I want changes in Selim's performance. “Voice” participant Selim Alakhyarov: “I was lying on the floor so as not to get hit by bullets

Updated at 23.45 12/29/2017

So, the most long-awaited event has finally happened for tens of thousands of fans of Selim Alakhyarov's talent - our wonderful singer Selim Alakhyarov, thanks to the enthusiastic support of television viewers, won the grandiose song television project "The Voice" and now officially bears the title " Best voice countries"! But first things first...

A few minutes ago, the final of the most popular and large-scale competition “The Voice” on Channel One ended. This broadcast attracted unprecedented attention from Lezgin, Dagestan and Caucasian audiences - the talented Lezgin singer Selim Alakhyarov shone at the final stage of the competition.

Last Friday, December 22, our performer, thanks to the support of his fellow countrymen and admirers of his talent, managed to win a place in the finals of the competition. You couldn’t imagine a better gift for his thirtieth birthday, which Selim celebrated the next day.

“It’s my birthday in ten minutes. I'm turning thirty years old, it's my anniversary. And this is a huge gift from all the people who voted for me. Dear friends, thank you so much for believing in me. I will justify your trust!”, Selim said in an interview with Channel One immediately after the semi-final.

Let us note that there were some dramatic moments here too. Our singer's mentor Alexander Gradsky Based on the results of the performances of his players, he gave his vote to Selim’s competitor and teammate - Laura Gorbunova(60% versus 40% in favor of the latter). However, it was the people's love (74.2% of the audience votes) that allowed Alakhyarov to confidently make it to the finals. As a result, the Dagestan singer became the best in his team and received the right to compete for the main award of the competition.

In an interview with Channel One, Selim said that the idea of ​​choosing a song (remember, he performed the difficult song “Lyrical” legendary Vladimir Vysotsky) for the semi-final belongs to mentor Gradsky. "I'm not afraid of experiments, I Opera singer. I was ready to try, and apparently it worked!”, Alakhyarov emphasized.

Let us note that the Lezgin singer has repeatedly admitted that he is always charged with achieving success, with getting the maximum in any endeavor. “I am a winner in life and I plan to win. I want to dedicate the victory to the unity and friendship of our peoples", Selim said in an interview on Friday.

It must be said that Selim’s support is truly powerful. His fan groups have been created throughout the country, through social networks A mailing list is being sent calling for people to vote for Alakhyarov. Famous media figures of Dagestan, stage colleagues, famous artists and athletes public figures and politics. Selim’s journey within the framework of the “Voices” show, from blind auditions to the very finals, is monitored and covered by the republican and Caucasian media.

It is important to emphasize that the support of our performer is not limited to Dagestan or the Caucasus, although the voices of fellow countrymen are, if not the key, then undoubtedly great importance, the whole country fell in love with him, all of Russia cast their votes for him.

Selim Alakhyarov walked long and persistently towards this success and worked hard on himself. He had to work hard (not always on a creative level) to make his way to big stage. Yes, on early stages The career of a talented guy with great promise was supported, among other things, by the FLNKA, and they helped him in Dagestan. To Selim’s credit, he was able to more than justify the trust placed in him.

Selim told the correspondent Lezgin Autonomy about the last hours of preparation on the eve of the final:

“I’m going into the finals in a fighting mood, although I’m a little sick. We have a fighting spirit, we will fight for first place, only for victory. As I said at the beginning, when I first entered the project, what is important is not participation, but victory. We will fight for first place.

My condition, of course, has been better, but my mood, morale, and psychologically I feel better than ever. In principle, everything is fine. I'll show you everything I can do. I am confident in my abilities.

Due to the terms of participation in the project, unfortunately, I cannot disclose information about which compositions I will perform in the final. Three songs are planned - one with a mentor and two solo songs. One song is very famous, which absolutely everyone knows and loves, the other is also very beautiful, which I like. The third song will be completely unusual for me, it’s a kind of experiment, and we decided to try it.

In conclusion, I would like to ask everyone to support me in this battle for first place. I ask everyone to listen carefully to the conditions that the presenter Dmitry Nagiyev will explain. And maybe we can bring the cup home".

Russian singer and Lezgin model Selim Alakhyarov, winner of the sixth season of the TV show “The Voice on Channel One”.

Biography of Selim Alakhyarov

Selim Alakhyarov was born into a Lezgin family in the city of Grozny, Chechen Republic. His mother is a vocal coach, so Selim was first “discovered” as an up-and-coming voice within his own family. His mother worked with him a lot, as a result of which Selim began to travel to various competitions and festivals. His singing career was temporarily interrupted when the young man began to experience a loss of voice, which lasted three years and prevented him from going to study in Italy at Pavarotti’s school.

