How to draw big lips. How to draw lips

In this lesson I will teach you how to draw lips based on triangular shape in just ten simple steps. You can play different types lip positions by making minor adjustments in the first stage. This method came about by accident: I somehow compared lips to a bow and arrow.

(I regularly receive messages from subscribers who have tried this method, and they all find it effective. I hope it helps you too! Have fun creating!)

For this tutorial you will need:

mechanical pencil with an NV rod 0.5 mm thick;
— graphic pencil 6B (for example, Derwent);
- kneaded eraser;
- shading;
- smooth paper (for example, Bristol paper).

Step 1:

Draw an elongated isosceles triangle. At the top angle, draw a curve (in a “U” shape). Draw a horizontal straight line between the curve and the base of the triangle. The longer the drawn line, the wider the lips will be, and vice versa: the shorter, the fuller.

“But what if I want to draw it on my face?” See my tutorial on drawing faces to determine the placement of the "triangle". Here you will have to pay attention to the proportions, and they will help you calculate the length of the triangle and the width of the lips, taking into account the rest of the face.

Step 2:

Sketch the upper lip, imitating the shape of a cupid's bow.

Step 3:

Draw the lower lip curved line, not extending beyond the base of the triangle. With support on the horizontal line, “open” the drawn mouth.

Step 4:

After you erase the triangle, identify the light source. In this example, the light source is at the top right side. I've highlighted the parts I want to lighten and also put some shadow on the left side of the bottom lip.

Step 5:

Darken both lips and leave the areas that you identified as the lightest in step 4. You can see that there is a shadow underneath the lower lip. Towards the right side it becomes smaller, indicating that the light source is in the upper right corner.

Step 6:

Draw a few folds on the lips with a hard-soft pencil (0.5 mm). Don't press too hard as you will have difficulty in the next step.

Step 7:

Use a blender to smooth out the darkening on the lower lip. Leave the highlights from step 4 alone. The highlights will make your lips look fuller and fuller. You may also notice that the lip lines become thinner in the shade, but do not disappear completely.

Step 8:

Walk the most acute angle Use a kneaded eraser on the highlights to give the highlighted parts a neater look with a flare effect.

Step 9:

Perform steps 7-8 on the upper lip.

Last step:

Intensify the shadow in areas such as the outer edges of the lips, above the upper lip, creases and corners of the lips (6B pencil).

You can change the size of the lips by moving the horizontal line up (to make the upper lip thinner) or down (to make the upper lip fuller). Also add shimmer with an eraser to make your lips appear even fuller.

Do you still have any questions? Leave them in the comments below the article! Don't be discouraged if you don't get the desired result on your first try. Keep working and understand each step. Work will become much easier! Also don't forget to experiment with in different forms triangles and line positions in step 2.

Translation of an article from the site

If you decide to draw a person’s face, it is important, first of all, to accurately and correctly draw the person’s eyes, since the eyes convey the person’s mood, character, and emotions in the drawing. To achieve a likeness in a portrait, it is important to accurately draw any features, but the eyes and lips are the most important elements in drawing a person's face. Incorrectly drawn lips can distort the entire drawing and give unusual to this person facial expression, mood, emotions, etc.
In this lesson you will learn how to learn draw lips person using a step-by-step method. Lip drawing done with a simple pencil.

1. Draw lips using simple contours

To draw beautiful lips You will first need to make simple markings, in the form of three parallel lines. Do exactly the same as in my drawing, just keep in mind that the further the small lines are from the main line, the thicker the lips in the drawing will be. In this figure, the distance between the top and bottom lines is 4 cm, the length of the center line is 13 cm, the length short lines- 3cm.

2. Lips regain their original shape

Using a step-by-step drawing method, you can draw very beautiful lips even without knowing how to draw. You will see this at the end of this lesson. In the meantime, let's continue the drawing and connect short lines, forming the corners of the lips. Look, you can already say that you were able to draw lips.

3. Lips take on a real shape

It would be too easy to draw if all the lines in a portrait could be drawn with a ruler. You will have to use your imagination a little and draw the “real” shape of the lips, dividing the upper lip into two parts with a “heart”. You should reduce the upper contour, and on the contrary, increase the lower one.

