Are the Dogons a primitive people or descendants of aliens from Sirius? Dogon and Sirius. Tribe from Sirius

For some groups of Dogon, for whom mutual understanding is difficult or impossible, and the Bamana. French, state language Mali, only a few own.

The total number is about 800 thousand people (2007, estimate). Mostly Muslims, in a number of areas traditional beliefs are preserved, about 10% are Christians (Catholics and Protestants).

Dogon languages

Ethno-linguistic division

According to the linguistic criterion, the Dogon are divided into several large and many small groups. Almost every Dogon village has its own linguistic features (sometimes very significant). In the table below they are sorted by language and size. A small group of Bangan, located in the range of the northern Dogon, is separated from the latter due to the fact that, according to some modern ideas their language is not part of the Dogon family and is considered an isolate.

People Language Number Resettlement (in Mali, unless otherwise specified) Note
southern Dogon
doon tomo-kan 178 000 168 thousand people in the southwest of Bancas, about 10 thousand people in Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso
Togo tene-kan (togo) 92 232
tengu tene-kan (tengu) 67 788
Eastern Dogon
diamsay diamsay 164 000 between Koro and Bumbum
toro-tegu toro-tegu 3654
central Dogon
Tomm Tommo-so 75 852 speak dialects of the Central Dogon language
toro (bommu) toro-so 63 000
don bottom-so 57 000 near Bandiagara
Western Dogon
mombo (colum) mombo-so (colum-so) 24 000
ampari ampari 6552
northern Dogon
bondum (dovoy) bondum(-house) 31 000 north of the Bandiagara plateau, the main settlement is Borko
dogul dogulu(-house) 20 000 northeast of Bandiagara
tiranige (duleri) tyranige-diga 5292
tebul-ure 3500
Nanga nanga(-lady) 3150
Yanda yanda(-dom) 2500
will bunoge 882
ana 500
bangana bangeri (bangime) 1512 in the northwest of Bandiagara speak an isolated language
Total 790 102


Bandiagara Ledge

The Dogon trace themselves to the ruling groups of Ancient Mali. According to ethnogenetic legends, their ancestors, pressed by the Fulbe, came in the 12th century from the upper reaches of the Niger - from the country of Manden, displacing the local population (Telem or Kurumba) and partially assimilating their culture and, obviously, adopting their languages. What remains of the bodies are cave sanctuaries and burial complexes in the rocky spurs of eastern and southern Bandiagara (inventory includes ceramics, arrowheads and spears, bronze and iron bracelets, wood sculpture, fragments of fabric, weaving, etc.). Tradition does not report direct contacts between the Dogon and the body. The connection with the Mandin peoples is confirmed by the social ties of clan groups, the proximity of art, dances, rituals, etc. In the 16th century, the Dogon were part of the early state formation of Songhai, in the 16th-19th centuries (to varying degrees of involvement for various groups) - in Masina. Contacts between the Dogon and the Islamized Fulani, which began at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, led to the latter's capture of Bandiagara by the mid-19th century.

Traditional culture

Wooden Dogon statue, possibly an ancestor figure, 17th-18th century

The traditional culture is typical of the peoples of the Sudanese subregion of West Africa. Its study was monopolized in the middle of the 20th century by representatives of the school of M. Griaule, which led to the ignoring of previously established alternative views (L. Deplane and others). Culturally, the Dogon of the plateau and foothills approaching the Niger Valley (central, western and northern Dogon) are distinguished from the Dogon of the chain of mountain ledges and the Seno plain to the southeast of them (southern and eastern Dogon). The isolated position of the Dogon country contributed to the conservation of archaic cultural elements or secondary archaization. The main occupations are manual slash-and-burn farming, terrace farming in the mountains, and in some places irrigation farming (sorghum, millet-eleusinum, beans; the main item of exchange and trade is onions). Cattle are grazed by the Fulani on an exchange basis. The Dogon have a comic kinship relationship with Bozo.

The Ava male mask society is associated with the cult of ancestors, during initiation into which (9-12 years old) circumcision is performed. Female circumcision is also practiced. Processions and dances with masks are held in connection with funerals, the beginning of agricultural work, annual rituals in honor of Amma and Lebe, 60-year cult cycles, etc.

Traditions are partially preserved rock art(images of people and animals, geometric figures). From 2nd half of the 19th century century, Islam spread under the influence of the Tukuleurs, and from the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century - Christianity. The Dogon, educated and living in cities, have a high status and occupy an influential position in politics and culture.

In modern culture


  • Beaudoin G. Les Dogon du Mali. P., 1997.
  • Calame-Griaule G. Ethnologie et langage: la parôle chez les Dogon. P., 1965
  • Desplagnes L. Le Plateau central nigerien. P., 1907
  • Griaule M. Dieu d'eau. Entretiens avec Ogotemmêli. P., 1948
  • Griaule M. Masques dogons. P., 1938
  • Griaule M., Dieterlen G. The Dogon of the French Sudan. 1948
  • Guerrier E. La cosmogonie des Dogon. L'arche du Nommo. P., 1975
  • Hochstetler, J. Lee, J. A. Durieux and E. I. K. Durieux-Boon. 2004. “Sociolinguistic Survey of the Dogon language area.” SIL Electronic Survey Reports 2004-004: 187 p.
  • Laude J. African Art of the Dogon: The Myths of the Cliff Dwellers. N.Y., 1973
  • Palau Marti M. Les Dogons. P., 1957
  • Paulme D. Organization sociale des Dogons. P., 1940
  • Wanono N. & Renaudea, M. Les Dogon. P., 1996


  • Those who came to the Bandiagara plateau. Article from the collection "On Land and Sea", 1978
  • "Dogon and Sirius" from The Skeptic's Dictionary.
  • "Excerpt from The Sirius Mystery" by James Oberg.

