Transgender people do surgery. The most famous transgender people. During the transition from woman to man,

One of the components of a person’s happiness is satisfaction with one’s gender. Many people don’t think about this because they feel comfortable in the body that nature gave them. If someone is not satisfied with his gender, and he feels that he is not who he is, then we can assume that this person belongs to the group of transgender people.

He made a brush in his hair and formed a line with his eyebrow. She showed me her ID, putting thumb to an image in which she appeared less smiling and more masculinized. His name was: Orlando Vicente. After surgery, the next step for patients is to file a claim to amend the documents.

Because there is no specific legislation, transgender people are at the mercy of a judge's deliberation when they request a legal name change. Interpretations are varied. There are those who allow you to change your name and gender on documents, but not in a notary office. Others that force a person to write "transsexual" in the "sex" question. And the irreducibles, which deny all possibilities.

Transgender - what does it mean?

To explain who transgender people are in simple terms, you should refer to the content of this term. The literal translation of this word from English means “going beyond gender or gender.” This term is used to refer to people whose biological sex and self-image do not match. When talking about this group, another term is often used - gender, which refers to a person’s internal feeling of his gender. Psychologists and sociologists classify as transgender all people whose gender and biological sex do not match.

The requirement of the latter is that the interests of third parties must be preserved. For example, preventing an unsuspecting person from marrying a transsexual. Or that the athlete participates in competitions in unjustified categories. This forced patients to take four to five months to get their new records in hand. That's what this man is.

Because Heloisa Barbosa is a champion of the transsexual cause, she is often considered a gay militant. While the Ministry of Health recognizes the transgender minority, a legal absence that is the face of Brazil, she said at home. “If a person does not receive their civilian reclassification, the process of transsexualization is not complete.” According to the teacher, the biggest obstacle is morality: "It's prejudice, misinformation and ignorance."

The following groups of transgender people are distinguished:

  1. Bigender- a person who feels like a man and a woman alternately.
  2. Agender- a situation where a person does not perceive himself as a representative of a particular gender.
  3. Genderqueer- this group includes people who have a mixed gender, different from the usual understanding of male and female.
  4. Transgender woman- a biological man who perceives himself as a lady.
  5. Transgender man- biological female with male gender.

It is not easy to identify a transgender person outwardly. Typically, such people easily learn the ability to dress and look like members of the other sex. They master the manners of the opposite sex, live by their interests and behave accordingly. At the same time, they cannot lead a full life, because their body reveals the existing discrepancy between the physical and psychological components of their personality.

England and Spain have protective gender identity laws. To obtain new documents, a person does not need to change gender. Inheritance, pension and access to the spouse's health plan are guaranteed. He believes that they are actually conservative people who seek to make comparisons between sex and gender according to the heterosexual model. "They have suffered so much that they are looking for the most acceptable model, they want to be a woman like Doris Day," he said. "They are not feminists, they tend to be modest, delicate and less exuberant than drag queens."

What does a transgender woman mean?

A transgender woman is a biological man who feels like a representative of the fair half of humanity. The legislation of many countries allows such men, after undergoing a series of examinations and procedures, to change their first and last names given to them at birth. Since doctors often prescribe hormonal therapy for men who feel like women, they may look like ordinary ladies in appearance. Hairstyle, clothing and behavior may not reveal anything about a woman in a man’s body.

Lucian was a surgeon three years ago and became a woman. But she was not completely satisfied with her new body. At 47 years old she is evangelical and she is keeping her virginity for her wedding night. She makes a living as a seamstress, but her monthly income is not enough to buy the female hormones she will have to take for the rest of her life. All you have are three sewing machines, a bed covered in worn-out sheets, a lamp, a fan, an old stove and a refrigerator. She left school in the interior of Bahia because she could not hear her baptismal name on the call.

Transgender man

A transgender man is a biological woman who perceives herself as a member of the male gender. In this case, a woman may notice the following signs of a transgender person:

  • she is not comfortable in women's clothing;
  • she is interested in men's activities and sports;
  • she tends to be more rude and harsh.

