Project design rules. Project activities at school


on creation educational projects and presentations

Project method is a training system, a flexible organization model educational process, focused on self-realization of the student’s personality, development of his intellectual qualities and creativity.

    the purpose of the upcoming actions is formulated;

    the main stages are outlined;

    the results of each stage are determined in the form of tasks;

    project deadlines have been established;

    performers have been identified and the functions of each have been assigned;

    sources of funds to achieve the goal are identified;

    the form of reporting on the results of the project has been determined;

Project activities – this is educational-cognitive, creative or play activity, having a common goal, agreed upon methods, methods of activity, aimed at achieving a common result of the activity.

Types of educational projects

1. Research. A research project means the author’s activity aimed at solving a creative, research problem (task) with a previously unknown solution and presupposing the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research.

2. Creative. This type of project requires clear planning of the final results and the form of their presentation. The structure of the project is only outlined and further developed in the course of work, subject to the genre of the final result and the interests of the participants, but already at the very beginning it is specified what the project will be. This could be a joint newspaper, essay, video, etc.

3. Introductory and orientation (informational). This type of project is aimed at working with information about some object or phenomenon. It is expected that project participants will be familiarized with specific information, analyzed and summarized for a wide audience. Such projects, like research projects, require a well-thought-out structure and the ability to adjust it as work progresses.

4.Practice-oriented (applied). These projects are distinguished by the future results of the activities of their participants being clearly defined from the very beginning. For example, a document created based on research findings; action program, recommendations.

The project must contain the following parts:

    title page

    brief summary

  • main part

    conclusion (result)


Stage 1

Choosing the wording of the topic– This is the initial and very serious stage of any research. The topic must be relevant, i.e. practically useful and of scientific interest. When choosing a research topic, the author must be guided by several rules:

    the topic should be interesting, captivating, and consistent with the author’s inclinations,

    the topic must be feasible, its solution must bring real benefits,

    the topic must be original,

    the topic should be feasible, the literature sources achievable and comprehensible.

1. Initial stage any project is to justify the relevance of the chosen topic. The explanation of relevance should be terse. The main thing is to show the essence of the problem situation and explain why the research is being conducted.

2. Statement of purpose, i.e. posing a question to which an answer must be obtained. At the same time, the put forward goal must be specific and accessible. The work must be necessary. Its results should be of interest not only to the author himself, but also to some other circle of people.

3. After highlighting the target, you must point to specific tasks that have to be solved (study, describe, establish, find out, derive a formula, etc.).

4. A necessary condition project work is the definition of it object and subject. The part of the object that serves as the subject of research is highlighted.

Object of study- a process or phenomenon that generates problematic situation and selected for study.

Subject of study– everything that is within the boundaries of the object of study in a certain aspect of consideration.

5. Proposing a hypothesis– a necessary attribute of any research.

Hypothesis is a scientific assumption put forward to explain some phenomena. The hypothesis arises as possible variant solving the problem.

2 - stage

Carrying out design work:

Collection of experimental data, comparing them with literature data and theoretical predictions.

Once a topic has been chosen, questions that need to be answered are formulated - you need to try to collect as many more information about the subject of study.

Work planning implies the need to choose a research methodology, calculate what the required volume of observations or number of experiments should be, estimate what part of the work, how much time it will take you.

Choosing a working method depends on the purpose and subject of the study: observation, comparison, experiment, analysis, synthesis, etc.


Registration of the obtained work results

After a detailed study of all scientific literature On the topic of research and the final discussion of the results of one’s own research, the stage of literary design of the work begins - its writing.

Work structure:

Title page,


Main part,




Title page– the first page of the work (not numbered). The table of contents lists the work items with page numbers. Introduction is a brief justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, goals and objectives. The purpose, objectives and methods of the research are indicated. A review of the literature on this topic is carried out. The main part presents and analyzes the results obtained. The reference number in the text of the work must correspond to the serial number in the list of references. The appendix contains diagrams, graphs, tables, and figures.

Design work plan:

    Introduction (justification of relevance, definition of goal, task, object, subject, research hypothesis).

    Main part (literature review, research methodology, description of the study).

    Conclusion (conclusions and results).


1. The introduction should include a statement of the problem, reflect the relevance of the topic, a definition of the goals and objectives set for the performer of the work, a description of the object, subject, research hypothesis, and a description of the personal contribution of the author of the work to solving the chosen problem.

