Sobchak family. Ksenia Sobchak: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

The newspapers are full of reports of news from her life. The glamorous beauty constantly ends up in stories. Then she came out in super-revealing outfits and with a new lover. Then there were reports that she had enlarged her breasts. Even at the recent Kinotavr, the film “Europe - Asia” was heatedly discussed solely because of Ksyusha’s participation in it - she pointedly did not come to the premiere, saying that she did not like the film. And this “reality show” from Ksyusha’s life made her a household name. Meanwhile, few people know that Ksyusha has an older sister, a paternal sibling, about whom almost nothing is heard! Who is she, what does she do, what connects her with her popular younger sister? We decided to fill this gap and find out about Ksenia’s relative, who remained in the shadows.

Property was not divided

Ksenia’s paternal sister Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak is 16 years older than Ksyusha, was born in Leningrad and now lives in this city. Anatoly Sobchak was married to her mother for 23 years. As Maria admitted, her father caused great emotional trauma to her mother by leaving for Narusova.

Nonna Stepanovna said that she managed to overcome this pain and maintain good relations With ex-husband. “I tried to accept everything as it is,” said Nonna Stepanovna. - Masha talked with her father, they were friends. There were no problems. Dividing property too. We are intelligent people. My daughter is a very decent person. She followed in her father’s footsteps and became a lawyer.”

Actually, Maria Sobchak is a very private and non-public person. She does not give interviews and does not advertise herself in any way. Personally, I learned about it by chance when I was talking with the organizers of a scientific conference being prepared in St. Petersburg dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Emmanuel Nobel. It turned out that Maria Anatolyevna was invited to the conference in memory of her father, because, unlike her sister, she enjoys great authority among the scientific elite. We decided to ask her about life.

Managed my father's affairs

Maria Anatolyevna works at the St. Petersburg Bar Association. By the way, I studied at the university under the name Petrova. The mayor's daughter did not have a big name. Only when she achieved success herself did she admit to her colleagues who her father was.

I graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University. My teachers at the university were my dad’s teachers,” said Maria Anatolyevna. - My direction - criminal law. But I always wanted to do civil affairs. Today I deal with criminal cases, although I don’t really like them, and civil ones. I handle housing, family and divorce cases. Now we don’t have many lawyers who specialize in one thing.

- Did you manage your father's affairs? For example, about protecting honor and dignity?

Yes, she did. I finished one thing and started one. But they were hopeless. Because everything is very politicized. There was another huge devastating article after 1996, after the election. Absurd things happened at the trial. For example, the judge asked to bring a certificate confirming that Anatoly Alexandrovich really is a scientist and that he is a good teacher. And the fact that titles had already been assigned to him did not interest anyone. This all dragged on ad infinitum. And the results were zero.

We different people

- How did your sister Ksenia react to these matters?

She was little. She was 17 years old when her dad passed away.

That family and I have not communicated since my father’s death. There is no need to communicate with Lyudmila Borisovna (Narusova, Sobchak’s second wife - editor’s note). We are different people, we have different worldviews and worldviews. We have no conflict, but we don’t love each other... We don’t want to communicate. It happened that way. Only dad connected us. After his death there is no communication.

-Are you married?

Yes. I have a husband and a son. I'm an ordinary person. I'm communicating with intelligent people. This is our circle.

-Have you tried to establish friendly relations with Ksenia?

I don't see the point in this. We are very different.

- Ksenia annoys many people with her behavior...

This is true. Now there is too much Ksyusha. That's why I don't want to show myself too. With Ksyusha it’s already too much.

- In your opinion, Ksyusha is discrediting her father’s name?

Yes. But I don't want to blame anyone for anything.

- Do you watch “Dom-2” on TV, for example?

No, I don't watch TV at all. And not because “Dom-2” is hosted by Ksenia Anatolyevna. I don't like the level of television in general.

- Ksyusha annoys you?

It’s unpleasant for me that the surname Sobchak is now associated only with Ksyusha and show business.

- Your rejection of your sister may be due to the fact that she is more popular and richer than you?

I don't need that kind of fame. I am not a rich person, but I am quite a wealthy person. I have everything for happy life- family, apartment, dacha, car. Ksenia and I have a big age difference and have nothing in common. She is her mother's daughter. An adult, a mature person, it is impossible to influence her in any way. And neither she nor I need this.

It is surprising that two sisters, very similar in appearance, turned out to be so different - in character, lifestyle, and destiny.

