Igor Krutoy: biography, personal life, scandal on the First. Unfinished novel

Name: Igor Krutoy

Age: 63 years old

Place of Birth: Gayvoron, Kirovograd region, Ukraine

Height: 176 cm

Weight: 78 kg

Activity: composer, producer, singer

Family status: married

Igor Krutoy - biography

A composer whom Russia and many foreign countries know and love. He performs his songs beautifully and is a producer. He is an Honored Artist Russian Federation, People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine.

Childhood, composer's family

Ukraine is Igor’s homeland, or more precisely, the Kirovograd region in one of its regional centers. His mother worked as a laboratory assistant at the sanitary-epidemiological station, and his father worked as a forwarder at the Radiodetal plant. The parents saw each other on the dance floor for the first time and got married almost immediately. The family had a son, Igor, and a daughter, Alla.

Music fascinated Igor from birth, but his dream was to become a driver. The musician's biography began from the moment when the father noticed his son's musical talent. He acquired a button accordion, which Igor mastered at the age of five or six.

Then he accompanied the school choir, and from the fifth grade, playing the accordion, he created musical ensemble. Once in the House of Culture, Igor began to play the piano, and the result of all his independently mastered instruments was a music school, where he entered after finishing 7th grade secondary school. The teachers determined that the teenager had perfect pitch and said that they would enroll him as a student if he mastered playing the piano within 12 months. Igor succeeded.

Professional musician

The biography of a professional musician began from the moment Krutoy graduated from college in Kirovograd with honors. After this, the graduate submitted documents to the Kyiv Conservatory, but to no avail. Whole year he had to work as a rural music teacher, then he passed the exams at Nikolaevsky pedagogical institute per department choral conductor.

Igor had good friend Alexander Serov. The two of them worked in a restaurant: one played, the other sang. After graduating from the institute, the future composer wanted to enter the Saratov Conservatory, but first he moved to Moscow and spent a long time looking for work.


Krutoy was invited to join the tour of one group. He traveled around the country in company with Serov, whom he also invited with him. Fame did not come immediately, only after the song “Madonna” written by him and performed by a friend.

And immediately the first title of laureate of the “Song of the Year” competition appeared in the composer’s biography. Inspired by success, Igor wrote several successful compositions that brought victory to Alexander.

Krutoy's creations have been awarded many awards and prizes. The first prize for services to music was the Lenin Komsomol Prize. The composer managed to produce, he not only acts as the president of the ARS organization, which organized concerts, he takes it to a new level. Performers Russian stage organize their concerts through Igor Krutoy’s company.


The songs written by the talented creator became hits, and there were concerts and creative evenings in Russia and abroad. The maestro still composes popular pop works. Igor Krutoy considers his work with children to be his most important achievement. Especially for talented children, he organized the Children's New Wave festival, similar to the adult New Wave.

As a composer, Krutoy composes not only songs, but also instrumental music, and has already released several albums. He recorded one of them with famous performer, opera baritone Dmitry Hvorostovsky. And since 2010, he began collaborating with singer Lara Fabian. Based on them joint project It was based on the singer's own poems and Igor's music.

Performers of Krutoy's songs

During his career, the composer had to work with big amount talented performers. At first he worked in the Moscow concert orchestra called “Panorama”, meeting for the first time with Vladimir Migulya and Palad Bulbul ogly.

Later he worked in the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Blue Guitars”, then he accompanied Valentina Tolkunova in the ensemble. And only in 1986 Igor Krutoy fulfilled his long-time dream - he began to study at the composition department of the Saratov Conservatory.

Igor Krutoy - biography of personal life

The composer married for the first time a girl from the northern capital of Russia, Elena, who gave birth to her husband’s son. The couple could not live together and divorced. Son Nikolai already has his own family. For fifteen years Igor Krutoy has been devoting himself to work. And only after meeting Olga, his second wife, he decides to start a family again. The wife lives in the States and is a successful businessman. And the prima of the Soviet and Russian scene introduced them in New York

Cool Igor, whose biography will be covered in this article, is known not only in our country, but also abroad. This talented composer, songwriter, producer. His merits are confirmed by the titles of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Ukraine. Now Igor Krutoy owns the production company "ARS", the Independent Copyright Agency, the radio stations "Radio Dacha", "Love-radio", "Taxi-FM", the TV channel "Muz-TV" (25%). How did he manage to reach such heights and what was his path to success? The biography of Igor Krutoy will help you find out about this.


