Biography of cosine Alexey. Alexey Komov about his wife Alena Vodonaeva: “I was captivated by her Italian temperament Alexey Komov biography

Alexey Kosinus (real name - Alexey Komov), known as Dj Kosinus, DJ Kosinus. Born on June 26, 1982 in St. Petersburg. Russian musician and DJ, leader of the electronic project Zeskullz. Music style: electro-house and triple house.

Alexey Komov, who became widely known under the pseudonym Cosine, was born on June 26, 1982 in St. Petersburg.

IN early years He went in for sports - athletics, and demonstrated good success.

IN adolescence became interested in music. As he said, it all started with a friend’s birthday at the Planetarium club in St. Petersburg, where he met musician Sergei Grashchenkov (known as Slutkey). The latter began to teach Alexei music.

Then he got a “Radio Engineering” turntable and after school he devoted all his time to learning how to operate the equipment. As he said, he spent 5 hours at the DJ console, which his housemates were not very happy about.

And at the age of 14 he performed for the first time in a nightclub. “Fate always provides a person with turning points. The most important thing is to notice them and boldly move forward,” said Alexey Kosinus. He was immediately fascinated by the Scottish techno movement.

This is how Dj Kosinus (DJ Kosinus) appeared - one of the brightest and most shocking DJs in Russia.

After graduating from school, he took courses as a hair stylist. According to him, this is his favorite hobby. Sometimes he still appears at the beauty salon, cutting his friends’ hair.

However, music remained in first place. He was noticed in Underground Experience (UE) and was invited to join the main techno team in Russia. In parallel with creating music, Alexey Kosinus began organizing UE parties. The work of a promoter was also successful for the DJ.

He began performing in clubs in St. Petersburg in 1997, giving preference to the Scottish techno sound. By 2000, he began to give preference to synthepop and house styles.

The best DJ of St. Petersburg in 2004 according to the TV show “Dance Class” (STS - St. Petersburg), and the magazines “Dog. Ru" and Dance Planet.

His every new set is unique and carries a crazy charge of energy. Cosine has established himself not just as a DJ with amazing musical taste and filigree performance technique, but also as a showman, whose every performance leaves an unforgettable impression in the memory of listeners.

Cosine's DJ sets are blowing up crowds of thousands at the largest events and create an incomparable atmosphere at closed club events. He is the headliner of the most sensational parties in St. Petersburg, changing images and costumes from time to time, performing accompanied by chic strippers or even drag queen shows.

He was a resident of the clubs Tunnel (St. Petersburg), Fabrique (Moscow), Opium (St. Petersburg). Toured almost all major cities Russia: Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Cherepovets, Riga, Chelyabinsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Tula, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Omsk, Baku, Murmansk, Samara, Odessa, Tolyatti, Yakutsk, Kiev, Kostroma, etc.

He performed in the best clubs in Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, and Turkey. Regular participant in such events as: May Day, Eastern Impact, DJ Parade, Night Life Awards, Kazantip, Sun Dance (Tallinn). He performed at the same parties with such world legends as: Roger Sanches, Westbam, Paul Van Dyk, Paul Oakenfold, Wally Lopez, Lexy, Armand Van Halden, Mauro Picotto, Zombie Nation, Eric Morillo, 2raumwohnung, Boogie Pimps, etc.

The demand for DJs was characterized by a record number of released club mixes for the period 2003-2005 - 40 releases, among them the most sensational: Megamix, Syntrepon Jam (I, II, III), Nectar, Feather Rows, Scum, Eggs, Pop Discoteque, Opium Club Mix , Fightclub, Lollipop, Gay CD, etc.

Cosine has implemented a number of projects together with best friend and fellow DJ Slutkey (aka Kisloid). As part of the Gigapop project, they wrote music in the style of synthpop and house. The tracks were released on the German label Solaris. They organized parties in the best clubs in St. Petersburg (Red Club, Opium, Par), performed at fashion shows, and participated in television and film filming. They are the only DJs in Russia sponsored by the global brand Oakley.

