worked in the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Blue Guitars”, then he accompanied Valentina Tolkunova in the ensemble. And only in 1986 Igor Krutoy fulfilled his long-time dream - he began to study at the composition department of the Saratov Conservatory.

Igor Krutoy - biography of personal life

The composer married for the first time a girl from the northern capital of Russia, Elena, who gave birth to her husband’s son. The couple could not live together and divorced. Son Nikolai already has his own family. For fifteen years Igor Krutoy has been devoting himself to work. And only after meeting Olga, his second wife, he decides to start a family again. The wife lives in the States, she successful business men. And the prima of the Soviet and Russian scene introduced them in New York

My brother always supported me, in the most difficult moments he was there. And during one of the most difficult periods of my life I offered my shoulder. He said: “I can’t find you a husband, I can’t solve the problem of your loneliness. But for everything else, count on me!” Now I have returned to my surname Krutaya. Returned to her roots. I don’t know how life will turn out next, but I won’t change my last name anymore...

...Our mother, after college, came on assignment to the Odessa region and one evening at a dance she met her father. They got married very quickly. Dad was eligible bachelor, very beautiful. Immediately after the wedding, my mother went on a business trip somewhere. “Can you imagine,” she lamented. “I’m trying to remember daddy’s face and... I can’t!” Mom not only quickly got married, but also immediately became pregnant.

The mother chose the name for her son. She decided to name him Igor in honor of her favorite mathematics teacher. When my brother was born, dad’s paternal feelings had not yet awakened. Mom is only nineteen, dad is twenty-six, and they themselves are still children. And six years later I was born. They were already waiting for me, they really wanted a girl...

They were looking for a name that started with the letter “A”, in memory of my grandfather.

That's how I became Alla. For some reason, Igor calls me Atsya since childhood. Of course, it was not easy for him, like for all children, when they cease to be the only one in the family. All the adults' attention switched to me, Igor, naturally, was jealous. But when we grew up, my mother gave him her love with interest, she is literally obsessed with Igor. Now I'm starting to get jealous...

Actually, it’s a sin for us to complain. Our parents gave us so much love that we still have enough of it. I was daddy's daughter, Igor is my mother’s favorite.

Igor and I were born in Gayvoron, Ukraine. A cute, cozy town on the banks of the Southern Bug...

A year before I was born, my parents built a house. Igor still remembers how his walls grew, how neighbors came to the construction site and helped his father lay the roof.

In the summer, my brother slept with his father in the yard under the canopy of an unfinished house. “I remember this feeling: the smell of blossoming apple trees, my father’s hand under my head and the stars in the sky,” he said.

As a child, our house seemed huge. Four rooms, kitchen and toilet outside. Igor's entire room was plastered with posters and newspaper clippings about football. I still remember one headline, typed in capital letters: “The goal against the goal was scored only from the penalty spot!” Every time I tried to read it syllable by syllable. Finally, Igor got tired of me pestering him all the time: “Read, read!”, He sat me down at the table, opened the book and said: “This is the letter such and such, and this is such and such. Together it turns out like this. Read!” Igor carried his love for football throughout his life.

Photo: From the archive of Alla Baratta

Many years later, Rinat Akhmetov, the owner of Shakhtar Donetsk, became his closest friend. Several years ago, at the opening of the stadium in Donetsk, which was built by Rinat Leonidovich, fifty thousand people sang along with Alexander Serov while standing. He performed the club anthem written by Igor...

On Saturdays the whole family went to public bath. The town was so small that there weren’t even buses; we walked everywhere. In the summer, life in Gayvoron came to life - summer residents came. On weekends there were dances. When Igor grew up, he began to play in an ensemble at dances. And he earned his first money in a pioneer camp at the age of eleven and gave it all to his mother.

The whole event was a Sunday trip to the market.

Igor Krutoy and his wife Olga shared the peculiarities of family life in two countries, talked about the upbringing of 14-year-old Sasha and told what their older children Vika and Nikolai are doing.

« Olya and I met and got married not at the age of 17, but after going through our first families and getting life experience, in some ways it was difficult to step on ourselves, but somehow we got used to it and got used to it", the composer shared.

