Biography. Who is Face? What is he famous for? What is his real name? Biography and creativity of the young rapper

Ivan Dremin, known under the pseudonym Face, recently released an unexpectedly politicized new album. Now he gave great interview Olesya Gerasimenko for the BBC Russian Service and explained where his interest in politics suddenly arose. At the same time, he spoke about the current situation in Russia and the culture of AUE, told what he thinks about Alexei Navalny, and explained why he cut his hair short.

September 1 rapper Face(Ivan Dremin) released a new album “Inscrutable Paths”. For many, it turned out to be unexpectedly dark and politicized. Face quotes Osip Mandelstam's poem dedicated to Stalin (“We live without feeling the country beneath us”), calls Russia a “prison country,” denounces state violence, corruption, torture, poverty.

An unexpected turn in the work of the artist, who had previously been emphatically apolitical and sang about “chicks”, “Gucci” and his own superiority over others, became the subject of active discussion on social networks. Some admired, others sneered, but everyone noticed.

Pyotr Verzilov

Previously the most apolitically cheerful Russian rapper, Face, suddenly released the most politicized album of Russian rap that exists today. Wow wow. The album is truly wonderful.


Just think, Face will remove his hate love tattoos and write “Putin is a sucker.”

Misha Berezin

Every day, Face thinks about the fate of his homeland and writes rap.

After the West, Face dropped Russia.

I'm Vita

Listen, well, if Face has already started singing about this, then everything is really bad with us.

Alexander Fast

Oksimiron calls for rallies in support of the suspects under 282.
Loki cannot wash the Kemerovo ashes from his eyes.
Face releases an album with an allusion to Putin in the title.
What time to be alive.

Olesya Gerasimenko wrote a long read about Face for the BBC Russian Service and separately did a long interview in which she asked about the new album, the change political views, about elections, about good and evil, the meaning of life and principles.

We have selected the main thing from this conversation.

Why did Face cut his hair?

Face explained that he had moved to a new level and made a “level-up”.

I don’t know, this seems to be the custom among artists when some new stage begins.

Besides, new hairstyle- a symbol of the fact that he is going to a kind of war. And with whom he is fighting, you can understand by listening to the album: first of all, with himself and with the “rotten brain of youth.” At the same time, Face believes that “this country is incurable.”

Who tried to buy Face and why?

I was on the verge of agreeing the first time because I was completely indecisive about the whole thing. Or rather, I was blinded by the fact that I received what I thought I dreamed of - money, fame. […] The only reason for my refusal was that [I was offered] little money.

According to the artist, he was offered “a million or two” for integrating political advertising into his tracks and videos. One of the ideas, Face said, was for presidential candidate Vladimir Putin to ride a bear in the track “I’m Dropping the West.”

When I figured out the situation, I was like, phew, good thing I didn’t do ***** [bullshit] that I would be ashamed of later. Because all these people ruined my whole life, my entire childhood, like everyone else, together with our parents, of course.

The artists were hired before the elections to increase turnout, and the turnout was needed to give the appearance of legitimacy to the elections, Face believes. The artist himself did not vote.

Why did Face go to the Mothers' March?

It turns out that he participated in the protest action on August 15 to support Anna Pavlikova and Maria Dubovik, who were arrested in the “New Greatness” case.

To support the girls who were set up and who are treated simply like some of the most cruel animals, despite the fact that they are ordinary girls of 17-18 years old, who were simply set up by their uncle for the sake of an asterisk.

Face does not consider the action political; he did not tell anyone that he was going there or was there.

Face was threatened because of the call not to go to the polls

Unnamed people called the artist and promised to ban his concerts, which is why, according to him, he got scared and deleted the tweet. Now, Face says, he is not afraid. At the same time, he believes that in the new album he does not call anyone to do anything. The rapper did not say whether he would participate in political protests.

What Face thinks about Navalny

The rapper considers the most popular Russian opposition figure a “tyrant.”

Just look at him, and everything will immediately become clear. This is a person from the category of Lenin, Stalin and others. He would be great if he just talked about how corrupt everyone is. This is a person who absolutely cannot be trusted with power.

How is Face related to AUE?

In grades 8-9, Face was a football hooligan and “held right-wing views,” which was expressed in the fact that he “ran after the Uzbeks with a knife, thank God, he didn’t catch up.” Then he became a member of the AUE group.

