Drawn frog eyes. Drawing course with colored pencils

Drawing from fairy tales kindergarten. Senior group

Drawing based on the fairy tale “The Frog - the Traveler.” Drawing with gouache paints. Master class with step by step photos.

Master class with step-by-step photos, intended for teachers, parents, older children preschool age.
Emilia Pastukhova, 5 years old, student of the Beryozka Municipal Children's Educational Institution, Surovikino, Volgograd region.
Teacher: Shishova Liliya Alexandrovna. Educator at MBDOU "Beryozka" in Surovikino, Volgograd region.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift.
Target: making a drawing with gouache paints.
- learn to create a composition of a fairy tale plot;
- improve the ability to draw with gouache;
- develop imagination, thinking,
- develop fine motor skills hands,

“Frog - Traveler” by V.M. Garshin.

Once upon a time there lived a frog-croak. She sat in the swamp, caught mosquitoes and midges, and in the spring croaked loudly with her friends. And she would have lived the whole century happily - of course, if the stork had not eaten her. But one incident happened. ……
- Quack quack! - said the other duck, - it’s getting cold already! Hurry to the south! Hurry to the south!
And all the ducks began to quack loudly as a sign of approval.
- Lady ducks! - the frog dared to say, - what is the south to which you are flying? I apologize for the concern.
And the ducks surrounded the frog. At first they had a desire to eat it, but each of them thought that the frog was too big and would not fit into the throat. Then they all started shouting, flapping their wings:
- It's good in the south! Now it's warm there! There are such nice warm swamps there! What worms there are! Good in the south!
They screamed so much that they almost deafened the frog. She barely convinced them to shut up and asked one of them, who seemed to her to be fatter and smarter than everyone else, to explain to her what the south was. And when she told her about the south, the frog was delighted, but in the end she still asked, because she was careful:
-Are there a lot of midges and mosquitoes there?
- ABOUT! whole clouds! - answered the duck.
- Kwa! - said the frog and immediately turned around to see if there were any friends here who could hear her and condemn her for croaking in the fall. She really couldn’t resist croaking at least once.
- Take me with you!
- This is amazing to me! - exclaimed the duck. - How will we take you? You don't have wings.
- When are you flying? - asked the frog.
- Soon soon! - all the ducks shouted. - Quack quack! quack! quack! It is cold here! South! South!
“Let me think for just five minutes,” said the frog, “I’ll be right back, I’ll probably come up with something good.”
And she plopped down from the branch she was about to climb onto again, into the water, dived into the mud and completely buried herself in it so that foreign objects would not interfere with her thinking. Five minutes passed, the ducks were just about to fly, when suddenly, from the water, near the branch on which she was sitting, her muzzle appeared, and the expression of this muzzle was the most radiant that only a frog is capable of.
- I came up with an idea! I found! - she said. - Let two of you take a twig in your beaks, and I will cling to it in the middle. You will fly, and I will drive. It is only necessary that you do not quack, and I do not croak, and everything will be excellent.
Although to remain silent and drag at least light frog three thousand miles, God knows what kind of pleasure, but her mind delighted the ducks so much that they unanimously agreed to carry her. They decided to change every two hours, and since there were, as the riddle says, so many ducks, and even so many, and half as many, and a quarter as many, and there was only one frog, they didn’t have to carry it very often. They found a good, strong twig, two ducks took it in their beaks, the frog clung its mouth to the middle, and the whole flock rose into the air. The frog was breathless from the terrible height to which he was raised; in addition, the ducks flew unevenly and tugged at the twig; The poor wah dangled in the air like a paper clown, and clenched her jaws with all her might so as not to break away and plop down on the ground. However, she soon got used to her position and even began to look around. Fields, meadows, rivers and mountains quickly flashed under her, which, however, was very difficult for her to see, because, hanging on a twig, she looked back and a little up, but she still saw something and was happy and proud.
“This is how I came up with a great idea,” she thought to herself.
And the ducks flew after the front pair carrying her, shouting and praising her.
“Our frog is an amazingly smart head,” they said, “even among ducks there are few like him…….
To work you need:
simple pencil;
brushes of different sizes;
water container;

Step-by-step execution of work.

We divide a white sheet of A3 paper into parts - these will be forests, fields, and a river.

We tint the drawing. We paint the lower part with green gouache, the upper part with blue. We paint the middle two parts with yellow gouache. During the tinting process, we decided to separate the yellow parts with a blue stripe - this will be the river.

