Physical phenomena. Changes that occur with bodies are called physical phenomena

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The natural world around us is simply teeming with various secrets and mysteries. Scientists have been looking for answers for centuries and sometimes trying to explain, but even the best minds of mankind still defy some amazing natural phenomena.

Sometimes you get the impression that strange flashes in the sky and spontaneously moving stones do not mean anything special. But, delving into the mysterious manifestations observed on our planet, you understand that it is impossible to answer many questions. Nature carefully hides its secrets, and people put forward new hypotheses, trying to unravel them.

Today we will look at physical phenomena in living nature that will make you take a fresh look at the world.

Physical phenomena

Every body consists of certain substances, but note that different actions have different effects on the same bodies. For example, if you tear paper in half, the paper will still be paper. But if you set it on fire, all that will remain is ashes.

When the size, shape, state changes, but the substance remains the same and does not transform into another, such phenomena are called physical. They may be different.

Natural phenomena, examples of which we can observe in ordinary life, there are:

  • Mechanical. The movement of clouds across the sky, the flight of an airplane, the fall of an apple.
  • Thermal. Caused by temperature changes. During this process, the characteristics of the body change. If you heat ice, it becomes water, which transforms into steam.
  • Electrical. Surely, when quickly taking off your woolen clothes, you have at least once heard a specific crackling sound, similar to an electric discharge. And if you do all this in a dark room, you can still observe the sparks. Objects that, after friction, begin to attract lighter bodies are called electrified. Northern lights, lightning during a thunderstorm - vivid examples
  • Light. Bodies that emit light are called. This includes the Sun, lamps and even representatives of the animal world: some types of deep-sea fish and fireflies.

Physical natural phenomena, examples of which we discussed above, are successfully used by people in Everyday life. But there are also those that to this day excite the minds of scientists and evoke universal admiration.

Northern lights

Perhaps this rightfully bears the status of the most romantic. High in the sky, colorful rivers form, covering an endless number of bright stars.

If you want to enjoy this beauty, the best place to do it is in the northern part of Finland (Lapland). There was a belief that the cause of its occurrence was the anger of the supreme gods. But the most popular legend of the Sami people was about a fabulous fox who hit the snow-covered plains with his tail, causing colored sparks to soar into the heights and illuminate the night sky.

Clouds in the form of pipes

Such a natural phenomenon can drag anyone into a state of relaxation, inspiration, and illusion for a long time. Such sensations are created due to the form large pipes, changing their shade.

You can see it in those places where a thunderstorm front begins to form. This natural phenomenon is most often observed in countries with a tropical climate.

Stones that move in Death Valley

There are various natural phenomena, examples of which are quite understandable from a scientific point of view. But there are those that defy human logic. One of the mysteries of nature is considered to be. This phenomenon can be observed in the American national park, called Death Valley. Many scientists are trying to explain the movement strong winds, which are often found in desert areas, and the presence of ice, since it was in winter that the movement of stones became more intense.

During the research, scientists made observations of 30 stones, the weight of which was no more than 25 kg. Over seven years, 28 out of 30 stone blocks moved 200 meters from the starting point.

Whatever the scientists’ guesses, they do not have a clear answer regarding this phenomenon.

Ball lightning

Appearing after or during a thunderstorm is called ball lightning. There is an assumption that Nikola Tesla managed to create ball lightning in his laboratory. He wrote that he had not seen anything like this in nature (we were talking about fireballs), but he figured out how they form and even managed to recreate this phenomenon.

Modern scientists have not been able to achieve similar results. And some even question the existence of this phenomenon as such.

We have considered only some natural phenomena, examples of which show how amazing and mysterious our surrounding world is. There are still so many unknown and interesting things we have to learn in the process of developing and improving science. How many discoveries await us ahead?

In 1979, the Gorky People's University of Scientific and Technical Creativity released Methodological Materials for its new development, “A comprehensive method for searching for new technical solutions.” We plan to introduce site readers to this interesting development, which in many ways was significantly ahead of its time. But today we invite you to familiarize yourself with a fragment of the third part teaching materials, published under the title "Arrays of Information". The list of physical effects proposed in it includes only 127 items. Now specialized computer programs offer more detailed versions of physical effects indexes, but for a user who is still “not covered” by software support, the table of applications of physical effects created in Gorky is of interest. Its practical benefit is that at the input the solver had to indicate which function from those listed in the table it wants to provide and which type of energy it plans to use (as they would say now, indicate resources). The numbers in the cells of the table are the numbers of physical effects in the list. Each physical effect is provided with references to literary sources(unfortunately, almost all of them are currently bibliographic rarities).
The work was carried out by a team that included teachers from Gorky People's University: M.I. Vainerman, B.I. Goldovsky, V.P. Gorbunov, L.A. Zapolyansky, V.T. Korelov, V.G. Kryazhev, A.V. Mikhailov, A.P. Sokhin, Yu.N. Shelomok. The material presented to the reader’s attention is compact, and therefore can be used as handouts in classes at public schools of technical creativity.

