Mohawk hairstyle for long and short hair. Iroquois

Many modern men They try to follow fashion trends, just like women. Clothes and hairstyle are the main components of a stylish image. Increasingly, young people give preference to extravagant details that make their image noticeable and attractive.

Behind last decades The mohawk has become a popular hairstyle, which is done not only by men, but also by women. This style today looks in a discreet version, which can be used for everyday wear and business meetings. But youth variations, distinguished by their originality, are still chosen by representatives of informal subcultures. The mohawk has undergone many changes to become part of the everyday look. Modern models characterized by practicality and effectiveness.

The haircut got its name in honor of the North American Indian tribe that lived in the regions of Oklahoma and Ontario. Modern settlements are characterized by a peaceful disposition, but their ancestors were distinguished by a warlike character and fought with various tribes. To show their power and fearlessness, the Indians raised their entire hair up and secured it with a special viscous impregnation, which they made from tree bark. After securely fixing, they dyed their hair in bright shades, which usually frightened their enemies. This hairstyle spoke of the aggressiveness of the tribe and their readiness to fight until the very end.

Over time, the Iroquois was forgotten, but in the 20th century it gained its admirers in the form of punks and goths. Informal subcultures that emerged in the 70s composed their image from catchy and bright elements that were symbols of rebellion and destruction of the usual foundations of society. Hairstyles were done on both long and short hair. Even then, several new variations of the Iroquois appeared, which were crafted on their heads not only by boys, but also by girls. High bouffants were secured with water, beer or other fixing agents.

As you know, modern fashion often returns to its original roots or borrows certain details and introduces new trends based on them. The Iroquois was no exception. Professional stylists modified and complemented the hairstyle so that it could become part of an everyday image, distinguished by style and high taste. Most Iroquois models have become more restrained and simple in their appearance, and some variations have diluted the range of hairstyles for representatives of the informal environment.

Whatever style of Native American element is chosen, the Mohawk will always be considered a manifestation of individuality.

Who needs a haircut?

The mohawk, also called the mohawk, has become a modern and practical haircut for many men. Some options still look brutal, but even they can be used to create a daily look.

The width of the haircut varies between 2-15 cm. The choice of size depends on the personal preferences of the client. The temples are completely shaved or cut short. We can say that this hairstyle has no standards.

An Indian haircut should be selected taking into account the type of face:

  • It is not recommended for people with a narrow or elongated face, which will make it look even thinner.
  • Also, those with a narrow chin and massive cheekbones should avoid cutting their hair. The mohawk will only emphasize the unfavorable features of this form.
  • People with an oval face can safely wear this hairstyle.
  • People with round faces should choose a wide stripe, as a narrow stripe will look awkward.

On thin and sparse hair, the mohawk may not work properly. In this case, you need to consult with a hairdresser who will help resolve the issue with an extraordinary haircut. For a harmonious appearance, many grow a beard, which goes well with a spectacular hairstyle.

Everyone chooses the variation that will be easy for him to handle. For a daily bow, a short Mohawk is suitable, which does not require complex styling. With proper and high-quality fixation, the hairstyle will retain its original appearance until the very end of the day. Long mohawks are chosen by the brave and creative personalities who are willing to spend a lot of time forming and fixing a high pile. Often this style is combined with shaved or neatly trimmed temples. This option is a suitable solution for informals.

Some variations of Iroquois can surprise and shock the public with their bright and assertive appearance, others can give the image softness and romance, and still others can amaze with chic and elegance. Painted in bright colors, the mohawk amazes with its unusual and daring appearance. For a party or festive event Extravagant haircuts using coloring or highlighting are suitable. Modern modifications on short hair will be an excellent solution for creating a summer look.

Varieties of hairstyles

The men's mohawk hairstyle has many variations. He can be different sizes and shapes. The model is chosen depending on the desired image.

The female mohawk is practically no different from the male variation. The only difference is that most girls prefer to get a haircut for medium hair, which looks more harmonious with general view. Also, representatives of the fair sex try to choose those models with which they can perform various styling.

Variations for boys

Small men also care about their appearance. The simple hairstyles that their mothers choose for them can become boring. A children's mohawk can be an excellent solution for a child. This hairstyle will make him more courageous and confident.

Usually, for boys, a short model is chosen, which does not require complex care and long styling. In this case, the hair does not get into the eyes. In summer, with this style, the child’s head does not overheat. You can make a mohawk for a child yourself, which is a big advantage of the hairstyle.