Elder Maria is a respected, respectable lady who cares about her untarnished reputation. Ksyusha says to herself that she is the “Fuhrer of glamor.” “Everyone should hate me, if I don’t hear barbs addressed to me, I start to think that it’s time for me to retire,” Ksenia once admitted.

Well, each of the sisters chose their own path. And I'm sure he's right.


Ksyusha: “People can be family by soul, not by blood”

We called Ksenia and asked whether such a negative attitude of her relatives towards her person would hurt her.

You know, I’m used to the fact that many people judge me,” Ksenia said. “I don’t think I’m dishonoring my father’s name.” I modern girl and live in modern world. I don’t depend on anyone, I try to be independent and achieve everything myself. I have great respect for all my relatives. I am not against communication, friendship. If they don't accept me, that's their business. If we are not like-minded people, why should we communicate?!


Does Ksenia have a new romance?

It seems that Ksyusha is not afraid of anything. Desperate, of which there are few! She is as indefatigable in love as she is in work. We were told in confidence that not long ago she started an affair with a regular at an elite golf club in Nakhabino - a German entrepreneur who has his own business in Russia. This 40-year-old man with the appearance of a 30-year-old Don Juan, excellent manners and good Russian, admitted to us: “Ksyusha is in in a good way crazy, doesn't leave men indifferent! Ksyusha and I walked here in a nightclub, met each other, talked and... we were in love. We talked about politics, about life, about business. She has more business than me. She is both a producer and TV presenter. She's just wasting money. She and I coaxed eight bottles of champagne. Thank God she paid (laughs). There is something to talk about with her, she interesting personality! Amazing woman! She wanted to marry me, but I'm not ready for marriage. Freedom is dear to me. I have girlfriends and children, but I'm not married. More often strong women alone, but I sincerely wish her to conquer the heights and remain as independent in spite of her enemies.”

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Ksenia Sobchak's sister Maria: It's a shame that our surname now sounds unworthy. Today the surname Sobchak is no longer associated with the politician, former mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, but with his daughter, socialite Ksyusha

For many, the famous surname Sobchak is associated not with the personality of the politician, former mayor Sobchak, but with his daughter Ksenia, a glamorous socialite, scandalous news the newspapers are constantly full of stories about her life. But few people know that the famous diva has an older sister on her father’s side. Who is she, what does she do? Where does Maria Sobchak live? What connects girls? The article presents short biography Maria Sobchak, as well as stories about her from relatives and friends.


Ksenia’s paternal sister is 16 years older than her. Journalists learned that she lives in St. Petersburg and is a woman who rarely gives interviews, preferring not to advertise herself. It is known that Maria is married, has a son, and communicates exclusively with intelligent people in her circle.

Maria Sobchak and Ksenia Sobchak

For many, it seems surprising that two sisters, outwardly very similar, can be so different in lifestyle, character, and destiny. Elder Maria known as a respected, respectable lady who cares about the integrity of her reputation. Ksyusha is known as the “Fuhrer of glamor,” whom, as she herself believes, “everyone should certainly hate: if she doesn’t hear barbs directed at herself, then she begins to think that it’s time for her to retire.” Each of the sisters has chosen their own path, which they consider the only right one for them.

It is known that after the death of her father, the eldest daughter and her mother do not communicate with his second family. As Maria, Sobchak’s daughter from his first marriage, admitted, this is absolutely not necessary. They are very different people, with different worldviews and worldviews. There is no conflict between them, it’s just that the women, as they admit, don’t like each other, and that’s why they don’t want to communicate.

Maria, Ksenia Sobchak’s sister, told reporters in one of her infrequent interviews that she had never tried to establish friendly relations with her youngest, because she did not see the point in it. In addition, like many other relatives, Ksenia annoys her with her behavior. Maria Sobchak believes that Ksyusha is lately it became too much. That's why the older sister doesn't want to show herself off. According to Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak, Ksyusha is discrediting the name of their father, and besides, she is unpleasant that many people associate his name exclusively with show business, in which Ksyusha actively works.

Rejection younger sister on the part of the older one is not at all connected with the fact that she is richer and more popular. As the woman told reporters, she is not looking for fame, since she is not a rich person, but quite wealthy, having everything necessary for happiness, including a family, an apartment, a dacha, a car. She and Ksenia, Maria sums up her conversation with media representatives, have a big age difference and absolutely nothing in common.

