Gaidulian’s ex-wife sharply commented on his revelations after the divorce. Andrey Gaidulyan: films and personal life The early years, childhood and family of Andrey Gaidulyan

Andrey Gaidulyan became known to the general public after the release of the comedy series “Univer”. Within the framework of this project, our today's hero became a professional actor. Thanks to the same series, Andrei became a real star Russian television. Today, as part of the presented biographical review, we will try to follow the life and career path young actor, in order to better understand what kind of person this funny guy is outside of the cinematic stage.

Early years, childhood and family of Andrei Gaidulyan

Future actor popular series“Univer” was born in the capital of Moldova – Chisinau. Our today's hero spent his childhood in this city. Many people are associated with him important points in his biography. In the Moldovan capital, Andrei began performing for the first time at theater stage, and also participate in various semi-amateur productions. However, during this period, he still hardly suspected that in the future he would become a popular actor.

Univer stars: Maria Kozhevnikova and Andrey Gaidulyan

The whole point is that Andrei Gaidulyan’s father was a military man, and therefore always raised his son as a future officer. According to the plan of the father of our today's hero, military service was supposed to be family tradition for all the guys in their family. That's why Andrey for a long time was preparing to become a military man. He devoted a lot of time to his physical training and often visited military units. However, at some point he suddenly realized that all this attracted him little. And in terms of physical condition, he was unlikely to fully correspond to the role of a military man.

One day, plucking up courage, Andrei told his father that he wanted to go to Moscow and try himself as an actor. This idea was initially received with hostility, but after some time Gaidulyan Sr. decided not to oppose his son’s decision. In his opinion, the trip to the Russian capital was supposed to bring the young man to his senses and make him take the military profession more seriously.

Gaidulyan Sr. believed that having gone to Moscow, Andrei would very soon escape from there and return safely back to Chisinau. But in the end everything turned out exactly the opposite.

Moving to Moscow and acting career of Andrei Gaidulyan, “Univer”

Once in the Russian capital, Andrei Gaidulyan submitted documents to the Institute contemporary art and within a few weeks I found out that I was successfully enrolled in the first year. From that moment on, real student life began for the young actor. Studying, tight finances, absenteeism and friendly gatherings until the morning. During this period, the actor acquired a lot of knowledge, which later helped him organically get used to the image of Sasha Sergeev in the TV series “Univer”.

However, this iconic role was still far away...

After graduating from the institute, Andrei Gaidulyan began performing on the stage of the Glas Theater, and at the same time looking for a job in cinema. As usual, small cameo roles appeared first in the young actor’s filmography. So, during this period, the actor starred in one of the episodes of the series “Kulagin and Partners”, and also “noted” with a small role in one of the episodes of the television series “Detectives”. Somewhat later, the films “Mercy” and “Law and Order-2: Department of Operational Investigations” also appeared in Andrei Gaidulyan’s track record. However, these small and, in general, unremarkable roles can hardly be called a serious success.

Our today's hero continued to look for suitable roles, and some time later fate smiled on him. In 2008, Andrei went to the casting of a new comedy project on the TNT channel and very soon learned that he had received one of the main roles in the television film. This project turned out to be the well-known Russian series “Univer”, which immediately after its release fell in love with millions of viewers. Along with the popularity of the series, success also came to Andrei Gaidulyan. Over the course of several years of filming in this project, the young actor became a real star of Russian television. His name became known in all corners of the former Soviet Union, and he himself became a frequent guest on various entertainment programs.

As for new creative successes, in this regard everything also developed quite successfully for Andrey. Already in 2011 (after the end of filming in the TV series “Univer”), the Moldovan actor received roles in the films “Manticore” and “Full Contact”, which were released at about the same time. In fairness, it is worth noting that none of these films can be called super successful. However, very soon a new breakthrough occurred in Andrei Gaidulyan’s career. New career boost famous actor began with the release of the sitcom “SASHATANYA”, which was a kind of continuation (or rather a spin-off) of the already beloved series “Univer”. In this project, Andrei Gaidulyan again played the role of Sasha Sergeev. And again, dizzying success awaited him.

