Hackers stole personal correspondence and intimate photos of Olga Buzova: what exactly ended up on the Internet and why some consider it black self-promotion. Dmitry Tarasov told how he wooed Anastasia Kostenko and broke up with Olga Buzova Personal correspondence of Olga Buzov

Dmitry Tarasov told the whole truth about the breakup with Olga Buzova, and how it was not easy for him to achieve the heart of Anastasia Kostenko.

Dmitry Tarasov gave frank interview about how his romance with Anastasia Kostenko began. The footballer, despite statements from eyewitnesses, denies that he cheated on his ex-wife Olga Buzova. According to his version, he met Kostenko only in December last year, and the second date took place in January. This confession goes against the rumors, because the scandal with “her husband’s mistress Buzova” began on the Internet back in November last year. Friends of the couple assured that by the time the TV presenter found out about her husband’s infidelity, Tarasov had already been having an affair with Kostenko for about three months.

Tarasov voices a different version. He met Kostenko in the company of mutual friends. He really liked the girl and got her phone number. According to Tarasov, the relationship with Olga was already over at that time. Then he spent a lot of effort trying to win Anastasia’s heart. Dmitry literally went out of his way to win the heart of the “unapproachable” beauty.

“Nastya was impregnable, like a fortress, and I can understand her. I knew that a bucketful of slop would be poured onto anyone who was near me. And then rumors spread that I had a harem of mistresses,” Dmitry said. Kostenko admits that the footballer impressed her good impression. “I immediately warned that you can’t buy me with gifts,” the model added. - The most valuable thing is attention. Dima knows how to look after: gives flowers, takes her to restaurants and cinema. My aunt lives in Moscow, who always warned: “Be careful. In the capital, men are spoiled." I avoided communication with the stronger sex and lived with my sister. But Dima turned out to be different - caring and homely. And when I saw his reverent attitude towards children, I realized that this is my man!”

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

He surrounded her with care and in March persuaded her to move into his apartment. Soon Tarasov introduced her to his family, who really liked Kostenko. So, protecting his beloved from the “bad fame” that had fallen on her, Tarasov began new life after divorce. Now the couple lives quietly family life V country house Tarasov, the construction of which began while still married to Buzova. Dmitry and Anastasia dream of a wedding and children, but they don’t want to rush into such serious things. Kostenko said that she really wants to give birth to a child for Dmitry, but this will not happen in the next year. “I took care of two sisters and a brother. At some point I realized that I didn’t want to become a mother myself. But when I met Dima, I changed my mind. I see him as the father of my children. Perhaps I’ll give birth earlier than planned, but not in the next year!” Starhit quotes Kostenko.

For many fans of Olga Buzova, her marriage to Dmitry Tarasov was an example to follow, because their couple seemed ideal to them. But, as it turned out, the happiness was short-lived, and their beautiful and tender relationship was just an “Instagram fake.”

However, loyal fans of the TV star have no idea that Olya and Dima’s wedding might not have happened at all. At one time, Olga Buzova, and now Tarasova, was very persistent and simply left Dima no choice but to propose to her. But he had no intention of getting married at all, since by that time he could not get over his unsuccessful marriage with his first wife Oksana. The athlete offered Olga, with whom he fell madly in love, an open relationship, but she gave him an ultimatum - they would get married and only in an official marriage would she give birth to a child for him. Tarasov, dreaming big and happy family, accepted her terms. But this time he turned out to be more prudent - a day before the trip to the registry office, they drew up and signed a marriage contract. According to this document, in the event of divorce, the TV presenter will not lay claim to any of Tarasov’s property. And by the way, it is impressive - three expensive Mercedes cars, several plots of land, a luxurious mansion, the area of ​​which reaches 800 square meters and a Moscow apartment. The blonde was in seventh heaven - she completely trusted her lover, because she was sure that their happiness would last forever. And the football player had simply already been taught by bitter experience, because after his divorce from his first wife, he lost his two-room apartment in the capital.

