Modern male and female Danish names. Swedish female names: list and meanings Names in Denmark

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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Scandinavian surnames (Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish)

Scandinavian countries– term used for three countries Northern Europe: Finland, Sweden and Norway. In addition to them, Denmark and Iceland are also included here.

These countries, in addition to their geographical proximity and northern location, also have a number of other common features: community of historical development, high level economic development and a relatively small population.

The most common Swedish surnames

Sweden occupies most of the Scandinavian Peninsula. This is basically a single-national country with a population of about 9 million people, more than 90% of the inhabitants are Swedes.

Andersson (Andersson)

Gustafsson (Gustafsson)

Jonsson (Johnson)

Karlsson (Karlsson)



Svensson (Svensson)






The most common Norwegian surnames

Norway is the country of the ancient Vikings.











The most common Finnish surnames

The population of Finland is about 5 million people, mostly Finns and Swedes live here, and their religion is Lutheran.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, most Finns did not have official surnames. The upper classes mostly had Swedish surnames. The law requiring every Finn to have a surname was passed in 1920, after independence.

Finnish surnames were mainly formed from names, from geographical names, from professions and from other words.











The most common Danish surnames

Denmark occupies most of the Jutland Peninsula and a group of nearby islands. The population is about 5 million people. Ethnic composition: Danes, Germans, Frisians, Faresians. Official language– Danish. Religion – Lutheranism.











Icelandic surnames

Icelandic name consists of a first name, a patronymic (formed from the father’s name) and in rare cases a surname. Feature Traditional Icelandic names are the use (in addition to the actual name) of a patronymic and the extremely rare use of surnames.

Most Icelanders(as well as foreigners who have received Icelandic citizenship) have only a first and patronymic (a similar practice existed before in other Scandinavian countries). When addressing and mentioning a person, only the name is used, regardless of whether the speaker addresses this person with “you” or “you”.

For example, Jon Thorsson - Jon, son of Thor. The patronymic looks and sounds like a surname.

Only a very small number of Icelanders have surnames. Most often, Icelandic surnames are inherited from their parents. foreign origin. Examples of famous Icelanders with surnames include footballer Eidur Gudjohnsen and actor and director Baltasar Kormakur.

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Our book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]

Scandinavian surnames (Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish)


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magical forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for conducting magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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In this publication, we again turn to official sources, where you can always find the most recent and exact information. We offer you a list Swedish surnames, which contains not only the surnames of Swedes, but also a whole rating with the number of bearers of a given surname.

Today we will find out how many “Ivanovs” there are in the Swedish environment?!

Most Swedish surnames end in '-sson', which means son of so-and-so. For example, Johansson (can be considered the Russian Ivanov) - Son of Johan and so on.

Surnames with the endings -berg, -ström, -stedt are also common.

We will highlight the first 10 positions - the most popular surnames, which can be found in Sweden, along with (Johan Johansson, Anders Larsson, etc.).