The future composer was born in 1954, on July 29, in Ukraine, in the city of Gayvoron - district center Kirovograd region. His mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, worked as a laboratory assistant at the sanitary and epidemiological station, and his father, Yakov Aleksandrovich, worked at the Radiodetal plant as a freight forwarder (the composer’s father died when he was 53 years old). Igor’s parents met at a dance, and on the same day, after seeing Svetlana home, Yakov proposed to her. Five years after the birth of their son, the couple also had a daughter, Alla (now sister Cool lives in the USA, works as a TV presenter, is married, has a daughter Natalya and a grandson Yakov).

Igor fell in love with music early childhood, although he first dreamed of becoming a driver. His first musical abilities Father noticed, he bought him an accordion. Already at the age of 5-6, little Krutoy played the instrument, then he was invited to accompany the school choir. In the 5th grade, Igor and the boys organized an ensemble, in which he played the role of an accordionist. And then in the House of Culture I sat down at the piano for the first time. After finishing 7th grade, my mother took her son to the regional music school. The teachers took note of the boy and promised to take him to the theory department if he learned to play the piano within a year. The young talent coped with the task. From that moment on, the biography of Igor Krutoy began a new round.


After graduating with honors from the Kirovograd School in 1974, Igor tried to enter the Kyiv Conservatory. However, he failed. For a year the young man taught at rural school music, and then was able to successfully pass the exams and become a student at the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute (music and pedagogical faculty, conducting and choral department). Simultaneously with his studies, Igor began working part-time with his friend in a restaurant. This friend was then a nobody, but now the singer Alexander Serov, beloved by millions. Krutoy played, Serov sang. After graduating from the institute, in 1979, the aspiring composer decided to move to Moscow. In 1981, he entered the school because he believed that it was impossible to fully realize his talent without having a specialized musical education.

Career development

The biography of Igor Krutoy makes it clear how difficult the path to recognition is. At first, he had a hard time in the capital. The composer could not find work for a long time, until one day luck smiled at him. Igor received a call from Lenkom and was offered to join the touring group of actor Evgeny Leonov. Later, Krutoy invited Alexander Serov to join the team. Together with Leonov, they traveled around the country, eager to become famous. However, the first significant success came only in 1987, when Igor wrote the song “Madonna”, and it was performed, of course, by none other than his comrade Alexander Serov. “Madonna” won “Song of the Year”. On the wave of success, Krutoy wrote several more songs for Serov, including: “How to Be,” “Wedding Music,” “Do You Love Me.” With them, Alexander won the “Inspiration” and “Despite Fate” competitions.

Creative takeoff

From that moment on, the biography of Igor Krutoy was full of bright events. In 1989 he was awarded with a prize Lenin Komsomol for services in the field of music. During the same period, he also began to engage in producing activities. He became artistic director, and later (in 1998) president of the concert and production company ARS. Under Igor's leadership, the organization has grown into one of the largest in the country in its field. Since 1994, Krutoy, together with the ARS company, has been organizing his own creative evenings, which bring together many representatives of the Russian stage.

At the pinnacle of success

The composer wrote songs for, perhaps, all the best artists; it’s even difficult to list all of his hits. Igor’s creative evenings were held not only in our country, but also abroad - in Israel, Germany, and the USA. Every year pop singers delight the audience with more and more hits of the maestro. However, the composer works not only with adult artists, but also with children. He is the organizer of the “Children’s New Wave” festival, which reveals names young talents. And Igor Krutoy’s children’s songs, the most famous of which is perhaps “Music is a Wonderful Country,” are no less popular and beloved.


Of course, one of the most striking manifestations of Igor’s composing talent is composing instrumental music. In 2000, his first album entitled “Without Words” was released, and in 2004, “Without Words” appeared. Part 2”, and in 2007 - “Without words. Part 3". The last of the albums in this series was an obvious and stable sales leader in the Russian popular music segment for more than 4 months. In 2012, the 4th and 5th discs of the “Without Words” cycle were released.

In 2009, the composer presented the double album “Deja Vu,” recorded together with the famous opera baritone, who performed 24 compositions to Krutoy’s music in French, Italian, and Russian. And in the fall of 2010, admirers of the maestro’s talent had the opportunity to enjoy Igor’s new grandiose project with the participation of the world-famous singer Lara Fabian. Together they recorded the album “Mademoiselle Zhivago,” which included songs written by the composer based on poems by Fabian.

Family of Igor Krutoy

In 1979, the maestro married a girl, Elena, from St. Petersburg. In 1981, the couple had a son, Nikolai. However family life it didn’t work out, the couple separated. Now Nikolai is already a completely independent person, he is married and has a daughter (Krutoy’s granddaughter was born in 2010).