List of physical effects and phenomena

Gorky People's University of Scientific and Technical Creativity
Gorky, 1979

N Name of physical effect or phenomenon Short description essence of a physical effect or phenomenon Typical functions (actions) performed (see Table 1) Literature
1 2 3 4 5
1 Inertia The movement of bodies after the cessation of forces. A rotating or translational body moving by inertia can accumulate mechanical energy and produce a force effect 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21 42, 82, 144
2 Gravity force interaction of masses at a distance, as a result of which bodies can move, approaching each other 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 127, 128, 144
3 Gyroscopic effect Bodies rotating at high speed are able to maintain the position of their axis of rotation unchanged. External force to change the direction of the rotation axis leads to precession of the gyroscope, proportional to the force 10, 14 96, 106
4 Friction The force arising from the relative movement of two contacting bodies in the plane of their contact. Overcoming this force leads to the release of heat, light, wear and tear 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 19, 20 31, 114, 47, 6, 75, 144
5 Replacing static friction with motion friction When the rubbing surfaces vibrate, the friction force decreases 12 144
6 Wear-free effect (Kragelsky and Garkunov) The steel-bronze pair with glycerin lubricant practically does not wear out 12 75
7 Johnson-Rabek effect Heating the metal-semiconductor rubbing surfaces increases the friction force 2, 20 144
8 Deformation Reversible or irreversible (elastic or plastic deformation) change in the relative position of body points under the influence of mechanical forces, electric, magnetic, gravitational and thermal fields, accompanied by the release of heat, sound, light 4, 13, 18, 22 11, 129
9 Poynting effect Elastic elongation and increase in volume of steel and copper wires when twisted. The properties of the material do not change 11, 18 132
10 Relationship between strain and electrical conductivity When a metal transitions to a superconducting state, its plasticity increases 22 65, 66
11 Electroplastic effect Increasing ductility and reducing brittleness of metal under the influence of high-density direct electric current or pulsed current 22 119
12 Bauschinger effect Reduction of resistance to initial plastic deformations when the sign of the load changes 22 102
13 Alexandrov effect With increasing ratio of the masses of elastically colliding bodies, the energy transfer coefficient increases only to a critical value, determined by the properties and configuration of the bodies 15 2
14 Memory alloys Parts made of some alloys (titanium-nickel, etc.) deformed by mechanical forces after heating restore exactly their original shape and are capable of creating significant force impacts. 1, 4, 11, 14, 18, 22 74
15 Explosion phenomenon Ignition of substances due to their instant chemical decomposition and the formation of highly heated gases, accompanied by a strong sound, the release of significant energy (mechanical, thermal), and a flash of light 2, 4, 11, 13, 15, 18, 22 129
16 Thermal expansion Changes in the size of bodies under the influence of a thermal field (during heating and cooling). May be accompanied by significant effort 5, 10, 11, 18 128,144
17 First-order phase transitions A change in the density of the aggregate state of substances at a certain temperature, accompanied by release or absorption 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 14, 22 129, 144, 33
18 Phase transitions of the second order Abrupt change in heat capacity, thermal conductivity, magnetic properties, fluidity (superfluidity), plasticity (superplasticity), electrical conductivity (superconductivity) upon reaching a certain temperature and without energy exchange 1, 3, 22 33, 129, 144
19 Capillarity Spontaneous flow of liquid under the action of capillary forces in capillaries and half-open channels (microcracks and scratches) 6, 9 122, 94, 144, 129, 82
20 Laminarity and turbulence Laminarity is the ordered movement of a viscous liquid (or gas) without interlayer mixing with a flow rate decreasing from the center of the pipe to the walls. Turbulence is the chaotic movement of a liquid (or gas) with random movement of particles along complex trajectories and an almost constant flow velocity across the cross section 5, 6, 11, 12, 15 128, 129, 144
21 Surface tension of liquids Surface tension forces, caused by the presence of surface energy, tend to reduce the interface 6, 19, 20 82, 94, 129, 144
22 Wetting Physico-chemical interaction of liquid with solid body. The character depends on the properties of the interacting substances 19 144, 129, 128
23 Autophobic effect When a low tension liquid comes into contact with a high energy solid complete wetting occurs first, then the liquid collects into a drop, and a strong molecular layer of liquid remains on the surface of the solid 19, 20 144, 129, 128
24 Ultrasonic capillary effect Increasing the speed and height of liquid rise in capillaries under the influence of ultrasound 6 14, 7, 134
25 Thermocapillary effect Dependence of the speed of liquid spreading on the uneven heating of its layer. The effect depends on the purity of the liquid and its composition 1, 6, 19 94, 129, 144
26 Electrocapillary effect Dependence of surface tension at the interface between electrodes and electrolyte solutions or ionic melts on the electric potential 6, 16, 19 76, 94
27 Sorption The process of spontaneous condensation of a dissolved or vaporous substance (gas) on the surface of a solid or liquid. With low penetration of the sorbent substance into the sorbent, adsorption occurs, with deep penetration, absorption occurs. The process is accompanied by heat exchange 1, 2, 20 1, 27, 28, 100, 30, 43, 129, 103
28 Diffusion The process of equalizing the concentration of each component throughout the entire volume of a mixture of gas or liquid. The rate of diffusion in gases increases with decreasing pressure and increasing temperature 8, 9, 20, 22 32, 44, 57, 82, 109, 129, 144
29 Dufour effect The emergence of a temperature difference during diffusion mixing of gases 2 129, 144
30 Osmosis Diffusion through a semi-permeable septum. Accompanied by the creation of osmotic pressure 6, 9, 11 15
31 Heat and mass exchange Heat transfer. May be accompanied by mixing of the mass or caused by movement of the mass 2, 7, 15 23