First transgender in history

Stories about the first transgender people can be taken from ancient mythology, which describes cases of men turning into women and vice versa. In ancient times, this was considered normal and did not surprise anyone. For example, the popular Roman emperor Elagabalus, or Heliogabalus, who ruled the empire in the third century, was known for his oddities, which were perceived as some kind of peculiarity. He even promised a large sum money to those doctors who will help him change his sex.

Every time the teacher said "Carlos Alberto" she wanted to die. He also doesn't go to medical positions and hardly gives up his ID. A week after the operation, Linda was discharged. Before leaving, he had a personal hygiene class with a nurse. "It's like teaching a child," explained nursing supervisor Christian Amorim. “It’s all new, they don’t even know how to cleanse themselves.”

Despite the sting of the stitches, Linda was excited as she felt the urine flow through her legs. Afraid of ruining the operation by taking the bus up the stairs, he asked to borrow 50 reais from a neighbor to take a taxi back home. Once a year he joins Doctors Without Borders and travels around the world with children with genital anomalies. In addition to working at Pedro Ernesto, he maintains a private practice.

Another case of transgenderism is described in the “Hussar Ballad”. main character works had real prototype- Nadezhda Durova. In her memoirs, she writes that since childhood she saw her difference from other children and experienced self-hatred because of this. She loved to wear men's clothes and asked to be called Alexander.

Although it does not show how much it charges, gender reassignment surgery can cost more than R$50,000. It's a life commitment,” Alexandro said. And more important than having or not seeking to have "genital reconstruction" surgeries, it's important to know that for many of us, the genitalia we have is already understood as a penis, or the thousand and one words we can refer to genitalia with. This means that there are not only two genres: male and female, but several genres in between, combinations of the two, and even people who call themselves "childless."

The world's first transgender person described in medical literature is Einar Wegener Mogen. He was born a boy, but from childhood he felt within himself feminine. Einar was famous artist, but left this activity to become a model for the magazine where his wife worked. Einar became the first person to undergo gender reassignment surgery. His life formed the basis of the plot of the biographical film The Danish Girl.

Each person must identify themselves and label themselves or not at their own discretion. Regardless of who they think we are in appearance, we have it. When it comes to gender, there is not much variation. There are people with penises, people with vulvas, and intersex people, but again, how we choose to refer to the ones we have is our choice only in much the same way that some cis people choose to use certain terms to refer to their own others prefer others.

So let's respect the names of our favorite genitals. When in doubt, if there is not enough trust with a person to ask “what do you use to refer to yours?” But it’s enough to address the topic and use the term “genitals.” This is a fact that many people are not aware of: from the moment you start a testosterone “hormone treatment,” your genitals change in the first two years of this “treatment.”

How many transgender people are there on the planet?

There are no exact statistics regarding how many transgender people there are in the world. In most countries of the world, such people are viewed negatively, which is why they prefer not to show their peculiarity. Often, the number of visits to clinics regarding gender reassignment is taken as a figure reflecting transgenderism. This indicator cannot be considered accurate, because the operations are expensive and only a few people can afford them.

How much it grows depends on the physiognomy of each person. The shape is relatively similar for everyone because the “clitoris” takes on the shape of a typical penis, forming the glans. Therefore the aspect of the genitals gradually changes. Orgasm can also change: intensity; time reached; inability to have multiple orgasms; among other things. Ignore those who believe that genital reconstruction surgery is a priority.

There are several ways to tighten your chest. Binders are by far the most used and have the least long term effects. They are accessories worn under clothing that tighten the chest as much as we think so that other people don't need to notice and so that we feel better about the image we project, our "reflex" so to speak. However, they can compromise us physically, giving us breathing problems, little flexibility for the skin for future surgery with “good results,” broken ribs, etc.