Since 2010, the musician has been performing in the project Zeskullz. This is an international project that has become popular among fans of electronic music in America and Europe. Cosine created his own record label, Zeskullz Records.

It is as the frontman of the popular electronic project Zeskullz that he is well known in the West. Abroad, Cosine collaborates with three major music labels from Britain, Australia and Holland.


Alexey Kosinus's height: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexey Kosinus:

Married. Spouse - famous Russian TV presenter, model and singer.

They have known each other since 2013. But at that moment Cosine was serious relationship with another woman. At first they communicated as friends. Feelings flared up between them in April 2017 and soon Alexey proposed to Alena. “In fact, with us everything is terribly banal, like in girly rom-coms: you meet your person and you want to spend your whole life with him. We’ve been together for three months, but it took me five weeks to propose to Alena,” he said.

At first, the couple tried to hide their romance from the public, but then Alexey began to post them joint photos. The couple lived in two capitals - Cosine - in St. Petersburg, Alena - in Moscow.

September 11, 2017, which took place in St. Petersburg. Before the painting, the lovers decided to drive around St. Petersburg; the star couple chose a rare “Seagull” as their car. At the ceremonial registration of the marriage, which took place in the registry office No. 1 on the Promenade des Anglais, only the newlyweds themselves were present.

Discography of Alexey Kosinus:

2004 - “Aerobics Hype - Music For Home Dancing”
2004 - “555”
2005 - “Kosinus & Slutkey vs Fly Agaric & Khmara – Lollipop”
2006 - “06 Megamix”
2006 - “Father & Bitch”
2006 - “Lvdovic Mix”
2006 - “DJ Slutkey & Kosinus, DJ Khmara, DJ Mukhomorov – Synthepop”
2007 - “DJ Antonio (2) / Kosinus & Slutkey / DJ Natasha Baccardi / DJ Kirill Linne - 13 Years KDK - MP3 Special Edition. Elite House & Lounge Dj's"
2007 - “DJ Amira, Kosinus & Slutkey, DJ Bizzi - Velvet 3 Years On The Headline”
2008 - “Kosinus & Slutkey / Slesar - Saint - Petersburg Shepot FM Volume 2”

From the first days of his career, as a young and promising talent, he was accepted into the ranks of the leading Techno team in Russia - Underground Experience (UE). Since 1998, he began to try himself as a promoter, organizing UE parties.

By 2000, he switched to such musical styles as synthepop and house.

He was a resident of the clubs “Tunnel” (St. Petersburg), “Fabrik” (Moscow), “Louvre” (Moscow), “Arena” “Arena2” (St. Petersburg)

From 2003 to 2005 he was a resident of the best dance club in St. Petersburg, Opium, according to the Night Life Awards.

In 2007, Cosine and Sladky received the Night Life Awards as the best DJs.

DJ Cosine is one of the brightest and most shocking DJs in Russia!

According to ELLE magazine, in 2007 he was included in the list of “100 most fashionable people in St. Petersburg.”

Each new set is unique and carries a crazy charge of DJ energy, which he draws from the best examples of Electro house and trible house.

Cosine is not just a DJ with amazing musical taste and filigree performance technique, he is a showman whose every performance leaves an unforgettable impression in the memory of his listeners. Cosine's DJ sets blow up crowds of thousands at the largest events and create an incomparable atmosphere at closed club events.

He is the headliner of the most sensational parties in St. Petersburg, changing images and costumes from time to time, performing accompanied by chic strippers or even drag queen shows.

The first in Russia, Cosine turned into a girl and stood at the DJ console in a drag queen image, which caused a lot of strong emotions among the club audience in Russia. He performs his shows all over Russia, since, according to Cosine himself, a DJ is, first of all, an artist who gives people joy, charging them with energy for the whole night not only with the help of excellent music, but with a bright, unique show.

