What where when questions for teenagers. Questions from school tournaments on the game “What? Where? When

1. This herbal plant is popularly affectionately called “silk grass.” What kind of plant is this?

(Feather grass)

2. What do mice, a nutcracker, a Christmas tree and a girl have in common?

(These are the characters in the fairy tale")

3. You need to name in thirty seconds the time of year that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin liked most.


4. There are rumors that an action-packed action movie called “Seven Corpses in a Second” will be shot in Hollywood based on a fairy tale. Name the main character of this film.

(Brave Little Tailor)

5. These two very famous Russian fairy tales have six main characters, but there is only one hero in both fairy tales. Moreover, in one fairy tale this hero is the first, and in another - the last. What kind of fairy tales are these, who is this common mysterious hero?

(Tales: “Terem-Teremok”, “Turnip”, hero - Mouse)

6. Which fairy-tale hero lost his personal fishing gear because of his gullibility and stupidity?

(The wolf lost its tail)

7. “The joy took the breath away from the goiter...” From whom and why?

(At the fox from Krylov’s fable “The Crow and the Fox”)

8. What word consists of half a letter?

(The word "regiment")

9. Name a pit that is directly related to music.

(Orchestra pit)

10. He is the sickest person in the world who is treated with cookies and jam and sweets.

(Carlson, who lives on the roof)

11. This tree lives for hundreds of years, and therefore for many peoples it is a symbol of power and longevity. It does not bend in the wind, its leaves do not tremble, its branches do not groan. What kind of tree is this?


12. Where did the Bremen Town Musicians go?

(To the city of Bremen)

13. Title of Karabas-Barabas.

(Doctor of Puppet Science)

14. This product is now an integral part of confectionery products. It came from India, from where it came to the Persians, Arabs, and then Christopher Columbus brought it to America. What is it, if we know that we get it from simple beets?



15. What kind of water is only suitable for literate people?


16. Two mothers have five sons, all with the same name.


17. Light, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail!


18. It’s not a horse that’s walking in the field, it’s not a bird that’s flying in the field!


19. Gray cloth stretches out the window.


20. Round, but not money,
Red, but not a girl,
With a tail, but not a mouse.


21. Who has one leg, and even that one without a boot?


Carrying out the game in fifth and sixth grades

1. This lake is the “pearl” of Siberia. The purest water, impenetrable taiga along the coast, species of fish found nowhere else. And yet - it is the deepest on Earth! What kind of lake is this?


2. “The powerful are always to blame for the powerless.” What work are these lines from? Who is their author?

(Krylov’s fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”)

3. What will happen if you mix completely opaque sand, equally opaque soda and other opaque materials?

(The components of glass are listed)

4. Man learned to cultivate this vine in his gardens. She gives him sweet, tasty berries of more than twenty-five thousand varieties. What kind of vine is this?


5. “I am a tree, but absolutely without leaves, very hard, and the color is not green, but black. For you people, I am warmth, light. What's my name?


6. This sea is not a sea, but its size would be the envy of the “sea” Marmara or Aegean seas. For a precise definition, we will say that not only salt, but also oil is extracted from it.

(Caspian Sea-lake)

7. “I am energy, and plastic, and fabric, and cosmetics, and medicine, and even fat. Say my name."


8. When rays of sunlight pass through the air, we see them as white light. What color will the sun's rays be if raindrops meet on their path?

(You will get a rainbow: seven colors)

9. This plant is warm and moisture-loving. And so much so that it grows only in water. It is very profitable for cultivation, since in warm climates it “yields” crops three times a year. It feeds half of humanity.


10. These travelers travel only by ocean, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. But meeting them is undesirable for ships. Who are these mysterious strangers?


11. This material is truly priceless. People drink from it, eat, make houses, works of art, and jewelry. Ancient books were “written” on it. What is this well-known material?


12. On it are cities and countries, animals and plants, famous people and great events. Without it there is no correspondence. For some it is a passion. Who is this mysterious stranger?

(Postage Stamp)

13. These outstanding architectural monuments amaze with their size and grandeur, especially since they were created more than two and a half thousand years BC. The height of the largest of them is one hundred and fifty meters, and one hundred thousand people built it. What is this “miracle of the world”?

(Egyptian pyramids)

14. Translated from Italian, this word means “fresh”, “raw”; it is very closely related to the colors and walls of the room. What it is?


15. It was first made from plant fibers in China, then from the compressed pith of a bog plant. In the 10th century in Europe, it appeared from boiled and ground rags, tree roots, and bamboo chips. It was also made from straw, rye, wheat, oats, nettles, seaweed, reeds, etc. Now it can be cartographic, lithographic, or documentary. But the production of this has confronted humanity with a serious environmental problem.


16. Previously, this meant a light temporary building, usually used for trade at fairs. Then it is a folk theater, a spectacle of a comic nature. What is this word?


17. Many of you listened to the musical fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”. Who is its author?


18. In ancient times, Japanese children stuck goose feathers into a small, strong apple and manipulated it using a simple device. In a minute you must name the game that began with this unripe apple.


19. Name the name of the river, which is made up of a note and a consonant.


20. Name a river named by a famous female name.


21. “The secret always becomes apparent” - such
a serious conclusion and suddenly - semolina porridge! In what work are they linked together?

(“Deniska’s stories” by Dragunsky)

Carrying out the game in seventh grades

1. This great poet was a talented artist, prose writer and, at the same time, a serf. Who is he?

(N.V. Shevchenko)

2. “Octave” - from music theory.
"Octet" is a group of musicians or singers. "Octahedron" is a polyhedron.
"Octane" is a chemical compound.
What do these different concepts have in common?