Considering the number of requests to plastic surgeons and the data of some surveys, sociologists call this approximate figure transgender people: about 112 million people or 1.6% of the population. Most of the research on this issue has been carried out in America. The largest number of people in this group was recorded in the state of Colombia. There, the number of people dissatisfied with their gender is close to three percent.

In my case, the need to squeeze me was so great that before I had a mastectomy, I was unable to run or even walk for more than a few minutes, attacked by lack of air. He rarely showed it, that's a fact. And no one should click on them. Too many prejudices are exposed. There are also Various types breast operations. Some leave scars and some don't.

In some countries, the law requires that the person's legal name and gender be changed so that the person is not given the opportunity to become pregnant. A hysterectomy is a surgery that removes the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and vagina. In some countries it is possible to keep the vagina if a person intends to use it, for example. In Portugal this is not usually an option.

What is the difference between a transgender and a transsexual?

The main difference between a transsexual and a transgender person is that a transsexual has undergone gender reassignment surgery. Every transsexual is transgender. Surgery and plastic surgery are only part of the long process of correcting a transgender person. Before serious interventions in the body, a person should consult a psychiatrist, sexologist and endocrinologist. Gender change can only be done once in a lifetime, so such a decision must be weighty and thoughtful.

This is usually done for essentially two reasons: the relief that you will undoubtedly not be menstruating and because of the risk of problems arising as the organs "stop" working. In some cases, with the start of “hormonal treatment”, when muscle mass increases throughout the body, these organs may shrink slightly, which can cause pain, causing significant discomfort.

The point of a hysterectomy is that once it does, it makes us dependent on "hormonal treatment" for the rest of our lives. That is, if you stop taking testosterone, the consequences may be: Bad mood, sexual desire, muscle loss, depression and long-term serious problems, such as osteoporosis.

How to recognize whether you are transgender or not?

There is no way to tell a transgender man from a girl, especially if he has undergone sex reassignment surgery. Hormone therapy allows a person to smooth out the characteristics of the gender in which he was born. That is, men who take female hormones become more feminine, their hair loss decreases, and their skin becomes softer. In women, after androgen therapy, the voice becomes rougher, the amount of hair increases, and the figure acquires masculine features.

In any case, if a person does not intend to save some physical changes that testosterone provides, the “hormonal treatment” will be for life, with or without a hysterectomy. A small aside: menstruation stops when hormonal treatment begins.

In order for them to become pregnant, they must stop the "hormonal treatment" so that it does not affect the baby. This is a controversial issue even within the “trans community”. Genital reconstruction operations. There are two types of genital reconstruction surgeries. Methodoplasty and phalloplasty.

How long do transgender people live after surgery?

The life expectancy of a transgender person depends on what kind of correction he has gone through. The state of health is affected by which hormonal drugs were taken, in what volume and for how long. The use of estrogen drugs can worsen the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and antiandrogen drugs can damage the functioning of the kidneys.

None of them is made immediately, and the choice between it and the others is associated with several personal reasons. Phalloplasty consists of the construction of a penis size and "normal" appearance. Creates a functional penis with which you can urinate and have penetrative sex.

However, it covers much more surgery and money than methadoplasty. There is no skin of the limb, the vagina is used to create the urethra and the "fold" that "forms" in the abdomen to create the penis without leaving scars. The reconstructed penis will gain sensation over time, but it is not certain that it will grow to its full extent. Additionally, its size will always be the same, meaning it will not become erect or flaccid depending on situations.

Gender reassignment surgery itself is no more harmful than conventional abdominal surgery. With proper postoperative therapy and properly selected hormonal treatment, a transsexual can live as long as a common person. Compliance with the following helps increase life expectancy healthy image life, systematic observation by an endocrinologist and the absence of bad habits.

In Portugal and abroad, this is usually a very grueling and expensive procedure. The results can be excellent, but they can also go wrong, as they do several times. Everything is in the hands of doctors. Methodoplasty consists of creating a functional penis with a human “clitoris”. This means that its size will be significantly smaller than the size of the "general penis". Depending on the work of the doctor and the physiognomy of the person, the size of the genital organs varies greatly.

