What is the Unified State Exam in Literature? What should an applicant prepare for? The structure of the Unified State Examination paper in literature.

The Unified State Exam test in literature consists of three parts, each of which has a different value for determining the level of training of graduates in literature.

In the first and second parts, students are asked to complete tasks that include questions to a fragment of the text of works named in the mandatory minimum content literary education. Unified State Examination tests in literature, in accordance with the requirements of the current Standard, must test the following knowledge and skills of graduates.


  • content of the studied literary works;
  • basic facts of the life and work of classical writers of the 19th-20th centuries,
  • stages of creative evolution of classical writers;
  • main literary methods, directions, trends, basic patterns of the historical and literary process;
  • information about individual periods of its development;
  • basic theoretical and literary concepts and terms.
  • analyze and interpret a literary work using information on the history and theory of literature (artistic structure, themes, problems, moral pathos, system of images, features of composition, artistic time and space, figurative and expressive means of language, artistic detail);
  • correlate the work being studied with the literary direction of the era;
  • highlight the features of literary movements and movements when analyzing a work;
  • determine the genre and generic specificity of a literary work;
  • determine the main elements of the content and artistic structure of the studied works (themes and issues, characters and events, artistic techniques, different kinds tropes, etc.);
  • compare literary works, as well as their various artistic, critical and scientific interpretations;
  • identify author's position, characterize the features of the writer’s style.
IN Unified State Exam tests literature checks to what extent graduates have mastered such activities as
  • determining whether a literary (folklore) text belongs to a particular type and genre, creative method or literary direction(current), historical and literary period;
  • analysis of the text, revealing the author's intention and various means of its implementation; determining the motives of the characters’ actions, the essence of the conflict, etc.;
  • identifying artistic techniques and means of artistic representation, determining their role in revealing the ideological and thematic content of the work;
  • independent search for an answer to a problematic question.
Every option exam paper consists of three parts and includes 17 tasks. The tasks, identical in presentation form and level of complexity, are grouped in certain parts of the work that test the skills of analyzing one or another type of text: epic, lyrical and dramatic. Parts 1 and 2 of the examination paper present two texts: fragment epic work(novel, story, story, short story) or fragment dramatic work(comedy, drama) and lyrical work (fragment of a poem, poem). These texts are associated with questions that help analyze their artistic features. In these same parts, knowledge of the history and theory of literature is tested (these are the so-called basic tasks). After the graduate answers the proposed questions of type B (with an open answer), he will have to answer questions of type C. These questions are also assigned to each of the two parts exam test and are numbered C1-C4 accordingly. Type B includes 12 tasks for which the student gives his own short response (a word or combination of words). Tasks of type C1-C4 require a short coherent answer (a coherent text of 5-10 sentences).

Part 1 relates to a fragment of an epic text or a fragment of a play and contains 7 tasks with a short answer ( basic level difficulties). There are also 2 tasks with detailed answers ( increased level difficulties). Their designations are C1, C2.

Part 2 relates to the text of the lyric poem and contains 5 short answer tasks (basic difficulty level). There are also 2 tasks with a detailed answer (increased difficulty level). Their designation is SZ, C4.

The authors of the examination test in literature for the Unified State Exam suggested that “following the proposed algorithm of work allows students to identify the place and role of an episode (scene) in the overall structure of the work (analysis of a fragment), to reveal plot-compositional, figurative-thematic and stylistic features analyzed text, summarize your observations.”

Part 3 tests how deeply and independently students are able to master a literary work and explain the complexities of the historical and literary process (these are tasks high level difficulties). This part of the work tests the ability to construct a coherent and meaningful speech statement for a given literary theme, formulated in the form of a question of a problematic nature. The graduate is asked 3 questions (C5.1-C5.3), covering the most important milestones of the national historical and literary process: on the literature of the 18th century, on the works of the first half of the 19th century century, based on works of the second half of the 19th century, based on works of the 20th century. The graduate chooses one of the questions and gives an answer, justifying his judgment by referring to the work (from memory).

Part 3 contains 3 free-response tasks (of a high level of difficulty), of which the student needs to complete only one task of his own choice. Their designation in the work: C5.1; C5.2; C5.3.

In 2017, I passed the Unified State Exam in literature with 65 points. On appeal, we managed to knock out only one primary point, which, when transferred to secondary ones, weighed the same. Therefore, in the end my result was only 66 points, which upset me very much.

