Solutions for the real exam in computer science. Collection of ideal social studies essays

Many would not mind being on the safe side with ready-made answers for the Unified State Exam 2017 in computer science. The exam is really not easy, you won’t be able to pass on intuition - you need to know. But don’t rush to download answers from the first dealers you come across on the Internet. First, let's figure out where the answers to the Unified State Exam in computer science can come from; How realistic is it that anyone even has them?

Who gets the Unified State Exam answers and how?

There are three potential sources of prohibited information:

  1. hackers hack email or other servers of the Ministry of Education and Science or FIPI;
  2. some of the employees of the Ministry and its departments violate the secret;
  3. On the day of the exam, teachers or students promptly complete tasks from those officially printed on Far East KIMs and send them to the western regions, with which the difference between them can reach 6-8 hours.

Logic dictates that the first two sources are the most expensive, because we're talking about about exclusive information that a graduate may have in advance. The third source for a graduate is less expensive (and let’s say in advance that it is completely useless).

Which sources of answers to the Unified State Exam 2017 in computer science can you trust?

From East to West

The trick is with the time difference between different regions It is no longer a trick, but rather stupidity on the part of some graduates and laziness on the part of scammers who were unable to come up with a more tempting argument. The fact is that CMMs are different everywhere. A large number of options have been developed, and if you do not know which CMM options will go to your particular region (and this is unknown to anyone except a select few), you do not receive answers, but a lottery with a very small chance of winning.

Of course, individual tasks may coincide, since they come from the same database, but this is unlikely to be worth spending time looking for answers and money for purchasing them (although sometimes answers are offered for free, so to speak, out of Unified State Exam solidarity).

Hackers and corrupt officials

Of course, no one on the Internet introduces himself: “Hello, I’m a hacker (or a corrupt official). I’m ready to make you a unique selling proposition that you can’t refuse.”

However, you can find the following “soul-touching” story.

In one school there lived eleventh graders, and they were all so tired of preparing for exams that they decided to pool all the money and buy the Unified State Exam answers through one person who had the necessary connections. Out of the blue, we bought it. Yes, it was a bit expensive. They decided to get their money back, and at the same time help the rest of the schoolchildren, and began to sell the purchased answers to others. “And why not buy something,” people think, “after all, we believe in our own, relatives, schoolchildren like us.”

It's very epic. But this is most likely the case. Fraudsters try to speak allegedly in the language of “clients”, attract people with a simple legend about the origin of the answers and successfully make money, taking advantage of the fact that it is easy to disappear on the Internet at the right moment.

Add to this observation that none of the previous exams that have already taken place this year revealed any information leakage. Neither in the media nor on the Internet does anyone write en masse that the answers that were posted on the Internet agreed with the tasks in the exam. Will this series of successes of Rosobrnadzor really end in computer science? Doubtful.


There is only one conclusion: no sources of Unified State Examination answers can be trusted. There is more deception in this matter than real help.

How to pass the Unified State Exam 2017 in computer science without answers

In KIMs in computer science there will not be very easy questions like “Define the binary number system,” etc. All 23 closed and 4 open tasks are aimed at testing your ability to analyze and apply knowledge. Without at least average preparation for the exam, be prepared to retake it. Alas, this year it will not be possible to retake the subject of your choice and you will have to wait next year. On the other hand, you will have whole year to learn the subject perfectly and at a measured pace. And those who, due to failure to pass computer science this year, are facing the army, will at least find benefit in the fact that after service they will be able to enroll in university on preferential terms.

If your interest in answers is dictated by simple self-doubt and a desire to play it safe, then everything is much simpler. You simply don't need answers. You just need to repeat the basic things at night, get a good night's sleep and come to the exam with a fighting spirit.

Good luck to everyone on the exam!

№ 26

Two players, Pasha and Valya, are playing next game. There is a pile of stones in front of the players. The players take turns, Pasha makes the first move. In one move a player can add one stone to the pile or double the number of stones in the pile. For example, having a pile of 15 stones, in one move you can get a pile of 16 or 30 stones. Each player has something to do
moves, there is an unlimited number of stones.
The game ends when the number of stones in the pile becomes at least 20. If at the same time it turned out in the heap no more than 30 stones, then the winner is the player who made the last move. Otherwise, his opponent becomes the winner. For example, if there were 17 stones in the pile and Pasha doubles the number of stones in the pile, then the game will end,
and Valya will be the winner. IN starting moment there were S stones in the pile, 1 ≤ S ≤ 19.
We will say that a player has a winning strategy if he can win with any moves of the opponent. To describe a player's strategy means to describe what move he should make in any situation that he may encounter. different game enemy.

Complete the following tasks.
1. a) For what values ​​of the number S can Pasha win in one move? List all such values ​​and Pasha's corresponding moves.
b) Which player has winning strategy at S = 18, 17, 16? Describe winning strategies for these cases.
2. Which player has a winning strategy when S = 9, 8? Describe relevant winning strategies.
3. Which player has a winning strategy when S = 7? Construct a tree of all games possible with this winning strategy (in the form of a picture or table). On the edges of the tree indicate who is making the move; in nodes - the number of stones in a position.