32 Archimedes' Law The action of lift on a body immersed in a liquid or gas 5, 10, 11 82, 131, 144
33 Pascal's law Pressure in liquids or gases is transmitted evenly in all directions 11 82, 131, 136, 144
34 Bernoulli's law Constancy of total pressure in steady laminar flow 5, 6 59
35 Viscoelectric effect An increase in the viscosity of a polar non-conducting liquid when flowing between the capacitor plates 6, 10, 16, 22 129, 144
36 Thoms effect Reducing friction between a turbulent flow and a pipeline when a polymer additive is introduced into the flow 6, 12, 20 86
37 Coanda effect Deflection of the jet of liquid flowing from the nozzle towards the wall. Sometimes there is “sticking” of liquid 6 129
38 Magnus effect The emergence of a force acting on a cylinder rotating in the oncoming flow, perpendicular to the flow and the generatrix of the cylinder 5,11 129, 144
39 Joule-Thomson effect (choke effect) Change in gas temperature as it flows through a porous partition, diaphragm or valve (without exchange with the environment) 2, 6 8, 82, 87
40 Water hammer Rapid shutdown of a pipeline with a moving liquid causes a sharp increase in pressure, propagating in the form of a shock wave, and the appearance of cavitation 11, 13, 15 5, 56, 89
41 Electrohydraulic shock (Yutkin effect) Water hammer caused by pulsed electrical discharge 11, 13, 15 143
42 Hydrodynamic cavitation The formation of ruptures in a fast flow of continuous fluid as a result of a local decrease in pressure, causing destruction of the object. Accompanied by sound 13, 18, 26 98, 104
43 Acoustic cavitation Cavitation resulting from the passage of acoustic waves 8, 13, 18, 26 98, 104, 105
44 Sonoluminescence Faint glow of a bubble at the moment of its cavitation collapse 4 104, 105, 98
45 Free (mechanical) vibrations Natural damped oscillations when the system is removed from an equilibrium position. In the presence of internal energy oscillations become undamped (self-oscillations) 1, 8, 12, 17, 21 20, 144, 129, 20, 38
46 Forced vibrations Fluctuations year by periodic force, usually external 8, 12, 17 120
47 Acoustic paramagnetic resonance Resonant absorption of sound by a substance, depending on the composition and properties of the substance 21 37
48 Resonance A sharp increase in the amplitude of oscillations when the forced and natural frequencies coincide 5, 9, 13, 21 20, 120
49 Acoustic vibrations Propagation of sound waves in a medium. The nature of the impact depends on the frequency and intensity of vibrations. Main purpose - force impact 5, 6, 7, 11, 17, 21 38, 120
50 Reverberation Aftersound caused by the transition of delayed reflected or scattered sound waves to a certain point 4, 17, 21 120, 38
51 Ultrasound Longitudinal vibrations in gases, liquids and solids in the frequency range 20x103-109 Hz. Beam propagation with effects of reflection, focusing, formation of shadows with the ability to transmit high energy density used for force and thermal effects 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26 7, 10, 14, 16, 90, 107, 133
52 Wave motion transfer of energy without transfer of matter in the form of a disturbance propagating at a finite speed 6, 15 61, 120, 129
53 Doppler-Fizeau effect Change in oscillation frequency during mutual movement of the source and receiver of oscillations 4 129, 144
54 Standing waves At a certain phase shift, the direct and reflected waves add up to a standing wave with a characteristic arrangement of maxima and minima of the disturbance (nodes and antinodes). There is no transfer of energy through nodes, and between neighboring nodes there is an interconversion of kinetic and potential energy. The force action of a standing wave can create a corresponding structure 9, 23 120, 129
55 Polarization Violation of axial symmetry of a transverse wave relative to the direction of propagation of this wave. Polarization is caused by: lack of axial symmetry in the emitter, or reflection and refraction at the boundaries of different media, or propagation in an anisotropic medium 4, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 53, 22, 138
56 Diffraction Wave bending around an obstacle. Depends on obstacle size and wavelength 17 83, 128, 144
57 Interference Strengthening and weakening of waves at certain points in space, which occurs when two or more waves overlap 4, 19, 23 83, 128, 144
58 Moire effect The appearance of a pattern when two systems of equidistant parallel lines intersect at a slight angle. A small change in the angle of rotation leads to a significant change in the distance between the elements of the pattern 19, 23 91, 140
59 Coulomb's law Attraction of unlike and repulsion of like electrically charged bodies 5, 7, 16 66, 88, 124
60 Induced charges The appearance of charges on a conductor under the influence of an electric field 16 35, 66, 110
61 Interaction of bodies with fields Changing the shape of bodies leads to a change in the configuration of the resulting electric and magnetic fields. This can be controlled by the forces acting on charged particles placed in such fields 25 66, 88, 95, 121, 124
62 Retracting the dielectric between the capacitor plates When the dielectric is partially introduced between the plates of the capacitor, its retraction is observed 5, 6, 7, 10, 16 66, 110
63 Conductivity Movement of free carriers under the influence of an electric field. Depends on the temperature, density and purity of the substance, its state of aggregation, external influence of forces causing deformation, and hydrostatic pressure. In the absence of free carriers, the substance is an insulator and is called a dielectric. Becomes a semiconductor when thermally excited 1, 16, 17, 19, 21, 25 123
64 Superconductivity Significant increase in the conductivity of certain metals and alloys at certain temperatures, magnetic fields and current densities 1, 15, 25 3, 24, 34, 77
65 Law Joule-Lenz The release of thermal energy during the passage of electric current. The value is inversely proportional to the conductivity of the material 2 129, 88
66 Ionization The appearance of free charge carriers in substances under the influence of external factors(electromagnetic, electric or thermal fields, discharges in gases irradiated by X-rays or a flow of electrons, alpha particles, during the destruction of bodies) 6, 7, 22 129, 144