In the comments to the second part of the articles from the series “In Search of...” “North America XI century. Indian tribes, Cahokia and Fort Ancient,” they shared with us an interesting article that significantly expands the knowledge about such a mysterious and unusual African tribe as the Dogon. And they are unusual not only because of the presence of astronomical and cosmological knowledge that has been well preserved almost to this day, which, according to official history there was simply nowhere to get such savages, but also, as it turned out, the very origin of this people on Mother Earth. Many of our readers may have missed the link to this article in the comments, so we decided to publish it as a separate material, supplemented with illustrations and information about the Dogon and the related Bambara tribe from the book “AllatRa”.

So, first, Valery Kratochvil’s article “The Ship of Nommo” from the constellation Canis Major.

Beginning in 1931, a group of French ethnographers led by Marcel Griaule and Germaine Diterlen conducted research into the customs and beliefs of the African Dogon people living in Western Sudan (the modern Republic of Mali). The result of thirty years of work was a monograph on Dogon mythology, “The Pale Fox,” the first volume of which was published in Paris in 1965. Three years later, the famous English astronomer W.R. Drake drew attention to the Dogonians' precise knowledge of the parameters of the star Sirius.

Not even having their own written language, the Dogon in their cosmogonic myths divide celestial bodies into planets, stars and satellites. The stars are called "tolo", the planets are called "tolo gonoze" (stars that move), and the satellites are called "tolo tonaze" (stars that go in circles).

The accuracy and clarity of these ideas is amazing, especially considering that we are talking about a people leading a primitive way of life. Among the Dogons, only the priests "Olubaru", members of the secret "society of masks" who know the special language "Sigi So" ("language of Sirius") are allowed to study ancient myths... In ordinary communication, the Dogons speak "Dogo So" - the Dogon language .


The Dogons consider Sirius to be a triple star, consisting of main star"sigi tolo" and "stars "po tolo" and "emme ya tolo". The period of their revolution around the main star is amazingly accurately indicated - 50 Earth years (modern data: 49.9 years). Moreover, their ancient myths contain information about that the star “tolo” is small in size but has enormous weight and density.

“It is the smallest and heaviest of all stars and consists of a metal called “sagolu”, which is more brilliant than iron and so heavy that all earthly creatures united could not lift even a particle...” Elsewhere the myth specifies : “a particle of sagolu” the size of a grain of millet weighs as much as 480 donkey packs weigh” (i.e. about 35 tons).

Using the methods of modern science, it has been established that Sirius is indeed a double star, and its second component is the white dwarf Sirius B, the density of which can reach 50 tons per cubic centimeter...

Astronomers different countries Today there is a scientific discussion about the presence of a third component in this stellar system - the star Sirius C, about which several astronomers even stated that they “observed it through a telescope”... And although it has not yet been possible to see Sirius C again, a number of experts see it as irregularities in the trajectory of Sirius and the influence of the third star.

An interesting remark was made about this by the Kharkov researcher of Dogon myths V.V. Rubtsov. He drew attention to the fact that the name of the god Tishtrya, who personified Sirius among the ancient Iranians, comes from the Indo-European term meaning “three stars”...

According to Dogon myths, when the star “po tolo” (Sirius B), which according to the priests has an elongated orbit, approaches the star “sigi tolo” (Sirius A), it begins to shine brighter.

Several years ago, astronomer A.V. Arkhipov, in order to verify this statement, compared data from measurements of the brightness of this star over a century and a half. The scientist came to the conclusion that the brightness of Sirius really fluctuates, and with a periodicity of 50 years, i.e. with the period of revolution of Sirius B around Sirius A...

Moreover, when comparing these fluctuations with changes in the distance between these stars, the Dogon were completely right - the closer its satellite is to the main star, the brighter it is!

The Dogon also know that Saturn is surrounded by a “permanent ring,” and Jupiter has four large satellites, discovered by Galileo in 1610 using a telescope.

The Dogon priests, keepers of the sacred “language of Sirius” (“sigi so”), explain their astronomical awareness by the fact that their ancestors in time immemorial were resettled on this planet from “po tolo”, i.e. from Sirius V.

The statement contained in the Dogon migration myth that “in the first year of people’s lives on Earth, the star “po” flashed brightly, exploded, and then slowly faded away for 240 years,” suggests that the reason for the interstellar emigration of the population of Sirius B was the threat of the star’s explosion , which occurred when the Dogon had already arrived on the new planet...

Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman sources indicate that Sirius, the bright blue-white star in the constellation Canis Major, looked different in ancient times than it does today. So, in Babylon he bore the name Shukkudu - “hot copper”, Ptolemy in his “Almagest” (II century AD) places Sirius on the list of red stars, the Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca about two thousand years ago noted: “The redness of the Dog Star (i.e. Sirius) is deeper, Mars is softer, Jupiter does not have it at all..."

However, already in the 10th century AD, the Persian astronomer Al-Sufi described Sirius as white and blue, as we see it today. Modern scientists recognize the possibility of changes that occurred with Sirius over a period of 700-800 years, which is negligible on a cosmic scale...

Astronomer D. Martynov, having examined the possible mechanisms of such changes, came to the conclusion that Sirius B exploded as a semi-supernova in one of the first centuries of our era. According to the scientist, before the explosion, Sirius B was a “red giant,” which determined the color of the entire Sirius system. After the explosion, it turned into a "white dwarf" - an extremely dense star the size of Earth...

If we add to this that the explosion of Sirius occurred “in the first year of human life on Earth,” then we can date the resettlement of the Dogon from “Po Tolo” to the time between the 2nd and 10th centuries AD...