We paint the forest with green paint.

While the paint is not dry, paint yellow and light brown spots. They will look like trees in an autumn forest.

Let's draw with a simple pencil houses in the village.

In the distance in the meadow we draw a herd of cows, and next to the houses there is a horse with a cart of hay.

Coloring the cows.

We paint houses with brown paint.

Using a simple pencil we draw silhouettes of ducks.

We finish drawing the twig on which the frog hangs.

We paint the heads, torsos and part of the wings with brown paint.

We paint the wings and tail with dark brown gouache.

Draw a frog and a twig.

We finish painting the houses with light brown gouache, and paint the horse and cart.

We decided to finish drawing a cow in the herd.

Sometimes the desire to depict something is so strong that we pick up a pencil and start creating. But what to do if nature has not endowed you with Picasso’s talent, and when trying to draw something, you only get pitiful scribbles? Today we will reveal to you some drawing secrets and tell you how to draw a frog step by step.

Preparing the work area

The first step in this exciting activity is preparing the workplace and necessary tools. Of the latter, you will need the following:

Now you have everything to start fruitful work. If you don’t know how to draw a frog and are afraid of ruining another landscape sheet, don’t be shy, just follow the instructions below step by step, line by line. Drawing this or that object or animal is actually not such a complicated process as it seems at first glance. The main thing in this matter is to draw the lines correctly and make the picture believable.

Study the object carefully

Before drawing a frog, carefully study the “experimental” object. It is unlikely that you have the opportunity to draw it from life, so turn to photographs or pictures for help. Carefully examine the image and mentally decide on the main features and proportions of the amphibian. What immediately catches your eye? How is a frog different from other amphibians? What characteristic features does it have?

When drawing, pay attention to the significant features of the object: bulging eyes, large mouth and long hind legs.

Determining the position of the frog

The second step to a believable drawing is choosing the pose of the frog. You need to determine how to draw the frog: in profile or from the front. The easiest way for a novice artist to depict her is sitting, in profile. When will you gain experience in fine arts, you will be able to take on more complex drawings.

Composition analysis

An important action that influences how a drawing will be perceived is composition (the correct placement of an object on a sheet of paper). Determine the central point of the sheet and mentally imagine where the future frog will be located. Delimit the center with two intersecting lines. Important They also have dimensions and exact proportions drawing relative to the “canvas”. The image should not be too large or, on the contrary, barely noticeable.

The drawing process, or How to draw a frog for a child and an adult

Let's consider the stages of depicting a sitting frog in profile.

Step 1. In the center of the sheet, draw an elongated oval at a slight angle. It will become the body of the future amphibian.

Step 2. At the top of the oval, draw a small circle - the object's head. The circle should intersect with the oval due to the fact that the frog’s neck, as a rule, is not pronounced. Therefore, her head should smoothly transition into her body.

Step 3. On both sides of the amphibian's head there are bulging eyes with upper and lower eyelids. In order to recreate them on paper, draw two circles at a short distance from each other. Since you are going to draw the frog in profile, you do not need to draw the pupil of the second eye. In the middle of the second, draw a small oval standing vertically. Provide the eyelids from the bottom and top.

Step 4. Having found the central point between the eyes, draw a downward oblique line approximately equal to the height of the head. From the end point of this line, draw a second inclined line down in the opposite direction. It should reach eye level. Draw the animal's mouth in a small vertical arc.

Step 5. Label the frog's front legs. To do this, in the upper part of the body, stepping back two fingers, draw down two parallel short lines under arbitrary angle. Draw four fingers on the front paw, and do the same with the second limb.

Step 6. The hind legs of the amphibian are longer than the front ones, they make up approximately 1/3 of the entire body. And in a sitting frog they are folded. Applying parallel lines, draw the thigh, lower leg and five toes on the hind leg. Connect your fingers with arches (webs). Label the second hind limb, drawing only that part of it that is visible.

Step 7 Finish the remaining details (abdomen, mouth, nostrils)? Complete the drawing with smooth, curved lines. Erase unnecessary contours and lines with an eraser.

Now you know how to draw a frog step by step using a simple pencil. If desired, you can paint it. Don't be afraid to experiment. For example, in order to draw a frog in a jump, it is enough to change the back and front legs in the drawing, depicting them straightened. Or you can draw a long tongue on the frog, which will make the drawing more interesting. If you are tormented by the question of how to draw a frog traveler, just add a parachute to your drawing.