67 Eddy currents (Foucault currents) Circular induction currents flow in a massive non-ferromagnetic plate placed in a changing magnetic field perpendicular to its lines. In this case, the plate heats up and is pushed out of the field 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 21, 24 50, 101
68 Frictionless brake A heavy metal plate oscillating between the poles of an electromagnet “gets stuck” when the DC current is turned on and stops 10 29, 35
69 Conductor carrying current in a magnetic field The Lorentz force acts on electrons, which transmit force to the crystal lattice through ions. As a result, the conductor is pushed out of the magnetic field 5, 6, 11 66, 128
70 Conductor moving in a magnetic field When a conductor moves in a magnetic field, an electric current begins to flow in it 4, 17, 25 29, 128
71 Mutual induction Alternating current in one of two adjacent circuits causes the appearance of an induced emf in the other 14, 15, 25 128
72 Interaction of conductors with a current of moving electric charges Conductors carrying current are drawn towards each other or repel each other. Moving electric charges interact in a similar way. The nature of the interaction depends on the shape of the conductors 5, 6, 7 128
73 induced emf When a magnetic field changes or its movement in a closed conductor, an induced emf occurs. The direction of the induction current produces a field that prevents the change in magnetic flux causing induction 24 128
74 Surface effect (skin effect) High frequency currents flow only along the surface layer of the conductor 2 144
75 Electromagnetic field The mutual induction of electric and magnetic fields represents propagation (radio waves, electromagnetic waves, light, x-rays and gamma rays). An electric field can also serve as its source. A special case of the electromagnetic field is light radiation (visible, ultraviolet and infrared). The thermal field can also serve as its source. The electromagnetic field is detected by thermal effect, electrical action, light pressure, activation chemical reactions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26 48, 60, 83, 35
76 Charge in a magnetic field A charge moving in a magnetic field is subject to the Lorentz force. Under the influence of this force, the charge moves in a circle or spiral 5, 6, 7, 11 66, 29
77 Electrorheological effect Rapid reversible increase in viscosity of non-aqueous disperse systems in strong electric fields 5, 6, 16, 22 142
78 Dielectric in a magnetic field In a dielectric placed in an electromagnetic field, part of the energy turns into heat 2 29
79 Breakdown of dielectrics A drop in electrical resistance and thermal destruction of the material due to heating of the dielectric section under the influence of a strong electric field 13, 16, 22 129, 144
80 Electrostriction Elastic reversible increase in body size in an electric field of any sign 5, 11, 16, 18 66
81 Piezoelectric effect Formation of charges on the surface of a solid under the influence of mechanical stress 4, 14, 15, 25 80, 144
82 Inverse piezoelectric effect Elastic deformation of a solid under the influence of an electric field, depending on the sign of the field 5, 11, 16, 18 80
83 Electro-caloric effect Change in temperature of a pyroelectric when introduced into an electric field 2, 15, 16 129
84 Electrification The appearance of electrical charges on the surface of substances. It can also be caused in the absence of an external electric field (for pyroelectrics and ferroelectrics when the temperature changes). When a substance is exposed to a strong electric field with cooling or illumination, electrets are obtained that create an electric field around themselves 1, 16 116, 66, 35, 55, 124, 70, 88, 36, 41, 110, 121
85 Magnetization Orientation of intrinsic magnetic moments of substances in an external magnetic field. Based on the degree of magnetization, substances are divided into paramagnetic and ferromagnetic. In permanent magnets, the magnetic field remains after removal of the external electrical and magnetic properties 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 22, 23 78, 73, 29, 35
86 Effect of temperature on electrical and magnetic properties The electrical and magnetic properties of substances change dramatically near a certain temperature (Curie point). Above the Curie point, the ferromagnet becomes paramagnetic. Ferroelectrics have two Curie points at which either magnetic or electrical anomalies are observed. Antiferromagnets lose their properties at a temperature called the Néel point 1, 3, 16, 21, 22, 24, 25 78, 116, 66, 51, 29
87 Magneto-electric effect In ferroferromagnets, when a magnetic (electric) field is applied, a change in the electric (magnetic) permeability is observed 22, 24, 25 29, 51
88 Hopkins effect Increase in magnetic susceptibility as one approaches the Curie temperature 1, 21, 22, 24 29
89 Barkhausen effect Stepwise behavior of the magnetization curve of a sample near the Curie point with changes in temperature, elastic stress or external magnetic field 1, 21, 22, 24 29
90 Liquids that harden in a magnetic field viscous liquids (oils) mixed with ferromagnetic particles harden when placed in a magnetic field 10, 15, 22 139
91 Piezo magnetism The appearance of a magnetic moment when elastic stresses are applied 25 29, 129, 144
92 Magneto-caloric effect Change in temperature of a magnet when it is magnetized. For paramagnetic materials, increasing the field increases the temperature 2, 22, 24 29, 129, 144
93 Magnetostriction Change in the size of bodies when their magnetization changes (volumetric or linear), the object depends on temperature 5, 11, 18, 24 13, 29
94 Thermostriction Magnetostrictive deformation when heating bodies in the absence of a magnetic field 1, 24 13, 29
95 Einstein and de Haas effect Magnetization of a magnet causes it to rotate, and rotation causes magnetization 5, 6, 22, 24 29
96 Ferro-magnetic resonance Selective (by frequency) absorption of electromagnetic field energy. The frequency changes depending on the field intensity and temperature changes 1, 21 29, 51
97 Contact potential difference (Volta's law) The appearance of a potential difference when two different metals come into contact. The value depends on the chemical composition of the materials and their temperature 19, 25 60
98 Triboelectricity Electrification of bodies during friction. The magnitude and sign of the charge are determined by the state of the surfaces, their composition, density and dielectric constant 7, 9, 19, 21, 25 6, 47, 144