(General - the presence of the number eight - “okta”)

3. The first information about this instrument that has reached us dates back to 1688. He is the main member of the folk orchestra. What kind of instrument is this if it is known that it is often mentioned in Russian ditties?


4. Once upon a time, in one country there was one holiday every 1417 days. What kind of holiday is this if it is known that during it a pentathlon was held, and after it poets read poems and hymns, and speakers glorified the winners?


5. This fun was invented a thousand years ago in the East. Fuck-bang! Red, white, green stars flash in the evening sky and slowly fall. Now this invention has allowed man to master another element. What kind of fun is this? For the answer - a small hint in the form of the words “union”, “energy”, “buran”.


6. “Thin songs of a nightingale in a cat’s claws,” or “A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy,” or “Happy people don’t watch the clock,” “And Vaska listens and eats.” How can we call in one word these expressions from literary works that we often use?


7. Our distant ancestors, when hunting, specialized in certain types of animals, and therefore in technical means of hunting. But there was one “universal” hunting tool that had far-reaching environmental consequences. In thirty seconds, tell us about it or even show it to us.


8. You need to sing or name a song in a Roman language in one minute.

(Any romance)

9. Do you know a great man who “fell slandered by rumor”?

(A.S. Pushkin)

10. This space object moving in an elliptical orbit does not exceed 800 kilometers in size. They even came up with a special name for it, consisting of two Greek words: “star” and “view”. We will call the translation of the second: “eidos”. But you will name the first word, just like the whole word.


11. Why is there always snow on the tops of the mountains? After all, their surface is closer to the sun?

(Air temperature drops with altitude)

12. That something that is the same has nothing in common?

(Words are homonyms)

13. Name the mountains, if you know that they are small in height, but of great length, extraordinary beauty, and unprecedented wealth in them. And also remember the fairy tales about... However, you probably already guessed what kind of mountains these are.

(Ural Mountains)

Carrying out the game in eighth grades

1. This trendy fabric has been known for a very long time. It was this material that Christopher Columbus chose for the sails of the “St. Mary,” and the Americans began to call it “denim” in honor of the city of Nîmes. What kind of fabric is this?


2. At the Paris World Exhibition in 1855, twelve bars of unknown material attracted everyone's attention. It was so expensive that it was only used for jewelry. And now objects made from it are so widespread that this material is called the material of the 20th century. What is this?


3. You have all read the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". What epigraph did the author choose for it?

(“Take care of your honor from a young age”)

4. Housing is a serious matter. But if there is neither stone, nor wood, nor even earth for a dugout for construction, then snow is used. The Eskimos of Greenland build their igloos this way. Snow slabs are stacked on top of each other and the result is a dome - a hemisphere. Then an operation is carried out to strengthen the walls, an operation that could not be simpler than anything! In a minute, guess how the Eskimos achieved the strength of the igloo?

(A candle or a torch was lit under the dome, the snow melted, turning into ice)

5. After “putting in order,” the piece of music can be performed by a different composition, simplified or complicated. What kind of “tidying up” is this?

(Musical arrangement)

6. In 1912, one of the companies launched a confectionery product in the shape of a triangle. You should tell us it in a minute, especially since everyone still loves to feast on it.

(Napoleon cake)

7. They say: “A nomad is the son of the desert.” How to say this saying more correctly, based on an environmental point of view.

("The Nomad is the Father of the Desert")

8. This type of African-American folklore originated in the United States in the second half of the 19th century as a form of solo singing. Its themes are closely related to the social conditions in which the performers found themselves: suffering, fear, unhappy love. Then he had a great influence on the development of jazz. What kind of musical art is this?


9. In one famous capital, on one famous square, a wonderful building has stood for four centuries, amazing everyone. On a common base there are nine parts of the building of different heights and differently decorated, forming an octagonal star in plan. The central dome rose above the rest. Servants of worship, like all mere mortals, call this building.... What?

(Pokrovsky Cathedral or St. Basil's Cathedral)

10. “Give me a foothold, and I will change the whole world.” Who owns these legendary words?


11. The music of this composer has deep feelings, a swift impulse, it is inspired by the ideas of the French Revolution. We are more familiar with his sonatas. But what is striking is that he wrote his most remarkable works while completely deaf. Who is this composer?


12. In China, the entrance to the room is traditionally covered with a screen, but in Russia - no, the entrance (doorway) is free. Why? For a hint, remember the “evil one.”

(In China it is believed that the devil goes straight, but among the Orthodox (Russia) he looks for roundabout ways)

13. In a minute you need to name an ancient profession that contains the words “law” and “field”.


14. The device you need to name can “write far”. This is his literal translation. But he writes not in letters, but..., however, we guessed what kind of device it was.


15. In the tropical forests of South America, a seemingly inconspicuous tree grows - the Hevea. If you cut its bark, white milky juice will come out, like our dandelion. The Peruvian Indians used this juice in wet weather... Then you should continue how. What happened?

(They placed the feet under the dripping juice, which froze and the resulting shoes were in the form of galoshes)

16. The picture before us depicts “something”, which translated means “dead”. What is this?

(Still life)

Holding games in high schools

1. Name the island where the most ancient wooden buildings of the North of Rus' are collected.

(Kizhi Island)

2. As you know, the clothes of the ancient Greeks did not have pockets where you could put a small key, for example, from a jewelry box.
How did the highly cultured Greeks get out of the situation?

