Let's celebrate World Rock and Roll Day! World Rock and Roll Day.

World Rock and Roll Day,
There is such a holiday in the world, celebrated on April 13

Behind the calendar date lies an entire era, created by multi-layered cultural layers, and most importantly by people for whom rock and roll has become a way of life. Incendiary drive, dancing couples

, sometimes performing literally acrobatic performances. Rock and roll became more than just a new music movement. It was a new lifestyle. A challenge to society and traditions.

Rock and roll is characterized by a simple melody built on haunting guitar riffs - a jazz technique of African origin, based on the continuous and repeated repetition of a short, monotonous, easy-to-remember phrase with accents on the 2nd and 4th beats of the measure. In the middle of the 20th century, on official musical Olympus The USA was dominated by orchestral music with sweet and sentimental vocals. It was clearly calibrated commercial project , designed to protect white culture from the wild culture of blacks and create a respectable image of a respectable American. Along with official music in America, there was a completely different one - loud, rhythmic, full of life - rhythm and blues. One evening, Cleveland radio disc jockey Alan Freed took it upon himself to play rhythm and blues records on the air. And in order not to shock the unprepared public, he came up with another name for it - “rock and roll”, literally meaning “swing and spin.” Thus, thanks to Alan Freed, disguised rhythm and blues sounded in full force, becoming accessible to everyone, regardless of skin color. Alan Freed called himself Mr. Rock and Roll and seriously began to popularize this music, broadcasting it on the radio and organizing concerts. In the press, on television, in educational institutions a real war has begun against rock and roll as harmful to younger generation phenomenon. But it was useless to “treat” young people, especially new music

The first rock and roll star among white performers was singer-guitarist Bill Haley; he agreed that the name rock and roll was invented by Alan Freed, but he considered the sound and style to be his own invention. He simply mixed rhythm and blues and country, added street slang and got a killer brew. Real success came in 1955 with the song “Rock around the clock” for the film “Blackboard Jungle”. The song instantly became a hit not only in America, but also in England. We must not forget about Elvis Presley (the king of rock and roll), who became the god of American youth, removed generational contradictions, and the handsome man’s glamorous shows convinced adults that rock and roll was no uglier than the Charleston of the older generation. About Roy Orbison (you simply could not help but hear his “Pretty woman”), Jerry Lee Lewis (who introduced an instrument uncharacteristic for this style - the piano) and Buddy Holly.

Even a certain style appeared - rockabilly (around 1954-56 - a surge in the popularity of Elvis Presley), pop culture lost its innocence: teenage girls had already learned to run away from home at night, dance rock and roll and boogie-woogie, kiss under the moon and shed tears on Elvis Presley posters. This time was naive and touching: there were still 15 years left before the famous “summer of love”, the emergence of psychedelic drugs and psychedelic rock. Everyone danced rock and roll - from the delivery boy to the Queen of England. Newspapers reported in detail how Elizabeth II danced rock and roll with great enthusiasm with Lord Dorchester. In September 1957, rock and roll was played during a church service in Manchester. Another definite and clear date is 1964, the conventional birthday of a new style in rock and roll - pop rock. The famous Fab Four, thanks to their simple and memorable compositions, infected the whole world with the epidemic of “Beatlemania”. The antipodes of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, also appeared in 1964. Their fast and powerful sound has become technical and more pleasant to perceive. In the 70s, psychedelic rock and its prominent representatives appeared American band « Pink Floyd" and British "Led Zeppelin", " Deep Purple", "Black Sabbath". The 70s are considered the golden era in the development of rock culture. The groups' performances are gradually beginning to go beyond musical boundaries. The first attempts at theatrical accompaniment appear - decorative and lighting design, and pyrotechnic effects. The end of the 70s was marked by a real musical revolution. The rockers seemed to remember why all this was started and gave birth to punk rock (“crappy rock”). Simplification of the musical scheme led to the promotion of vocals to the leading position. Bold and poignant texts were built on anarchism, criticism of politics, government and the wealthy. At the rear of punk rock were groups such as the Sex Pistols, The Clash, the Stooges and Iggy Pop. Appeared in the 80s female rock, the 90s creativity of groups is a problem of comics or computer games. The only rock and roller in the pragmatic 90s was Kurt Cobain and his band Nirvana.