One of the astronomical drawings of the Dogon depicts the Sun and Sirius, connected by a curve twisting around each of the luminaries, with the diameter of Sirius exceeding the diameter of the Sun.

In 1975, Marseille astronomer Eric Guerrier published a book, “Essay on Dogon Cosmogony: The Ark of Nommo,” in which he suggested that “this curve represents the trajectory of interstellar flight...”


It should be noted that the Dogon myths about deep space largely correspond to modern scientific views. So, for example, the Dogon know that our Galaxy, visible from Earth as the “Milky Way,” is a “spiral star world” and believe that there are “infinitely many such “spiral star worlds” in the Universe, and it itself, although and “infinite, but measurable.”

According to the Dogon, the Universe is inhabited by various living creatures, and plants were the first to appear in it. For example, pumpkin and sorrel seeds "before falling to Earth, lay on the edge Milky Way" and "sprouted in all worlds of the Universe."

The Dogon are also convinced that “on other lands there are horned, tailed, winged, crawling people...”

Strictly speaking, Dogon myths tell not about one, but about several " space travel", the first of which was carried out by someone named Ogo, who, on his third "stellar voyage", ends up on Earth, where he turns into a "pale fox" - Yurugu.

Ancient myths and drawings of the Dogon also describe the cosmic “ark of Nommo”, in which the ancestors of the Dogon descended from “Sigi Talo” along with everything necessary for life on Earth. The "Ark of Nommo" is depicted by the "Olubaru" priests in the form of a "tazu" basket, resembling a truncated cone, the upper plane of which is a square and the lower plane is a circle. On the sides of the cone there are stairs on which people, animals, plants, etc. were held during their descent to Earth.

As it descended, the ark rotated, and this movement was supported through... a nozzle. “The hole of the nozzle is a large path of the breath of the ancestors,” the myth says, “who descended from a height. It was their breath that helped rotate, move and descend...”

"Nommo's Ark" landed after eight years of "swinging" in the sky, "raising a cloud of dust with an air whirlwind."

Nommo was the first to leave the ark, and then all the other creatures.

The Dogon priests name Lake Debo in Western Sudan as a landing site, which fills with water during floods on the Niger River. On one of the islands of this lake there is a stone image of the “Ark of Nommo” flying among the stars.


Of particular interest are the hidden cosmogonic myths of the Dogon... "In the beginning there was Amma, a god in the form of a round egg, who rested on nothing... Apart from this there was nothing..."

The main element of the world among the Dogon is the particle “po”, which has the shape of a small millet grain. Amma had the same form. This grain “spun and emitted particles of matter in the action of sound and light, while remaining invisible and inaudible.” In grain “by” Amma built the entire Universe, but in order to “let the world out” he began to rotate around its axis... The Dogon say: “Turning and dancing, Amma created all the spiral star worlds of the Universe.”

Eric Guerrier notes that the image of "Amma's spinning spiral vortex" can be safely applied both to an atom with an electron cloud rotating around the nucleus, and to each spiral galaxy...

Strange as it may seem, the more you become acquainted with the translation of Dogon myths into the language of modern physics, the sooner you become a supporter of E. Guerrier’s hypothesis that the Dogon have long worshiped energy!..

Here it is appropriate to cite the most secret secret of Dogon myths:

"Po, twisted around himself, keeps the word until the moment when Amma orders the release of this word in order to transmit it to all creations. Po can turn into a terrible wind, but we can’t talk about it..."

E. Guerrier believes that in this part the myth directly points to the possibility of the transition of matter into energy, calculated using the formula e = ms2, discovered by A. Einstein at the beginning of the 20th century.

This point of view is supported by myths describing the “space odysseys of the Dogon”. They tell of the journey from Sirius to Earth of a creature named Ogo, and later of the “ark of Nommo,” with which the first people arrived. There is a curious evidence from the myths that in these space travels the Dogon starships moved, driven by the wind contained in the grains, “along”...

Also of interest is the opinion of the “oluburu” priests that the intelligent inhabitants of “Yalu ulo” - i.e. The “spiral star world” of the Galaxy, although they interfere in the life of humanity on planet Earth, is, however, to a much lesser extent than the inhabitants of the constellations Orion and the Pleiades, who “are directly involved in the life and development of people on Earth...”

Dogon rock paintings

Dogon rock paintings (editor's note: there are a lot of familiar symbols and signs, isn't it?)


Impressive, isn't it? For the first time, I learned about the Dogon and another tribe that carefully preserved wisdom and knowledge, the Bambara tribe, from the “AllatRa” reference book that has already become my reference book. This is what is said about them in this source of Primordial Knowledge, pp. 71-77:

Rigden: The problem of modern humanity is that egoism has fragmented knowledge so thoroughly that the single meaning and purpose of this knowledge has been lost. Therefore, today, for example, astrophysicists prefer to look exclusively up at the stars, building fantastic theories about the same black holes. But archaeologists and ethnologists prefer to look exclusively downwards, plunging into antiquity, expressing their guesses about the past...

Anastasia: In general, there is no unity in the diverse knowledge of the one, there is no broadening of horizons and the most important thing - a person’s knowledge of himself, his true Essence.

Rigden: Unfortunately, this is so. Let me give you another interesting example on this matter. As I already mentioned, there is a Dogon tribe in West Africa. IN late XIX century, when the leaders European countries began to divide Africa into their colonies, the territory where these people lived, like their neighbors, came under the rule of France. At that time, the trade in slaves from the African continent was developed. However, the Dogon were saved by the fact that they lived in hard-to-reach areas. So the first to know about their existence was an employee of the colonial troops, who was compiling a list of “savage” tribes. His attitude towards this people corresponded to the template created by the politicians of his state, that is, “savages are not even people.” But the culture of a given people It was already discovered (and then only for a narrow circle of European specialists) by the French ethnographer and Africanist Marcel Griaule. He was primarily interested in the spiritual side of Dogon life, so ultimately the priests of this tribe initiated him into their secret of secrets.