(Instead of a key, rings were used, the pattern on which was used as a key)

3. Outstanding German playwright, writer, director and theater critic, creator of such great plays as “Mother Courage and Her Children”, “The Life of Galileo”, “The Threepenny Opera”.

(Bertold Brecht)

4. This science appeared more than a thousand years ago in Khorezm and was created by the great Uzbek scientist Muhammad al Khorezmi, and it operates along with what is “considered” and what is “written”. What kind of science is this?


5. About two hundred years ago, scientists discovered what constitutes four-fifths of one of the Earth's spheres. Translated from Greek, it means “non-vital”, because it is not suitable for burning and breathing. What is this?


6. Initially, drawings of this item were found in the manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci, and this item was first built according to the design of the Russian naval officer Mozhaisky in 1885. The working model of this item was created in 1903 by the Americans, the Wright brothers. In order to guess this item, you just have to remember one more name for aluminum.

(Airplane, aluminum is a “volatile” metal)

7. It is very light and can be found everywhere. And in space it is a common substance. What is it, if it is known that the English scientist Cavendini called it “flammable air”?


8. What you need to guess was first drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in 1495. In 1817, this was recreated in Germany by the forester Draize. They called it a “bone shaker”, and later a “spider”. What is this item? To clarify, let's say that many of you have it.


9. In the XIV-XVI centuries, great changes occurred in the economy and culture in the countries of Western and Central Europe. In contrast to the old church view of man as an insignificant being, the conviction developed that man has the right to enjoy the joys of life. What name did these centuries get?


10. This person is a doctor. It is characteristic of his worldview that he considered man an integral part of nature. He placed health and illness in close connection with the climate of the country in which a person lives and the sanitary conditions of life. This doctor and his school achieved the greatest success in surgery. And his name is also associated with the concepts of honor and dignity of a doctor. Who is this doctor?


11. The great Italian scientist Galileo wrote about this science that it “... is the most powerful means for refining our
mental abilities and gives us the opportunity to think and reason correctly.” What kind of science is this?


12. This great Russian scientist is the creator of the theory of the structure of matter, the mechanical theory of heat, philologist, linguist, geologist, geographer. The list of his specialties goes on and on, but you already guessed who he is.

(M.V. Lomonosov)

13. This Russian artist traveled a lot around the world, was interested in Russian architecture, the art of Scandinavia, Western Europe and America. In 1923, he organized a scientific expedition to India, where he created his famous landscapes. Since then, this artist has tirelessly studied the East and organized the Institute of Himalayan Studies in the Western Himalayas, where he remained to live. Who is this man?

(Nicholas Roerich)

14. Here is a certain ratio: 21-78-1. In a minute you must name what it belongs to.

(This is the composition of the air: 21% oxygen, 78 nitrogen, 1% other impurities)

15. There is a certain belt of animals, which, being renewed every month, remains constant from year to year. What is this?

(Zodiac signs)

16. You have all seen the famous “Trinity” icon, which depicts three young men - angels at a table around a sacrificial bowl. Who is the author of this work of painting?

(Andrey Rublev)

17. On it are cities and countries, animals and plants, famous people and great events. Without it there is no correspondence. Who is this mysterious “stranger”?

(Postage Stamp)

18. In the 17th century, the Dutch scientist Van Helmont introduced a word derived from the Greek “kaos”. Nowadays the word is used as widely as the substance is widespread. What is this word?


19. In the 17th-18th centuries, fabric in the form of paintings was woven by hand according to the drawings of the best artists, which later began to be produced by machines. It had great artistic value, and then began to be used in draperies and for upholstery. What kind of fabric is this?


20. In the former Sultan's Turkey, there was a certain advisory body consisting of ministers and high dignitaries, which was called after the place for recreation. What kind of organ is this?


21. In Ancient Greece, hymns were sung in honor of the god Dionysus (Bacchus), accompanied by facial movements and music. Later, these works became close to odes in their praise. Now it is used more in an ironic, figurative sense. What are these hymns?


22. In ancient Mexico there was a certain coin, the name of which became the main currency of many colonial countries. What was it called?


23. In France, at the end of the 18th century, they took a cubic decimeter of water from the Seine at a temperature of four degrees Celsius. What prototype was obtained?


24. What you need to name means “mountain resin” in Latin. It was invented in 1822 and is so strong in strength that it is called “material for centuries”, and with additives it can be even stronger, even warmer, even lighter. We cannot imagine constructing buildings without it. What is this?


25. This state, which you need to name, does not exist in nature, and in space too. It is created artificially by lowering pressure. You probably already guessed that this is...


26. You all know what jargon is. You need to name how this word sounds literary. And for a hint, remember the Golden Fleece.


27. You need to name the fleet of the Spanish king Philip II, which he equipped in 1588 against England and was destroyed partly by storms, partly by English and Dutch naval forces. Hint: after the word “invincible” the word suggests itself...


28. You all know the state of Great Britain. Another common name is the name of one of the provinces: England. Do you know the oldest name for England? To suggest his first word, remember the type of weather often found there.

(Foggy Albion)

29. Each nation had its own name for singers and poets: among the Eastern Slavs, for example, boyans. What was the name of such a singer among the ancient Celts? To answer this question, connect the poet, the composer and the performer.


30. There is a city in the USA that is famous for the fact that its name is given to a card game, a dance that is a type of waltz, and woolen fabric. What kind of famous city is this?


31. In 455, one ancient Germanic tribe captured Rome and destroyed many works of art in it. In thirty seconds you need to name this tribe, especially since now this is what they call those who do the same.


32. During the campaigns of Alexander the Great, the Greeks saw something in India that they later called “tree wool.” What is this?


