Learn to draw beautiful snowflakes with a pencil. How to draw a snowflake with a pencil step by step for beginners

In the pre-New Year bustle, you really want to plunge into childhood, feel the full taste of the holidays and create beauty and winter comfort at home. Everyone puts up Christmas trees, takes out elegant decorations and tinsel. Decorated with serpentine. But something is missing. Like in childhood, I want to cut out and draw a bunch of snowflakes and other interesting decorations myself. This idea is especially interesting for those who have children; you can pass on your knowledge of how to draw a beautiful snowflake. The child will diligently draw curls and lines, fulfilling all instructions. Even writing a letter to Santa Claus will be interesting, because it is so easy to decorate. The kids will be delighted, because they can show their imagination. And it won’t be difficult to make them. Snowflake pictures drawn are an easy and creative task.

Show me at least once how to draw a snowflake on paper, and then help me cut it out. The child's joy will know no bounds. It’s not scary that they are uneven and clumsy, but they were made independently, with love and soul. Show him how to draw a snowflake step by step, start with an easy version, gradually improving the decorations, adding new elements.

How to draw a snowflake step by step

We offer you and your baby simple technique to create the first snowflake. Mark its center, where all sides intersect. Draw three stripes through the point, and it should divide them into equal parts. You should have 6 segments.

Step back from the edge of the rays and make a tick on each one that will look down. Repeat the action, but only drawing checkmarks closer to the center. The snowflake is all ready, even the little ones can cope with the task.

The second version of the drawn snowflake

Now we will show you how to draw a more complex type of snowflake. Determine the center, draw three identical lines through it. But now on the edges draw a checkmark similar to English letter v.

Around the center, mark a circle that will capture each ray, erase the one inside, you will get a sun, draw short strokes between the remaining lines. Top each section with a small check mark.

More complex snowflake

This winter masterpiece will take a little more time to create than in previous cases, because this option is patterned and elegant. You already know how to draw regular snowflakes, so get started. The first steps are the same as when drawing easy options: center, 3 lines going through it and dividing into equal parts. But this time make the center a bold dot; it will even be more like a small shaded circle. You need to make another one around it, but larger. And immediately place checkmarks above this outline, start with a large one and gradually reduce them as you approach the end of the line.

Ultimately there must be at least three checkmarks different sizes. Your pieces look like a spruce branch. But that is not all. Find the central tick and place the same crumbs on both sides of it. Do the same with the bottom tick, but there should be large v’s near it. Draw 6 more lines from the circle, they should connect it and the intersecting v's located next to the large check mark.

It's easy to draw a snowflake, so make them bigger and show your imagination. Your child can come up with patterns and shapes for them himself. All drawings can be colored to make them brighter and more saturated. For this you will need pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, pens, etc. While doing this exciting activity, the baby will be happy, because he does it all himself. If you wish, you can cut out each snowflake in a circle or along a contour and attach it to any corner of the house with tape. You can also make tiny holes in them and stretch a thread, so the snowflakes will decorate the Christmas tree or dangle from the ceiling, creating a fabulous winter mood. You can please with these small ones, but such beautiful jewelry grandparents, they will be very pleased. Create your own mood by building a winter kingdom from snowflakes at home.

During snowfall in winter, you can observe not only the process of bad weather itself, but also carefully study the snowflakes themselves.

And their sizes and shapes can be the most bizarre.

The answer is quite simple - take a sheet of clean paper and get to work!

How to draw a snowflake with a pencil. Step by step lesson:

1. First, draw the sheet using three horizontal lines into six identical sectors

2. A snowflake is an unusual creation of a drop of water. It is distinguished by strict geometric lines. Therefore, special attention should be paid to issues of synchronicity.