The created penis functions perfectly. You will have the sensitivity you had before, you can use it to urinate, you will have erections, and it will not require maintenance operations. In terms of sexual activity, it may or may not be possible for penetration since, like the average cis male penis, it is much smaller.

Can a transgender person have children?

Doctors are clear on the question of whether a transgender person can give birth. Although plastic surgery helps to achieve significant changes in appearance; medicine is not yet able to help a transsexual become pregnant and give birth to a child. During the operation the main work in progress over changes in the external genitalia. In this case, the internal genital organs often remain unchanged. Only a transgender person who has not undergone a gender reassignment procedure can give birth to a child.

Typically metoidoplasty involves two surgeries in which one creates the testicles with " big lips" This is usually only done after two years of "hormonal treatment" to maximize "clitoral" growth. There is also the possibility of performing phalloplasty after metaidoplasty, but it is not very common.

The sexual part is sometimes secondary because all sex can be with or without penetration with or without a penis. Small or large, with or without sensitivity, with or without an aspect that relates to the "penis" and even with or without operations related to the subject.

How do you become transgender?

Psychologists and sexologists have the same idea of ​​where transgender people come from. The main reason is considered to be a hormonal imbalance in the mother during pregnancy, which leads to disturbances in the formation of the baby’s organs and psyche. In addition, the following reasons are given:

  • wrong family education, in which parents raise a child not in accordance with his natural gender, but in accordance with their desires to have a boy or a girl;
  • various mental traumas received by a child in early childhood.

Transgender Issues

The main problem of transgender people is related to society's reaction to such people. Most people tend to treat this group of people as people with the wrong orientation. Aggression towards such people can be not only verbal, but also physical. For example, Tara Hudson, a transgender person in the UK, was found hanged in a men's prison. For this reason, the phenomenon of a latent transgender who hides his identity is becoming quite common.

The most famous transgender people

The most famous transgender people are representatives of show business or their relatives:

  1. Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt- a transgender girl whose star parents help her to accept herself for who she is. Shiloh Nouvel dresses only in men's clothing, wears short hair and maintains her masculine status in every possible way.
  2. Tara Hudson- a transgender person who considers herself a woman. She went to prison at a time when she had already undergone gender reassignment surgery, but new documents were not yet ready. Tara was placed in a men's prison, which was covered in the media mass media and showed the government the need to simplify the process of obtaining new documents for such people.
  3. Transgender Conchita Wurst became famous after winning Eurovision in 2014.
  4. Transgender Dalida- famous French singer, in fact is an ordinary woman. The myth that she was born a boy appeared later as a version that could explain why the famous and successful singer committed suicide.

Sex reassignment surgery is final step in the process of helping people who have an internal conflict between their gender identity and their physical gender (biological sex from birth). In medical terminology, this mental disorder is known as Gender Dysphoria. As a result of sex reassignment surgery, the patient's genitals are subject to transformation to resolve this internal conflict and ensuring mental comfort and balance in accordance with the gender role (sex) chosen by the patient.

Thus, gender reassignment surgery is the most important decision on the path to living in your chosen new gender role. That is why, before making a decision about an NDE, you need to find and carefully read all the information related to this topic. It is especially important to choose the right surgeon from the point of view of professionalism and experience, who can, as a result of the operation, create female genital organs that are as close as possible to natural ones, aesthetically beautiful, with a deep vagina in proportion to your body, capable of sensual sensations. As a result, all this will help you balance your mental and physical comfort and give you the opportunity to lead a normal, happy life.

