All-Russian State Television and Radio. Creation of a number of channels, activities in a media holding

General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian State Television and Radio Company" (VGTRK) since 2004, previously led the company as chairman of VGTRK (2000-2004). One of the founders of the NTV television company and the founders of NTV Plus CJSC and Media-Most CJSC, from December 1997 to January 2000 he was the general director of NTV Television Company OJSC. Academy Member Russian television since 1995, member of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia since 2002.

Oleg Borisovich Dobrodeev was born on October 28, 1959 in Moscow into the family of a Lenin Prize laureate and screenwriter. feature films Boris Tikhonovich Dobrodeev.

In 1982, Dobrodeev graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow state university in the specialty "new and recent history France" (he studied in the same group with the future presenter of the program "Today at Midnight" of the NTV channel Vladimir Kara-Murza), and in 1985 he became a graduate of the graduate school of Moscow State University. Dobrodeev did not defend his Ph.D. thesis - he did not write a paper on the topic proposed to him, "The Concept of the Political alienation and the labor movement in France."

While still a student, in 1981-1982, Dobrodeev was a research fellow at the Institute of the USA and Canada of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1982-1983 he was a graduate student at the Institute of the International Labor Movement of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Since 1983, Dobrodeev has worked at the Central Television of the USSR State Television and Radio: he held the positions of junior editor, correspondent, commentator on the “Time” program, host of the “120 Minutes” program and deputy editor-in-chief of the main information editorial office.

In 1989, Dobrodeev, together with Eduard Sagalaev and Alexander Tikhomirov, created the weekly information and journalistic program "Seven Days", which at the beginning of 1990, after two reports by Dobrodeev about the entry of Soviet troops into Baku, was closed by order of the secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee and the leadership of the USSR State Television and Radio.

Also in 1990, Dobrodeev took part in the creation of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company (VGTRK), formed by a resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR in July 1990 (broadcasting of the RTR television channel began in May 1991). Until September 1991 he was director information program"Vesti", which was later assessed by colleagues as "a breakthrough in the field of television journalism, similar to the eruption of a powerful volcano." They saw the predetermination of the success of Vesti not only in the amount of information, but also in its presentation, which was strikingly different from the presentation of information in the Vremya program.

In October 1991, Dobrodeev, by order of the chairman of the All-Union State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (in January 1992, it was renamed the Russian Broadcasting Company Ostankino), Yegor Yakovlev, was approved as the editor-in-chief of the Television Information Agency (TAI).

In 1992, Dobrodeev, together with Evgeny Kiselev, created the weekly information and analytical program “Itogi”, which was first broadcast on Ostankino in January of that year. Already in June 1993, they, together with Igor Malashenko and Alexey Tsyvarev, established Itogi LLP and became one of the founders of the independent commercial television company NTV, which already in October 1993 debuted on the air of the St. Petersburg channel with the program “Itogi”. On January 17, 1994, the NTV television company went on air on Channel 4, after which it “quickly became the favorite of domestic television” (the channel was taken over entirely by NTV at the end of 1996).

In 1993-1997, Dobrodeev was editor-in-chief, deputy general director, editor-in-chief of the information service and vice-president of the NTV television company. It was noted that “Dobrodeev dragged former colleagues"from Ostankino, which later became the basis of the star cast of presenters and television journalists - Tatyana Mitkova, Mikhail Osokin, Alexander Gerasimov and Vladimir Luskanov.

In August 1995, Dobrodeev was elected a member of the Russian Television Academy.

In July 1996, Dobrodeev was one of the founders of NTV Plus CJSC, and in January 1997 - Media-Most CJSC (the president was the founder of the Most Group JSC holding, media tycoon Vladimir Gusinsky). In December 1997, within the framework of the Media-Most holding, a new management company "NTV-Holding" was created, which included NTV, "NTV-Plus", the TNT television network, the radio station "Echo of Moscow", "NTV-Kino", " NTV-Design", "NTV-Profit", satellite technical division "Bonum-1". Dobrodeev became one of the leaders of the holding, taking the position of General Director of OJSC NTV Television Company.