In the USSR, rock began to be played in the early 80s, the most famous groups this direction were Zoo, Bravo.

At the same time, in the 90s, acrobatic rock and roll appeared (the federation appeared in Russia in 1992) - on the one hand, exciting, dynamic kind of sport, on the other hand, sparkling, temperamental dance. On the one hand, you need to be a well-rounded athlete, strong and risk-taking, have perfect skills as a gymnast, an acrobat, master the art of lifts, and not complain about lack of strength, otherwise you won’t catch your partner, or you’ll let your partner down. On the other hand, you need to be at home in the world of beauty, sensitively capture the style and character musical accompaniment and skillfully convey it with the nuances of movement, be distinguished by grace and technical performance, be an elegant gentleman or a charming partner. Acrobatic rock and roll is in demand among children and youth - after a few years, frail, weak, clumsy teenagers grow into boys and girls with enviable posture, strong muscles, hardy, light, coordinated.

September 1, 1995 The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opened in Cleveland on the shores of Lake Erie. To the sounds of the national - it is not customary to say state - anthem, performed in a recording by the martyr of rock culture Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono and Godfather

Rock Little Richard cut the red ribbon. The orchestra blasted “Respect” and a ten-meter figure of Elvis Presley was raised into the sky. Before rising on the shores of Lake Erie, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame dates back to 1983. in the dreams of two people - Ahmet Ertegun, owner of Atlantic Records, and Jenn Wenner, publisher of the magazine" They were later joined by Seymour Stein, president of Electra Entertainment. This triumvirate, this union of the practice of rock and its theory, algebra - money and harmony - the press, at first had modest plans - to buy in New York the brownstone mansion (made of dark red brick) and turn it into a museum-archive of rock. At the same time, it was decided to establish a symbolic Palace of Glory of the Eye and annually count among its host of saints the most outstanding musicians and singers who have stood the test of time - performing on the stage for at least 25 years. For this purpose, a special fund was formed. Since 1986, the foundation began to conduct ceremonies

ordination of “immortal” rock idols.

American cities have crossed their checkbooks, vying for the right to become the site of the Palace of Rock Fame. Cleveland came out the winner of this jousting tournament, shelling out $65 million for the barrel. J. Voinovich, governor of Ohio at that time: “The Palace of Rock and Roll Fame promises to be an economic catalyst that will give us an international dimension and attract a flow of tourists from all over the world. California and Florida have Disneyland, Nevada has Las Vegas. Ohio will have a Rock Fame Palace." According to preliminary estimates, it was expected that the Palace of Glory would be visited by about million people

, bringing the city about one hundred million dollars in revenue. The palace was erected by I.M. Pei, the patriarch of American architecture. Pei gave modernism, as a radical ferment of social change, a certain reflection of a “polished” individualized and liberalized existence in glass and metal, brick and marble. The architecture of the palace breathes youthful energy. Its geometric shapes are saturated with it - a triangle, a cylinder, a rectangular box, a trapezoid over the lake. “This is not just youth music. This is the music of youth,” the wise old man Pei said about his brainchild.
The palace nests at the very top of the tower, which can be reached via a dizzying double spiral staircase. The Hall of Fame is a giant black glass box. The names of the laureates, members of the fatal “Academy of Immortals” are engraved on the glass, video monitors with photographs of rock stars light up and go out. The palace symbolizes the immortal glory of rock and roll.

"The Beat goes on!"