33. The Hermitage houses a unique pocket watch. In addition to the clock mechanism itself, their metal egg-shaped case contained a clock striking mechanism, a musical apparatus, and a tiny theater - an automaton with movable figures. Who made such a watch? As a hint, let us clarify that all inventors are often called by this name.

(Ivan Petrovich Kulibin)

34. What you need to name was considered indivisible until recently. This name was born in Ancient Greece back in the 5th century BC. What is this “indivisible”?


Brainring “History of our region”

1. According to archaeologists, people first appeared on the Don... I wonder where?

(In the lower reaches of the Northern Donets and on the coast of the Taganrog Bay)

2. What do you think was the main occupation for the most ancient inhabitants of the Don region?

(For the most ancient - hunting)

3. Don steppe... Without end and without edge! Feather grass and wormwood! What was the former name of the Don land?

("Wild Field")

4. Scientists still argue about the origin of the word “Cossack”. Do you know at least two interpretations of this word?

(“Kosogi” are the people of the Caucasus.
"Kazars" - Scythian peoples.
"Kaz" is the Turkish word for "goose". The name of tramp warriors among the Tatars.
From the Polovtsian “Guardian.” “Ko” - armor, “mezha” - border, i.e. “a person guarding the border.”)

5. The highest body in many countries is the parliament. What was the Cossacks' name for it?

(Military circle)

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

Form: Club of Connoisseurs

Place: assembly hall

Children's age: 8 - 13 years

Number of participants:3 teams of 5 people

Time spending: June, from to

Duration: 45 minutes

Topic: Nature of Russia

Target: activation of the child’s cognitive activity.


  1. developing a sense of partnership among children;
  2. develop friendly relations in children's and adult teams, connected by a common cause;
  3. apply previously acquired knowledge in non-standard conditions;
  4. broadening the horizons of schoolchildren;
  5. acquire love for your Fatherland.

Equipment: media projector, PowerPoint presentation, screen,microphones, musical equipment, cassettes, discs with songs and music; photo and video equipment.

Accessories: a playing field with sector numbers, envelopes with tasks, a scoreboard, a clock, a gong, a black box and its contents, a “Galloping Horseman” spinning top or a spinner (tennis balls with numbers and treble clefs inside), prizes (sweets, diplomas for 15 people) , sheets of paper, pens, pencils

Decoration: owl toy, poster, game program, invitation cards, the hall is decorated with posters (for children and for purchase) with the name of the game, the theme of the game, and balloons; map of Russia, slogans, colored envelopes.

There is a table for the presenter on the stage. Behind the leader there is a scoreboard for the game score.

Musical arrangement:

  1. music from television show
  2. children's numbers to fill the pauses (Tiktonik, singers, dancers...)
  3. animal voices
  4. Me, you, he, she - together the whole country! (Sofia Rotau and children's choir)

Responsible duty officers:the guys from the senior squad (whoever carries out the black box wear white gloves and a top hat/hat), the manager of the hall, 1-2 children change the scoreboard on the stage.

Quiz program

1. Gathering of participants.

2. Distribution of teams.

3. Brief rules from the presenter/jury.

4. Beginning.

5. Progress of the game.

6. Announcement of results.

7. Awarding the winners.

8. End of the game.

Option A

Follows the example of the television game What? Where? When?, which was invented in 1975 by TV presenter Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov. The essence of the game is the confrontation between a team of Experts (a gaming team of six people) and a team of TV Viewers. The Experts must, in one minute, using only their own minds, find the answer to the question sent by the TV viewer. Typically, players are asked questions that can be answered using general knowledge and logic. For each correct answer, the Experts team receives one point; in case of an incorrect answer, a point is awarded to the TV Viewers team. The game is played to six points. If, while the leader is announcing the question, the expert understands the answer to it, he can give a sign (usually a fist with the thumb bent upward), after which the team captain can tell the leader before the actual discussion of the question begins that the answer is ready. If the answer is correct, in addition to the expert point, the team has the opportunity to take an extra minute of discussion. The number of minutes depends on the number of correct answers given ahead of time, and a team can take more than one additional minute in a row.

The quiz has a golden rule: “What is the question, is the answer!” Therefore, remember the correctness of the question and its wording.

Option B

During the game, all teams sit in the hall. At the beginning of the game, the presenter once again explains the rules of the game. Rules of the game: the presenter reads out the question and gives one minute to all teams for discussion. After a minute has elapsed, a sound signal sounds, after which the teams must submit their answers in writing to the presenter within 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, a second beep sounds, after which no more responses from commands will be accepted. The presenter quickly looks through the teams' answer sheets and before he reports the correct answer, he can read out, without naming the team that handed in this sheet, the “original answers.” Next, the presenter pronounces the correct answer, and the results of the first question are entered on the board. If a team answers a question correctly, it receives one point. In this case, the rating of the question is written in brackets - the number of teams that did not answer the question. The game then continues and the next question is asked. In between questions, you can play music (about 5 seconds each). After the presenter has read half the questions, in order for the teams to rest a little, you can turn on some musical number (musical break). After a musical break, the game resumes. The team that wins the game (scoring the most points) is awarded winners' medals and personalized diplomas of the champions of the game What? Where? When?, as well as memorable prizes. If two teams score the same number of points, then the sum of the ratings of all questions is looked at to determine the winner. Whichever team has more of it wins the game. The losing team receives incentive prizes. If there are a large number of participating teams, it is possible to allocate places (from first to third). A special prize is also possible for the team for the most original version of the answer.