This year I am pleased with the change in the assessment criteria, and it seems to me that now it has really become clearer what is expected and wanted from you, because last year at the appeal they could not tell me why exactly they reduced some of my points for detailed answers.

My failure

I think many have come across stories of people who know literature very well, but wrote the exam very poorly. Unfortunately, I also know many such examples, one of which is my own. Therefore, now I will tell you from my own experience what this may be caused by.

I failed the literature exam last year and passed with 66 points, which is very low for me, considering that I set myself the bar of 90+. I went through the entire list of literature, with the exception of a few works that were not very important, I carefully sorted everything out, my table was littered with notebooks with written works and tables and notes I had made on everything that was possible. I felt very confident and knew that I was not going empty-handed. I came across an option with works that I knew well, the topics of the essays were also successful, but in the end it all ended in my tears and a bad result. Why? Because I’ve never written a full sample and couldn’t keep track of the time!

I started writing the essay about 35-40 minutes before the end of work. Well, not rewriting, but writing! And since I was in a hurry and worried, realizing in advance that I had already failed it, I made a bunch of mistakes: in three sentences I wrote the word “history” 7-9 times, and different meanings, used the same words and figures of speech, the structure of the text was laid out in my head, but in the end I did not have time to finish the penultimate paragraph and did not write a conclusion at all. When we put down our pens, I began to re-read my work and was horrified, but, unfortunately, it was too late to correct anything.

My friend failed the exam because she did not understand the evaluation criteria well; she also knew the material quite well and studied with a tutor. She took the exam two years ago, and then the criteria were very vague and the work was assessed much more subjectively than now. In the Unified State Exam 2018, the criteria were made more clear (you can download a file at this link that contains the codifier, specification and demo version - literature), which I hope will benefit those who will take it this year.

In general, quite a large number of people have their work grades reduced due to “actual shortcomings,” “some inaccuracies,” and the like, although this is not considered an error. Quite a lot of people fail at this: they write Good work without mistakes, but they begin to find fault with them for everything possible, just to lower their points. That is why it is best to write a paper using the most general phrases and generally accepted opinion about works. Often people begin to describe the answer too much, and then they stumble - they receive deductions for speech and factual errors and on appeal they only hear “it’s clear that you read and understand, but we can’t raise it for you, because this is not exactly what they are waiting for.” from you in this answer.” One thing is good - now the formulation of the criteria has become much less vague. Mini-conclusion: you need to write not very voluminously, without any special embellishments of speech and as objectively as possible.

Time and mistakes due to haste

As I already mentioned, I screwed up because I didn't have time to write my essay. But I didn’t have time because I spent too much time on drafts, and ended up rewriting for a very long time.

Don't use drafts to write on them. a whole job. Write only a plan on them and keywords, which you will use, because otherwise you simply won’t have time to write anything, but you have to not only write, but also check!


How many times did they repeat at school that it is very useful to write a plan? But many still do not like to devote his time, but he can really speed up the process of writing detailed answers and the essay itself. Although you can do much simpler with detailed answers - just throw in the keywords that you want to use and that help to reveal the topic - and follow them to write a paper.

As for the essay, I think it’s most convenient to first divide it into parts and write down the key words in them too. Then, while writing, the likelihood of repeating the same phrases and words decreases, and a structured thought can be expressed quickly and easily.

How much and for what

It is worth constantly keeping a beacon in your head, reminding you that time is not rubber. In our classroom, we were reminded of the time only five minutes before the end of the exam, so it’s better to keep an eye on it yourself.

I spent a lot of time on detailed answers, which led to disastrous result. I advise you to spend 5-7 minutes thinking through your answer (writing down the keywords/plan, as I wrote above), and then 15-20 minutes writing it.

You shouldn’t delay the test either, but I think this is already understandable. Now, when I do samples, I first work with the test, and then, just before starting with detailed answers, I read a passage from the prose. Because most often in the test there is nothing related to the passage at all, only to the work as a whole or to the definitions. And if you first read the text and then take the test, then most likely you will have to re-read it again to get a detailed answer. I also often do this with lyrics, first I go through numbers with terms, and only then, when I need to determine what techniques the author used, what size the poem was written in and when answering questions 15 and 16, I read the poem itself.