In January 2000, Dobrodeev took the position of chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. His departure from NTV and return to Russian television, in the words of the Profile magazine, became a sensation for the journalistic community: “And it is still unknown what shocked more: the fact that its general director was leaving NTV, or the fact that this man, known for his dedication to corporate ideals, finds himself at the head of a state television channel." Dobrodeev himself did not report the reasons for his departure, but made it clear that the main reason for his departure from NTV was disagreement with the channel’s position (according to some reports, he left his post at NTV in protest against Gusinsky’s refusal to “express support for the second war in Chechnya - a war that helped cement the rapid rise to power of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who was elected president of the Russian Federation in the spring of 2000.

In the spring of 2001, Gazprom, as part of a scandalous campaign against Gusinsky, who was accused by the company of committing fraud on an especially large scale and, according to some sources, received freedom after his arrest in exchange for shares in Media-Most, began changing management at the NTV channel. In April 2001, the head of Montes Auri, Alfred Koch, was elected chairman of the board of directors of NTV, and American businessman Boris Jordan became the general director of the television company. At the same time, in connection with the situation at NTV, Dobrodeev resigned from the post of chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, but President Putin did not accept his resignation.

In 2002, Dobrodeev became one of 87 lifelong members of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia.

In July 2004, in accordance with the decree of the head of state, Dobrodeev was appointed general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian State Television and Radio Company. The change in the title of the position, according to observers, meant “the beginning of reform of Russia’s largest state media holding.” It was explained that the reorganization of VGTRK, in accordance with the law “On State and Municipal unitary enterprises", provided for a change in the legal status of the company's subsidiaries - the channels "Russia", "Culture", State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company in 89 regions, as well as a number of radio stations ("Radio Russia", "Mayak", "Mayak-24" and others - 93 companies in total) , as a result of which they became branches of VGTRK.

Dobrodeev showed no interest in a professional political career, not wanting to cross a certain line beyond which, in his words, “there cannot be normal human relationships.” At the same time, Dobrodeev called it an axiom that a television information service under any government should not be at enmity with it - otherwise, in his opinion, it will lose the opportunity to “perform its main function - to inform.”

Dobrodeev was awarded the Order of Honor (1999), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III (2010) and IV (2006) degrees, as well as the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree (2007). He is the winner of many awards, in particular, the national awards "Person of the Year 2001" and "Person of the Year 2004", established by the Russian Biographical Institute, public award professional recognition "Best Pens of Russia" (2002), as well as the "European Prize" (2008) for the launch of the EuroNews TV channel in Russia.

They wrote about Dobrodeev that he speaks French and English and plays billiards. However, he himself called reading memoirs his only hobby. Dobrodeev also admitted his love for documentary cinema: “Of all television genres, I consider it the most interesting.”

Dobrodeev is married, he and his wife Maria Arnoldovna have a son, Boris.

VGTRK is a holding company that unites several television, radio and Internet companies. Its audience is 98.5% of the population Russian Federation and more than 50 million people throughout the entire former USSR. This is one of the biggest players Russian Internet. The total number of visitors to VGTRK websites is about 300 million people. The website is one of the most visited news resources on the Runet.


The composition of VGTRK for July 2014 includes:

TV channels

  • "Russia 1",
  • "Russia K"
  • "Russia 2";
  • "Bibigon";
  • Russia's first 24-hour information channel "Russia 24";
  • TV channel "RTR-Planeta", broadcast abroad since 2002;
  • Russian version of the Euronews TV channel;

89 regional television and radio companies broadcasting in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Non-terrestrial channels (“My Planet”, “Russian Novel”, “Science 2.0”, etc.).

Radio stations

  • "Radio Russia",
  • "Lighthouse",
  • "Culture"
  • "Vesti FM" and
  • "Youth"


As of March 2015:


* Performance indicators


It was initially reported that VGTRK's revenue for 2012 amounted to 25.8 billion rubles. However, the data was later updated. According to new data, revenue for 2012 amounted to 31.1 billion rubles, i.e., also higher than 29.08 billion rubles for Channel One.


At the end of 2013, the revenue of FSUE VGTRK was higher than that of Channel One and amounted to 31.2 billion rubles, versus 29.55 billion rubles, the Vedomosti newspaper reports citing data from the SPARK-Interfax database.