However, time passed, but little “Tarabuzik” never appeared in the family. Friends star couple think it's main reason their separation. Now the TV presenter has moved to rented housing in the center of Moscow. As people from their circle said, Dima rented this apartment and he also invited Olya to live separately. By the way, these same acquaintances also said that Tarasov regularly sent his wife to the medical center for examinations, and no problems were found with her reproductive system. The girl was simply too passionate about herself and her career, and having a child was not part of her plans.

But Olga, who passionately loves to share her happiness with the public, did not talk about her misfortunes. And all this eventually turned into a huge revelation for her. Hackers hacked her cloud storage and gained access to all the TV personality’s personal materials. However, the attackers did not limit themselves to just studying them - they immediately posted her racy pictures, videos, and correspondence on the World Wide Web. And they titled all this as: “Olga Buzova. The price of misfortune."

Thanks to all these materials, it became known that socialite Now there are big difficulties with money. In particular, this is evidenced by her audio recordings, which were extracted by spiteful critics from her correspondence in the popular messenger. In them, Olga turns to her advertising agent and asks him to accept all offers of cooperation. The blonde also talks about her “Napoleonic” plans to “capture” Europe.

Also in his audio messages, the TV star asks his PR director Anton for support, and tells him what vile people the Tarasovs really are.

The man calms her down and tells her how wonderful she is.

Then Buzova remembers the correspondence with his mother and showers herself with reproaches for not being able to resist writing to her.

Judging by another screenshot, Tarasov also doesn’t like that Olya writes to his mother, and he asks not to touch her.

Among the many screenshots released, there is Olya’s correspondence with her mother, who simply begs her child to maintain her relationship with Dima. She asks the star to change and stop being a slob, because a messy home also affects family relationships.

In addition to all this, Buzova’s mother is also interested in the same white Mercedes that Dima gave to his wife. She even invites her to follow suit abandoned by Andrey Arshavin Yulia Baranovskaya and create their own show.

The TV personality’s sister Anna Buzova, who expressed her dissatisfaction with the behavior of Tarasov’s mother, did not mince words.

Along with these messages and proceedings, anonymous users published racy pictures and videos. In them, the presenter of House-2 lifts up her dresses and shows piquant parts of her body. This video was recorded on the day when Olga was invited to the anniversary of her close friends. It was there that she first hinted at the reason for the break with Tarasov, when she began to talk about memory and betrayal.

It’s curious, but in one of the videos Olga talks about how she intends to undergo several procedures to enlarge her cheekbones and lips, and also shows off her sexy stockings. But despite all this, she always emphasizes in public that she is a supporter of natural beauty.

Tarasov's new friend responded to the attack of the TV presenter left without her husband

As it appears, Olga Buzova still hasn't recovered from her painful divorce from Dmitry Tarasov.

Football player and his new lover Anastasia Kostenko quite often they post their joint photos on social networks. So, recently photos from a vacation in Dubai appeared on the couple’s Instagram, in which Dmitry and Anastasia look completely happy.

Olga did not fail to respond to these publications. On her blog, the girl posted a photo where she is “in full dress” posing against the backdrop of an expensive car and a helicopter. In the caption under the photo, the TV presenter says: “Many men are afraid of women to whom they need to grow up; it’s easier to use those to whom they can stoop.” Of course, Buzova did not name specific names, but her subscribers immediately decided that this was an attack on her ex-husband.

Apparently, Kostenko thought the same thing. On the same day, a photo appeared on her social network page where she and Tarasov were sitting on the beach, with the football player tenderly hugging his girlfriend. In the caption to the photo, the model reminded subscribers of a well-known parable about a woman who reproached her neighbor for poorly washed laundry, until it turned out that the window in the woman’s own house was dirty. “It’s the same in our life, everything depends on our window... Only an unhappy person will look into other people’s windows, because a happy person is engaged in cleaning his own every day!” - Anastasia wrote.