3. On each branch of the snowflake we draw a kind of Christmas tree with the branches up, the main thing is to maintain strict straight lines of the same size

4. Each branch should have six lines, which decrease in size towards the end

6. In the center we draw a complex geometric figure, which is characterized by absolute proportionality of the left and right, upper and lower parts

7. The center of the snowflake will be a regular hexagon

8. At the ends of each snowflake branch we draw something like leaves, the main thing is that they are identical to each other

9. We begin to complicate the pattern in the center, adding details.

10. Gradually we turn each branch of the snowflake, which previously looked more like a Christmas tree, into leaves

11. This is how our snowflake acquires a complex, complete geometric design

12. How to draw a snowflake with a pencil? Don't be afraid - experimentation always takes place. You can use your imagination and come up with your own drawing

13. At the final stage, we start shading the snowflake from the center

14. Gradually we reach the edges, not forgetting to draw all the leaves

15. In the end, with the help of glare, the snowflake will shine with its icy beauty

It is important to decide for yourself how to draw a snowflake with a pencil, gel pen, felt-tip pen or rapidograph. Opportunities for contemporary artists- more than enough. The main thing is a great desire to learn and bring your ideas to life.

Soon New Year and many children want to learn how to carve beautiful ones. When a snowflake is cut out, children begin to think and be creative in the cutting process. They run to the window and look for a snowflake there with in different forms, which were drawn by frost.

Therefore, having correctly learned how to bend a sheet of paper, you can draw the pattern (diagram) you see yourself and cut out many snowflakes according to the drawn template. You can exchange your templates and schemes of snowflakes over the Internet not only between classmates, but also between cities.

Today we will bend a sheet of paper correctly and draw different schemes(templates) and cut out a snowflake with your own hands.

Snowflakes made of paper - draw a diagram (template) - 1

Celebrate a beautiful snowflake for the New Year and cut it out with creative enthusiasm and a New Year's mood.

How to draw a snowflake diagram

  1. Take a sheet of A4 paper (book spread).

2. Bend it as in the photo.

3. Use scissors to cut off the excess part.

4. Once again bend the double part of the paper.

5. Mentally divide the folded paper into three parts and bend it again as in the photo.

6. Connect the left side of the sheet to the edge of the right side.

7. We strengthen the folds of the paper, the left and right edges with scissors and draw them up and down.

8. Cut off the excess paper with scissors.

9. Turn on your personal imagination and start drawing from the top.

10. When you have drawn the upper part of the snowflake, you need to go lower.

11. The lower part of the diagram on paper also needs to be drawn.

12. Shade the part of the paper that will need to be cut out with scissors.

13. The diagram is drawn and ready to be cut out.

14. Using scissors, cut out the shaded part of the paper.

15. We have this template for drawing others similar to this snowflake.

16. Carefully unfold the cut out template.

17. The cut out snowflake is ready.

You can iron it through another sheet of paper and it will be more even.

Paper snowflakes “Openwork” - diagram (template) - 2

Create your own holiday Christmas mood and decorate with openwork snowflakes.

How to draw a diagram and cut out a snowflake

  1. We place a white sheet of A4 paper in front of us, like an album.

3. Align the left edge of the sheet with the top edge.

4. Cut off a single part of the sheet with scissors. We don't need her.

5. Connect the double piece of paper in half in the shape of a triangle.

6. We have a visible bend.

7. Bend the lower right corner of the triangle as in the photo, so that there is 60 degrees between the previous vertical bend strip and the new fold.

8. We throw the lower left corner of the paper triangle onto right side just like in the photo and combine the edges.

9. Use your fingers to correct the symmetry of the figure.

10. This is the kind of paper figure we should get.

11. Bend the resulting figure in half again.

12. Unbend the figure and bend both protruding “ears” alternately inward.

13. First cut off one “ear” along the fold with scissors.

14. then the second “ear”.