Introduction- a very important part of the job. The introduction should clearly answer the following questions:

Why is this problem interesting from the point of view of science or its practical application? What place do the results of this work occupy in general decision tasks? Why was the work done, what was its purpose and to what extent was it achieved?

2. Main part must contain short review literature used and sources with the author’s conclusions, degree of knowledge this issue, description of the main facts under consideration, characteristics of methods for solving the problem, comparison known to the author old and proposed solution methods, justification for the chosen solution option (efficiency, accuracy, simplicity, clarity, practical significance etc.). The main part is divided into chapters (paragraphs). At the end of each chapter (paragraph) there should be conclusions. The conclusions essentially repeat what was already said in the previous chapter, but are formulated concisely, without detailed evidence.

3. Conclusion should contain in a concise form the conclusions and results obtained by the author (indicating, if possible, directions for further research and suggestions for possible practical use of the research results).

4. Bibliography contains an alphabetical list of publications, editions and sources used by the author, indicating the publisher, city, total number pages.

Generally accepted standards for design work

Font: TimesNewRoman, 14, not bold (except for highlighting the names of sections, subsections, etc.).

Line spacing: one and a half.

Fields: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm.

Pagination– from the second (page with plan or contents).

Paragraphs– indent from the left border of the main text by 1.5 cm.

Text alignment in width.

The page is at least 40% full.

Each section starts with new page(but not a subsection). Do not put a period after the section title.

The scope of work does not include applications.

Basic principles of development educational presentations

1. Optimal volume. The most effective visual series is no more than 8 – 20 slides. Presentation from more slides causes fatigue and distracts from the essence of the phenomena being studied.

2. Availability.Accounting required age characteristics and the level of students' preparation. It is necessary to ensure an understanding of the meaning of each word, sentence, concept, to reveal them, relying on the knowledge and experience of students, to use figurative comparisons.

3. Variety of shapes. Implementation individual approach to the learner, taking into account his ability to perceive what is proposed educational material in complexity, volume, content.

4. Taking into account the peculiarities of perceiving information from the screen. Concepts and abstract propositions reach students’ consciousness more easily when they are supported by specific facts, examples and images; therefore it is necessary to use different kinds visibility.

It is necessary to alternate static images, animation and video clips.

5. Entertaining. The inclusion (without compromising the scientific content) in presentations of funny stories and cartoon characters enlivens the lesson, creates a positive attitude, which contributes to the assimilation of the material and stronger memorization.

6. Beauty and aesthetics. Play an important role color combinations and consistency of style in the design of slides, musical accompaniment. Visual learning is based not on abstract concepts and words, but on specific images directly perceived by viewers.

7. Dynamism. It is necessary to select the optimal tempo for changing slides and animation effects for perception.

Creating a presentation consists of three stages:

I. Planning your presentation – this is a multi-step procedure, including defining goals, studying the audience, forming the structure and logic of presenting the material.

II. Presentation development – methodological features of preparing presentation slides, including vertical and horizontal logic, content and correlation of text and graphic information.

III. Presentation rehearsal– this is checking and debugging the created presentation.

Requirements for presentations

Slide design

Maintain a consistent design style.

Avoid styles that will distract from the presentation itself.

Auxiliary information (control buttons) should not prevail over the main information (text, illustrations).

Cool colors are preferred for the background.

Use of color

Animation effects

Use computer animation to present information on a slide. You should not overuse various animation effects; they should not distract attention from the content of the information on the slide.

Use short words and sentences.

Headlines should grab the audience's attention.

Location of information on the page

Preferably horizontal arrangement of information.

Most important information should be located in the center of the screen.

If there is a picture on the slide, the caption should be located below it.

Avoid solid text. It is better to use bulleted and numbered lists.


For headings - at least 24. For information - at least 18.

Can't be mixed different types fonts in one presentation.

Use bold, italics, or underlining to highlight information.

You should not overuse capital letters (they are read worse than lowercase ones).

Ways to highlight information

Frames should be used; borders, fill, hatching, arrows; drawings, diagrams, diagrams to illustrate the most important facts.

Amount of information

You should not fill one slide with too much information: people can remember no more than three facts, conclusions, and definitions at a time. An incomplete slide is better than an overcrowded one.

The greatest effectiveness is achieved when key points are displayed one on each individual slide.

Make the slide simpler. The audience only has about a minute to absorb it.