Let's take on the topic "amphibians". Now we will draw a frog. An ordinary simple frog. Let's get rid of the fairy-tale association that has stuck in our teeth. We will draw realistically and no crowns and arrows - the unfortunate princess can no longer be dirty, it is quite possible to give her a rest. Simple frogs are people too and deserve attention.

Well, now that the principled position has been formulated, let’s get down to business. I saw a lot of frogs in lakes and swamps, and in our garden the frogs jump in the grass even in the hottest weather.

How to draw a frog step by step

Let's start with a pencil sketch. Be sure to check midline torso - ridge and lines of attachment of limbs.

Now we are ready to draw a frog step by step. Let's start with the body - it is teardrop-shaped. The neck is not pronounced, and the head and body seem to merge.

Let's draw hind legs. They are strongly bent and the knees are spread apart. Well, here you need to be very careful and consciously draw the thigh and lower leg pressed against each other. I have seen many times how children, when drawing from the board, simply scribbled something like “there are paws there,” but I advise you to honestly understand the anatomy of a frog, if we have already decided to learn to draw realistically. It can help you with this.

When the frog sits, the powerful hind legs are bent and the knees are almost pressed to the ground (contrary to expectation: when a person or a cat, a dog... sits, the knees are raised, sticking up).

The front legs grow literally right behind the head. No pronounced shoulders. The paws, however, are like human hands, but... fingers. Like a lizard, the frog's fingers are long and somehow bend strangely and haphazardly. In addition, a sitting frog places the hands of its front paws turned inward, very “clubfooted.” Yes, by the way, when a frog sits, it must lean on all four legs, raise its front legs and hold something in them, the frog cannot.

Draw the details of the head. Eyes! They are large, round, bulging and stick straight out of the head. Crocodiles and hippos have the same type of eyes - periscopes, so that they can have a clear view when hiding under water. The frog's mouth is perhaps wide, but as long as it keeps it closed it is not particularly appreciated. The nose is blunt-wedge-shaped. Nostrils from above.

And we'll color it. By the way, they are not entirely green. Frogs are mostly mud-colored - swamp-colored with brown spots.

This frog was drawn in detail. Now a few more answers to the question “how to draw a frog?” already only in pictures, without explanations, it seems like it's all over said.

Drawing a frog - lesson 2

First, the hunched back and immediately the head - with virtually no transition:

Let's draw bent paws:

And another drawing of a frog, and also a side view.

Here is a drawing of a frog, it can be used as a coloring book:

To be honest, I never believed the pictures in children's books depicting frogs with smiles wider than their shoulders and eyes actually on their foreheads. But here’s a photo from the Internet, I don’t want to believe it, but I have to - the frontal view of the frog’s face is absolutely cartoonish.

Well, let’s draw it as it is. First, of course, a sketch. No matter how comical the face of a smiling frog may be, we need to first take into account the symmetry of the structure of the head. Be sure to draw (without pressure) the construction lines: the axis of symmetry, the line of the mouth and the line of the eyes.

Now we draw an open mouth:

Everyone has been fishing or simply swam in a river, near which there were frogs and saw what kind of legs they had, and the shape of their whole body.

This lesson is intended for drawing a frog step by step with a simple pencil. All step-by-step pictures of the frog were drawn with a simple pencil and using Photoshop.

The lesson is divided into several categories so that a child and a novice artist can draw. If you want to finish drawing how a frog sits on a stone, you will need to take a simple stone and draw its shape. Start with a frame, that is, draw a circle and draw a stone in it.

How to draw a frog for a child?

Children need something to do, so you can invite them to draw a frog, it is not complicated and the selected work is easy.

Lesson 1. Draw two stakes and connect them with two lines. Next we draw the hind, front legs and eyes.

We finish drawing the toad’s face and move on to completing the drawing.

Lesson 2. Draw two small stakes and paint them, then outline them and create the shape of the toad's head. Let's move on to the body.

We finish drawing the upper and hind legs.

How to draw a frog princess?

Complex work that cannot be done without a frame. After we draw the eyes and crown, the paws should be visible.

We remove the frame from the drawing and sketch it with shadows.

How to draw a frog traveler?

We draw an oval and legs, then from this oval we draw the head and the entire body, except for the legs. Then we move on to the legs and begin to completely sketch the entire frog with shadows.

