Reality show “Pregnant. New Instagram star: “pregnant dad” talks about his life Pregnant dad 1

Russian reality show, project of the TV channel "Yu".

About the show Pregnant Dad

Show participants - married couples waiting for the baby. For 10 weeks, every man in the family can feel everything that pregnant women feel. Guys are faced with a false belly with an ever-increasing weight, children crying at night and a huge number of completely new responsibilities for them, from hand washing to preparing a set of clothes for the maternity hospital. Previously careless dads who do not pay much attention to the condition of their wife and unborn child will see many nuances that accompany pregnancy.

The goal of the show organizers is to make fathers understand that expecting a child and giving birth is not the easiest and most pleasant time for their wives.

At the end of the show " Pregnant dad“The family that copes with the tests best of all receives half a million rubles.

About the host of the show Pregnant Dad

The reality show was hosted by a famous psychologist, coach, and author of trainings, Mark Barton, who specializes in solving problems in relationships between men and women. One of the topics he discusses in consultations and trainings is male responsibility during a woman’s pregnancy.

On the show, he also provides psychological counseling to participants.

Mark Barton: “Are you the guarantor of the safety of motherhood? Or is the birth of a child and the entire process before and after childbirth exclusively a woman’s prerogative? Or maybe you even conceived a child and ran away from your woman and your “masculine” side tells you: “go complain about your careless woman who did not understand such a subtle creative nature, and I had to run away.” Or are you one of those who, upon learning about pregnancy, push your woman to have an abortion? Can you find a thousand reasons to justify killing an unborn child? Child support defaulter? Gigolo? Whoever you are, remember - when you go to bed with a woman, you are responsible for everything that happens to her after that. This is an indicator of masculinity. Courage, in the happiness of your woman and children.”

The show “Pregnant Dad” was liked by many viewers (and I think the female viewers even more); dads had to learn first-hand all the hardships and “delights” of pregnancy.

Watch the transformation from irresponsible guys to good dads it was very entertaining.

And Maxim won, and if at first the guy aroused little sympathy, many viewers thought he was too awkward, then at the end of Maxim’s project it was impossible to know how much he had changed in better side.

Thanks to the show "Pregnant Dad", TV channel "YU", which is not among the favorites of all TV viewers, received a large number of new regular viewers.

If before this exciting show, the phrase “pregnant dad” could only bring a smile, now it is firmly associated with the “U” channel and the participants of this show.

The winner who received the prize unexpectedly turned out to be Maxim (wife Svetlana), unexpectedly, since the audience and quite a large part predicted victory for Andrey.

However, having overcome many obstacles, demonstrating the will to win, experiencing all the transformations during the show, overcoming natural shyness, Maxim became the winner.

As it was previously possible to assume, Maxim will spend the entire money he won on his child; participation in the show left him no choice, he is mentally ready to be the most best dad in the world. (the dove sits on the winner’s shoulder)

Whoever wins Pregnant Dad, where will he spend his winnings? What is the winner's name?

This have not happened before. The show “Pregnant Dad” turns ordinary and even not very responsible and serious young people into an ideal and example of a real dad. See for yourself, the winner of this show, Maxim, although he lived in the world for thirty-four years, still did not give the impression of an adult. And at the end of the show he changed so much that I think more than one girl envied Svetlana.

In addition to receiving moral satisfaction from the victory, Maxim was also rewarded financially. Without any doubt, he knows where to spend the money. As he himself said, the funds will go to the child, to his development.

Andrey and Maxim reached the finals. Although few believed in Maxim’s successful performance. He was really awkward. But something suddenly changed in Maxim’s behavior and by the end he was unrecognizable. As a result, Maxim won this wonderful reality show on television channel"YU". He walked towards this victory with tenacity, worthy of emulation and deservedly won. And as we know, the strongest wins.

It is worth noting that Maxim is 34 (thirty-four) years old, and his Svetlana is 32 (thirty-two) years old.

According to Maxim himself, he will spend the money earned in a fair fight on his newborn child.

Maxim is on the right.