An unusual haircut can turn an ordinary boy into a real little Indian. You can add creativity to the look with a pattern or ornament shaved at the temples.

Where to wear

An extravagant haircut is fashion trend, but not everyone can decide on it. Even with a short model, its owner will stand out from the crowd. Before deciding to get a haircut, you need to consider the following nuances.

Today, many people consider the mohawk to be a men's hairstyle. Mohawk is difficult to match female image, so girls should seriously think about a new look. Children are selected short haircuts, with which they will not look too extreme.

Discreet models with a stacked comb can be used to create an everyday look. If there is no strict dress code at work, then office workers can afford the same hairstyle. The short Mohawk can be seen on football players, wrestlers, music artists and actors. But government officials and military personnel will not be allowed to wear a mohawk.

A medium-length haircut, complemented by highlights or coloring, is often used by fashion workers. Rock musicians still sport gothic hairstyles or spikes sticking up. Ordinary teenagers and informals choose rebellious options, painted in bright shades.

Performance technique

The mohawk is not so difficult to perform if done on short hair. After several training sessions, cutting your hair at home will not be difficult even on medium and long hair.

To work, you will need hairdressing and thinning scissors, a clipper and edging machine, a fine-tooth comb and styling products. Before cutting, hair should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Stages of performing a mohawk:

Now all that remains is to give the desired shape to the strands. To create a ridge pointing upward, you will need mousse or foam. A strong hold varnish will help maintain the appearance of a long mohawk for a long time. To form spikes, use a wet effect gel.

The mohawk is not yet a universal hairstyle, but many have already experimented with their appearance, using the ancient Indian element. Simple and easy to style models have earned the love of many males, and girls are just starting to try a catchy hairstyle with in different ways. Over time, the spectacular appearance of the Mohawk will attract not only surprised, but also admiring glances.

Attention, TODAY only!

Contrary to the general belief that the Iroquois was invented by representatives of the punk culture of England, this hairstyle appeared in ancient times in Indian tribes with the same name Iroquois. Now the descendants of this tribe live in America in the states of Oklahoma and Ontario and lead an ordinary peaceful life.

But their ancestors at one time, in particular the Cherokee Indians, one of the most prominent representatives of the tribe, led a military lifestyle, and the Iroquois was a kind of symbol of courage, aggression, readiness to fight for their territories and the lives of their families. The Indians made large, bright Iroquois, painting them in various colors, demonstrating strength and ruthlessness. By the way, they were helped to create a mohawk by a special substance similar in consistency and viscosity to resin.

Revival of the Iroquois

The 70s of the last century were marked by the emergence of various subcultures both in Russia and abroad. Among them, punk culture stood out especially clearly. The so-called punks were full of colorful clothes and tall mohawks painted in all the colors of the rainbow. This hairstyle has become the most important and defining symbol of punk culture. It is noteworthy that the means for creating a mohawk were water and soap, and among modern Russian youth there are rumors that the best remedy there was ordinary borscht.

Among famous representatives of that time, who preferred the mohawk to the classic hairstyle, we can highlight the group The Exploited, born in Scotland. In Russia, one of the country's main punks was and remains to this day the group "Purgen", at whose concerts you can still see mohawks on the heads of both the musicians themselves and their listeners.

Mohawk today

Today, those who want to wear a mohawk do not have to use such “deadly” means as resin or borscht, since store shelves are filled with various fixing agents. These include hair sprays, gels, and mousses. In addition, the mohawk as a symbol of protest and struggle has long lost its relevance.

Today, such a hairstyle is just a symbol of individuality and a means to emphasize style. Famous foreign representatives of sports and show business from time to time shock the public with mohawks of various lengths, heights and colors. And this is perceived only as following fashion - no aggression and no desire for anarchy.

Most of all, the mohawk looks like a narrow, vertical comb of hair running from the forehead to the back of the head; the rest of the hair on the head is either shaved or kept short. Punks often paint their mohawks in different colors and experiment with the shape and placement of vertical elements. The mohawk is part of the outfit; it is strongly associated with the image of the informal, primarily punk or goth of the first wave.