During his career, he plays in all the leading clubs in St. Petersburg (“Planetarium”, “Mama”, “Tunnel”, “Opium”, “Absinthe”, “Decadence”, “Arena2”, “Central Station”, “Red Club”, “ Voyage", "Louis", "Pacha St. Petersburg", "Nikki beach", "USSR", "Pravda", "Bar Fly", "Escobar" and so on)

Touring almost all regions of Russia (Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Cherepovets, Riga, Chelyabinsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Tula, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Omsk, Baku, Murmansk, Samara, Saratov, Yakutsk, Kostroma, Kaliningrad and so on), he performed in the best clubs in Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Turkey, Egypt; visited London on tour (the club “Silver” and “Movido” plays there once a month as a guest resident) Paris Amsterdam Cannes Nice and so on

Regular participant in such events as: “MayDay”, “Soundtropolis”, “Eastern Impact”, “DJ Parade”, “Night Life Awards”, “Kazantip”, “Sun Dance” (Tallinn), “Stereoleto”, “Club Paradise Tour” ", "Night of the Ad Eaters".

He performed on the same turntables with such world legends as: Roger Sanchez, Westbam, Paul Vandyke, Paul Oakenfold, Vali Lopez, Lexi, Armand Van Helden, Mauro Picotto, Zombie Nation, Eric Morilo, Tvayraum wonung, Buggy Pims and others.

The demand for DJs is characterized by a record number of club mixes released over the period 2003-2007. –50 releases, among them the most sensational:

Megamix (beat all sales of DJ mixes in 2003)
Syntrepon Jam (I, II, III)
Feather bed rows
Pop Discoteque
Opium Club Mix
Gay CD…
Almost always he implements his projects together with his best friend and colleague - DJ Slutkey (formerly Kisloid). As part of the "Gigapop" project, they write music in the style of synthepop and House. The songs were released on the German label Solaris. We organized parties in many clubs in St. Petersburg (“Red Club”, “Opium”, “Par”, “Ludovik”), in this moment is the art director of the Ludovic club (the best dance club according to the Night Life Awards 2007), are regular participants in fashion shows, and participate in television and film filming.

Cosine and Sladky hosted their own radio shows on Dynamite FM and 107.4FM.

During the period from 2003 to 2005, they were the only Russian DJs sponsored by the global Oakley brand.

Now their sponsors are no less famous brands “Electric” and “Matix”.

Cosine and Sladky are the first Russian DJs who made a collection of realtones for the Infon company.

Cosine collaborates with the Henessy Russia company, participates in all advertising campaigns and events of the global corporation LVMH France (Louis Vuitton, Mhoet Chandon, Henessy), and is also a necessary participant in social events in St. Petersburg, Moscow and London: presentation of a new fragrance from Givenchy with Liv Tyler, afterparty Russian Music Awards with the participation of Missy Eliot, Letual Tour (which was a tour of 10 cities in Russia in support of the new fragrance from Givenchy), resident official club Fashion TV in London, opening of the jewelry boutique “Carerra&Carerra”, “Stephan Webster”, shows of “Dolce&Gabbana” (show by Vaniti), “Christian Dior”, auto-party of shows of “Phillip Traicy”, “Julian McDonald”, “Mtv Film Awards” presentation of a new cosmetic line from Christian Dior with the participation of Sharon Stone, presentation of a new fragrance from Kenzo, Economic Forum in St. Petersburg...

Despite his popularity in the music field, Alexey works as a hair stylist and designs his own clothes. He worked as a hair stylist in such salons as Jacques Desanges, CARITA and TONI&GUY. He has his own brand of men's clothing, “by DJ Cosine,” which is incredibly popular not only among fans of the DJ, but also among all connoisseurs of current and original clothing.

Today, Cosine is not only a highly professional and sought-after DJ, but one of the most talented and promising characters in St. Petersburg, who managed to prove with his creativity, the diversity of his activities and absolute success in all endeavors that with desire and high ability to work, you can achieve any goals goals in front of you.