Krutoy has a home in Monaco and New York, but he feels at home in Moscow. " We have been living in this house for ten years, but I still love, when I wake up every day, to be glad that I am in this apartment, in this city.", notes the composer. But his wife Olga is comfortable everywhere. " I come here and manage to miss Moscow, my eldest daughter Vika, she lives here now, I return to New York to Sasha and am also happy. And in Monaco, our residence is more for relaxation, like a summer house, we go there mainly in the summer"Olga admits.

When his wife is in Moscow, Krutoy rearranges his schedule a little so that there is an opportunity to go together to the cinema, to a restaurant, to visit, but he is still quite busy - meetings, filming, recordings.

« I always have a lot to do everywhere, it seems like I have no time for rest at all. I am a very active person. I do a lot of sports, I’m interested in painting, I have my own business related to perfumes (perfume brand Okki), I always resolve issues by phone, I help Igor. When family is at a distance, everything needs to be tied together, I'm such a home manager", says Krutaya.

In New York, Olga devotes a lot of time to taking care of her daughter. Sasha now requires special attention: school questions, hometasks. Olga discusses them with her and is always aware of what is happening with her. Krutoy’s calendar is tied primarily to Sasha, she is completely dependent on her: on her activities, vacations, holidays.

« Wherever I am, I try to run and play sports in the morning if possible. Previously, Olya insisted on this, now she sometimes resists, saying: “Enough already, you’re already pale, why are you mocking yourself? Remember that you’re not 18?” But I want to be in shape. On the one hand - children, on the other - a young wife, on the third - I go on stage, act on television, I can’t afford to let myself go, grow a belly", explains the composer.

Olga has been involved in sports all her life, skiing, and always goes to the resort once a year. " When we met, I wanted Igor to attract more attention to himself. And then he had no time for external gloss, he was quite relaxed about the way he looked and dressed, took the first thing he came across, put it on and went. In this sense, I’m a completely different person, I’ve always been a fashionista, I didn’t understand it, I decided: this is how I need to do it. Gradually, it became important to Igor how he looked. And now his wardrobe is full of jackets. He says: I need this, this. I'm already stopping him"Krutaya says.

Krutoy and Olga have been together for 22 years; they met at a conscious age, and Igor listened to her in many ways: what lifestyle to lead, how to eat, dress, her views on certain things. " Even if she didn’t focus attention, he automatically perceived it. Her opinion is still important to me. Family life- this is a movement towards each other", says the composer.

Olga herself believes that a person can correct external things, grow spiritually, but essentially remains the same. If there is a core in it, then its essence will not change.
The composer's wife considers herself a non-conflict person; she may be offended and not talk, but she will never make a scandal. " We need to discuss and find out the reason for the disagreement. And I close myself off and step aside", Olga clarifies.

Igor, Olga, Sasha Krutaya and Vika Krutaya with their husband

« Sasha said: “My transitional age will affect everyone except you." For me, the word “no” does not exist for her. This is our relationship. It feels like my umbilical cord is with her. Maybe this is also because Sasha appeared when I was 49 years old. This is a completely different perception of a child. I have the greatest connection with her."Krutoy says. They can’t be near each other all the time, but they have to see each other and talk every day via FaceTime.

Olga keeps track of who Sasha communicates with; this is very important to her. She asks her daughter in detail about everyone, asking what kind of family they have. According to Olga, she and Sasha are very close, they have trusting relationship. « In the evening we’re already going to our rooms, suddenly the door opens and Sasha comes in and says: I can’t sleep. He sits next to me, although he’s already taller than me, and tells me his news"Olga admits.

Krutoy’s eldest son, 36-year-old Nikolai, works in a large oil company in a serious position, at the same time engaged in business, the desire to earn money awoke in him. Igor helped him with investments at the first stage, now he is calm about Kolya.