It is believed that this hairstyle came to modern subcultures from the culture of the Iroquois Indians, after whom it was named. True, later, when appearance punks ceased to be perceived as a funny exception to street fashion and its importance reached society, research showed the inaccuracy of this beautiful theory of origin. The Indians of the small Shawnee tribe wore their hair raised up in a comb. They were never part of the Iroquois League, but on the contrary, they constantly got into skirmishes with them. Most Indians of the tribe have hardly ever heard of such a name. Who would have thought that in a few hundred years their hairstyle, which had a sacred meaning, would be adopted by a completely different culture. By the way, the hairstyles of the Iroquois themselves are now also popular, although they have nothing to do with subcultures. They left a bun on their shaved head long hair- on the back of the head or slightly higher. This hair was tied in a ponytail or braid, but was never combed or placed vertically.

The first to introduce the mohawk into the 1980s modern fashion and made it the property of punks and the Scottish singer Watty Buchan, leader of The group Exploited. Other rock musicians began to copy him, and the fans themselves followed the public’s favorites, wanting to be like their idols. Mohawk hairstyle They were not called everywhere: in Europe you can also hear the names “Mohawk” and “Mohican” - after the names of the tribes that were actually part of the Iroquois League.

There are several types of mohawk - usually called American and Siberian. They differ only in the width of the unshaven stripe: in the first case - two fingers, in the second - four. Goths often prefer a wider option - they shave only their temples, and leave the rest of their hair as vertical as possible. There is also an undefined mohawk - when it is short or when it is worn lying down, without styling.

The classic version of the mohawk is considered to be a hairstyle in which the comb runs from the forehead to the back of the head in a stripe 2-4 fingers wide. In this case, the rest of the head is shaved or clipped (no more than 2-3 mm of hair is left). The mohawk in the classic version is placed completely and unbroken.
For those who do not have enough patience or hair for a solid mohawk, it makes sense to try less classic version- studded. In it, the hair is placed in a kind of spiked stakes, sometimes they are cut to form a kind of “steps”. Such mohawks could be seen on the leaders of the group “Purgen” and Rancid in the 1990s.

There are even more non-standard versions of the mohawk, when it is complemented with other quirks in the hairstyle. For example, they do not shave the rest of the head clean, but cut out drawings and symbols on it. The most notorious informalists put on themselves not one, but several Iroquois: two parallel or three - one large in the middle and two small on the sides.

In order to stand out from the rest of the punks or, conversely, to better adapt the mohawk to an everyday look, some informals deliberately deviate from the canons of this hairstyle. And what canons can representatives of the protest subculture have! Related hairstyles to the Iroquois are the quiff, liberty spikes, and dystra. Quiff - Iroquois, which fades away towards the neck and is all set at one angle. Sometimes individuals who pretend to be punks or who do not want to shock society do not put on this mohawk, but carefully curl it into a “donut”. Quiffs are often short and wider than regular Mohawks. Their volume is concentrated in the front, and at the back they look like a regular short haircut.

Thorns of Freedom(Liberty spikes) are not similar to the spiked mohawk only in their location - they are placed not from the forehead to the back of the head, but around the head. The similarity of the hairstyle to the spiked wreath of the Statue of Liberty gave rise to the corresponding name. Well, as you know, the idea of ​​freedom is close to punks.

The dystroy hairstyle, lovingly called “garbage” in the Russian version, is available to everyone. If you go to bed after washing but not drying your hair, then with short-cropped hair or medium-length hair, “dystroy” will occur. And if what you see in the mirror in the morning is fixed with varnish, foam or more brutal strengthening agents like beer or sugar diluted in water, then you will get the desired hairstyle.

Any mohawk implies some belonging of its owner to the punk or goth subculture and indicates his informal worldview.

Nata Zinkevich

The mohawk is a hairstyle that quite recently could make impressionable elderly people faint. Now almost everyone takes it calmly. People on the street stopped turning around and pointing their fingers when they saw a mohawk on the head of passers-by. A men's short mohawk hairstyle with a neat styling can be appropriate even for those who work in a formal setting. Let's find out why this style is so attractive.

Mohawk - a hairstyle with history

The idea of ​​doing such a hairstyle first appeared during the times of the Indian tribes living in America, in the territory of the modern states of Ontario and Oklahoma. Now the inhabitants of these territories lead a calm and peaceful lifestyle, but here they are distant ancestors- Indians were warlike people. When forming a mohawk from hair, they used a special viscous substance obtained from tree resin. Next, they painted their hair in bright colors in order to intimidate the enemy. For them, the mohawk was not just a hairstyle, but a symbol of fearlessness and courage. His goal was to demonstrate strength, aggression and readiness for battle.