Methodological development“Requirements for the design and research work of students
and product presentations" (group consultation)

According to paragraph 11 of the regulations on project and educational and research activities of students of the MBOU DO “CTR “Salyut””, the following requirements are imposed on the design of design and educational and research work:
11.1. Introduction (justification of relevance, definition of goal, task, object, subject, research hypothesis). The introduction should include a statement of the problem, reflect the relevance of the topic, a definition of the goals and objectives set for the performer of the work, a description of the object, subject, research hypothesis, and a description of the personal contribution of the author of the work to solving the chosen problem.
Introduction is a very important part of the work. The introduction should clearly answer the following questions:
1. Why is this problem interesting from the point of view of science or its practical application?
2. What place do the results of this work occupy in the overall solution of the problem?
3. Why was the work done, what was its purpose and to what extent was it achieved?

11.2. Main part(literature review, research methodology, description of the study). The main part should contain a brief overview of the literature used and sources with the author’s conclusions, the degree of study of this issue, a description of the main facts under consideration, characteristics of methods for solving the problem, a comparison of old and proposed solution methods known to the author, justification for the chosen solution option (efficiency, accuracy, simplicity, clarity , practical significance, etc.). The main part is divided into chapters (paragraphs). At the end of each chapter (paragraph) there should be conclusions. The conclusions essentially repeat what was already said in the previous chapter, but are formulated concisely, without detailed evidence.
11.3. Conclusion (conclusions and results). The conclusion should contain in a concise form the conclusions and results obtained by the author (indicating, if possible, the direction of further research and suggestions for possible practical use of the research results).
11.4. Bibliography. The bibliography contains, in alphabetical order, a list of publications, editions and sources used by the author, indicating the publisher, city, and total number of pages.
11.5. Application(scenarios, questionnaires, results of social surveys, reviews, etc.) are attached at the end of the project as an appendix.
11.6. Title page must contain the name of the project, full name. author, name of association, full name educational institution, FULL NAME. director (indicated in full), year and place of compilation.
11.7. Text of the work:
- Times New Roman font (Russified), size 12, black;
- margins top, bottom, left, right – 2 cm each;
- line spacing – single;
- paragraph indents (red lines) – 1.5 cm;
- text alignment – ​​width;
- hyphenation – automatic;
- page numbers are placed on each page, except the title page (i.e. the contents are page No. 2).
- page parameters: paper size – A4 format;
- orientation – portrait;
11.8. The text of the main part of the work is divided into chapters, sections, subsections, paragraphs.
11.9. Headings of the structural parts of the work:“CONTENTS”, “INTRODUCTION”, “CHAPTER”, “CONCLUSIONS”, “APPENDICES”, are printed in capital letters.
11.10. Section headings are printed in lowercase letters (except for the first capital letter) from the paragraph. Do not put a period at the end of the title! If the title consists of two or more sentences, they are separated by a period. Headings and subheadings are given in the nominative case singular and (less commonly) plural.
11.11. Section headings can begin with either a capital or a lowercase letter, subheadings can only begin with a lowercase letter (unless, of course, these are proper names). The endings of rubrics are not marked with punctuation marks.
11.12. Chapter title, The paragraph should not be the last line on the page. The distance between the title (except for the paragraph title) and the text should be 2-3 spaces. 11.13. It is recommended to start each structural part of the work on a new sheet.

According to paragraph 12 of the Regulations on the project and educational and research activities of students of the MBOU DO “CTR “Salyut””, the following requirements are imposed on the design of the products of students’ design and research activities:
12.1. Basic requirements for the presentation:

Execution in a program Microsoft Power Point 2003,2007;
File size no more than 3MB, number of slides no more than 15 pieces,
The presence of a title, introductory, informational and anchoring slide. Full name is indicated on the title slide. teaching person, full name of the educational institution, name of the association, full name. project manager; the introductory slide should contain the topic, goals and objectives of the project; the supporting slide indicates sources of information (author, year of publication, etc.), including Internet resources and illustrative material.
12.2. Basic requirements for creative works:
12.2.1. Book, magazine, newspaper, collection, almanac, reference book, etc.:
Printed text;
Compliance uniform style registration;
A4 format;
Availability of cover, title page, table of contents;
Availability of basic information about the author, illustrator;
Availability of information about the project manager;
If documentary facts are used in the work, then be sure to indicate the source of information;
Photographs and drawings included in the work must contain information about the author.
12.2.2. Models, layouts, flat compositions and other products made in different techniques:
Materials are selected at the discretion of participants in design and research activities;
The work must be accompanied by a passport: size 5 cm * 10 cm, font 14, topic of the project, full name. author, name of association, educational institution, full name. manager (indicated in full).