4. How to draw a lip dividing line

First, remove the old markings with an eraser, and look at your lips almost like “real ones.” But you still need to draw a dividing line between the lips. To do this, almost repeat the contour of the top one onto the main dividing line, slightly stretching its central part - the “heart”. It is advisable to do this exactly as in my drawing. Do not rush to remove the marking line from the drawing. It won't interfere with drawing lips. Simply shade the resulting parts from the intersection of lines with a soft pencil.

5. Lip drawing is almost finished

To lip drawing was realistic, we need to make them three-dimensional. Volume is achieved with the help of shadows, so apply light shadows along the edges of the lips and where they meet. Perhaps you will paint your lips with colored pencils, then this can already be done at this stage. If you decide to draw your lips with a simple pencil, then you need to complete one more step.

6. How to draw a person's lips. Shadows

A person's lips have "wrinkles" or folds that stretch when they smile. To draw your lips accurately and beautifully, draw these “little things” too. After this, apply shadows with a soft pencil and your drawing is now completely finished. Now I hope you will agree with me that drawing a person’s lips step by step is quite simple.

When drawing a person, you must see the whole future image it is made from suggested lines and you just need to draw them on paper. In fine art, the most important thing is not the accuracy of the proportions and lines of the drawing, but the image of the main, most important thing. Very often, for this it is enough to accurately draw eyes and lips, which will convey the mood and character of a person.

Drawings of a person's face, eyes, portraits - this is the most complex look visual arts. Learning to draw a portrait of a person, a person’s eyes, even with a simple pencil, requires not only time to learn, but also talent. The difficulty of drawing a portrait of a person lies in the ability to convey emotional condition a person, his facial expressions, depth of gaze, etc.

Eyes in an anime drawing are the basis of this style. All pictures of girls drawn in anime style are distinguished by huge eyes - black, blue, green. But be sure to be huge and expressive. Lips are drawn in this style conditionally, without drawing details.

When drawing a face, the eyes need to be given the most attention. It is also important to draw the lips correctly, since they reflect the emotional state and character of a person. In this lesson you can learn how to draw eyes.

Each person's nose has unique characteristics, so it is impossible to give precise advice on how to draw the nose of a girl, child or man.

Drawing a hand is very convenient because you draw with one hand and can draw with the other.

All lips are very different, in shape and size. There are thin ones, there are fat ones, there are sad ones, there are smiling ones. But all of them can be drawn according to the same principle. First of all, you need to find the location of the lips on the face, that is, the distance from the nose, chin, cheeks, and so on, as well as their inclination. Next you need to find the ratio of the smaller parts of the lips, that is, the width of the lower lip in relation to the upper, how the teeth are located, if you draw a mouth with a smile or an open mouth, the width of the most protruding parts, and so on. And the last step is to give volume to your lips using chiaroscuro. Of course, it doesn’t sound very encouraging or inspiring, but in reality, drawing lips is not difficult.

Linear drawing of lips - search for basic proportions and ratios

Let's assume that our lips are located on a face that is slightly turned and slightly tilted.

The first thing we do is find the dimensions of the lips in relation to the entire face. Since I have abstract lips from my head, I’ll imagine that I’ve already found these dimensions.

Next, we look for the ratio of the upper lip to the lower lip - how much narrower the upper lip is than the lower lip or vice versa. If a person has not somehow curled his lips, then the corners of the lips are located symmetrically in most cases. To convey this in the drawing, draw a horizontal line through the corners of the lips. It will allow us not only to position the corners of the lips symmetrically, but will also show the inclination of these lips.

It is a mistake to believe that the corners of the lips are on the same line with the place where the lips close. In fact, the face has a rounded shape, it is not flat. And therefore, depending on the angle, the place where the lips close will be higher or lower than the line on which the corners of the lips are located.

Of course, it also happens that everything is located on the same straight line, when the lips are tense, for example, or from some specific angle. But most often the line where the lips close is located above or below the line through which the corners of the lips pass.
Now the most interesting line is the middle line. The lips are symmetrical relative to it. It passes between the upper triangles of the lips, and on the lower lip it is advisable to pass it through the middle along the most protruding point.

If you delve into the anatomy of the lips, they have three such balls, this line just runs through the middle of the upper one and between the two lower ones.