At the same time, the share of Channel One exceeds all on-air channels of VGTRK combined. Thus, according to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, in national advertising in 2012-2013, the share of Channel One was 20.3%, while VGTRK was only 13.29%. But with regional advertising, VGTRK is ahead of Channel One in terms of market share.

According to the reporting for 2013, the cost of sales of VGTRK in 2013 exceeded revenue and amounted to 49.7 billion rubles. The gross loss amounted to 18.4 billion rubles. The difference between revenue and expenses (cost of sales) was covered, in particular, by revenues reflected in the item “other income” (RUB 20.7 billion). VGTRK net profit for last year amounted to 293.35 million rubles.


The VGTRK holding ended 2014 with a net loss of 2.8 billion rubles. It became unprofitable for the first time since 2000. For comparison, in 2013 net profit the company amounted to 29 million rubles.

VGTRK's revenue in 2014 increased by 2.2 percent to 31.9 billion rubles. At the same time, the company's expenses increased by 5.8 percent to 52.9 billion.


According to the current version of the federal budget, in 2015, VGTRK subsidies should have amounted to 22.14 billion rubles. The company will have to decide how much more to cut costs. According to the source, this is primarily due to the crisis in the advertising market.

VGTRK's revenue for 2015 fell by 17%, to 26.6 billion rubles.


In 2016, to support the development of funds mass media Russian authorities allocated 61 billion rubles. This amount is 11 billion rubles less than that, which was released in 2015. Such data is contained in the Forbes material.

Most of the money allocated goes to VGTRK ( total amount subsidies amount to 22.59 billion rubles). Next comes the Russia Today TV channel, which costs the budget 17.5 billion rubles.

In addition to the above-mentioned TV channels and agencies, money was also allocated to support the development of the OTR, Channel Five, NTV, TV-Center, Match TV and others channels. Despite the subsidies, most of the media do not generate significant income.

By 2019, funding will be reduced by 9% - to 20.5 billion, Vedomosti writes. In 2017-2018, the volume of funds will also gradually fall (21.26 billion and 19.82 billion, respectively).


1990: Creation of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company headed by Poptsov. Launch of Radio Russia

June 21, 1990 I Congress People's Deputies The RSFSR adopts the Resolution on the Mass Media of the RSFSR, which instructs the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR to take measures to create a Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting of the RSFSR.

On July 14, 1990, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, by its resolution, established the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The former deputy editor-in-chief of the Moscow News newspaper, Oleg Maksimovich Poptsov, was appointed the first chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

On December 10, 1990, Radio Russia began broadcasting. It began broadcasting on the first radio channel together with the First Program of All-Union Radio, as well as on the second radio channel together with the Mayak radio channel and the third radio channel together with the Third Program of All-Union Radio. Since the beginning of 1991, Radio Russia began broadcasting only on the third radio channel, together with the Yunost radio channel. Since August 1991, Radio Russia has been broadcasting on the first radio channel, Radio 1 has moved to the third radio channel, and Yunost has moved to a separate radio frequency.

1991: Start of broadcasting of Russian television and "Russian universities"

On May 13, 1991, Russian television began broadcasting (although broadcasting was planned to begin in March 1991 but was constantly postponed) together, broadcasting along with the Second Program of Central Television.

On September 16, 1991, the Second Program of the USSR Central Television was closed and all airtime on the second meter channel was transferred to Russian Television.

On July 6, 1992, the Russian Universities channel began broadcasting on the fourth TV channel, broadcasting together with the 4th Ostankino channel until January 16, 1994, and from January 17, 1994 with the NTV channel, and the State Television Company "Russian Universities" was created as part of VGTRK.

1996: President Yeltsin fires Poptsov. Sagalayev - head of VGTRK

In February 1996, by decree of Boris Yeltsin, Oleg Poptsov was removed from the post of Chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company despite protests creative team. Yeltsin, swearing at Poptsov, said that the news was “flogging chernukha.” Eduard Sagalayev, president of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation (MNVK) TV-6 Moscow, was appointed the new chairman of VGTRK.

On November 11, 1996, the Russian Universities channel stopped broadcasting, and its airtime was taken over by NTV.