Do not enter anything in the answer field. The correct answer can be checked by clicking the "Parsing" button

1. a) Pasha can win if S = 19 or S = 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. With S = 19, the first move is to add one stone to the pile; for the remaining specified values ​​of S, you need to double the number of stones.
b) When S = 16, 17 or 18, doubling the number of stones does not make sense, since after such a move the opponent wins. Therefore, we can assume that the only possible move is to add one stone to the pile.
At S = 18, after such a move by Pasha, there will be 19 stones in the pile. In this position, the one who walks (i.e. Valya) wins (see point 1a):

with S = 18 Pasha (the player who must go first) loses. Valya has a winning strategy.
At S = 17, after Pasha adds one stone with his first move, there will be 18 stones in the pile. In this position, the mover (i.e. Valya) loses (see above): with S = 17, Pasha (the player who must move first) wins. Pasha has a winning strategy.
When S = 16, Valya has a winning strategy. Indeed, if Pasha doubles the number of stones on his first move, then the pile becomes 32 stones, and the game immediately ends with Vali winning. If Pasha adds one stone, then the pile becomes 17 stones. As we already know, in this position the player who must move (i.e. Valya) wins.
In all cases, winning is achieved by the fact that during his move, the player with a winning strategy must add one stone to the pile.

2. When S = 9 or 8, Pasha has a winning strategy. It consists of doubling the number of stones in the pile and getting a pile that will have 18 or 16 stones, respectively. In both cases, the player who makes the move (now it is Valya) loses (section 1b).

3. When S = 7, Valya has a winning strategy. After Pasha's first move, the pile can have either 8 or 14 stones. In both of these positions, the player who makes the move (now Valya) wins. The case S = 8 is considered in section 2, the case S = 14 is considered in section 1a.

WITH modern world technologies and realities of programming, development Unified State Exam in Computer Science has little in common. There are some basic points, but even if you understand a little about the tasks, this does not mean that you will ultimately become a good developer. But there are a great many areas where IT specialists are needed. You can't go wrong if you want to have Fixed salary above average. In IT you will get it. Provided, of course, that you have the appropriate abilities. And you can develop and grow here as much as you want, because the market is so huge that you can’t even imagine! Moreover, it is not limited only to our state. Work for any company from anywhere in the world! This is all very inspiring, so let preparation for the Unified State Exam in computer science be the first minor step, followed by years of self-development and improvement in this area.


Part 1 contains 23 short answer questions. This part contains short-answer tasks that require you to independently formulate a sequence of symbols. The assignments test the material of all thematic blocks. 12 tasks relate to basic level, 10 tasks for an increased level of complexity, 1 task for a high level of complexity.

Part 2 contains 4 tasks, the first of which higher level difficulty, the remaining 3 tasks high level difficulties. The tasks in this part involve writing a detailed answer in free form.

For execution exam paper Allotted 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). It is recommended to spend 1.5 hours (90 minutes) to complete the tasks of Part 1. It is recommended to devote the rest of the time to completing the tasks of part 2.

Explanations for grading assignments

Completion of each task in Part 1 is worth 1 point. Part 1 task is considered completed if the examinee gives an answer that corresponds to the correct answer code. Completion of tasks in part 2 is graded from 0 to 4 points. Answers to tasks in Part 2 are checked and assessed by experts. Maximum amount The points you can get for completing tasks in part 2 are 12.

For school graduates. It should be taken by those who plan to enter universities in the most promising specialties, such as Information Security, automation and control, nanotechnology, system analysis and control, missile systems and astronautics, nuclear physics and technology and many others.

Check out general information about the exam and start preparing. There are practically no changes compared to last year in the new version of the KIM Unified State Exam 2019. The only thing is that fragments of programs written in the C language disappeared from the tasks: they were replaced with fragments written in the C++ language. And from task No. 25, they removed the opportunity to write an algorithm in natural language as an answer.

Unified State Exam assessment

Last year, to pass the Unified State Exam in computer science with at least a C, it was enough to score 42 primary points. They were given, for example, for correctly completing the first 9 tasks of the test.

It is not yet known exactly what will happen in 2019: we need to wait for the official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score for the entire test remains the same, most likely the minimum score will not change either. Let's focus on these tables for now:

Structure of the Unified State Exam test

Computer science is the longest exam (the Unified State Examination in mathematics and literature is the same length), lasting 4 hours.

In 2019, the test consists of two parts, including 27 tasks.

  • Part 1: 23 tasks (1–23) with a short answer, which is a number, a sequence of letters or numbers.
  • Part 2: 4 tasks (24–27) with detailed answers, complete solutions to the tasks are written down on answer sheet 2.