There is, as journalists learned, another explanation for the sisters’ prolonged boycott of each other. According to information they received from a reliable source, the sisters are extremely hostile towards each other. The reason for this is that for a long time they were unable to divide their father’s inheritance. How everything was resolved is unknown to the press. But, according to informed people, the sisters have no chance of reconciliation.


Image of scandalous socialite Ksenia Sobchak has undergone changes several times. It is known that in October 2017, the politician’s youngest daughter announced her intention to run for president of Russia. She posted open letter in the media, in which she positioned herself as the long-awaited candidate “against everyone.” The news was received in Russian society ambiguous. Ksenia was accused of collaborating with the Kremlin aimed at taking away votes from Alexei Navalny. Later, the TV personality promised to withdraw from the election race if Navalny was still allowed to participate.


It is almost impossible to find information about the first family of the famous politician Sobchak, as well as about his relatives, on Internet sites and in the press. There are no memories of their famous relative, no photos. One gets the impression that there was nothing significant in the life of Anatoly Alexandrovich before his second marriage to Ksenia’s mother, Lyudmila Narusova. Meanwhile, his marriage to Maria Sobchak’s mother lasted about 23 years.

Sobchak and his marriages

It is known that Anatoly Sobchak got married for the first time during his student years. His chosen one was Nonna Handzyuk, a student of the philological faculty of the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen. The family had a daughter, Maria, who later became a lawyer. Now she works as a lawyer, specializes in criminal law, and is raising her son Gleb.

In 1980, Anatoly Alexandrovich married Lyudmila Narusova.

According to Maria, by leaving the family, the father caused great emotional trauma to his ex-wife. Nonna Sobchak, the politician’s first wife, admitted to reporters that she accepted everything as it was and managed, overcoming the pain, to maintain good relations with her ex-husband. According to her, she did not interfere with her daughter’s communication with her father.

One love story

As the politician’s brother Alexander Alexandrovich told reporters, for a long time he and Anatoly lived in the same yard in Kokand with friends Rita and Nonna. The eldest, Alexander, was in love with Rita. Her friend Nonna really liked Anatoly, her younger brother. The girl was a student at Leningrad University and came to Kokand on vacation. Soon Anatoly transferred to Leningrad. In his fourth year, he married Nonna, and Rita became his brother’s wife. The brothers' youthful friendship was carried through their entire lives. They even gave almost the same names to their daughters.

According to Alexander, his wife greatly helped his brother in life, who, thanks to his wife, became a real esthete. Sobchak Sr. calls his brother’s first wife a subtle and intelligent person, while the brothers came from a simple family and could not boast of a special upbringing.

After graduating from the university, Anatoly Sobchak was assigned to the Stavropol Territory. Nonna left with her husband. They rented a room from the Cossacks in the village. The local population speaks warmly of the young lawyer in their memories. Soon the family returned to Leningrad. In 1965, the young couple had a long-awaited daughter, Masha. When the girl was one year old, her parents moved to own apartment in a cooperative house on the street. Bestuzhevskaya. In 1973, Anatoly Alexandrovich began teaching at the university, and the family’s life gradually improved. But in 1977 their marriage broke up.


According to Alexander Alexandrovich, Nonna had to go through a lot in her marriage to his brother, whom she selflessly loved. Not only men make mistakes in life, the elder Sobchak believes, this also happens to women. According to his stories, Nonna cheated on her husband with a man who once ex-friend family, Professor Tolstoy. Being a member of the Higher Attestation Commission, the professor subsequently interfered in every possible way with Sobchak’s defense of his doctoral dissertation, accusing him of plagiarism.

At that time, a certain Lyudmila Narusova worked in the library of the university where Sobchak taught. Having met Nonna, she became her friend. When a crisis occurred in Anatoly’s family, having heard gossip about Nonna, Narusova turned to Anatoly Alexandrovich as a lawyer. She asked for his help in the matter of dividing property with her ex-husband. This is where their acquaintance began and their relationship developed. The politician's older brother very much regrets that he could not dissuade him from ruining his family.


Communicating with a politician’s first wife is not an easy task for journalists. Nonna Stepanovna usually flatly refuses to give interviews. The woman lives quite secluded and quiet, avoiding any publicity, in one of the “dormitory” areas of St. Petersburg, on the street. Loyalty.

A woman can be seen buying fertilizer in flower shop. They say she has a lot of flowers in her apartment and dacha in Vaskelovo. Neighbors speak very warmly of her. For them, she is not a relative of a celebrity, but just a pleasant neighbor. In Nonna Stepanovna’s house there is a rich home library. The woman never got married after her divorce from Anatoly Alexandrovich. About yours ex-wife and the 30 years she lived without him, she does not tell. He calls his only daughter Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak, born in 1965, his happiness. In her opinion, she raised a good girl.