This is a common phenomenon called punks. Ordinary Russian children, mostly male. They gather, walk, and at the same time bet on people, ****** [beat] them for their cause and not for their cause. They play some kind of sport.

Face explained the line “half the country is on 228” by saying that everyone wants to earn some easy money, because “who wants to work hard for twenty.”

What is a sense of life

I don’t know why else I should live if not for the sake of virtue. If you do not benefit yourself, your family, or society.

Face himself calls himself a non-believer, despite the many references to religion in the new album. It’s just that the album itself, the artist explained, is the personification of the country, and here there’s no place without religion, without mosques and temples.

If you choose to live, then it makes sense to live as long and as well as possible. Take care of your health, try to drink less if you drink, do not use drugs, especially if it is contraindicated for you.

Face says he no longer smokes cigarettes, hardly drinks, and has completely given up drugs.

At the end of August, the assassin and founder of the banned National Bolshevik Party. Limonov spoke about how he feels about modern politicians and to journalists, why he is proud of his father, who served in the NKVD, what was wrong with the protests on Bolotnaya Square in 2011 and why he is the greatest living Russian writer.

And before that, Dud interviewed Instagrammer and TV presenter Nastya Ivleeva (and it, by the way, became the most popular during the entire existence of the “vDud” program). The blogger became the second woman after Ksenia Sobchak, whom Dud invited to visit. . Ivleeva told which penis she considers small, and it seems that many people did not like the interview.

Childhood, youth, school years

Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, Ivan Dremin, better known by his pseudonym FACE, was first published on April 8, 1997 in Russian city Ufa. He grew up in an ordinary, poor family with his older brother.
Already from an early age, the boy fell in love with music, listening to various performers such as: The King and the Clown, Tokio Hotel, Slipknot, Rammstein, Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, etc. Then the young man had a dream that someday he would also be involved in similar activities.

Vanya studied at a local lyceum, studied, by his own admission, with bad grades and had poor relationships with his classmates.
The father and mother did not raise their child, so Ivan was a lot of hooligans, and was also a member of the street associations “Iremel” and “Aurora”. As part of them, the teenager did various obscenities (robberies, extortion), because of which he was a regular at local police stations.
After receiving secondary education, Dremin did not have enough Unified State Examination points to enter the budget place Ufa university. The parents did not have money to pay for their son’s studies, so Vanya got a job in local organizations in small positions. The job for which the guy was hired was not to his liking and quickly became boring, so the young man decides to give up everything and completely go into musical creativity.

Initially, Ivan came up with the nickname PunkFace, but on the advice of his older brother he changed his pseudonym to Face (which is translated into Russian as “Face”), which characterizes his diversity and constant metamorphoses in his creative views. One of the artist's first songs is the track "WebPunk", which can be found in the public domain. The rapper also had nicknames such as Lil Montana and BLACK FOREST.

The beginning of creative activity

Dremin's first full-fledged release took place on October 30, 2015, called “The Cursed Seal.” The album included 6 compositions, and a video was shot for the song “Gosha Rubchinsky” with a budget of 200 rubles, after which many new listeners learned about the performer. The reason for Face’s increased attention to the Russian designer Rubchinsky is that he is a role model young man and the object of his inspiration.

On March 7, 2016, a mini-album was released, which was named after the foreign brand “VLONE”. After 4 days, a video clip for the song was released - a collaboration between Ivan and the R&B singer.

In the summer, two EPs were released - "MAYHEM" (06.9) and "PLAYBOY" (07.25), a video was shot for one of the tracks. In winter, on December 4, a joint song with.

FACE - F*** Face You're Flexing (2016)

Rise in popularity

At the beginning of 2017, a video for the composition “I Don’t Give a F**k” was uploaded to the public domain, which was edited by foreign video director COLE BENNET. And already on January 14, the solo album “REVENGE” was published, consisting of eight songs.

FACE - I Don't Give a F*ck (2017)

After 6 days, listeners appreciated the joint track “Flow”, which was included in the collection “Ghetto Street Show 2.5”. According to Face, in his youth he loved Yanix’s work and with his friends often played his tracks at joint gatherings. On April 9, the album “HATELOVE” appeared in the public domain, which included 17 diverse works. “HateLove” was recorded under the influence of a period in his life when Ivan was being treated for panic attacks, severe levels of anxiety, taking antidepressants and visiting a day hospital.

