Ten best museums in Shanghai. Top Ten Museums in Shanghai Collection of Propaganda Posters

Museums of Shanghai: art museums, museums-reserves, local history, fine arts, art, modern museums. Phone numbers, official websites, addresses of the main museums and galleries in Shanghai.

  • Last minute tours To China
  • In one of the world's largest cities, ports, and financial centers - Shanghai, there is a wide variety of museums of different themes, design and content. All of them are aimed at attracting interest in this wonderful city and creating a desire to get to know it closer and deeper.

    Once upon a time, at the beginning of the 20th century, it was a small fishing town. And for some twenty years (until 1930) it became the largest and very significant city Far East. The city, which participated in criminal disputes, political intrigues, cultural and intellectual revolutions and wars and ultimately became richer, stronger, more powerful, today has claims to the status of the center of all of East Asia.

    Hundreds of Shanghai museums house an unimaginable array of exhibits. Since ancient times, the Chinese, with their mother's milk, have imbibed a reverent attitude towards works of art and artifacts. Among them are many talented sculptors, artists, and designers. Therefore, if you have a free minute during a trip to Shanghai, it is best, of course, to use it to visit one of the magnificent museums, which will provide a lot of interesting and educational information and will bring great pleasure.

    Having visited the famous Shanghai Museum on People's Square (RenMin GuanChang), you can immerse yourself deeply and in detail into Chinese art, because there are more than one hundred and twenty thousand exhibits (ancient bronzes, furniture, sculpture, ceramics, painting, calligraphy and more).

    The museum building itself is very original - a square house with a round dome, symbolizing square land under the round sky (the oldest Chinese idea of ​​the world).

    Entrance to the museum is free, but only five thousand people per day can enter.

    Another interesting museum is the history of Shanghai (Oriental Pearl TV Tower), located at the base of the city TV tower, built on the principle of “acting out” many scenes from Shanghai life with the help of realistic wax figures and interesting video presentations. The entire history of the city throughout its existence is presented here. Tourists consider this museum the most interesting in the city.

    Shanghai Postal Museum (250 North Suzhou Road, Houkou District) is the first of its kind in China, covering an area of ​​eight thousand square meters. m of the ancient building of the city's main post office contains many original copies from the history of the postal service, even carts, cars and wagons used in the past to transport correspondence.

    Entrance here is also free.

    The five pavilions of the Automobile Museum (on BoYuan Road) will delight everyone who is interested in this topic. Here is the history of the automotive industry, rare cars of various brands from different countries, technologies. And on the second floor of the museum you can see with your own eyes forty retro cars, mostly European and American from 1902-1977.

    Museum of Science and Technology, Museum of Art, Museum of Oriental Instruments, Museum of Shanghai Urban Planning - this is not at all full list something worth visiting.

    Shanghai is a city that you always have little time to get to know, a city whose museums are unique cultural platforms that give an idea of ​​the originality of Chinese civilization, interesting for adults and children!

Founded in 1952, the Shanghai Folk Art Museum has a collection of more than 120,000 pieces of Chinese folk art.

The building was designed by the architect Hing Tong and is made in the shape of an ancient Chinese bronze vessel - Ding.

The museum has eleven galleries and three exhibition halls for temporary exhibitions. The galleries contain works of art made of bronze, ceramics, and jade. All types of sculpture, painting, calligraphy, numismatics, printing, furniture and others delight the eye.

One of the museum's most interesting collections is a collection of ancient coins from the Silk Road era, donated in 1991 by Linda and Roger Du.

Metersbonwe Costume Museum

The Metersbonwe Costume Museum is a world-class museum that aims to display a collection of traditional Chinese clothing throughout the centuries.

The museum is located on the top floor of a five-story clothing store. The museum displays the traditional clothing of 56 ethnic minority groups within the country.

Today the collection consists of 10 thousand items of clothing. The owner of the museum and a chain of Chinese clothing stores is Zhou Chengjian. Explanations for the exhibits are written in English and Chinese.

Museum of Buddhist Art

The Museum of Buddhist Art is historical Museum in Shanghai's Jiading district, where the largest collection of Buddhist art is presented.

The area of ​​the museum is 7 thousand square meters. There are more than a thousand Buddha figurines in the museum, made of gold, silver, copper, iron, tin and ceramics, ivory, rosewood and other materials. Collector Wang Xiangdong has been collecting Buddha images for about 40 years. In addition, the museum displays a variety of Buddhist sculptures and paintings.

Shanghai Natural History Museum

Shanghai Museum natural history has a collection of 240,000 exhibits. It is one of the largest such museums in the world.