Large list of Swedish surnames

Number Surname Quantity
1 Johansson 254616
2 Andersson 253760
3 Karlsson 193088
4 Nilsson 172900
5 Eriksson 138276
6 Larsson 125383
7 Olsson 109618
8 Persson 107723
9 Svensson 102408
10 Gustafson 72137
11 Pettersson64975
12 Jonsson57592
13 Jansson49540
14 Hansson43723
15 Bengtsson34236
16 Jönsson32684
17 Petersson30035
18 Carlsson30021
19 Lindberg27364
20 Magnusson26589
21 Gustavsson25417
22 Lindstrom25263
23 Olofsson24725
24 Lindgren23057
25 Axelsson22558
26 Lundberg21399
27 Bergstrom21306
28 Jakobsson20898
29 Lundgren20766
30 Berg19975
31 Berglund19399
32 Fredriksson18154
33 Mattson18062
34 Sandberg17799
35 Henriksson16937
36 Sjöberg16474
37 Forsberg16431
38 Lindqvist16029
39 Engström15561
40 Lind15538
41 Håkansson15486
42 Danielsson15415
43 Eklund15181
44 Lundin15149
45 Gunnarsson14504
46 Holm14362
47 Samuelson14163
48 Bergman14040
49 Fransson14018
50 Johnsson13844
51 Lundqvist13295
52 Nyström13293
53 Holmberg13250
54 Arvidsson13045
55 Björk12948
56 Isaksson12763
57 Nyberg12706
58 Söderberg12654
59 Mårtensson12472
60 Wallin12471
61 Nordstrom12197
62 Lundström12101
63 Eliasson11580
64 Björklund11396
65 Berggren11182
66 Sandstrom10796
67 Nordin10776
68 Strom10668
69 Hermansson10489
70 Åberg10437
71 Ekström10295
72 Holmgren10238
73 Sundberg10146
74 Hedlund10104
75 Sjögren9795
76 Martinsson9477
77 Dahlberg9474
78 Månsson9407
79 Öberg9297
80 Abrahamsson9154
81 Hellström9110
82 Stromberg9094
83 Åkesson9013
84 Blomqvist8950
85 Blom8947
86 Jonasson8922
87 Norberg8854
88 Sundström8791
89 Ek8789
90 Andreasson8771
91 Lindholm8659
92 Åström8654
93 Löfgren8537
94 Ivarsson8446
95 Söderström8433
96 Göransson8430
97 Falk8391
98 Nyman8366
99 Jensen8317
100 Bergqvist8273
101 Dahl8238
102 Lund8193
103 Hansen7968
104 Möller7926
105 Josefsson7824
106 Ali7822
107 Palm7784
108 Borg7772
109 Englund7707
110 Davidsson7685
111 Hallberg7674
112 Ottosson7672
113 Sjöström7538
114 Bostrom7507
115 Lindblom7479
116 Söderlund7478
117 Adolfsson7441
118 Ekman7383
119 Borjesson7367
120 Rosen7294
121 Backström7249
122 Nygren7186
123 Lindahl7182
124 Holmström7167
125 Höglund7164
126 Stenberg7136
127 Hedberg7133
128 Friberg7128
129 Strand7104
130 Skoglund7037
131 Bjorkman6835
132 Nielsen6802
133 Strandberg6791
134 Erlandsson6778
135 Johannesson6645
136 Viklund6474
137 Malm6407
138 Aronsson6406
139 Edlund6400
140 Linden6354
141 Wikström6336
142 Claesson6331
143 Vikström6327
144 Haglund6218
145 Östlund6103
146 Moberg6099
147 Knutsson6071
148 Norén6067
149 Dahlgren6063
150 Franzen6003
151 Melin5983
152 Roos5951
153 Holmqvist5933
154 Dahlström5918
155 Lilja5911
156 Pålsson5873
157 Sundqvist5848
158 Ahmed5821
159 Högberg5806
160 Blomberg5752
161 Oskarsson5694
162 Alm5688
163 Öhman5671
164 Olausson5558
165 Sundin5536

A small explanation for the surnames in the table: the letter Ö is pronounced like “Ё”. For example, the surname Högberg should be pronounced Högbery, but not Hogberg. Everything has its own rules!

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select a country and click on it - a page with lists of popular names will open

Denmark, 2014

SELECT YEAR 2014 2008–2010

Kronborg Castle (Elsinore) –
setting of Shakespeare's play Hamlet

State in Northern Europe. The capital is Copenhagen. Population – 5,678,348 (2015). Most of the population has Scandinavian origin, there are also Inuit (from Greenland), Faroese and immigrants. The main language is Danish; a small part of the population living on the border with Germany also speaks German. Many Danes also speak English well. 80% of Danes are members of the state church, the Danish People's Church (Den Danske Folkekirke) - a form of Lutheranism. The rest profess mainly other Christian denominations, about 3% are Muslims. Administratively, it is divided into 5 large administrative regions: Capital Region, Zealand (or Selandia), Northern Jutland, Central Jutland, Southern Denmark.

In Denmark, statistics on names is carried out by the country's leading statistical organization, Danmarks Statistik. On her website you can find a variety of materials on naming in the country. True, almost all of them are available in the Danish version of the site.

So, there are lists of the 20 most common names of the population of Denmark as of January 1 of each year, starting from 2002. The top 5 male names as of January 1, 2002 looked like this: Jens(58,508 people), Peter (52.676), Lars (48.353), Hans (48.070), Niels(47.230). As of January 1, 2011: Peter (49.550),Jens (48.506), Lars (45.507), Michael (45.322), Henrik(42.775). As you can see, after 13 years, three names from the previous top five remained in the most frequently used top five.