Anastasia: “To a person with kind hearted And pure thoughts secret Knowledge is being revealed...

Rigden: Absolutely right... But the world learned about the Dogon cosmological system not from the works of this ethnographer, but from the works of an astronomer who was interested in both archeology and ethnography and was able to compare all this knowledge. So, the Dogon and their related Bambara tribe are one of the few peoples who have preserved the original information with almost minimal distortion, sometimes without even understanding the meaning of this information. And the latter is such that it is far ahead of the achievements of modern science.

Anastasia: Curious...

Rigden: In the cosmology of the Dogon, as well as the Bambara, there is information about the significant primary role of vibration, spiral motion in the creation of the Universe.

Anastasia: Do the Dogon have knowledge about the spiral motion of the Universe?!

Rigden: Yes. In Dogon mythology there is a supreme deity - a creator god, the creator of the world, called Amma. One of the Dogon cosmogonic myths says that the world came from the word “Amma”.

Anastasia: It’s very interesting: the African Dogon have “Amma”, and among the Indians, according to legend, the Universe originated from the vibration of the sacred sound “Om”. In the Vedas, this sound is also considered a symbol of the Soul’s approach to the world of God and is indicated by a special sign...

Rigden: Of course, all these legends once had the same basis - Knowledge. So, according to Dogon mythology, the world came from the word “Amma”. There was nothing except this word. The first word gave rise to the infinitesimal basic element of the world, which the Dogon call “kize uzi” (aka millet grain Po). Through internal vibration, the “kize uzi” turned into the “egg of the world.” In Dogon mythology, Amma has the epithet “spinning whirlwind,” and it is indicated that the movement occurs in a spiral. Moreover, Amma's creations themselves are subsequently described, including mention of the seven worlds, the Sun and the Moon. In particular, that the Sun is surrounded by a spiral of eight turns of red copper. But the Moon is surrounded by the same spiral, but made of white copper. Surprisingly, modern physics has not yet reached the level scientific understanding these questions. But that's not the most interesting thing. Returning to the creation of the world... After creating the “grain of Po” and unwinding the movement in a spiral, the “invisible Amma” began to create signs that determine everything in this world: two “guiding signs” that belong to Amma, and eight “main ones”. ..

Anastasia: Signs? So, considering that Shambhala also communicates and creates events with the help of signs... Signs are generally a special topic. In connection with the above legend, readers may have a question: what does “guide and main signs” mean?

Rigden: Well, firstly, the very fact that the Dogon possessed such knowledge indicates that their ancestors received it thanks to paleocontact. The two "guiding signs" are signs that can only be used by the one they call Amma in their mythology. But the eight “main signs” are creative signs, which, when a certain force is applied to them, figuratively speaking, like a key to a lock, open up certain possibilities for controlling the processes of both creation and destruction. Very rarely, but it happens that the “main signs” become accessible to a human being.

Anastasia: Very rarely they become accessible to a human being... So this is the Grail! I recorded this knowledge in the book “Sensei-IV”. You once mentioned that the Grail consists of twelve signs, and in Dogon mythology eight are mentioned, not counting the two that, as I understand it, are inaccessible to people in principle. Therefore, either the Dogon had incomplete information, either partially lost over time, or hidden from the European explorers who recorded their myths. But the fact that the Grail consists of “main signs”, with the help of which one can model and adjust the world at will, is indirectly mentioned in many legends of different nations.

Rigden: Absolutely right... Such “sacred” knowledge for a particular people is almost never fully revealed by the priests of the tribe, especially to random people. As for the Grail, it should be remembered that when it was hidden, it was not by chance that the 12 signs were divided into four parts of three signs in each. This greatly hampered the process of adding signs and sound activation of the Grail. The signs of the Grail in a certain sequence are like a form, like a key to a lock, which, with the help of the application of a certain force (the sound formula of the Primary Sound), opens up transcendental possibilities for a person.

Anastasia: Four parts with three characters in each...

Rigden: By the way, these ancient peoples have preserved references that the number four embodies the feminine principle, three - the masculine principle, and in total seven - the basis of the human Being (the principle eternal life), perfection.

Anastasia: Four - embodies the feminine principle... So if the Grail was made up of four parts, then this, it turns out, indirectly indicates a connection with the creative divine power feminine- Allatom.

Rigden (grin): Well, why indirectly?.. By the way, regarding Allat. In the cosmogonic myths of the Bambara people, which tell about the timeless initial stage of the creation of the world, there is a mention that the world originated from a void endowed with movement - “gla”. “Gla” gave birth to a sounding double. The result was a pair - “gla gla”. In general, after a series of transformations and transformations, thanks to vibration, “signs” arose, which were intended to be placed on objects that had not yet been created in order to designate them. During the act of creation, the spirit of Yo (from which came the first powerful forces of Pembo and Faro, who participated in the creation of the world), 22 basic elements and 22 turns of the spiral appeared. Moreover, it is indicated that when these turns of the spiral “stirred” Yo, then as a result light, sound, all actions, all beings, all feelings arose... The myths mention that Pemba moved in space in a vortex motion, that he threw up something , which was later called Faro. Faro created the seven heavens, the spirit of the air, and in the form of water shed life on the earth. He is omnipresent and visits all waters. Faro, in fact, continued the creation of the world, ordered the Universe and classified all its elements, created people and taught them the Word.