The museum's collection includes 135,000 plant specimens, 700 exhibits related to stone age, 1,700 types of minerals and more than 62,000 animal specimens.

Some of the exhibits on display here can no longer be seen in any other museum in the world, such as the Yellow River mammoth, giant salamanders and pandas, or the Yangtze alligator. The museum's largest exhibit is a dinosaur, about 140 million years old and as tall as a four-story building. The museum also houses two mummies and several human embryos.

Shanghai History Museum

The Shanghai History Museum was founded in 1983. It moved several times and in 2001 was located on the first floor of the Shanghai TV Tower, where it remains today.

The museum collection includes more than 30 thousand different exhibits. Among them are ancient Shanghai relics and more than 18 thousand modern objects, including those preserved from colonial times. Among the most important and rare museum treasures is the embroidery “Flowers, Insects and Fishes”, made in the Ming era by Han Ximen, a huge jade screen made of natural stone, on which agates, emeralds, jade, pearls and jasper are recreated everyday scenes Chinese life - an ancient bronze cannon and stones.

The museum constantly operates five exhibitions dedicated to various aspects of the history of China and the city: “The Road to the Past of Huating” (Huatin is the largest cultural center of China in the Ming period, now the Songjiang district in Shanghai), “Style and life of the city”, “Period open ports", "Foreign settlements" and "Traces of ancient Shanghai".

Shanghai Museum

The Shanghai Museum is located in People's Square, in the heart of Shanghai. The first thing you should pay attention to when visiting the museum is the building itself. The round dome and square base, according to Taoist teaching, symbolize heaven and earth respectively. The museum was founded in the middle of the 20th century. Today, the four-story building of the Shanghai Museum is equipped with the latest equipment, and on each floor there is a recreation area and souvenir shops.

The museum contains a colossal collection of both ancient works of art and creations of contemporaries. It houses valuable ceramics, a collection of ancient coins, Chinese paintings and even traditional Chinese furniture. The museum also houses a library with about 200 thousand books and manuscripts dedicated to Chinese history and culture.

Automotive Museum in Shanghai

The Shanghai Automobile Museum is the first dedicated auto museum in China.

More than 80 cars of 22 different brands are exhibited here, from rare to the most modern - in general there is a collection of cars, mostly produced throughout the twentieth century.

The purpose of the museum is to demonstrate the rapid and large-scale development of the automotive industry.

The museum has five pavilions: the history pavilion, the technology pavilion, the brands and brands pavilion, and the early and modern automobile pavilions.

The total exhibition area of ​​the museum is 5,000 square meters.

The Automobile Museum was opened on January 17, 2007, as a joint initiative of German and Chinese automobile corporations.

The museum building is also of interest - it has rounded shapes with stained glass windows and an open roof terrace.

Shanghai Postal Museum

The Shanghai Postal Museum tells the history of China's communications from 1400 BC to the present.

The museum began operating in 2003, and was officially opened only on January 1, 2006. The museum is located in the main post office building in Shanghai and covers an area of ​​about 8,000 square meters.

The Postal Museum displays models of the first postal stations and post offices, printing presses and the first personal computers; here you can also see what the first postmen and their costumes looked like, as well as how they changed over the centuries. The collection of stamps and postcards shows how the country's printed products have changed, as well as what important events and political and artistic figures stood in the spotlight at certain historical stages.

Shanghai Jewish Refugee Museum

The Shanghai Jewish Refugee Museum is a museum founded in a former synagogue to commemorate the Second World War.

The synagogue building was built in 1927, and the museum was established in 1986. The building is a cultural and historical value and is under state protection.

The museum contains many exhibits dedicated to Jewish culture - household items, clothing, religious relics. There are photographs hanging on the walls Jewish families who received asylum in Shanghai during the Holocaust.

There is also a memorial plaque dedicated to the victims of fascism.

Silk Museum

The Silk Museum is famous museum Shanghai, where you can buy silk products and learn the whole history of the production of silk fabric.

The museum was opened in 2002. It covers an area of ​​3 thousand square meters. The purpose of creating the museum is to reveal the significance of silk products in the history of China and the sale of silk products.

The museum is located in a two-story building built in traditional Chinese style. This is where everyone can buy real high quality silk fabric and finished goods, for example, bed linen.

Maritime Museum

The Maritime Museum is the first maritime museum in China, where you can learn about the country's maritime culture, history and technology.