Maria Sobchak, daughter of Anatoly Sobchak

Eldest daughter The famous politician is a non-public and extremely private person. As journalists learned, Maria Anatolyevna works at the St. Petersburg Bar Association. Maria Sobchak is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of Leningrad University. She studied with teachers who taught her father. According to lawyer Maria Sobchak, her main focus is criminal law, however, as the woman stated in an interview, she is not averse to dealing with civil cases. Today she handles many family, housing and divorce cases.


Maria Sobchak, in a conversation with journalists, once admitted that she still had a “feeling of abandonment.” She once admitted that she never had any secrets from her father. She calls him the only person who knew how to fully understand it. As a six-year-old girl, she once told her mother that when she grew up, she would marry her dad. When the mother asked what she should do, the little girl replied that her mother had already lived with him and that was enough. The woman admits that she always compares men with her father, and in this comparison the father always wins. That's why personal life For this reason, Maria Sobchak, despite having a husband and son, cannot be considered happy.

About parents' divorce

The family idyll of her parents collapsed in 1977. One day, my mother said that she had taken my dad’s keys and he would no longer come to them. Maria never understood her mother, she was always on her father’s side. She was very sorry that her parents separated. The father abandoned the mother during the most difficult period of her life, the daughter says. At that time, her mother was seriously ill.

“Why do you trust Sobchak”?

In A. Sobchak’s book “Walking into Power” there is an episode in which a certain lady called out to Narusova during a rally: “Why do you believe Sobchak?! After all, he is heartless! His wife is dying in the hospital, and he won’t even bring her an apple! Poor woman!" In response, she took out her passport: “Look, Sobchak’s wife is me...”. Both women were right. At that time, Anatoly Alexandrovich’s first wife was indeed in the hospital. A woman who had been with him for twenty years, helping him, first as a student, then as an aspiring lawyer, build a career.

It is known that Anatoly Sobchak gave his ex-wife his last money for the operation. Having recovered, Nonna Stepanovna never married again. She admits that after two hours of conversation with another man, she always became bored. “There is no one else like Anatoly Alexandrovich,” the woman shares.

Cases "to protect the honor and dignity" of the father

It is known that Anatoly Sobchak’s daughter, Maria Sobchak, took part in the judicial review of her father’s cases. According to her, she started one thing and finished another. The woman characterizes the case as unpromising, since everything was very politicized. At the trial, according to her, simply absurd things happened. For example, the judge demanded to provide a document confirming that Anatoly Sobchak is indeed a scientist and that he is a good teacher. No one was interested in the fact that by that time he had already been awarded titles. Things dragged on ad infinitum, with zero results.

What are we talking about?

Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak is called the man who returned it to Leningrad historical name, a democrat without quotation marks, a true intellectual and a real scientist. He is revered not only by people from the star team he created, but also by thousands of ordinary citizens.

However, it is known that in recent years the politician has been actively pursued by various troubles: rumors, gossip, accusations of corruption. As befits a faithful wife, the mayor’s second wife, Lyudmila Narusova, jealously defended her husband. Thus, a report appeared in the newspapers about the mayor of the northern capital having a young mistress, whom he hired as the director of one of the St. Petersburg stores and helped her buy an apartment in the center on the cheap. Having come to power in the early turbulent 90s, after some time Sobchak lost both the mayoral elections and then the gubernatorial ones. And later it became known to all honest people that the first, “most democratic” ex-mayor was very dishonest: he took bribes, lived in a luxurious apartment not far from the Hermitage - that is, he made full use of his official position.

When in law enforcement agencies the decision was ripe to bring him to clean water and Sobchak was summoned for questioning, his wife took him to Paris and launched a wide campaign in his defense. In her opinion, a certain “Leningrad case” against her husband was fabricated with the aim of denigrating the entire Russian democracy, the symbol of which is Anatoly Alexandrovich.

Memories of fellow students

Unlike her fellow students, after graduating from university (St. Petersburg University), Maria Sobchak does not communicate with graduates. The law school speaks very highly of her as a former student. Oddly enough, but her photo student years have not survived, although, as evidenced by the biography of Maria Sobchak, she graduated from the university not very long ago.