Selim graduated from high school in Makhachkala, after which he entered the Gottfried Hasanov Music School, and then became a student at the Gnessin Moscow State Music College (academic singing).

Selim Alakhyarov and the show Voice on Channel One 6

In 2017, Selim successfully passed the blind auditions for the sixth season of the famous TV show “The Voice” and ended up in the team of Alexander Gradsky. The song that the young singer chose to perform at the audition is “Ferris Wheel” by Muslim Magomayev. According to Selim himself, this composition is optimal for his voice timbre. The competition jury readily approved this choice of song, since it had never been performed on the show before.

Selim Alakhyarov: “I admit that I was very worried, standing on stage, there was even jitters. After all, I represented my republic of Dagestan, and this is a big responsibility. It’s no secret that the Caucasian mentality is like this - we are not used to losing!”

Selim's performance at the blind audition caused a response from Gradsky, who was the only one of the judges to turn to the voice of the Dagestan performer towards the end of the song. If you believe Selim’s words, he initially wanted to get into Alexander Borisovich’s team.

Selim Alakhyarov: “As an artist, I would not like to work in opera house, I want to sing on stage, just stick to academic performance. The standard in this genre for me are Italian performers - Andrea Bocelli and Alexander Safino.”

Selim Alakhyarov, a participant in “The Voice,” is known to few people for his biography. This is a singer born in 1987, who long time achieved success in creative activity. He graduated from music school. He is Lezgin by nationality. Selim also works in the field of advertising, previously participated in modeling business. On the 6th season of the talent show “The Voice”, Selim deservedly won first place, beating other contestants.

Selim was born in 1987 in the capital Chechen Republic- the city of Grozny. Selim Lezgin by nationality. Since childhood, Alakhyarov was a true patriot. Thus, when he was offered to accept Azerbaijani citizenship for the sake of studying in Italy, he refused for patriotic reasons. Until now, the artist is a member of many Dagestan public associations and performs at their concerts.

Selim's family is intelligent, educated people. It is known that his father is a surgeon. But his mother had a great influence on the boy’s development. She is a vocal teacher, thanks to which she was able to notice the child’s talent early and guide him in the right direction. It was she who noticed that the boy was able to play complex notes of academic compositions.

Selim was only 8 years old when the Italian ambassador to Azerbaijan invited him to go to the country of his dreams. However, there was one condition - to accept Azerbaijani citizenship. Alakhyarov refused, having already shown patriotism at such an early age.

However, this refusal was not the point musical career future singer. In 1999, when the child was 12 years old, he was again given help from above. Murad Kazhlaev, a teacher of Dagestan origin, known in Selim’s homeland, helped (Kazhlaev is also known for his works as a composer).

He enrolled the boy in the high-ranking and famous Academy of Choral Arts, located in the capital of the Russian Federation. However, again the boy’s education was not successful: he had good abilities, but the family could not afford the expensive education. Without completing his studies, Alakhyarov returned to Grozny.

Then the teenager went to Makhachkala. Here he was trained at music school Hasanov, after which the training of Selim Alakhyarov, a future participant in “The Voice,” and his biography took a sharp turn.

Higher education and moving to Moscow

After graduating from college, Alakhyarov decided to try his hand again and went to Moscow. His goal was to enter the Gnessin School. His family also went with him.

Due to the difficult financial situation, Selim lived not in Moscow, but in the Moscow region - in the city of Krasnogorsk. Therefore, to the material difficulties were added the difficulties of movement: travel to educational institution took at least 2 hours. However, the obstacles did not bother the singer, who stubbornly followed the path of musical training.

He managed to pass the competition at the Gnessin School. The demand for a place at the university was great - 5 people per place. However, Selim was able to break through and even soon earned recognition from teachers.

His talents were so highly appreciated that the student, the only one from the entire stream, was accepted for additional training choral singing.

His mentor was Dmitry Vdovin, part-time head of the International School of Vocal Mastery. Among Alakhyarov’s mentors there were other eminent people. Largely thanks to them, Selim was able to perform well in public and gain the favor of the public.

Throughout my studies, the family had difficulty coping with financial difficulties. According to Selim’s mother, he often wanted to give up. However, the singer inspired his family with his own singing and diligence in his studies. Thanks to this, they held on. The mother decided that she would never give up until her son achieved his goal. Now all the material difficulties are behind us, because Alakhyarov really managed to achieve great heights.

The man brought additional income to the family by participating in the modeling business (more details below).

Singing style preferences

Selim studied academic as well as choral singing all his life. However, he sincerely loves the pop movement, or more precisely, the “neoclassicism” movement. The singer uses the works of foreign performers. He believes that neoclassicism is not developed enough in Russia.