Igor and Sasha Krutoe

14-year-old Sasha likes rap, she likes to write essays, read serious books, plays basketball, and draws well. The eldest Vika loves the stage, she has a gorgeous voice. She got a good education, finished drama school Stella Adler in New York. Vika has been in America since she was five years old (she is now 32 years old), speaks without an accent, sings, and dances. Olga told her that while there is an opportunity, you need to try everything, so as not to regret it later. But now she is all about motherhood. Vika also has a company, she deals with flowers, but this is a business, not creativity. She is the owner, more in charge.

It is extremely rare for the Cool to get together with the whole family. All in different countries, cities, but Igor constantly receives photographs of his granddaughters from his children. He has three of them, Vicky has Demi, she is 2.5 years old, his son has Christina and Margaritka, in July the eldest is eight, the youngest will turn two years old. All are scattered around the world: Monaco, Moscow, America. In New York - Sasha. " We'll see you in June and we'll be together all summer. I love this time of year, the sun, the sea, especially when Sasha is nearby", quotes Krutoy "Antenna".

Igor is a creative person and at home he relaxes, rests and writes music. There are leaflets scattered throughout the apartment. stave. Olga keeps them and doesn’t throw them away, although Krutoy wonders why.

Olga Krutaya is the wife of the famous composer. Her husband, Igor Krutoy, writes modern music, which becomes everyone's favorite hit. Olga prefers not to overshadow his glory, remaining in the shadows. However, this does not mean that it does not lead and develop independently.

Brief biography: exact facts

Olga Krutaya, whose date of birth is November 11, 1963, was born in Russia. In 2015 she will celebrate her 52nd birthday. A native of St. Petersburg, then Leningrad. Olga grew up as an ordinary child. Her zodiac sign is Scorpio. All representatives of the water element value stability. Olga is no exception. She is restrained in expressing emotions, smart, sensitive, and has a huge inner world. Very beautiful and stylish, she always takes care of her appearance. At 52 years old, she looks at most 35-40 years old. Olga Krutaya, whose biography is covered in the article, has her own business and proudly bears the title of businesswoman, which allows her to be an example for many women. She is an excellent psychologist, a high-class designer and stylist, and has the skills of a makeup artist. All this knowledge allowed her to become an image maker.

Family values

Olga was born into a family of strict rules. Her father was an inveterate communist, a very strict person by nature, so they strictly adhered to traditional values ​​in the house. Mom did not work; she devoted herself entirely to her husband, children and home. It was these stereotypes that Olga transferred to her family, clearly learning that the head should be a man.

However, having adopted her father’s character, the girl always strived for freedom. Her inner world rebelled from the framework into which she was driven. Olga often says that at the age of 17 she was allowed to walk only until seven o’clock. Of course, this outraged the teenager, since all her friends could not return until nine. My father's upbringing also affected appearance girls. He was firmly convinced that the most suitable clothing option was a dress, but Olga Krutaya was able to defend the right to wear jeans, which was the case in the 70s.


Get higher education Olga Dmitrievna Krutaya preferred in her hometown Leningrad, entering the St. Petersburg State Economic University. Thanks to this education, Olga Krutaya (photo can be seen in the article) has a very successful business abroad.

Currently, the Krutykh couple lives in several apartments, so as a true financier, Olga has taken the entire family budget under her control. And it is worth noting that, unlike her husband, she leads him quite economically.

Student years

After school, Olga deliberately disobeyed her father and chose a direction that was the exact opposite of what her parents had planned. It was during these years that rebellion reached its peak. She gets married at the age of 19 and gives birth to her first daughter, Vika.

After graduation, he goes to visit a friend living in America. Unexpectedly for everyone, in 1991, Olga Krutaya (her age at that time was 28 years old) decided to stay there. The husband agreed with his wife's decision. However, this news shocked the parents, but it was not possible to convince the girl otherwise. Just six months later, Olga took her daughter to America. The family lived like this for 4 years.

Igor Krutoy’s wife Olga: biography of relationships

In 1995, Igor Krutoy came to America with concert program"Song of the year". After the speech, a banquet was organized in Atlantic City. We can say that fate itself brought these two people together; Olga and Igor were sitting at neighboring tables.