99 Seebeck effect The occurrence of thermoEMF in a circuit of dissimilar metals under the condition of different temperatures at the points of contact. When homogeneous metals come into contact, the effect occurs when one of the metals is compressed by uniform pressure or saturated with a magnetic field. The other conductor is in normal conditions 19, 25 64
100 Peltier effect The release or absorption of heat (except Joule) when current passes through a junction of dissimilar metals, depending on the direction of the current 2 64
101 Thomson phenomenon The release or absorption of heat (excessive over Joule heat) when current passes through an unevenly heated homogeneous conductor or semiconductor 2 36
102 Hall effect The appearance of an electric field in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of the current. In ferromagnets, the Hall coefficient reaches a maximum at the Curie point and then decreases 16, 21, 24 62, 71
103 Ettingshausen effect The occurrence of a temperature difference in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field and current 2, 16, 22, 24 129
104 Thomson effect Change in the conductivity of a ferromanite conductor in a strong magnetic field 22, 24 129
105 Nernst effect The appearance of an electric field during transverse magnetization of a conductor perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field and the temperature gradient 24, 25 129
106 Electric discharges in gases The emergence of an electric current in a gas as a result of its ionization and under the influence of an electric field. The external manifestations and characteristics of discharges depend on control factors (gas composition and pressure, space configuration, electric field frequency, current strength) 2, 16, 19, 20, 26 123, 84, 67, 108, 97, 39, 115, 40, 4
107 Electroosmosis Movement of liquids or gases through capillaries, solid porous diaphragms and membranes, and through the forces of very small particles under the influence of an external electric field 9, 16 76
108 Current potential The appearance of a potential difference between the ends of capillaries and also between the opposite surfaces of a diaphragm, membrane or other porous medium when liquid is forced through them 4, 25 94
109 Electrophoresis Movement of solid particles, gas bubbles, liquid droplets, as well as colloidal particles suspended in a liquid or gaseous medium under the influence of an external electric field 6, 7, 8, 9 76
110 Sedimentation potential The appearance of a potential difference in a liquid as a result of the movement of particles caused by non-electrical forces (settling of particles, etc.) 21, 25 76
111 Liquid crystals A liquid with elongated molecules tends to become cloudy in spots when exposed to an electric field and change color at different temperatures and viewing angles 1, 16 137
112 Light dispersion Dependence of the absolute refractive index on the radiation wavelength 21 83, 12, 46, 111, 125
113 Holography Obtaining three-dimensional images by illuminating an object with coherent light and photographing the interference pattern of the interaction of light scattered by the object with coherent radiation from the source 4, 19, 23 9, 45, 118, 95, 72, 130
114 Reflection and refraction When a parallel beam of light falls on a smooth interface between two isotropic media, part of the light is reflected back, and the other, refracted, passes into the second medium 4, 21
115 Light absorption and scattering When light passes through matter, its energy is absorbed. Some of it is re-radiated, the rest of the energy is converted into other forms (heat). Part of the re-emitted energy spreads in different directions and forms scattered light 15, 17, 19, 21 17, 52, 58
116 Emission of light. Spectral analysis A quantum system (atom, molecule), which is in an excited state, emits excess energy in the form of a portion electromagnetic radiation. The atoms of each substance have a disrupted structure of radiative transitions that can be detected by optical methods 1, 4, 17, 21 17, 52, 58
117 Optical quantum generators (lasers) Amplification of electromagnetic waves by passing them through a medium with population inversion. Laser radiation is coherent, monochromatic, with a high energy concentration in the beam and low divergence 2, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 25, 26 85, 126, 135
118 The phenomenon of complete internal reflection All the energy of a light wave incident on the interface between transparent media from a medium that is optically denser is completely reflected into the same medium 1, 15, 21 83
119 Luminescence, luminescence polarization Radiation that is excessive under thermal radiation and has a duration exceeding the period of light oscillations. Luminescence continues for some time after the cessation of excitation (electromagnetic radiation, energy of an accelerated flow of particles, energy of chemical reactions, mechanical energy) 4, 14, 16, 19, 21, 24 19, 25, 92, 117, 68, 113
120 Quenching and stimulation of luminescence Exposure to a type of energy other than the one that excites luminescence can either stimulate or extinguish luminescence. Controlling factors: thermal field, electric and electromagnetic fields (IR light), pressure; humidity, presence of certain gases 1, 16, 24 19
121 Optical anisotropy differences in the optical properties of substances according to various directions, depending on their structure and temperature 1, 21, 22 83
122 Birefringence On the. At the interface between anisotropic transparent bodies, light is split into two mutually perpendicular polarized beams having different propagation velocities in the medium 21 54, 83, 138, 69, 48
123 Maxwell effect The occurrence of double refraction in a liquid flow. Determined by the action of hydrodynamic forces, flow velocity gradient, friction against the walls 4, 17 21
124 Kerr effect The appearance of optical anisotropy in isotropic substances under the influence of electric or magnetic fields 16, 21, 22, 24 99, 26, 53
125 Pockels effect The appearance of optical anisotropy under the influence of an electric field in the direction of light propagation. Slightly dependent on temperature 16, 21, 22 129
126 Faraday effect Rotation of the plane of polarization of light when passing through a substance placed in a magnetic field 21, 22, 24 52, 63, 69
127 Natural optical activity The ability of a substance to rotate the plane of polarization of light passing through it 17, 21 54, 83, 138