One song from the solo album is named after a certain Lisa, whose name is also mentioned in other compositions. As Face said in an interview with "Fast Food Music", Elizaveta Semina is a girl from a parallel with whom our hero has been unrequitedly in love since the 4th grade. It was a photo from her Instagram that was chosen as the cover for the release. It is known that the young lady is an architect by profession.


In April 2017, Dremin got tattoos on his face - the inscription “Numb” above right eyebrow, as well as the words "HATE" and "LOVE" just below the eyes. These are far from the first and last tattoos on the rapper’s body; in addition to the above, the young man has the logos of the PlayBoy magazine, the Vlone brand and several more inscriptions on his hands, such as: “F*ck Love”, “Rock Star”. The list continues to grow.

Widespread success

On July 16, 2017, the track “I DROP THE WEST” was presented, the name of which became a kind of local meme in the rap community. After this composition, the word “Eshkere”, coined by an English-speaking rapper, began to go viral on Russian networks. This set of letters came from the foreign phrase “Let's get it” (Let's get it), which was distorted into Esketit, which in Russian sounds like “Eshkere”.
Was released 4 days later collaboration with Yanix called "Believe". In this composition, the rappers discussed the topic of mercantile love with a lyrical touch. At the beginning of August, Vanya presented his first professionally shot video for the June composition “Burger”.

Here the young performer has already consecrated known facts from his life, as well as throughout the entire track, he mentioned his favorite brand “Gucci”.

Phrases from the song, despite the huge number negative reviews about her, quickly spread into quotes and memes on social networks, and the corrosive “I’m going to the Gucci store in St. Petersburg” was probably heard by most listeners new school hip-hop.

FACE - BURGER (2017)

On September 10, the premiere of the album "NO LOVE" took place, containing 9 tracks without a single collaboration. In this solo album, the artist again adhered to the scheme, where half of the compositions are performed in the usual, daring style, and the other part is lyrics combined with vocals. The release of “No Love” received more than 27 thousand reposts on the social network “Vkontakte” within 24 hours, surpassing the group’s record with their work “Home on Wheels, Part 1.”

Participation in the media space

In the second half of September 2017, the performer took part in a show in the “Meme Exchange” section from Lev Shaginyan. As part of the 23rd issue of FACE, in a poetic and humorous manner, he spoke about the presence hidden meaning in the lines of his songs, and also performed a verse of his hit “Burger” in a similar style.
Vanya also attended the program " Comedy Club"as a guest, where he spoke in a humorous manner with the presenters and.
That same fall, Face gave a long interview to Yuri Dudu, in which he talked about how his parents and relatives treated his work (in general, not bad), about his early years, hooligan youth, drugs, how he abandoned the army (no way), how much he earns from concerts (in the capitals about 2 million rubles, in the regions about 250 thousand) and a lot interesting facts from his biography.

Creative focus

As Vanya says on his social networks and in numerous interviews, with his shocking tracks he shows the values ​​of modern youth and how they live. With his own works, Face wants to convey that such a life will not lead to anything good. “When I talk about death and depression, I want to give a helping hand to depressed people so that they don’t feel alone. And only when I write tracks like “24 to 7”, I say everything very directly, because love is beautiful and it shouldn’t be hidden,” the rapper writes on his Twitter and later adds: “The goal of my work is to make people in this country rich and cheerful...”

Personal life of Ivan Dremin

Concerning personal life boy, then, obviously, the rapper failed to win the heart of that same Lisa, so the artist led a riotous lifestyle for some time (he admitted that he had sexual relations with about 150 girls, including fans). And just by looking at his audience at concerts, you can understand that the young man clearly does not have a lack of female attention.

On Twitter and in the song from the album "No Love" Ivan declared his love ex-girlfriend- to video blogger Maryana Rozhkova, after she stated that she liked Face’s work. The guys contacted each other on Instagram and began closer communication. In September 2017, Dremin confirmed rumors about a relationship with “the-village” publication. On their first meeting, Vanya gave her a crocodile from Kinder Surprise. The couple came up with the name Flexadile Ivanovich, creating their own Instagram page for the toy, which was subscribed to by more than 50 thousand people. As Face himself says, this item is a symbol of their love.
It is worth noting that the pretty girl has a very ambiguous reputation on the Internet, especially after breaking up with Rudsky, so FACE fans began to be outraged on social networks by Ivan’s “wrong” choice.