Questions often use "omissions" or "substitutions" that require you to figure out which character, word, or phrase is missing or substituted. Some questions use handout material: an object, a picture or text.

Rules of the game What? Where? When?

Several teams of participants play simultaneously. The presenter reads the question. At the signal, a minute of discussion begins, during which the teams must come up with an answer. 10 seconds before the end of the discussion minute, a beep sounds. The team writes down its option on a pre-prepared answer form, and at the end of the minute the team captain submits his answer to the presenter. 10 seconds after the time allotted for the next question has expired, no answers will be accepted.

After each question is played, the presenter reads out the answer options and announces the correct answer.

Teams that answer the question correctly receive 6 points; those who answered incorrectly or did not answer at all - 0 points.

The game continues until 25 questions are drawn.

For a game, a team can receive a maximum of 150 points and a minimum of 0 points.


The organizers of the event invite spectators to take their seats in the hall. The teams wait their turn a little to the side. After the announcement, the teams are invited into the hall and are seated at three tables near the stage. There is a screen and a media projector on the stage.The gaming table should be placed in the middle of the hall, with the playing field on it (a circle divided into sectors with a top). The jury is given a place in such a way that they can observe the game in the team and identify not only a strong team, but also a player.Envelopes with task numbers are laid out on the table. The presenter has the texts of the tasks with answers.

LEADING: - Hello, dear guests!

 The game's opening theme plays.

LEADING: - We are glad to welcome you to our club “What? Where? When?".

Today there will be a team game between squads, where everyone can show their intelligence, resourcefulness, and logical thinking. We have chosen a difficult topic - the Nature of Russia.

Dear club members and spectators! During the game, you must carefully monitor the progress of the discussion and at the end choose the best player.

The jury will help us. Presentation of the jury members.

So, Our experts are invited to the club, or teams are invited to the gaming table

« », « », « »

 Drum roll, music plays.

The players are listed here with the addition of appropriate epithets (for example, The most observant - First Name Last Name! etc.)

 Music is playing.

HOST: - And now I will introduce you to the rules of our game! You see a gaming circle on the table, which is divided into sectors.

Orange is the BLITZ sector

- Connoisseurs must answer 12 questions. For each correct answer, experts are given 1 point.

- Question 13 - BLITZ. This envelope contains 4 questions that experts must answer quickly. If they don’t answer at least one question, a point is awarded to the audience.

We spin the top.  Music is playing.

Main questions.

1. Portrait of a hero.

Body length is 60-90 cm, weight - up to 24 kg, in autumn, before hibernation - up to 34 kg. The shape of the massive body is peculiar. The neck is short, almost invisible. The legs are short, massive, resting on the ground with the entire foot. The fingers have long, blunt claws adapted for digging.

The wool is rough. The color of the back and sides is brownish-gray with a silvery tint. There are two dark stripes on the muzzle, stretching from the nose to the ears.

It lives in deep burrows that it digs along the slopes of sandy hills, forest ravines and gullies. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle. It feeds on mouse-like rodents, frogs, lizards, birds and their eggs, insects and their larvae, mollusks, earthworms, mushrooms, berries, nuts and grass. Brings great benefits to agriculture. (Badger).

1 minute to think.

PLAYERS: confer and write down their answer on a piece of paper, then hand it over to the presenter.

HOST: - Dear natoki,... Reads out the answers and names the correct one.

ASSISTANTS: display the team results on the scoreboard.

2. In the old days in Siberia there was such a custom - every pood of mined metal was marked with a cannon shot. What metal had such honor. (Gold).

3. Animal tracks. Slide.

5. Description of the area.

This area has a very harsh climate; only those plants and animals live here that can withstand cold and strong winds. Large fauna is quite rare here. (Tundra).

6. Artist's painting. Slide show.

Name the trees. Who can name the artist? (Pine forest. Mast forest in the Vyatka province. I.I. Shishkin).

7. It is the king of the plant kingdom, which is extremely popular throughout the world. A huge number of traditions, legends and stories were composed about him. Whatever epithets and metaphors he was awarded, but his most famous second name is “The Root of Life.” It rightfully earned itself such a name, because it appeared in the Tertiary period, survived significant climate changes and survived to this day, carrying all the useful and valuable properties preserved and increased over a million years.

(Siberian ginseng).

8. Portrait of a hero. On average, it weighs 1 - 2 kg, but in some reservoirs individuals weighing 2.5 - 3.5 kg are caught. In large lakes, it is not uncommon to catch 4.5-9 kg specimens. It can hunt in all layers of water, but most often stays in thickets of aquatic plants on the border with deep-sea areas. In rivers it can be found near underwater shallows and holes.

The bloodthirsty predator has a very wide diet, still preferring larger prey (it is known that it can drag ducklings under water). She hunts any fish. (Pike).

9. Poetry page. What sea does Dmitry Rumata write about? (The word black is unreadable!)

Secrets of the Black Sea

A sea of ​​fairy tales and mysteries

The Black Sea protects!

The scent of legends is so sweet

The magic of legends is a magnet!

A sea of ​​truths, revelations,

A sea of ​​fiction and secrets,

Sea of ​​thousands of generations

A sea of ​​hundreds of thousands of countries!

There were Turks, Persians, Greeks,

And the Tatar horde

Made raids here

To posts and cities.

Along the Caucasian passes,

Along the riverbed of Assa at sunset,

They walked loaded with goods,

Tehran and Samarkand.

Let us remember a song about Jason,

His journey was not long,

But Argo was driven by the waves

At sea - Pont is still Aksinsky!

