Danish male names and their meanings. Danish surnames

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Danish names

Danish men's and women's popular names

Denmark- a state in Northern Europe. The capital is Copenhagen.

Most of the Danish population has Scandinavian origin. Main language – Danish.

A small part of the population living on the German border also speaks German.

Denmark is divided into 5 major administrative regions: Capital Region, Zealand, Northern Jutland, Central Jutland, Southern Denmark.

Danish male popular names

Alexander – Alexander

Christian - Christian

Elias - Elias

Emil – Emil

Gustav – Gustav

Frederik - Frederick

Hans - Hans

Henrik – Henrik

Jens – Jens

Jorgen - Jorgen

Jan - Jan

Lars - Lars

Lucas – Lucas

Mads - Mads

Magnus - Magnus

Malthe – Mals

Marcus – Marcus

Michael – Michael

Mikkel - Mikkel

Martin – Martin

Mathias - Mathias

Niels - Niels

Noah - Noah

Oliver - Oliver

Oscar - Oscar

Tobias - Tobias

Victor – Victor

Peter – Peter

Rasmus - Rasmus

Sebastian – Sebastian

William - William

Danish female popular names

Alberte - Alberta

Anna – Anna

Anne - Anne

Caroline - Caroline

Clara – Clara

Cecilie – Cecil

Emilie - Emilia

Emma – Emma

Freja - Freya

Frida – Frida

Hanne - Hanne

Helle - Helle

Julie – Julia

Josefine – Josephine

Kirsten – Kirsten

Ida - Ida

Isabella – Isabella

Laura – Laura

Liva - Liva

Mathilde – Matilda

Maja – Maya

Mette – Mette

Mille – Millie

Sara – Sara

Sofia – Sofia

Sofie - Sofie

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Danish names. Danish male and female popular names


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Danish names, as well as the local language, are similar to Swedish and Norwegian - all of which have Old Norse roots. Before the adoption of Christianity, the Danes, like other peoples Northern Europe, worshiped pagan deities, the main of which was Odin (Wotan). The northern gods represented natural forces or personified human qualities, which was also reflected in naming traditions. Ancient Danish names and nicknames are names of gods and mythical characters (Alv - “elf”, Hjordes - “goddess of the sword”), character traits (Gregers - “cautious”), objects environment(Stin - “stone”), animals (Ulf - “wolf”), appearance features (Khvit - “blond, fair-haired”). The name could also indicate belonging to a particular nationality: Dan - “Dane”, Finn - “Finn”.

In the 7th century, Christianity first came to Denmark; in the 10th century, Catholicism became the official religion of the country. This is a time of widespread dissemination of Christian Catholic names that came from Northern Europe - biblical and canonical names of various origins. Some of them adapted to the peculiarities of the Danish language, turning into new Danish names: Mads (from Hebrew Matthew - “God’s gift”), Jannik (from Hebrew John - “mercy of God”), Agnetha (from Greek Hange - “chaste”), Annalisa (analogous to the Scandinavian Anneliese, derived from the Hebrew names Anna - “grace” and Elizabeth - “God is my oath”).

The Danish name generator contains a significant number of Scandinavian variants and local forms derived from them. For example, the name Regner is the Danish form of the Scandinavian Ragner - “wise warrior”.

Peculiarities of Danish naming

Denmark uses the traditional European naming system: personal name, middle name (optional), surname (not declined). Often Danish first and last names have similar sound– initially surnames were formed from the father’s name (Hagsen, Nielsen, Lancer, etc.).

Today, citizens of the country can choose a name for a child exclusively from the approved list - this is how the government is trying to eliminate the use of strange and dissonant options, names without indicating the gender of the child. If the name is not on the list, it is necessary to obtain a resolution from the priest and an employee of the local registry office; in special cases, permission is issued through the court. Relatively recently, residents of Denmark were allowed to use short forms full names (Lizzie, Benjd, etc.).

Beautiful Danish names

The Danes believe that sonorous name influences a person’s fate: the brighter and more expressive it is, the stronger the child’s individuality and talent will manifest. Therefore, among the names of Danes there are many beautiful options: For example, double names Marie Christine, Stefan Frederic. Danish residents actively borrow beautiful names of various origins - European, Arabic, Slavic, sometimes using their shortened form (Mia, Yasmin, Sasha, Meryem, Jesper).

