The compositional role of lyrical digressions. A collection of ideal essays in social studies. A system for grading examination papers in literature.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

GBPOU C BY CTerlitamak Industrial College

Literature tests

Zotova Nailya Rashitovna,


Option 1

1. Name a literary movement that flourished in the second half of the 19th century and was reflected in the works of I.S. Turgenev, A.N. Ostrovsky, F.M. Dostoevsky.




2. Which of the heroes of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” embodies the author’s ideal?

A. Evgeny Onegin B. Tatyana Larina

V.Vladimir Lensky

3. Indicate the name of Pushkin’s poem in which the call sounds

My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to our homeland with a wonderful impulse!

    “To Chaadaev”;


A.S. Pushkin, written in 1825

A. love; b. lyceum friendship; V. poet and poetry

5. For what purpose does M. Yu. Lermontov violate the chronological order of the novel “A Hero of Our Time”?

A. makes it possible to objectively reveal the “history of a duel” of a person;

b. desire for originality;

V. to awaken the reader's interest in the hero;

d. for a gradual – from “external to internal” - disclosure of the character of the main character

6. How can you explain the meaning of the title of the poem “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol?

    definition denoting a deceased peasant;

    a soulless hero, mired in worries about vanity; designation of the “death” of landowners and officials;

    opposition in the artistic world of a work to the concepts of “dead” and “alive”

7. Which work was not written by A.N. Ostrovsky?

A. "Inspector"; V. "Snow Maiden";

b. "Dowry"; Mr. "Bankrupt"

8. Which object is not a characteristic detail for creating the image of Oblomov in the novel?

A. S. Goncharova?

    a big sofa;

    leather chair;

    comfortable robe;

    soft shoes

9. What in the image of Bazarov was alien to the author of the novel “Fathers and Sons”?

A. separation from any practical activity;

b. a nihilistic attitude towards the cultural heritage of Russia;

V. misunderstanding of the role of the people in the liberation movement;

10. Whom does N.A. consider happy in the poem? Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'”?

A. king; b. butt; V. Grisha Dobrosklonova; g. drunk.

11. Shchedrin's tales about animals are close to such a genre as

  1. feuilleton;

12. Who is Porfiry Petrovich from the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment"?

A. investigator; b. clerk; V. Judge.

13. The lyrical hero is

    a specific image of a person in a lyrical work;

    all the heroes of the work.

14. What is the name of the conversation between two characters?

15. What is the name of the image of nature in a work of art?

Option 2

1. Which literary direction of Russian literatureXIX century is inherent in the reflection of reality, indicating important, typical features of life, described objectively?

A. classicism;

B. sentimentalism;

B. romanticism;

d. realism

2. What type of people is the main character of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”:

A. “extra person”; B. “new man”;

V. "little man"

3. To what topic did A.S. Pushkin devote lines?

And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,

That I awakened good feelings with my lyre..."



V. love

4. To whom are A.S. Pushkin’s poems “I remember a wonderful moment...” dedicated?



V . M.N.Raevskoy

5. The description of the appearance, the portrait of Pechorin in M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “Hero of Our Time” was given by a “passing officer”, and not by Maxim Maksimych, because he (M. M.)

    not observant;

    incapable of generalizations;

    could not be objective in describing Pechorin’s appearance;

    too simple, cannot understand Pechorin, because he is a person from a different circle

6. Why did N.V. Gogol arrange Chichikov’s visit to the landowners in exactly this sequence (Manilov – Korobochka – Nozdryov – Sobakevich – Plyushkin)?

    heroes are arranged according to the degree of degradation, death;

    the characters are arranged according to the principle of “revival”;

    each subsequent landowner is opposed to the previous one;

    Chichikov’s visit to the landowners was not structured according to the scheme

7. Prominent representatives of the “dark kingdom” in the play “The Thunderstorm” are (find the odd one):

A. Tikhon; b. Kabanikha; V. Wild; Kuligin

8. What is the origin of the hero of the novel “Oblomov” by A. S. Goncharov Oblomov?

    nobleman; b. tradesman; V. merchant

9. The basis of the conflict in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is:

A. quarrel between P. P. Kirsanov and E. V. Bazarov;

b. the conflict that arose between E.V. Bazarov and N.P. Kirsanov;

V. the struggle of nobles and commoners - democrats

10. Who are these lines about N.A. Nekrasov from the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”?

Fate had in store for him

The path is glorious, the name is loud

People's Defender,

Consumption and Siberia

A. about Ermil Girin; b. about Savelia; V. about Grigory Dobrosklonov

11. Which of the following tales does not belong to M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin?

A. "Crucian idealist"; b. "Three Bears"; V. "The Wise Minnow"; "Wild Landowner"

12. What part of the novel “Crime and Punishment” is occupied by the preparation of Raskolnikov’s “crime”, and what part by his punishment?