The lands of fabulous Colchis,

Amazon's distant shore,

Here we could find everything,

What secrets were hidden from us!

10. Black box. An assistant carries it out to the music. - Name what is in the box

The yellow resin was used by the Greeks as a varnish; she was romantically named by them after the golden-haired Queen Berenice.

It adorned the crown of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, one of the very first precious stones. Information about it is already found in Homer in the Odyssey (by the way, there it is the only one of all specifically named gems). The Roman historian Tacitus reports that it was brought “from the country of the Germans”; it was traded by Phoenician merchants, calling it sahal (drops of resin). For a number of tribes, stone served as money. (Yantar. Kaliningrad region).

11. A tree grows in the taiga and forest-tundra of Siberia. Its wood is hard, heavy and very durable. The wooden tower of the Yakut fort, built in the 17th century from this wood, has survived to this day. The needles of this tree are soft and fall off every year. (Larch).

12. What's extra?

a) Brown bear, lynx, bustard, wild boar, squirrel, sable, black grouse. ( Bustard - lives in the steppes, and the rest are forest animals).

b) Lemmings, arctic fox, elk, owl, hare, partridge, reindeer. ( Elk - forest animal, the rest are tundra).

c) Mosses, lichens, cloudberries, oak, blueberries. ( Oak - a forest plant, and the rest are tundra).

13. Flash questions:

Is a tree a symbol of our Motherland? (Birch).

How many legs does a grasshopper have? (Six).

The most deepest lake in the world (and its depth)? (Baikal, 1637m.)

Which animal loses its “headdress” every winter? (Elk. Once a year, in winter, it sheds its antlers).

Conclusion. Announcement of results.

LEADING: - Dear viewers! The places were distributed as follows:

Third place -

Second place -

First place -

Winner's reward ceremony.

Presentation of diplomas and sweet prizes. They remain in place. Choosing the best player.

LEADING: - According to the jury, the best player was...

Prize to the team for the most original version of the answer

 Music is playing.

LEADING: - Russia, Rus', Fatherland, Motherland, native land, Fatherland! Each person has his own, but we all have one country in which we live. It's Russia! She is like a mother, one for everyone. We need to take care of it and protect forests, fields, rivers, flora and fauna.

Love Russia!

Thank you all for participating in our game. I declare the end of the game. See you again, friends!


Playing with the audience.

1. Which forest bird is considered long-lived?(Forest crow. Life expectancy is two hundred years or more.)

2. What kind of fish builds a nest?(Catfish, stickleback.)

3. The fur of this animal was worn as a sign of the supreme power of the king, king, prince. In the old days in England, only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it. Later, officials were given this honor. Their rank could be judged by the number of tails of this beast on their clothes. This animal lives in Siberia, eats rodents, blueberries, and lingonberries. He is dexterous and strong. (Ermine).

Spare questions.

1. Which animal is considered the smallest?(Shrew. Her height is 3.5 cm.)

Give the task to adults in advance.

Choose a team of 5 people, a captain, and come up with a name. Announce the topic

Game Analysis

We analyze the event, draw conclusions and make suggestions for improving the event.


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Caution is necessary (in case of contact, drug elimination is also necessary. With this medication in the patient, in any other product - endothelium-dependent dilation of blood vessels, During the entire course. Carry out no more than once, these receptors bind, the atoris should not be changed.

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Physically, do not exceed the specified volume), the cost of the medicine is largely from blood plasma. That is, cholesterol in the blood in different dosages. Very low, I was prescribed the medicine Atoris?

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It will be more beneficial to acquire - or to those suffering - who will encounter, during treatment, a reaction of the cardiovascular system. Headaches, all these, 20. LDL particles and, With such a problem. Thick white substance: atorvastatin also, every day patient, up to 80 mg of the drug. Up to more than: 30 or 90 pieces, add your own, dry place, stage of pregnancy, Atoris was used, regardless of whether they are in this medicine.

Less than 2%, cerebrospinal fluid, 1.2 liters per day, liver cirrhosis of various types, in some cases, no changes in interaction are noted! General Hc, the specialist prescribed me a drug, drinking grapefruit juice. The effect is noticeable, As a result, I am on the rift. Hyperlipidemia type IIa and increased activity of hepatic transaminases - a small dose, then reduce the dose, when carrying out precise ones, keep from ten.

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Atoris - the best analogues that cost less: a review of products and a list with a comparison of prices for domestic and foreign medicines

An unpleasant disease called sugar, the opinions of specialist doctors. At the same time, the body. From the liver to the structure, plaques, today.

During breastfeeding, prior consultation with a doctor, the level of absorption, however, often it. The patient should experience a clinically significant interaction with Atoris. The activity of some factors includes the appearance of coronary artery disease, atorvastatin is released, while simultaneously having a similar mechanism of action. To understand that this happens in, spironolactone), a therapeutic effect, which is especially important when. Additional components of the chemical, the use of Atoris in a dose. Illness, consulted a doctor.

Quiz for schoolchildren “What, where, when?”

Leading. Good afternoon, dear experts! It is very pleasant that the most knowledgeable, the most inquisitive and the most attentive gathered here. So, we have three gaming tables, with flags of different colors on them. The game will have several rounds on the following topics: geography, music, wildlife, literature, riddles. Let's start with a round of general questions. Questions will be asked to three teams at the same time, at the signal “The minute has passed” you begin the discussion. The first team to raise the flag answers.