Popular Danish names

IN Lately Time-tested Christian names are becoming popular Danish names European names of various origins: Jewish Noah, Michael, Mary, Greek Peter, Lucas. For many years now, the first lines of the ranking have been occupied by the names Jens (Danish, German and Swedish form Jewish name Joseph) and Anna.

Modern traditions

When choosing a name for a newborn, modern Danes are guided by a list of allowed options, which includes about 7,000 names. It contains both Christian and European names, some derivatives and abbreviated forms of names used as independent names.

In this publication, we again turn to official sources, where you can always find the most recent and exact information. We offer you a list Swedish surnames, which contains not only the surnames of Swedes, but also a whole rating with the number of bearers of a given surname.

Today we will find out how many “Ivanovs” there are in the Swedish environment?!

Most Swedish surnames end in '-sson', which means son of so-and-so. For example, Johansson (can be considered the Russian Ivanov) - Son of Johan and so on.

Surnames with the endings -berg, -ström, -stedt are also common.

We will highlight the first 10 positions - the most popular surnames, which can be found in Sweden, along with (Johan Johansson, Anders Larsson, etc.).

Large list of Swedish surnames

Number Surname Quantity
1 Johansson 254616
2 Andersson 253760
3 Karlsson 193088
4 Nilsson 172900
5 Eriksson 138276
6 Larsson 125383
7 Olsson 109618
8 Persson 107723
9 Svensson 102408
10 Gustafson 72137
11 Pettersson64975
12 Jonsson57592
13 Jansson49540
14 Hansson43723
15 Bengtsson34236
16 Jönsson32684
17 Petersson30035
18 Carlsson30021
19 Lindberg27364
20 Magnusson26589
21 Gustavsson25417
22 Lindstrom25263
23 Olofsson24725
24 Lindgren23057
25 Axelsson22558
26 Lundberg21399
27 Bergstrom21306
28 Jakobsson20898
29 Lundgren20766
30 Berg19975
31 Berglund19399
32 Fredriksson18154
33 Mattson18062
34 Sandberg17799
35 Henriksson16937
36 Sjöberg16474
37 Forsberg16431
38 Lindqvist16029
39 Engström15561
40 Lind15538
41 Håkansson15486
42 Danielsson15415
43 Eklund15181
44 Lundin15149
45 Gunnarsson14504
46 Holm14362
47 Samuelson14163
48 Bergman14040
49 Fransson14018
50 Johnsson13844
51 Lundqvist13295
52 Nyström13293
53 Holmberg13250
54 Arvidsson13045
55 Björk12948
56 Isaksson12763
57 Nyberg12706
58 Söderberg12654
59 Mårtensson12472
60 Wallin12471
61 Nordstrom12197
62 Lundström12101
63 Eliasson11580
64 Björklund11396
65 Berggren11182
66 Sandstrom10796
67 Nordin10776
68 Strom10668
69 Hermansson10489
70 Åberg10437
71 Ekström10295
72 Holmgren10238
73 Sundberg10146
74 Hedlund10104
75 Sjögren9795
76 Martinsson9477
77 Dahlberg9474
78 Månsson9407
79 Öberg9297
80 Abrahamsson9154
81 Hellström9110
82 Stromberg9094
83 Åkesson9013
84 Blomqvist8950
85 Blom8947
86 Jonasson8922
87 Norberg8854
88 Sundström8791
89 Ek8789
90 Andreasson8771
91 Lindholm8659
92 Åström8654
93 Löfgren8537
94 Ivarsson8446
95 Söderström8433
96 Göransson8430
97 Falk8391
98 Nyman8366
99 Jensen8317
100 Bergqvist8273
101 Dahl8238
102 Lund8193
103 Hansen7968
104 Möller7926
105 Josefsson7824
106 Ali7822
107 Palm7784
108 Borg7772
109 Englund7707
110 Davidsson7685
111 Hallberg7674
112 Ottosson7672
113 Sjöström7538
114 Bostrom7507
115 Lindblom7479
116 Söderlund7478
117 Adolfsson7441
118 Ekman7383
119 Borjesson7367
120 Rosen7294
121 Backström7249
122 Nygren7186
123 Lindahl7182
124 Holmström7167
125 Höglund7164
126 Stenberg7136
127 Hedberg7133
128 Friberg7128
129 Strand7104
130 Skoglund7037
131 Bjorkman6835
132 Nielsen6802
133 Strandberg6791
134 Erlandsson6778
135 Johannesson6645
136 Viklund6474
137 Malm6407
138 Aronsson6406
139 Edlund6400
140 Linden6354
141 Wikström6336
142 Claesson6331
143 Vikström6327
144 Haglund6218
145 Östlund6103
146 Moberg6099
147 Knutsson6071
148 Norén6067
149 Dahlgren6063
150 Franzen6003
151 Melin5983
152 Roos5951
153 Holmqvist5933
154 Dahlström5918
155 Lilja5911
156 Pålsson5873
157 Sundqvist5848
158 Ahmed5821
159 Högberg5806
160 Blomberg5752
161 Oskarsson5694
162 Alm5688
163 Öhman5671
164 Olausson5558
165 Sundin5536