The first acquaintance was rather fleeting, since Krutoy was accompanied by his mother and sister. Igor’s mental trauma after his divorce from his first wife was also not conducive to a close acquaintance. And Olga was married at that time and was raising her daughter Vika. However, a month later Igor returns to America. Having found the phone number of his new friend, he called her and offered to meet, to which Olga agreed. From that moment on, a fire broke out in their hearts real love. After a two-year romance, they decide to legitimize their relationship.

The wedding of Igor and Olga was distinguished by chic and luxury, there were so many guests that the rented restaurant could not accommodate everyone, so the next day they organized another banquet to which Russian pop stars were invited: Laima Vaikule, who worked closely with Igor Krutoy, Lev Allegrova and other performers.

This couple can hardly be called cloudless, but Olga Krutaya does not waste time on reproaches and quarrels. Igor’s schedule is very busy, he devotes little time to his family, but his wife has learned to cope with this. They live in different countries. Olga is in America, Igor is in Moscow. Most often, communication between spouses is limited phone calls. They meet approximately once a month, and both Olga can come to visit her husband, and Igor can come to visit his wife.

Many friends married couple claim that their warm and strong relationship is maintained thanks to this lifestyle. Due to frequent separations, they simply do not have time to get tired of each other.

Secrets of Igor and Olga’s acquaintance: revelations about the first meeting

Igor Yakovlevich shared his impressions that he experienced at the first meeting. At that moment, there was only one thought in his head: this woman is so beautiful that every man would immediately propose marriage to her. Igor was no exception. He was not even stopped by the fact that he had just gone through a divorce from his first wife, he liked Olga Krutaya so much.

The biography of the couple’s relationship developed rapidly; already at the third meeting, Igor proposed. The main reason for this was living in different countries.

Olga often recalls the first meeting, but she did not experience any feelings then. Cautious by nature, she looked closely at her new acquaintance for a long time. However, his drive and determination did their job. Over time, Olga realized how dear Igor had become to her.

Olga's business

Businesswoman Olga Krutaya found herself in the perfume industry. In 2011, she presented her new creation. This idea was suggested to her by Nezhla Barbir, who was a famous French perfumer.

Opus pour Homme marked the beginning successful development business. The first line was developed only for men. Unexpectedly, in a very short time, she gained popularity. Olga was not going to stop there; a little later, a presentation of women’s perfume Opus pour Femme took place in Riga. This collection also made a splash in the perfume industry.

After this dizzying success it was decided to combine two brands under one name - OKKI. This abbreviation is made up of the initials of the spouses.

Eldest daughter Victoria

Olga Krutaya gave birth to Vika in 1985 at the age of 22. At first, the daughter behaved cautiously towards her mother’s new husband. However, over time, Igor was able to win her favor. He adopted Vika and gave her his last name. In the Kruty family there is no division of children into relatives and strangers. New dad He helped his daughter develop in every possible way, and later, with his help, she began to build a career as a singer. Olga is very grateful to her husband for such a relationship with her eldest daughter.

In 2014, in the summer, the couple celebrated Victoria's wedding. The role of the father during the procession to the altar was played by Igor Krutoy. The celebration was large-scale, it was attended by many stars Russian show business.

Alexandra's youngest daughter

The fruit of Olga and Igor’s love was beautiful girl Sasha, who was born in 2003. She was able to try herself as a singer at the age of 6 (in 2009) at the competition for young performers “ New wave» in Jurmala. Currently, Alexandra is studying vocals. However, a qualified teacher was hired to teach, since dad does not have enough time for classes.

Secrets of youth

Olga Krutaya, whose photographs often adorn the pages of fashion magazines, is a standard female beauty. Already, having passed her fifth decade, she still remains young both in body and soul. Olga thanks nature for this. She never thought about plastic surgery, believing that beauty should first of all be natural. Her goal is to preserve what nature has given her. In the morning and evening, Olga performs cosmetic rituals that help maintain the skin in proper condition. Compulsory sports activities give her vigor and allow her to monitor her health. By nature, Olga Krutaya is a conservative; in her entire life she has never experimented with hair color or hairstyle.

Of course, her daily routine necessarily includes rest and long walks in the fresh air.