The three-story building of the museum has a unique architectural shape - the shape of a billowing sail. The area of ​​the museum is 24,833 square meters. The museum's collection consists of 20 thousand exhibits, divided into 6 thematic groups. This is the history of maritime affairs, ships, ports, maritime safety, information about famous sailors, military navigation. Except exhibition halls The museum has a 4D screen, interactive displays, and lecture halls.

Liu Haisu Art Museum

The Liu Haisu Art Museum is named after Mr. Liu Haisu, one of the founders of the Chinese art movement. Grand opening museum took place on May 16, 1995.

The museum promotes art in the country, promotes art education, organizes scientific research, and promotes national and international cultural exchange. The goal of the museum is to organize art exhibitions and provide high quality service to art lovers.

The museum consists of research and exhibition departments, a conference room, a reading room, a bookstore, a gallery and an administrative office. The total area of ​​the museum territory is 5,000 square meters. Most of the works were donated to Liu Haisu.

The museum is open from Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Zendai Museum of Contemporary Art

The Zendai Museum of Contemporary Art hosts exhibitions of contemporary Chinese and international artists. The museum is focused not only on organizing exhibitions, but also on conducting scientific research and seminars on contemporary art. Zendai's concept is to change the stereotypes of what should be presented in traditional art museums.

The museum is created by Shanghai Zendai Group. This young creative organization is trying to shape modern Chinese culture by popularizing original, avant-garde and innovative trends in the fine arts.

Sun Yat-sen House Museum

Sun Yat-sen is not just a world-famous personality, but also a real legend of China, its national hero. The name of this revolutionary is known in all countries of the world, and some even compare the scale of his personality with the ancient sages Confucius and Mencius. They were all united by a common idea - the desire to unite the people of China, to unite the people. And only Sun Yat-sen managed to bring this idea to life. For this, he is lovingly called the “father of the Chinese people”, “father of the nation”.

Between 1918 and 1924, Sun Yat-sen lived in Shanghai in a house provided to him by members of the Chinese diaspora in Canada. He lived here with his wife Song Qingling and his sister. The famous revolutionary held many important meetings and events here, including negotiations with representatives of the USSR. He believed that the two great powers could unite and move towards a bright communist future together.

In 1925, Sun Yat-sen's heart stopped beating, and twenty years later a memorial was erected at his residence. The house has preserved the special atmosphere and flavor of the 20s. Many of the great politician’s personal belongings, archives of documents and photographs, and even the famous doctor’s suitcase are still kept here. The Chinese revere this museum as one of the country's main cultural attractions.

Qingpu Museum

Qingpu Museum is a historical museum in the Shanghai suburb of Qingpu. The museum was opened in October 1958. Huge contribution The creation of the museum was contributed by the Shanghai Museum and the Commission for cultural heritage. The purpose of creating the museum is to display the history of the emergence and development of the Qingpu region.

The museum occupies a two-story building with an area of ​​about 1 thousand square meters. Currently, the collection of exhibits amounts to more than 10 thousand, collected as a result of archaeological excavations in the area. Museum employees regularly hold specialized exhibitions.

In 1990, the museum was recognized as a base for education and instilling patriotism in young people.

Madame Tussauds museum

Madame Tussauds Shanghai is somewhat similar to its counterparts scattered around the world. Here you will meet famous actresses and singers: Madonna, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe and many others. Visitors are greeted celebrity couples: David and Victoria Beckham, Barack Obama and his wife, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. At the entrance stands Jackie Chan with a cart, and if you go further, you will see Bruce Lee, Pierce Brosnan as James Bond, Hannibal Lecter and a whole string of movie characters and Hollywood stars. You can not only photograph them, but even touch them.

The Shanghai one differs from other Madame Tussauds museums in that it is dominated by figures of Chinese celebrities - local artists, athletes and politicians. Athletes are depicted with their equipment - gymnastic rings, a basketball or a golf club. The most popular sculpture is the national hero and favorite of all China, basketball player Yao Ming, who played in the NBA.

Madame Tussauds is located in the very center of the city, on the tenth floor of a high-rise building, so while visiting the museum you can also admire beautiful views of the city.

Museum of the First Meeting of the Chinese Communist Party

House-Museum of the First Congress Communist Party China is one of most popular museums Shanghai. This is a historical place where the First Congress of Chinese Communists took place in 1921, the main result of which was the proclamation of the formation of the Communist Party. The first meeting was attended by 13 delegates, including the future leader Mao Zedong.

The decision to create it in the house where the first party congress took place was made in 1952. First of all, the creators of the museum took on the restoration of the house, during which the original appearance was returned. Initially, the building was built in the traditional Chinese Shikumen style and had an area of ​​about 900 square meters. A few years later, the museum opened, and in 1961 it acquired the status of a national cultural monument.