Face now

During the autumn tour, Ivan’s concert in Minsk, scheduled for October 26, 2017, was canceled by the Prosecutor General’s Office due to complaints from the parents of one of the listeners. The musician’s representatives received formal permission from the authorities to perform with an age limit of +16, as well as completely eliminating all profanity from the songs, but the club did not take risks and decided not to hold this event. On October 30, Vanya announced that he would soon release the most beautiful song In my life. After a three-week wait, the track “24 to 7” was released. Apparently, Face dedicated the work, done in a tenderly lyrical style, to his girlfriend Maryana, with whom the young man has been in a relationship for several months.
After a long and difficult tour, Vanya and Maryana go on vacation abroad. Having gained strength, in the second half of January, Face announced a video for the track “I Drop the West,” and on February 25 he promised to release an album of 17 tracks called “Public Enemy” (translated into Russian as Enemy of the People).

Face does not intend to slow down his creativity; the guy devotes all his time to music - releasing new material and live performances in front of listeners.

: ( Official page on Instagram)
:, TV channel "TnT" - still images
: (Official Twitter page)
: Social media, (Official community in VK)
: Channel "Fast Food Music", still images
: (Official page of Flexadile Ivanovich on Instagram)
Stills from FACE music videos from YouTube
Personal archive of Ivan Dremin

When using any information from this Face biography, please be sure to leave a link to it. Also check out. Hope for your understanding.

The article was prepared by the resource "How Celebrities Changed"

Face is a rap artist who gained wide popularity after the release of the video for the track “Gosha Rubchinsky”. His work, full of parodic humor and references to youth Internet culture, is classified as meme-rap.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Dremin, performing under the pseudonym Face, was born on April 8, 1997 in Ufa. The artist has an older brother. At school, Dremin did not do well - he often got bad marks and fought with his classmates. At some point, Ivan even became a member of a street gang. The teenager was sent to police stations more than once for robbery and extortion.

After graduating from the local lyceum, Ivan was going to enter a university, but did not get enough points on the Unified State Exam to enter the budget. The teenager’s parents did not have enough money to pay for their son’s studies, so Dremin got a job. Quite soon, Ivan decided for himself that such a life did not suit him, and decided to quit and take up music seriously.

Creativity and popularity

WITH early years Ivan was interested in good music - he was fascinated by the work of such famous performers as the King and the Jester, Zemfira, Slipknot, Rammstein. However, he himself began to create rap music. At first he chose the nickname Punk Face, but his older brother advised the guy to change his nickname to simply Face, which translated into Russian means “Face”. Dremin later explained that this nickname best characterizes his diversity in creative views. The rapper also performed under the nicknames Lil Montana and Black Forest.

The artist’s first full-fledged release took place at the end of October 2015. The album “Cursed Seal” includes 6 compositions. One of them was the song “Gosha Rubchinsky,” for which the musician later shot a video clip, which cost the musician 200 rubles. It was this song, named after the Russian streetwear designer, that brought Face unexpected popularity. Later, the artist admitted that Rubchinsky is his role model and object of inspiration.

Face – Gosha Rubchinsky

In March next year Ivan released the mini-album “Vlone”, and a few days later fans young artist were able to evaluate the video clip for the song “Megan Fox”, recorded together with the Moscow R&B artist Enique. This was followed by two mini-albums “Mayhem” and “Playboy”, the release of a new video, as well as a joint song with Moscow rapper Lizer.

At the beginning of 2017, viewers were able to see Face’s video for the song “I Don’t Give a F*ck,” which was edited by American music video director Cole Bennett. Soon the musician’s album “Revenge” and the track “Flow” were published, which Ivan recorded together with Yanix and Markul.

In April, the musician’s next (seventh) release was released - a full-length album “Hatelove”, which included 17 tracks. The artist admitted that his new creation was created during a difficult period of his life with panic attacks and antidepressants.

In July, the musician presented his new track“I’m dropping the West,” the name of which turned into something like a meme in the rap community (a few months later, Oksimiron expressed with this phrase his impressions of the battle with his American colleague Dizaster: “I’m dropping the West, ooh,” he wrote on his Twitter).

