An old man entered the room. Vyacheslav Kostikov: Who will come up with the elixir of youth? And I will end with my new verse

These days, grandmothers usually refer to older women over 70 years of age, and it is a not-very-respectful-sounding synonym for “old woman.” But in the old days in Rus', age criteria were somewhat different.

Girls, young women, women

IN XIX century girls got married early, at 15-17 years old. At the age of 20, they were already considered “overage.” At 35, women already had adult children, and sometimes they became grandmothers. By the way, this is also reflected in Russian classics. For example, in Gogol we read: “An old woman of about forty opened the door for us.” Leo Tolstoy mentions in one of his works about “Princess Marivanna, an old woman of 36 years old.”

There is nothing surprising here. Life expectancy in those days was much shorter than now, and not everyone lived to be at least forty years old. By the way, according to one version, the word “forty” means “term.” Approximately this amount was initially allotted to the person. And then it depended on the state of health and various circumstances.

In Rus', a woman’s status has always been clearly linked to her age. So, young unmarried girls were called wenches or damsels. Young married women They were called young people. After the birth of a child, a woman became a woman. Of course, this only applied to lower-class women, peasant women or serfs.

Origin of the word "grandmother"

The word “woman” itself has been known since pagan times. It is present in many Slavic, as well as Turkic languages, and has always had many meanings. For example, pagan stone idols were called “women”.

There is a version that the term “baba” comes from Sanskrit. The syllable “ba” means “to live”, “to exist”, “to be”, “always”, “now”. From Old Church Slavonic “baba” is translated as “gate of life.”

However, according to another, much more popular hypothesis, the origin of the Russian word “baba” is the same as that of the words “mother”, “nanny”, “daddy”: small children simply tend to double syllables, and “ba” turned into “babu” "

Perhaps this is what the kids called the older women in the family, unlike their mothers. “Mom” breastfed them, but “woman” did not.

From the word “baba” the word “grandmother” was born. Krylov’s etymological dictionary says: “This common Slavic word is formed from the noun baba (meaning “mother of father or mother”) with the help of a diminutive suffix, but over time it began to be perceived as an independent word denoting kinship.” " Old woman, old woman,” this is how the author of another interprets the meaning of the word etymological dictionary- Shansky.

Who were called “grandmothers” in Rus'?

So, initially, apparently, this was the name of the grandmothers, that is, the word denoted the degree of relationship. But later they began to call other older women this way. Moreover, it is unlikely that they began to be called grandmothers from a specific age. Rather, it was the woman’s status that mattered. Let's say, if she already had adult children, grandchildren, if her childbearing period had ended, then she had every “right” to be called “grandmother”.

There is also a theory that “grandmother” could be called a wise woman, knowledgeable woman. Traditionally in Rus', healers, sorcerers, and midwives were called “babas” and “grandmothers.” Some even managed to combine all these “responsibilities”.

As ethnographer Listova reports in her work “Russian rituals, customs and beliefs associated with the midwife (second half of the 19th - 20s of the 20th century)”, in accordance with traditions, the role of midwife could only be performed by women who had given birth, but had already experienced menopause, were not sexually active, preferably widowed. It was believed that in this case there would be no problems with “midwifed” children.