How to draw a frog? It would seem that such a simple animal, what could be complicated? However, in order to depict on paper or in graphic editor This is a small creature that requires certain knowledge and skills.

Master artists can draw a frog without much difficulty. But what about beginners or children? It is intended for them this material. In it we will look at several examples of how to draw a frog step by step with a pencil for children or beginners. Simple illustrated lessons will help you learn the basic principles that need to be followed during the work process.

By the way, about the process. There are others on our website interesting materials who will help you, and other animals. Although the section is still far from complete and much more text will appear in it in the future. If you don't want to miss their release, be sure to subscribe to updates.

How to draw a frog for children

The frog very often appears in various legends and folk tales of many peoples of the world. Suffice it to recall the fairy tale about the Frog Princess or the recently released cartoon “The Princess and the Frog.” Therefore, it is not surprising that many guys want to portray this animal.

Before you understand how to draw a frog for children with a pencil and step by step, you should understand several features that are characteristic of this animal:

  1. Frog is a common name for a huge number of animals.
  2. Dimensions and appearance frogs varies depending on the age, species or sex of the animal.
  3. Most of them live in bodies of water and feed on smaller living creatures.
  4. Toads are a type of frog. They are usually much larger in size.

These things, insignificant at first glance for an artist, will nevertheless help children depict a frog correctly. Specifically in this lesson we will not touch upon such subtleties as realism, correct anatomy and other aspects. We decided to depict this animal in a “cartoon” form.

Laying out the basics

As in our other lessons, for example, "", we will begin our drawing by identifying the leading axes. Their location, size and shape determine which one appearance will have a frog. So that this stage does not cause difficulties, first imagine exactly how your character should look at the final stage.

Since we are talking about how to draw a frog with a pencil for children, we will take the simplest pose - full face. It implies immediate eye contact between the image and the beholder. To do this, we will draw an oval at the top of the sheet, flattened at the top and bottom. After this, we divide the figure into four parts with horizontal and vertical lines as shown in the figure. In this case, the latter should extend beyond the oval.

After this, we will draw an arc, the ends of which will rest against our oval. This will be the torso. In this case, the vertical line that we drew earlier should divide the resulting figure into two equal parts. If one of the halves turns out a little larger than the other, don't be discouraged. There is no fundamental difference in this. However, the same dimensions are desirable. Immediately draw two small circles (paws) at an equal distance from each other.

What do we do next?

At the previous stage, we got a draft version. It is on this basis that the entire further drawing will be built. As you noticed, it is completely symmetrical. If it doesn't work out for you, there is a little trick:

  • bend the sheet in half along the same vertical axis;
  • draw parts of all the above figures on your right side of the axis;
  • fold the sheet lengthwise vertical line so that the drawing looks outward;
  • attach the sheet to the window. The drawing will be visible;
  • trace your shapes on the other side and lay the sheet back.

With these steps, you can symmetrically depict absolutely any shape without the help of any tools. However, we digress.

Now connect the lower legs and torso using several lines as shown in the picture. In this case, the lower lines bend smoothly, while the upper ones break in one place, forming sharp corner. Please remember that this is just a draft. Therefore, you should not press too hard on the pencil during the working process.

Head comes first

Inside the top oval, draw two circles that will extend beyond the boundaries of the figure. To draw the eyes of a frog step by step with a pencil for children, be guided by the lines that we drew at the very beginning.

Inside each of the shapes, draw two very bold dots. Connect the circles with a smooth concave line at the top and the same line at the bottom. To depict the latter, you just need to outline the oval with a harder pencil. Inside the shape, draw an object that looks like an orange or apple slice. This way we got a cute cartoon frog face.

Let's not forget about the paws and torso

Now that the frog's head is completely ready, let's get to work on the paws of our character. Along one of the lines that connects the lower circles to the body, draw two curved lines. This will depict the front legs of your creature. From them, draw a few more lines to draw the phalanges and membranes.

All that remains is the matter of the hind legs. Draw two curved lines, focusing on the location of the entire drawing. If you followed us, then you will get it as shown in the picture below. If you deviated from our recommendations somewhere, then draw the limbs so that they look organic. Even though this is a cartoon style, there are still certain laws in it.

In conclusion

At the final stage, erase all the auxiliary shapes and lines that we drew earlier. Trace all the lines again. Make sure that the borders of the picture are not too bold. To adjust the thickness, use the eraser.

