Rules for admission to military universities. Admission to a military university after school: features and conditions

If you have already decided on the choice of a military educational institution (or have not yet finally decided, but have no fundamental objections), start by visiting the department of the military commissariat at your place of residence.

According to the admission rules, You must submit an application about your desire to study at a higher military educational institution no later than April 20 year of admission.

After this period, military registration and enlistment office employees will have only a month left to prepare documents for candidates, conduct their medical examination and professional psychological selection, if necessary, obtain access to state secrets, and then send all documents to the appropriate universities.

If you wish to enroll to the military institutes of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and, the application must be submitted on time until April 1 to the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence, or to the military registration and enlistment office.

Upon admission to border institutions or the Academy of the FSB of Russia within the same timeframe, you must contact the territorial department of the FSB of Russia.

There is no need to wait until the above deadline. The sooner you visit the military registration and enlistment office/registration office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/UFSB, the greater the reserve of irreplaceable time you will have.

And you will need it: to undergo additional medical examinations, to retake tests, to confirm your individual achievements, which give additional points upon admission, and, of course, to collect documents.

Documents for admission

Everything is quite simple with them. The application will need to be accompanied by:

  1. a copy of the birth certificate;
  2. a copy of the document proving identity and citizenship Russian Federation(i.e. internal Russian passports);
  3. a copy of the document on education and (or) qualifications confirming it; for students in educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education - a certificate of training or the period of study,
  4. autobiography;
  5. characteristics from the place of work or study;
  6. three certified photographs, without headdress, 4.5 x 6 cm.

The military registration and enlistment office will explain everything in detail about the documents, but I will draw your attention to the urgent the need for a characteristic:

  • definitions such as “responsible”, “executive”, “disciplined”, “independent”, “he is active in his studies”, “enjoys authority in the team”, “knows how to organize people”, “is able to show reasonable initiative”;
  • information about participation and prizes, certificates, diplomas in school, district, city olympiads, scientific and practical conferences and other competitions;
  • information about active participation in military-patriotic organizations, in all kinds of public events (including in their organization) and the volunteer movement;
  • about playing sports, winning prizes and active participation in passing the GTO standards;
  • about classes in technical creativity circles - i.e. about everything that could potentially add points to you when determining the category of professional psychological selection.

In your description Necessarily there must be such a conclusion : “recommended for admission to higher military educational institution».

In your autobiography, on the contrary, be more modest, but you must indicate if one of your parents is a military serviceman with more than 20 years of service (which gives a preferential right to enlistment), as well as the existing sports ranks and the type of sport you are involved in, activities in military-patriotic clubs, the presence of parachute jumping or light diving training (which will indicate your clearly expressed military-professional orientation and will add points in professional psychological selection).

I’ll tell you an example from my life about the importance of a correctly compiled description..

Several years ago, when I was the commander of a small military unit, I was approached by the father of a soldier who had served in our unit the year before. He got into a bad situation, committed a criminal offense, there are no options, a trial is ahead - in general, he needs a character reference. Of course, I wrote “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

But – in what formulations! I took as a basis the “Combat Manual of the Airborne Forces” (Part III) and the “Manual on Automotive Service in the SA and the Navy.” Well, who can resist this: “he was an example of activity, courage, endurance and management”, “he firmly knew the structure, technical capabilities and operating rules of the machine assigned to him”; “skillfully drove the car assigned to him day and night in various road conditions in any weather”; “confidently used the route map and navigated the terrain”, etc.?

According to the defendant's response, the judge was moved - after all, he had never read anything like this before. More and more “morally stable” and “ideologically consistent.” The result is a short suspended sentence.

Unified State Exam subjects

After the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation unequivocally concluded that there would be no abandonment of the Unified State Exam, the criticism that raged in past years in regarding the Unified State Exam quieted down.

Admission to universities, both military and civilian, is carried out mostly according to the results of the Unified State Exam.

For admission to the vast majority of military educational institutions of the Russian Defense Ministry, as well as to the Institute of Cryptography of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, Unified State Exam results By Russian language, mathematics (specialized), physics.

In other military universities, the requirements are as follows:

  • general military schools, the Ryazan Airborne Forces, the Faculty of Economics of the Military University and a number of specialties in military institutes of logistics require Unified State Examination results in Russian language, mathematics (specialized), social studies;
  • translation department of the Military University, specialty “use of special intelligence units” of the Ryazan Airborne School, specialty “translation and translation studies” of the Novosibirsk Military Institute of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Unified State Examination in Russian language, foreign language, history;
  • other specialties of the institutes of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the investigative faculty of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, the border institutes of the FSB of Russia, the legal and psychological faculties of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense - Unified State Examination Russian language, social studies, history.

A number of military educational institutions - border institutes and the Academy of the FSB of Russia, military institutes of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and, of course, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense, in addition to the Unified State Exam, conduct additional entrance tests.

Their list and contents will be explained to you in detail at the military registration and enlistment office.
This information is also contained on the official website of the Ministry of Defense in the “Education” section (, or on the website of the Academy of the FSB of Russia ( i_priem.html).

Medical examination

We can assume that all existing health problems were identified in you a year ago during the initial military registration (carried out from January 1 to March 31 in the year the youth turned 17 years old). And if there are no health contraindications, congratulations!

The most serious health requirements are in military educational institutions for the training of pilots and navigators.