The main idea of ​​the creators of “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” was expressed by main character film Katerina. And I want to remind you of Pushkin and his “Eugene Onegin”.
And by the way: Larina is a simple, but very sweet old lady; (Chapter three, article four).
Has anyone ever wondered why Larina, although simple and sweet, is still an old lady?
But this has always confused me.
(Chapter two. general acquaintance) About the future “old lady”: ... at that time her husband was still fiancé, but out of captivity, she sighed differently.
…. (who) was an important dandy, a player and a guard sergeant.
Like him, she was always dressed in fashion and to suit:
But, without asking her advice, the girl was led to the crown.
And, in order to dispel her grief, the sensible husband soon left for his village.....
I assume that if Pushkin does not report any activities of his spouse (except for a well-fed village life) after marriage, it means military rank he already had (it takes a fairly long period of time to achieve) and therefore I conclude that he could have been about forty (maybe or more) at that time.
Humble sinner Dmitry Larin, the Lord's servant and foreman (!)... (epitaph).
Well, the wife was clearly younger and perhaps even much younger. Therefore, rather, “without asking,” the girl was led to the crown, as if she had not done something out of invented love, having read novels and heard a lot of nonsense from her Moscow cousin; It’s not for nothing that the sergeant hangs around. I think that the girl was not even twenty (and perhaps even younger) years old.
Life in the provinces, especially in the countryside, erases many conventions, thinking is simplified (why put on display in clothes, manners and words, there is no one except us, everyone is our own and the same, so why stand out), all human life comes down to the optimal minimum of the most necessary (and in peace: plenty of food and sleep, there are no restrictions on where and why to rush, hurry) circle (set) of operations (everything happens today - like yesterday, and tomorrow like today; for some, closed, in its everyday life it’s a circle, but that’s what it is real life). Purely from her observations, she came to the following conclusion: for a woman to age very much, so much so that those around her see her as an old woman, it is necessary that either life in general be unbearably difficult, harsh, and hopeless despair/hopelessness (hope still softens wrinkles, a quiet smile) or a momentary terrible blow to the central nervous system - somehow suddenly a severe illness or terrible news/message (awareness of the hopelessness of the situation). But Pushkin describes to us the everyday life of the Larin family, which is simply enviably prosperous.
…. and finally renewed her dressing gown and cap on the cotton wool... the wife just grew fat from being well-fed and measured village life, she changed her tight corset to a warm one underwear, and a transparent peignoir for a cotton night robe. A normal decision, very correct for life, where one boasts of other successes, opportunities, and acquisitions. Moreover, ... her husband loved her heartily and was not included in her plans. He believed her in everything blithely, and he himself ate and drank in his dressing gown.
I don’t know where, but for some reason I know that Tatyana was about nineteen years old at the time she met (the reader) Onegin, and Olga was a little over sixteen. Not complicated arithmetic calculations, even approximate ones, and it turns out that Larina (their mother, by the way, about the name: Pachett - Praskovya???) was about forty (or maybe less). Why, at the time of meeting (reader) Onegin, does Pushkin think of her as an old woman? In the novel, he admits that he himself is about thirty (chapter six, description of the duel scenes) and does a thirty-year-old man, a lover of women, really see forty-year-old Larina as so ancient? I suppose that the factor of lack of gloss, brilliance, pride and arrogance was at work, and, naturally, the outfits of “provincial simplicity” were out of fashion and time. Perhaps its metropolitan counterpart, a sort of secular “Grandecobra”, would have made a completely different impression on the guest???

There's a run like this floating around the Internet:

Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin’s “The Snowstorm” was no longer young: “She was in her 20th year.”
Juliet's mother was 28 years old at the time of the events described in the play.
<<Бальзаковский возраст>> - 30 years.
Ivan Susanin was 32 years old at the time of the feat (he had
16-year-old daughter of marriageable age).
The old pawnbroker from Dostoevsky's novel<<Преступление и наказание>>
was 42 years old.
Anna Karenina was 28 years old at the time of her death, Vronsky was 23 years old.
Anna Karenina's old husband is 48 years old (at the beginning of those described in the novel
everyone has 2 years less events).
Old man Cardinal Richelieu at the time described in<<Трех мушкетерах>>
The siege of the fortress of La Rochelle lasted 42 years.
From the notes of 16-year-old Pushkin:<<В комнату вошел старик лет 30>> (this
was Karamzin).

He was thirty-four years old - the age of extinction>>.
poem<<Руслан и Людмила>> Pushkin wrote at the age of 19.
The great mathematical discovery was made by the brilliant Evariste Galois at 19
years -<<группы Галуа>> (at the age of 20 he was killed in a duel over political
motives). Galois was the youngest of the greats and the greatest of

According to the creator’s plan, who pulled the facts into such a bright bundle, the reader should be horrified by his fleeting life, realize how much we do not value the years now, not like our ancestors.
I came across this collection from Ksenia, however, later I discovered that the bacillus had already spread throughout Tyrnet, penetrating these “Fkontakts” and “Odnoglazniki” of yours. Each repost is overgrown with a dozen comments of a “philosophical” nature, sighs, etc.
Actually, what confused me first of all was the old money-lender.