Among female names as of January 1, 2002, the leaders were: Kirsten (50766), Anne (48797), Hanne (42817), Anna (40441), Mette(39717). Today, the composition of this group of favorites remains, but all the names (except the name Hanne) switched places: Anne (46.690), Kirsten (43.405), Hanne (39.680), Mette (39.007), Anna (34.995).

The Danmarks Statistik website also lists the 20 most common surnames in Denmark on January 1 of the year. Now the surname is in the lead Jensen with 258,203 speakers. It arose from male name Jens(corresponds to the Russian name Ivan) with the addition of a formant sen("son"). For Russians it corresponds to a surname Ivanov, which also tops the frequency list of Russian surnames.

The Danmarks Statistik website has an interactive service figuratively called Navnebarometer - a barometer of names. By entering a name into the form, you can get data on its frequency (the database includes names since 1985).

A table is also provided with data on the number of changes in surnames and names (Navneskift) in 2005-2014. In Denmark, the majority change surnames with a sen ending to a surname without a sen ending (15,360 people changed in 2014). Quantitatively, they are almost three times inferior to the changes of surnames without a sen-ending to other surnames without a sen-ending. The least likely people change surnames without a sen ending to surnames with a sen ending.

Of great interest are the lists of the most popular names for newborns of the year, starting from 1985 - the top 25 for each year of the period 1985-1992 and the top 50 for each year, starting from 1993. You can also download files with the top 10 and top 5 names of newborns by region of Denmark. The names of the entire population of Denmark and its regions are given by one of the most common names in 11 age groups(from up to a year to 90–99 years).

Below are the top 20 baby names in 2014. And also the top 10 names of the entire population of Denmark.

Top 20 baby boy names

Place NameFrequency
1 William617
2 Noah585
3 Lucas507
4 Oscar486
5 Victor479
6 Malthe455
7 Emil447
8 Frederik441
9 Oliver430
10 Magnus386
11 Carl372
12 Villas371
13 Elias368
14 Alexander350
15 Anton346
16 Christian331
17 Alfred329
18 Valdemar324
19 Mikkel322
20 Liam313

Top 20 baby girl names

Place NameFrequency
1 Emma496
2 Sofia462
3 Ida454
4 Freja429
5 Clara418
6 Laura407
7 Anna380
8 Ella379
9 Isabella374
10 Karla372
11 Alma355
12 Josefine348
13 Olivia337
14 Alberte331
15 Maja327
16 Sofie318
17 Mathilde314
18 Agnes293
19 Lærke291
20 Caroline278

The most popular names in Denmark in 2015. Origins, meanings and pronunciation of Danish names and surnames. Interesting Facts about famous Danes.

08/20/2016 / 19:35 | Varvara Pokrovskaya

Danish, like others Scandinavian names, have an extraordinary original sound, are pleasant to the ear, and easy to remember. They seem to carry the mysterious flavor of ancient myths. IN Lately many parents choose them for their kids. First of all, this applies to children from Russian-Danish marriages and immigrants from the Baltic countries. Another area of ​​distribution of Danish names is pseudonyms or, such as The Lost Vikings, Magocka, Rune, Valkyrie Profile, Ragnarok Online, Haven and Hearth.

Features of Danish names

The Danish language is quite complex and unusual. Some of its sounds have practically no analogues in the Russian language. To convey names and other proper names, the official Danish-Russian transcription is used, although it deciphers sounds rather approximately and at a distance from the original. Bright to that an example is the name of the capital of Denmark. Instead of the familiar Copenhagen to all of us, the Danes themselves pronounce something similar to “Cobenhaun”. The same letters are pronounced completely differently depending on their location in the word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end, next to certain letters or their combinations, in borrowed foreign words or completely authentic ones. Therefore, do not be surprised if the same name sounds completely different directly from a native speaker.

Some reading rules in Danish:

  • the ending r is not readable: Ulfr - Ulf - Ulf, Hvítr - Hvit - Hvit, Refr -Ref-Ref;
  • á/a, ó/o, é/e, i/i, ú/u are read the same way, respectively - a, o, e, i. An apostrophe above them only means a longer sound;
  • f at the beginning of a word is rendered as “f”, at the end of a word as “v”: Frigmundr - Fridmund, Geirleifr - Geirleif.