The test takes on average 15-20 minutes. It seems to me that it is more convenient to check after, but then you need to be sure to leave yourself some time. It turned out that I simply did not immediately transfer everything to the forms, and at the end of the work, during the transfer, I checked myself again.

This leaves about 100-120 minutes for writing and checking. Just 10-15 minutes to plan and you can write calmly, sometimes giving yourself time to think. Because, again, going back to the time of my exam, I wrote almost without thinking due to the fact that I was in a hurry: I just wrote without stopping, and this obviously turned out to be that I simply did not have time to follow the lexical repetitions, actual errors and the construction of the sentence as a whole.

It’s best to finish your essay about 20 minutes before the end so that you have time to re-read everything you’ve written. Because you can’t check detailed answers right away best idea. Instead, it would be preferable to switch thoughts to something else, and then re-read it - this way you can better see the errors.

What might surprise you on the exam?

When you sit in class and look at the form that comes your way, you may think that it is a little different from what you expected. Let's find out why.


You may easily come across poems that are not from the codifier, as was the case with me, for example. It’s not that it’s more complicated, it’s just that I’ve been tormented for a long time by the question, why then do you need a codifier and selected authors at all, if you can come across a poem not related to them, and for comparison you can cite works not only from the codifier, but in principle from Russian literature of a certain time.

I came across a poem that I saw for the first time, and for comparison I cited Bunin “I remember a long winter evening”, and everything was fine with me. However, it was a shame that I learned a lot of poems, and in the end I used the one that I knew by heart since the fifth grade.

Detailed answers

Also, the wording of questions for detailed answers may be completely different from those that were in the samples. After all, during training, questions tend to be repeated quite often, but in work anything can come across. But the essence of the question does not depend on the wording! In essence, they are all very monotonous, they simply lend themselves to some kind of “distortion” just to confuse those taking the exam. So there's no need to panic, you just need to think about what it's most like.

For example, in your work you may come across a question about the conflict of heroes, but the wording will be “socio-philosophical disputes”, or “confrontation between noble and vile heroes”. Or in a question about nature there might be something like “how does the hero compare himself to a cedar?”

This is all very simple, but the clarifications can sometimes be confusing. In the end, it is best to reduce everything to a general definition, be it conflict, emotional experiences, the connection between man and nature, and so on.

Test part

I personally was also shocked by the task with quotes. Excerpts of replicas from the story “Ionych” by A.P. were given. Chekhov, and it was necessary to compare them with the characters who pronounced them. Of course, it was necessary to focus on the characteristics of the characters, but since one quote still had to remain superfluous, and it was not possible to highlight key phrases/features of speech everywhere, I could not cope with this task.

Structure of long answers

It is very important to pay attention to the speech and the material that is used in the work.

If you are not one hundred percent sure that the quote is used correctly and accurately, then it is better not to write it.

If there is no one hundred percent certainty that this particular hero performed exactly this action, then again it is better not to mention it.

If the name of the hero is poorly remembered, then it is better to call him “the main character” or simply give his characteristics (whose relative he is, what he looks like, who he is by profession, status, and so on).

You also need to watch out for repetitions, tautologies, and speech errors. For example, I accidentally used the word “story” in three different meanings and because of this I wrote it six times in three or four sentences. And I noticed, unfortunately, already when the exam time was over.

You definitely need to pay attention to how often you use the names of the characters. The use of synonyms will help you with this: not just Bazarov, but a friend of Arkady Kirsanov, a nihilist; not just Natasha Rostova, but a sister, daughter, lover, Tolstoy’s favorite heroine (one of) and so on.

It is also necessary to diversify the work with synonyms in the case of verbs. You should not use only “the author described” and “the author showed”; there are a lot of words that can replace such formulations, and somewhere it’s generally better to construct a sentence differently, otherwise it turns out very monotonous and ugly.

Your opinion

This, of course, is very sad, but under no circumstances should you write your opinion. As I have already written several times, it is best to reduce everything to objectivity.

During the exam, no one cares what you think about certain topics. The examiners need to see your knowledge of theory and material. Therefore, you cannot use any “I think”, “I believe”, “In my opinion” and so on, which is what we are taught, on the contrary, when preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian. Therefore, summing up such an intermediate result, I advise you to refresh your memory of the structure from time to time writing and criteria for detailed answers.