Restrictions for health reasons are set out in the order of the Russian Ministry of Defense of 1999 No. 455 “Regulations on the medical examination of flight personnel of the aviation of the RF Armed Forces” (the order is available in the reference and legal system “Consultant-Plus”, access to which is available in any regional library or directly from system website): “Citizens with normal color vision, visual acuity of at least 1.0 in each eye without correction, and blood pressure not higher than 130/80 are sent for examination to determine their suitability for admission to military educational institutions that train flight personnel. and not lower than 105/60 mm Hg, body mass index not lower than 19, body weight not more than 90 kg, height not less than 160 cm and not more than 186 cm, leg length not less than 80 cm, arm length not less than 76 cm , height in a sitting position is not less than 80 cm and not more than 97 cm.”

And if, according to the VHC doctors, you have ideal health, don’t miss your chance! Enroll in a flight school (Krasnodar, Syzran or Chelyabinsk). Provided you are fit for health reasons, it will be very easy to enter (see the “Competition” section).

All other military educational institutions have almost the same health requirements. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 No. 565 “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination” and order of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated October 20, 2014 No. 770, which was issued in pursuance of this resolution, are also presented in the public domain.

There are few differences:

  • visual acuity (naval and border - 0.8; airborne and tank - 0.6; all others 0.5);
  • height: airborne school - not lower than 170 cm, border guards - not lower than 155 cm, all others - not lower than 150 cm;
  • scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and flat feet are contraindications for admission to naval, airborne and border schools.

I repeat: the sooner you visit the military registration and enlistment office/registration office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs/UFSB, the greater the reserve of time you will have to undergo additional medical examinations and retake tests in order, if necessary, to confirm your health fitness for admission to the military service. military school.


In 2015, the leaders of the Ministry of Defense reported with pathos about an unprecedented competition for universities of the Ministry of Defense: in general and rear schools the competition reached 6 people per place, and among girls entering the Military University and the Military Medical Academy - as many as 30 people per place! Naturally, loud conclusions were drawn about the growing popularity of military service.

Today's applicants do not need to be afraid of these impressive, but rather crafty numbers - you are not grandmothers for whom the TV replaces the brain!

In fact, double increase in competition for military universities in 2015 occurred mainly due to the deterioration of the situation in the Russian economy - according to Rosstat, in August 2015, the unemployment rate among Russian youth aged 17-24 years was 16.5%, which is three times higher than among other categories of the population.

High competition among girls Let's also explain - they are recruited by barely 10% of the total number of applicants, and the unemployment rate among them is even higher than among young men. The reason is simple - has anyone heard of legal employers seeking (all other things being equal) to hire women of reproductive age?

Competition figures for other military universities were kept silent in the best army traditions. Those that require Unified State Examination results in physics for admission. For example, at the Smolensk Military Academy of Military Air Defense, the competition in 2015 was only two people per place.

In other science-intensive higher education institutions the situation is similar. There was also low competition at the Kostroma Academy of Chemical Defense - they require an Unified State Exam in chemistry. Where can you get such applicants? Army ingenuity! They sent a bus from Kostroma to St. Petersburg, and the children who did not pass the competition to the Military Medical Academy (where the Unified State Examination in Chemistry is a specialized exam) were offered to enter the Academy of the Russian Chemical Biology and Chemical Protection. They collected a bus of applicants and brought them to Kostroma.

well and the lowest competition, sadly enough, is in flight schools- only one person per seat. That is, in fact, the selection was carried out only according to the results of the medical flight commission and professional psychological selection, and physical training and the results of the Unified State Exam were considered last. If you are fit for health reasons, do not miss your chance to enroll!

To the Moscow Academy of the FSB of Russia in recent years there has been virtually no competition either, which is explained by the most stringent selection criteria (including a polygraph and testing for drug use, as well as a special check of the candidate and his close relatives).

Competition is high only in those military universities that prepare “rear-facing goose”: the Military University and the Academy of Logistics and Technical Support with its branches. But do you need it?

Accounting for individual achievements

An innovation for 2016 can safely be called taking into account the individual achievements of applicants. If in 2015 only some universities accepted certificates of passing the GTO standards (badges had not yet been awarded anywhere in Russia at the time of admission) and awarded small additional points for this, then in 2016 the Ministry of Education and Science slightly centralized this issue by issuing appropriate recommendations.

Now candidates for admission have the right to provide information about their individual achievements, the results of which will be taken into account when applying for training by awarding additional points for them. The specified points are awarded to the candidate who submits original documents, confirming the receipt of results of individual achievements, and are included in the amount of competitive points:

a) having the status of champion and prize-winner Olympic Games, world champion, European champion, winner of the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games - from 2 to 10 points in different military universities;

b) availability gold or silver badge differences of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for labor and defense” (GTO) and certificates for it of the established form - from 1 to 3 points, depending on the university;

c) a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education containing information about being awarded a gold or silver medal, having a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors– from 3 to 10 points, depending on the university;

G) implementation of volunteer (voluntary) activities(if from the date of completion of the implementation period said activity no more than four years have passed before the deadline for accepting documents and entrance examinations) - 1, 3 or 5 points;

e) participation and/or results of participation of applicants in All-Russian Olympiads in mathematics, physics, computer science - 10 points; participation and/or results of participation of applicants in Regional Olympiads in mathematics, physics, computer science - 7 points; participation and/or results of participation of applicants in city olympiads in mathematics, physics, computer science- 5 points; participation and/or results of participation in other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education events and sporting events conducted in order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in relation to the area of ​​training or specialty for which the candidate is applying- 5 points;

For all individual achievements listed in points “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e” a total of no more than 10 points can be awarded. Another 10 points can be awarded for item “e” (see below).

e) exhibited by a higher education organization final essay score in graduating classes of organizations implementing educational programs average general education(if applicants submit the specified essay) - up to 10 points.