Danish female names

Danish female names, unlike Slavic ones, can end in both vowels and consonants. The most common ones are -a, -i, -i, -n, d, s. Basically, they are slightly modified forms of European, Greek, Jewish names, as well as Scandinavian and ancient Germanic ones.

Common female names and their meaning:

  • Abeli ​​- shepherdess;
  • Ice - goddess;
  • Alvilda - battle of the elves;
  • Anne, Annelisa, Annelise - graceful, graceful;
  • Anezka, Anesa, Agnes - chaste, saint;
  • Aslog - betrothed to God;
  • Bent - blessed;
  • Birgit, Bir - sublime;
  • Birt - exalted;
  • Gret, Greta, Grese, Gretel, Gretta, Grechen, Margarese, Margarete, Meret, Margreze - pearl, pearl;
  • Jannik, Janika - God is merciful;
  • Jit - Jewish;
  • Dit, Doret, Dorze, Dort - a gift from God;
  • Injeborg, Indeborg - help, protector;
  • Karen, Karin, Keirn - clean, bright;
  • Caroline, Caroline, Caroline - person;
  • Kirsten, Kristain - Christian, follower of Christ;
  • Lee, Lisbeth, Elizabeth - God is my oath;
  • Loviz - warrior;
  • Magdalone, Malin, Magdalena - (woman) from Magdala;
  • Mia - beloved;
  • Albert - noble;
  • Pernille - gem;
  • Rebecca is a trap;
  • Rick, Frederica - goddess of peace;
  • Tilda - powerful;
  • Triad - pure;
  • Ulrike - domineering;
  • Hella, Hell - success, successful.

Danish male names

The endings of male Danish names are exclusively consonant sounds (excluding short forms). In Denmark there are no names without an obvious gender characteristic; here it is impossible to find analogues of our Zhen, Sasha, Val, equally suitable for representatives of both sexes. In some cases, the use of short names is permitted not only in informal settings, but also in official documents.

Common male names and their meaning:

  • Aj - first, ancestor;
  • Amlet - village, village;
  • Bendt, Bent, Beni - blessing, blessed;
  • Brain, Brian, Brian - brown (about a dark-skinned person with brown hair);
  • Wilfred, Willie - welcome;
  • Dagfinn - Finn;
  • Jannik - God is merciful;
  • Jerrick is the heir;
  • Jesper is a precious gift;
  • Georgen, Jork, Jorn (analogues of George, Yuri) - farmer;
  • Iversen, Iver, Iversen - shooter, archer;
  • Ib - expelling (demons);
  • Jens - God is merciful;
  • Kresten, Christer, Christian, Christian - Christian, disciple of Christ;
  • Lorits, Lorits - comes from Lorentum (Lorentum - Big City V Ancient Rome);
  • Modjens is a hero;
  • Niles - victory;
  • Ol, Olaf, Olaf, Eluf - heir, prince;
  • Tij is a sharp shooter;
  • Tew - thunderstorm, thunder;
  • Ulf - wolf;
  • Flemming is a man from Flanders;
  • Froud is a sage.

Denmark has adopted the traditional European recording of a person’s personal name:

  1. First, main name.
  2. Middle name (optional). Most often the name is used as godfather or mother.
  3. Surname. Does not bend regardless of the gender of the owner.

The majority of Danish surnames end in -sen, by analogy with German and English -son, sun, san and mean “son”, “descendant”. Surnames became widespread in Denmark at the end of the 19th century and were formed from the father’s name. For example, Jan Christersen is Jan Christers son. It is for this reason that the main part Danish surnames very similar to the names: Larsen, Nielsen, Hagsen, Jensen. The endings -gor and -strup mean “farm” / “village” and indicate the place of birth or origin of the speaker.

Prevalence of surnames per 100 thousand population:

  • Jensen - 7 thousand people;
  • Petersen - 6.5 thousand people;
  • Nielsen - 6 thousand people;
  • Christiansen - 5 thousand people;
  • Sorensen - 5 thousand people;
  • Hansen - 3.5 thousand people;
  • Andersen - 3 thousand people;
  • Larsen - 2 thousand people.