You need to estimate the slope of this line. If you look in profile, then with a normal anatomical structure of the skull, the upper lip hangs slightly over the lower lip. That is, the midline is not perpendicular to the horizontal line through the corners of the lips.

Of course, a person has different anatomical features that affect this tilt. For example, the lower jaw protrudes greatly, or very plump, inverted lips, missing teeth. All this affects the slope.
If you outline the middle line along the relief of the lips, it will show how rounded the lips are, how deep the point of closure of the lips is, how deep the pit under the lip is, or vice versa, everything is flat in a person.

How this line rounds along the lips is shown by the shadows. When we look from the front, this line is straight, and the stronger the turn, the more this relief will be visible.
Now let's note two more sizes - the width between the corners on the upper lip and the width of the lower part at the most protruding points.
Let's outline the upper lip.

Compare with nature how the lines and shapes are rounded, how the far lip curls up - the greater the turn, the stronger this curl is visible.
These three balls determine the nature of the lip closure line. The more pronounced they are, the more curved it is likely to be.

I randomly place these balls on my lips and draw a line where the lips close and outline the lower lip. So I got plump lips.

Chiaroscuro on lips

The next stage is volume. Let's see how the chiaroscuro is positioned on the lips. I'll assume that my light is coming from somewhere from here.

And this is the diagram of light and shadow distribution that suggests itself to me.

The upper lip usually gets less light because it is folded inwards, so it is all darker than the lower lip. The main stroke will be drawn according to the shape, just like the cracks on the lips are located. We will also add a falling shadow on the chin from the upper lip. And in general, let’s slightly mark the areas around the lips so that they are not stuck to the sheet. The most contrasting and brightest will, of course, be the falling shadow from the upper lip. The upper lip will have its own shadow with a bright reflex.
The main, basic stroke follows the shape of the lips, I even turn it slightly out according to their roundness. In addition to the shape, it will also further emphasize the small folds of the skin of the lips. I apply the stroke in a cross direction at a slight angle, and also try to round it.

We cover the entire upper lip with tone, compacting the shadows with cross strokes. Immediately somewhere I indicate large folds with a stroke.

The falling shadow on the lower lip smoothly turns into its own. The lower lip is very plump and voluminous; notice how large, rounded my line is. This place is the foreground, the contrast of light and shadow, so it needs to be made bright and expressive. I work immediately over the entire area of ​​the lips. Since I draw from my head, I look at everything at once, in general, I develop the tone gradually. When you look from life, you immediately see where everything is, and in this case it is possible to work in parts.

I’ll imagine that my lower lip curls strongly towards the bottom, very rounded, so I’ll make a rather dense shadow of my own below, and a reflex falling underneath it.

When you draw a hollow above the lip, do not make its edges sharp and contrasting, it actually does not have sharp, sharp edges, they are rounded, in some people this hollow is not very pronounced at all, so watch the nature. There is almost always a light, expressive stripe at the edge of the lips; don’t forget to leave it.

If you want to add folds of skin, then do it very carefully, without fanaticism, without going overboard. They can crush the mold very much, so be careful.
In the end, we got these sponges.

So, this is not a tutorial, this is just an example of how I personally draw lips. This doesn't mean you have to draw the same way. This example is for those who have wondered how I draw lips.

I drew them very quickly, but you can put more time into your drawing and work it out better. Also, it seems to me that there are problems with “light and glare” here.

If you have any questions about the process of creating these lips, feel free to ask.

And here's another thing. I assume you were once studying the lips. Personally, no, they came from my head - I think from observing people or when looking at myself in the mirror, brushing my teeth or somewhere else. Don't know.
I also know that there are other more comprehensive lessons on dA. Tons of resources for you artists.

Sometimes I sketch my lips like this. And sometimes I “shade” (shade) the basic shape of the lips while applying the base of the skin. The only lines that I consider important on the lips are: the mouth line, Cupid's bow and the lower lip line.

Choose several colors: light, medium and dark; and fill in your lips with a light to medium shade to give them a fresh color. It often happens that women have mostly dark lips because estrogen causes blood to flow more intensely to the lips XD To achieve a pleasant color, you can mix reddish (closer to orange than pink) and skin color.

Now we just start giving the lips a shape. Some lines of symmetry on a person's face are more obvious than others.