According to her fellow student, a police major, who in a conversation with journalists asked not to mention her name in publications, until the fifth year the guys did not know that the daughter of their professor Sobchak was studying with them. Masha then bore the surname Petrova and was a very stubborn girl. It was felt that she would certainly achieve what she wanted. However, as a fellow student testifies, the professor’s daughter did not forget about the joys student life. It is known that Maria always used great success in young people. Many girls envied her. Although she did not shine with special beauty, she had great charm. According to people who knew her in her youth, the elder sister of the famous film star, after twenty years, looks almost the same as in her student years.


According to the memoirs of her uncle, Masha was quite flighty in her youth. She got married for the first time at the age of 17. He calls Maria Sobchak’s first husband somewhat unreliable, almost a drug addict. They broke up very quickly. Then the politician’s eldest daughter got married again. It is known that the famous grandfather was very fond of his only grandson, the son of Maria Sobchak, and spoiled him. Often his daughter and son Gleb visited him at his dacha in Repino.


The current wife of the famous lawyer is called Turgut Jeran. In an interview with, he said that he has been unable to divorce his Russian wife for more than 13 years. IN given time Turgut is an employee of one of the prestigious hotels in Belek (Türkiye). The only thing he dreams of at 35 is to quickly divorce his wife and get the opportunity to build new family. Turgut told reporters the story of his marriage to Maria Sobchak.

"Turkish Gambit"

They met in Marmaris in May 2000, when Maria came on vacation. We met one evening in one of the restaurants. The guy was 23 then, and Maria was 34. Their romance lasted 10 days. A week later, according to the man, his beloved came to him and began tearfully begging the young man to marry her. He agreed. About the fact that the father of his beloved is a famous Russian politician, he said he didn't know at the time. The wedding took place in November of the same year in one of the restaurants in Marmaris. All his relatives and friends were present. On the bride's side was her friend from Russia, who became a witness. Turgut's relatives, according to him, accepted his wife very well, despite the fact that the woman did not plan to convert to Islam.

Before the wedding, Maria Sobchak introduced her chosen one to her son Gleb. Then, having arrived in Russia, he met her mother and sister Ksenia. The man says that his fiancee’s mother was categorically against their marriage. She, he believes, made a lot of efforts to destroy their marriage.

The young man sincerely believed that their union was based on love - both on his part and on the part of his wife. But over time, their relationship deteriorated greatly, and in this, he believes, his mother-in-law played a significant role. Most of the time the young people lived in Turkey. Arriving in Russia, we lived in Masha’s St. Petersburg apartment on Vasilyevsky Island. Maria's fifteen-year-old son Gleb remained in Russia with his grandmother.

His wife then left everything in her homeland and moved to Marmaris with him. They lived together for about a year. His wife didn’t work, he earned money alone. The young people talked about opening their own business and bringing her child here. However, a year later, Maria packed her things and went back to Russia.

How does he explain everything to himself?

As the young man later realized, Maria arrived in Marmaris in 2000, four months after the death of her father. The political situation in Russia at that time changed, and pressure was exerted on it. After the death of her father, it became very difficult for her to live in her homeland. Maria Sobchak’s husband believes that at that time she simply fled her country, and used him to make it more convenient to live in Turkey. With the change in politics in Russia, feeling safe, Maria Sobchak returned to her homeland. She no longer needed her Turkish husband.


They are still considered husband and wife; they have been married for more than thirteen years, twelve of which have not lived together. According to the man, he fought for a long time for his family and begged Maria to return. But nothing came of it. When the wife left, she was six months pregnant, says Turgut. With the help of hired detectives, he conducted an investigation and found out that his wife had a son in 2001. The man is sure that this is his child. He does not know his son's name and is unable to see him. According to Turgut Jeran, he specially came to Russia to see his son. But it turned out that Maria changed her place of residence. As he told reporters, his wife did not inform him about the birth of the child. Since Turgut not only did not raise the boy, but also never saw him, he believes that now he will not be able to become for him. Therefore, he decided to abandon the search for the child. He calls the Sobchak family dangerous people, with whom it is risky to get involved.


According to Turkish law, Turgut is still married to Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak. He and his wife rarely call each other and only to talk about the divorce. In Turkey, the divorce process is very complex and protracted, requiring the indispensable presence of both parties. Everything would have been much simpler if Maria had agreed to come to Turkey. Because of her refusal, the man cannot improve his personal life. From the last telephone conversation he learned that his wife allegedly filed for divorce in Russia and got divorced. But Turgut doesn’t believe it: since she has Turkish citizenship and the marriage was formalized in Turkey, they should be divorced according to Turkish laws.