Memorial Museum consists of two parts. One of the pavilions invites visitors to look at the authentic setting of the 20s, in which the First Congress of the Communist Party took place. Every detail in this room has been recreated to perfection. the smallest details based on the memories of congress participants. The second, more spacious pavilion displays numerous historical documents and other items telling about the history of the party. There are hundreds of photographs and 117 artifacts on display, many of which are national relics. There are also wax figures of participants in those historical events. There is also a lecture hall.

Shanghai Glass Museum

The Shanghai Glass Museum is an exhibition of objects made from various types of glass.

This is one of the youngest, but at the same time the most impressive museums in China.

The museum is located in a former glass factory; its interior resembles a labyrinth of mirrors and glass structures.

The building itself is a work of art - its entire surface is decorated with large polished glass slabs.

A variety of glassware is displayed inside the museum's many rooms, and daily events are held in the open industrial spaces. most interesting activities on blowing objects from hot glass.

The museum exhibits demonstrate the history of the creation and development of glass, various techniques for its production and glass figures made by Chinese and foreign artists.

Glass Museum

The Glass Museum is a modern and youngest museum. It opened in 2011 and is located on the territory of a former glass factory. The purpose of creating the museum is the role of glass in human life.

The museum building, with an area of ​​6,250 square meters, amazes with its originality. The exterior of the façade is covered with carefully polished and enamelled dark glass produced in Germany. There are inscriptions on the glass in different languages, all of which relate to the theme of the museum. In the evening, the words are illuminated from the inside using LEDs, which gives the building a spectacular look. The museum premises have high ceilings and large windows.

The museum's exposition is represented by glass products. Here you can see antique vases And modern items, poured from glass.

Chinese Wushu Museum

Opened on November 11, 2007, the Chinese Wushu Museum is a museum that educates visitors about the different types and techniques of martial arts. It is located in the new gym of Shanghai Sports University.

The total area of ​​the exhibition hall is 2,000 square meters. The museum is divided into armory, historical, multimedia and other halls.

The museum contains all types of schools and weapons of wushu (martial arts). The word “wushu” consists of two parts: “wu” - “martial” and “shu” - “art”. Bright shows and videos will demonstrate to the audience the various benefits of martial arts.

The historical hall, which is one of the main halls of the museum, consists of six parts that tell the story of the origin, development and progress of Chinese martial arts. Each of the cultural objects performs different functions of Chinese Wushu.

Pen and Ink Museum

The Pen and Ink Museum is literary museum Chinese writing, the art of calligraphy and Chinese painting. The museum is located in Shanghai's Huangpu district.

The museum's collection includes several thousand interesting exhibits. In the XVIII - 19th centuries Shanghai was a major trading city during the Qing era and was home to a school of Chinese art. The development of new subjects of writing and painting, new styles was highly valued by the emperors. Therefore, the museum contains a rich collection of writing instruments from this period. In the museum you can see a variety of pens and quills for writing, original bowls for ink and drawing, and valuable works of art.

Lu Xun Museum

The Lu Xun Museum is dedicated to the famous Chinese writer, who had a great influence on the development of socio-political thought and literature in China at the beginning of the twentieth century. This writer is still admired by millions of Chinese. Lu Xun is a symbol of Chinese modern literature, who cured the soul of the Chinese nation.

This museum was created with the aim of preserving the memory of this great writer, his books, letters and other personal items reminiscent of him. The writer lived here with his family.

On the second floor of the museum there is a photo exhibition telling about the life and work of Lu Xun. In the western part of the room there is a library with 16,000 volumes, which the writer himself collected. Lu Xun was also very fond of engravings and strongly supported young engravers, as evidenced by the huge collection of such works.

Shanghai Arts and Crafts Museum

The Shanghai Museum of Arts and Crafts currently has a collection of more than 500 exhibits. The museum was opened in October 2002, with the aim of collecting the main categories in one place traditional art, reflecting the ideology of the Chinese people.

The collection is presented on the ground floor visual arts national artists of different historical eras. On the second floor there is an exhibition of decorative and applied arts. Here you will see products made from wood, porcelain, jade, ivory and bamboo. The museum also displays examples of handicraft art and national costumes.

Lu Xun Memorial Museum

The Lu Xun Memorial Museum is an excellent museum highlighting the life and work of the famous Chinese writer, scholar and revolutionary Lu Xun, considered by many to be the father of modern Chinese literature.

The museum is located in the house where the writer lived and worked in recent years. There are many photographs, descriptions, books and wax figures of Lu Xun and his family.