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You can call it rock and roll musical genre. This will be true, but only partially. In reality, it is the image and style of life of a person and entire, quite numerous groups of people. Powerful drive and fiery rhythms are characteristic feature of this direction. Rock and roll has tens of millions of adherents in almost all countries of our planet, including Russia. It would be simply strange if millions of people did not seek opportunities for unification and did not establish a holiday dedicated to the object of their cult.


Officially, the holiday is called World Rock-n-roll Day. World Rock and Roll Day does not yet have recognition at the state or interstate level. It is not recognized by the UN either. However this fact does not in any way prevent tens of millions of music lovers around the world from celebrating the holiday on their own, without the help of government agencies or structures.

Fans still have some disagreements regarding the date of the celebration. The official founder of the genre, Bill Haley, wrote the melody “Rock Around The Clock” in 1954, recognized as the world’s first work of the genre under discussion. Since he completed his work at night, some experts believe that this happened on April 12, but most rock and roll fans are inclined to accept April 13 as the founding date of the movement.


Despite the lack of official traditions, the celebration world day Rock and roll is pretty much the same all over the world. Most entertainment venues in the world, including nightclubs, hold rock and roll dance parties.

Thematic concerts are held at many suitable stage venues with the performance of new items in the genre and the most outstanding melodies of past years. There are also performing competitions, which are usually international in nature. It is already a traditional phenomenon - a performance somewhere in San Francisco by a musician or an entire musical group from Japan, and in Krasnoyarsk - performers from Indonesia or the countries of Black Africa.

Fans of rock and roll gather in huge crowds to enjoy listening to their favorite works and have fun to the fullest with the drive and energy inherent in rock and roll.

Works of singers and groups flow from the speakers:

  • Bill Haley and Elvis Presley;
  • Pink Floyd, and Deep Purple;
  • Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath;
  • Nirvana;
  • "Kino" and "Alice";
  • "Nautilus Pompilius" and "Brigade C".

Usually, the main media, especially those whose work is related to the world of music, do not miss the opportunity to mention the holiday. What is also surprising is the absence of various conflicts at such crowded gatherings.

Today, April 13, is Rock and Roll Day all over the world. On this day, many fans of this style organize events to popularize the culture of this music, emphasizing its influence on the lifestyle of several generations.

It is worth noting that although Rock and Roll Day is celebrated on April 13, the basis for the holiday was an event that happened a day earlier (April 12) in 1954. Then Bill Haley recorded a new single, “Rock Around The Clock,” which became a landmark for the new musical direction, which quite quickly managed to overcome the borders of the United States, and then spread across various states and continents, which became a challenge for traditions and society.

In the middle of the 20th century, shortly after the end of World War II, people all over the world wanted peace and a more measured life, in which there would be as little as possible various shocks. The music of this time was a reflection of these aspirations and hopes. It was quite calm, Vocalists were selected with the appropriate voice. Official music in the United States tried to promote as high as possible the idea of ​​​​delineating the culture of whites against the “savage” culture of African Americans and to form a model of a respectable citizen of the state.

In addition to the music that was officially supported, completely different music could be found in the United States. She was distinguished by loudness, dynamism, greater rhythm, and, in the opinion of the general public, she was distinguished by her love of life. It was rhythm and blues. At that time, at one of the Cleveland radio stations, disc jockey Alan Freed decided to take an unprecedented step at that time - to broadcast a recording of a new style of music. At the same time, in order not to shock the audience of representatives of the “white” public by the fact that they were listening to the condemned rhythm and blues, he announced his own name, invented on the fly - “rock and roll”.

It was with the help of Alan Freed, who uniquely “disguised” rhythm and blues, that this direction became completely new round development. They stopped distinguishing him by the skin color of the musicians. Among the “white” performers, the first famous musician became performer Bill Haley. He presented his own compositions to the public, the basis for which was guitar music. He presented listeners with a mixture of country and rhythm and blues, seasoned with street slang, which brought him stunning success at that time.