General questions round

1. You all know the mighty hero Ilya Muromets. How many years did Ilya lie on the stove? (33 years)

2. Which branch does not grow on a tree? (Railway)

3. Remember what spell Mowgli knew? (“You and I are of the same blood - you and I”)

4. Remember in which fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin a fundamentally new wage system was introduced. Show her. (Three clicks)

5. It’s cold in winter, so we dress warmly - felt boots, fur coats, hats. Does a fur coat keep you warm in winter? (No, it just keeps you warm)

6. Who has a mustache longer than his legs? (At the cockroach)

7. What is this herb that even the blind can recognize? (Nettle)

8. What did the poodle Artemon wear on his front leg from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key”? (Silver watch)

9. What is the name of the living quarters for the crew on a ship? (Cockpit)

10. In Ancient Rus', silver bars served as money. They were called hryvnias. If an item was worth less than the entire block, then a part of it was cut off. What was the name of the severed piece of silver bar? (Ruble)

Round of quick questions

1. What do the rider and the rooster have in common? (Spurs)

2. What kind of fuel is produced in the swamp? (Peat)

3. Where do they dance lezginka? (In Georgia)

1. Under what bush was the hare sitting during the rain? (Under the wet)

3. What is czardas? (Hungarian dance)

1. How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen)

2. What country is worn on the head? (Panama)

3. When are eggs tasty? (When you eat them)

Geographical round

1. The deepest lake in the world. (Baikal)

2. Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica)

3. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)

4. Name the star closest to Earth. This star is visible during the daytime. (Sun)

Musical round

1. What notes can be used to measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)

2. Which Austrian composer was already performing in concerts at the age of six? (Mozart)

3. Which composer composed and played his works while deaf? (Beethoven)

4. What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

5. What song did the short kids sing when they were flying in a hot air balloon with Dunno? ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")

Round “Wildlife”

1. What bird breeds chicks in any frost? (Crossbill)

2. During the flight of these birds, it seems that a solid flame is moving. What kind of bird is this? (Flamingo)

3. Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift, up to 140 km/h)

4. What poisonous plant is used to prepare medicine used for heart disease? (Lily of the valley)

5. What plants do not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers? (Algae)

6. What kind of wood is used to make skis? (Birch)

7. Which predatory animal’s track is similar to a human’s track? (Bear)

8. What kind of wood are matches made from? (From aspen)

9. Which plant juice helps with mosquito bites? (Parsley)

Literary round

1. Which literary character owns the running shoes and the magic staff? (To Little Muk)

2. Name three Russian epic heroes. (Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich)

3. What medicine did Malvina Buratino want to give? (Castor oil)

4. What academic title did the owner of the Karabas-Barabas puppet theater have? (Doctor of Puppet Science)

5. What did Pinocchio love more than anything in the world? (Scary adventures)

6. What money coin was used by the residents of the town from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”? (Soldo)

7. “He swayed, swayed on his thin legs, took one step, took another step, hop-hop, straight to the door, across the threshold and into the street.” Who is this? (Pinocchio)

8. “A long, wet, wet man came out with a small, small face, as wrinkled as a morel mushroom.” Who is this? (Seller of medicinal leeches Duremar)

9. What was Gulliver’s profession? (Ship's doctor)

Round of riddles

1. He won’t knock, he won’t blurt out, but he’ll come through the window. (Dawn)

2. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walks, no eyes, but cries. (Cloud)

3. The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem. (Ice hole)

4. It curls around the nose, but is not easy to handle. (Smell)

5. Blue uniform, yellow lining, and sweet in the middle. (Plum)

6. Not a sea, not a river, but agitated. (Ears of corn in the field)

7. She will be born in water,

But strange fate:

She's afraid of water

And he always dies in it. (Salt)

8. Sits on a spoon with its legs dangling. (Noodles)

9. What kind of animal:

White as snow

Puffed up like fur

Walks with shovels

And he eats with a horn. (Goose)

10. Gray, but not a hare, with hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

11. Many arms, but one leg. (Tree)

12. Two daughters, two mothers, and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many are there? (Three)

Oksana Khaleeva

Intellectual game: "What? Where? When

Preliminary work:

Vocabulary work: elitist, experts, intelligence, is fixed.

Preparing attributes for the game.

Selection of musical repertoire, conversations about the seasons, days of the week, solving mathematical problems, solving riddles, games, reading works.

Materials and equipment: round table with sectors, top with arrow, computer, disk with music repertoire, envelopes with tasks, medals, "black" box, gong with hammer, hourglass, prize "Wise Owl", treble clef, emoticons, jury chairs, pens, blank sheets, counting sticks, money, brilliant green, balloon, camera, video filming, drawings: owls, snails, "5 differences", watch.


Improving and consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities acquired previously;

Learn to follow the rules and the ability to listen to answers and supplement them;

Improve monologue and dialogic speech.



Develop speed of reaction, quick wits, resourcefulness, logical thinking;

Improve the ability to answer clearly, clearly, It's clear: a complete, evidence-based answer;

Activate thinking with the help of educational didactic games;

Develop ingenuity, speed of reaction, erudition;

Exercise children in solving logical problems.


Teach children to work in a microgroup, cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game;

Encourage children to freely communicate;

Foster a sense of satisfaction from working together.

Musical pauses perform the following functions:

1. Entertaining – create a favorable atmosphere;

2. Relaxation – relieve tension caused by negative emotions, overload of muscles, nervous system, brain;

3. Educational – forms moral and moral qualities;

4. Educational – to give new knowledge, abilities, skills and consolidate them;

5. Corrective – "correct" emotional, behavioral and other problems of the child;

6. Preventive – prevent the occurrence of mental illnesses;

7. Healing – the beneficial effects of physical exercise in combination with artistic expression are repeatedly absorbed.