According to clause 13.7. The result (product) of project activity that is submitted for defense can be:
- for research and information works: abstract messages, computer presentations, instruments, layouts and other forms;
- for creative works: written description of the work, script, excursion, poster reports, computer presentations, video materials, photo albums, models, prose or poetic works, dramatizations, artistic recitation, performance piece of music, computer animation and other forms.
13.8. To defend the final individual project, students prepare:
1) product of project activity;
2) a folder with materials on design and educational and research work in accordance with the requirements (clause 11 of these Regulations)
3) a short explanatory note for the project (no more than one typewritten page in length) indicating for all projects:
a) the original intent, purpose and purpose of the project;
b) brief description the progress of the project and the results obtained;
c) list of sources used.
For design projects, the explanatory note also includes a description of the features of design solutions, for social projects– description of the effects/impact of the project implementation;
13.9. The defense is carried out before the IBO Commission of the Salyut Center in accordance with the defense schedule.

Criteria for evaluating design and research activities
- relevance of the selected study;
- ability to use known results and facts;
- registration of research results (according to the Regulations);
- literacy in protecting research results;
- manufacturability and technical execution;
- ability to answer questions in a reasoned manner.

The design of the project is carried out according to certain rules. Separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the title page, since it can rightfully be considered any creative or design work. How is the project title page prepared? Let's try to find an answer to the question posed.

Home page requirements

First you need to select the font size. Depending on the purpose of the project and its type, there may be some differences in the font size. The font used is usually Times New Roman, size 16. The main text is located in the center of the page. The rules for designing a project require posting the full name of the educational institution (organization). An important point is to set the margins on the page. Depending on the requirements for a particular project, the size of the fields can be selected automatically or configured manually.


Classic option consider the upper and lower parameters of twenty mm, indentation with right side is fifteen millimeters, on the left - thirty mm. Enlargement on the left is necessary so that the submitted work can be attached to a binder.

Next, the cursor is placed in the middle of the page, the font size changes from 16 to 24. The author indicates creative, scientific, abstract. The next line indicates the title of the work without quotes and periods, using font size 28.

Having retreated about six lines to the bottom of the page, you need to enter information about the author of the work, as well as about his supervisor.

The last line of the title page is reserved for indicating the year the work was completed. This is a classic project design. A sample title page is shown in the photo.

Depending on the rules established by the educational institution or the organizer of the conference (competition), some nuances in the design of the title page are allowed.

Headings in the project

Project design requirements require that headings be written in bold. It is printed with a capital letter and there is no period at the end of the sentence. Please note that hyphenation of words in the headings of individual chapters of the project work is not allowed. Between the main text and the section title you need to indent two spaces.

Designing a creative project involves writing each chapter on a new page. Chapter numbering is done Arabic numerals, and paragraphs are indicated by double numbering. If they contain additional items, triple numbering in Arabic numerals is used.

Using abbreviations in design

The design of the project involves the use of abbreviations only in exceptional cases. For example, you can use them when indicating a literary source that the author refers to in his project. When using information about co-authors, first indicate their initials, then write the person’s last name.

The design of the project allows the use of economic and mathematical formulas, but they must have a decoding of each symbol.

Application design specifics

The rules developed for creative projects allow the use of sketches, diagrams, graphs, photographs, drawings at the end of the project. First indicated literary list, after it applications are placed on separate sheets. Each of them must have a name. In the upper right corner indicate the number (for example, Appendix 1), then its name.


Accompanied by the number of each sheet. It is not placed on the first sheet, so the numbering starts from the table of contents. The classic option is to place the number at the center at the bottom of the page.

There should be no additional decorations: frames, font changes, underlining, or different colors when designing the design work. Authors often make mistakes in this requirement.

Features of the school project

We will give an example of the design of the project below, first we will dwell on some features of the school creative work. Its structure uses the same requirements that apply to scientific and design adult work. The main sheet indicates the name of the school, as well as information about the consulting teacher under whose leadership the project was made. The main text contains references to literary sources. The project allows the use of five applications, which are indicated at the end of the project, numbered, and named.