Then the artist pleased fans with another song together with Yanix - “Believe”, dedicated to the sensitive topic of mercantile love.

Face – Burger

Then, for the song “Burger,” the artist released his first professionally shot video. Although not all YouTube users reacted positively to the track, it was widely shared with quotes, the most popular of which was “I’m going to the Gucci store in St. Petersburg” (not surprising - this phrase made up about half of the entire track).

In September 2017, Face released the album “No Love” with 9 tracks. Half of the album is made in the artist’s traditional daring style, and the remaining songs surprised fans with their lyricism. More than 27,000 users of the VKontakte network reposted the news about the album - this is how Ivan broke the record of the group “Mushrooms” with their project “House on Wheels, Part 1.”

"vDud": rapper Face Soon, Dremin took part in Sergei Druzhko’s show in the “Meme Exchange” section from Lev Shaginyan, became a guest of the Comedy Club show, and then gave a detailed interview to journalist Yuri Dudu. In a 50-minute video, the rapper clarified his attitude towards modern music

, drugs, tattoos, told about his past and the story of his acquaintance with Maryana Ro.

In Ivan’s album “Hatelove” there is a composition named after a certain Lisa - this name can be found in other songs of the artist. In an interview with Fast Food Music, the artist admitted that the song is dedicated to Elizaveta Semina, a girl from a parallel class with whom the musician was unrequitedly in love since elementary school. Dremin chose a photo of the girl from her personal Instagram page as the cover for the album. “Lisa doesn’t love me,” the artist shared on Twitter.

Face once admitted that he had about 150 girls, incl. fans

In September, Dremin confirmed rumors about his affair with video blogger Maryana Ro. ex-girlfriend the most popular YouTuber Ivangay. The lovers started a common Instagram page for a toy crocodile, which the guy gave to Ro during their first meeting. More than 50,000 users have subscribed to the toy’s page.

In April 2017, Face got tattoos on his face - the inscription “Numb” above his right eyebrow and the words “Hate” and “Love” under his eyes. These are not the young artist’s first tattoos - Dremin has the “PlayBoy” and “Vlone” logos, as well as the inscriptions “F*ck Love” and “Rock Star” tattooed.

The artist admitted that concerts in Moscow bring him 2 million rubles, in the regions - from 250 thousand rubles.

Rapper Face now

In 2018, the rapper stated that he had outgrown his previous work and “eschkere” in particular. He believes that as a voice for youth, he must be responsible and lead listeners in the right direction. The singer promised that in the new album “Public Enemy” fans will see a new Face.

In February of the same year, he released his clothing line, No Love. It included basic items of a simple cut with the symbols of his brand.

In September, the promised album was released, in which listeners really felt the development of the artist. True, it was not called “Public Enemy”, but “Inscrutable Paths”. As one might expect from the album cover - a double-headed eagle with an oil rig - the rapper criticized the state of affairs in modern Russia. He touched on the topics of corruption, poverty, the World Cup, and the Russian mentality. The release was praised by many liberal publications and rapper Oksimiron.

Face did not receive higher education and has no plans yet. He is also categorical about work: “If you don’t do what you want and do what you don’t want, then you will be unhappy.” The rapper himself worked only once in order to earn at least some money for further development his musical activity. I got a job as an administrative assistant at a hotel, but the workday lasted only one day, and on the second day, our hero simply did not show up for workplace. He explained this by saying that he did not like the conditions of payment. And at these very moments he understands that his calling is not work, but entirely music.


Take off at creative activity Feysa begins with the track “ Gosha Rubchinsky”, which is based on a collection called “The Cursed Seal”. The video shot for this song with a budget of 200~ rubles gains a huge number of views and goes viral.

The clip appears on YouTube on January 3, 2016. In two years it gets 7 million views.

The rapper himself says that he made this video on the wave of hype associated with Gosha Rubchinsky and it went in. However, Ivan regrets that he did not receive feedback from Gosha himself for the additional flow of hype on his part towards the brand.

Creative activity does not stop there and an EP album is released on March 7, 2016 (mini) - “VLONE”, and a few days later the joint work on the composition “ Megan Fox"with rapper ENIQUE.

In the summer of the same year, the rapper delighted his fans with two mini-albums “MAYHEM” and “PLAYBOY”, and already in September another video that became popular was released - “FACE - Bl### Face Here You Are Flexing”.