And yet he wants to marry a Russian again

After his divorce from Maria Sobchak, Turgut dreams of marrying a Russian girl again. He wants a normal family and children. He wants his wife to be successful and happy. Just let her come and divorce him.

Rumors that V.V. Putin - godfather Ksenia Sobchak has only indirect evidence. At one time, these suspicions arose due to the close friendship of Anatoly Sobchak and his assistant Vladimir Putin. Family holidays, trips, they did it all together. Based on photographs from the christening, where the current president was also present, many assumed that it was Putin who was Ksenia Sobchak’s godfather. And who if not him? Closest friend, advisor and ally.

As those close to the former mayor noted, he knew how to understand people and troubled years he wanted to protect his family by becoming related to a promising politician.

Is Putin Sobchak's godfather?

Quite recently, an interview with Ksenia appeared in the press, where she directly states that Putin is not her godfather. This somewhat shocked the public, because before they had actively used this “nepotism.” If many doors were closed in front of the daughter of the disgraced, and also deceased, mayor, then in front of the goddaughter of the president they were opened wide and the red carpet was laid out. More than once she threatened to call “whoever needs it” and these threats certainly worked. After all, everyone knew who exactly the eccentric girl would complain to. But, let's conduct our own mini investigation.

Ksyusha was born in 1981, and according to her, she was baptized at the age of 12. The turbulent year of 1993 brought Russia a putsch, a coup and a conflict in power. Why exactly at this time did Anatoly Sobchak decide to baptize his daughter, and to whom did he want to transfer custody of his family? After all, Anatoly Sobchak had quite good reasons to worry about his life?

Ksyusha states that she does not remember this event, but her mother, Lyudmila Narusova for many years remained silent for unknown reasons. And only now, on the eve of the elections, it was announced that Vladimir Putin was simply present at the girl’s baptism ceremony, and a certain unknown priest named Gury and a mother’s friend from St. Petersburg, Natalya Karetnikova, became the real godparents. And why did the mother hide the names of her godparents from her daughter all these years?

There were more questions than answers. Could Kremlin experts and opponents of the current government be wrong when they call Sobchak’s election campaign a farce? Could Konstantin Borovoy be wrong in saying that Vladimir Putin is the godfather of Ksenia Sobchak? After all, Borovoy is not at all new to the political kitchen?

There are many speculations about this situation, but let's take another look at how close connection between these two heroes - Vladimir Putin and Anatoly Sobchak?

What did Father Sobchak do for Putin?

At one time, Anatoly Sobchak became a kind of godfather and guide to the world of politics for the future president. By official version, Vladimir Putin got a job at Leningrad State University. Zhdanov, where Anatoly Sobchak previously taught. The goal was to write a PhD thesis on international relations, however, the time was difficult for the USSR, perestroika, the State Emergency Committee, and the specter of the collapse of the country loomed.

The rector of the university recommended the young specialist V. Putin as an assistant to the then mayor of Leningrad Anatoly Sobchak, and he gladly accepted him. Moreover, as it turned out, they had met earlier, during Putin’s student years.

Putin did not hide from his boss that he had previously worked in the KGB, but this did not bother the mayor, and already in 1994 Putin received the position of chairman of the committee for external relations of the administration of St. Petersburg and concurrently deputy chairman of the government of St. Petersburg.

Intrigues were repeatedly woven against the young “former Stirlitz” (as Sobchak called Putin). He was accused of fraud, but without any evidence, and the goal was to divide this Putin-Sobchak tandem. Anatoly Alexandrovich put together a strong team around himself and subsequently did not regret it.

It was Putin who helped the disgraced mayor flee to Paris to escape arrest. It was Putin who stopped the investigation into Sobchak’s abuses, and it was Putin who brought Ksenia’s father home when it became safe for him in Russia.

We won’t go into the biography of Anatoly Sobchak, but isn’t the funeral indicative? Who comforts a widow and daughter if not the most close person, practically a family member?

Having distanced himself from kinship with Putin, Sobchak gains points and support for himself abroad, as well as with his loud statements about the wrong policies of the Kremlin. Why this clownery? Perhaps this is exactly the kind of candidate the Kremlin needs in the elections, and this colorful show will bring some variety to the elections and create the illusion of competition?