One of the founders and main popularizers of the trend was the legendary Elvis Presley, who quickly became an idol for many teenagers. His style of clothing, movements on stage, and demeanor became an example for young people to follow. In the early years of the 1960s, it broke away from rock and roll a new style, called pop rock.

Natives from Liverpool have gathered a huge number of fans with the help of their own compositions. In fact, Beatlemania has become something of an epidemic. In 1964, fans of the genre became acquainted with the music of " Rolling Stones”, which was distinguished by a fairly powerful, fast and technical sound. After this, psychedelic rock arose in the 1970s, prominent representatives of which were such groups as Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. It was this decade that began to be considered the golden era of the development of rock culture.

At the end of the seventies, another new style appeared - punk rock. For this direction, texts and vocals became priorities. Representatives of this trend quite often criticized politics, the government, politics, as well as representatives of the wealthy sections of society. This period brought quite a lot of popularity to the groups “Sex Pistols”, “Stooges”, “The Clash”. During the 1980s, the culture of rock was replenished with a “female” version, and in the practical 1990s, the most bright musician Kurt Cobain and Nirvana became rock and roll.

The concept of “Russian rock” arose in the USSR in the 20th century precisely under the influence of the music of Western countries. Most early groups became “Falcon” by Alexander Gradsky, “Skomorokhs”, “Scythians” and “Slavs”. Beatlemania reached the states of the USSR and led to the formation of its own rock band in almost every school. Some groups reached the top of the scene in the 1970s. Among them is the well-known “Time Machine”. However, the spread of rock and roll proved difficult due to the influence of censorship.

Despite this, in the first years of the 1980s, a full-fledged rock movement was formed on the territory of the USSR. The followers of the “Thaw” were groups performing compositions in the “new wave” style. The most famous among them were “Alice”, “Kino”, “Obermanken”, “AuktYon” and “Strange Games”. The turning point The development of rock on the territory of the USSR was the creation in 1985 of the Moscow Rock Laboratory, which allowed the capital's groups to completely legalize their own activities. It was then that the groups “Zoo”, “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Brigade S” and others gained popularity.

The end of the 1980s was the time when Russian rock came out of the underground. Today rock has received a huge number various directions. Among them are fairly “light” dance rock and roll and brutal grindcore. The semantic content of the lyrics is also quite different. You can find both casual humorous motives and descriptions of rather gloomy events. Pop music is most often opposed to rock, but there is no clear boundary between the concepts themselves today. Most directions modern music represent something borderline at the junction of these two concepts.

Every year, on April 13, World Rock-n-roll Day is celebrated all over the world. This is a celebration of like-minded people for whom rock and roll has become not only music, but a style and way of life. It is celebrated annually on April 13, although historical event, which served as the basis for the holiday, happened the day before.

On April 12, 1954, Bill Haley recorded the single "Rock Around The Clock". It has become so popular that new Musical direction captured not only the United States, but also all countries and continents.

Video: Youtube\33Evenstar

Rock and roll is a challenge to society and traditions, it is an explosion of emotions. It appeared in the mid-20th century, at a time when, after the end of World War II, people began to strive for peace and a measured life. It was not customary to listen to something aggressive or emotional; the music of that period was as calm and sentimental as possible, with sweet-voiced vocals. At the official level, there was an idea that everything provocative was a wild black culture from which the respectable image of a respectable American needed to be protected.

Back in 1947, American journalist Jerry Wexler, while preparing a black music chart for the American Billboard magazine, decided to replace the negatively connoted name of the hit parade “Racial Records” with the “rhythm and blues” he invented. This name stuck so well that on June 17, 1949, Billboard magazine recognized it as official, renaming the hit parade “Rhythm and Blues Records.”

One of the founders of this trend is the legendary “King” Elvis Presley. His style of clothing, manners and movements became an example to follow for an entire generation.