When performing pop songs, Selim always maintains an academic style of singing, considering this the optimal way of singing (at least for himself). For a blind audition on the show “The Voice,” a participant in the show chose just a pop song that perfectly suited his voice timbre, and performed it according to the rules of the Academy.

Unusual preferences in singing style played a role special role in the career of Selim Alakhyarov, a participant in the “Voice” project, and changed his biography.

Participation in the show "The Voice"

The main event in Selim’s life was participation in the talent show “The Voice”. This program helped him become famous throughout Russia, and also gave him the opportunity to glorify his own homeland (the artist emphasizes how important this is to him). Although Alakhyarov had previously attracted the attention of music experts, only after participating in television show he received special public recognition.

At the blind audition, the man performed the song “Ferris Wheel.” He was previously aimed at collaborating with. In the end, it was this mentor who chose him.

He emphasized that he likes Selim’s singing, but he also hears inaccurate notes. The rest of the mentors did not choose the artist, but, as another mentor, Pelageya, explained, she did not respond only because she knew: Alakhyarov would not go to anyone except Gradsky. It is Gradsky who specializes in pop singing and takes into his team people who also love him.

Under the guidance of his mentor, Selim went through all stages of the competition, changing singing partners. He performed songs not only in Russian, but also in English language. At the same time, the participant’s singing in the second round especially touched both the audience and the mentors.

Impressions of participating in the “Voice” program

Selim, according to his own statements, was very worried before the competition, dreaming of taking part in the program. Behind him are many performances on big stage before the jury representatives different countries, however, none of the programs caused such awe in him. Due to his anxiety, he almost failed the blind audition for the show. Gradsky noticed a discrepancy between the notes in Alakhyarov’s song, to which Selim replied that he was very worried and there could be problems because of this.

In any case, the mentor helped the show participant overcome his fears, and there were no more problems during further performances. It’s not for nothing that the singer took first place in this competition.

Subsequently, Selim repeatedly thanked the program representatives for giving him the opportunity to participate in such an important project. The singer’s relatives and friends (they, according to tradition of the program, were present at the filming) also spoke very positively about the show and the artist’s participation in it.

Other successes in the field of music

The real rise in the field of music began in 2016, in September. Then he won the “Golden Voice of Russia”, receiving the Grand Prix. This victory was significant for him: the singer was noticed and invited to participate in the television show “Duet with a Star.” There, the artist not only performed, but also underwent an additional internship. A member of the Golden Voice jury, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, invited me to the program.

The singer's personal life

Despite the fact that Selim Alakhyarov, a participant in “The Voice,” openly talks about his biography and maintains accounts on social networks, about him personal life nothing is known. The man willingly posts photos from social and work events, and shares photos with his family (brother, mother) with subscribers. However, the artist’s chosen one was not seen in the photographs, and there are no rumors about any relationship between Selim and members of the opposite sex.

The lack of personal life can be explained by Alakhyarov’s heavy workload, because he not only performs and participates in competitive projects, but also works in the field of PR, is involved in social activities, tries to glorify his homeland. Another theory put forward by fans is that Selim prefers not to talk about his likes and affections, since he clearly distinguishes between his personal and public life.

Further news about the career of Selim Alakhyarov from the show “The Voice” and his personal biography can be obtained from social networks. The artist maintains a page on Instagram, which he regularly updates, delighting his fans.

Published 12/29/17 23:19

On December 30, 2017, on Channel One, in the finale of the show “The Voice”, season 6, the winner of the vocal project was determined. Read the TopNews review for more details on the final episode.

On the night of December 29-30, the final release of the vocal project “The Voice” season 6 took place. Dmitry Nagiyev announced the start of the broadcast, the names of the finalists and their numbers for audience voting. Timofey Kopylov, Yang Ge, Selim Alakhyarov, Ladislav Bubnar qualified for the finals.

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The show began with the finalists and mentors singing the song Let It Be The group Beatles.

The first of the finalists to take the stage was Selim paired with his mentor Alexander Gradsky. They performed the song “Cranes” by Mark Bernes. The music was composed by Jan Frenkel. Rasul Gamzatov's poems were translated from Avar into Russian by Naum Grebnev. Song intkbbach became the last recording of Mark Bernes.

Then Ladislav Bujnar and Pelageya sang Sting's song Desert Rose, which was included in the 1999 album Brand New Day. The song tells about the expulsion of Adam from paradise.

Timofey Kopylov took the stage fourth with his mentor Leonid Agutin. They sang Leonid's song “The Time of the Last Romantics.” Included in Agutin's 2012 album of the same name. The musician not only wrote the words and music for the song himself, but also shot a video for it.