Anastasia: Faro put the Universe in order. So these are the functions of the creative power of Allat.

Rigden: So that’s what we’re talking about. By the way, about speech. In Dogon mythology, water deities (divine twins) in the form of half-men, half-snake were called Nommo. Legends have been preserved that when they saw from the sky the naked mother earth, deprived of speech, they made her a skirt from ten bundles of fibers from celestial plants. It was the wet fibers twisted in a spiral, which contained the word and were the full essence of Nommo, that imparted speech to the earth, the first language of the world. So it was in vain that some people called the Dogon and Bambara peoples “savages.” These "savages" preserved much more information for future generations than " civilized people" Of course, not without its elements of distortion, but still it is much better than nothing.

Anastasia: Yes, after all of the above, there is a desire to just drop everything and go to Africa, since such knowledge is stored there.

Rigden (laughed): There’s nothing to do there, in that Africa. It's like going to Tibet. There will immediately be a lot of people who want to point out to you “ Right way"... to Ahriman, and at your own expense... In fact, everything is much closer than a person can imagine. It's all about the key of Knowledge and the prevailing worldview. Look, you saw the world in a different way of Knowledge, from the position of a spiritual worldview. (book "AllatRa", pp. 71-77)

Here are the “savages” for us. I personally wonder why they didn’t tell us about this at school? This question is not at all rhetorical, although now, after reading the books of Anastasia Novykh, I certainly know the answer to it. I think that the majority of school, and probably university history teachers themselves do not really know anything about the Dogon, nor about the true state of affairs both in the distant and near past of our civilization of people who naively consider themselves reasonable. For the most part, this is the “merit” of that small group of people called Archons, who are extremely interested in ensuring that you and I do not know the Truth about our past, present, or near future. Well, as well as that much larger number of individuals who are the executive machine of the Archons in the form of scientists, politicians and priests, who from year to year format the consciousness and worldview of billions of people on this planet under harsh materialism and bubbleism. A striking example there is an article recently published on our website by traveler and photographer Vladimir Alekseev “ Real story about how found artifacts are replaced. Excavations in San Bartolo, Guatemala" -

The Dogon are a small African people, traditionally engaged in agriculture and living on the lands of the Republic of Mali, in the remote mountainous area of ​​Bandiagara. According to Dogon legends, their ancestors came to X-XI centuries from the upper reaches of the Niger River, from the country of Manden, in Sudan. They displaced the former Bandiagara population, adopting much of its culture and possibly adopting its language.

Ritual drawings of the Dogons.

The Dogons were isolated from the whole world for a long time and therefore retained an archaic way of life, almost the same as their ancestors led in the Stone Age. Despite the adoption of Islam by a significant part of the Dogon since mid-19th centuries, and over time the adoption by a smaller part of the people of Christianity, the Dogon retained ancient beliefs, including primitive knowledge about nature combined with mysterious astronomical information that amazed modern scientists. The cosmogonic ideas of this people surprisingly resonate with the data of science of our time.

Among European scientists, the French ethnographer Marcel Griaule showed interest in the life of the Dogon in the 1930s. He lived among them for several years, learned their language and customs. He was even lucky enough to participate in the holiday celebrated by the Dogon once every 50 years. For this holiday, the Dogon make special masks that are carefully preserved by subsequent generations.

When Griaule returned to this tribe in 1946, the council of elders and priests decided to introduce him to the circle of initiates and reveal to the scientist the secret knowledge of the people - the legend of the creation of the world.

It must be said that these people did not have their own written language, and all important knowledge was passed on by word of mouth for generations. The narration was accompanied by graphic drawings.

The mystery of the Dogon was first discussed in their research by Marcel Griaule and Germaine Diterlen, French anthropologists who studied the Dogon from 1931 to 1952, in their article “The Sudanese Sirius System,” published in 1950 in the Journal de la Société des Africanistes. It was there that information first appeared about the triple nature of Sirius in the Dogon cosmogony and the invisible stars known to them. The article only stated facts; the researchers made no attempts to somehow explain the information received. Later, another book by scientists, “The Pale Fox,” was published.

An attempt to comprehend the Dogon myths was made by Eric Guerrier in the book “Essay on the Dogon Cosmogony: The Ark of Nommo” published in 1975 and by Robert Temple in the book “The Mystery of Sirius” published in 1976. The latter tried to prove that the Dogon learned their secrets from amphibious aliens from the Sirius system, and perhaps not directly, but through Ancient Egypt. Eric Guerrier, an architect and amateur astronomer, drew attention to the fact that the Dogon cosmogonic system and their astronomical views coincided with modern scientific data and hypotheses. A fact that escaped ethnologists who were not fully knowledgeable in matters of astronomy.

The scientist’s attention was also attracted by the Dogon’s excellent knowledge of the starry sky.
The North Star and the Southern Cross are called the “Eyes of the World” by the Dogon. Alpha of the Southern Cross - " Double eye peace." The star is indeed double, but astronomers were convinced of this only with the help of telescopes, while the Dogon, we recall, did not have any astronomical instruments at hand.

They divide celestial bodies into stars, planets and satellites. The Dogon are well aware of the structure solar system. They know that the Sun rotates around its axis, and the Earth revolves around the Sun. According to the Dogon, Venus has a satellite. Actually this is not true. But in 1976, astronomers Van Flandern and Harrington put forward a hypothesis according to which Mercury was a former satellite of Venus. According to the calculations of these scientists, anomalies in the orbit of Mercury and some features of its structure indicate that approximately 400 thousand years ago it switched to an independent orbit. This hypothesis is based on precise astronomical observations and complex calculations. However, it remains a mystery how the Dogon know about this.
The Dogon know about the four moons of Jupiter and the ring around Saturn. They place planets in elliptical orbits.
But main role Among the celestial bodies, the Dogon recognize Sirius. This is clear from the name of this planet, which they call the “navel of the world.” According to their myths, Sirius is a triple star system.