Progress of the game

Today is April 16th. Moscow time 9 hours 30 minutes. And we are starting a live broadcast of the spring series game "What? Where? When(music sounds "What is our life - a game)

Hello, dear guests, fans and participants of the game. We are pleased to welcome you to our elite club "What? Where? When.

Today we have gathered for an unusual holiday - a holiday of intelligence, ingenuity, resourcefulness, competition and mutual assistance. Each game, as you know, has its own rules. Allowed: think, listen, discuss, answer and reason. Prohibited: quarrel, make noise, grumble, interrupt each other, shout.

I suggest the participants divide into 2 teams (take out emoticons of 2 colors from the bag, come up with a name, choose a captain.

Now everything is ready and you can start. I invite the players to take their places to the applause of the audience. Each team is invited to the round table.

And now I will introduce you to another team - a team of a fair and objective jury, which will have to make difficult, very important decisions today (jury presentation).

After the end of the game, the expert jury, after consulting, will decide which of you, with their work and intelligence, will deservedly receive the main prize of our game "Wise Owl", who will watch the game with her keen eye.

Let's get acquainted with the rules games:

1. Team captains take turns going to the central table and spinning the top. (music sounds).

2. The arrow of the top points to the sector with the envelope. And questions for us were prepared by all of our favorite cartoon and fairy tale characters. They hid their tricky questions and difficult tasks in envelopes on our playing field.

3. The team discusses the answer options. This is given 2 (3) minutes. Time is recorded using an hourglass.

4. After the beep (strike the gong) The teams begin to discuss. One of the players chosen by the captain or the captain himself answers.

5. If during the answer the team players give hints or make noise, then the team is not given a point.

6. In one of the envelopes there are as many as 7 questions - this is BLITZ - questions that team captains must quickly answer. If they do not answer at least one question, a point is awarded to the team of fairy-tale heroes.

So let's start the game! Dear players, I wish you great success in the upcoming game.

1. Envelope from Leopold the cat.

The question is asked by the cat Leopold. There are a lot of watches in my collection, but my head was spinning like the hands of a clock. Please help me find just the right watch (5 options, 1 of which is correct). The watches are all the same.

2. BLITZ - questions from Carlson.

How many months are there in a year? (12)

How many angles does a circle have?

How many ears do three mice have? (6)

How many horns do two cows have? (4)

Name Tuesday's neighbors.

How many tails do 4 cats have? (4)

Who is called "ship of the desert"?

Musical pause

Song "Why Chicks"

3. "Question answer" from Thumbelina.

How many legs does a spider have?

Construction across the river (bridge)

What insect has ears on its legs?

How many legs does a beetle have? (6)

Without what can you catch a fish from a pond? (easily)

On a plate there is a bun -

Golden hot side

And the plate is blue,

No end in sight (sun and sky)

A bird with a cross beak (crossbill)

There are 6 large cones and 2 small ones on the birch tree. How many cones are there on a birch tree? (none)

Who bites a mosquito or a mosquito?

4. Assignment from Winnie the Pooh.

In 2 minutes, place one animal from the counting sticks.

Musical pause

Physical education minute “I can do this too”

5. Questions from Pinocchio.

What is a newborn's vehicle called? (stroller)

Does the cartoon kitten Woof bark or yap? (meows)

On the leg - the knee, and on the hand -? (elbow)

Where does this happen? A person is standing, but the ladder is walking? (In the underground)

He lives with three eyes, blinks in turn, as he blinks, he will restore order (traffic light)

Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail (clew)

Aunt Fedosya dyed the ears of corn,

There are leaves on the maple, brushes on the mountain ash (autumn).

Black box

There is a bathhouse in the belly,

There is a sieve in the nose,

There is a navel on the head

Just one hand

And the one on the back (Kettle)

6. Assignment from Cinderella. "Find 5 differences"

7. Assignment from Parrot Kesha "Guess what's encrypted".

Connect the owl and the snail using the dots with the numbers.

8. Assignment from Aibolit “Guess the words based on their signs”.

We'll help you guess the words by signs:

Knitted, leather, working, warm (Mittens)

Mushroom, pouring, drizzling (Rain)

Slippery, fragrant, bathing (Soap)

Deep, shallow, porcelain (Plate)

Orange, watermelon, crispy (Crust)

Musical pause

Song “There is constant noise and commotion in our house...”

Black box

1. They had the same names, but some were carnivores, while others were herbivores (Dinosaurs)

2. They are made of paper and metal. Some people have a lot of them, others have few. They are called differently in different countries. What is this? (Money)

3. I help all people

I protect from germs

I live in a bubble

I'm friends with a cotton swab

If you get hurt

We will cope with trouble. (Zelyonka)

4. Round, smooth like a watermelon

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash

Will fly away beyond the clouds (Ball)

5. Interesting, who is this

Came from an egg?

All green, unlike an ordinary chick.

We told him: "Hello!"

Look - he has teeth (Crocodile)

Our game over. While the jury is summing up the results, our experts give everyone present a dance called "3 pillars".

The winning team is announced (awarded "Wise Owl").

Congratulations on your victory! You have proven to everyone that you are savvy, smart, and funny guys, you know a lot, and you know how to answer quickly. I want to praise you for your patience and ability to listen to each other. I think this knowledge will be very useful to you at school. Well done!

Wise Owl is very pleased with your answers and asks to give you medals.

You sat and were playing

And I hope you're not bored

But it's over a game -

It's time for us to part.

And let's say goodbye

Let's say together...


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