Example of table of contents design

1. Introduction. Page 3-4

2. Types of engines used in modern vehicles.

2.1 Characteristics of a gasoline engine. Page 4

2.1.1 Composition of exhaust gases. Page 5

2.1.2 The influence of exhaust gases (CO/CH) on the environment and human health. Page 5

2.2. Characteristics of the electric motor. Page 5-6

2.2.1 Advantages of an electric motor. Page 6

2.2.2 Environmental characteristics of the electric motor. Page 6-7

3. Experimental part of the work. Page 7-10

4. Conclusion.

4.1 Conclusions on the research problem. Page 10-11

5. Bibliography. Page 12

6. Applications.

Appendix 6.1. Appearance gasoline engine. Page 13

Appendix 2. Appearance of the electric motor. Page 14

Example of project abstracts

In addition to the project work itself, it is important to correctly highlight its main content using abstracts. Depending on the purpose of the project, there are also certain requirements for the abstract. We offer a version of theses for a school project.

We will demonstrate a version of the work on the topic: “The influence of temperament on the choice of profession in adolescence" The title must include all information about the author:

  • last name, first name and patronymic, address, position, place of study, electronic contacts;
  • data about the scientific supervisor is similarly specified;
  • do not forget that on home page The project is published by the organization where it will be demonstrated or defended.

It is imperative to demonstrate the relevance of the work. Using the example of a given topic, it can be clarified that the problem of professional self-determination is relevant in modern school. Many guys want to obtain in-demand specialties, regardless of their interest, inclinations and abilities. Children get the desired profession, but cannot succeed in it or realize their talents. Therefore, an important part of the profile training of students is the timely diagnosis of their inclinations, personal qualities, abilities and interests. She will help the guys do right choice future profession.

The final one is also stated. Alternatively, it can be formulated as follows: “A study of the relationship between temperament and the choice of profession among school students.”

The tasks of the work are prescribed separately:

Study the history of the doctrine of types of temperament;

Familiarize yourself with the methods of studying temperament types;

Identify and justify the influence of temperament on professional choice;

To study the types of temperament in students;

Establish dependency between a certain type the temperament of students and the professions and types of professional activities they choose;

Inform the school psychologist about the results obtained, class teacher, teachers and parents.

Theoretical analysis of psychological, methodological and special literature, observation, individual testing of experiment participants, statistical and comparative analysis the data obtained relate to the methods of performing the work.

It is imperative to highlight the main results of the work that will demonstrate its outcome. The formulation may look like a comparative analysis of testing that showed a single relationship between the type of temperament and the propensity for certain professional areas. This is especially important if the author managed to prove that the type of temperament in adolescence has a significant impact on the choice of future profession.

Conclusion and possible ways development is the final part of the entire project. This section describes the result of the experiment. In our example, it sounds like evidence that, having an idea of ​​the scope of one’s inclinations and interests, in adolescence one can make the right choice of a future specialty. This will avoid disappointment in adult life. The diagnostic options proposed by the author will help teachers and parents identify the professional areas of schoolchildren, and together make a choice of their future specialty.

Stages of work on the project

In addition to certain requirements for the design of the project, there is an algorithm for the activity itself. First, you need to decide on a topic that will be of interest not only to the author himself, but also to reviewers. Next, the main goal of the project is set and its tasks are determined.

The next step involves a review literary sources on the problem that will be considered in the project. Most the hard part The creative project is experimental. The author, having analyzed the existing information on the topic, offers his calculations, drawings, drawings.

An important stage in the preparation of any project is the formulation of conclusions and analysis of the feasibility of implementing the results obtained into practice.

The project is accompanied by a list of references, the rules for the design of which were presented above. For technical work, the numbered annexes will be different drawings and diagrams, and for a creative project you can use colorful photos, drawings, layouts.

Pupils at school or students at college periodically perform various written works. They present various interesting ideas and development. They turn out to be interesting, meaningful and, of course, it is important that they are properly designed.

This is what teachers pay a lot of attention to. Let's look at how to design a project title page so that it meets the most stringent requirements.

The title page is drawn up according to certain rules.