It's time to darken and you can start adding shadows and texture. On the upper lip I draw lines from bottom to top, and from the center to the edges. I draw the lower lip with circular movements, giving it some roundness. Darkening the mouth line is very important. The tips of the mouth should be darker.

Continue darkening the shadows. Repeat the motions for the texture if you need to highlight it even more. Use the eyedropper tool to pick up colors from the lips and draw lines on the upper lip. I advise you to do this at low Opacity. I usually work on the lower lip with dotted brushes, still choosing light, medium and dark shades of colors. Keep doing this until you like the result :) I usually don't get too excited about this step XD

Now add the highlights you think you need! I'll also add some shadows. I won’t choose black for them, but most likely a shade based on dark blue or dark purple.

This is how I draw lips using Photoshop CS#.

Already drew +22 I want to draw +22 Thank you + 286

Here I will try to help you with the difficult task of drawing lips. I think that being able to draw lips, and indeed a face in general, is very difficult in itself.
So let's get started.

The mouth and lips are a very interesting part of the face. I'll show you some points and give you a little overview of drawing lips and mouth.

How to draw lips for beginners

First, let's draw lines through the lips that describe the volume of the mouth. You see - red lines go around all the volumes of the lips. Note that the upper lip is usually darker than the lower lip because less light falls on it. Here our lower lip is convex, so more light falls on it, it is very light. Don't forget about the shadows in the corners of your mouth! The corners of the mouth are often “recessed” into the cheeks, which is why we highlight them as dark.

In this drawing I have marked the most shaded areas of the upper lip in purple. As a rule, the entire upper lip is darker than the lower lip, but the purple areas are especially dark.
In these places, the lip goes especially strongly inward, at a large angle.
This technique helps us focus on the specific curve of the lips, see illustration below

Here I have roughly divided the lips into 5 parts.
Pay attention to the small central piece - this is the so-called “Cupid's bow”.
This is very important distinctive feature lips, always mark it when you want to add personality to the drawing, people's cupid's bow can be very different!

Let's move on to the lower lip: in orange I marked the shaded areas that will go deeper into the cheeks and stick out less.
But still, the lower lip will be lighter than the upper lip, because its main surface faces upward and forward - towards the light.

And here I marked in green the necessary shadows that are always present near the mouth.
They represent the facial muscles surrounding the mouth. Mouth and lips are not just stuck on a flat face! They must be “fitted in”, not forgetting the total volumes.
These shadows are not too deep, but nevertheless they must certainly be present under the lower lip and in the corners of the mouth.

And here, pay attention to the light areas around the perimeter of the lips!
It's small, but important detail, the potretist must never forget about her.
This is the most prominent “edge” of the lips; as a rule, it stands out quite strongly and is not colored. In these places neither beard nor mustache grows, and for dark-skinned people this edge is even more noticeable.
This edge stands out most strongly when the shadows fall, in the language of pilots - at 5 o'clock (that is, the light falls from above, slightly to the left).

How to draw beautiful girl lips

Draw the outlines of the lips as shown in the picture.

Start darkening your lips.

Darken your lips further.

Continue sketching and darkening the lips.

Use a pencil to darken.

And add darkening to the area around the mouth.

How to draw plump lips with a pencil

To draw lips, you need to imagine how they work. Let's first draw a simple sketch that looks like a seed.

The upper lip consists of three parts - a convex middle and two parts on the sides.

The lower lip is also divided into two symmetrical halves.

Let's start adding shadows

We will enhance the shadows on both parts of the upper lip, draw shadows under the lower lip, in the corners of the mouth and a hollow above the upper lip.

How to draw women's lips with a pencil step by step

Using a hard pencil (H), draw lines as shown in the figure.

Using a soft pencil (B7) we darken the line between the lips, the upper lip and draw a line under the lower lip.

Using a soft pencil (B4) draw the texture of the lips as shown in the picture.

Darkening the lips hard pencil(H).

Using a soft pencil (B4) draw shadows above the upper lip.

Using a soft pencil (B4) draw a shadow under the lower lip.

Using a soft pencil (B9), darken the lips again around the line of the mouth, closer to the corners of the lips and at the top of the upper lip. Please note: the darkest part of the drawing is the line of the mouth. The corners of the lips, the top of the upper lip and the shadow under the lower lip are slightly lighter than the line of the mouth, but match in tone.

How to draw an emotion using lips


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