Sirius is a triple star system.

Modern astronomy, however, defines Sirius as a binary system. It is small in size, comparable to the Earth, but very hot star with a mass that is close to the mass of the Sun, the so-called “white dwarf”. The second star makes one revolution around Sirius A in 50.4 ± 0.09 Earth years. It is with this frequency that the Dogon hold their festival of masks. They, like astronomical science today, know that around Sirius-A, which the Dogon call the star Shigu, a small but very massive satellite rotates in an elongated orbit - the “star Po”, which modern scientists call Sirius-B. The brightness of Sirius-B is 10 thousand times less than the brightness of the main star, and it can only be seen with a strong telescope. This star cannot be seen with the naked eye, and where the Dogon got such information is a matter of speculation. More mysterious is the information of this people about another satellite of Jupiter - the star Emma Ya, and in the language of science - Sirius-C, which has not yet been discovered by modern science. According to the Dogon information, this satellite has a more elongated orbit than Sirius-B, but their orbital period is the same - 50 years. In addition, according to the Dogon, as Sirius-B approaches Sirius-A, the brightness of the latter’s glow increases, which has also been confirmed by modern astronomers. This happens once every 50 years.

The Dogon believe that this Sirius-B is the heaviest star, and so heavy that all people taken together could not lift even a small piece of it. So, according to modern astronomy, the white dwarf Sirius-B consists of matter of fantastic density; one cubic centimeter of it would weigh about a ton on Earth.

The Dogon identify Sirius-B with the “grain “po”” - the “empty shell” that was formed after the “spread of things throughout the Universe.” This is the main object of the universe, giving birth to the “spiral worlds” of the Universe - galaxies.

According to modern astronomers, white dwarfs appear as a result of powerful supernova explosions of stars that were previously red giants. One of the Dogon myths tells about just such an event - the outbreak and gradual extinction of a star in the Sirius system. It should be noted that nothing like this was noted in any other written sources of ancient civilizations.

Focusing on the 50-year cycle, the Dogon celebrate the Sigi holidays associated with the star Sirius A - Siri Tolo. But this date is celebrated not at half-century intervals, but every 60 years, and the holiday lasts for 7 years. This is a holiday of world renewal. During Shiga, a huge “kanaga”, a wooden bird mask, is made. The masks are not destroyed at the end of the holiday, but are stored in special place. This enabled scientists, in particular Griaule, to count the number of masks and determine that the celebrations of Sigi began around 1300 AD.

Image of our Galaxy among the Dogon tribes.

As can be seen from the diagram, it depicts four arms and two jet streams emanating from the nuclear disk, and also indicates the location of our Solar System. I wonder where the wild tribes got such knowledge?

The planetary system in which our Earth is located is approximately in the middle. All planetary systems are divided into three worlds: lower, middle and upper. Our Galaxy belongs to the middle worlds.

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Technological progress and widespread adoption high technology did not at all affect the way of life of numerous African tribes inhabiting the endless tropical jungle. One of the most mysterious tribal formations is the Dogon tribe, living in the territory of the state of Mali on the banks of the deep and dangerous Niger River.

At first glance, the Dogons live in caves and look like an ordinary prehistoric tribe, engaged, as thousands of years ago, in gathering and fishing. However, any of the researchers who studied the myths and beliefs of these semi-wild aborigines found facts indicating that the Dogons have very broad and accurate knowledge in the field of astronomy and the structure of the solar system.

The famous ethnographer Marcel Griol, who studied the habits of the peoples of West Africa in the 30s of the last century, argued that the Dogons are one of the fragments ancient people, who lived in Sudan and Mali long before our era. Once in their settlement, Griaule saw the ancient cave drawings, on which, despite their primitiveness, the complex outlines of the planets and their orbits were discerned. The main holiday of the tribe is Sigui, which takes place once every 50 years, when the distant planet Sirius completes a full revolution around an unknown star.

The Dogon claim that the progenitor of all living things was the god Amma, who had the shape of a ball. As a result of the Big Bang, the continuous expansion of the ball began, which continues today. Data on the constant expansion of the Universe are confirmed by the results of the latest research carried out using powerful radio telescopes. But the Dogons knew about this back in the 19th century...

According to the Dogons themselves, astronomical knowledge was conveyed to them by an alien god from the planet Sirius named Nommo, who descended from heaven during a powerful Cataclysm. As soon as Nommo fell to the ground, the storms, thunderstorms and explosions stopped, the door of the apparatus opened, from which the gods emerged. It is interesting that the mysterious alien gods Anunnaki are often mentioned in Sumerian mythology.

Who was Nommo, an alien from another world and one of the last inhabitants of ancient Atlantis, which just disappeared as a result of a similar cataclysm? Many people think about this question, but the mystery of the Dogons and their inexplicable knowledge still remains a mystery.

Photo. The Dogon tribe in Mali are aliens from Sirius.

Photo. Common dwellings of the Dogon people.

A series of video films will help create a more complete picture of the Dogon people in Mali. The first video in the Adventure Magic series is “Children of the Pale Fox.”

Second film: “Dogons – aliens from Sirius?”

Third video: " The unsolved mystery of the Dogons«

The Dogon are a small African people, traditionally engaged in agriculture and living on the lands of the Republic of Mali, in the remote mountainous area of ​​Bandiagara. According to Dogon legends, their ancestors came in the 10th-11th centuries from the upper reaches of the Niger River, from the country of Manden, in Sudan. They displaced the population that had previously lived in Bandiagara, adopting much of its culture and possibly adopting its language.