Much later, in the 70s of the last century, the Iroquois found a rebirth. During these times, all sorts of subcultures actively developed. The punk movement became especially popular. Basic distinctive feature punks, in addition to bright clothes, became a mohawk. The hairstyle was no longer secured with tree resin, but with various improvised means, including beer, sweet water. And some even claim that borscht was used for these purposes. During these times, the mohawk was a symbol of protest against the standards of the system.

Iroquois today

What does the Mohawk hairstyle symbolize today? For men it is a way of self-expression and effective tool, with which you can emphasize your unique style. A haircut is no longer an indicator of some informal judgments or belonging to a subculture, but usually acts as a sign of following fashion. It is also worth noting that making a mohawk is much easier than before. Now you don’t have to use hard-to-clean tree resin or sugar water that attracts insects. Instead, on store shelves there is big choice various means. Namely: special hairsprays, fixing gels and mousses.

How to make a mohawk

This hairstyle is often done at a hairdresser. In a specialized salon, any, even the most complex variations of such haircuts are performed. A master with experience will always be able to get the desired result and make you happy new hairstyle. A short mohawk can be done at home using a hair clipper. The principle of its creation is very simple. First, you need to divide your hair with an even parting in the middle, then indent each side by half the width of the mohawk. These strands are separated and fixed if possible. The remaining hair on the occipital and temporal parts of the head is cut off.

The main task is to correctly determine the center of the haircut and ensure that the length transition lines are even.

Who is the mohawk suitable for?

Before you go to the hairdresser and order a specialist to create a mohawk on your head, you should think very carefully about all the pros and cons that this hairstyle has. The mohawk is a men's haircut that may not suit everyone. This hairstyle almost always visually pulls the face upward. Therefore, owners of a thin, elongated face with sharp features, by choosing this haircut, risk aggravating their problem.

In addition, even if you decide on such an experiment, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing the type and shape of the mohawk. People with a round face shape can look awkward if the mohawk hair strip is too thin. Conversely, a wide stripe can visually change the shape of the face and make it look square.

Nowadays, you can increasingly see children with a mohawk on their heads. The hairstyle for boys is quite suitable. Little fashionistas look cute and funny with such haircuts.

Types of Iroquois

Those who were interested in the topic of the Iroquois have probably heard that, despite all their diversity, several specific types are distinguished. The name of each of them depends on the width of the strip of long hair, and this indicator is measured using fingers.

If the thickness of the strip is 2 fingers, this mohawk is called American. When this distance is equal to four fingers, the hairstyle becomes a Siberian mohawk. Shaving hair only from the temples; hair on the frontal and back of the head can be of any length; this means a Gothic mohawk. The men's short classic mohawk hairstyle has clearly defined parameters. Namely: hair length 4 cm, strip thickness 2 cm.

There are also more extreme varieties of mohawk for the most extraordinary and daring. For example, studded. When creating it, the strip itself is divided into several parts, each of which is fixed into a separate beam. Such a variation can be created only with the help of styling products or initially modeled during haircutting, making special “gaps” separating one spike from another.

Such mohawks are considered a work of hairdressing art, and they are not seen very often. Much more common are the Iroquois, which are called recumbent. The length and shape of this hairstyle is selected so that it looks attractive and stylish even without special styling.

Mohawk for girls

The mohawk hairstyle is not always for men. You can often see similar “structures” on the heads of girls. The bravest ones shave the temples and the back of the head, leaving a thin strip of long hair that can be combed or styled in another way.

Girls can also get a mohawk hairstyle without a special haircut. To do this, you just need to comb your temple hair smoothly and secure it with bobby pins at the top, and perform the necessary manipulations with the loose strands, comb it or put it in a comb.

Mohawk - choice of celebrities

Often popular athletes, singers, film actors and other public figures choose a mohawk hairstyle to create their bright image. For example, fans of this hairstyle among female celebrities are Riana, Pink, and Gwen Stefani. IN different time The mohawk was worn by Kimberly White, Ruby Rose, and Vanessa Simpson. The same hairstyle can be seen on famous men associated with show business, such as David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo and others. And the lead singer of the world famous and popular punk band The Exploited, Watty Buchan, is even called the father of the Iroquois.