List of famous Danish noble families:

  • Alefeld. It was a representative of this family who was one of the participants in the famous assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944 (“conspiracy of the generals”).
  • Bernstrof. Johan Bernstrof (18th century), famous Danish statesman, long years actually ruled Denmark.
  • Brahe. Tycho Brahe, whose descendants still live in the territory of modern Denmark, was one of the most famous astronomer and astrologer in Europe during the Renaissance.
  • Glücksburg is the ruling dynasty in Denmark at the moment.
  • Ulfred. IN different periods Members of this family held important positions in Denmark and were related by marriage to several royal dynasties.
  • Huitfeld. Ivan Huitfeld is a national hero of Denmark, winner of the battle with the Swedes in Kjege. Today a whole series of Danish reconnaissance frigates are named in his honor.
  • Yul. Merete Jul - Ambassador of Denmark to Ukraine (2015), Just Jul (18th century) - Vice Admiral, Ambassador of Denmark to Russia. Jens Juhl is a famous portrait artist.

Recently, women in Denmark are choosing to keep their premarital surnames. Children receive two surnames at the same time - father and mother. Subsequently, upon reaching adulthood, they can independently choose one of them or leave a double one. Triple surnames are prohibited. The most common combination of first and last names for men is Jens Jensen, for women - Kirsten Jensen. In Danish it is customary to refer to married women- Fru before the surname, to not married girls and for girls over 10 years old - Froken before the first or last name (depending on the proximity of the acquaintance). Adult men and boys are addressed as Herr. TO strangers it is acceptable to use the formal "De" ("you").

Danish boy names and Danish girl names

Laws in Denmark protect the interests of the child and, in matters of choosing a name, protect him from the sometimes overly creative fantasies of his parents. According to a special resolution, a child can receive a name only from the list of permitted names. There are about 7,000 of them in total. If a name is chosen that is not included in this list, it is necessary to obtain permission from the priest and a resolution from the local civil registration department. Some cases are dealt with in court. According to statistics, out of 1000 non-standard names invented, at least 200 are rejected.

It is forbidden to give names without an explicit definition of gender; names for boys and girls are specially allocated. Such strange options as Pluto and Monkey are not allowed, as well as several rather racy ones related to intimate parts of the body. Recently, short forms have become acceptable in official documents - Molly, Lizzie, Maggie, Fi, Helly, Benj, etc.

Beautiful Danish names

There is a theory that the name has a significant influence on future fate person. It is believed that the more beautiful and expressive it is, the more clearly the talent, individuality, and charisma of the wearer will manifest itself. Double Danish names, both male and female, sound very interesting: Hans Christian, Marie Christine, Anna Christina, Anna Maria, Freda Ulrika, Stefan Frederic. Recently, the names of Arabic and Slavic origin, slightly modified in the Scandinavian way: Yasmin, Abi, Meryem, Natasha, Hande, Zoya, Sasha, Jem.

Danish name meanings

The greatest similarity is in the Danish language, culture, customs (and in particular in names) with neighboring Sweden and Norway. They all have common Old Norse roots.

Types of Scandinavian names

Simple nicknames

They mean qualities of character or features of appearance, names of animals, mythical creatures, abstract concepts:

  • Alfr - Alv - elf;
  • Hvítr - Hvit - white, blond, fair-haired;
  • Kolr - Kol - black, black-haired;
  • Ulfr - Ulf - wolf;
  • Steinn - Stein - stone;
  • Jofurr - Jofur (Yofur) - boar;
  • Bjorn - Bjorn - bear;
  • Hargr - Harg - strong, powerful;
  • Hragi - Hrashi - swift, dexterous, nimble;
  • Ljufr - Lyuf - cute;
  • Hugi, Hugi - Hugi, Hugo - soul.

Two-part names

They are formed according to the principle of the ancient Slavic Svyatoslav, Vladimir, Vladislav - Saint + Glory, Possess + Peace, Possess + Glory.

The following words are widespread - sources of names:

  • leifr - "heir, descendant"
  • bjorg - "help"
  • fríðr - "beautiful, wonderful"
  • rún - "secret, secret knowledge; rune, magic sign, rune"
  • mærr - "famous, glorious"

Names of deities

  • Tórr - Thor is the supreme god, lord of thunder and lightning. An analogue of the Slavic Perun, the ancient Zeus and Jupiter;
  • Freyr - Frey, god of fertility;
  • Ing - Ing, one of Frey's names;
  • Bergtorr - Thor's help;
  • Igtor - victory of Thor;
  • Ingimárr - Ingimar - honor of Inga;
  • Ingvarr - Ingvar is Ingvar's warrior.