In principle, this lesson on how to draw a frog step by step with a pencil for children can be considered complete. However, we believe that a character will be complete if it is decorated. You may end up with something similar.

Some species of frogs have very bright colors. However, behind the abundance of colors there is a specific message - a warning. Bright colors indicate that this creature is poisonous and unsuitable for consumption by other, larger predators.

How to draw a frog for beginners

In the previous case, we chose the “cartoon” style. It is much easier to portray a character using it than to make it more realistic and believable. This time, to draw a frog with a pencil for beginners, we will take a more realistic frog as a basis.

In order for the drawing to turn out correctly, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with photographs of living creatures. It's even better if you get to see the beast in its natural environment habitat, or at least in a zoo. This way you can understand the habits of the animal, the peculiarities of its movements, hunting, etc. All this will be an additional bonus when depicting frogs.

Let's start with the lines

This time we will not use any auxiliary shapes. To depict a realistic frog it will be enough regular lines. Place a piece of paper in landscape orientation. In other words, the width must be greater than the height. Draw a line curved in several places as shown in the figure. This is the upper boundary of the creature, its back.

On the top of the line draw the eyes. Notice that this time we chose a profile pose. This means that one of the sides is hidden to us. Therefore, we depict one eye fully, and the other we only designate with a small convex upward line. You can read more about poses and perspective in our article “”.

Draw another slightly curved line down from the top point of the main line as shown on the screen. Thus we drew the body of our frog. After this - another one, which comes out of the previous segment. Yes, on at this stage they don't look like that, but a little later you will understand why we left it in this form.

It's up to the paws

Now it's time to draw frog legs step by step for beginners. From the end of one of the lines, draw a curved line so that it intersects the lowest of the segments of our drawing.

Next, draw another line, as shown in the figure below. Notice that it bends a lot in several places. This is how we will depict the phalanges on the paws of the animal. Draw two more lines here. One of them represents another of the creature’s fingers, the other – a hind paw.

Since our frog initially sits on its hind legs, we will show this by drawing a line curved in several places. Then you just have to repeat the steps done in the previous step. But remember that the frog is shown in profile.

Final stage

The last thing left for us in this lesson is to decorate our creature with a peculiar ornament on the back. Remember that all frogs are different. Accordingly, the patterns with which they were born are also different. The pattern can be absolutely any. Look at photographs of the animal and draw a frog step by step with a pencil for beginners with a pattern that you like more than others.

In addition to frogs and toads, there are tree frogs on the planet. This is the smallest family in terms of number of individuals. Some of its representatives, in order to escape from enemies, learned to glide in the air. Because of this, some people call them “flying frogs.”

Another way to draw a frog

We looked at the main examples that are used when depicting frogs. We looked at cartoon and realistic styles. This time we will draw this creature in a mixed style, which incorporates features of both directions.

We always start from the head

As in previous cases, we begin to draw the frog from the head. Draw an oval. Draw two lines from it: one long and one very short. From the last one, draw another segment that will connect the previous lines.

Next, use light sketches to depict the creature’s hind legs. Light pressure on the pencil is needed so that in the final stages you don’t have to stain the drawing when erasing with an eraser. Draw the forelimbs in the same way.

As you may have noticed, the anatomy of our character is different from the traditional one. This style cannot be called realistic. However, you can’t call it completely “cartoonish” either.

The face is the basis of everything

The next thing we need to draw when drawing a frog with a pencil step by step is the face. Since we are mixing styles, we will give the character some humanity. We will do this with the help of our eyes. Draw two ovals and divide them into two parts lightly curved line. The top part is the character's eyelid.

Further, light movements draw one of the nostrils (noseless frogs! Just like He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named). Draw a mouth here. Since we are “humanizing” our character, let’s make him smile. In the previous step we did not complete the front legs. It's time to do it.

Final stage

Now you can safely trace all the rough lines and erase unnecessary elements. Don't forget to draw the bumps on the body and the pupils. To make the latter successful, read our article “”. Although it deals with a specific Japanese style, the material contains useful tips and recommendations.

In principle, drawing a frog in a mixed style can be considered complete. However, it can be decorated to complete the look. Besides. You can add additional elements, for example, a water lily on which the animal can sit. As a result, you might end up with something like this:

If you liked the material, we will be glad. Write your wishes and recommendations in the comments to the text or by email. You will find the addresses in the “” section. If you want to continue learning to draw using our lessons,

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