On this moment The latest acting work of our today's hero is the full-length film “Friends of Friends”, which is currently in the works. According to the producers of the film, the film is planned to be released in the second half of 2013.

Personal life of Andrey Gaidulyan

As many friends of Andrei Gaidulyan note, in real life this guy is not much different from the beloved Sasha Sergeev. He is also honest, sincere and decent. Andrey has a son, Fyodor, from his first marriage to a classmate. Unfortunately, the birth of a child could not keep the couple from breaking up. New muse Diana Ochilova became the actor.

In July 2015, Gaidulian was placed terrible diagnosis- malignant lymphoma, in 2016 information appeared in the press that Andrei had successfully completed treatment in a German clinic, was regaining his health and expected to continue his creative career.

Andrei was born in Moldova on April 12, 1984. Gaidulyan's parents have nothing to do with creativity. The father is a retired colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who later became the founder of his own sewing business together with his beloved wife.

From childhood, Andrei knew that he needed to live for his own pleasure. It was difficult to catch him teaching boring subjects, but the boy took part in KVN at school with particular pleasure.

Plus, he visited theater studio under the direction of S. Tiraninov, Honored Artist of Moldova. Everyone said that the boy had a lot of chances to become famous throughout the world as a wonderful actor.


Having completed training in high school, Andrei was confident that he had every opportunity to conquer the capital of Russia and become an artist. The parents did not want their son to be an actor, dreaming that he would head their business, but Gaidulyan Jr. was able to defend his position.

Soon Andrei tried to enter the Shchukin School and RATI, but the arrogant and self-confident guy failed.

Andrei's self-confidence collapsed, but to great happiness, he was enrolled to study at the Institute of Contemporary Art, where Andrey began to study at the acting department.

Grounded by cruel reality, Gaidulyan made every effort to prove to teachers that he did not end up in the institute by chance. Andrei’s parents provided enormous support, helping him pay for his apartment in the capital.

The actor admits that he would not have been able to live without their help 100 percent, because he had no personal money at all. All this could end with a return to their homeland.

In 2006, the actor received a diploma. In the same year he began working at the Glas Theater.

Personal life

As a student, Andrei dated a girl from his course, Rimma, then they worked together in the theater. The couple broke up, but it became known that the girl was pregnant with Andrei’s child.

The guys decided to get married, a boy named Fedor was born, but the child could not save the couple’s relationship. Now Gaidulyan is providing financial assistance to his son.

After breaking up with Rimma in 2011, Andrei met Diana Ochilova. The girl grew up in Tashkent, but after school she came to study in the capital of Russia.

Andrei's new acquaintance captivated her with her thriftiness, and her culinary skills played a fatal role. The lovers were happy together. Diana did not miss a single performance in the theater when Andrei was on stage.

In 2015, the couple was supposed to get married, but had to postpone it due to Gaidulyan’s illness. Andrey was given a terrible diagnosis - cancer. While undergoing treatment in Germany, the actor knew that he could always count on the support of his beloved.

In 2016, Andrei returned to Moscow, and it soon became known that the actor had overcome Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Now he regularly undergoes special examinations.

The couple got married in 2016. But it soon became known that the relationship between the spouses was accompanied by discord.

Over the 5 years of their relationship, the guys quarreled very often, it seemed that their marriage was doomed. Fatefully, the news of Diana's pregnancy changed the situation. In 2017, Andrei will become a father for the second time.

Hobbies and interests

After a terrible illness, Andrei became involved in charity work. He provides assistance to all those children who are sick with terrible diseases. Cancer changed him, Gaidulyan understood the value of life and fell in love with it.

Interesting notes:

Andrey helps children by reading messages in in social networks, tries to repost requests personally so that other people can also help recruit the required amount money to save the sick.