The dispersion in the number of points is explained by the fact that the determination of their weight is left to the Ministry of Education and Science to universities, and even within the Ministry of Defense, uniformity has not yet been achieved, and this is not important. It is important that you can actually earn extra points.

Getting a GTO badge is not easy, but very easy. If you are ready to take a physical training exam at a military school, then you will pass the GTO standards without difficulty.

Until 2015, only the implementation of the GTO complex took place, and since January 2016, all schoolchildren in all regions of Russia can pass the GTO standards and receive the appropriate certificates. The badges will be awarded at the end of the year, when you, I hope, will already become cadets... So take care of this issue, find out where the testing center is located in your city/region, sign up for testing and go ahead!

Entire studies have been written on the issue of volunteerism (see, for example:

But for you, I think, the campaign “Our Forest. Plant your tree”, held in September 2015 in the Moscow region, in which tens of thousands of people took part. I am sure that similar events were held in other regions of Russia.

Take a certificate from school that you took an active part in such an action, go with it to the forestry, get the same one there (as a last resort, ask your father, he will negotiate for a bottle). And make sure that the record of participation is contained in school characteristics. In addition to additional points for individual achievements, this will add points to you in the professional selection process.

Participation in intellectual or creative competitions, physical education events and sports events [...] in relation to the area of ​​training or specialty for which the candidate is applying - last year the theme of the 70th anniversary of the Victory was held in one way or another at many scientific and practical conferences and other competitions.

Not only the winners, but also the participants were given appropriate certificates. If you have one, do not forget to attach it to the set of documents.

If you don’t have this or a similar certificate, it doesn’t matter – a lot of conferences will also be held in March-April this year. Choose a topic related to both the army and the exact sciences (for example, “Mathematics in military affairs”).

If you are planning to enroll in the Kostroma RCBZ Academy, choose a topic about the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the 30th anniversary of which will be celebrated in 2016. This will not only add points, but will also confirm your military-professional orientation.

There is a nuance here: preparing for the conference will take a lot of time, and you need to prepare for the Unified State Exam, which is much more important. Therefore, after briefly sketching out the concept, entrust the bulk of the work to the “blacks” - your parents or younger brother. You will only get job protection.

I repeat: don't waste your time.. Don’t watch TV, don’t stupidly hang around in “one-eyed contacts”, asking questions like: “how to enter a military school?”, “Will they take me to such and such a disease there?” or “I REALLY want to enroll. What should I do?".

Research conducted by Harvard University (USA) has shown that regular use of “search engines” to obtain information leads to a deterioration in the cognitive qualities of an individual - after all, if there is no need to remember what can be quickly found using computer technology, then there is no need to "use" of brain resources.

And if you don’t use something for a long time, many properties are lost. This phenomenon is called “Google syndrome”.

So also train your communication skills - go to the military registration and enlistment office. The earlier the better. You will be welcome there, and all questions regarding admission to higher military educational institutions will be explained in detail.

Good luck!

Dear readers!

I owe the writing of today’s article entirely to one of my blog readers. His name is Gennady. Out of his modesty, this is the only thing he reported about himself.

The article is very informative and rich important information, relevant, and simply chic - without a doubt the most best source information from what I have seen on this topic. So read and re-read, enjoy, thank Gennady, and hurry up to apply! I came to the military commissariat with a request to submit an application. I was refused, citing the fact that I had already taken advantage of the deferment, I had turned 20 years old and had completed my studies (will finish my studies). What nonsense? Whether there I will be in military service or here. Here the question arises, either this is a mistake at the legislative level, or the military registration and enlistment office is fooling me... Hello! I am 19 years old, graduating from college with a degree in electrical engineering. For a year now I have been wondering whether it is worth enrolling in a military academy. I read a lot about admission, about studying, so to speak, I was interested in everything in this area) Well, every time there is some kind of uncertainty, one day you want to apply, the next you think about everything and already lose interest, this state manifests itself already after a year. This is why I want to ask you for advice. What do you think is the best thing to do if in doubt? Or should I join the army after graduating from college?

Hello! Tell me, is it possible to enter a military medical university (to become a military doctor) while this moment citizen of Latvia?
And also, is it accepted for grade 2-3 scoliosis?

After graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution (I have half a year left to study), I plan to go into the army, I’m studying to become a technician for the repair, maintenance and installation of medical equipment (a specialist in their electronics). As I know, after about 6 months of service, guys come and ask if I want to continue serving under a contract. Currently I am studying at DOSAAF to become a category “C” military driver. I was told that I could sign a contract and, during its execution, enter a higher military educational institution. Questions:
1) Is it possible to enroll while serving as a driver?
2) Are there educational institutions where they teach anything related to electronics?
3) If there are none, then where is it better to go?
Thank you!


How to enter a military school?


In the Russian Federation, there are the following higher military educational institutions: military academy, military university and military institute (clause 5 of the Model Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 31, 2009 N 82).

Step 1. Study the requirements for candidates.

Now in the Russian Federation there are a large number of military schools, each of them has its own conditions and regulations for admission. However General requirements they have the same rules for candidates (clause 62 of the Instructions, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2010 N 100):

Citizenship of the Russian Federation;

Document state standard, confirming the average (full) general, average professional education or a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of receipt of secondary (complete) general education;

Age. Higher military educational institutions accept citizens aged 16 to 22 years who have not passed military service, and under the age of 24, who have completed or are undergoing military service. If military service is based on a contract, then you can enroll in a military school until you are 25 years old. Universities admit citizens to study in programs with secondary military special training until they reach the age of 30;

Availability of special skills. For example, candidates entering the Military Institute physical culture, must have sports titles or sports ranks of at least second in one of the sports (clause 63 of the Instructions).