I read the novel and was immediately sure that something was wrong. The Indian age is, of course, short, and 42 years is not the first freshness and not even the second. However, calling a 42-year-old woman an “old woman,” even in my cynical opinion, is somewhat premature.
To my considerable surprise, after reading the comments, I discovered that I was almost the first who thought of opening the original source. My premonitions did not deceive me:
"The old woman stood before him silently and looked at him questioningly. She was a tiny, dry old woman, about sixty years old, with sharp and angry eyes, with a small pointed nose and bare hair. Her blond, slightly gray hair was greased with oil. Around her thin and long neck, similar to a chicken leg, there was some kind of flannel rag wrapped around her, and on her shoulders, despite the heat, a frayed and yellowed fur coat was hanging. The old woman coughed and groaned every minute. The young man must have looked at her with some special look, because the old distrust suddenly flashed in her eyes again.
“Raskolnikov, a student, visited you a month ago,” the young man hastened to mutter with a half-bow, remembering that he needed to be more polite.”

“The old man Cardinal Richelieu was 42 years old at the time of the siege of the fortress of La Rochelle described in The Three Musketeers.”

Dumas never calls Richelieu an “old man.” If only because in " The Three Musketeers"Richelieu...much younger! We read:
"By the fireplace stood a man of average height, proud, arrogant, with a wide forehead and piercing eyes. His thin face was further lengthened by a pointed beard, above which a mustache curled. This man was hardly more than thirty-six to thirty-seven years old, but there was already a hint of gray in his hair and beard. Although he did not have a sword, he still looked like a military man, and the light dust on his boots indicated that he had ridden a horse that day.
This man was Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal de Richelieu..."

And further: “Ivan Susanin was 32 years old at the time of the feat (he had a 16-year-old daughter of marriageable age).”
This - pure water fantasy. Susanin’s personality is generally covered in the darkness of history; neither his age, nor his parents, nor social status(he was not just a peasant, but a headman or clerk). However, most researchers (Google it yourself, okay?) agree that by the time of his death, Susanin’s daughter Antonida was already married, Susanin had grandchildren. At 32 years old? Hardly.

But Juliet’s mother was not 28 years old, but LESS:

Here in Verona, ladies of esteem,
Are already made mothers. By my count,
I was your mother much upon these years
That you are now a maid.

What does it mean (translated by Ekaterina Savich):

Well, think about it. Among the Verona nobility

Early marriage is held in high esteem. Me too, by the way

I gave birth to you quite early -

I was younger than you are now.

And a little earlier, the nanny says that Juliet is not yet 14. Let us note that we are talking about marriages among the nobility, and in those turbulent times, even kings, in order to strengthen their position, acquire more land or not lose what they already had, happened to betroth their descendants while still in the cradle. By the way, in Verona, “where events meet us,” not everyone is delighted with the fashion for early marriages. So, old Capulet answers Paris:

I'll tell you what I told you before!

She's a child. Light is new to her

And not yet fourteen years old.

If only two more years had flown by,

She would be ripe for marriage.

And when Paris, nevertheless, presses: “And the younger ones go down the aisle.” - Capulet abruptly interrupts him: “But their children do not live long!”

From Tynyanov: “Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those gathered.
He was thirty-four years old - the age of extinction>>.

Take a look at Tynyanov’s story “Pushkin”, where the author clearly makes it clear what kind of extinction he means:

“The main person, of course, was not the count. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those gathered. He was thirty-four years old - the age of decline.

The time to be liked has passed
And to be captivated without captivating,
And glow without inflaming,
There is a bad craft.

There were no wrinkles yet, but a coldness appeared on his elongated, white face. Despite his playfulness, despite his affection for ticklers, as he called the young ones, it was clear that he had experienced a lot.”

Very accurately noted. At 34 years old, you really can’t go after every woman. At this age, a man begins to appreciate charm, class, if you like, in a woman. And he understands that a lady with charm is a very rare phenomenon, and he simply does not need others. And the attraction slowly fades away...