Professional life

While playing at the Glas Theater, Andrei was actively looking for a role in films. Debut acting roles were only sporadic. You can notice Andrey in the episodes “Kulagin and Partners” (2004).

Then he was offered to play in the series “Detectives” in 2006. This was followed by the work “Mercy” and “Law and Order 2” in 2008.

Breakthrough in creative activity Gaidulyan can be called participation in the sitcom “Univer”. This happened in 2007. It was not at all difficult for the guy to get used to the role of Sasha Sergeev.

Memories of his stormy student years, when he walked in cheerful companies and studied, surfaced in his head. The actor played an astronomer who is forced to live independently because he refuses to follow the lead of his oligarch father.

In 2011, he played in the films “Manticore” and “Full Contact”, neither of them were successful, but Andrey does not regret the work done.

In 2013, he played a role in the series “Friends of Friends,” which became popular among young people. This was followed by work in the series “SashaTanya”, who made a star out of Andrei.

Today Gaidulyan is popular with viewers; he often participates in various shows and popular programs. While working in cinema, Andrei does not stop playing in the theater. Now he is performing a role in the production of “Beautiful Wedding”.

Andrey Gaidulyan– a native of Chisinau, where he was born in 1984. Confident in his acting talent, he went to Moscow to enter drama school, but ended up at the Institute of Culture. However, he still had the opportunity to prove himself.

After graduating in 2006, Andrei worked briefly in the theater, but persistently looked for an opportunity to “get out into the public eye.” He decided that a role in a popular television series was what he needed, and simply knocked around various castings. So the young artist ended up at Univer, where he received the role of Sasha Sergeev. This was followed by a continuation - “Univer. New dorm” and the spin-off series “Sashatanya”. There were also episodic roles and voice acting for cartoons, but it was “Sasha” that made Gaidulyan famous.

Personal life

For the first time, Andrei tasted the delights of “almost family” life while still a student. His first lover was a certain Rimma, fellow student. Their relationship lasted about a year and a half, and the couple had already broken up when it turned out that Rimma was pregnant. For the sake of the child, they tried to reconnect and live together. A boy was born, who was named Fedor. But the young people did not have a family, and they still separated. Now the son lives with his mother, and the father allocates money for his maintenance and tries to communicate more often.

Some time later, having already received his “university” fame, Andrei met Diana Ochilova. He himself approached the girl, who did not immediately recognize him. As it turned out, Diana came from Uzbekistan to Moscow to study. Looking ahead, let's say that she never got anywhere, but she became an excellent nail extension specialist. Andrey and Diana began dating; the girl immediately captivated him with her thriftiness and love of cleanliness - their house, says Andrey, simply sparkled.

One day, after a romantic getaway, Diana decided to test her boyfriend’s feelings and told him that her father was demanding that she return to Tashkent - he had found his daughter a rich groom. But you can’t disobey. But instead of appealing to his beloved’s conscience and demanding that she live by her own wits, Andrei bought tickets and declared: “We’re going to meet our parents!” Of course, upon meeting, he immediately realized that Diana’s mom and dad were not at all so stern and strict, but he appreciated the joke.

The couple had been together for more than three years when Gaidulyan finally decided to propose to the girl. During a trip to Venice, he took his lady on a gondola ride, found the most crowded place in the city and asked for her hand in front of everyone. Passers-by who happened to be nearby happily supported young man applause. The wedding was planned to take place in the summer. However, the press has long called Diana the artist’s wife.

However, the sudden deterioration in Andrei’s health apparently forced him to postpone these plans. On July 20, it became known that the 31-year-old actor was hospitalized with suspected cancer. He is currently undergoing diagnostics in one of the specialized centers in Moscow. Let’s hope that his health will not fail him, and Andrei Gaidulyan will still please us, the viewers, with his appearance in his favorite TV series.