The Dogons were isolated from the whole world for a long time and therefore retained an archaic way of life, almost the same as their ancestors led in the Stone Age. Despite the adoption of Islam by a significant part of the Dogon since the mid-19th century, and over time the adoption by a smaller part of the people of Christianity, the Dogon have retained ancient beliefs, including primitive knowledge of nature combined with mysterious astronomical information that has amazed modern scientists. The cosmogonic ideas of this people surprisingly resonate with the data of science of our time.

Among European scientists, the French ethnographer Marcel Griaule showed interest in the life of the Dogon in the 1930s. He lived among them for several years, learned their language and customs. He was even lucky enough to participate in the holiday celebrated by the Dogon once every 50 years. For this holiday, the Dogon make special masks that are carefully preserved by subsequent generations.

When Griaule returned to this tribe in 1946, the council of elders and priests decided to introduce him to the circle of initiates and reveal to the scientist the secret knowledge of the people - the legend of the creation of the world.

It must be said that these people did not have their own written language, and all important knowledge was passed on by word of mouth for generations. The narration was accompanied by graphic drawings.

The mystery of the Dogon was first discussed in their research by Marcel Griaule and Germaine Diterlen, French anthropologists who studied the Dogon from 1931 to 1952, in their article “The Sudanese Sirius System,” published in 1950 in the Journal de la Société des Africanistes. It was there that information first appeared about the triple nature of Sirius in the Dogon cosmogony and the invisible stars known to them. The article only stated facts; the researchers made no attempts to somehow explain the information received. Later, another book by scientists, “The Pale Fox,” was published.

An attempt to comprehend the Dogon myths was made by Eric Guerrier in the book “Essay on the Dogon Cosmogony: The Ark of Nommo” published in 1975 and by Robert Temple in the book “The Mystery of Sirius” published in 1976. The latter tried to prove that the Dogon learned their secrets from amphibious aliens from the Sirius system, and perhaps not directly, but through Ancient Egypt. Eric Guerrier, an architect and amateur astronomer, drew attention to the fact that the Dogon cosmogonic system and their astronomical views coincided with modern scientific data and hypotheses. A fact that escaped ethnologists who were not fully knowledgeable in matters of astronomy.

The scientist’s attention was also attracted by the Dogon’s excellent knowledge of the starry sky.
The North Star and the Southern Cross are called the “Eyes of the World” by the Dogon. Alpha of the Southern Cross - "Double Eye of the World." The star is indeed double, but astronomers were convinced of this only with the help of telescopes, while the Dogon, we recall, did not have any astronomical instruments at hand.

They divide celestial bodies into stars, planets and satellites. The Dogon are well aware of the structure of the solar system. They know that the Sun rotates around its axis, and the Earth revolves around the Sun. According to the Dogon, Venus has a satellite. Actually this is not true. But in 1976, astronomers Van Flandern and Harrington put forward a hypothesis according to which Mercury was a former satellite of Venus. According to the calculations of these scientists, anomalies in the orbit of Mercury and some features of its structure indicate that approximately 400 thousand years ago it switched to an independent orbit. This hypothesis is based on precise astronomical observations and complex calculations. However, it remains a mystery how the Dogon know about this.

The Dogon know about the four moons of Jupiter and the ring around Saturn. They place planets in elliptical orbits.

But the Dogon recognize the main role among the celestial bodies as Sirius. This is clear from the name of this planet, which they call the “navel of the world.” According to their myths, Sirius is a triple star system. Modern astronomy, however, defines Sirius as a binary system. It is small in size, comparable to the Earth, but very hot star with a mass that is close to the mass of the Sun, the so-called “white dwarf”. The second star makes one revolution around Sirius A in 50.4 ± 0.09 Earth years. It is with this frequency that the Dogon hold their festival of masks. They, like astronomical science today, know that around Sirius-A, which the Dogon call the star Shigu, a small but very massive satellite rotates in an elongated orbit - the “star Po”, which modern scientists call Sirius-B. The brightness of Sirius-B is 10 thousand times less than the brightness of the main star, and it can only be seen with a strong telescope. This star cannot be seen with the naked eye, and where the Dogon got such information is a matter of speculation. More mysterious is the information of this people about another satellite of Jupiter - the star Emma Ya, and in the language of science - Sirius-C, which has not yet been discovered by modern science. According to the Dogon information, this satellite has a more elongated orbit than Sirius-B, but their orbital period is the same - 50 years. In addition, according to the Dogon, as Sirius-B approaches Sirius-A, the brightness of the latter’s glow increases, which has also been confirmed by modern astronomers. This happens once every 50 years.

The Dogon believe that this Sirius-B is the heaviest star, and so heavy that all people taken together could not lift even a small piece of it. So, according to modern astronomy, the white dwarf Sirius-B consists of matter of fantastic density; one cubic centimeter of it would weigh about a ton on Earth.

The Dogon identify Sirius-B with the “grain “po”” - the “empty shell” that was formed after the “spread of things throughout the Universe.” This is the main object of the universe, giving birth to the “spiral worlds” of the Universe - galaxies.
According to modern astronomers, white dwarfs appear as a result of powerful supernova explosions of stars that were previously red giants.

One of the Dogon myths tells about just such an event - the outbreak and gradual extinction of a star in the Sirius system. It should be noted that nothing like this was noted in any other written sources of ancient civilizations.

Focusing on the 50-year cycle, the Dogon celebrate the Sigi holidays associated with the star Sirius A - Siri Tolo. But this date is celebrated not at half-century intervals, but every 60 years, and the holiday lasts for 7 years.