Physical Effect Selection Table

List of references to the array of physical effects and phenomena

1. Adam N.K. Physics and chemistry of surfaces. M., 1947

2. Aleksandrov E.A. JTF. 36, No. 4, 1954

3. Alievsky B.D. Application of cryogenic technology and superconductivity in electrical machines and devices. M., Informstandartelektro, 1967

4. Aronov M.A., Kolechitsky E.S., Larionov V.P., Minein V.R., Sergeev Yu.G. Electrical discharges in the air at high frequency voltage, M., Energy, 1969

5. Aronovich G.V. etc. Water hammer and surge tanks. M., Nauka, 1968

6. Akhmatov A.S. Molecular physics of boundary friction. M., 1963

7. Babikov O.I. Ultrasound and its application in industry. FM, 1958"

8. Bazarov I.P. Thermodynamics. M., 1961

9. Bathers J. Holography and its application. M., Energy, 1977

10. Baulin I. Beyond the hearing barrier. M., Knowledge, 1971

11. Bezhukhov N.I. Theory of elasticity and plasticity. M., 1953

12. Bellamy L. Infrared spectra of molecules. M., 1957

13. Belov K.P. Magnetic transformations. M., 1959

14. Bergman L. Ultrasound and its application in technology. M., 1957

15. Bladergren V. Physical chemistry in medicine and biology. M., 1951

16. Borisov Yu.Ya., Makarov L.O. Ultrasound in technology of the present and future. USSR Academy of Sciences, M., 1960

17. Born M. Atomic physics. M., 1965

18. Bruening G. Physics and application of secondary electron emission

19. Vavilov S.I. About “hot” and “cold” light. M., Knowledge, 1959

20. Weinberg D.V., Pisarenko G.S. Mechanical vibrations and their role in technology. M., 1958

21. Weisberger A. Physical methods in organic chemistry. T.

22. Vasiliev B.I. Optics of polarizing devices. M., 1969

23. Vasiliev L.L., Konev S.V. Heat transfer tubes. Minsk, Science and Technology, 1972

24. Venikov V.A., Zuev E.N., Okolotin V.S. Superconductivity in energy. M., Energy, 1972

25. Vereshchagin I.K. Electroluminescence of crystals. M., Nauka, 1974

26. Volkenshtein M.V. Molecular Optics, 1951

27. Volkenshtein F.F. Semiconductors as catalysts for chemical reactions. M., Knowledge, 1974

28. Volkenshtein F.F., Radical-recombination luminescence of semiconductors. M., Nauka, 1976

29. Vonsovsky S.V. Magnetism. M., Nauka, 1971

30. Voronchev T.A., Sobolev V.D. Physical Basics electrovacuum technology. M., 1967

31. Garkunov D.N. Selective transfer in friction units. M., Transport, 1969

32. Geguzin Ya.E. Essays on diffusion in crystals. M., Nauka, 1974

33. Geilikman B.T. Statistical physics of phase transitions. M., 1954

34. Ginzburg V.L. The problem of high temperature superconductivity. Collection "The Future of Science" M., Znanie, 1969

35. Govorkov V.A. Electrical and magnetic fields. M., Energy, 1968

36. Goldelii G. Application of thermoelectricity. M., FM, 1963

37. Goldansky V.I. Moesbauer effect and its

application in chemistry. USSR Academy of Sciences, M., 1964

38. Gorelik G.S. Oscillations and waves. M., 1950

39. Granovsky V.L. Electric current in gases. T.I, M., Gostekhizdat, 1952, vol.II, M., Science, 1971

40. Grinman I.G., Bakhtaev Sh.A. Gas discharge micrometers. Alma-Ata, 1967

41. Gubkin A.N. Physics of dielectrics. M., 1971

42. Gulia N.V. Revived energy. Science and Life, No. 7, 1975

43. De Boer F. Dynamic nature of adsorption. M., IL, 1962

44. De Groot S.R. Thermodynamics of irreversible processes. M., 1956

45. Denisyuk Yu.N. Images outside world. Nature, No. 2, 1971

46. ​​Deribere M. Practical application of infrared rays. M.-L., 1959

47. Deryagin B.V. What is friction? M., 1952

48. Ditchburn R. Physical optics. M., 1965

49. Dobretsov L.N., Gomoyunova M.V. Emission electronics. M., 1966

50. Dorofeev A.L. Eddy currents. M., Energy, 1977

51. Dorfman Ya.G. Magnetic properties and structure of matter. M., Gostekhizdat, 1955

52. Elyashevich M.A. Atomic and molecular spectroscopy. M., 1962

53. Zhevandrov N.D. Polarization of light. M., Nauka, 1969

54. Zhevandrov N.D. Anisotropy and optics. M., Nauka, 1974

55. Zheludev I.S. Physics of dielectric crystals. M., 1966

56. Zhukovsky N.E. About water hammer in water taps. M.-L., 1949

57. Zayt V. Diffusion in metals. M., 1958

58. Zaydel A.N. Fundamentals of spectral analysis. M., 1965

59. Zeldovich Ya.B., Raiser Yu.P. Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena. M., 1963

60. Zilberman G.E. Electricity and magnetism, M., Nauka, 1970

61. Knowledge is power. No. 11, 1969

62. "Ilyukovich A.M. Hall effect and its application in measuring technology. J. Measuring technology, No. 7, 1960

63. Ios G. Course of theoretical physics. M., Uchpedgiz, 1963

64. Ioffe A.F. Semiconductor thermoelements. M., 1963

65. Kaganov M.I., Natsik V.D. Electrons slow down dislocation. Nature, No. 5.6, 1976

66. Kalashnikov, S.P. Electricity. M., 1967

67. Kantsov N.A. Corona discharge and its application in electric precipitators. M.-L., 1947

68. Karyakin A.V. Luminescent flaw detection. M., 1959

69. Quantum electronics. M., Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969

70. Kenzig. Ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics. M., IL, 1960

71. Kobus A., Tushinsky Y. Hall sensors. M., Energy, 1971

72. Kok U. Lasers and holography. M., 1971

73. Konovalov G.F., Konovalov O.V. Automatic control system with electromagnetic powder couplings. M., Mechanical Engineering, 1976

74. Kornilov I.I. etc. Titanium nickelide and other alloys with a “memory” effect. M., Nauka, 1977

75. Kragelsky I.V. Friction and wear. M., Mechanical Engineering, 1968

76. Brief chemical encyclopedia, vol. 5., M., 1967

77. Koesin V.Z. Superconductivity and superfluidity. M., 1968

78. Kripchik G.S. Physics of magnetic phenomena. M., Moscow State University, 1976

79. Kulik I.O., Yanson I.K. Josephson effect in superconducting tunnel structures. M., Nauka, 1970

80. Lavrinenko V.V. Piezoelectric transformers. M. Energy, 1975

81. Langenberg D.N., Scalapino D.J., Taylor B.N. Josephson effects. Collection "What physicists are thinking about", FTT, M., 1972

82. Landau L.D., Akhizer A.P., Lifshits E.M. General physics course. M., Nauka, 1965

83. Landsberg G.S. General physics course. Optics. M., Gostekhteoretizdat, 1957

84. Levitov V.I. Crown alternating current. M., Energy, 1969

85. Lengyel B. Lasers. M., 1964

86. Lodge L. Elastic fluids. M., Nauka, 1969

87. Malkov M.P. Handbook of physical and technical fundamentals of deep cooling. M.-L., 1963

88. Mirdel G. Electrophysics. M., Mir, 1972

89. Mostkov M.A. and others. Calculations of water hammer, M.-L., 1952

90. Myanikov L.L. Inaudible sound. L., Shipbuilding, 1967

91. Science and Life, No. 10, 1963; No. 3, 1971

92. Inorganic phosphors. L., Chemistry, 1975

93. Olofinsky N.F. Electrical enrichment methods. M., Nedra, 1970

94. Ono S, Kondo. Molecular theory surface tension in liquids. M., 1963

95. Ostrovsky Yu.I. Holography. M., Nauka, 1971

96. Pavlov V.A. Gyroscopic effect. Its manifestations and uses. L., Shipbuilding, 1972

97. Pening F.M. Electric discharges in gases. M., IL, 1960

98. Peirsol I. Cavitation. M., Mir, 1975

99. Instruments and experimental techniques. No. 5, 1973

100. Pchelin V.A. In a world of two dimensions. Chemistry and Life, No. 6, 1976

101. Pabkin L.I. High-frequency ferromagnets. M., 1960

102. Ratner S.I., Danilov Yu.S. Changes in proportionality and yield limits upon repeated loading. J. Factory Laboratory, No. 4, 1950