1997: Launch of the Culture channel

On November 1, 1997, the educational channel “Culture” began broadcasting. He began broadcasting on the fifth meter channel instead of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Petersburg - Channel Five", whose broadcasting was limited to the Leningrad region.

On May 8, 1998, by decree of the President of Russia “On improving the work of state electronic means mass media" DocumID 73719.html the VGTRK information holding was created. On the basis of this decree, the All-Russian State TV and Radio Company included the All-Russian Radio Company "Mayak" and the Russian State Broadcasting Company "Voice of Russia".

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2004 No. 111 “On the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company,” all regional subsidiaries of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company were transformed into branches, and FSUE RTRS was removed from the holding as an independent organization.

On July 1, 2002, the RTR-Planeta channel began broadcasting, the first state channel in Russia providing television and foreign broadcasting.

On June 22, 2003, the Sport channel began broadcasting on the sixth meter channel, instead of the TVS channel.

On January 1, 2010, four VGTRK television channels are renamed: “Russia” to “Russia-1”, “Sport” to “Russia-2”, “Vesti” to “Russia-24”, “Culture” to “Russia K”.

On August 10, 2010, the paid HD TV channel “Sport 1” was launched in test mode, which began broadcasting all matches of the English Premier League football on August 14, 2010

On December 27, 2010, the Karusel channel began broadcasting, instead of the two channels Telenyanya and Bibigon.

Dmitry Mednikov - famous Russian journalist. Also actively involved social activities. Implements projects as a producer in film and television. Currently he holds a high position at VGTRK - he is deputy general director of the company. At the same time, he headed 24" and "Russia 2". He still heads the Vesti FM radio station.

The film takes place in the future on a distant planet where people have settled. The environment here is very harsh and inhospitable, but you don’t have to choose. People live in colonies on patches of land reclaimed from the surrounding swamps. Totalitarianism reigns in this state. At the same time, the death penalty is prohibited on the planet. Therefore, prisoners found guilty of serious crimes are sentenced to exile. It actually replaces death penalty in this world. There is a chance to survive, but it is fantastically small.

At the very beginning of the film, the next batch of prisoners is landed in the Sargasso Swamp. There is no food, water or people to be found here. Only occasionally can you find small groups of prisoners who managed to survive, but as a result they turned into half-animals. There is no other way under these conditions.

At the same time, among prisoners there is a legend about the Happy Islands, which have everything for a favorable life. However, getting to them is not easy, and not everyone is sure that they even exist. The main characters Erwin, nicknamed the Calculator (Evgeny Mironov), and Christy (Anna Chipovskaya) are heading to these islands.

The remaining prisoners, led by the experienced bandit Yust, go in the opposite direction, hoping to get to an abandoned prison, where there is at least some chance of surviving in the swamps.

However, at first their paths often cross. Adding to the intrigue is the fact that Erwin the Calculator held a very high position in the state before his arrest. Therefore, he is sure that the government will decide not to hope that he himself will die in the swamps, but will act for sure - it will organize his murder itself.

The failure of the "Computer"

The film was released in 2014 and failed miserably at the box office. The All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, which together with Art Pictures Studio was involved in its production, admitted it was a failure.

The film's budget was more than two million dollars. Profits from cinemas amounted to less than 50 million rubles.

At the same time, the blockbuster was destroyed by almost all domestic and foreign film critics. It was rated average at best and not outstanding. Internet publications “” and “” even released devastating reviews.

The main complaint that viewers had about the film was that it was simply boring. In addition, the installation and quality of the special effects, which were clearly saved on, were questionable.

The only ones who deserve positive reviews, these are actors Evgeny Mironov and Anna Chipovskaya, who really worked fruitfully on their images.

The most caustic film critics compared it to an episode of a low-grade TV show from the mid-80s, noting a large number of cliches, a general plot that falls apart due to a bunch of inconsistencies.

"Uppercut for Hitler"

After such a serious failure, Mednikov quickly returned to major production projects. In 2016, he and director Denis Neimand are filming the military historical drama series “Uppercut for Hitler.” The main roles are played by Anton Momot and Polina Tolstun.