“Anna Karenina was 28 years old at the time of her death, Vronsky was 23 years old.”
Obviously, I should jump up in my chair with the joy of recognition and nod my head in understanding... Has anyone read Karenina? Just in case, I remind you of the plot: A relatively young Moscow fifa, living on her husband’s full support, having given up her only child to a good nanny, is exhausted by fitness, solariums, clubs and boutiques. In order to somehow dispel her mortal boredom, she starts an affair with a young, advanced cadet from cultural capital. The cadet, in turn, is fed up with the 17-year-old fools who hang themselves in bunches at him at discos and who, as if unnoticed, are palmed off on him by his familiar mothers. The cadet wants something with pepper and salt, even if it’s second-hand. Bang! Everything started spinning for them and led to the inevitable ending: he is a scoundrel, he needed only one thing, for her life has lost its meaning and she dies after swallowing pills, throwing herself under a train...
Where is the sensation here? Yes, of course - when we, 17-18 year old brats, were forced to read this, Karenina and Vronsky seemed to us to be terribly grown-up and serious uncles and aunts. But now - don’t we really understand that there are up to hundreds of such stories in Moscow and the region per month?
I in no way intend to diminish the significance of Anna Karenina for Russian literature. The actions of Tolstoy's heroes have nerve and character, but what they don't have is cheap sensation.

Well, for dessert - a very easy one: Pushkin wrote it, Galois discovered it. Yes, I wrote it. Yeah, I opened it. There are more vivid examples: At the age of 10, Mozart was making money with concerts, like your Lady Gaga. This, by the way, is about “the youngest of the greats and the greatest of the young.”
You need to understand a simple thing: these guys are geniuses. They have their own age, they live by a different nature. Are you worried that at 19 you haven’t done anything “to last forever”? Remember that few bright stars shined until he was 40 years old. That is, if you think that by the age of 20 you should go down in history, get ready to leave life after 30 and lie down in a cozy coffin. Ready? That's it...
What follows from this? You should live. Whether you are 19 or 69. At all times, age was perceived the same: always 20-year-olds were still boys, and 60-year-olds were old men. It will remain so in the future.

Age is a relative matter...

L. Stevenson: “Barely shuffling and coughing, a decrepit 50-year-old man entered the room” ....

Having stumbled upon this phrase, I began to dig into the literature of the 19th century and even earlier...

But first I discovered from the children’s defender Astakhov (in our days) “a woman of 25 is already covered with deep wrinkles”

Juliet's mother was 28.

16-year-old Pushkin wrote: “An old man of about 30 years old entered the room.”

Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin’s “The Snowstorm” was no longer young: “She was in her 20th year.”

Tynyanov: “Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those gathered. He was 34 years old, the age of extinction.”

The old woman pawnbroker from Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" was 42
of the year.

Anna Karenina was 28 years old at the time of her death, her husband was old
Anna Karenina is 48 years old (at the beginning of the events described in the novel, everyone is 2 years old
less). Vronsky was 28 years old (“beginning to go bald” is how Tolstoy described him).

Old man Cardinal Richelieu at the time of the siege described in The Three Musketeers
The fortress of La Rochelle was 42 years old.

Tolstoy talks about “Princess Marivanna, an old woman of 36 years old.”

In Lermontov’s story “Princess Ligovskaya”: “Her main drawback was her pallor, like all St. Petersburg beauties, and old age; the girl had already turned 25. To the delight of our local gentlemen.”

In the 19th century, the marriageable age for women was 15-17 years old.

Chekhov: "At the wedding younger sister Manyusi, 18 years old, her older sister Varya had a hysterical episode. Because this eldest was already 23, and her time was running out, or maybe it had already passed..."

Gogol: “The door was opened to us by an old woman of about forty.”

In those days, in Russian literature one could very often read how a woman of 30-35 years old put on a cap, like an old woman, and took her 15-year-old daughter-bride to the ball.

It is no coincidence that Tatyana Larina, at the age of 18, was already considered almost old maid, and therefore the aunts, nannies, and gossips complained: “It’s time, it’s time for her to get married, because Olenka is younger than her.”

Guy Breton, who describes French history in love examples, not only women were considered elderly at 25 years old, but also men at 30. They gave birth then at 13-14 years old, sometimes at 12. Therefore, the 15-year-old mother’s lovers changed like gloves and she looked down on 20-25- old woman Since then, times have changed in a hysterically chaste direction (a striking difference in the age at which they lose their virginity).
For example, in other literature of those years you can find the expressions: “a very old man with a stick, 40 years old, entered the room, he was supported by the arms of young men of 18 years old” or “she lived for so long that the courtiers no longer knew how long.” This maid of honor is years old. In fact, this decrepit woman died at the age of 50 from old age, and not from illness.”