This is done as follows:

Sample design for a university

The correct design of the cover for a project can be seen in a specific example:

  • State educational institution
  • Higher professional education
  • "Orenburg State University"

This information is located at the top, right in the center, written in size 16 letters. Further:

  • Science project (size 24).
  • In the discipline “Fundamentals of design and construction of electronic equipment. Development of the design of an electronic device" (font 23). Author (bold 16th font): student of group 14 Petrov A.I. Supervisor (bold 16th font): Associate Professor N.N. Sidorov

Sample for school

In general education institutions, students are very often forced to deal with the implementation of projects. This is a very correct approach - having learned to draw up such work at school, students will not experience any difficulties.

Important! The cover does not contain a lot of information; rather, the most important thing here is to correctly place that small amount of space proposals using the right size letters

Sample for an eleventh grade student's project regular school looks something like this:

  1. Municipal budget educational institution Gymnasium No. 9 of the city of Tolyatti (15 mm from the top, 16 point).
  2. Research paper in mathematics (bold, 24, in the very center).
  3. Mathematics: an exact science or a humanities subject? (the title of the work itself, without quotes, periods, 28).
  4. Author (bold, 16): students of grade 11B Ivanova A. (simple, 16). Mathematics teacher: Nikolaeva N.R.
  5. 2018 (bottom, center, 16, no dot).

Environment Project

IN primary school Increasingly, students are asked to complete a project on a topic as an additional assignment.

Children willingly take on such a task. Firstly, it’s interesting, and secondly, a good grade is guaranteed.

Of course, the teacher may reduce it somewhat for the correct design of the title page, but children quickly learn to do everything accurately in terms of its design.

It's not difficult at all, you just need to follow these instructions:

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school N 27"

city ​​of Chelyabinsk

(top 20 mm from the top, bottom edge, 30 mm on the left, 10 mm on the right - parameters specifically for elementary school, 12-point size).

around the world

"Birds, animals of the Far North"

(the first word is bold, 16, subsequent words are bold, 16).

Completed by: 4th grade student Sergeev A.

Checked by: teacher Nikonova A.K.

(16th point, “performed” and “checked” - bold).

(bottom, center).

The text itself is typed Times New Roman, 14.

Important! In elementary school, the requirements for the design of the title page are not as strict as in high school, so students can use suitable pictures if they wish.

The main cover of the project on the topic My family for an elementary school student is no different from any other work on the world around us. The same indentation and font selection options that are intended for elementary school are used here.

The only thing you need to do is to approach the name of the topic correctly and individually. After all, if the task is given to the whole class, it will not be very good if the name is the same.

Project in English

Designing a title page for work in English is no different from similar actions in Russian:

  1. At the top of the page the name of the educational institution is typed exclusively in English. It is important to do this very carefully and not make mistakes - detailed information can be found on the Internet.
  2. Next comes the name of the faculty itself and the student’s specialty.
  3. Then, right in the center, the words Report on the course (discipline message) are typed, followed by the name of the discipline itself. Then immediately the title of the work. All this is in English and is highlighted in bold, large font.
  4. The lower part is a place for information about the student himself: III year student (3rd year student), JJKK-8 group (student group), Ivanov Stepan (last and first name of the student).

Designing the project cover

Evaluation of a project or any other work, regardless of the degree of complexity, begins from the moment the teacher sees the title page. It is important to do everything flawlessly competently and correctly - the final grade will largely depend on this.

  • The title page is a separate page, but it does not need to be numbered.
  • Top and bottom margins must be present; their size is 3 cm.
  • Name educational institution without abbreviations or acronyms, it is located at the top, right in the center. If this is a university, then the faculty and department should be indicated. All letters are capital letters.
    The name of the educational organization must be clarified, because it may change periodically. It will be very bad if the old name of the educational institution is present on the new project.
  • Between information about educational institution and the subsequent topic - 8 cm.
  • The type of work and its subject must be indicated. Quotes and the actual word “Subject” are not allowed in the title.
  • In the lower right corner are the surname and initials of the performer, his status, and then the position of the scientific supervisor along with his surname and initials.
  • The year should be indicated at the bottom of the page, and just numbers, without the word “year”.
  • All characters are printed in Times New Roman, 12–14 point. The exception is the topic of the work, for which a larger font is provided.