Please note that citizens who have been convicted and sentenced, as well as citizens who are under investigation (preliminary investigation), and citizens whose criminal case has been transferred to court are not allowed to apply. You also cannot enroll in a military school if you have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a crime, have served a sentence of imprisonment, or are deprived of the right to hold military positions by a court decision (clause 62 of the Instructions).

Step 2. Prepare documents for admission.

The exact set of documents for admission depends on the chosen educational institution and is indicated in the regulations on the admission procedure. Most often it contains the following documents (clause 67 of the Instructions):

Personal statement of the candidate in the approved form. The surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, address of the candidate’s place of residence, name of the military educational institution, level of professional education, specialty in which he wishes to study are indicated;

Photos of the candidate;

Copies of passport, birth certificate, military ID (if available);


Characteristics from the place of work, study or service;

Documents confirming the candidate’s right to benefits upon admission to a military school. For example, orphans and children left without parental care provide certified copies of the death certificate of their parents, a copy of the court or local government decision to establish guardianship (trusteeship); a certified copy of the guardian's (trustee's) certificate; a recommendation for admission from the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights at the place of residence of the candidate and the guardianship and trusteeship authority of the subject of the Russian Federation from where the candidate arrived;

Military service card.

Additionally, you can attach other documents confirming the candidate’s achievements. These are, for example, copies of certificates, diplomas, certificates of merit, certificates, certificates of participation in various zonal, city, regional creative competitions, festivals, sports competitions and other documents characterizing the social, creative and sporting achievements of the candidate.

Please note that in addition to academic success and language proficiency, recently the administration of educational institutions is very interested in the motivation of the candidate. Therefore, you need to be prepared to write a short essay in which you will need to prove that you are worthy of studying at a military school.

Step 3. Submit documents.

If you intend to enroll in a higher military educational institution, submit an application to the military commissariat of the district at your place of residence before April 20 of the year of admission. In this case, the military commissariat will consider you as a candidate for admission to the university of your choice, regardless of the number of candidates determined by the pre-selection plan.

If selection to a university is made after obtaining access to information constituting a state secret, you need to submit an application to the military commissariat of the district at your place of residence before April 1 of the year of admission (clause 65 of the Instructions).

If you are a military personnel, then before April 1 of the year of admission you must submit a report to the commander of the military unit, as well as documents according to the previously specified list (clause 66 of the Instructions).

Step 4. Complete the preliminary selection process.

Preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens who have not served in military service, as well as those who have completed it, is carried out by the draft commissions of military commissariats of the districts until May 15. This selection includes checking the submitted documents, conducting a medical examination and professional psychological selection (clauses 70, 71 of the Instructions). For candidates entering universities, the selection for which is made after obtaining access to information constituting state secrets, before May 1 of the year of admission, access is issued in the appropriate form (clause 68 of the Instructions).

The decision to send candidates for professional selection is made by the draft commissions of districts, cities or other administrative-territorial entities and is documented in a protocol. Documents for these candidates are sent to universities before May 20 of the year the candidates are admitted (clause 70 of the Instructions).

Next, the selection committees of military educational institutions, based on the consideration of the candidates’ documents received, make a decision on their admission to professional selection. The decision is formalized in a protocol and communicated to candidates through the relevant military commissariats, Suvorov military schools or military units stationed outside the Russian Federation before June 20 of the year of admission to study, indicating the time and place of entrance examinations or reasons for refusal (clause 72 of the Instructions).

Preliminary selection for candidates from among the military personnel ends with the formation commander making a decision to send the serviceman to a military educational institution to pass entrance tests. Military personnel pre-selected for admission to military educational institutions are sent to the appropriate institutions by June 1 educational institutions to pass professional selection (clause 71 of the Instructions). In schools, twenty-five-day training camps are held for them to prepare for entrance examinations (clause 73 of the Instructions).

Step 5. Go through professional selection.

The selection of candidates for admission to study at universities from among citizens who have and have not undergone military service and military personnel is carried out from July 1 to July 30 (clause 75 of the Instructions).

The candidate submits to the admissions committee of a military educational institution a passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, an original document on secondary education, as well as original documents giving the right to enroll in universities on preferential terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. These documents must be submitted upon arrival, but no later than 24 hours before the meeting of the admissions committee on the decision to enroll a citizen for study (clause 69 of the Instructions).

Professional selection of candidates includes (clause 74 of the Instructions):

Determining the suitability of candidates for admission to a university for health reasons;

Entrance tests, consisting of determining the category of professional suitability of candidates based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination and assessment of the candidates’ physical fitness.


Military universities traditionally stand apart from higher education institutions: special conditions for admission, strict discipline and subordination, a specific regime...

The vast majority of civilian universities in Russia are subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, while military universities are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, which establishes and regulates rules and procedures for them. Additionally, all military universities are divided by branch of service: universities of missile forces, ground forces, air force, etc.

If you have decided to enroll in a military university, be prepared for the fact that at all stages of the journey, from submitting documents to receiving the coveted “crust”, you will have to communicate with people in uniform. Therefore, when collecting information about a military university, you should not focus on general civilian rules and regulations. For example, the rules for admission to military universities practically do not take into account innovations recent years: While most civilian applicants take entrance exams in the form of tests, applicants to military universities take dictations and tests the old fashioned way. The same can be said about the Unified State Exam: being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, military leaders have the right to consider the Regulations on the Unified State Exam as information for thought, but not as a direct guide to action.