In mid-July, it became known that TV presenter and former participant of “House-2” Alena Vodonaeva and musician Alexey Kosinus submitted an application to the registry office. On the eve of the imminent wedding, the lovers spoke about their relationship in an interview with

“In fact, here everything is terribly banal, like in girly rom-coms: you meet your person and want to spend your whole life with him. We’ve been together for three months, but it took me five weeks to propose to Alena,” admitted Alexey.

In fact, Alena and Alexey met four years ago. Then Cosine was in a serious relationship, and breaking up a couple was not in Vodonaeva’s rules. Only after a while did Alexey begin to court Alena, however, she did not immediately understand that he had feelings for her. “We talked like friends. More precisely, I thought “as friends,” and Lesha, as it turned out, had been making advances all this time, but turned out to be such an intelligent pick-up artist that I didn’t even notice,” the TV presenter admitted.


The lovers also explained why they are in such a hurry with the wedding. “Alena has a son, Bogdan, from a previous marriage, he is seven years old - the age when attitudes towards family values. He must understand: when people love each other, they take responsibility. It is fashionable to consider marriage an outdated ritual, but in general, a person needs rituals and a regime for a healthy and harmonious existence. A stamp in a passport is a ritual, married life is a routine. This is cool, this is adult, it means that you are ready to bear responsibility not according to your mood, but always,” said Kosinus.

Alena said that they are not going to have a grand wedding, they won’t even invite friends: “The sacrament of marriage should still be a little sacrament, with stupid competitions this is impossible. I only want to be with Lesha. Then, of course, we will have a festive dinner with our parents and Bogdan.”

According to Vodonaeva, she never sought to find a wealthy male patron, as some of her friends do. “I didn’t try to sell myself off to anyone for more profit. I need more from a relationship than money: romantic personal moments, great sex with a young, beloved man. I always met with people my own age and never wanted to look for patrons for myself. Besides, I’m interested in Lesha and I, we have common goals that we are moving towards, and in general have a lot in common,” said the TV presenter.

Vodonaeva also said that the affair with Alexey was predicted by her colleague on the show “ParaNormal”, participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Ziraddin Rzaev. “I never asked him questions about myself. And then at the beginning of the year I started an affair, and I decided to take advantage of my official position and find out where everything would lead. Ziraddin replied: “You can forget about this, but remember the number four.” And so in April, the fourth month of the calendar, we met again with Lesha, whom we had known for four years before. Isn’t it fate?” - Alena concluded.

I thought that all DJs were alcoholics and drug dealers, and then I met Cosine, who does nothing but change the world in better side- the Human3000 and RockStarYoga projects are his work. He also writes music, produces, and free time stands on his head and organizes daytime discos. Sober, of course, since he hasn’t been drinking for 4 years.

Lesha, don’t take it as flattery, but you look like a superhero. Maybe you never drank?

I drank, but not much. The first time this happened was at school. I was 13 then - this was the very beginning of my DJ career. I washed down my fear of performing with beer, but quickly realized that alcohol only harmed me and internal problems does not solve - all this is severe self-deception.

Did you get drunk?

In utter rubbish and rubbish. Sports saved me - as a child I was seriously involved in athletics, so there was no hard frenzy. No after-parties, binges and the like. I only played in clubs, I didn’t hang around there idle.

At the age of 18-19, I worked as a stylist in beauty salons and became very tired within a week. On the weekend it was necessary to “reset to zero.” This is a common phrase - like, I’m tired, I’ll drink alcohol, lose weight, and everything will be great. Another harsh self-deception. True, I myself realized this only 4 years ago, with the advent of yoga.

We will return to yoga later. It’s clear with you - you worked in an environment where everyone is extinguished by something. But an ordinary person, not a DJ, why does he bother?