This is a holiday of world renewal. During Shiga, a huge “kanaga”, a wooden bird mask, is made. The masks are not destroyed at the end of the holiday, but are stored in a special place. This enabled scientists, in particular Griaule, to count the number of masks and determine that the celebrations of Siga began around 1300 AD.

The Dogon have a cult of honoring the “Twilight Zone”, and they bury their dead in caves. Dogon cosmogony is reminiscent of both the idea of ​​biblical creationism and the scientific theory of the “big bang”. One of their myths says: “In the beginning of all things there was only Amma - the god who did not lie on anything. Amma’s ball-egg was closed... there was nothing besides it.” Then, from this ball-egg, the world emerged in all its diversity. “The world in the bosom of Amma was still without time and without space. Time and space have become one." “When Amma broke the egg of the world and came out of it, a whirlwind arose and spun. This whirlwind that is spinning is Amma.” "Amma created an infinite number of worlds."
In general, the modern scientific theory of the “big bang” also describes the emergence of the world from a small compressed clot of matter with a volume of 10 cubic centimeters. Approximately 20 billion years ago, " big Bang", as a result of which our Universe began to expand. As it expanded, time and distance appeared. The Universe continues to expand in our time.

According to the Dogon, our Earth is not the only inhabited place. “Spiral-shaped star worlds are inhabited worlds. Along with things, Amma, who gave the world movement and form, created all kinds of living beings.”

Dogon mythology also knows about the smallest particles that make up everything around. “All things that Amma created have their beginning in the smallest grain. Starting from this small thing, all the things that Amma created were formed by successively adding the same elements. Amma creates all things small, like a grain “po”, then adds these grains to the already created things. As Amma connects them, the body grows larger.”

Dogon mythology also speaks of the appearance of the first people on Earth. The first alien on Earth was Ogo, one of the assistants of the supreme god Amma, who rebelled against his patron. He is one of the four sons of the first being created by the supreme god Amma - Nommo anagonno. This Ogo is a rather mischievous character. Amma tried three times to prevent Ogo from coming to Earth. But Ogo made himself a ship that moved with the help of the wind. He arrived from the star Sigi Tolo (Sirius). After him, other settlers arrived on Earth, and Ogo began to harm them. The supreme god Amma turned him into the “pale fox Yurugu.”

The next guest, who arrived already on Amma's orders, was Nommo. His mission was to populate the Earth. He arrived with people on a ship consisting of 60 compartments. People only know what was contained in the 22 compartments of the Nommo ship. What was in the remaining compartments will become known later. This knowledge, according to the Dogon, will change people's ideas about the world.

Nommo's ship flew towards Earth through the hole in the sky that Amma had made, and swung in the sky for eight periods, "occupying the sky from horizon to horizon, like a great rainbow." It swayed from East to West, leaning now in the northern direction, now in the south. The ship hung from the sky on a copper chain, which Nommo then returned back to the sky. Lake Debbie appeared at the site where Nommo's ship landed. Along with Nommo, eight human ancestors arrived on the ship. After the landing of people and other creatures, Nommo dived into the water, from there he monitors what is happening and takes care of the people. He will appear on earth again on the “day of the word.”

In the region where the Dogon live, there is Lake Debbie and Mount Scholl, on which there is a large dolmen - a structure made of large stones. According to Dogon legend, it symbolizes the ship Nommo, which once arrived on Earth. Nearby rise three more stone structures - menhirs, symbolizing Sirius, the Sun and the Earth. Lake Debbie and these stone structures mark the landing site of space travelers.

Some scientists, in particular Guerrier, believe that Dogon myths preserve information about their contacts with aliens that took place in ancient times. Other researchers, such as American astronomer Carl Sagan, are opponents of such views.

Then where did African tribe Can one have such extensive knowledge of astronomy? Perhaps the Dogon or their distant ancestors lived on the planet Sirius?
There is also a skeptical point of view on the knowledge of the Dogon. Some scientists note that the research of Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen is the only source that tells about the mysterious knowledge of the Dogon priests in the field of astronomy.

In addition, over time, it became clear that in all of Griaule’s notes on Dogon cosmogony there is not a single astronomical fact that was unknown at the time the scientist conducted his research. The modern Belgian anthropologist Walter van Beek spent 12 years among the Dogon, but said that he had not heard from them anything similar to Griaule’s messages.

This scientist noticed that all the information was received by Griaule from only one informant named Ambara, and this fact also does not give the data received credibility. True, it is also possible that the Dogon knowledge about the mysteries of space was known only to a narrow circle of initiates, whom Griol mentions under the word “olubaru,” and Griol’s informant Ambara was precisely one of them.

Finally, a researcher on this topic, Carl Sagan, suggested that some astronomical knowledge could have been borrowed from Europeans who visited the Dogon before Griol and Dieterlen began their research.
An opinion was also expressed about the Dogon’s independent observations of the stars: according to this version, in contemplating the starry sky they did not use any magnifying devices and made their discoveries only thanks to the visual acuity of individual people. This assumption was made in the 1980s by Soviet authors A. Arefiev and L. Fomin. However, in order to observe, for example, a star such as Sirius-B, you need to have visual acuity more than twice that available to a person, and to perceive this star as a separate luminary from the neighboring Sirius-A, you need to have vision four times more powerful than in a person with normal vision. The first observation of Sirius B was made using a telescope only in 1862.

Skeptics also point out that the Dogon know nothing about planets such as Mercury, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Be that as it may, the question is, where did the Aboriginal tribe from Central Africa such deep, inexplicable and inexplicable knowledge about the celestial bodies by modern science remains so far unsolved.

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