The memorial museum is located in a cozy and clean park area, where there is a friendly atmosphere and people dance tai chi.

Entrance to the Lu Xun Museum is free.

Shanghai Banking Museum

The China Banking Museum was opened in 2004 in Shanghai, which is the financial capital of the country. But the collection turned out to be so huge that the search is still underway for a room large enough to accommodate all the exhibitions. Today, only 20,000 exhibits are available to the public in the exhibition hall, which is a tenth of the museum's collection. Here are the brightest and interesting materials, telling about the financial history of the country. Here you can see the first Chinese coins and the first European banknotes, photographic documents from the beginning of the last century, illustrating scenes from everyday banking life. there is even a small wax museum. The pearl of the museum is a unique banknote worth 6 billion yuan.

Shanghai Animation and Comics Museum

Shanghai Animation and Comics Museum is new type museum, where you can get information about the emergence and development of animation.

The museum building is a three-story structure with elements of modern design. The area of ​​the museum is 7,000 square meters. In total, the animation museum has 3 halls - animation, comic, interactive - and a multifunctional 3D cinema.

The museum is eagerly visited by students, teachers and fans of animation and comics. Here you can find out detailed history development of animated films, classification and production of animation through high-tech bio-animation methods of presentation.

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum - an exhibition of modern scientific developments and mechanisms.

This museum covers an area of ​​68,000 square meters and receives more than 20 million visitors a year, making it one of the most frequently visited museums in China.

The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum opened in December 2001. The museum building immediately attracts with its original design - a large glass ball is located in a grid of metal rods and glass.

The museum has exhibits such as huge moving insects, multimedia paintings, and even a robot playing the piano. The exhibits are aimed at showing all the possibilities and achievements of modern science and technology.

The museum has 13 main permanent exhibitions, 2 exhibition halls and 4 science cinemas.

Children's Museum

The Children's Museum in Shanghai is modern type museums, located on the outskirts of the Song Qingling Memorial Park.

The museum building is a modern three-story structure with a modern design. The façade of the building is painted in light colors combined with blue accents.

The museum was opened to the public in May 1996. In total, the museum has 6 halls. This is a space pavilion, a sea pavilion, a toy hall, a demonstration pavilion, a film equipment room, and a multi-purpose hall. Here children can not only gain useful information, but also make souvenirs with their own hands.

Shanghai Public Security Museum

The Shanghai Public Security Museum shows the evolution of various Shanghai police departments since 1854. The museum is located in a three-story building and has about 10 exhibition halls, where about 1000 exhibits are presented.

The police weapons collection includes different kinds weapons of defense, from antique knives and brass knuckles to machine guns. The main exhibit of the museum is a golden pistol.

The criminal investigation section presents photographs of the most interesting crimes in the history of Shanghai. Also in the museum you will see a collection of wax figures in police uniform all times since the appearance of the police in Shanghai.

Shanghai Art Museum

Shanghai Art Museum - modern museum traditional Chinese art.

The Shanghai Art Museum was built in 1956 and covers an area of ​​2,200 square meters.

There are exhibits of traditional Chinese art, mainly the work of local artists and artisans.

The visitor can see here colorful paintings with life scenes, landscapes, samples of Chinese silk and ceramics, but descriptions of the exhibits are only available in Chinese.

The museum building itself is also of interest and artistic value - a perfectly restored five-story building with a tower and a clock on it.

Entrance to the Shanghai Art Museum is free.

Museum of Advanced Technologies

The Museum of Science and Technology in Shanghai is an amazing place that cannot be ignored. The museum's exposition is dedicated to scientific, educational, cultural and ideological progress - a real hymn to science. The main goal of the museum is to bring people information about the latest achievements of science and technology.

The spiral shape is a kind of symbol scientific and technological progress. On the five floors of this unusual building there are 3D and 4D cinemas, 360 panoramas, a conference hall, a concert hall, as well as rooms for lectures, and numerous observation platforms.

The exhibition is dedicated to several main topics - Nature, Man, Science and Technology. In 12 exhibition halls, visitors get acquainted with modern technologies and plunge into the secrets of earthly existence, learn about new scientific discoveries And historical events. Separate exhibitions are devoted to geography, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. There is a children's "technoland" with the most modern interactive equipment, which causes absolute delight in children.