2017 comes and right away (January 3rd) Face illuminates his fan base with a new creative video - “FACE - I Don’t Give a Fuck”, which, by the way, was filmed by a popular Western video clip - Cole Bennett. FACE contacted him through friends in a general conference where Western rappers with similar creativity communicate. Ivan did not pay any money for this clip, because... video director Cole Bennett said that “we are working on a common cause,” however, what is characteristic is that the video was released on the Cole Bennett channel. In the same month (January 14), a new solo album is released, which takes the name “REVENGE”.

The REVENGE album has many parallels to Asian culture.

April 9, 2017 - Face uploads an album called “HATELOVE” online, which plays a significant role in his work and also attracts new listeners.

August 6, 2017 - the video “FACE - BURGER” appears on the rapper’s YouTube channel, which has a huge number of views in just a couple of days.

The new video "Burger" was received ambiguously. In addition to satisfied fans, there were also those who began to hate the face.

There are performers whose work goes far beyond the standards accepted in society. And in this case, they have only two options: to remain misunderstood until the end of their days or to open new page in the perception of music. Rapper Face is one of those who managed to win the hearts of millions with extraordinary lyrics and get “everything at once.” Glory fell on young author Russian rap literally in a matter of days after the release of his video for a song about designer Gosha Rubchinsky. There was a massive talk about Face on social networks (VKontakte, Twitter, etc.), and his fans began to storm Instagram and YouTube in search of interesting information about your idol. Fans of the charismatic singer are interested not only in excerpts from the biography (name, age, childhood, facial tattoos, etc.), but also facts from his personal life. For example, his relationship with YouTube blogger Maryana Ro, a photo from whom Face leaked on social networks. You will find information about who the rapper Face is, his real name, facts from life, as well as videos from the Comedy Club and the show “The Voice”.

Rapper Face, biography: name, age, where he studied, how he started writing songs

So, the most popular queries on the network about the biography of rapper Face concern what his real name is, how old he is, where he studied and how he started writing songs. Let's start with the fact that Ivan Demin, and this is exactly what it sounds like full name performer under the nickname Face, born on April 8, 1997 in Ufa. The 20-year-old performer has a difficult childhood behind him, which was spent literally on the streets hometown. As Feis himself stated in an interview, the parents were unable to raise their son properly, redirecting this mission to his grandparents. The generational conflict that arose between the extraordinary personality and the older members of his family led to the fact that the guy literally grew up as an anarchist who did not recognize the authority of his elders. Ivan admits that he was a very difficult teenager, was in street gangs, tried drugs and was even registered in a psychiatric clinic. According to him, only the love of music and the desire to become like his idols, including the King and the Jester, Zemfira, Tokio Hotel, Lil Wayne, Slipknot, gave meaning to his existence.

Where did rapper Feis study and how did he start writing songs?

Ivan Demin began writing his first songs back in school years without having any music education. However, high school remained the only frontier of knowledge that the young rapper mastered. According to Demin, he did not have enough passing grades on the Unified State Exam to enter the university, and he had no particular desire to continue his studies. Already in high school, today's youth idol understood that he wanted to study music exclusively. And as it turns out, to write hits that consist almost entirely of profanity, a secondary education certificate is quite enough.

Rapper Face: facial tattoos and photos from personal Instagram

In addition to his extraordinary creativity in every sense, performer Feis also excites the audience with his appearance. Of particular interest to fans are the tattoos on Face’s face, which can be seen in detail in a photo from the rapper’s personal Instagram. It is worth noting that at the beginning of his career, Ivan Demin did not particularly stand out externally. But this spring, Face decided to complement his image, which now fully corresponds to his nickname, with facial tattoos. Note that translated from in English"face" literally means face. The rapper himself says that the pseudonym he chose reflects his versatility as a performer.

Tattoos on the face of rapper Face (Face) - photo from the artist’s personal Instagram

So, what kind of tattoos did Face get on his face? Recently, the rapper’s face has been decorated with three tattoos with the inscriptions - Numb (above the right eyebrow), Hate and Love (just below the eyes). In his opinion, love (Love) and hatred (Hate) are the two main forces that control everything in this world. As for the inscription Numb, translated this word means “numb.” With the help of this tattoo, Ivan most likely wanted to capture the reaction of many to his work. In addition to tattoos on his face, rapper Face also has other designs on his body, mostly inscriptions, the list of which continues to grow.