Requirements for a patient to undergo gender reassignment surgery

1. The patient must be over 20 years old. For patients under 20 years of age, formal consent from a parent or legal guardian must be provided for surgery.
2. The patient must take female hormones for at least one year before surgery.
3. The patient must feel like a woman and associate himself with a woman long time from the moment of the first conscious memories (from early childhood).
4. The patient must lead the lifestyle of a woman for at least a year before surgery and feel comfortable in this gender role.
5. The patient should feel extreme hostility (disgust) towards his male genital organs, as if they were an extra extension of his body.
6. Before surgery, the patient must undergo psychological test from a board-certified psychiatrist. The conclusion of the test should show that the patient is in normal mental state(sane) and according to mental indications, he is fit for sex reassignment surgery.
7. The patient must be in good physical condition.

To change gender and transform male genitals into female ones, a special plastic surgery is performed that uses the skin, tissue and sensory nerve endings of the patient's reproductive system. This operation has the following advantages:

1. As a result, female genitalia are created that have maximum similarity to biological ones.
2. The operation allows you to create a vagina as deep as the patient’s skin tissue allows.
3. All sensitive nerve endings will be collected in the female clitoral area, which will provide full sensations in this area.
4. With plastic surgery It will be possible to hide the scars as much as possible.

Stages of sex reassignment surgery

1. The anesthesiologist gives general anesthesia.
2. A new vagina is created in the area between the anus and the urinary tract (urinary tract), about 15-18 cm deep.
3. Skin from the penis is used to create vaginal walls. As a result, a new vagina is created, like a woman's.
4. Interior the penis is removed, leaving the nerve endings to create the clitoris.
5. Male urinary canals are shortened and shaped in such a way that the process of urination proceeds like a woman’s. If the operation was not performed correctly, urine may gush upward when urinating in a sitting position.
6. External parts such as the labia majora and minora, urinary tract, clitoris are reconstructed so that they are aesthetically beautiful and flawless like a woman’s, with areas retaining sensitivity as before the operation.

There are three main methods for performing sex reassignment surgery according to the procedures for reconstructing a new vagina and a new clitoris:

OSB 1 (Penal skin inversion)

This type of surgery uses the skin of the penis to create and give an aesthetic appearance to the vagina. This method is widely used.

The advantages include relative simplicity. Experienced surgeons specializing in NDE. This operation is performed on average in 4 hours.

The disadvantage of this type of operation is that it is not suitable for patients with a penis size shorter than 10 cm, since in this case there is not enough skin tissue to form a sufficiently deep vagina (on average, the depth of the vagina is equivalent to the length of the skin of the penis minus 2.5 cm, which are used to create the labia minora).

**When operating using this method, the patient’s hospitalization period is four days.

2. OSB 2 (Operation with scrotal tissue transplantation, without skin inversion)

When operating with this method, the skin tissue of the penis, as well as the scrotal area, is used to create a vagina. This creates a sufficiently deep and functional vagina that the patient needs. If, after transplanting tissue from the scrotal area, the required vaginal depth is not achieved, the surgeon may consider using skin tissue from other areas, such as the upper extremities, the abdominal cavity.

The advantage of this method is that even patients with a short penis can have a vagina of the desired depth.

The disadvantage is that such an operation is complex and complex in nature and takes longer (about 6 hours if an experienced surgeon specializing in NDE operates).

**Hospitalization will last 6 days.

3. Vaginoplasty using the sigmoid method:

This method used in case of insufficient length of the patient's penis, or to help patients who have undergone gender reassignment surgery, but subsequently face the problem of vaginal obstruction or other problems arising as a result of poorly performed previous surgery. This method is also used in the case of initial sex reassignment surgery if the benefits of a neovagina created from the sigmoid colon, such as good lubrication and optimal depth, are important to the patient.