Universities with a broad profile

The range of specialties in which modern military universities provide training is quite extensive. The specialization of a university mainly depends on the profile, or more precisely, on the type of military service to which the educational institution belongs. At the same time, many military universities duplicate civilian areas of training, and more and more often their “range” includes the usual economic and legal specialties. Thus, the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation trains sociologists, lawyers, managers of socio-cultural activities, translators and social work specialists.

Some of the specialties offered by the universities of the Ministry of Defense are multifunctional - graduates are equally in demand both in “military field conditions” and “in civilian life.” First of all, this concerns the engineering and technical areas. For example, from the walls of the Military Technical University Federal service special construction of the Russian Federation includes engineers of hoisting and transport, road, construction machinery and equipment, specialists in industrial and civil construction, design highways, airfields, transport tunnels, etc.

Finally, a certain part of military professions lies in a highly specific field of application that has no analogues in civilian life. For example, after graduating from the Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, you can become a specialist in mathematical support for research into weapons, equipment and the use of civil defense forces.

Autograph for the military commissar

To submit documents to a military university, the applicant will have to go to the military registration and enlistment office (at his place of residence).

You must have with you:

  • passport;
  • a copy of the document on secondary education (secondary school students provide a certificate of current academic performance);
  • three photographs (without headdress, size 4.5x6 cm);
  • characteristics from the place of study or work;
  • autobiography.

At the military registration and enlistment office, the applicant writes an application requesting admission to exams to the chosen university. All this must be done before April 20 of this year.

After source documents passed, all that remains is to pass a medical examination, and yesterday’s student becomes a candidate for study at a military university. Applications are reviewed by the university admissions committee, and the final decision on admission to the exams (or refusal) is communicated to candidates through the military registration and enlistment office before June 20.

The procedure for submitting documents is somewhat different for those who currently serve in the Armed Forces: in this case, the applicant, before April 1 of the current year, submits a report addressed to his immediate commander, and he, having provided the petition with all the necessary papers, passes it on further up the chain of command. .

Another feature of admission to military universities is that there are quite strict age restrictions. Young people who have not served in the army can become cadets from 16 to 22 years old, having “experience” in army service - up to 24 (age is determined at the time of application).

Fell - did push-ups

Entrance tests to military universities take place from July 1 to July 20, and they are also somewhat different from “civilian” ones. To pass the competitive selection, knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem and the gimlet rule will not be enough.

The first stage is a psychological and psychophysical examination of candidates. Then - a physical fitness test: pull-ups on the bar (11 times - "excellent", 9 - "good", 7 - "satisfactory"), a hundred meters, a 3 km run. And finally, the actual exams in general education subjects. They usually consist of mathematics (major subject) and dictation in the Russian language. The third exam (physics, chemistry, history) depends on the profile of the chosen educational institution.

The average competition for military universities is 2.5–3 people per place. However, these figures (not too high for Moscow) speak, rather, not about the ease of admission, but about its specifics. On the one hand, there are really few people who want to get a military education, on the other hand, not every civilian with average training is able to go through all the “military tricks” associated with admission (questionnaire - checking the psycho-emotional state - physical training - general education base).

The system of benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for those entering higher educational institutions also applies to military universities: various kinds privileges are given to orphans, medalists, winners of Olympiads, etc. Disabled people are excluded from this list for obvious reasons.

I would become a field marshal...
Graduates leave the alma mater with the rank of lieutenant. All newly-minted commanders are expected to be assigned: at least five years after graduating from a military university, yesterday's cadet must devote to the Fatherland. Further fate the graduate will depend both on the type of military service and place of service, as well as on personal qualities and ambitions. It is enough to look at the political and managerial elite of our country to understand that graduates of military universities can make a brilliant career and achieve impressive success. For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, adjunct courses, specialized institutes for advanced training, etc.

Cadet or student?

When all tests are passed, the candidate becomes a cadet. This status corresponds to the status of a student at a civilian university, however, there are more differences between a cadet and a student than common features. If with the beginning of their student life the most cheerful and carefree time begins for young people, then with the beginning of their studies at a military university this very time ends. Routine, schedule and chain of command become a fundamental element in the life of all future officers.

Cadets are removed from military registration (they are not subject to general conscription) and placed on a special register - enlisted for active military service. For the first two years, they (regardless of the need for government housing) live in barracks and, in addition to training sessions perform duties traditionally included in the concept military service. From the third year you can move to a dormitory or live at home.

All types of allowances are issued to the cadet, and he is given uniforms. The holidays last two weeks in winter and a month in summer. In fact, studying at a military university is equivalent to military service.

Sergey Litvinov, graduate of a military university:

The lack of hazing is more than compensated for by strict discipline, exhausting physical activity, and in the first and second years, also by various chores. Be prepared to learn how to hold a jackhammer in your hands, lay asphalt, engage in all types of repairs of premises and furniture, in the fall - harvesting crops in the fields near Moscow, in winter - endlessly clearing roads from snow and many other useful tasks.

You will be taught how to shoot, operate military equipment, perform drill exercises and carefully take care of military uniform. At the same time, you will need to study military regulations and, of course, all specialty disciplines. You will have to study at full capacity, often at night, since very serious disciplinary sanctions are imposed for poor progress.