Andrey Gaidulyan is one of the highest paid young actors. Gaidulyan gained fame thanks to the student sitcoms “Univer”, “Univer. New Dorm" and their spin-off "SashaTanya", where Andrei turned from one of the dozen main characters into the central character of the series.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Sergeevich Gaidulyan is a native Moldovan, but despite this, the actor’s surname constantly raises questions about his nationality: it is consonant with most Armenian surnames. Official sources have repeatedly denied that the actor has any Armenian roots.

Andrey was born in Chisinau in April 1984. Andrei’s relatives had nothing to do with the world of theater and cinema, or art in general. Father - retired colonel Ministry of Internal Affairs After his service, he and his wife founded their own sewing business. Since Andrei’s mother, a seamstress-machine operator by training, at one time worked as a labor teacher at school, own enterprise She took on the role of model developer, cutter and seamstress. Andrei’s older sister Olga, with whom the actor has a 7-year age difference, helped his parents. Later, the company's staff expanded. Professional craftsmen were invited.

WITH young age Andrey Gaidulyan got the opportunity to be the darling of fate. While studying at school, he was not particularly overloaded with studying boring subjects, but he enjoyed participating in school teams KVN and attended theater Club, which was led by Honored Artist of the Republic Sergei Tiranin. Everyone around told the guy about his undoubted talent and that he was simply doomed to become an actor.

After graduating from school, Andrei Gaidulyan, convinced of his acting abilities, immediately set off to conquer Moscow. I must say that at first my parents were against it. They dreamed of passing the business on to their son. But Andrei showed firmness, and his parents agreed with his choice. Gaidulyan tried to start pretentiously creative biography, especially since in Moscow theater institute By this time his sister had already graduated. The girl received the specialty of costume designer and decorator.

“I was so arrogant and self-confident that I seriously thought: in Moscow they are waiting for me with open arms,”

– Andrei said later. Moscow immediately shook this self-confidence: Gaidulyan failed the exams at Shchukinsky and RATI. The blow to the guy’s pride was crushing. Fortunately, he was accepted into the Institute of Contemporary Art, where Andrei studied at the acting department. And here Andrei Gaidulyan, thoroughly grounded in the harsh reality, tried to justify the trust of the teachers. He became a diligent student.

His parents helped their son by renting and paying for an apartment in Moscow. Andrei himself admits that without this help he would not have been able to live and gain a foothold in the capital. Moreover, a Moldovan student did not have to rely on a budget department; Andrei studied at a paid one. During his studies, Gaidulyan used every opportunity to help his parents: he worked part-time cleaning in the theater and was a postman. But I spent most of my time on castings.

In 2006, Gaidulyan, after graduating from high school, was hired by the Glas Theater. Unique theater group was created in the late 80s with the assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church. The theater's repertoire is focused on Orthodox themes, the performances “Guardian Cross”, “For Holy Rus'”, “Servant of God Nicholas”, “This is the Little Christ Himself”, “Bright Resurrection” were staged here.

Andrey Gaidulyan - actor of the Glas Theater

Later, the actor visited the USA, where he received additional education at the American School of Acting. Andrey’s teachers were world-class masters – including Denis DeVito.


For some time, Andrei played in “Glas”, while simultaneously looking for work in films and acting in episodic roles. The aspiring artist made his debut in an episode of the popular TV series “Kulagin and Partners.” The cinematic biography of Andrei Gaidulyan began with this tape.

Andrey Gaidulyan in the TV series "Law and Order"

Soon he played a small role in the serial film “Detectives”. Later, Gaidulyan’s track record was supplemented by work in the films “Mercy” and “Law and Order-2.” But these inconspicuous roles did not bring success. Andrei was looking forward to the star role. The one after which he will be recognized on the street and which will bring recognition.

In 2007, Gaidulyan finally got his time: he was approved for main role sitcom "Univer". That's where he remembered the stormy student life– studies, fun companies classmates and friendly get-togethers. Now this knowledge has helped Andrey organically convey the image of one of the main characters - Sasha Sergeev - in Univer.