103. Rebinder P.A. Surfactants. M., 1961

104. Rodzinsky L. Cavitation versus cavitation. Knowledge is power, No. 6, 1977

105. Roy N.A. The occurrence and course of ultrasonic cavitation. Acoustic magazine, volume 3, issue. I, 1957

106. Roitenberg Y.N., Gyroscopes. M., Nauka, 1975

107. Rosenberg L.L. Ultrasonic cutting. M., USSR Academy of Sciences, 1962

108. Samerville J. M. Electric arc. M.-L., Gosenergoizdat, 1962

109. Collection "Physical metallurgy". Vol. 2, M., Mir, 1968

110. Collection "Strong electric fields in technological processes". M., Energy, 1969

111. Collection "Ultraviolet Radiation". M., 1958

112. Collection "Exoelectronic emission". M., IL, 1962

113. Collection of articles "Luminescent analysis", M., 1961

114. Silin A.A. Friction and its role in the development of technology. M., Nauka, 1976

115. Slivkov I.N. Electrical insulation and discharge in a vacuum. M., Atomizdat, 1972

116. Smolensky G.A., Krainik N.N. Ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics. M., Nauka, 1968

117. Sokolov V.A., Gorban A.N. Luminescence and adsorption. M., Nauka, 1969

118. Soroko L. From the lens to the programmed optical relief. Nature, No. 5, 1971

119. Spitsyn V.I., Troitsky O.A. Electroplastic deformation of metal. Nature, No. 7, 1977

120. Strelkov S.P. Introduction to the theory of oscillations, M., 1968

121. Stroba J., Shimora J. Static electricity in industry. GZI, M.-L., 1960

122. Summ B.D., Goryunov Yu.V. Physicochemical principles of wetting and spreading. M., Chemistry, 1976

123. Tables of physical quantities. M., Atomizdat, 1976

124. Tamm I.E. Fundamentals of the theory of electricity. M., 1957

125. Tikhodeev P.M. Light measurements in lighting engineering. M., 1962

126. Fedorov B.F. Optical quantum generators. M.-L., 1966

127. Feyman. The nature of physical laws. M., Mir, 1968

128. Feyman lectures on physics. T.1-10, M., 1967

129. Physical encyclopedic Dictionary. T. 1-5, M., Soviet Encyclopedia, 1962-1966

130. Fransom M. Holography, M., Mir, 1972

131. Frenkel N.Z. Hydraulics. M.-L., 1956

132. Hodge F. Theory of ideally plastic bodies. M., IL, 1956

133. Khorbenko I.G. In a world of inaudible sounds. M., Mechanical Engineering, 1971

134. Khorbenko I.G. Sound, ultrasound, infrasound. M., Knowledge, 1978

135. Chernyshov et al. Lasers in communication systems. M., 1966

136. Chertousov M.D. Hydraulics. Special course. M., 1957

137. Chistyakov I.G. Liquid crystals. M., Nauka, 1966

138. Shercliffe W. Polarized light. M., Mir, 1965

139. Shliomis M.I. Magnetic fluids. Advances in physical sciences. T.112, issue. 3, 1974

140. Shneiderovich R.I., Levin O.A. Measuring plastic strain fields using the moiré method. M., Mechanical Engineering, 1972

141. Shubnikov A.V. Studies of piezoelectric textures. M.-L., 1955

142. Shulman Z.P. and others. Electrorheological effect. Minsk, Science and Technology, 1972

143. Yutkin L.A. Electrohydraulic effect. M., Mashgiz, 1955

144. Yavorsky B.M., Detlaf A. Handbook of physics for engineers and university students. M., 1965

About the world around us. In addition to ordinary curiosity, this was caused by practical needs. After all, for example, if you know how to lift
and move heavy stones, you will be able to build strong walls and build a house in which it is more convenient to live than in a cave or dugout. And if you learn to smelt metals from ores and make plows, scythes, axes, weapons, etc., you will be able to plow the field better and get a higher harvest, and in case of danger you will be able to protect your land.

In ancient times, there was only one science - it united all the knowledge about nature that humanity had accumulated by that time. Nowadays this science is called natural science.

Learning about physical science

Another example of an electromagnetic field is light. You will become familiar with some of the properties of light in Section 3.

3. Remembering physical phenomena

The matter around us is constantly changing. Some bodies move relative to each other, some of them collide and, possibly, collapse, others are formed from some bodies... The list of such changes can be continued and continued - it is not without reason that in ancient times the philosopher Heraclitus remarked: “Everything flows, everything changes.” Scientists call changes in the world around us, that is, in nature, a special term - phenomena.

Rice. 1.5. Examples of natural phenomena

Rice. 1.6. A complex natural phenomenon - a thunderstorm can be represented as a combination of a number of physical phenomena

Sunrise and sunset, a snow avalanche, a volcanic eruption, a horse running, a panther jumping - all these are examples of natural phenomena (Fig. 1.5).

To better understand complex natural phenomena, scientists divide them into a collection of physical phenomena - phenomena that can be described using physical laws.

In Fig. Figure 1.6 shows a set of physical phenomena that form a complex natural phenomenon - a thunderstorm. Thus, lightning - a huge electrical discharge - is an electromagnetic phenomenon. If lightning strikes a tree, it will flare up and begin to release heat - physicists in this case talk about a thermal phenomenon. The rumble of thunder and the crackle of flaming wood are sound phenomena.

Examples of some physical phenomena are given in the table. Take a look at the first row of the table, for example. What can be common between the flight of a rocket, the fall of a stone and the rotation of an entire planet? The answer is simple. All examples of phenomena given in this line are described by the same laws - the laws mechanical movement. Using these laws, we can calculate the coordinates of any moving body (be it a stone, a rocket or a planet) at any point in time that interests us.

Rice. 1.7 Examples of electromagnetic phenomena

Each of you, taking off a sweater or combing your hair with a plastic comb, probably paid attention to the tiny sparks that appeared. Both these sparks and the mighty discharge of lightning belong to the same electromagnetic phenomena and, accordingly, are subject to the same laws. Therefore, to study electromagnetic phenomena, you should not wait for a thunderstorm. It is enough to study how safe sparks behave to understand what to expect from lightning and how to avoid possible danger. For the first time such research was carried out by the American scientist B. Franklin (1706-1790), who invented an effective means of protection against lightning discharges - a lightning rod.

Having studied physical phenomena separately, scientists establish their relationship. Thus, a lightning discharge (an electromagnetic phenomenon) is necessarily accompanied by a significant increase in temperature in the lightning channel (a thermal phenomenon). The study of these phenomena in their interrelation made it possible not only to better understand the natural phenomenon of a thunderstorm, but also to find a way for the practical application of electromagnetic and thermal phenomena. Surely each of you, passing by a construction site, saw workers in protective masks and blinding flashes of electric welding. Electric welding (a method of joining metal parts using an electric discharge) is an example of the practical use of scientific research.

4. Determine what physics studies

Now that you have learned what matter and physical phenomena are, it is time to determine what the subject of physics is. This science studies: the structure and properties of matter; physical phenomena and their relationships.