Until recently, such a strict schedule was immutable for anyone who dreamed of studying at a military university. Today, along with the harsh tradition, there is also a softer regime - for those who enroll on a paid basis. (The first experiment on recruiting “paid workers” took place at the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2003). Such cadets are spared the need to bear the hardships and hardships of military service: their life differs little from the life of ordinary civilian students.


My youngest is studying at the Mathematical Support Academy in St. Petersburg, and we ourselves are from Krasnodar. He arrived, did nothing, said he liked everything. It's not easy to study, but you don't play the fool like in regular universities. Now he’s unrecognizable, he’s matured, he’s become a man! I want to say thank you to his commanders for their care and education!

A friend studies and serves at the academy. He really likes it, he says this is the very place where you will become a man and a good friend. Good specialist teachers, there is not a single free minute (in a good way). He really likes everything! I am proud that my best friend is Mikhailovets!!!

Military universities: difficult to study... The same can be said about the Unified State Exam: being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, adjunct courses...


I have a little time left before finishing my master's degree. State pass and diploma. For free. But now there will be no such opportunity. It was there while there were not enough bachelors.

The second education of the level that you already have is paid. But if you have a bachelor’s degree (4 years) or a specialist’s degree (5-5.5 years), then you can go to a master’s degree - this will be the last level of the first higher education. I'm quite practical here.
I have my first technical degree in shaggy years - five years, a specialty. Retraining of personnel five years ago - evening teaching - two years - for the opportunity to work. The organization paid for it. And now the HSE master's program is part-time and part-time (session system) budget. All areas of study are different, but they are all one higher education, because the levels are different.

The famous Russian and Soviet teacher-innovator Stanislav Teofilovich Shatsky described the problems of the school education he himself received: late XIX century: “The students spoke quite clearly about the need to fight with teachers; pranks, hypocrisy, deception, all sorts of ways to get a good grade without knowing anything were the most common thing. There were serious battles in our relations with teachers , there were small victories and big defeats. The lesson was final for me...

Good afternoon and congratulations to everyone on the new academic year! In the summer I received a diploma with honors from the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with a degree in translator-linguist (German and English). I've been working for a large company for a year now. construction company JSC "Atomenergoproekt" as a translator, improving and expanding his knowledge of languages. I have a certificate of knowledge German language, DAF test. I have the right to study and work in German-speaking countries. I will be happy to teach children, schoolchildren, students German and...

Kyiv is preparing for an emergency. This was stated by the first deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration Igor Nikonov, Vesti writes. “We constantly hold meetings at the city level, territorial defense headquarters have been created in all districts. We hope for the best, but are preparing for the worst,” he said. According to him, the population should be informed what to do in a critical situation. "Mass exercises on civil defense We don’t plan yet, although it might be worth thinking in this direction. The people of Kiev must understand that we are already living...

The know-how of Samara resident Sergei Yagodkin helps people with disabilities health. Sergey Yagodkin developed and patented a device for manually controlling a car. The mechanism allows people with disabilities to drive cars freely and safely. At first I made it for myself, then I delivered it to one friend, then another... Now orders come from all over the country: people come to Sergei from Moscow and Saratov, Ryazan, Kurgan... sergey-yagodkin Conducted an experiment on himself A device for...

Military universities: difficult to study... This status corresponds to the status of a student at a civilian university, however, there are more differences between a cadet and a student than there are in common. The cadet is issued all types of allowances, he is given uniforms.


Since they’re talking about non-meds here, I’ll tell you about my dirty physics and technology.

In the first year, the test session actually began on the 10th of December, the last exam in December was on the 29th (written mathematics, or something), and on January 5th there was already oral mathematics. Well, yes, this was the first session, everything was true again, it’s unclear, and in general :)
And in the second year, we took one subject on the 31st until about 7 pm. But the teacher there is so... special.

In general, it's better not to take risks.

24.08.2013 14:13:36, some kind of crocodile

Mine doesn’t have honey, but I think everyone’s schedule is about the same. The holidays were in February. IN new year holidays They rested, but exams began immediately after them. You still need to prepare for them.
In general, when I was studying, the situation was approximately the same. So you are going to relax at the peak time for students. Especially the first session. And I don’t remember that anyone passed the first one early, I have experience of passing it early in older courses, it’s hard.

I’ll tell you about how modern newly minted students of technical universities survive in this world  I study at the Polytechnic University at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Technology (who knows, will understand). Humanities students (and I’m a techie by nature), believe me, it’s not very easy here, everyone is sewn up // How I got here is a separate story, I actually entered the ball, one might say, I got into the flow when everyone was taken, apparently there was shortage In short, at first I didn’t even know whether to cry or laugh from such “happiness”, because it’s just hell...

Military universities: difficult to study... The same can be said about the Unified State Exam: being outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, adjunct courses...

I invite you to take part in the survey! Poll from user PoLe Have you watched the series "Desperate Housewives"? yes, completely! yes, but not completely don’t remember didn’t watch Which of the “housewives” do you like best? Susan Mayer Lynette Scavo Bree Van de Kamp Gabriel Solis nobody Current results Other polls Polls on the site

The concept of “wife” has become so intertwined with our lives, it has accompanied us for so long that we pronounce this word without further ado. “Good wife”, “bad wife”, we say, but we rarely think about the fact that a wife is perhaps one of the most difficult and creative professions in the world. “Yes, there is such a profession – housekeeper,” someone will say sarcastically and will be wrong. Because a wife’s work is more important, more interesting and responsible than simply servicing the house and household. This “invisible to the world” profession...