Ksenia Sobchak, whose biography interests many of her fans and supporters, is one of the most scandalous and controversial persons in the public world. She became famous as a TV presenter, tried to become a writer, and is now engaged in journalism and social activities.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak was born in early November 1981 in Leningrad. Based on the type of activity her family did, it was not difficult to guess that the girl had a great future ahead of her. Mother - Lyudmila Narusova, certified historian, politician, father - Anatoly Sobchak - was a lawyer and the first mayor in the history of the city of St. Petersburg.

Because of the professions of her parents, Ksenia constantly had to be within some kind of framework. A guard was assigned to her; many pranks available to other children were prohibited for Ksenia. The girl suffered a lot because of this.

In adolescence, Ksenia, like most of her peers, began to develop youthful maximalism. She stopped obeying her parents, was fond of rock, which was expressed in her manner of dressing and makeup, and dreamed of dying young, like Kurt Cobain. But, despite this, she managed to graduate from a prestigious school (although she did not do without absenteeism and calls to the director).


The biography of Ksenia Sobchak indicates that the girl grew up in creative environment because I was studying fine arts, while studying at a school at the Hermitage, and also studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater for some time.

Ksenia studied at high school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen, which she successfully graduated from. Then she entered the faculty of St. Petersburg State University international relations, and after moving to Moscow she transferred to MGIMO to the same faculty. She completed her studies in 2002, and in 2004 received a master's degree in political science there, at MGIMO.

After receiving her diplomas, she wanted to continue her education abroad, but she was fascinated by television activities.

Television career

For some time after graduating from university, Ksenia simply relaxed and had fun at many parties, for which she became known as a Moscow socialite. Her first great job The project "Dom-2" appeared on television, making Ksenia famous throughout the country. She worked there as a presenter together with K. Borodina.

The biography of Ksenia Sobchak contains information that the presenter left the project in 2012, when she refused to renew her contract, but, in fact, she began to distance herself from the project long before that, appearing less and less often on camera. Her place was eventually taken by O. Buzova, a former participant.

Ksenia switched to more interesting and serious projects. For example, she hosted the MUZ-TV Prize together with I. Urgant, and on Channel One she was seen as the host of the show " The Last Hero- 6" and "Two Stars", as a participant in the show "Circus with the Stars".

He also works a lot on the radio, for example, on “Silver Rain”, where he hosts the programs “Barabaka and gray wolf", "Everyday life of Barabaka".

It appears quite often on foreign TV channels. In Georgia she hosted a program " Main topic", in Ukraine - "Let's get married."

Currently hosts the show “Deal” on the Friday TV channel.

Ksenia Sobchak's biography is rich in programs created to resolve and discuss pressing social and political issues ("State Department", "Freedom of Thought").

Political activity

Sobchak began actively expressing her political views in 2011, after the elections to the State Duma. Then a wave of rallies swept across the country, and Ksenia took part in most of them in Moscow. After V. Putin’s victory at presidential elections 2012 also took part in protests.

In May, she was detained by the police along with A. Navalny for an illegal meeting of oppositionists. After this, Sobchak was suspended from working at the MUZ-TV Awards.

The biography of Ksenia Sobchak has one unpleasant page, telling about the search in her apartment and the discovery large sum money. After this incident, the head of the opposition movement asked Ksenia to temporarily step back from her civic activities and not to cast a shadow on the entire opposition.

In 2012, she participated in the elections to the Coordination Council of the Russian Opposition.

Personal life

Ksenia Sobchak, whose biography is rich in love affairs, has never sought to disclose details of her personal life. However, her lovers appeared several times in the press and on television, speaking openly about their feelings. For example, Sergei Kapkov spoke about his love for Sobchak in the program “Let Them Talk.” Ksenia and Sergei, a former State Duma deputy, dated for a year, but then the couple broke up.

It is also known that Ksenia was engaged to businessman Alexander Shusterovich back in 2005, but literally a few days before the wedding, the TV presenter broke off all relations with him.

After working with Timati on the video, there were rumors about their sexual relationship. An indecent video circulating on the Internet, the main characters of which were Ksenia and the famous rapper, added fuel to the fire.

In 2012, Ksenia Sobchak, a biography whose personal life would soon change dramatically, met with one of the members of the opposition, Ilya Yashin.

In February 2013, Ksenia married famous actor Maxim Vitorgan. This marriage came as a complete surprise both to the leading circle and to ordinary people. It is not surprising that such an event gave rise to a lot of rumors. There have been many speculations as to why this marriage is needed. Among others, there was marriage for the sake of PR, marriage as revenge on I. Yashin, Ksenia’s pregnancy. Of course, not a single version was confirmed. Ksenia and Maxim are happily married to this day.