Or: “The king announced to his queen that he was exiling her to a monastery until death due to old age. He found himself a young wife of 13 years old, whom he wants to make his queen. Shedding tears, the wife threw herself at the feet of her master, but the old king (he was 30 years) was adamant, he announced to her about his pregnancy new lover"

Suskind "Perfumer":
"... Grenouille's mother, who was still a young woman (she was just
turned twenty-five), and still quite pretty, and also
retained almost all the teeth in my mouth and some hair on my head,
and besides gout, and syphilis, and slight dizziness, nothing
I wasn’t seriously ill, and I still hoped to live a long time, maybe
five or ten years..."

Here I am reading Russian classics...
16-year-old Pushkin wrote: “An old man of about 30 years old entered the room.”
Tynyanov: “Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those gathered. He was 34 years old - the age of extinction”
Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin’s “The Snowstorm” was no longer young: “She was in her 20th year.”
“Alas, Tatyana is not a child,” the old woman said, groaning. This was said about Tatyana Larina’s 36-year-old mother
Chekhov Literature teacher: “At the wedding of her younger sister Manyusya, 18 years old, her eldest sister Varya had a hysteria. Because this eldest was already 23, and her time was running out, or maybe it had already passed...”

This list of quotes can be continued and it would be very funny if it weren’t so sad. After all, on February 9 I am 39 years old.
Probably, unlike the classics, today, this is the time of youth. I don't console myself, I look at life. How many people are 40 years old who are unmarried and who have not yet experienced work in their profession?

There are a lot of young people in my life, but for others, this is an indicator of a lack of seriousness. But recently I watched a film about an Egyptian desert monk, the film "The Last Hermit". The monk said that a Christian's life with God and his life as a monk is the path from pride to humility, from independence to dependence and from adult to child.

The other day I was talking to a boy of 14 years old and said that he had wonderful age, and he answered me the following: " I also see that my classmates think and look older than their age, but in a bad way. Of course, I don’t care what a person thinks about, but their behavior and disrespect for others is simply darkness. And 40 years old is not old now! It's like 20 years now! You look young at your age, some people don’t look that young at 24, honestly. I liked the way you said: “It’s easy for us, because we are who we are and I have complete trust in you in everything!” Indeed, a wonderful idea, just like a quote from ancient authors! It's easy to be yourself when you don't have to hide and hide. "

But my 14-year-old namesake made me happy. For me, at the age of 14, a 30-year-old already seemed as old as a dinosaur) Now about a 70-year-old, I won’t say that he an old man, he's just old. After all, if I’m 70 years old, how can I call myself young and old!)))

And yet, not a small part of life has been lived. If I lived from scratch, would I change anything or not? I probably would have lived these 39 years the same way. All my life I had to hide something from others. WITH three years From birth I was forbidden to talk about my gift so as not to be ridiculed, in school years to hide faith in God when atheist wall newspapers were hanging around the school. I secretly come to the Boriso-Gleb Cathedral, and there my Latvian language teacher is hiding from me behind a column. And I’m happy, like two criminals now connected by blood)))

Man is not the master of his own destiny, only God is. I really wanted to be a doctor at the age of 16, to have a family, children, at least from the age of three I knew who I would be and how I would live. I openly told my parents and two grandmothers this before the age of 5. Probably children are given the ability to see their destiny and their future. I did not enter medical school, I met a monk, I became a priest at the age of 19, not without the help of that monk. And there I had to hide what I did not accept in myself by comparing the word of God and the deeds of modern holy fathers. And when the patience for silence ran out, 70-year-old people in high ranks treated me as a 21-year-old man like a mad dog, they simply drove me out. Even the difference in age in human terms required dialogue as a father with an “unreasonable” son. But apparently those people knew that I was right and there were no good words to say to me except to expel me, call me names and threaten me. And then I realized that I was not mistaken in leaving them. I don't get along with people like that. At least today, from the height of my age, I would be wiser and would not flog a fever, but would enter into a dialogue to defend my interests. On the other hand, if the ancient persecuted Christians were diplomats, we would not have saints, there would only be Judases and Christ-sellers. I have never hidden my opinion from anyone since 1994. I am as I am, completely open in matters and judgments.