Rapper Facey and YouTube blogger Maryana Ro are dating?

After the couple of popular YouTubers Ivangay and Maryana Ro broke up, their fans were at a loss and for a long time cherished the hope of a reunion of their idols. That is why the news that YouTube blogger Maryana Ro started dating rapper Face caused a shock among many of the girl’s fans. And numerous Face fans were disappointed with his choice. In their opinion, these two are the complete opposite of each other: Maryana Rozhkova is an example of a cheerful and sweet girl, and Ivan Demin is the embodiment of all the vices of our time. That is why, at first, such contradictory images of lovers were perceived by fans exclusively as hype and a cunning PR move.

Evidence that rapper Facey and YouTube blogger Maryana Ro are dating

But despite everyone’s disbelief, rapper Face and YouTube blogger Maryana Ro continue to meet, for which there is a lot of evidence. On social media pages belonging to young people, joint photos and video. Moreover, in one of his latest interviews to a popular journalist Yuri Dudu, Ivan Demin shared some details about his relationship with Maryana. In particular, he mentioned how they met and what their most romantic date was. In addition, Face dedicated one song from his album “No love” to Maryana Ro, in which he confessed his real feelings for the girl.

Is it true that rapper Face leaked intimate photos of Maryana Ro online?

Gossip around Face and Maryana Ro does not subside, so from time to time rumors arise that the rapper leaked intimate photos graphics of his new girlfriend on the Internet. Such an act cannot be called masculine, but it can be expected from such a reckless and extraordinary person as Ivan Demin. However, sometimes Mariana’s haters also talk about the fact that photographs of this kind appear in the public domain. They claim that for the sake of popularity around her name, this girl is capable of much more.

Rapper Face leaked intimate photos with Maryana Ro - true or fake

However, despite the widespread opinion about Maryana’s spoiled state and Ivan’s bad manners, it is difficult to find candid photos of the couple online. The most intimate photo that was publicly available to fans was a screenshot from Maryana’s story. In it, young people are hugging under a blanket, while Face’s torso is bare, and Maryana looks a little disheveled and tired.

Rapper Face in Comedy Club(Comedy Club) - performer on a popular show, video

If at the beginning of his work the performer Face was of interest exclusively to a narrow circle of young people, today his popularity is growing like mushrooms after rain. In particular, the phenomenon rapper Face and the buzz surrounding his extraordinary hits attracts the attention of an older audience as well. Interviews with the performer appear in trending magazines, and he himself becomes a guest on various talk shows. For example, among latest broadcasts with the participation of Ivan Demin, one can note an interview with Yuri Dyud in the show “VDud”, an invitation to Sergei Druzhko’s program, as well as participation in Comedy Club.

How rapper Face behaved on the popular show Comedy Club (Comedy Club), video from the air

By the way, the appearance of the rapper on the Comedy Club broadcast among the guests of the show caused mixed feelings among Face’s fans. On the one hand, an invitation to such rating programs indicates the growing popularity of the artist. But on the other hand, presenters Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov, in their characteristic ironic manner, greeted Face with caustic remarks about his appearance and creativity, which the fans did not like.

Was rapper Face on the Voice show?

Numerous fans are confident that Face’s talent should be appreciated by the largest possible audience. Therefore, fake videos appear online from time to time with the rapper’s alleged participation in the popular singing show “The Voice.” But they are all amateur and represent an overlay of Face’s hits with excerpts from the show.

Is rapper Face going to the Voice Show?

It is not known for certain whether rapper Face is going to take part in the show “The Voice”. Most likely, such PR is not yet part of the performer’s plans. At this stage, it is enough for Ivan Demin to shine on entertainment shows like Comedy Club. In addition, the rapper gains his main popularity thanks to hype videos and songs, as in the case of the hit about Gosha Rubchinsky. Add to this extraordinary biography, a difficult childhood, tattoos on his face and Maryana Ro, with whom Face is dating, and you will understand that there is plenty of hype around the rapper. We hope that now that you know Face’s real name, how old he is, how to translate his nickname into Russian, and have also seen photos from Instagram, your interest in his personality is partially satisfied.

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