The couple openly support the opposition movement.


Since 2008, Sobchak has been engaged in writing. Her first two books were devoted to lessons in style and beauty from the “socialite.” This was followed by a joint literary project with Oksana Robski, in which girls give advice on how to successfully marry a millionaire. Ksenia’s credits include “Encyclopedia of a Sucker” and “Philosophy in the Boudoir.”


The biography of Ksenia Sobchak is increasingly updated with new works in cinema. On at the moment She has 18 roles in her treasury. Of course, these films do not compete for an Oscar; they cannot be called serious. So far, her filmography includes only comedy and youth films, including “The Most best film"(role of a prostitute), "Rzhevsky against Napoleon."

She worked with Valeria Gai Germanika several times. In the series “A Short Course in a Happy Life” she was a guest star, in “Entropy” the two of them played the main roles.

  1. Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak, whose biography is completely ambiguous, has been criticized more than once by " Russian newspaper", as well as from Nikita Mikhalkov for his political activities.
  2. Ksenia speaks three languages: English, Spanish and French.
  3. In 2000, Ksenia Sobchak's father died. Her biography does not contain details of the tragedy, but the TV presenter herself let slip about the terrible depression that practically consumed her that year.
  4. IN last year While studying at MGIMO, Sobchak’s apartment was robbed. Jewelry worth more than 15 million rubles disappeared.
  5. In 2012, she sold a stake in Euroset for more than two million dollars.
  6. There are several opinions about how old Ksenia Sobchak is. The biography, however, leaves no doubt about the date of her birth (November 5, 1981).
  7. Was an editor women's magazines SNC and L'officiel.
  8. In 2015, Sobchak made her theatrical debut at the Theater of Nations. She performed the role in the play “Marriage” for a record remuneration of 360 thousand rubles.

Lyudmila Narusova, ex-wife Anatoly Sobchak and the mother of Ksenia Sobchak made a statement that her daughter was born from another man. According to his mother, Anatoly Sobchak could not have children.

According to Lyudmila, the birth of Ksenia from another person was one of the most correct actions in her life. Sobchak's first wife knew about the characteristics of her husband's body. Narusova explains her decision by saying that otherwise, her husband would not have lived with her for more than a year without children.

The most interesting thing is that biological father Ksenia is still alive, and Lyudmila learned details about him in 2002. Today, it is unknown where this person is. Lyudmila Narusova noted that the Sobchak family has no right to be offended by her. At the moment, the Sobchak family harbors a grudge against Lyudmila for speculating on her surname.

It should be noted that before marrying Lyudmila, Anatoly Sobchak was the husband of Nonna Stepanovna Sobchak. He lived with her for 21 years. Today Nonna Stepanovna is alive, she is now 72 years old. The only element that raises doubts in this whole situation is that Anatoly Sobchak has a daughter, Maria, from his first marriage.

Maria Sobchak is 16 years older than her sister and currently lives in St. Petersburg. The daughters did not share property after the death of their father. The eldest daughter of the former mayor of St. Petersburg became a lawyer. She does not give any interviews to the press and does not like to go out in public. Maria is radically different from her sister and is an authority in the scientific community.

Where does Ksenia Sobchak's older sister work now?

Maria Sobchak found a job at the Bar Association in St. Petersburg. In higher educational institution Maria studied under the name Petrov in order not to take advantage of her father’s fame. Only after she achieved success in life did she take her real name. The young girl's field of study was criminal law. Today the woman is running the business different directions: housing, family, criminal, divorce.

Maria Sobchak claims that today she does not communicate with her sister because of different views on life and worldviews. A business woman has a husband and son. According to her, what is unpleasant for her personally is the fact that today Russians associate their common surname only with Ksenia Sobchak and show business.

What does Ksenia Sobchak’s election program suggest?

Let us remember that not long ago Ksenia Sobchak registered as a candidate for the post of President of Russia. She called her election theses “123 difficult steps.” Firstly, Sobchak sees Russia as a parliamentary republic. In her opinion, the formation of a government should occur at the will of parliament.

At the same time, Ksenia Sobchak demands the burial of Lenin and a ban on justifying Stalinist repressions of the first half of the 20th century. The girl also proposes to create a new federal agreement, according to which the president cannot personally appoint governors. Regions must have the rights to make legislative decisions.

Also, Ksenia Sobchak’s election program involves changing the order of distribution of income between the center and the regions, prohibiting Russian officials from interfering with international trials and tribunals that are held against Russians abroad.

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