The script of the film is based on real events. The story tells about the secret operation of Soviet intelligence officers during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War for organizing the assassination of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

The main character, Igor Miklashevsky, goes to Germany under the guise of a deserter who decided to go over to the Fuhrer’s side. The Germans naturally treat him with distrust. Therefore, the intelligence officer has to endure torture and many hours of interrogation. Only after this is he recruited to serve in German army. He becomes an adjutant to SS Standartenführer Walter Schloss, known for his passion for gambling.

The lyrical line adds piquancy to the picture. Miklashevsky falls in love with a French contact of Russian origin, Nastya Shuvalova. Largely thanks to her support, he manages to play the role of “his own” behind enemy lines. Over time, he approaches the top leadership of the Nazi party and his main goal- Adolf Hitler.

The 4-episode film was released on the Rossiya TV channel.

Private life

Dmitry Mednikov, whose biography is closely connected with television, is actively involved in social work. He is on the board of trustees of the Russian Geographical Society and the Moscow Region football club"Sparta" from Shchelkovo, playing in the Third Football Division.

IN free time enjoys chess, travel, karate and shooting sports.

A well-known Russian journalist, media manager and co-founder of a number of television companies - NTV, Most-Media and NTV Plus, Oleg Borisovich Dobrodeev - currently heads the All-Russian Television and Radio Company (FSUE VGTRK). The journalist is also a member of Russian academies cinematic arts, sciences and television.

Oleg Dobrodeev: biography, origin

The future journalist was born in the capital of Russia, into a family on October 28, 1959. His father long years worked as a screenwriter and was awarded the Lenin Prize. Interest in television and journalism was formed back in early years.

The beginning of the way

Oleg Dobrodeev received his education at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, at the same time the future students were studying at the faculty Russian politician Konstantin Zatulin, future NTV presenter Vladimir Kara-Murza, famous historians Alexey Levykin and Elena Osokina.

In 1981, the future media manager graduated from Moscow State University, and the next year he entered graduate school at the Institute of the International Labor Movement. After completing the training, he did not defend his dissertation because he did not show interest in the topics proposed by the university management scientific work.

Beginning of work history

Oleg Borisovich begins his career immediately after graduating from university at the Institute of the USA and Canada of the Academy of Sciences Soviet Union. Works as a research assistant at a university.

Working on television

Oleg Dobrodeev began in 1983 a long period work on television. He begins his journey in journalism as an ordinary editor at the Central Television of the State Television and Radio of the Soviet Union. At this moment, Dobrodeev gains invaluable experience, which will be useful to him for the implementation of many of his projects.

During his seven years of work here, Oleg Dobrodeev was a commentator on the Vremya program, as well as a correspondent and host of the 120 Minutes program, and worked as deputy editor-in-chief in the information service.

During these years, the talented journalist has come up with various initiatives to improve the work of TV. In particular, in 1989, together with Alexander Tikhomirov and Dobrodeev, he proposed creating a daily information and journalistic television program “Seven Days” on the channel. The program did not last long; at the beginning of 1990, its release was prohibited by order of the Communist Party secretariat and leadership central television. The reason for this decision was two reports about how Soviet troops were brought into Baku. The author of the stories was Oleg Dobrodeev. In 1990, the journalist took an active part in the creation of VGTRK - the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company.

1990-1991 holds the post of director of the Vesti information program. This program, according to many authoritative experts, in the early nineties was considered a kind of know-how in ways of providing news information that were significantly different from the Vremya program. Since October 1991, he has headed the editorial office of TAI, a television information agency at the All-Union State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, which in 1992 was reformatted into the Ostankino TV and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Work for NTV

Oleg Borisovich Dobrodeev is rightfully considered one of the founders of the leading domestic channel NTV. The formation of the channel was preceded by the creation in 1992 of the weekly analytical program “Itogi”, which was initiated jointly with Evgeny Kiselev. At first, the information and analytical program is broadcast on Ostankino, but the very next year the creators of Itogi, together with Alexey Tsyvarev and Igor Malyshenko, established a limited liability partnership with the same name.

In turn, on July 14, 1993, Itogi LLP initiated the creation of the NTV television channel. In the new structure, Oleg Dobrodeev holds the position of vice president of the company and heads the editorial office information service. In the same year, an agreement was concluded with the St. Petersburg fifth channel that NTV programs would be broadcast on this resource. At the end of the year, NTV receives its frequencies for broadcasting.