Only almost 15 years after the divorce, the composer found his other half. Igor Krutoy’s current wife, Olga, lives in the USA and is engaged in business. They met in New York, Alla Pugacheva introduced them to each other. Beautiful woman Igor liked it at first sight. Without thinking twice, he proposed to her, and, fortunately for him, she agreed.

Olga had a daughter from her first marriage - Victoria (born in 1985), Krutoy accepted her as his own, adopted her and gave her his last name. Vika Krutaya graduated from school in New Jersey and is now trying herself as a singer. In 2003, Olga gave birth to the maestro’s common daughter, Alexandra. Igor became a father again at almost 50 years of age. The composer feels very strongly about Sasha. touching feelings, he even wrote a lullaby especially for her, which he called “Sasha.” The children of Igor Krutoy delight their father with their successes. According to the composer, they give him the desire not to grow old.

Already long years Igor and his wife live in two houses. Olga and her daughters spend most of their time in the United States, and Krutoy has to constantly fly across the ocean. But they do not separate for more than one month.

The key to popularity

Igor says that even now he does not feel completely successful. According to him, in his passport he is always Cool, but in his work he can only be Cool when his music is in demand and touches the souls of listeners. The composer notes that he has not yet fully realized his potential and will strive for new victories.

Igor Krutoy is known to the general public primarily for his successful composing activities, but besides this, he is famous producer and a successful businessman. Currently, music continues to be his favorite thing: Igor Yakovlevich collaborates with many celebrities and releases new CDs, produces competitions “ New wave" and "Children's New Wave", and also works with the choir of the Academy of Popular Music, where more than 100 children study. But that’s not all, since the composer always has many plans, which he gradually implements. No less important for Krutoy and personal life, since children and little grandchildren now bring him great joy. The relationship with my wife has been established for a long time. Even though they live in different countries and see each other infrequently, their marriage can well be called happy and strong.

Igor was born in 1954 in the city of Gayvoron, Kirovograd region. His parents had nothing to do with music: his father worked as a freight forwarder at a factory, and his mother was a laboratory assistant. His sister Alla also grew up in the family. Also in school years the future composer sang in a school ensemble and played the button accordion, and then studied at a music school in Kirovograd. In 1979, Krutoy received his higher education musical education at the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute.

In the photo Igor Krutoy as a child with his mother Svetlana Semyonovna and sister Alla

Already during this period, he began to write songs, the performer of which was his friend Alexander Serov. Fame came to the composer when Serov performed his song “Madonna,” which was performed in 1987 on the TV show “Song of the Year.” Since 1989, Igor also became involved in production activities, creating successful company"ARS". During my creative career the musician wrote songs for many famous singers, and also composed music for films.

In his personal life, Krutoy did not immediately find family happiness. In 1981, his first wife, Elena, gave birth to the composer’s son, Nikolai. But this marriage broke up a few years later. According to the artist himself, they did not have a warm relationship with ex-wife, but he has a common son with whom he constantly maintains contact.

In the photo Igor Krutoy with his son Nikolai

In 1995, Igor married for the second time. His wife Olga lives in New Jersey, where she runs a business. From her first marriage she had a daughter, Victoria, who, after graduating from school, began studying singing career, having recently recorded their first album. In 2003, the couple gave birth to joint daughter Alexandra. Now the girl is a good student and loves to draw. Igor Yakovlevich spends a lot of time in Moscow, where he studies creative work, so he manages to get together with his family only in the winter in Miami and in the summer in Monte Carlo. The rest of the time, spouses can afford infrequent flights to each other. Despite this lifestyle, they never give each other a reason to be jealous.

In the photo, Igor Krutoy with his family: wife Olga and daughters Alexandra (left) and Victoria

In 2014, the wedding of Olga’s daughter from a previous marriage took place in Monaco. The girl married restaurateur David Berkovich. In 2015, their daughter Demi-Rose was born. Son Nikolai also married for the second time, and he has two daughters growing up - Christina and Margarita. When this is successful, the couple gets together with their children and grandchildren, whom Krutoy simply adores. The composer moved his mother to live with him a long time ago. At the age of 80, she mastered the computer and learned English language In addition, he dreams of getting a driver's license. Sister Alla married an American in 1992 and now lives in the USA, becoming a popular TV presenter.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 01/17/2017

The legendary Igor Krutoy: how did he develop his talent as a composer? Like his wife?

And the most famous Russian composer Igor Krutoy is popular in Russia, the CIS countries and other countries of the world. Beautiful music, originality, talent and solidity of the personality itself attract great attention. We will tell you how the man achieved success and celebrity, and what is happening in his personal life: who is Igor’s wife now, how many children does he have.