This concluded the presentation with the mentors. Next, each finalist of the project performed individually, performing famous singles. So, Selim Alakhyarov sang “We can’t live without each other.”

Ladislav Bubnar - “Hallelujah”.

Yang Ge - “Where are you, dream?”

Timofey Kopylov performed the song “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC.

Nagiyev then announced the closure of the voting lines for the first stage. As a result, based on the results of the audience vote, Timofey Kopylov, Selim Alakhyarov and Ladislav Bubnar continued the fight for victory.

Then Selim Alahyar ("Permen"), Ladislav Bubnar ("Lady Carneval"), Yang Ge ("The Show") and Timofey Kopylov ("Drinking Table") took turns on stage to perform the final compositions.

After that, Selim Alakhyarov won the final vote in the “Voice” project, season 6. TV viewers gave her 53.5% of votes. Timofey Kopylov, whose mentor was Leonid Agutin, took second place. The third was Yang Ge under the leadership of Dima Bilan.

Salim was born in Chechnya, and then moved with his family to Derbent. There he began to study vocals. After graduating from school, the young man entered the Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins. During his studies, Selim Alakhyarov took part in many Russian and international competitions.

When Alexander Gradsky first heard the singer’s voice at a casting, he noted the purity and “intelligibility” of his vocals, and at one of the performances he even burst into tears from the “soulful performance.”

  • Selim Alakhyarov (29 years old) is Lezgin by nationality. Selim was born in Grozny, when the war began there, Selim's family moved to Dagestan. There were difficult times, there was no money, no apartment. There was only a car filled with pillows, mattresses, and things. For a long time Selim's family lived in the garage.
  • The main principle of Selim Alakhyarov is respect and love for his family and parents.
  • Selim Alakhyarov is actively involved in both music and sports.
  • Selim Alakhyarov graduated from the College named after. Gnesins. He always wanted to sing on stage with academic vocals. Despite difficult years childhood he always dreamed of getting a good education, he entered Gnesinka on a budget. My parents sent 2-3 thousand rubles as much as they could, but there wasn’t enough money and Selim went to work. He took on any job, even worked as a loader. Then Selim Alakhyarov got into the modeling agency of Vyacheslav Zaitsev.
  • At the Blind Audition for Voice 6, Selim Alakhyarov sang “Ferris Wheel” by Muslim Magomayev. At the first chords, Alexander Gradsky exclaimed: “Oh! This is for me! He turned around in the middle of the song, the rest of the song pretended that they were going to press the button.
  • After meeting the mentors, Selim Alakhyarov brought a huge bouquet of scarlet roses onto the stage.

Selim Alakhyarov: - Caucasians are great connoisseurs female beauty. I want to present this bouquet to the most talented, bright and beautiful girl. Pelageya, if I may, with great pleasure.

In the Quarterfinals of Voice 6, Selim Alakhyarov sang “For three years I dreamed of you” by Mark Bernes. The song was performed by a huge number of artists. For example, Dima Bilan has a very nice cover of the song “For three years I dreamed of you.”

Alexander Gradsky's vote: Pavel Ivanov 50%, Selim Alakhyarov 30%, Gabriel Kupatadze 20%.
Viewer voting: Ivanov 23.3%, Alakhyarov 69.7%, Kupatadze 7%.
Result: Ivanov 73.3%, Alakhyarov 99.7%, Kupatadze 27%.

Selim Alakhyarov continues to lose weight. By the Semi-final of Voice 6 (from the beginning of the project), he had already lost 13 kg and reached the weight that he had in last time at 16 years old.

In the Semi-finals of Voice 6, Selim Alakhyarov sang “Lyrical” (“Here the paws of the spruce trees tremble in the air”) by Vysotsky. He brought Pelageya and Gradsky to tears.

In the Semifinals of Voice 6, Alexander Gradsky gave his charges songs by Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky (Lora Gorbunova sang “Trouble”, and Selim Alkhyarov - “Lyrical”). And even in the joint number, Vysotsky’s song “Rope Walker” was also played. Laura and Selim sang with Sergei Bezrukov.
​Gradsky dedicated the songs of the Semifinal Voice 6 to the future significant date. January 25, 2018 - 80 years since the birth of Vladimir Vysotsky.

Gradsky's vote: Laura Gorbunova 60%, Selim Alakhyarov 40%.
Viewer voting: Gorbunova 25.8% Alakhyarov 74.2%.
Result: Gorbunova 85.8% Alakhyarov 114.2%.

Dmitry Nagiyev: “ Selim ran away I wanted to say that It's his birthday tomorrow, in almost 20 minutes. This is probably the most best gift, which he could make for himself."

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