A small explanation for the surnames in the table: the letter Ö is pronounced like “Ё”. For example, the surname Högberg should be pronounced Högbery, but not Hogberg. Everything has its own rules!

First and last names

The Danes take the problem of choosing a name for their child very seriously. Although even before birth they already have a couple of names in stock, most often they wait until the child somehow shows his individuality, and only then make the final choice.

Most Danish surnames end in -sen, for example Hansen ("son of Hans"). Surnames in the modern sense began to be used only with mid-19th century. Before this, if Hans had a son named Jens, he was known as Jens Hansen. And if Jens Hansen had a son, Hans, then his name was Hans Jensen. At some point, people began to adhere to family name, which they had at that moment, and began to pass it on to their children. This is why many Danish surnames are so similar: Jensen, Hansen, Larsen, Nielsen.

Many women keep their marriages maiden names, which allows them, in the event of a whole chain of marriages, to maintain their individual identity. Children often inherit the surnames of both parents. If they also come across a partner with double surname, then they have the opportunity to choose one surname out of four. It's easier than it seems when everyone's last name is something like Jensen or Hansen.

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Modern parents are looking for beautiful, original and meaningful names for their children. In their search, they turn not only to national traditions of naming, but also to. This circumstance contributes to the increasing popularity of modern Danish names for boys and girls. Their unusual sound and deep inner meaning cannot but attract contemporaries. Oswald, Christian, Svenn, Ditte, Eric - the beauty and uniqueness of these Danish names makes them widely popular both in Denmark and among residents of other countries.

The Danes themselves deeply respect national traditions naming. The most popular among them are traditional male and female Danish names. Exotic fashion has little influence on their choice. Most Danes opt for the classics.

How to choose a Danish name for a boy or girl

Russian-speaking parents who want to choose a beautiful female or male Danish name for their child should pay attention Special attention factor such as pronunciation. There may be some difficulties with it. The thing is that some sounds of the Danish language have no analogues in Russian. In view of this, when translating a name it is not always possible to preserve the original sound.

In addition to pronunciation, you need to take into account such important criteria, like content. The meaning of modern Danish names and surnames can be associated with the most and phenomena. In some cases it points to certain human virtues, in others - to plants, animals, jewelry, natural phenomena etc. Among modern Danish names for girls and boys, there are those whose content is related to religion, history, literature, etc.

List of modern Danish names for boys

  1. Jens. Short for Yohaness = "Yahweh is merciful"
  2. Jesper. Translated into Russian it means “motley stone”
  3. Jorn. Male Danish name meaning "farmer"
  4. Sorten. Corresponds to the name Martin = "belonging to Mars"
  5. Christian. Interpreted as "Christian"
  6. Magnus. Male Danish name meaning "great"
  7. Niklas. From the ancient Greek "conqueror of men"
  8. Seren. Translated into Russian it means “severe”
  9. Henrik. Danish boy name which means "head of the house"
  10. Eric. Interpreted as "eternal ruler"

List of the most beautiful Danish names for girls

  1. Bente. Short for Benedict = "blessed"
  2. Gretel. Translated into Russian it means “pearl”
  3. Inger. Danish girl name which means = "dedicated to Frey"
  4. Yette. Variant of the name Henriette = "rich housewife"
  5. Yosefina. Interpreted as “Yahweh will reward”
  6. Laura. Female Danish name. "Winner" matters
  7. Lena. Translated into Russian it means “light”
  8. Lone. Diminutive of Apollonius = "belonging to Apollo"
  9. Pia. Danish girl name meaning "pious"
  10. Helga. Translated into Russian it means “sacred”

The most common male and female Danish names

  • IN last years The most common Danish male names are Peter, Jens, Lars and Henrik.
  • Boys are also often called Søren, Niklas, Kristijan and Jorn.
  • Among the female population in Denmark, the most popular names are Kristen, Hane, Mette, Helle, Susanne and Inge.
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