The cover of a creative project has some features:

  • Done on A4 sheet. Any work is carried out in this format, both in schools and in higher institutions.
  • The margins are standard: left – 20 mm, right – 10 mm, top and bottom – 15 mm each.
  • Line spacing is 1.5.
  • The title page is not numbered. Further numbering is located at the bottom center.
  • In more serious works, the ministry of the country to which the student’s educational institution is affiliated is printed at the top of the page.
  • At the top of the page is the name of the educational institution in font 16.
  • In the middle is “Creative Project” (24th).
  • Next is the title of the work without the word “Topic”, quotation marks and a period at the end of the sentence. The name is highlighted with the largest point size - 28. It should be succinct, clearly reflect the content, and not include abbreviations.
  • The lower right corner is intended for information about the author and his supervisor.
  • Below is the city and year.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Hoping to receive only an excellent grade for your work, you should not neglect the design of the title page. Just as a person is greeted by his clothes, the first impression of a teacher is based on the correctness of his design.

While studying first at school and then at a higher educational institution, pupils and students constantly have to deal with writing assignments of varying degrees of complexity.

Therefore, having remembered certain rules, they will complete the design of the title page for any project without any problems. All these actions will eventually become automatic, and the student will be able to concentrate on the content of the work itself.

In this section we will look at existing registration requirements research work students, performed individually under the guidance of a teacher (educator) or a group of schoolchildren (pupils) of an educational institution.

In this section we will define rules for writing a research paper for schoolchildren of any grade, as well as for pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergarten).

Let us give an example and a sample design of projects in elementary school, on the outside world, mathematics, Russian language and literature, history, biology, physics, computer science, chemistry, English language, in geography and other subjects.

We will show an example and sample of the design of schoolchildren's research work, the requirements and rules for the design of project pages, title pages, headings, abbreviations and formulas in the design of the project, the correct design of drawings, graphs, diagrams, tables and photographs.

The presented requirements and rules for preparing a research work (project) are applicable for schoolchildren of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, as well as for preschool educational institutions (kindergartens).

Research Paper Page Options

Any research work or project of a student is drawn up on A4 sheets on one side.
  • left margin - 20 mm
  • right - 10 mm
  • top - 15 mm
  • lower - 15 mm

The text of the research work (project) is typed in font Times New Roman.

Font size 14 .

Line spacing - 1,5 (one and a half).

Aligning text on a page - in width.

Paragraph indentations are required and the amount is at the discretion of the author. Text research project should be easy to read and correctly formatted.

Title page of research paper and project

Writing and formatting student research work begins with the design of the title page.

We provide sample research paper title page design.

Page numbering for a research project

The research paper should be numbered at the end of the page. There is no number on the first page; the numbering is placed and continues from the second page. The page number is located at the bottom center.

The use of frames, animations and other elements for decoration in the design of research work is not allowed.

Titles in a research paper

The section title is printed in bold, with a capital letter and without a period at the end. Wrapping words in headings is not allowed. There is a 2-space indent between the text and the title.

Each chapter of a research paper is written on a new page. Chapters are numbered with Arabic numerals (1., 2., ...). The paragraph numbering includes the chapter number, period, paragraph number (for example, 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., etc.).

If paragraphs contain paragraphs, then the paragraphs are numbered with three digits separated by a dot, for example, 1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc., where the first digit is the chapter number, the second is the paragraph number, the third is the paragraph number.

Abbreviations and formulas in the design of research work

Abbreviations other than generally accepted ones are not often used in the text (D.I. Alekseev Dictionary of Russian Language Abbreviations - M., 1977).

When mentioning surnames in the text of a research project famous people(authors, scientists, researchers, inventors, etc.), their initials are written at the beginning of the surname.

If you use formulas in the text, give an explanation of the symbols used (for example: A+B=C, where A is the number of candies for Masha, B is the number of candies for Dasha, C is the number of candies in total).

Design of project applications

Figures and photographs, graphs and diagrams, drawings and tables should be located and formatted at the end of the description of the research project after the List of references on separate pages in the appendices (for example: Appendix 1, Appendix 2, ...). On these pages the inscription Appendix 1 is located in the upper right corner.

Pictures, photographs, graphs, diagrams, drawings and tables

Drawings in applications are numbered and signed.
Their name is placed under the picture (for example: Fig. 1. Feeder for tits, Photo 1. Forest in winter, Graph 1. Change in sales parameter, Diagram 1. Dynamics of wheat growth.

The tables in the appendices are also numbered and titled. Tables use single spacing for lines of text. The numbering and name are located under the table (Table 1. School student performance).

When completing a research paper, write (Appendix 1) at the end of the sentence that refers to the appendix. Required condition there should be an application itself at the end of the research paper or project.

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