Maxim became the winner of the TV show “Pregnant Dad”, thin, quiet and modest. Maxim proved that he is ready to change for the sake of his unborn child. He showed positive changes throughout the project. Maxim did not just strive to win competitions, he did this with minimal damage to the “child” (the child was often dolls). Well done, I was rooting for him. He has everything ahead of him.

Interview with the winner of the show The pregnant dad hasn’t given yet, but at the beginning of the project (here you can watch all the episodes of the show), Maxim said that if he becomes the winner, he will, of course, spend the money on the development of the child. And what meaning he puts into these words is known only to him.


It is not entirely true to say that only when we reach a certain age we are literally “covered by a wave of nostalgia” when we hear the melody of our youth or see some attributes of that time. Even completely Small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy if someone took it or hid it. We are all, to some extent, in love with old things, because they contain the spirit of an entire era. It is not enough for us to read about this in books or on the Internet. We want to have real antique thing, which you can touch and smell. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a Soviet-era book with slightly yellowed pages emitting a sweetish aroma, especially when flipping through them, or when you looked at black and white photographs your parents or grandparents, the ones with the jagged white border. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved to this day, despite the low quality of such images. The point here is not in the image, but in the feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they catch our eye.

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Antiques for sale in Russia, as in many European cities, such as Paris, London and Stockholm, has its own characteristics. First of all, these are the high costs of purchasing antiques, but the responsibility of a store selling antiques is also quite high, since these things represent a certain material, cultural and historical value.

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How to prepare for upcoming motherhood? What difficulties will you have to overcome? to the expectant mother? What to wear, what to eat, how to keep fit and how to prevent worries from ruining the happiest moments in a woman’s life? A reality show for expectant mothers is about this.

1 season

Channel viewers saw the first season of the project in 2015. Its participants are a TV presenter Tutta Larsen, wife Dmitry Dibrova Polina And former soloist group "Demo" Sasha Zvereva shared all the intricacies of being pregnant from the first months to the happy meeting with the baby.

Season 2

This season to the star heroines - Galina Yudashkina, Valeria Gai Germanika And Daria Pynzar– Ordinary women also joined.

Reality show participants have different social status, material wealth and experience of motherhood. In addition, women choose different positions in relation to pregnancy and childbirth. Some people prefer a prestigious clinic abroad, while others cannot be persuaded at any price to give birth in a medical setting. Different incomes, lifestyles, beliefs, but everyone has one goal - to give birth to a healthy child.

New season 2018

In the new season itself popular show"Pregnant" to the singer Sasha Zvereva and TV presenter Aise Anokhina, who were the heroines of the project “Pregnant. After”, they will join socialite and new mother Galina Rzhaksenskaya and also a TV presenter Nelly Ermolaeva, who on February 11, 2018 became the mother of a beautiful son. Participants in the reality show will share the secrets of motherhood, talk about all the intricacies of being pregnant and teach how to cope with the difficulties that arise.

Year: 2015-2018

A country: Russia


Number of issues: 8 (Season 1), 16 (Season 2), 8 (New Season)
Timing: 49 minutes

"Pregnant Dad" The man admits that real life he always has to deal with surprised faces. People are perplexed - how could a man get pregnant?

"Pregnant Dad" conquers the Internet

"Pregnant Man" tells us that being a black sheep is not easy. Some consider his situation abnormal, while others treat him with understanding and even give up their seat on the subway. The guy doesn’t just publish a photo with a big belly that doesn’t look like a pub, he also talks about his life, advises where it’s easier for pregnant women to shop and shares his impressions of what’s happening to him.

Recently, a man found out the gender of his child - he will have a boy, whom the future father plans to name Ivan. Now the brave man is 9 months pregnant and he is looking forward to meeting the baby.

Apparently someone took a great approach to find out what life is really like for a pregnant woman. It is not yet known what purpose this handsome man is pursuing, but we will definitely find out about it soon.

In addition to regular photos, Instagram The new star also has some very original compositions. For example, the “pregnant man” decided to parody interesting situation popular stars and captured himself in similar images.

Journalist JoeInfoMedia Lesya Melnik reminds that

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