Igor Krutoy is a Russian and Ukrainian composer, hitmaker, whose songs are included in the repertoire of Russian pop stars. Successful producer, organizer of the international popular music competition “New Wave”, “Children’s New Wave”.

Under his leadership for a long time The projects “Song of the Year” and “Morning Mail” were carried out.

Childhood and youth

Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy was born in Ukraine, in the small town of Gaivoron, in July 1954. The future composer's birthday fell on the zodiac sign Leo. The Krutoy family, Jews by nationality, in which, in addition to Igor, their daughter Alla grew up, had nothing to do with art. Mom was a housewife, and dad worked at the local Radiodetal enterprise as a dispatcher.

It is unknown where the boy’s love for music came from. But he suddenly discovered excellent hearing, and his mother took her son to a music school. At children's matinees, Igor Krutoy was already a good accompaniment to the school choir on the button accordion. Later he mastered the piano, and in the 6th grade the student organized an ensemble, which he directed himself. Soon, not a single dance for high school students was complete without musicians.

After school, Igor Krutoy saw only one path for himself - to improve musical abilities and continue playing. He became a student at Kirovograd music school, having entered the theoretical department. After graduating from college, he taught accordion playing for a year in music school Gaivoron and worked in a neighboring village as a music teacher, but in 1975 Krutoy again became a student. This time - the Nikolaev Musical Pedagogical Institute, where I chose the conducting department.

In 1979, Krutoy was invited to the Moscow Metropolitan Concert Orchestra "Panorama", and in 1980 he went to work at the Blue Guitars VIA. Soon the talented pianist was accepted into the ensemble of singer Valentina Tolkunova, where, through a short time he became the leader.

In 1986, Krutoy achieved execution cherished dream, entering the Saratov Conservatory named after Sobinov at the composition department. Igor wanted to compose music ever since he learned to play. Already in his youth he is gradually approaching this goal.

Music and creativity

1987 was the year the composer’s biography of Igor Krutoy began. This year his first song appeared and became a hit, “Madonna.” It was written for the singer and friend of Krutoy, Alexander Serov, whom the composer knew from Nikolaev.

The success was consolidated with the following songs for Serov - “Wedding Music”, “How to Be” and “Do You Love Me”, which immediately became hits Soviet stage. The composer's popularity grew enormously. Now, and, and, and many other popular performers sang Igor Yakovlevich’s songs.

Not only composing, but also producing activities are now increasingly occupying Igor Krutoy. In 1989, he first became director of the ARS company, then artistic director. Just 10 years later, Krutoy is the president of the company, which, under his skillful leadership, has become the largest concert and production organization in the country. Krutoy's ARS cooperates with popular performers countries, Mikhail Shufutinsky, and others. The Igor Krutoy Production Center organizes solo concerts world and Russian pop stars at prestigious concert venues countries and abroad.

The authority of the company led by Krutoy can be judged by the fact that it was the company that organized the concerts of Jose Carreras and Michael Jackson in Moscow. “ARS” is also the producer of the popular programs “Morning Mail”, “Song of the Year”, “Sound Track” and “ Good morning, country!”, which are broadcast on the central television channels RTR and ORT. In addition, since 1994, ARS has been organizing creative evenings for Igor Krutoy as a composer. At these evenings both established and new pop stars perform.

Now Igor Krutoy is writing instrumental music. In 2000, the composer’s first album, entitled “Music without Words,” was released, which presented his best instrumental works. The composition “When I Close My Eyes” became the most popular in this direction, and fans called the creation inspiring and incomparable. He also writes music for feature films, and clips with his participation are no less popular.

Song " Unfinished novel", which Igor Krutoy performed with singer Irina Alegrova, became one of the most significant hits in his creative biography. There was even information in the media that Igor Krutoy’s too close collaboration with Irina Allegrova could have affected the composer’s marriage, and the alleged union with his wife Olga had cracked, but the press speculation was never confirmed. In the TV show “Secret for a Million,” the composer explained that he is associated with the singer “ creative novel and high relationships."

The composition “My Friend” became another popular work of Krutoy. Russians remembered this work because the masterpiece was created with the participation of another equally famous Russian composer, Igor Nikolaev.