Our family and books are great and devoted friends. I am now 55 years old and I don’t even remember my life without a book. In the small village of Ust-Gory there was a school small library, which I re-read several times. My love for books led me to work in the library. And now I have been working as a librarian for 36 years. When the first son Denis was born, from the very early childhood I read books to him. At the age of four, my son already fully recited M. Lermontov’s “Borodino”, and from the prose we read N...

Military universities: hard to study... For officers who want to achieve a high position, there are universities that provide a second military education, postgraduate courses, specialized promotion institutes Kudeikina Olga.


Thank you! ;)
We'll keep thinking. One thing is clear - in any case, you need a lot of time and money...

I have a second one myself higher education received at age 29. All sorts of people studied in our group, some of whom had student children. So age is not a problem if your head is stewing (of course, memory at 35 is not the same as at 22, but there is a certain life experience, which compensates for possible failure to remember). I think the main pitfall is this. Education at this age should be obtained if it is really necessary (i.e., I mean the knowledge that we call education). Those. if a person works and feels that he lacks this very knowledge. And in this case extra hours can not be. It happens that there is not enough. And if you only need a crust, why does a person with rich life and work experience need it?
The second pitfall is that you can’t get a good (and for the sake of a bad thing, why bother so much?) education in 2 years (especially by mail), especially if this education is your first. There are no magical places. That is, you need to put in 4-5 years. This is for sure, I know from myself - I tried to study at a “fast” institute - this is hack work, nonsense for stupid children of rich parents who are too lazy to go to school for another 5 years, or for those who are looking for easy ways and quick “crusts” (sorry, If anyone thinks that this is not the case at all, maybe I just came across such an institute). As a result, I entered the evening paid course at Moscow State Law Academy, studied there for 4 years, and now I have a normal diploma, the same as all full-time graduates have.

Today, more and more girls are showing interest in specialties related to military service. Training in this area is carried out in schools and universities. At the same time, there are not so many schools in which graduates of the 9th grade can undergo professional military training, and they opened their doors to girls only in 2013.

In military schools, girls undergo the so-called school of life. It is in these educational institutions that they can learn endurance, attentiveness and self-discipline, as well as learn all the features of their chosen profession.

To enter a military school, girls must meet a number of requirements: have excellent health, be physically fit, have high results on the Unified State Examination in specialized disciplines.

Failure to comply with at least one of these points will close the way to the selected institution.

Girls who have been trained in military schools, after graduation, can continue their studies at universities or begin working in their specialty, finding employment in the signal forces, air defense, headquarters, in specialized medical or other organizations.

List of military schools

There are no separate military schools for girls, but there are specialized ones educational organizations which they are allowed to enter.

Such institutions include:

  • Suvorov Military School;
  • Nakhimov Naval School;
  • Military Space Cadet Corps;
  • Rocket and Artillery Cadet Corps;
  • Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics;
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps;
  • Military technical cadet corps;
  • Moscow Military Music School.

The above list is not exhaustive. Not all specialties in which training is conducted at these institutions are available to girls, but still, the choice of areas is quite large.

Here are just a few of them: cartography, meteorology, medical specialties, communication technologies, automated Information Systems, radio-electronic and other systems.

What is required for admission

The selection of applicants for military schools is quite strict, but if you have the desire and good physical preparation, you can achieve your goal. The results obtained by graduates during the Unified State Exam are important for admission. Different subjects are important for different specialties (for cartographic areas - geography, for medical specialties - biology and chemistry, etc.).

To enter, girls need:

  • submit an application for admission;
  • provide written parental consent to undergo training at a military school;
  • provide a package of documents, which includes an autobiography, medical certificate, copy of civil passport, copy and original of school certificate, characteristics from the place of study.

The listed documents are usually submitted to educational institutions during July. After this, a time is set for a medical examination, psycho-emotional testing and physical tests. Girls who want to be enrolled in a military school must try to pass the required standards at least as well as the boys, and ideally even better than them.

Conditions of education

Girls entering military schools must be prepared for difficult conditions not only physically, but also psychologically.

So, during training they will have to face:

  • with strict discipline, lack of a free schedule;
  • with rare days of rest and meetings with family.
  • During training, cadets live in an environment similar to that of the army. They must strictly adhere to the current daily routine.

    During their studies, they will have to participate in tactical exercises, drill training, study regulations and master many other information and skills. At the same time, the learning process is not limited to the study of military art and humanities. Studying involves taking various courses for the comprehensive development of the individual (etiquette, music, foreign languages, etc.).

    In military schools, girls are taught military affairs, self-organization and responsibility. Having acquired basic knowledge and skills at the schools and learned discipline, graduates will subsequently be able to continue their studies at more prestigious military universities.

    Requirements for applicants

    Girls entering military educational institutions must have the following qualities:

    • personal self-organization (the ability to organize others will not hurt);
    • increased sense of responsibility;
    • the ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation in extreme circumstances and make the right decisions;
    • the ability to analyze ongoing events that pose a potential danger in order to prevent it in a timely manner;
    • the ability to concentrate on necessary actions;
    • the ability to control personal emotions.

    The listed qualities will be needed not only during the training period, but also during work.

    Of course, the requirements for girls to study in military educational institutions are much stricter than for studying in any other schools or universities. But having learned to comply with them, having mastered the basics of the chosen profession, it will be possible to achieve fairly high results in a subsequent career.

    Admission to military schools is carried out in accordance with the Admission Procedure, which is approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 185 of April 7, 2015.

    Let's consider the procedure for completing the receipt and find out for ourselves how to enter a military school, in accordance with the Admission Procedure.