15. We got this paper figure: the side on the left diverges, the side on the right does not (there is a fold there).

16. Now, according to our imagination, we will draw a diagram for cutting out a snowflake.

17. Draw with a pencil first on the left, then on the right, as in the photo.

18. The diagram is drawn and ready to be cut out.

19. Using scissors, carefully cut out certain areas to be removed.

20. We rotate the paper figure with the drawn diagram in the way that is convenient for us.

21. Part of the paper from the diagram has already been cut out, we look and decide on our further actions.

22. We understand, we continue cutting out the diagram.

23. This is how the cut out volumetric diagram (template) turned out.

24. Carefully unfold the paper with your fingers.

25. Half of the template is unfolded and looks like this.

26. This is the snowflake we ended up with.

Come up with your own patterns and you will get the best snowflakes.

Snowflakes from paper “Charm” - draw a diagram and cut out a template - 3

  1. Take a sheet of A4 paper. We put it on the table in front of us in the form of an album. We make a blank in advance to facilitate the creation of the template. As we see: in front of us, the sheet folded in half has the shape of a triangle, with dashed lines drawn from the middle of the longest side at an angle of 60 degrees.

2. Fold the paper as in the photo.

3. Cut off the excess part of the paper and place a blank with marked corners on the triangle. We bend the right corner of the workpiece and mark a line with a pencil.

4. Bend the left corner of the workpiece and make a mark with a pencil.

5. Using the marked lines, bend the corners of the triangle (as in diagram 2).

6. We got this figure using precise markings.

7. Cut off unnecessary “ears” as in the photo.

8. We fantasize and draw a diagram of a beautiful snowflake.

9. After cutting, this is the template we got. Trace pre-folded sheets of paper over it and you will have a lot of patterns, which means a lot of snowflakes.

10. The result is a snowflake like this.

Snowflake “Pretty” is ready.

How to make a beautiful snowflake using a pattern with your own hands - diagram (template) - 4

We bend the paper according to the step-by-step points of the previous diagrams. And we draw another diagram - very beautiful.

Draw a diagram of a snowflake.

Cut out the template.

Straighten the cut out template.

We unfold the template to the end and the beautiful snowflake is ready (see above).

How to correctly cut snowflakes from paper - diagram (template) - 5

Before New Year's holidays I want to decorate it with snowflakes and make it joyful and cozy. Here is an example of how to draw a picture yourself and cut out an original snowflake.

We bend a white sheet of paper as in the previous diagrams and cut off the “ears” as in the photo.

The diagram is drawn and ready to be cut out.

Cut out the template with scissors.

This is the template we got.

Unfold the template carefully so as not to tear the paper.

Draw exactly the same way and you will get a beautiful snowflake.

How to cut a snowflake out of paper for the New Year - diagram (template) - 6

The more we draw cutting diagrams, the more interested we become in finding unusual drawing so that it is unique and new. Meet the next snowflake from the frosty window.

We have already learned how to bend such a figure from paper from the previous sections of the article.

Draw the same design on the shape and shade the areas to be cut out, this will make it easier to cut out.

Cut out according to the design and remove the shaded areas, you will get a template like this.

Carefully unfold the paper template.

Align the folds, smooth them with your palms or a warm iron through a sheet of white paper.

Like these ones beautiful snowflakes You can make it out of paper with your own hands.

How to cut very beautiful snowflakes - video

The article is finished, but your fascinating journey into the world of New Year's snowflakes continues in your fantasies and searches

This lesson fell into the category of easy ones, which means that in theory it can be repeated by Small child. Naturally, parents can help young children draw a snowflake. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw a snowflake we may need:

  • Watercolor or oil paints.
  • A clean palette to mix colors and create new combinations.
  • Water for dissolving paints and soaking brushes.
  • Set of brushes. Professionals advise using natural brushes, but beginners can also use synthetic ones.
  • A clean cloth to wipe your brushes.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Natural phenomena are quite difficult to draw. That is, drawing them is not difficult, but achieving realism is much more difficult. I always recommend looking at the original to get the most accurate copy of what you are about to draw. In the Yandex image search, just search for “snowflake in the photo” to get a large amount of the necessary material.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Advice: paints, especially watercolors, are afraid of time: they dry very quickly, so apply strokes as quickly as possible, but very carefully. A drawing created with paints is quite difficult to correct.