A. one part; b. five parts

13. Types of literature include

    novel, story, tragedy;

    poetry, prose, drama;

V. epic, lyric, drama

14. The hero’s speech represents a statement,

addressed to people. Name the term

15. What is the description of the hero’s appearance called?

Demo version (IV)

(answers at the end of the test)

Read the passage and answer the questions after the text.

Lopakhin. I want to tell you something very pleasant and cheerful. (Looking at his watch.) I’m leaving now, there’s no time to talk... well, I’ll say it in two or three words. You already know that your cherry orchard is being sold for debts, an auction is scheduled for August twenty-second, but don’t worry, my dear, sleep well, there is a way out... Here is my project. Attention please! Your estate is located only twenty miles from the city, there is a railway nearby, and if the cherry orchard and the land along the river are divided into summer cottages and then rented out as summer cottages, then you will have at least twenty-five thousand a year in income.
Gaev. Sorry, what nonsense!
Lyubov Andreevna. I don’t quite understand you, Ermolai Alekseich.
Lopakhin. You will take the least from the summer residents, twenty-five rubles a year per tithe, and if you announce it now, then, I guarantee anything, you will not have a single free scrap left until the fall, everything will be taken away. In a word, congratulations, you are saved. The location is wonderful, the river is deep. Only, of course, we need to clean it up, clean it up... for example, say, demolish all the old buildings, this house, which is no longer good for anything, cut down the old cherry orchard...
Lyubov Andreevna. Cut it down? My dear, forgive me, you don’t understand anything. If there is anything interesting, even wonderful, in the entire province, it is only our cherry orchard.
Lopakhin. The only remarkable thing about this garden is that it is very large. Cherries are born once every two years, and there’s nowhere to put them, no one buys them.
Gaev. And the Encyclopedic Dictionary mentions this garden.
Lopakhin (looking at his watch). If we don’t come up with anything and come to nothing, then on August 22 both the cherry orchard and the entire estate will be sold at auction. Make up your mind! There is no other way, I swear to you. No and no.
Firs. In the old days, about forty to fifty years ago, cherries were dried, soaked, pickled, jam was made, and it used to be...
Gaev. Shut up, Firs.
Firs. And it used to be that dried cherries were sent by cartload to Moscow and Kharkov. There was money! And dried cherries then were soft, juicy, sweet, fragrant... They knew the method then...
Lyubov Andreevna. Where is this method now?
Firs. Forgot. Nobody remembers.
Pishchik (to Lyubov Andreevna). What's in Paris? How? Did you eat frogs?
Lyubov Andreevna. Ate crocodiles.
Pishchik. Just think...
Lopakhin. Until now, there were only gentlemen and peasants in the village, but now there are also summer residents. All cities, even the smallest ones, are now surrounded by dachas. And we can say that in twenty years the summer resident will multiply to an extraordinary extent. Now he only drinks tea on the balcony, but it may happen that on his one tithe he will start farming, and then your cherry orchard will become happy, rich, luxurious...
Gaev (indignant). What nonsense!

(A.P. Chekhov, “The Cherry Orchard”)

1. Name a literary movement that flourished in the second half of the 19th century and whose principles were reflected in the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard".

3. The above scene conveys the conversation between the characters. What term refers to this form of communication between characters in a work of fiction?

4. Indicate the surname of a character who is not internally connected to the problem discussed by the characters and causes the corresponding reaction from Lyubov Andreevna.

5. What is the name of a significant detail that serves as a means of characterizing a character (for example, the watch that Lopakhin repeatedly glances at)?

7. At the heart of the dispute over the fate of the estate and the garden is an acute clash of positions, which predetermines the ending of the play. Indicate the term that denotes such a contradiction that moves the plot towards a resolution.

8. Name the technique of animating an inanimate object used by F.I. Tyutchev in the above poem (“... midday breathes...”).

The river rolls lazily;
And in the fiery and pure firmament
The clouds are lazily melting.

And all of nature, like fog,
A hot drowsiness envelops;
And now the great Pan himself
In the cave the nymphs are sleeping peacefully.
(F.I. Tyutchev, late 1820s)

9. What means of artistic expression does the author resort to in the lines: “And all nature, like fog, // A hot slumber envelops”?