  • let's sum it up

The world around us consists of matter. There are two types of matter: the substance from which all physical bodies are made, and the field.

Changes are constantly taking place in the world that surrounds us. These changes are called phenomena. Thermal, light, mechanical, sound, electromagnetic phenomena are all examples of physical phenomena.

The subject of physics is the structure and properties of matter, physical phenomena and their relationships.

  • Control questions

What does physics study? Give examples of physical phenomena. Can events that occur in a dream or imagination be considered physical phenomena? 4. What substances do the following bodies consist of: a textbook, a pencil, a soccer ball, a glass, a car? What physical bodies can consist of glass, metal, wood, plastic?

Physics. 7th grade: Textbook / F. Ya. Bozhinova, N. M. Kiryukhin, E. A. Kiryukhina. - X.: Publishing house "Ranok", 2007. - 192 p.: ill.

Lesson content lesson notes and supporting frame lesson presentation interactive technologies accelerator teaching methods Practice tests, testing online tasks and exercises homework workshops and trainings questions for class discussions Illustrations video and audio materials photographs, pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams, comics, parables, sayings, crosswords, anecdotes, jokes, quotes Add-ons

We often take for granted everything that happens to us on earth, but every minute our lives are controlled by many forces. There are a surprising number of unusual, paradoxical, or challenging physical laws that we encounter every day. In a fun exploration of physics everyone should know, we talk about common occurrences that many people consider a mystery, strange forces we can't understand, and how science fiction can become reality through light manipulation.

10. Cold wind effect

Our perception of temperature is quite subjective. Humidity, individual physiology, and even our mood can change our perception of hot and cold temperatures. The same thing happens with the wind: the temperature we feel is not real. The air that directly surrounds the human body serves as a kind of air cloak. This insulating air cushion keeps you warm. When the wind blows on you, this air cushion is blown away and you begin to feel the real temperature, which is much colder. The cool wind effect only affects those objects that produce heat.

9. The faster you go, the stronger force blow.

People tend to think linearly, mostly based on observational principles; if one raindrop weighs 50 milligrams, two raindrops should weigh about 100 milligrams. However, the forces that control the universe often show us a different result due to the distribution of forces. An object moving at 40 kilometers per hour will hit a wall with a certain force. If you double the speed of an object to 80 kilometers per hour, impact force will increase not two, but four times. This law explains why accidents on highways are much more destructive than accidents in cities.

8. Orbit is just a constant free fall.

Satellites emerge as a notable recent application to stars, but we rarely think about the concept of "orbit." We know in general that objects move around planets or large celestial bodies and never fall. But the reason for the emergence of orbits is surprisingly paradoxical. If you drop an object, it falls to the surface. However, if it is high enough and moving at a fast enough speed, it will swing away from the ground in an arc. The same effect prevents the earth from colliding with the sun.

7. Heat causes freezing.

Water is the most important liquid on the ground. This is the most mysterious and paradoxical connection in nature. One of the little-known properties of water is, for example, that warm water freezes faster than cold. It is not yet fully understood how this happens, but this phenomenon, known as the Mpemba paradox, was discovered by Aristotle about 3,000 years ago. But why exactly this happens remains a mystery.

6. Air pressure.

IN this moment you are exposed to air pressure equal to approximately 1000 kilograms, the same as a small car weighs. This is due to the fact that the atmosphere itself is quite heavy, and a person located at the bottom of the ocean experiences a pressure of 2.3 kg per square centimeter. Our body can withstand such pressure, and it cannot crush us. However, sealed objects, such as plastic bottles, thrown from very high altitudes return to the ground in a compressed state.

5. Metallic hydrogen.

Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table, making it the simplest element in the Universe. His atomic number 1 means it has 1 proton, 1 electron and no neutrons. Although hydrogen is known as a gas, it can exhibit some properties that are more common to metals than to gases. Hydrogen is located in periodic table just above sodium, a volatile metal that is part of the composition of table salt. Physicists have long realized that hydrogen behaves like a high-pressure metal, like that found on stars and at the core of gas giant planets. Trying to make such a compound on earth requires a lot of effort, but some scientists believe they have already created small samples by applying pressure to diamond crystals.

4. Coriolis effect.

Due to the rather large size of the planet, a person does not feel its movement. However, the clockwise motion of the Earth causes objects traveling in the northern hemisphere to move slightly clockwise as well. This phenomenon is known as the Coriolis effect. Because the Earth's surface moves at a certain speed relative to the atmosphere, the difference between the rotation of the Earth and the movement of the atmosphere causes an object moving north to pick up the energy of the Earth's rotation and begin to veer east. The opposite phenomenon is observed in the southern hemisphere. As a result, navigation systems must take into account the Coriolis force to avoid yaw.

3. Doppler effect.

Sound may be an independent phenomenon, but the perception of sound waves depends on speed. Austrian physicist Christian Doppler discovered that when a moving object, such as a siren, emits sound waves, they accumulate in front of the object and dissipate behind it. This phenomenon, known as the Doppler effect, causes the sound of an approaching object to become a pitch higher due to the shortening of the sound wavelengths. After the object passes by, the trailing sound waves lengthen and, accordingly, become tones lower.

2. Evaporation.

It would be logical to assume that chemicals must pass through a liquid state in the process of transitioning from a solid to a gaseous state. However, water is capable of immediately transforming from a solid to a gas under certain circumstances. Sublimation, or evaporation, can cause glaciers to disappear when the sun turns the ice into steam. In the same way, metals, such as arsenic, can turn into a gas when heated, releasing toxic gases. Water can evaporate below its melting point when exposed to a heat source.

1. Disguised devices.

Rapidly evolving technology is transforming stories science fiction V scientific facts. We can see objects when light of different wavelengths is reflected from them. Scientists have theorized that objects can be rendered invisible when exposed to a certain amount of light. If the light around an object can be scattered, it becomes invisible to human eye. IN Lately this theory became a reality when scientists invented a transparent hexagonal prism that scattered light around an object placed inside. When placed in an aquarium, the prism made goldfish, which floated there, invisible, and on the ground the livestock disappeared from sight. This secrecy effect works on the same principles as aircraft that cannot be detected by radar.

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