As you can see, the mohawk is a haircut that can add brightness, boldness and audacity to your image. But not always what looks beautiful and relevant in a nightclub will be just as appropriate in the office, at work or in other everyday settings. Therefore, before you go to the hairdresser to implement such an idea, you should definitely think carefully about whether you will always be comfortable with such a haircut.

Supposedly in 1570, an alliance of Iroquois called the Hodenosaunee League arose. Initially, this formation included 5 tribes: Oneida, Mohawk, Cayuga, Onondaga and Seneca. Later, in 1770, the Tuscarora tribe, expelled from the southern regions of the United States (now East Carolina), joined the Hodenosaunee League.

Due to close ethnocultural and social contacts All of these groups appeared. A description of the ethnic group cannot be compiled without characteristics of the tribes that became part of the Hodenosauni League. Therefore, let’s look at each tribe in more detail.

Oneida Tribe

The Oneida are a tribe of the Iroquois League. Initially, its people lived in upstate New York, and then settled lands in northeastern Wisconsin (in the Green Bay area). “The Man of the Motionless Stone” - this is what every Iroquois Indian who came from the Oneida tribe calls himself. The history of this name is connected with local tradition. According to legend, a large red boulder has always been located in the center of the main Oneida village. This stone became an important symbol of the tribe.

Mohawk tribe

Mohawks (or Mohawks) are a North American tribe of Indians living in the eastern regions of New York State. The Hodenosaunee League referred to this group as the "Keepers of the Eastern Door." Today, the Mahawks are the largest tribe in the Iroquois union. Nowadays they live in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec (Canada).

The first contacts of the Mohawk tribe with Europeans took place in 1634, when the Dutch set foot on American lands. The Mohawks began trading with Europeans earlier than other Iroquois.

The Mohawk tribe produced such famous figures as Joseph Brant (an English army officer who distinguished himself during the American Revolutionary War), Kateri Tekakwitha (a saint of the Roman Catholic Church) and Pauline Johnson (a famous Canadian actress and writer).

Cayuga Tribe

The Cayuga tribe originally lived in the Cayuga Lake region between the Seneca and Onondaga nations. Today their descendants live in the province of Ontario (Canada) and in the city of Perrysburg (New York, USA).

Harry Farmer, a famous Canadian actor who became famous for the films “Police Academy” and “Dead Man,” comes from the Cayuga tribe.

Onondaga Tribe

Representatives of the North American Onondaga tribe call themselves “people of the hills.” Initially, the people occupied territories located in northwestern New York State. But after the American Revolutionary War, the tribe was expelled from these lands and occupied areas of Ontario (Canada).

It should be noted that in the Hodenosaunee League, the Onondaga tribe served as “big brothers,” that is, they occupied leading positions in the Union Council.

Seneca tribe

People from the Seneca tribe call themselves “mountain people.” Nowadays this people lives on the shores of Seneca Lake, located south of Ontario, and the Genesee River in New York State. Initially, the Senecas occupied vast territories from New York to Pennsylvania.

From the history of the tribe

Since the 11th century, the Iroquois occupied a vast territory between the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario. Long time they lived surrounded by Algonquian-speaking tribes (Ojibwa, Otawa, Algonquin) and fought constant wars for their lands.

The Iroquois League maintained its closest contacts with the Dutch. European merchants bought beaver pelts from local tribes and supplied them with firearms in return. After all the beavers in the area between the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario were exterminated, the Dutch pushed the Iroquois to seize new lands. This led to the beginning of the so-called Beaver Wars. In 1660, the Iroquois began to raid New France. The metropolis provided support to its colonies, as a result of which the North American tribes began to suffer defeats. Meanwhile, English troops captured the Dutch colony of New Netherland, thereby cutting off the Iroquois from their main trading partners.

In 1688, the War of the English Succession began between France and Britain. In this conflict, the Iroquois sided with the British. In addition, North American tribes supported them in the French and Indian War. These two conflicts completely changed the balance of power on the continent. The Iroquois became completely dependent on arms supplies from England.

Iroquois in the American Revolutionary War

In 1775, the American Revolutionary War began. This conflict involved, on the one hand, Great Britain and the loyalists (i.e., those loyal to the British government), and on the other, 13 English colonies. Most Indians defended neutrality during the war. The Grand Council of the Hodenosaunee League also initially remained neutral. However, in 1777, the Iroquois sided with Great Britain. The main reason for this was that England was the main supplier of weapons to the North American tribes. In addition, the colonial authorities prohibited their immigrants from occupying territories west of the Appalachian Mountains in order to avoid conflicts with the Indians.