Oleg Dobrodeev’s activities at NTV were highly productive. In tandem with like-minded people, a high-quality and popular information product was created, which quickly brings the channel to the forefront in broadcasting.

Dobrodeev brought many of his colleagues from Ostankino with him to the new television. Among them are presenters and correspondents: Mikhail Osokin, Vladimir Luskanov and Alexander Gerasimov.

Creation of a number of channels, activities in a media holding

In 1996, the media manager established NTV-plus CJSC together with a team of like-minded people. And already at the beginning next year On the initiative of Dobrodeev, Media-Most was organized, the chairman of which was businessman Vladimir Gusinsky. Then, on the basis of “Media-Most”, the NTV holding appears as part of the following television companies: NTV, “NTV-Kino”, TNT, “NTV-Plus”, radio station “Echo of Moscow”, “Bonum-1”, “NTV-Profit” , "NTV-Design". In the newly formed structure, Oleg Borisovich becomes one of the leaders, in particular, he holds the post of general director of the NTV television company.

As General Director of VGTRK

In 2000, Dobrodeev left NTV and went to work at VGTRK and was appointed chairman of this organization. The media environment perceived the departure from NTV and the transition to Russian television as a sensation, which immediately spread across all television channels, including NTV.

The journalist himself did not specifically state the reasons for the termination of cooperation with NTV, focusing on the wording of disagreement with the policy of the channel’s management. According to a number of media outlets, the reason for the disagreement concerned the reluctance of the owner of the company, media tycoon Vladimir Gusinsky, to television broadcasts support the second Chechen war, which helped the growth of the political rating of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Since April 2000, Dobrodeev has also headed the editorial office of electronic media on the Rossiya TV channel and the state-owned Vesti company.

In April 2001, at the height of the scandal associated with the participation of NTV management in corruption case, submits his resignation, which was rejected by the head of state.

In July 2004, Dobrodeev became the general director of VGTRK (Federal State Unitary Enterprise VGTRK). The appointment to a new position was evidence of the need for reforms in the organization. Russian television had to reach a qualitatively new level, and a qualified media manager had to help in this matter, and Dobrodeev at that time was the optimal candidate for the position.

As a result of reform, a number of subsidiaries, such as state-owned TRCs in Russian regions, channels “Culture” and “Russia”, some radio stations (“Mayak”, “Radio Russia”, “Mayak-24” and many others, and there were more than ninety of them) became branches of VGTRK.

Person on a number of sanctions lists

For expressing his opinion on a number of geopolitical issues and the activities of some politicians, Oleg Dobrodeev also appears on the list of sanctions:

  • For expressing his position on the issue of the annexation of Crimea to Russia, as well as for assessing events related to the armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine, the journalist was included in the sanctions list by the Ukrainian authorities.
  • Russian oppositionists represented by Vladimir Kara-Murza and Mikhail Kasyanov initiated the introduction of Dobrodeev and some other leaders federal channels to the “Nemtsov list”. The oppositionists' accusations were as follows: inciting hatred, propaganda against politician Boris Nemtsov, which, in their opinion, led to his death. It is proposed that persons included in this list not be allowed into the United States of America and that their financial assets be frozen.

Columnist Family

The journalist was married only once. Together with his wife Marina Arnoldovna they raised their son Boris. Almost nothing is known about Boris Dobrodeev himself.

Dmitry Borisovich Dobrodeev, brother of the media manager, born in 1950, is a writer, orientalist and translator, lives in the Czech Republic. He is the author of a number of works, including “Travel to Tunisia”, “Return to the Union” and a number of others.

Achievements of the journalist

The journalist’s contribution to the development of the media space is highly appreciated both at the state level and among various public organizations. Since 1995, Oleg Borisovich has been a member of the Academy of Russian Television. In 2002, he was elected to the National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Russia. Over its many years journalistic activity Dobrodeev was awarded various insignia, both domestic and foreign.


What are Oleg Dobrodeev’s awards and prizes:

  • Order of Honor - awarded in 1999.
  • Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation (2007, 2008).
  • Two Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, third and fourth classes (2010, 2006).
  • Russian awards Orthodox Church: Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh (second degree in 2014) and the Blessed Prince Danil of Moscow (second degree in 2007).
  • Order of Merit of the French Republic - 2001
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation for educational activities and popularization of culture and scientific achievements (2011)

Out of duty...