At Kamol Cosmetic Hospital we offer two options for vaginoplasty using the sigmoid method:

Open technique

A section of the sigmoid colon is taken through a transverse incision in the abdominal wall in the bikini area in such a way that a full-thickness flap on a vascular pedicle with an intact neurovascular bundle is preserved completely. The average length of the sigmoid colon section is approximately 7 inches (about 18 centimeters). The remaining part of the sigmoid colon is connected using a special method to ensure its normal transition to the large intestine in a separate way from the neovagina. The operation lasts about 7 hours.

b. Laparoscopic technique

The section of the sigmoid colon used to create a neovagina, thanks to the laparoscopic surgical technique, is taken through a very small incision in the abdominal wall, while completely preserving the flap on the vascular pedicle with an intact neurovascular bundle. The intestine is reconnected using a medical skin stapler. The cut portion of the sigmoid colon is closed at its upper part, pulled through the neovaginal canal and connected to the vaginal opening. The average length of the sigmoid colon section is 6-7 inches (15-18 centimeters). The duration of the operation is 7 hours.


1. This method is suitable for those patients who have already undergone sex reassignment surgery, but are faced with the problem of vaginal obstruction and, as a result, the inability to have sexual intercourse.
2. The sigmoid method is also used if the patient has a very short penis. Wherein plastic surgeon After consultation, he reports the impossibility of performing other methods of vaginoplasty for the patient.
3. The neovagina from the sigmoid colon has natural lubrication.
4. It is possible to determine in advance the desired depth of the neovagina.

Disadvantages and limitations:

1. When open technology the scar may be visible on the left side of the bikini area, just above the pubic area.

2. Increased complexity of the operation, with the need to use invasive procedures, such as cutting off part of the sigmoid colon and preliminary complete cleansing of it with an enema the day before the operation.

3. Patients may experience symptoms of dyspepsia (indigestion) for 3-5 days after surgery.

4. Surgical gender reassignment using the sigmoid method (open or laparoscopic technique) cannot be performed in patients who are overweight or have abdominal fat. Patients wishing to undergo this operation must undergo a medical examination that allows it to be performed.

Postoperative care

The hospitalization period is at least 4-6 days. To ensure adequate wound care throughout hospitalization, the patient should do the following:

1. For 2 days after surgery, the patient should not eat foods containing fiber, or drink drinks such as fruit juice, milk or yogurt, as all these foods increase stool formation. And this can lead to fecal contamination of the postoperative wound.
2. The patient should spend 1-2 two days after the operation lying on his back with his hips raised and slightly apart to the sides, as this will help reduce swelling.
3. On the third day after surgery, the patient can lie on his side.
4. On the fourth day after surgery, the surgeon will remove the catheter, open and clean the operated area. The urine catheter and bowel movement tube will also be removed. Patients who have undergone NDE 1 will be able to go home and return after 7 days to have their stitches removed. For patients undergoing an ASP 2 (using grafted tissue from other parts of the body to provide additional vaginal depth) or an ASP 3 (using medical cotton wool to reconstruct the vagina), the surgeon will not remove the urinary catheter and bowel movement tube and the patient will need to remain in the hospital bed until the sixth day of hospitalization.
5. Patients who have undergone NDE 3 should refrain from drinking water and eating any food until gases begin to leave the intestines. After this, the patient can drink some water or eat soft food. Eating food quickly can cause symptoms of indigestion and dyspepsia. Therefore, a patient who has undergone NDE 3 must strictly follow the instructions of doctors and medical staff (nurses).
6. On the sixth day after surgery, in patients who have undergone ASP 2 or ASP 3, the urine catheter and drainage tube for bowel emptying are removed. Then, after cleaning the postoperative area, the patient is discharged home.
7. Patients who have undergone NDE 1, NDE 2 and NDE 3 must return for suture removal and vaginal stretching procedure using a dilator (a special device for such a procedure), which is available in the clinic. To maintain the width and depth of the vagina, the patient needs to undergo stretching at least twice a day for half an hour per procedure.
8. The patient should clean the post-operative area and stretch the vagina at least twice a day until the external and internal wounds are completely healed.
9. The patient must abstain from sex for at least 2 months after surgery.
10. The patient must appear for an appointment with the attending physician once a week for one month after the operation, to ensure ideal results of the procedures completed, both in terms of the functionality of the new genital organs, and in terms of the impeccability of their appearance, such as in a woman .

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