In the early 1960s, a new style of rock and roll emerged - pop rock. The Fab Four launched an epidemic of “Beatlemania” into the world with their compositions. In 1964, the Rolling Stones appeared, distinguished by a fast, powerful and technical sound. In the late 60s, hard rock appeared on the scene, the prominent representatives of which were the groups “Deep Purple”, “Led Zeppelin”, “Black Sabbath”. This decade is considered the golden era in the development of rock culture.

1978, The group "Rainbow" and its hit "Long Live Rock-n-roll", video: bobdaisleyv

By the end of the seventies, punk rock had emerged with its simplified musical design, powerful drums and extremely powerful lyrics. This revolutionary music began to sound criticism of the government, politics, upper strata society. The most prominent representatives of punk are the Sex Pistols, The Clash, Stooges, Iggy Pop.

In the 1980s, female rock appeared and such popular groups like Blondie and The Pretenders.

And in the practical 1990s, the brightest rock and roller was Kurt Cobain and his band Nirvana.

Today there are countless trends in rock music - from casual, playful romanticism to dark, deep philosophy. And it continues to change.

Let us remind you that yesterday the whole world celebrated Cosmonautics Day. Minister, which the whole world celebrates on April 12, on some other day, because it is “Soviet”.

And Easter will be celebrated this weekend. 8 million parishioners will participate.

Like this year! This is also World Rock and Roll Day - a big holiday, by the way. A holiday for all those for whom rock and roll is a lifestyle!

How did he even appear?

In fact, it should have been on April twelfth, but apparently Cosmonautics Day got in the way. The fact is that it was on the twelfth, in 1954, that Bill Haley released his single “Rock Around The Clock” - and that’s how rock music as such began! This simply shocked society - here, less than ten years ago, the Second World War died down, everyone wants calm and measured music, but now loud and rhythmic music began...

And then Alan Freed, a DJ from Cleveland, decided to play a couple of rhythm and blues songs on the air, which just didn’t fit into the framework. And he called it, so as not to shock the public (the word “blues” was still too associated with blacks and the ghetto, says JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn) - rock and roll! This is how Bill Haley came to be, and this is how the king of rock and roll emerged - Elvis Presley.

Sixties and seventies

Konstantin Kinchev about rock and roll - mainly from the 60s and 70s

The Beatles suddenly created pop rock itself, which was a completely new style of rock and roll. Following them came the Rolling Stones. And in the seventies, psychedelic rock appeared - Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and many others! It was the seventies that are considered the golden decade in the history of rock culture. In the late seventies, by the way, punk rock appeared - with criticism of the rich and the government, with bright non-conformism.

Eighties and Russian rock

The eighties brought female rock... and they also brought rock music into Soviet Union. Back in the seventies, “Time Machine” began actively, but their music only developed into a full-fledged “format” by the eighties. Although rock and roll was held back by censorship, rock clubs appeared, and all this was promoted at the amateur level. The film "ASSA", filmed at the very beginning of perestroika, showed us famous stage, in which Tsoi gets a job as a musician in a restaurant, but he has no education or other “evidence” of his artistry. Nevertheless, he still plays in the restaurant!..

And then “Zoo”, “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Aquarium” and many others were promoted great bands. And rock music rose to its feet in the then Soviet and now post-Soviet space! Today, of course, not everyone plays rock - but oh, so many. In a word, as Mike Naumenko sang, “we have our right to rock.” And there is even an international rock and roll day!

Rock and roll in Ukraine

One can, of course, recall rock bands, of which there are quite a few in the country. But if we talk about classic rock and roll, then, of course, it’s worth calling the group “Saboteurs”. The guys started with jazz, and now they play just classic rock and roll, albeit a little more modern. And most importantly - this is Kyiv! Unfortunately, since the group is Russian-speaking, they are not used to being proud of them as the only group playing typical rock and roll. It's a pity!..

And if we talk about famous rockers, then we already talked about the Soviet rocker Mike Naumenko. Well, rock music is a great force that unites people and generations. So happy holiday to you - Happy World Rock and Roll Day!

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