A man is looking for a solution to problems in a bottle. I'm tired - I rest and drink. I have problems in life - I forget myself and drink. As a result, instead of resting, a person gets even more tired - both physically, because alcohol breaks down the body, and mentally. You put yourself into this tailspin and the more you get involved, the worse life becomes. I saw close friends go into an alcohol tailspin, and, unfortunately, not everyone returned.

I’m lucky in this regard: I work a lot and quickly understand how being intoxicated affects my performance - and if the result doesn’t suit me, I don’t do it anymore. For the most part, people succumb to collective propaganda: “sometimes it’s possible, everyone drinks, it’s customary here.” I remember how I woke up with a square head and a broken body after such a “fun holiday” and how I could not work at full capacity the entire next day. I always work: both on weekdays and on weekends. Alcohol was getting in the way, so I made the tough decision to stay sober.

What did your friends say to this?

Friends went on strike. I came to a party and didn’t understand what to do there if not drink. I didn’t understand how to hang out, have fun and relax, because all the people around were drunk. One of my friends tried to persuade me: “Why don’t you drink, give me just one glass, what’s the problem?” They began to communicate with me less, but soon other people appeared nearby - who shared my point of view. There were also family holidays where you also “needed” to drink. After some time, everyone realized that I never drink at all - not even a glass of champagne for the New Year. Not because I am such a strict opponent of alcohol, but because I simply don’t see the point in drinking. I constantly cleanse the body, so even a glass of champagne will feel strong. And in small quantities, alcohol is toxins, poisoning the body and serious condition– why do I need all this? The brain of a person who has consumed alcohol does not work as it should - even after four days he is not able to make a clear decision.

I cut out alcohol because I like to be successful, confident, balanced and look cool. Alcohol does not contribute to this, which means it is not suitable for me. It's simple.

The final point for me, as a musician, was the fact that in Lent alcoholic state your ears don't work as they should. You can't hear the high frequencies because they get quieter. As a result, you cannot mix correctly and it is difficult for you to adjust the sound when performing.

What to do about it?

Canadian musicians I know use a special effect called alco-preset for these purposes. It is set to the general sound, the frequencies are adjusted to a certain range - if you are in an alcoholic state, use the alcohol preset, and everything will be fine. Smart guys - they found a way out. But this is not a solution, you understand. If alcohol threatens your product, your success, just remove it from your life, and no presets are needed.

What can you say about the great drunkards who wrote great music? The same Mussorgsky, the same Amy Winehouse.

Yes, these and other talented people were prone to abuse. But the point is not that alcohol or other drugs helped in writing music. The ability to create creativity is given from above. Alcohol has nothing to do with it at all: it cannot help create a work, since it reduces our abilities. As a result, initially gifted people do less than they could, unfortunately. I say this with complete confidence, as I have seen this in the example of loved ones who were defeated by alcohol. At first their drinking was tolerated because of their genius, but as a result they lost their talent. And if they had managed to maintain health and a sober mind, they would have achieved much more.

Lars von Trier once said that he could not create without alcohol. He wrote the script for "Nymphomaniac" sober - it took 18 months, while drunk "Dogville" - in 12 days. I don’t know about Trier himself, I like “Nymphomaniac” more – the creativity is on a different level.

When you can put yourself into a state of creative flow on your own, without doping, this is a different level of development. You can develop yourself and achieve better results. I've never written music under alcohol. As for performances, it’s like comparing sex with a loved one or with a prostitute: the exchange is completely different levels. By staying sober, you give pure energy to people, and you receive the same in return. In a clouded state, you give away part of your cloudiness, and you receive the same.

People justify their lifestyle by someone else's negative example - "oh, cool, a rock musician is stoned - that means I can do it too." This is all complete bullshit - this is the opinion of a sucker. Write it like this: anyone who says that it’s cool to write under alcohol or drugs is not creative and talented, but simply a sucker. If you can’t compose in a pure state, then you’re not developing – that’s the problem. The weak always look for a reason. Those who “create” under alcohol simply do not want to work. They dream of free money, easy success, but that doesn’t happen. Admit that you are so weak that without alcohol you are not able to put yourself into a state of creative flow. You need to work: on yourself, on environment- then everything will be cool. This is the key: if you can independently concentrate and manage your creative energy, this is a level that shows how developed you are. To do this, we need to take care of ourselves, study and practice.