Photos of the couple from their first holiday together and from the wedding of a football player’s friend. The star of “House-2” immediately posted a photo of herself in a chic evening dress against the background expensive car and wrote: “Many men are afraid of women to whom they need to grow up, it’s easier to use those to whom they can stoop...” Internet users did not doubt for a minute whose garden Buzova had thrown a stone into. However, the new passion did not remain silent either ex-husband TV star. Kostenko, in response to Buzova’s attack, posted on Instagram a parable about unfortunate people delving into someone else’s dirty laundry. However, in this way Nastya responded to all the haters who constantly write negative comments about her and Tarasov.

Let us remind you that Olga Buzova divorced Dmitry Tarasov in December last year. The couple lived together for five years, but, as Buzova said, her world collapsed in one day. One day she came home and her lover showed her the door. “I loved, I got high from us, from the picture, from everything. I was a million percent sure. I am like a dog, faithful and devoted. In everything. In theory, I understand that someday I will have a man whom I will love, but I can’t bring myself to talk about it...” Olga admitted in an interview with Yulia Baranovskaya. The star plunged into creativity and one by one began releasing songs that instantly became leaders of the iTunes chart. After her divorce, 31-year-old Olga Buzova literally became the heroine of our time. She managed not only to earn wild popularity from her misfortune, but also to simply make good money. Journalists have already calculated that Buzova’s income after her divorce from Tarasov has doubled.

Anastasia Kostenko and Dmitry Tarasov during their first vacation together

Anastasia Kostenko spent the weekend with Tarasov and his relatives at the dacha

Last weeks the person of Olga Buzova was actively discussed in the media, which was associated with her separation from her husband Dmitry Tarasov. Since the beginning of November, fans began to suspect that there was a serious quarrel between them, which ended in separation. Since the discord in the family, Olga and Dmitry have not commented on the current situation. Fans came to do this for them, who expressed their versions of what could have caused the couple’s separation. There were very different versions. Media journalists did not lag behind the fans, giving their reasons for the collapse of this beautiful couple. Buzova’s correspondence, published by hackers a few days ago, made it possible to shed light and establish what caused the separation of the football player and TV presenter.
Familiarization with Buzova’s personal correspondence made it possible to accurately establish that model Nastya Kostenko, with whom Tarasov was suspected of having a relationship, was involved in the breakup of this couple. Many people said a few weeks ago that she was the homewrecker who contributed to the breakup of the couple. This information has been confirmed. Buzova’s correspondence, which appeared on the Internet, became real compromising evidence.

Many fans of the couple wanted to receive reliable information, but the couple did not want to provide it, so when they saw the materials posted by hackers, Buzova’s fans, of course, paid attention to them and, after reading them, made their own conclusions. Most fans of the TV presenter are confident that the model is related to the scandal that arose in the family of Buzova and Tarasov.
In the correspondence that was published online, the name of Nastya Kostenko is mentioned.

This person appears in the message that Buzova sent to Tarasov’s mother.
The girl included a photo of the model in the message, and under it wrote angry words addressed to the football player himself, as well as his mother. After this, all fans have no doubt that the materials that were posted online are genuine. In this case, there can be no talk of any forgery, since the TV presenter herself did not refute the information that suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Let us recall that earlier Dmitry, addressing his fans, asked that quick conclusions they did not and advised them to stop talking about divorce and speculation about cheating on Olga. However, now everyone has confidence that the opinion that was formed earlier about the divorce turned out to be correct, and the judgment about Kostenko’s involvement in the separation of the couple was also correct. However, previously there was a version that Tarasov and Buzova paid Nastya Kostenko serious money so that she could play the role of a mistress for the public. Now everyone has no doubt that the divorce will really take place. In the meantime, Tarasov, as well as his newly-made girlfriend Kostenko, are denying rumors that there is a love affair between them.

This couple is not shown in public again, because after loud scandal The football player has not yet dared to take such a step. The day before, he made a rather bold move - from his page on social network Instagram deleted all the photos in which he was depicted with Buzova. Information periodically appears in a number of media outlets that Dmitry appears together with Nastya. Some publications write that they dine in the capital's restaurants. However, it is still difficult to say whether this information is true. Therefore, we can only wait and hope that young people will soon make a confession.

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