Brief biography of the Russian star

The popular composer and producer comes from the Kirovograd region: he was born on July 29, 1954 in the provincial town of Gaivoron, Ukrainian SSR. The boy turned out great ear for music, he felt the music well. How this talent originated in him is unknown, since his family was not connected with musical art: his father was a dispatcher at a local plant, and his mother worked in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

The mother noticed this feature of her son in time and took him to music school: Igor began to study actively and successfully. First he learned to play the button accordion, then the piano, and already in the middle of the 6th grade he was able to organize a musical ensemble. The boy was famous at school and often led the organization musical accompaniment for school performances and holidays.

During this time, talent completely took over the teenager’s mind - after school he entered School of Music Kirovograd, where he studied the theory well. In 1974, Igor graduated with honors and began earning a living by teaching the button accordion. He did this forcedly because he was not accepted into the conservatory. But the young man did not give up, and a year later he was successfully enrolled in the Pedagogical Institute of the city of Nikolaev in the musical and pedagogical direction, starting to study as a choir conductor. Igor was forced to work as a waiter in a local restaurant, where he later met Alexander Serov.

At the end of the seventies, the young man moved to the capital of the USSR, starting work in the Panorama orchestra. In 1981, he began working in Valentina Tolkunova's ensemble, and after she left, he became its director.

The composer's career began to grow. Igor created songs for various performers, including Alexander Serov, who helped him promote.

In 1986, the man entered the conservatory in Saratov, realizing his dream of becoming a full-fledged composer. A year later he had already written his famous creation"Madonna". It, like Igor’s subsequent works, became hits of that time.

Krutoy became famous and in demand: his talent was needed by many famous Soviet performers. After Igor became the director and artistic director of the ARS company, he began producing: under his leadership, this company became the most famous company in Russia in the 90s, engaged in producing and concert activities. It was this company that organized concerts for such stars as Michael Jackson, Jose Carreras, and also handled concerts in other countries.

In 2000, Krutoy became interested in instrumental music. At the same time, his famous collection “Music Without Words” appeared, which became incredibly popular among listeners. The man appears in video clips and creates music for various films.

After 2005, the composer was treated for a serious illness. Several operations in the USA and active treatment were able to deliver Russian celebrity on your feet.

In 2010, Igor collaborated with the world-famous singer Lara Fabian, a joint album was recorded, and more people learned about Krutoy in Western countries.

And in 2016, the video “Late Love” appeared in theaters together with Angelika Varum, the song entered the Russian charts.

Cool is People's Artist RF.

Who is Krutoy's wife?

Igor met his first wife back in Soviet years: in 1979 he met journalist Elena. The couple did not advertise their romance; people even celebrated their wedding in secret. Igor admitted this only some time later, giving an interview.

Two years after they met, Elena gave birth to a son, Nikolai, but already in 1985 the couple divorced - the man fell in love with Olga, a very active person who was then engaged in business and is now a serious businessman. She gave birth to the composer’s daughter Alexandra in 2003: the baby was born in the USA, where Igor’s wife lives most of the time.

A man pays great attention to the well-being of his family. Igor Krutoy realized his talent, becoming one of the most famous people in the USSR, and then in Russia. We learned that he has a beloved wife and children, and we wish the man further success in his work and happiness in his family.

Read: 32767

Sister famous composer and producer, former Nikolaev resident Igor Krutoy Alla hopes to interview Rinat Akhmetova.

For several seasons in a row Alla Krutaya hosts her own programs on the oligarch’s channel, and firmly believes that she got the job not because of her brother’s friendship with Akhmetov.

I hope I didn't get this job because they're friends. I like it so much. This is very honorable and responsible,” said the host of the “World Life” program.

Moreover, Alla hopes to interview the employer himself in the near future.

Despite the fact that my sister Igor Krutoy also of Nikolaev origin, Alla Krutaya has Russian citizenship, and more often lives in the USA.

Let us remember that in 1992 future star married an American of Italian origin and moved to the USA. U Alla Krutoy there is a daughter Natalya and a grandson Yakov.

It was thanks to her knowledge of the language that the presenter taught famous singer Lara Fabian Russian.

I taught her specifically the words of the song “Love is like a dream.” I first wrote her a transcription in English letters. Well, it didn’t work out for her, and then I sat her opposite me, and she copied it very funny,” recalls Krutaya.

As for her personal life, the 52-year-old grandmother admitted that she is still able to meet men on her own. And as Alla Krutaya admitted Katya Osadchaya, she has “kohannya”.

I hope that I am able to meet myself. And as a matter of fact, I know what we’ll call it, young man, or maybe not very young, middle-aged. “I have a khan in me,” Alla summed up.

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