I hope my advice will help you avoid my mistakes and write the Unified State Examination in literature with a good score. The main thing is to always remember about time and the fact that none of the assessors are interested in looking at your excellent writing skills. There are criteria - you need to meet them. You shouldn’t think that passing the exam well is a sky-high and impossible goal, you just need to know which way is best to approach it. Take your time, learn clichés and don’t be alarmed if you suddenly receive a form asking for an analysis of works that you see for the first time.


    Exam structure and CMM content

    Compared to 2016, the structure and content of the Unified State Examination model in literature has not undergone significant changes.

    The level of preparation of the examinee is assessed in it according to 8 different sections of the content of the school literature course:

  • Information on the theory and history of literature
  • From ancient Russian literature
  • From literature XVIII century
  • From the literature of the first half of the 19th century
  • From the literature of the second half of the 19th century
  • From literature late XIX- early 20th century
  • From the literature of the first half of the 20th century
  • From the literature of the second half of the twentieth century

The examination paper consists of 2 parts and involves continuous numbering of tasks. CMM consists of 17 tasks that differ from each other in form and content.

Part 1

The first part of the exam is devoted to tasks that involve the analysis of literary works. The examinee must have a good knowledge of the content and structure of the works of the school curriculum (characters, events, themes, issues, artistic techniques, language of writers, and so on). In addition, it is necessary to be able to consider works in the context of a broad historical and literary context.

The tasks of the first part present literary texts, with the help of which not only knowledge of the content of specific works is tested, but also the ability to analyze the text taking into account its gender and genre.

At the beginning of the first part, the examinee is offered a fragment of an epic or dramatic work, and 9 tasks are given for it. In the first seven tasks, the answer is a word, phrase or sequence of numbers. Tasks 8-9 require writing a coherent text of 5-10 sentences.

The second part of the exam presents the text of a poem or fragment lyric poem, and 7 tasks are given for it. The first four tasks must be answered with a word, phrase or sequence of numbers. Subsequent tasks require writing text.

Based Unified State Exam results previous years, the greatest difficulty is task No. 4 (establishing compliance). Its completion rate is at 47%. This suggests that graduates have poor knowledge plot basis works of art. To correct the situation and complete the task well, it is recommended to periodically repeat the material, compare the works being studied with those previously studied in various aspects of analysis, and work out the approach to completing this type of task.

Many high school students also do poorly on task No. 13, in which they need to independently find means of artistic expression in the text. Most common reasons erroneous performance of such tasks are: ignorance of the types of tropes and the inability to distinguish between them in the text; confidence that this or that element must be present in the text; attempts to identify artistic medium in the absence of its obvious signs.

Part 2

The second part of the exam requires an answer in the form of a full-length, detailed statement on a literary topic - in other words, an essay. There are three topics to choose from, covering the following periods of literary development: Old Russian literature, classics of the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century, works of the first half of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The examinee must choose only one of the proposed questions and answer it in the form of an essay, justifying his judgments by referring to the work (from memory). Thanks to work of this type, graduates can express their attitude to the problems of the work, understanding artistic originality works, the nuances of the author's position.

Tips for working while completing Unified State Exam assignments in literature

If you have prepared thoroughly for the exam, short answer questions should not take up much of your time. If any task from the basic level causes difficulties, then it is better to skip it and return to it later. It is likely that the answers to other questions will lead you to the right decision.

Most often, when completing tasks with a detailed answer, examinees make mistakes due to inattentive reading of the task and ignoring its essence. Instead of giving a direct answer to the question posed, graduates begin to talk “about everything and nothing”: about the significance of the work, the characters, their actions, and so on. Meanwhile, you were required, for example, to identify the features of the conflict of the work.

The key to success in the exam is excellent knowledge of the texts of works and the ability to compose your own text of an analytical nature.

June 7 The Unified State Exam in Literature will take place. 17 tasks, of which one is an essay, almost four hours to complete - such details can make you faint, especially if Pushkin and Bulgakov have not been read, and Tyutchev and Mayakovsky have not been memorized. But it’s good for those who know geography: it turns out that on Sakhalin the Unified State Exam will begin eight hours earlier than in Moscow. “Why not take advantage of this?” - think especially the desperate.

Unified State Exam 2017 answers on literature on the Internet

By typing in the search engine “ Answers KIM Unified State Exam 2017 June 7"or something like that, admire the groups, accounts in in social networks, forums on websites where they offer to get answers to the Unified State Exam a few hours before the exam. Please note that in some places they promise to send answers even 12 hours before! That is, the exam has not yet been held anywhere, but the answers are already being offered. How is this possible?