    Choosing a military school and specialty

    According to clause 84 of the Procedure and Conditions for Admission to Military Schools, the official website of the school must publish information relevant for admission to military schools no later than October 1 next year, which should address the following questions:

    1. Rules for admission to the school.
    2. List of specialties for which training is provided at this university.
    3. List of exams required for admission.
    4. Test forms and programs.
    5. Determining the professional suitability of candidates.
    6. Rules and forms in accordance with which the level of professional suitability of candidates for admission is determined.
    7. Rules for determining the level of preparedness of candidates.
    8. Procedure, conditions and terms of admission to the school.
    9. The procedure for concluding a contract for military service.
    10. Information about recording the individual achievements of candidates and their special rights.

    Before July 1, the following information should be published on the official website of the military university:

    • Conditions for professional selection.
    • Schedule of professional selection of candidates for admission.
    • Information about special rights and benefits provided to incoming training candidates.

    We study the requirements for candidates for admission to a military school

    According to clauses 45-48 of the Procedure, the main mandatory requirements for candidates for admission are:

    1. Completed secondary education of the candidate.
    2. Compliance with entry age.
      • For persons who have not served in the military – from 16 to 22 years.
      • For persons undergoing military service by conscription or who have already completed it - up to 24 years of age.
      • For contract military personnel, with the exception of officers, up to 27 years of age.
    3. Compliance with the candidate's level of physical fitness.
    4. No criminal record or court sentence.
    5. Successful completion of selection for medical and psychological-professional indications, applied separately for each military specialty.
    6. Knowledge of the state language.

    We submit prepared documents for admission to the university

    How to enter a military school and what is the procedure and deadlines for submitting documents? The deadline for submitting documents to the military registration and enlistment office of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is until April 20 of the year of admission, in accordance with clause 56 of the Procedure. The candidate submits the following documents:

    1. A copy of the birth certificate.
    2. Application for admission to a university as a cadet. The application must indicate the candidate's full name, date of birth, citizenship, details of the candidate's identity document, educational documents, residential address, if the applicant comes from service or after service in the armed forces - military rank and position held. The name of the school and the specialty in which the applicant plans to study is also indicated.
    3. Autobiography of the candidate.
    4. Positive, work or service.
    5. Copy of the passport.
    6. A copy of the education document (qualification).
    7. Consent to the processing of personal data. If consent is not provided, then, according to Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 (Article 9) and Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 08-PG-MON-1993, the education document may not be issued.
    8. Three photos 4.5 by 6 cm.
    9. A certificate of training, if a student is transferred to a school, if a military personnel - a military personnel card.

    When submitting documents to a school, selection for which is made only after obtaining security clearance, you must have time to submit documents before April 1.

    We are undergoing preliminary selection for military school

    The procedure for passing the preliminary selection is disclosed in clause 53 of the Admission Procedure.

    Thus, candidates from those who have not completed military service are pre-selected by military registration and enlistment offices of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and draft commissions municipalities.

    During the pre-selection process, the suitability level is checked against certain criteria, in particular:

    • According to the level of education of candidates.
    • According to the age.
    • According to their citizenship of the Russian Federation.
    • Based on health and fitness levels.
    • By categories essential for determining the degree of professional suitability.

    Admission to professional selection is carried out by the school's admissions committee.

    Its decisions on the admission of each candidate come to the military commissariats, which, in turn, notify candidates about the conditions for passing professional selection in accordance with Art. 60 Order.

    It is worth noting here that the priority for admission to a military school is completion or completion of military service.

    We are undergoing professional selection for a military educational institution

    Those candidates who have passed the preliminary selection are sent by military registration and enlistment offices to military schools for further selection and testing (see paragraph 61 of the Procedure).

    Professional selection of candidates takes place at military universities in accordance with clause 76 of the Procedure, from July 1 to July 30.
    To undergo professional selection, the candidate must submit the following documents to the admissions committee of the school in accordance with clause 63 of the Procedure:

    • Passport (military ID) and original certificate of secondary education and qualification document.
    • Documents confirming the existence of special rights to study at the school, if any.
    • Information about existing individual achievements with supporting documents.
    • Information about the results of passing the Unified State Exam.

    The procedure for passing professional selection is defined in clause 65 of the Procedure and includes:

    1. Determination of health status and determination of fitness level.
    2. Passing socio-psychological, psychological and psychophysiological testing to determine the degree of professional suitability according to these indicators.
    3. Passing mandatory entrance tests: assessing the level of education, assessing the level of professional and creative preparedness and testing the level of physical fitness.

    Clause 68 of the Procedure determines that each entrance test requires a minimum required amount points that the test taker needs to score.

    The school conducts tests in general education subjects independently. Tests are carried out in Russian in written form (see clause 72 of the Procedure).

    We receive the results of professional selection for military school

    Information on the admission of candidates for training is posted by the admissions committee of the military university at the stand admissions committee in free access. This information is also duplicated on the official website of the Ministry of Defense, in accordance with clause 84 of the Procedure.

    If candidates scored the same number of points, then, according to clause 92 of the Procedure, they are included in the list in accordance with preferential rights and points in specialized subjects. If candidates do not score the required number of points to pass the professional selection, they are included in a separate list of candidates who are denied admission. The reason for the refusal is recorded in accordance with clause 91 of the Procedure.

    The admissions committee of the university reviews the competitive lists and decides to recommend the number of candidates for enrollment in the university in accordance with the number established by recruitment calculations (clause 93 of the Procedure). Finally, in accordance with clause 94 of the Procedure, an order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on personnel is issued, according to which, from August 1, candidates who have received a recommendation from the admissions committee for enrollment are enrolled in schools and appointed to military positions as cadets.

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