After the end of the war, Great Britain transferred the Iroquois lands to US control. During this period, the Hodenosauni League ceased to exist. Some of the Iroquois moved north - to lands granted by the British crown for support in the war. The other half of the Hodenosaunee League tribes remained in New York Territory.

Economy and life of the American Iroquois

So, how did a simple Iroquois Indian live and lead his life? The cultural features of the North American tribes living in the Great Lakes region were formed under the influence external factors. The territories inhabited by the Iroquois actually lay on the ridges of mountains. These lands were hidden dense forests and are surrounded by rivers and lakes. Natural and climatic conditions determined the peculiarities of the economy of North American tribes.

The Iroquois lived in large spacious houses - ovachira. They were rectangular buildings with barrel-shaped roofs.

The main agricultural crop of the tribes was maize. occupied vast territories (up to 9 km in radius). In addition, the Iroquois cultivated beans and squash.

Since the 18th century, military and fur trade has been actively developing. This was due to close contacts and trade with the colonists. North American tribes supplied Europeans with beaver pelts, which were used to make fur hats. Agricultural work, as a rule, was carried out exclusively by women.

Political life of the Iroquois

In the North American tribes, the League of Hodenosauni occupied a dominant position. Its members were obliged to maintain peace among themselves. The League was headed by a Council of Chiefs, consisting of 50 sachems. Its members were elected by mothers of childbirth. The decisions of the Council were discussed by each tribe separately, and then a unanimous decision was made. Each leader could veto any verdict. The first decisions of the Council were discussed by the Mohawks, then by the Senecas and Oneidas, and last by the Cayugas and Onondagas.

All the laws and customs of the Hodenosauni League tribes were written down in the "Book of the Great Law." It is worth noting that the US Constitution was created based on this document.

North American tribes

Main unit social order The Iroquois were a clan led by a woman. Its members had collective ownership of the land and each clan bore a specific family name. As a rule, it was associated with the name of the animal. All women of the clan took an active part in the clan council. At its meetings, sachems were elected - members of the Council of Chiefs.

The tribes could include from 10 to 3 clans. So, the Senecas, Onondagas and Cayugas had 8 of them each, and the Mohawks and Oneidas had 3 each.

Appearance of the Iroquois

The typical American Indian Iroquois, whose photo is presented below, contrary to popular belief today, did not wear a mohawk hairstyle. Men and tribal leaders typically shaved their hair completely. Only a small “scalp strand” remained.

The Iroquois assumed a warlike appearance only during military campaigns and the most important religious festivals. Hairstyles that were only slightly reminiscent of the styles popular today were worn by warriors of the Onondaga tribe. They completely shaved off their hair, leaving only small strip in the center of the head, which was then braided into a braid.

Religious ideas

Initially, the basis of the Iroquois religion was totemism - the belief in supernatural powers animals. Animals acted as eponyms of the clan, performed protective functions during hostilities, and patronized agriculture and hunting. For example, when Mohawks went to battle, they carried with them a coat of arms depicting the main totem of the tribe.

These cults are more late time acquired industrial importance. The Iroquois believed that the tribe needed to hunt its totem animal. Due to this, it is particularly popular among North American Indians enjoyed the cult of the bear.

Besides, in religious life Iroquois great importance acquired agricultural cults. The tribes deified and revered the land, which gave them strength. The cult of the “three nurse sisters” - the main crops (maize, beans and pumpkin) - was especially popular.

It should be noted that the Iroquois, earlier than other North American tribes, encountered Christian teaching. European religion eventually became an integral part of their lives. Currently, the Iroquois profess Christianity.

Iroquois martial arts

After the formation of the Hodenosauni League military power previously divided tribes has greatly increased. Before contact with Europeans, the weapons of the Iroquois consisted of a bow and arrow, a spear and a club. In addition, they used wooden shields that protected the warrior's body, head and legs. The beginning of brisk trade with the Dutch led to changes in the military sphere of life of the North American tribes.

Europeans supplied them with firearms and daggers. However, these new products did not immediately replace the means of defense familiar to the Iroquois (bow and arrows). The introduction of firearms led to the abandonment of wooden shields. From then on, the Iroquois also began to use a new battle tactic - the technique of scattering across the battlefield.

The Iroquois were more advanced in the use of new weapons than other North American tribes. This was largely facilitated by close trade contacts with Europeans.

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