If you are not very confident with a brush and paints, then do not hesitate to sketch with a pencil. This will save you a lot of time and nerves. I recommend doing this before the first step.

Are there any patterns for drawing snowflakes? No, of course, each snowflake is unique and has one single crystalline form. After all, a snowflake is a crystal formed when water freezes.

Come up with a snowflake pattern yourself, draw a picture of a snowflake on paper, and then cut out the outline of the drawn snowflake with scissors and decorate your window with this paper snowflake. One paper snowflake will not be enough for a large window, but after this lesson you can easily draw pictures of snowflakes of a different shape. It will turn out very beautiful, more of course Christmas decoration. To prevent pencil marks from being too noticeable, try to draw the contours of the snowflake firmly without pressing on it.

Now let's see how to draw the simplest snowflake step by step.

1. Snowflake has even number rays

It may seem that drawing a snowflake is too simple. It is possible, but only if in the first step of the drawing you symmetrically arrange the rays of the snowflake. Try to make this marking as accurately as possible, then the snowflake will be even and beautiful.

2. Draw the crystalline shape of a snowflake

You have already drawn a small circle in the center, now let's draw the main part of the snowflake crystal. To do this, place points at the junctions of the hexagon and connect these lines. A little higher, stepping back a little, duplicate the corners with gentle strokes on both sides of the rays and let's move on to the next step of the drawing.

3. Shape of snowflake rays

Connect the previously marked corners with lines going to the center of the snowflake. The result is the first rays of the crystal, which are slightly narrowed towards the center. Draw the upper rays, on the contrary, in the form sharp swords. The result is the main outline of the snowflake. Then you can draw a snowflake arbitrarily, at your discretion, adding various patterns to it.

4. Snowflake drawing in detail

You can continue to draw a snowflake by copying my drawing, but you can draw a different kind of pattern. The main thing is that the pattern is symmetrical on all sides. A beautiful snowflake is one that has perfect smooth pattern. Moreover, it is not always necessary to do complex geometric figures, especially if you are going to cut out this snowflake design to decorate the window. Complex shapes will be difficult to cut accurately with scissors.

5. How to draw a snowflake. The final stage

A snowflake is usually drawn, then cut out of paper and decorated with a window, a Christmas tree, or made into a garland of snowflakes. Since a snowflake has a proportional even shape of rays, you can draw only one ray of a snowflake, fold the paper into four or eight layers and then cut out all the other rays along the contour of the drawn ray. Get a snowflake with 8 or 4 rays. If you are not going to cut out the snowflake design, then lightly shade the design with a simple pencil. The snowflake drawing will look more beautiful if the tinting is done with a blue colored pencil.

When New Year, Christmas and others are around the corner winter holidays, and outside the window a beautiful fluffy snow, people are starting to decorate their homes with pleasure. They put up a fragrant, pine-smelling Christmas tree, take out colorful balls and shiny tinsel from dusty boxes, hang up streamers...

If there is a child in the family, he takes part in all the preparations with great zeal, diligently carries out his mother’s instructions, hangs rain showers, provides decorations and writes. Of course, the baby will happily take on decorating windows and mirrors. Draw with toothpaste fancy patterns and pine branches, place cotton wool on the windowsills. And of course, he will enthusiastically agree to do such a pleasant task as making snowflakes. These snow stars are exactly what a child needs to realize their Creative skills. Firstly, they are easy to make, and secondly, each snowflake is unique, and you can full program show your imagination; thirdly, they will hang on the glass, and any passerby will be able to appreciate the children’s efforts.

In some you can make holes, insert multi-colored threads and decorate with them decorated Christmas tree. Well, of course, a couple of snowflakes simply need to be presented as a gift to grandparents - let the New Year's mood reign in their home! We wish you abundant snowfall!

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