What about rest? For many, if you haven’t had a drink, it means you haven’t rested.

Another deception. Alcohol does not relax, but depresses nervous system. At the moment of intoxication, it seems to you that you have relaxed, but let's remember what will happen after. It's time to learn to really relax and not poison your body. I found yoga and meditation for myself, or you can go to the gym, run a little, relax for a swim, relax in the sauna. You need to find a state for yourself when you forget yourself correctly. Sports, reading, music, nature - look, choose what suits you personally. Each person can find for himself a certain natural battery that frees, resets, relaxes and thanks to this charges with new energy.

In New York, I learned about the concept of meditation lunch - a very popular topic now. Businessmen and others successful people They start their working day at about seven in the morning. Around two o'clock, tired guys come to meditation classes. Just imagine: a person comes and straight from the office ends up in the forest. To be alone with yourself for half an hour, to meditate in the most pleasant, harmonious state is priceless. You can choose the sounds of nature, sea surf or the crackle of a fireplace. This is relaxation on a completely different level than alcohol. You just have to look and try various options to find what suits you personally. But first, you need to understand once and for all that alcohol does not help - it is not a solution to problems. Everything can be solved differently.

Well, what if there is stress?

Stress is primarily an imbalance. Four years ago I was going through a difficult period in my life: difficulties at work, problems in the family, constantly arguing with my girlfriend - in short, continuous worries. I signed up for yoga. Nobody advised me - I decided to try it myself.

So, it all started with yoga? You practice, at the same time give up alcohol, switch to vegetarianism...

Yes. Yoga triggered changes in the body and consciousness. The most important thing is that you like it! You compare yourself “before and after” and see that what you do is really cool! You feel amazing and can easily solve any problems. You begin to understand that most problems are created by people themselves, by screwing themselves up. But if you calmly realize the situation, look at it from different sides, then everything will be resolved differently. I don't promote yoga. It works for me and I consider myself lucky to have found mine so quickly. As I already said, you have to look. The most important thing is to want it. Understand what you want to get from life, what goals to achieve. If you understand that alcohol does not help you with this, but on the contrary, it destroys and spoils everything in life, then you need to start working on it.

The first thing is to realize exactly how this problem is bothering you. Then you will start doing something, changing yourself, reprogramming - anyone can do this. The main thing is to want it.

You said that you are very good with willpower. Most people can't boast the same. Can you advise how to upgrade?

If the case is difficult, then it is better to find a person who wishes you well and trust him to accept help. It might not even be close person, because we do not always perceive family members as an authority. This could be someone from the outside - a coach, mentor, therapist or friend. It is important that he is authoritative so that you want to listen to him. It's difficult to fight alone.

Do you have moments of despair?

Certainly. But I don’t give in, I work through it. The state of despair stimulates me: to do more, to work more on myself. I'm not a super person, I've just always been quite conscious and sports helped me. When you need to run a distance in a certain amount of time, you understand that you have to do it. “Whether you like it or not” – there is no such thing in sports.

Are you strict with yourself?

Very. I never feel sorry for myself. I can work for a week without stopping at the most different directions: perform at night, and run somewhere the next morning. This is how I live.

I noticed that the new generation of youth is more conscious. They already have their own values ​​and goals, they want to develop. But the culture of drinking and harmful recreation needs to be eradicated. This is not easy to do, but the main thing is that the bricks are already being laid.

Currently, in big cities, establishments where you can have a good rest and dance are especially popular; places where good and professional DJs work, such as Alexey Komov, who will be discussed in this article, are especially in demand. The topic of his development as a DJ will be touched upon and talk about Great love, which arose with the famous person Alena Vodonaeva.