Sacred totem animals

  • Bjorn (Bjorn) - bear. Female version- Bera, Birna - Ursa;
  • Ulfr - wolf;
  • Refr - fox, fox;
  • Hreinn - reindeer;
  • Hafr - goat (sacred animal of Thor);
  • Torolf - Thor's wolf;
  • Ulfvaldr - leader of the wolves;
  • Refreyr - Frey's fox.

Ethnonym words

  • Dan - Danish;
  • Finnr - Finn;
  • Flaemingr - Fleming;
  • Gautr - goth;
  • Sigdan - Dan (Dane) - winner;
  • Hroggautr - great, illustrious, famous Goth;
  • Torrfinnr - Finn (sorcerer, priest) of Thor.

Popular Danish names

IN last decades Traditional European names retain their leading positions in Denmark.

Top 10 most popular male names in Denmark (2015 data):

  1. William
  2. Mikkel
  3. Felix
  4. Lucas
  5. Niklas
  6. Jensen
  7. Matthias
  8. Tobias

Top 10 female names

  1. Isabella - parents love to name their newborn daughters after the charming daughter of Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Princess Marie.
  2. Alberta
  3. Josephine
  4. Laura
  5. Hannah
  6. Camilla

Jens and Anna are always popular.

Distribution of names in Denmark according to age

Names and surnames of famous Danes

  • Hans Christian Andersen is a writer and storyteller beloved all over the world by children and adults;
  • Niels Bohr - physicist, laureate Nobel Prize, author of the theory of the atom;
  • Søren Kierkegaard - philosopher-theologian, founder of existentialism;
  • Jorn Utzon - architect, author of the building design Sydney Opera House;
  • Lance von Trier is a legendary avant-garde director. He directed such films as “Dogville”, “Dancer in the Dark”, “The House That Jack Built”, “Antichrist”, “Nymphomaniac”, “Everyone has their own movie”.

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character and destiny. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Calendars of Christmastide and holy people, without consulting a seeing, insightful specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Danish names should primarily suit the child, and not relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics are positive features of the name, negative traits name, choice of profession by name, the influence of a name on business, the influence of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of name compatibility (and not people’s characters) is an absurdity that turns interactions inside out different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Gadbrand (sword of god), this does not mean that the young man will be strong, and bearers of other names will be weak. The name can weaken health, block the heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another boy will be helped to solve problems of love or power, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Danish names for boys of 2015 are also misleading. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on a specific child, the deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

The secret of a man's name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration, is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below are a hundred Danish names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of male Danish names in alphabetical order:

Aj - ancestor
Amlet is a small village
Asjer - spear of god

Bendt - blessed one
Bent - blessed
Brian - brown

Valentin - healthy, strong
Wilfred - the world of desires

Gadbrand - sword of God
Gregers - cautious

Dagfinn - Finn
Jannik - good god
Jerrick - future ruler
Jesper - value the data
Gillies is a child
Jokum - established by God
Georgen - farmer
Jork is a farmer
Jorn - farmer

Ib - displacer
Iver - archer

Jens - good god

Kjeld - boiler, kettle
Keld - boiler, kettle
Clemens - gentle and merciful
Kresten - follower of Christ
Kristen is a follower of Christ
Christer - follower of Christ
Christian - follower of Christ
Kay - chicken, chicken

Lorits - from Laurentum
Loritz - from Laurentum

Mads is a gift from God
Modjens - big
Morten - from Mars

Niles - victory of the people
Nud - node

Ol - heir, descendant
Olaf - heir, descendant

Peder - rock, stone
Preben - the first bear
Pool is small

Regner - a wise warrior

Svend - boy
Steen - stone

Tarben - Thor's bear
Teej - hitting the target
Thorbjorn - Thor's bear
Torben - Thor's bear
Thorsten - Thor's stone
Troels - Thor's arrow
Tew - thunder

Ulf - wolf

Flemming - from Flanders
Frederick - peaceful ruler
Froud - wise

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