10. What term refers to the repetition of the initial parts of lines in a poem:

The hazy afternoon breathes lazily;
The river rolls lazily...?

11. What are the names of figurative definitions that serve as an expressive and figurative means (“hazy afternoon”, “hot nap”)?

12. Determine the meter in which the poem “Noon” is written (without indicating the number of feet).

Question no.


Question no.





Pischik or Simeonov-Pishchik

anaphora or unity of command

“At the Bottom” by M. Gorky

Luke (thoughtfully, Bubnov). Here... you say - it’s true... It’s true - it’s not always because of a person’s illness... you can’t always cure a soul with the truth... There was approximately such a case; I knew one person who believed in a righteous land...

Bubnov. What?

Luke. To the righteous land. There must, he said, be a righteous land in the world... in that land, they say, special people inhabit... good people! They respect each other, they simply help each other... and everything is nice and good with them! And so the man kept getting ready to go... to look for this righteous land. He was poor, he lived poorly... and when it was so difficult for him that he could just lie down and die, he did not lose his spirit, and everything happened, he just grinned and said: “Nothing! I'll be patient! I’ll wait a few more... and then I’ll give up this whole life and go to the righteous land...” He had only one joy - this land...

Ash. Well? Are you going?

Bubnov. Where? Ho-ho!

Luke. And to this place - it was in Siberia - they sent an exile, a scientist... with books, with plans, he is a scientist, and with all sorts of things... The man says to the scientist: “Show me, do me a favor “Where is the righteous land and how is the road there?” Now this scientist opened his books, laid out his plans... he looked and looked - there was no righteous land anywhere! That’s right, all the lands are shown, but the righteous one is not!..

Ash (quietly). Well? No?

Bubnov laughs.

Natasha. Wait... well, grandpa?

Luke. The man doesn’t believe... There must be, he says... look for something better! Otherwise, he says, your books and plans are of no use if there is no righteous land... The scientist is offended. My plans, he says, are the most correct, but there is no righteous land anywhere. Well, then the man got angry - how could that be? Lived, lived, endured, endured and believed everything - there is! but according to plans it turns out - no! Robbery!.. And he says to the scientist: “Oh, you... such a bastard! You’re a scoundrel, not a scientist...” Yes, in his ear - once! Moreover!.. ( After a pause.) And after that he went home - and hanged himself!..

Everyone is silent, Luka, smiling, looks at Ash and Natasha.

Ash (quietly). Damn it... the story is sad...

Natasha. Couldn't stand being lied to...

Bubnov (gloomily). Everything is a fairy tale...

Show answer

Realism is a concept that characterizes the cognitive function of art: a truthful, objective reflection of reality. The degree of realism of a work is determined by the degree of penetration into reality, the depth and completeness of its artistic knowledge.

Basic principles of realism: objective reflection of existing aspects of life in combination with the author's ideal; reproduction of typical characters in typical circumstances.


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Part "B"

Read the text fragment below and complete tasks B1-B7

At the beginning of July, in an extremely hot time, in the evening, one young man came out of his closet, which he had rented from tenants in the S-th lane, onto the street and slowly, as if in indecision, went to the K-n bridge.

He successfully avoided meeting his mistress on the stairs. His closet was right under the roof of a tall five-story building and looked more like a closet than an apartment. His landlady, from whom he rented this closet with dinner and servants, was located one staircase down, in a separate apartment, and every time, when going out into the street, he certainly had to pass by the landlady’s kitchen, which was almost always wide open to the stairs. And every time the young man, passing by, felt some kind of painful and cowardly sensation, which he was ashamed of and from which he winced. He was in debt to his mistress and was afraid to meet her.

It’s not that he was so cowardly and downtrodden, quite the contrary; but for some time he had been in an irritable and tense state, similar to hypochondria. He became so deeply involved in himself and secluded himself from everyone that he was afraid of even any meeting, not just a meeting with his hostess. He was crushed by poverty; but even his cramped situation had recently ceased to burden him. He completely stopped his daily affairs and did not want to deal with them.

In essence, he was not afraid of any mistress, no matter what she was plotting against him. But to stop on the stairs, listen to every eye about all this ordinary rubbish, about which he has nothing to do, all these pesterings about payment, threats, complaints, and at the same time dodge, apologize, lie - no, it’s better to slip through somehow cat up the stairs and sneak away so no one can see.