All tasks are connected in one way or another with a computer, but during the exam you are not allowed to use it to write a program in group C problems. In addition, the tasks do not require complex mathematical calculations You are also not allowed to use a calculator.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Take the Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration or SMS. The tests presented are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Examination in computer science, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests have been developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Exam. Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI all official Unified State Exam options.
    The tasks that you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty
100 points
Exam length, min.
2009 36
2010 41 62,74 62 652 7,2 90 240
2011 40 59,74 51 180 9,8 31 240
2012 40 60,3 61 453 11,1 315 240
2013 40 63,1 58 851 8,6 563 240
2014 40 57,1 235
2015 40 53,6 235
2016 40 235
2017 40 235

Computer Science and ICT is one of those subjects that can be chosen for national examinations at the end of school. Everything related to the Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2017 - from the date of delivery to the latest changes - is in our article.

Unified State Examination in Informatics: exam schedule

When choosing additional subjects for the Unified State Exam, future graduates take into account not only the degree of difficulty of the discipline, but also the date of the exam in order to properly plan their preparation time.

When to take the Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2017?

Stage 1 – early

  • March 16, Thursday
  • April 3, Tuesday – reserve day.

Stage 2 – main

  • May 31, Wednesday
  • June 19, Monday – reserve day.

For those who cannot pass the Unified State Exam on the allotted days, a third examination stage is planned in the fall - an additional one. In September, you will be able to either improve your final grade in computer science or take the subject for the first time. Availability autumn stage– a logical consequence of reform USE structures, which started several years ago. Instead of the third, “July” wave of exams, an additional period of passing was included in the schedule - for those who for any reason good reasons(illness, leaving the country, sport competitions, Olympiads, etc.) could not pass the Unified State Exam in the general population. The same time is also provided for those who were unable to achieve the minimum score along with the overall flow.

When remembering the dates of state exams, it is worth remembering that as of today, Rosobrnadzor has published only a draft schedule, and this is the second one in a row. The final version will appear only in the second half school year 2016-2017. However, it is worth noting that, as a rule, the project is practically no different from the final version of the schedule - the differences between the two versions are minimal. Therefore, the dates of the Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2017 can be safely considered correct.

Minimum score

All the results of the Unified State Exam 2016 have already been summed up, conclusions and analyzes have been made, and therefore we can talk about the minimum score of the Unified State Exam 2017.

In 2017, the minimum/threshold score for computer science and ICT will be 40 points.

The specified value is necessary both for obtaining a certificate and for entering a university.

When preparing for the exam, it is worth remembering that in 2017, the points scored on the Unified State Exam will affect the final grade on the certificate. That is, if at the end of the year you got an A for computer science, but on the Unified State Exam you only scored minimal amount points – 40, that is, you got a C, then the final result will show a four on your certificate.

This innovation applies not only to computer science, but to all subjects in which the state exam is taken.

Changes in the Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2017

There has been talk for a long time about turning the written computer science exam into a practical one. Behind passing the Unified State Exam teachers themselves, Rosobrnadzor officials, and even the former Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov spoke out on a computer, and not in paper form, as was the case in all previous years. He, by the way, gave the order to provide all schools in the country with required quantity equipment - read, buy computers for every school. True, not a word was said about the source of funding for this project. As you know, no money means no computers, and therefore today there are many schools throughout the country where computer science is taught exclusively in theory.

2017 should be the first year when the Unified State Exam in computer science is taken on a computer. According to education officials, computer science should become a pilot subject in the state exam automation project. The choice is logical - many tasks from CMM in this discipline would be easier and more convenient to solve in a software environment.

However, today the situation is as follows: neither FIPI nor Rosobrnadzor have made any changes to the structure and layout of the exam tasks. On the contrary: the official position of the relevant department is as follows:

— as of today, there are no changes in structure and content in the Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2017.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in computer science

To pass the exam and receive a high grade, careful and competent preparation is required. This truism is familiar to every schoolchild, not only graduates, but all students. However, I don’t know everything about how to properly prepare for the Unified State Exam.

  • Time. It is better to start preparing long before the due date; ideally, immediately after the New Year holidays.
  • Educational materials. Almost every year, some changes are made to the CMM, so it is best to use manuals and manuals published in 2016-2017 when preparing.
  • Preparation procedure. Break the material into several large topics - it is best to do it the way it is done in the textbook. Then each topic is divided into several basic subtopics, which, in turn, are divided into paragraphs. In such small volumes it is easier to learn the material, in addition, such a scheme provides enough incentive to learn new things.
  • Using demo versions. To date, FIPI has published demo versions of the exam. Be sure to go through several versions of training work, read the analytical calculations of last year’s exams, and review the specification and codifier of the Unified State Exam in computer science. First of all, this will allow you to know what the exam is like and will help you not be afraid of the Unified State Exam. In addition, such a check on demo versions will reveal your weak spots, will demonstrate which sections of the discipline need to pay more attention.
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