Sights of Shanghai

People's Square, Shanghai, China Huaihai Commercial Street, Shanghai, China

201 Renmin Avenue
Want to take a deep dive into Chinese art? Then it’s worth visiting one of the best museums in the country. More than 120 thousand works of art are stored under its roof: from ancient Chinese bronzes, ancient ceramics and furniture to paintings and calligraphy. The building itself should tell about the Chinese idea of ​​the universe - a square house under a round roof symbolizes the earth under the sky. The museum is located in the very center, on People's Square (RenMin GuanChang). It's open all year round from 09:00 to 17:00, you don’t need to pay for a ticket, but only 5,000 people are allowed in per day.

history of Shanghai

According to many tourists, this is the most interesting museum cities. It is located at the base of the Shanghai TV Tower. Realistic wax figures “act out” dozens of scenes from the life of Shanghai. You will learn that this region was once famous for its cotton production and was the opium capital of the world; see how the townspeople lived, how they traded in silk, tea, fish and drugs, and how they suffered from the raids of Japanese pirates. All periods of history are accompanied by interesting video presentations. Entrance costs 35 yuan (a little more than 4 euros), the museum is open from 08:00 to 21:30.

Art Museum

20 Huqiu Road, Huangpu District
Lovers of the most progressive and unusual art are welcome at the Rockbund Museum. It opened in 2010 as part of the renovation of the famous Bund. Our contemporaries are the best in the spotlight Chinese artists and sculptors, the main theme of the exhibition is a rapidly changing world. The museum is open from 10:00 to 21:00 from Thursday to Saturday and from 10:00 to 18:00 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays. The entrance ticket will cost 15 yuan (less than 2 euros).

Collection of propaganda posters

868 Huashan Rd Room B-OC
In socialist times, any art other than that glorifying the communist system was denied in the Celestial Empire, so propaganda posters were extremely popular. Now that all the horrors of the “cultural revolution” are behind us, posters produced in the 1950s and 60s have become rarities and are stored in the new Propaganda Poster Art Center museum. Having visited it, you will visit a strange ideal world of cheerful peasants, plump children and selfless soldiers and, of course, see a lot of images of the “Great Helmsman”. The meeting is open daily from 10:00 to 17:00, tickets cost 20 yuan (approximately 2.4 euros).

Shanghai Postal Museum

250 North Suzhou Road, Houkou District
Have you ever been to postal museums? Shanghai is the first museum of its kind to appear in China, and one of the best. It occupies a huge area for such a collection - 8000 square meters and is located in the ancient building of the city's main post office. It houses many interesting exhibits related to the history of the postal service, including carts, cars and wagons in which correspondence was transported in past centuries, and models of modern sorting machines. When planning your visit, please note that the museum is open only on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 09:00 to 17:00, admission is free.

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

2000 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area
If you love scientific and educational exhibitions, then we definitely recommend going to the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. It is located in a giant futuristic building built in the early this century near Centenary Park in Pudong. Walking through a dozen thematic halls, you will learn about the development of science in the Celestial Empire, see the most important inventions of ancient China and see what scientists are doing today, and at the same time get a lot of varied information about the study of the Earth, robotics and human body. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00 to 17:15 (the ticket office is open until 16:30), a regular adult ticket is unusually expensive - 60 yuan (just over 7 euros).

Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine

1200 Cailun Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New Area (in the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine building)
If in our country traditional methods of treatment are usually called “alternative medicine” and doctors usually treat them with caution, then in China, on the contrary, the behests of their ancestors are revered, their heritage is called “traditional”, they are actively studied and even opened a special university. There has been a huge museum attached to it for many years: a detailed exhibition (consisting of more than 14 thousand artifacts!) tells about the five-thousand-year history of Chinese medicine, about such healing methods as acupuncture, acupuncture, and herbal treatment. So, anyone can touch the secrets of ancient medical teaching for only 15 yuan (less than 2 euros) from Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00 to 16:00 pm.

Shanghai Automobile Museum

7565 Boyuan Road
Giant automobile museum will please everyone who is not indifferent to this topic. It consists of five huge pavilions dedicated to the history of the automotive industry, technology, and rare cars of different brands from several countries. You will be able to follow the entire path of creating an “iron friend” literally from scratch. This museum is accessible from 09:30 to 16:00 (last entry at 15:30) on Saturdays and Sundays, and is only open to groups by appointment from Tuesday to Friday. The ticket is not cheap - 60 yuan (more than 7 euros).

Museum of Oriental Instruments

20 18 Nong, Gao"an Lu, Xuhui District
A rather large-scale and interesting museum is opened at the Shanghai Conservatory. His collection includes about a thousand instruments, both ancient Chinese and modern, the names of which are almost unknown outside the Middle Kingdom. Among the most rare specimens brass drums, zithers, lutes, decorated with mother-of-pearl inlays and precious stones, and the oldest flute, which is 8000 years old! The museum is open daily from 08:30 to 17:00 with breaks from 11:00 to 13:30, entrance costs 10 yuan (that is, 1.2 euros).