However, this time the fear of meeting his creditor struck even him as he went out into the street.

“What business do I want to encroach on and at the same time what trifles am I afraid of! - he thought with a strange smile. - Hm... yes... everything is in the hands of a person, and yet he still misses the point, solely out of cowardice... this is an axiom...

Curious what people are more afraid of? They are most afraid of a new step, a new word of their own... But by the way, I talk too much. That's why I don't do anything, because I chat. Perhaps, however, it’s like this: that’s why I’m chatting because I’m not doing anything. It was in this last month that I learned to chat, lying in the corner for whole days and thinking... about King Pea. Well, why am I going now? Am I capable of this? Is this serious? Not serious at all. So for the sake of fantasy I amuse myself; toys! Yes, perhaps, like toys!”

The heat outside was terrible, and also stuffy, crowded, everywhere there was lime, scaffolding, brick, dust and that special summer stench so familiar to every Petersburger who does not have the opportunity to rent a summer house - all this at once unpleasantly shook already frayed nerves young men. The unbearable stench from the taverns, of which there are a particularly large number in this part of the city, and the drunks who constantly appeared, despite it being weekdays, completed the disgusting and sad coloring of the picture. A feeling of deepest disgust flashed for a moment in the thin features of the young man. By the way, he was remarkably good-looking, with beautiful dark eyes, dark brown hair, above average height, thin and slender. But soon he fell into a sort of deep thought, even, or rather, as if into some sort of oblivion, and walked on, no longer noticing his surroundings, and not wanting to notice them. Occasionally he only muttered something to himself, from his habit of monologues, which he had now admitted to himself. At that very moment he himself realized that his thoughts were sometimes confused and that he was very weak: for the second day he had eaten almost nothing at all.

(F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”)

B1 Name a literary movement that flourished in the second half of the 19th century and whose traditions were reflected in “Crime and Punishment”?

B2 What genre does F.M. Dostoevsky’s work “Crime and Punishment” belong to?

B3 Indicate a means of characterizing a character based on a description of his appearance:

“By the way, he was remarkably good-looking, with beautiful dark eyes, dark brown hair, above average height, thin and slender.”

B4 Establish a correspondence between the main characters appearing in Dostoevsky’s novel and their inherent character qualities. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. Write down the sequence of numbers corresponding to the letters ABC, without spaces or commas.

CHARACTERS: A) Raskolnikov B) Razumikhin C) Svidrigailov

CHARACTER QUALITIES: 1) understanding of morality as “prejudice” 2) prudence, moderation in assessments 3) stinginess, seeking personal gain in everything 4) desire to comprehend the “abyss of your soul”

B5 Indicate the name of the element of the composition that is a description of part of the real environment in which the action takes place:

“The heat outside was terrible, besides it was stuffy, crowded, everywhere there was lime, scaffolding, brick, dust and that special summer stench, so familiar to every St. Petersburger who does not have the opportunity to rent a dacha.”

B6 What term in literary criticism refers to the image of the interior of a room?

“His closet was right under the roof of a tall five-story building and looked more like a closet than an apartment.”

B7 What is the name of the hero’s statement addressed to himself and pronounced “to himself”, with the help of which writers depict a psychological process, imitate the “stream of consciousness”. For example:

“What business do I want to encroach on and at the same time what trifles am I afraid of! - he thought with a strange smile?

Read the poem below and complete tasks B8-B12


In a difficult moment of life
Is there sadness in my heart,
One wonderful prayer
I repeat it by heart.

There is a power of grace
In the consonance of living words,
And an incomprehensible one breathes,
Holy beauty in them.

Like a burden will roll off your soul,
Doubt is far away -
And I believe and cry,
And so easy, easy...

(M.Yu. Lermontov, 1839)

The answer to tasks B8-B12 is a word, or a phrase, or a sequence of numbers. Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

B8 Indicate the type of literature to which M.Yu.’s poem belongs. Lermontov "Prayer".

B9 Indicate the number of the stanza (ordinal number in the nominative case) in which the poet uses anaphora.

B10 Indicate the stylistic device used by the poet to give the verse special sound expressiveness:

I repeat it by heart.

B11 From the list below, select three names of artistic means and techniques used by the poet in the last stanza of this poem (write the numbers in ascending order without spaces or commas).

1) comparison 2) inversion 3) hyperbole 4) lexical repetition 5) metaphor

B12 Indicate the meter in which M.Yu.’s poem is written. Lermontov "Prayer". (without indicating the number of stops).

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