Andrey Gaidulyan in the sitcom "Univer"

The actor got interesting role a romantic astronomer who is constantly forced to go against the wishes of his businessman father. Gaidulyan’s external data also worked for the image. The short, well-fed actor (Andrey’s height is 162 cm and weighs 73 kg) was ideal for the role of a responsible student.

The sitcom brought to a young artist popularity, the work became the main one in his filmography. The continuation of "" and "" sealed the success completely. “SashaTanya” moved away from university romance and focused on the life of the young and poor, but proud family of Sasha and his classmate Tatyana, who, as in both “Univers,” was played by. Several years of work in these projects made Gaidulyan a star in Russian cinema. Gaidulyan is pleased to be invited to television shows and popular entertainment programs.

Andrey Gaidulyan and Valentina Rubtsova in the sitcom "SashaTanya"

New creative success were not slow to appear. In 2011, the artist was offered to play in the films “Manticore” and “Full Contact”. And even though none of these films were super successful, Andrei Gaidulyan could not complain about the lack of demand and ease of work.

Andrei Gaidulyan’s “fresh” acting work turned out to be new series"Friends of friends". It was released at the end of 2013 and immediately became popular among young audiences.

The artist is also involved in the theater: he participates in the “Chic Wedding” enterprise, where his partners were, and. The actor’s repertoire also includes the productions “Number 13” and “Murlin Murlo”. Announcements of performances regularly appear on Andrey Gaidulyan’s pages in "Instagram" And "Twitter".

Personal life

IN student years Gaidulyan had a short affair with classmate Rimma. For some time the couple worked at the Glas Theater. Soon the young people separated. But when it became clear that Rimma was expecting a child, Andrei showed nobility: the born son Fyodor had a legal father.

Unfortunately, the birth of the baby did not save the family. Andrei and Rimma turned out to be too different. And the constant lack of money and difficult life made their “contribution” to the collapse of the family. Rimma Gaidulyan did not bear her husband's surname for long. Fortunately, now Andrei sees his son as much as time allows. He supports ex-family materially.

In addition to working in the theater and film set, Andrey at one time performed in nightclubs as a DJ and showman. The artist, according to him, traveled half of Russia with musical sets.

Soon after breaking up with Rimma personal life Andrey Gaidulyan made new round. In a nightclub in the capital, he met his new girlfriend, a girl from a wealthy Uzbek family. She grew up in Tashkent, and after school decided to study in Moscow. The girl’s studies didn’t work out, but she found her soul mate. The girl won over Andrei by instantly putting things in order in his bachelor’s home and organizing his life. Diana was an excellent cook and fully corresponded to Andrei Gaidulyan’s dreams of an ideal companion.

The lovers practically never parted. Ochilova attended all of Gaidulyan’s performances and went on tour with him. At the beginning of 2015, Gaidulyan proposed to his beloved. This happened in Venice. The couple was supposed to get married in September, but the celebration was canceled due to the groom's health.

After a course of treatment, Andrei again began filming the sitcom “SashaTanya” and, according to rumors, broke up with Diana for a while. However, in May 2016, Andrei Gaidulyan and his girlfriend began appearing together at events again, and in September they played.

In 2017, journalists again started talking about a quarrel in a young family, but the press did not give this quarrel of great importance: the couple was known for the fact that over the five years of their relationship they often quarreled, right up to the cancellation of the wedding, and reconciled no less violently. At the same time, acquaintances of the couple were sure that Andrei and his wife were simply made for each other and, despite any disagreements, they would remain together.

However, this time the separation turned out to be real. Pair . By the beginning of 2018, it became known that popular artist new girl. Andrey began to appear at social events with a colleague. The actress serves at the Moscow Art Theater. A. Chekhova and has already managed to appear in the TNT TV series “”. For the first time, the lovers appeared in front of reporters' cameras at the premiere of Sarik Adreasyan's film "".