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition

100 Renmin Ave at Middle Xizang Rd
This exhibition will be of interest to those who want to look not only into the past, but also into the future of Shanghai. When you enter the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall and pay 30 yuan (3.6 euros) for entry, you will first look at photographs and maps of the city's past, and then find yourself in a hall with models of fantastic buildings that will appear before 2020. Modern Shanghai is trying its best to catch up and overtake Hong Kong and win the glory of the main business center of the planet. And some will be attracted by the antiquity, because it is very interesting to trace how the city landscape has changed over the last century. The exhibition is open from 09:00 to 17:00 from Tuesday to Thursday (you must enter before 16:00) and from 09:00 to 18:00 from Friday to Sunday (the last visitor will be allowed in at 17:00 in the evening).

Description of the attraction by interest category

The most popular tourist places Must see r

We can say that the Shanghai Museum is the best place in order not only to get acquainted with individual exhibits of Chinese art, but also to try to better experience the spiritual component of Eastern culture. Undoubtedly, the exhibition dedicated to furniture deserves special attention. The “Golden Age” of Chinese furniture art can be attributed to the era of the Ming and Qing dynasties; this is the most interesting exhibition dedicated to this type of art.

City in architecture and monuments r

Of course, it is worth noting the fact that the Shanghai Museum is not only a real treasury of ancient culture, but also a modern exhibition complex, which is interesting in itself, including from the point of view of the architectural component. The building covers an area of ​​thirty-nine thousand square meters, and was built relatively recently - between 1992 and 1996. Chinese philosophers believed that the sky was round and the earth was square. The shape of the building is connected precisely with this, which also resembles a vessel for the Dyan sacrificial ritual. Actually, the form corresponds to the content - most of the exhibitions are dedicated to the art of ancient China.

Fine, decorative and photo arts r

The museum has three exhibition floors, and thanks to the original shape of the building, you can easily move from one hall to another. There is no need to rush; if the visitor is tired, he can rest in any place that is specially equipped for this. According to the most conservative estimates, the total number of museum exhibits is more than one hundred and twenty thousand. A special place is occupied by Buddha figurines, which are made from a variety of materials. The Shang and Zhou periods are represented mainly by household items - wine cups, dishes and tools. Ceramics are represented by a huge number of exhibits - porcelain of the late dynasties, and more early works from clay. Jade exhibits are collected in a separate room, and a separate exhibition is dedicated to seals. Calligraphy and writing, as well as individual manuscripts, are presented in the hall located next to the exhibition area, which tells about banknotes that were in circulation before the 19th century. Well, the most important hall is the hall of furniture art. The workshop in which ancient craftsmen worked is clearly shown here. As a pleasant addition, there is a huge number of souvenir shops with works of local artisans. In a word, if it is possible to tell about the culture of ancient China in a fairly concise form, then the Shahai Museum is a very successful attempt.

This is a unique city. In one of the largest metropolises in the world there are many interesting places that need to be visited. Shanghai's attractions attract tourists from abroad. Anyone can familiarize themselves with Chinese history and culture. You will learn a lot of new and useful information, and also get vivid impressions of the trip. In just a few days in Shanghai, a traveler can visit several iconic museums.

  • Shanghai Auto Museum. (Shanghai Automobile Museum).

This museum is entirely dedicated to various passenger cars. This place is a must visit for all car enthusiasts. Information about the exhibits can be read on special signs. The text is available in Chinese and English. Thus, you will learn about the engine features, aerodynamics, maximum speed each of the cars.

75 different exhibits are located on 3 floors. All cars at the exhibition are in impeccable condition. Any visitor can listen to audio files and play on the console. In this museum you will see both new racing cars and classic car models.


7565 Boyuan Lu, near Moyu Nan Lu, Jiading district

嘉定区博园路7565号, 近墨玉南路

  • Shanghai Film Museum (Shanghai Cinema Museum).

Every film lover should visit a museum in Shanghai that is entirely dedicated to films. Here you will find 3,000 different exhibits, which are located on four floors. The visitor will see thematic multimedia presentations, a 4D cinema, working recording studios, and will also be able to refresh himself in the cafe.

Anyone will learn a lot about the history of Chinese cinema. The media center is located on the ground floor. Men and women can participate in the process of creating a real movie. It's very educational and exciting. The museum opened in 2013.