Today Alexey Komov is a professional DJ working in various nightclubs. For him, music is not just a job, but also the main passion in life, although for Alexey everything started out completely differently.

As a child, the boy went in for sports, in particular athletics, and achieved high results. Alexey’s coach predicted a great and bright future for him in sports, but after some time an event occurred that completely changed his fate. The young man was invited to a friend’s birthday party; among the guests was a famous person, musician Sergei Grashchenkov, who began to teach the future DJ music. Alexey became interested in this matter, and soon he had special musical equipment for this at home. The guy trained on it and learned the basics of a new business. His neighbors also had the opportunity to hear Alekei’s efforts and “enjoy” his music. But nothing could stop the guy; he firmly and confidently walked towards his goal.

Purposefulness, hard work, the desire to create something new, original, unusual, creative did not pass without a trace. In Alexey’s career, everything worked out as if “to order.”


Alexey Komov's career as a musician began at the age of 14. His loved ones musical direction at that time there was techno, a little later, when the guy became an experienced DJ, others appeared in his arsenal dance styles. His success in the professional field quickly gained momentum; well-known companies began to notice him and invite him to work in various places. In a fairly short period of time, the young man became known to the public as Alexey Komov - DJ Kosinus. The music he created found love, recognition and approval from a huge army of fans. The musician was also awarded the status of “the most fashionable DJ.”


Friends and fans are delighted with Alexey Komov and what he does. Every day he manages to do this better and better. This is unique talented musician with great skill and unusual technology execution. Each of his performances is original, individual and unusual.

Alexey Komov is a DJ who is rightly called the “king of electronic music.” Fans always look forward to his appearance on stage; the public loves him for his original approach to his favorite work: a guy can appear in front of others in an unusual image or suit. And each of his numbers always goes with a bang and is a success among lovers and admirers of electronic music.


The biography of Alexey Komov is complete interesting facts, concerning his hobbies, and the musician has many of them. In addition to his main work in nightclubs, the guy holds parties in other establishments, and he is often invited to other cities and countries as a headliner. Working as a hair stylist brings incomparable pleasure to a guy. The guy considers this more a hobby than a duty, and in his spare time he does hairstyles and haircuts for all his friends and relatives.

Personal life

Alexey Komov and his wife Alena Vodonaeva can be classified as “ star couples“, but unlike many others, young people do not like PR and prefer not to advertise their relationships in public.

Alexey and Alena met a year ago, in 2017, for a long time were friends. The girl said that her husband is the most sexy man in the world. After a while, Alexey and Alena realized that they would not be able to hide their relationship from the public, and the couple began to post in social networks their personal photos where they look happy and in love.

Next to the young man, Alena seems like a fragile and petite girl, since the guy is quite tall. It’s not always possible for lovers to spend time together, the girl is in St. Petersburg, he is in Moscow, but this does not interfere with the spouses and does not have a negative impact on family relationships. The couple has complete harmony, trust, respect and mutual understanding.

A year after meeting and long-term communication, the lovers got married. The celebration was quiet and modest. Despite the idyll in the family, many do not believe in this marriage, saying that Alexey Komov, Vodonaeva’s husband, is an insincere person who decided to advance in career ladder due to his wife's popularity. Whether this is actually true remains unknown to this day.

DJ today

Currently, Alexey Komov is both at work and in personal life everything is fine, the guy tours a lot, he skillfully combines his performances with relaxation. Recently Alena and Alexey traveled to China, where the latter not only had a good time together with his wife, but also pleased local residents with its original music.

IN Lately The guy is interested in yoga and practices it while listening to his favorite music, which he often writes himself. Komov is also involved in teaching music to young people, helping budding talents, just as teachers and mentors once helped him in his time.

Alexey Komov - creative person, talented person, energetic and successful. Preparing for the wedding and other life circumstances did not stop him from doing what he loved, touring various cities and countries. And his wife, Alena Vodonaeva, is a girl who loves her husband very much, believes in him and supports him in everything.

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