Working with the French-speaking singer Lara Fabian is a separate chapter in the career of Igor Krutoy. The album Mademoiselle Jivago (“Mademoiselle Zhivago”), released in 2010, became popular in several countries around the world. Russian composer they are becoming increasingly recognized in France, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland and other countries where Lara Fabian’s work is loved and known.

In 2014, the composer held a concert in honor of his anniversary, which was called “There are 60 times in life.” In addition to the performance of songs by the maestro himself, friends and colleagues Irina Allegrova, Grigory Leps, and others came to congratulate him. Festive program broadcast on the Rossiya-1 TV channel.

In 2016, together with singer Anzhelika Varum, composer Igor Krutoy shot a video for the song “Late Love.” The new creation found itself in the leading positions in Russian music ratings. The video was filmed by famous representatives of Russian show business in Kyiv.

A discussion immediately developed in Ukrainian society regarding the legality of such an event, in which Russian stars took part.

Igor Krutoy - People's Artist of Russia. On the Square of Stars near the State concert hall“Russia” is the name star of Igor Yakovlevich. The maestro's discography includes about 40 albums recorded by Russian performers.

Alla Pugacheva and Igor Krutoy - “My Guardian Angel”

In 2003, Igor Krutoy disappeared from public space for a long time. The reason for everything, according to the press, was the confrontation between his company and current First channel. Then “Star Factory-4” had just finished; the project’s ratings were low, which left CEO Konstantin Ernst dissatisfied with. According to media reports, the TV channel allegedly stated that after the end of the project, the performers went “under the wing” of Krutoy, which does not include a contract with the TV channel.

During this period, Krutoy’s music was not aired and artists performing his compositions did not appear. Both the “Song of the Year” program and the “New Wave” competition disappeared. Today, the conflict has dried up, and the black streak in Krutoy’s creative biography has ended.

Personal life

The personal life of Igor Krutoy took a long time to build. The current marriage of the composer and producer is the second. In his first marriage, Igor Yakovlevich had a son, Nikolai. The couple separated.

Olga, who is the current wife of the composer, lives in New Jersey and is engaged in business. The composer himself works in Moscow. This is also Olga’s second marriage. From the first she is raising a daughter, Victoria. In the summer of 2014, Vika got married. The wedding was celebrated twice. It was Krutoy who led his adopted daughter down the aisle.

Igor and Olga have a common daughter, Alexandra, who was born in America in 2003. Igor Yakovlevich often appears with his daughter at public events. Famous composer loves children and tries to devote more time to family.

During the period of struggle for his rights on TV, Igor Yakovlevich managed to overcome serious illness, which almost brought him to the grave. The Russian public became concerned when Igor Krutoy's appearance changed dramatically. Fans were surprised when they looked at the composer’s photos, in which it was noticeable that he had become very haggard. If earlier, with a height of 176 cm, his weight was about 80 kg, then during his illness the composer lost a fair amount of weight.

The producer went to the USA for treatment. American doctors managed to get Krutoy back on his feet, as he underwent a series of operations in New York.

Subsequently, Igor Krutoy stated more than once that a serious illness forced him to reconsider his views on life, and now he devotes more time to health. It was at this moment that he had a reassessment of values. It was difficult for him to come to his senses after the operation, but he knew what needed to be done in order to quickly get back on his feet.

There are rumors in the media that Krutoy has cancer and the disease is in remission. The musician himself does not tell fans the true diagnosis.

Igor Krutoy now

Now Igor Krutoy continues to live in two countries - he spends most of his time with his family in the USA, periodically visiting Russia. At the beginning of 2018, the musician took a place as a judge in the NTV channel’s television project “You’re Super!” His colleagues on the jury were Yuliana Karaulova,. Filming of the program lasted for 3 months. The composer commented on his participation in the competition for children without parental care from his Instagram page.

Despite his state of health, Igor Krutoy is still faithful to his brainchild - international competition“New Wave”, which in 2018 took place in Sochi in early autumn. There were some surprises too. At the premiere evening, Philip Kirkorov and Nikolai Baskov performed the shocking song “Ibiza,” which the audience asked to perform as an encore.

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