595 Caoxi Bei Lu, Nandan Dong Lu, Xuhui district

徐汇区曹西北路595号, 近南丹东路

  • Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center. (Museum of Propaganda Posters).

This iconic place should be visited by all history buffs. Yang Peiming (the founder of the museum) has collected more than 5,000 Chinese propaganda posters in his collection. He began collecting posters as a hobby in 1995. The museum is located in the basement of a residential building and consists of only two rooms.

The collection of posters is valued both from an artistic point of view and from a historical and political point of view. You will see a huge number of drawings with popular communist slogans.


Bldg B, 868 Huashan Lu, near Zhenning Lu, Xuhui district


  • Shanghai Natural Wild Insect Kingdom museum wild nature).

Tourists and residents of Shanghai often visit the local museum wildlife. Anyone can photograph Chinese alligators, turtles, tree frogs and snakes. The museum is also home to a huge number of insects, spiders and lizards. In total, the tourist will see about 300 different living species that live in special thematic sections.

You will have the opportunity to play special themed games. For example, your child will be able to compete with other children in catching fish and feed some animals.


1 Fenghe Lu, near Lujiazui Xi Lu, Pudong

浦东丰和路1号上海大自然野生昆虫馆, 近陆家嘴西路

  • Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Centre. (Shanghai Urban Development Exhibition).

This is truly a unique place. The museum occupies a huge area, and the building itself consists of 6 floors. Here you will see not only a detailed plan of the city, but you will also be able to study projects for future buildings and get acquainted with the history of Shanghai. Visitors enjoy looking at scale models of houses, old photographs, and also watching thematic videos.

You can see the city plan up close and also climb to the top floor. Thus, it is easier to consider general form constructed model of Shanghai. Exhibits change every three to four months.


100 People's Avenue, near Xizang Zhong Lu, Huangpu district


  • Shanghai Museum (Shanghai Museum).

Tourists can visit the Shanghai Museum completely free of charge. This iconic place was opened in 1952. The building is visited by thousands of people every day. Travelers and city residents will see the largest exhibition of historical artifacts in the entire world. Thus, anyone can explore the diverse elements of Chinese culture, which are collected in one place.

Here you will find 120,000 exhibits. These can be ancient products made of bronze and ceramics. Samples of furniture, coins, paintings, seals and sculptures. The Shanghai Museum has many items of national significance. The building has a distinctive and unique design.


Shanghai Museum, 201 People's Avenue, near Huangpi Bei Lu, Huangpu district

黄浦区人民大道201号, 近黄陂北路

  • Shanghai Jewish Refugee Museum (Museum of Jewish Refugees).

During the Second World War, the rights of the Jewish people were greatly oppressed in many European countries. Between 1937 and 1941, more than 25,000 Jewish refugees arrived in Shanghai to escape the Nazi regime. The exhibition is entirely dedicated to this dramatic event.

The Museum of Jewish Refugees consists of a synagogue building, two additional exhibition halls and a courtyard. You will see thematic photographs, and also get acquainted with real stories eyewitnesses. Some exhibits change every few months.


62 Changyang Lu, near Zhoushan Lu, Hongkou district

虹口区长阳路62号, 近舟山路

  • China Maritime Museum (Chinese Maritime Museum).

If you are thinking about where to go in Shanghai, then be sure to visit the Chinese Maritime Museum. Here you will see a variety of boat models, historical artifacts, and you can also visit the themed pirate 4D cinema. Anyone can become a crew member and climb onto the deck of a large wooden ship.

The tourist will learn many facts from the history of Chinese navigation, learn to knit maritime knots and play computer games about sea battles.


197 Shengang Avenue, near Huanhu Xi Er Lu, Pudong

浦东申港大道197号, 近环湖西二路

  • Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. (Shanghai Science and Technology Museum).

This museum is located in one of the most modern buildings in Shanghai. Inside the premises you will be able to see several different exhibition areas at once. All of them are devoted to current topics. You will learn a lot of new things about the animal world, and also see stuffed animals in life size. Visitors also have the opportunity to walk through the tropical forests. The pavilion contains plastic trees, waterfalls, and rickety wooden bridges.

You will see compositions that are dedicated to robotics and space. Museum visitors can visit a 4D cinema.


2000 Century Avenue, near Jinxiu Lu, Pudong

浦东世纪大道2000 号, 近锦绣路

  • Shanghai Animation Museum. (Shanghai Animation Museum).

In this wonderful museum, the visitor will see a huge number of wax figures of cartoon characters. Here you can learn a lot of new information about Western and Chinese animation. It is best to visit the exhibition with children.

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