Back in May 2015, it became known that Andrei was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. The actor struggled with cancer and went to Germany for treatment. Gaidulyan's fiancee was constantly with her loved one and supported Andrei in difficult moments of his life. In February 2016, the artist returned to Moscow after improvement. Only time will tell whether the actor finally defeated cancer or not.

After recovery, Andrei Gaidulyan began helping children faced with a terrible disease. The actor says that cancer has changed him forever and made him appreciate life. Andrey came up with his own way to help families in need of treatment for a child. On social networks, he invited those in need to contact him directly: Andrei promised to come to sick children and post photos of the visit on his pages on social networks.

In this way, Gaidulian checks whether the request for money is not a scam, and ensures that fundraising records increase the number of views and chances of reaching the required amount.

Having recovered from treatment at the end of 2016, the artist, together with Valentina Rubtsova, became a guest humorous program“Where is the logic?”, where the actors’ rivals were and.

Andrey Gaidulyan now

Andrey Gaidulyan is full of strength and creative plans. The actor still works in the “SashaTanya” project, and in 2017 he starred in the comedy “Zomboyashchik”, where the stars of “Comedy Club” played -,. The film premiered at the beginning of 2018.


  • 2006 – “Kulagin and partners”
  • 2006 – “Detectives”
  • 2008 – “Summer resident”
  • 2008 - 2011 – “Univer”
  • 2011 – “Manticore”
  • 2011 – “Full Contact”
  • 2011 - 2014 – “University. New dorm"
  • 2013 – “Friends of Friends”
  • 2013 - present – “SashaTanya”
  • 2016 – “About the war. Nurse"
  • 2018 – “Zomboyashchik”

The network is actively discussing the news that Andrei Gaidulyan divorced his wife. The press made sudden conclusions about the relationship between the actor and his wife Diana Ochilova. The young people are still together. However, their relationship is truly on the verge of collapse.

The wife of actor Andrei Gaidulyan is Diana Ochilova. The other day, a girl posted a video on her Instagram page. In the recording, she reads a poem. Fans of Andrei Gaidulyan noted that several lines read were dedicated to the actor.

The specific reasons for the divorce have not yet been disclosed. Fans believe that Andrei may not have paid enough attention to his wife, so the girl decided to divorce him.

Friends' opinion

Friends of Andrei and Diana confirm the information about the couple’s divorce. Relatives noted that this relationship has always been difficult. Andrei and Diana had to live like on a volcano. They constantly quarreled and then made up. Even a break in the relationship didn't help them.

The young people moved away from each other. Now each of them has their own life. Andrey devoted himself to creativity. His illness has finally subsided, which means he can act more.

Diana decided to take care of herself. The girl turns out higher education and is not interested in her husband's affairs. Diana is studying at the theater department. She is already being given small roles in plays.

In just a few months, the girl changed dramatically. Diana noticeably lost weight and dyed her hair White color. Mutual friends of the couple note that Gaidulyan’s wife has become incredibly prettier.

The love story of Andrei and Diana

Let us recall that in 2017 young people celebrated a chintz wedding. Andrei and Diana were married for a little while more than a year. Initially, the lovers positioned themselves as a reliable young couple who were ready to overcome any difficulties on the path to boundless happiness. After the actor was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2015, Diana supported her loved one both morally and physically. During her illness, the girl was always next to Andrei.

This is not the first time that rumors about the couple's breakup have appeared. This time Diana stirred up interest in the topic of the upcoming divorce even more. The girl went to a concert by Olga Buzova, a singer and TV presenter who is going through a crisis in her personal life.

Diana noted that she shares and understands the singer’s condition. Most likely, she wanted to hint to the couple’s fans that not everything was so smooth in her life.

Before Andrei and Diana got married, they dated for about 7 years. Fans could not even think that their beloved couple would break up so soon. After all, the lovers had to endure together terrible disease Andrey. According to many, this should have cemented the couple.

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