Christ, too, for the ossified Jewish righteous people was a criminal who violated the ancient law. Even though he was modern man of your society. But he was not understood. He came to save not the righteous, but sinners, and entered the houses of sinners. So what are those now boasting about who shout that they are more righteous and better than other unrighteous and unworthy Christians? Was Christ with the righteous? Is Christ with them? For 17 years I had no choice, either I should be like everyone else and blindly worship against my will those who are alien to me in terms of ideology, or the yoke of a sectarian.. But weren’t the ancient Christians sectarians in relation to Judaism? And in relation to the pagan Roman Empire of Maximian? Finally, justice triumphed and I became an “official Orthodox Christian” for my state. Well, isn’t it “Circus with horses” when in order to believe correctly and pray correctly, you need a certificate in a secular state separated from the Church from this very state that you true Christian, and not some kind of sectarian?

I know I'm far from perfect. There were, are and will be weaknesses, temptations and temptations of this world. I am a living person in the flesh and let him who is pure and holy throw the first stone at me. Today I realize that deep within me lies another 80% of what I could have done spiritually and what I didn’t do. our modern technologies, this is just a languor of the mind and a distraction from God. Probably God sees that today I am still weak to call for something where I would reveal myself more. I have not yet matured to this in this society and this country. But now the soul requires another transformation.

Once Vanga was asked: “Tell me, is your gift from God or from the devil?” She thought for a long time and said: “I don’t know. The main thing is not from whom the gift comes, but how to use it, for good or evil!” A lot of people from abroad contact me. There are things with which I can amaze people, and they also ask how you can see and know this. One guy once told me: “We now live in such a terrible time, when heaven is closed to God and all miracles are only from the devil and they are given for the sake of seducing people.” And here Vanga comes to mind. The main thing is how to use your gift. A computer is also a technology most likely not from God, but it can be used for the benefit of friendship, communication, spiritual teaching and knowledge. Through this thing I found my best friends, virtually came into contact with those shrines that I had not yet been able to come into real contact with.

39 years. But I am only growing spiritually. When I grow up, then I will not have money, a computer, beautiful things, I will only have a big beard, a cassock and prayers in my head. This will probably be the greatest happiness that a person should strive for. After all, as one Egyptian monk said: "My strength is in my hardships!" My strength today also lies in my hardships. In deprivation of family, children, wealth... But there is still much that weighs on me. When I lose everything, even the opportunity to live in my homeland, then I will be even stronger. And if I had all the blessings of the world today, I would be a spiritually weak person.

Today the most precious words for me are not from old people, what am I... what... For these are flattery and control words, such control words as wishes for health and happiness in New Year's card))) That’s when a little hooligan boy says to me: “Dude, even though you’re a pop, you’re cool and without showing off, not as boring as other adults!” , this will be a balm on the heart))) Because children are the future of our planet and they will rule us when we all become decrepit!

There is a biblical prayer whose words I always repeat: “I ask two things from You, do not refuse me before I die. Remove vanity and lies from me, do not give me poverty and wealth, feed me with my daily bread. So that when I am full, I do not deny You and say: “Who is the Lord?” "And so that the poor will not steal and take the name of my God in vain."

My Favorite Quote: " “Life has deceived me! I guess that living honestly here is very difficult and even impossible. In this case, it is in vain that we are presented with examples from the lives of foreign peoples. For others it is beneficial to be honest, but for us it is not. incomparably more severe and merciless than with mediocrity and seeking. With us, one can only suffer and grovel. I have lived through everything, even before I even begin to live. I wasn’t unhappy, he must not be very honest and agreeable to everything. Because of this, I will never have my own family. honest people It’s good to admire from the outside, but it’s painful to force loved one carry everything in his own skin. I even wonder if it’s worth living on my own? I see no point in living in that terrible consciousness that honor and true nobility have no place in Russian life... No one can correct this alone, and at the same time it is impossible to live honestly..."
Quod medicamenta non sanat - mors sana!
Lost trust in people was healed by death...

(Silver-free engineers. N.S. Leskov)

And I will end with my new verse

Again I feel sad and my heart hurts
I'm alone again in the silence of the night
That's enough, that's enough... I shout "Enough!"
Fate shattered my dreams

Childhood remains in the distant distance
And somehow my youth has already passed
Oh how it hurts, if only you knew
The soul of peace, no, did not find it.

Years pass, they fly like birds
The desert of death lies ahead
Come to the spring and drink water
Everywhere you look, there are only mirages.

And my heart beats tiredly and painfully
And the gray hair is already turning silver
And alone I breathe freely
But this will is like a prison to me.

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