This, of course, is impossible. No one knows the contents of CMMs until they are opened at the examination site. Even observers and teachers don’t know. So, we conclude: scammers simply take advantage of the vulnerable position of graduates and, at the decisive hour, simply send them a compilation of tasks from open bank. The would-be examinee spends the whole day vomiting and tossing about, going to the exam with nothing, and it’s good if by some miracle he gets the minimum score. Coming home, he discovers that the ill-fated page on the VKontakte or Odnoklassniki website no longer exists, or simply no one responds to messages there.

So, now we know that you shouldn’t believe those who promise to send you answers to the 2017 Unified State Exam in Literature this minute, during the day, or at any time before the start of the exam in the easternmost city of our country. But, alas, we have bad news for those who expect answers in eight hours or less: KIMS Unified State Examination V different regions are equivalent to each other in complexity and structure, but different in content. The benefit from a CMM, say from Kamchatka, is the same as from the demo version of the CMM on the website Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI).

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In view of the above, we advise you not to rely on ready-made answers. Show your fighting qualities and prove to yourself that no matter how bad your knowledge Russian literature, you are always able to mobilize and win in an honest way. Of course, there is no talk of any high score, you just need to try to give everything you can in the current situation.

Study in detail the codifier from the package of documents for demonstration CIMs on the FIPI website - there you will find all the topics that you studied at school and which alone can be included in the Unified State Exam. Even by studying only the codifier, you will already understand and remember a lot. Read more about how you can prepare for the Unified State Exam in Literature in a short time here.

Structure and content of the Unified State Exam 2017 in literature

As already mentioned, you have to cope with 17 tasks. The essay is the last of them. On average, it should take you about two hours to write it. You choose the topic of your essay from three options.

The remaining 16 tasks are divided into two parts: 1) analysis of an epic, lyric or dramatic work; 2) analysis of the lyrical work. Most of them are closed questions with a short answer and putting a number on the form corresponding to the correct answer. But two tasks in each part will require you to provide a detailed answer to 5–10 sentences.

Be wary of the temptation to get ready-made answers, original CIMs or cheat sheets. Believe in yourself and good luck in the exam!

Literature is one of the most difficult subjects to pass on the Unified State Exam. An eleventh-grader explains what’s wrong with the criteria for assessing long-response assignments, why it’s not necessary to teach which of the characters in “Dead Souls” embroidered on tulle, and why architects and designers don’t need the Unified State Exam in literature at all.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

1. Biased criteria

The criteria for the Unified State Examination in literature are formulated vaguely. The average schoolchild has a vague idea of ​​what “depth of judgment” is and how to convincingly compare three works. In 2018, the criteria will be improved: there will be more of them and they will become more specific. But the “depth of response” has not gone away.

2. The assessment depends on the subjective opinion of the expert

The assessment system is not fully developed. As a result, the final assessment depends on the subjective opinion of the expert in to a greater extent than from the criteria. The expert may not be able to discern the depth of understanding of the work. Very often there are discrepancies in scores. For example, the first evaluator gives the essay 12 points, the second - 7. The essay is sent for a third check, and the third expert decides to give 10 points. This is a common problem for humanitarian subjects on the Unified State Exam.

3. There is no room for personal opinion

To pass the Unified State Examination in literature with 100 points, you must have telepathy skills. I don’t know how else to coordinate my answer with what is written in the criteria. And breaking up with them is risky. Suddenly the persuasiveness of the judgments presented turns out to be insufficient.

4. Instead of analysis - cramming

This is the problem with short answer items. They are aimed not at understanding the work, but at remembering minor details. How this will help in analysis is unclear.

IN next year Short answer assignments will be excluded. This will eliminate pointless cramming and leave more time for completing tasks with a detailed answer.

5. Some exam takers don’t need knowledge of literature.

Unified State Examination results in literature are required for all creative specialties. If future screenwriters and journalists need knowledge of literature for their studies, then why photographers, designers and architects need it is unclear. Instead of practice, they teach in what year Saltykov-Shchedrin finished “The Wise Minnow.”

“Literature is the most creative subject in school curriculum" is a dubious argument. The Unified State Exam teaches you to think according to a template, and literature, with the introduction of the Unified State Exam, Federal State Educational Standard and other terrible abbreviation initiatives, has lost its creative component.

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