Enjoys reading memoirs and fiction, and also prefers viewing documentaries. The journalist loves it leisure and sports, her hobbies include playing billiards. Enjoys studying foreign languages. Knows French and English languages.

On the place and role of journalism in the life of society, on interaction with politics

In his numerous interviews, discussing the role of journalism, Dobrodeev pays great attention to the role of the information service, both on television and in the life of society as a whole. “Information dictates the image and style of life, disciplines, helps to quickly accept right decisions", the journalist notes in an interview with Kommersant.

Oleg Dobrodeev is skeptical about the possibility for a journalist to engage in political activity, believing that politics makes a person dependent. He also noted in the interview that he does not know of an example of a journalist going into politics. I was outraged by the news that I was on the Western sanctions list. What was the reason for the sanctions against Oleg Dobrodeev is still not known.

Throughout his career, the journalist himself tried to distance himself from politics. But at the same time, the media manager is convinced that information workers should try to cooperate with the authorities, otherwise it will be difficult for them to convey information to the masses and, thus, they will not be able to fulfill their main mission.

Anton Zlatopolsky - General Director of the Rossiya-1 TV channel, First Deputy General Director of VGTRK, member of the Board of Directors of Rostelecom.


In 1988, he completed his studies at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. In the same year, he entered graduate school at the Moscow State Law Academy (MSAL), which he successfully graduated in 1991.

In 1993, at the Moscow State Law Academy, he defended his PhD thesis (under the guidance of Professor O. E. Kutafin) on the topic “Political rights and freedoms of citizens and the mechanism for their implementation in the Russian Federation.”

Candidate of Legal Sciences.

Labor activity

After graduating from Moscow State University, he got a job as a legal consultant at the first non-state television company in the USSR (then still being created), “Author's Television” (ATV). In the same 1991, he began his career in the media business, immediately from the position of general director of the ATV television company.

From January 1994 to July 1998, he served as vice president - general director of CJSC ATV Television Company, and was one of the company’s shareholders.

In 1999, he began working at the state television channel RTR, combining the responsibilities of deputy general director and executive director.

In April 2000, he was appointed first deputy chairman of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK).

On April 4, 2002, he was re-appointed to the post of first deputy chairman of the FSUE "VGTRK" and appointed acting. O. General Director of the RTR TV channel.

Since April 16, 2002, he has been working in the positions of first deputy chairman of the FSUE VGTRK and general director of RTR.

Retains both positions to this day, despite the double renaming of the RTR TV channel (from September 1, 2002 - “Russia”, from January 1, 2010 - “Russia-1”), as well as changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal changes in media holding VGTRK.

Since June 1, 2014, he has additionally combined the positions of editor-in-chief and producer of the children's television channel "Mult".

He is a member of the board of directors of PJSC Rostelecom (independent director).

Social activities

How general producer, co-producer or supervising producer, has been involved in the creation of many feature films, television and animated series.

Member of public councils:

Under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (MVD RF);
- at Federal agency on press and mass communications (Rospechat);
- Council of the Association “Industrial Committee for Telemetering” (ICT).

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL), all-Russian public organization"Association of Lawyers of Russia" (LAR), Literary Academy - jury of the Russian national literary prize"Big Book".


For more than 25 years of career in the field of television and radio broadcasting, he was awarded many awards, including the Order of Friendship, Honor, “For Services to the Fatherland” IV degree, the “GQ Man of the Year 2013” ​​and “GQ Man of the Year 2016” awards. nominations “Producer of the Year”, as well as an award from the Russian version of The Hollywood Reporter magazine in the category “Media Manager of the Year”, received on December 11, 2013. In the same year, for the creation of the film “Legend No. 17”, together with his colleagues, he was awarded state prize Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.

In 2004 he became the winner national award“Media Manager of Russia” in the “Television” category.

Family status

She has been officially married since 2011. His wife, Daria Zlatopolskaya (nee Spiridonova), also works in a simpler media field. She is primarily known as a journalist and TV presenter.

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