Review of exercises for wumbling. Strong intimate muscles: how to pump them up

Nowadays it has become fashionable to be healthy and maintain your figure. Girls buy gym memberships, sign up for cosmetology treatments in beauty salons, and perform complex procedures at home. However, girls often forget or don’t even suspect that it is extremely important to do gymnastics and train the pelvic floor muscles. Exercises for intimate muscles are the basis of women’s health, disease prevention, and also a guarantee of high-quality sex life.

Anatomy of intimate muscles

Why do you need pelvic floor muscle exercises? Firstly, these are measures that warn against various diseases. These simple exercises will make labor easier and reduce the risk of rupture.

Regular sports are also good as preventative measures, this could be cycling or horse riding. Choose what you like. Also use special devices that are aimed at training and pumping intimate muscles.

An excellent exercise option would be a complex. This training was developed in the 40s of the twentieth century, but is still used to this day. There are two basic exercises from this complex:

  1. We contract the pelvic floor muscles for 10 seconds and hold in this position. You need to do this simple exercise while standing, duration – 5 minutes a day;
  2. The next option is to contract the muscles for 5 seconds and then relax them.


Such exercises and all the complexes given below should be firmly established in your life, because women’s health and your sex life depend on the condition of the pelvic floor muscles.

Exercise equipment and devices

There are several types of devices that can be purchased at any specialty store. So:

  1. Dynamometer. The operating principle of this device is similar to that of a tonometer. There is an end and a dial, you need to insert the end of the dynamometer into the vagina and squeeze the muscles, the arrow will show on the scale the level of pumping of your muscles. Thus, you get both training and can immediately observe the progress and new results;
  2. Gymnastic ball or fitball. This sports equipment will allow you to train your core muscles, but it is better if you already have physical training. We sit in the middle of the ball, knees pointing in different directions, palms on our knees. As you exhale, lean back a little, and as you inhale, roll forward;
  3. Vaginal balls or weights. We insert the ball into the vagina, squeeze the muscles to hold and fix the position of the ball, which will lower under the influence of the load. A type of balls are eggs. Such simulators must be inserted into the vagina and held. It is advisable to train while standing or walking;
  4. Laser simulator. We insert the end of the simulator inside, squeeze the muscles, and the laser beam will show the work of the intimate muscles.

Set of 5 exercises

This complex will improve the quality and also help avoid unpleasant diseases associated with the female reproductive system. Since these exercises need to be accompanied by active breathing, you should perform a special yoga breathing practice between them. This is Kapalaphati breathing: you need to push out the lower abdomen along with a sharp exhalation. This should be done vigorously and often, approximately 1 exhalation per second. Then take a deep breath, exhale and continue. So, let's move on to the exercises:

  • The first exercise is called the press. We lift all the muscles of the perineum up, intensity - 1 movement per second, perform the lift while exhaling. You need to do 3 sets of 100 repetitions each. A few words about the anatomy of the female reproductive system: a woman has only 8 intertwined muscles that form a “hammock”. Their main function is to maintain internal organs. However, they can provide reliable support only if they are in good shape. In turn, this has a beneficial effect on sexual health, as well as hormone production. After finishing the exercise, do breathing exercises and move on to the next one;
  • The name of the next exercise is hold. Tighten your pelvic muscles and hold them in this position for a minute. Do 3 repetitions, holding this position for 1 minute each time. Don't forget about the breathing break;
  • The next exercise is SOS. Its name is directly related to the signal for help, which consists of three dots, three dashes and three repeating dots. First, we make three quick contractions of the intimate muscles, then three times slowly, and finish again with fast and energetic contractions. You need to do 7 repetitions in each of 3 approaches;
  • Did you remember to breathe? Then we move on to the pulse-flashing exercise. Its essence lies in two contractions per second. You need to do this exercise 32 times. Breathe well, if you start to feel dizzy, then the blood has begun to fill with oxygen. Don't worry, even out your breathing rhythm and continue training;
  • The last exercise is called piano. It is necessary to mentally divide the distance between the navel and the entrance to the vagina into 5 points, which correspond to 5 fingers. The distance between the points is approximately 2 centimeters. Place your fingers so that the large finger corresponds to the navel, and the little finger corresponds to the entrance to the vagina. As you exhale, we shorten the point corresponding to the thumb, then move on to the next ones, performing this exercise for 10 seconds on each finger. Next, press with your thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers, hold everything together and release. Let's start big again.

Strengthening the pelvic and pelvic floor muscles

  1. We sit down, rounding our lower back, and stretch back. We lower our right leg, take the left one and pull it towards ourselves, with our heel we aim for the navel. Then we repeat this exercise on the other leg;
  2. We lie on our backs, bring our feet together, turn our knees and at the same time squeeze the pelvic floor muscles;
  3. Place your legs parallel and lift your pelvis up. We do a shoulder bridge, pause at the top point and lower ourselves. After several repetitions, we make it more difficult, placing our feet on the heels, thereby increasing the tension on the intimate muscles;
  4. From a lying position, pull the straight leg towards you, hold for a few seconds, and then change the leg;
  5. We rise up, move our arms back, lift our pelvis up, and strain our bikini area. Then we lower ourselves to the starting position. We perform several repetitions;
  6. We take a position on all fours, twist the pelvis and round the lower back, then return to the starting position.
  7. You can check the condition of your genitals yourself. To do this, you need to insert two fingers into the vagina, and then try to squeeze the intimate muscles. If you can’t do it, you should seek help from a specialist.

Video materials


Imbuilding, or vumbilding, is a fairly new direction for us, although it has been known for a very long time.

It is a system aimed at developing intimate muscles.

There are many people whose intimate muscles are poorly developed - this leads to a lot of problems of a sexual and even medical nature (including the formation of tumors and the inability to bear a fetus). Therefore, it is very important to train intimate muscles. You can easily do imbuilding at home, without spending time and money. Moreover, intimate gymnastics is useful and pleasant in one complex. In our article you will find out who needs intimate muscle training and why, how it is useful, and we will also introduce you to a program of classes that will help you quickly achieve the desired results.

The benefits of imbuilding for women's health

The art of controlling your intimate muscles originated in the Ancient East. There it was taught to all girls from childhood. This was also mandatory in the preparation of geishas and concubines in the harem - after all, they had to have perfect control of their body in order to please the master. But if in those days the sexual sphere was put at the forefront, now even in medicine the undeniable benefits of imbuilding have already been recognized. Although all modern exercises of the wumbling system are based on ancient Taoist practices aimed at working with orgasmic energy.

Let us note that doing intimate gymnastics is equally useful for both women and men, since both of them may have underdeveloped intimate muscles, or, as they are also called, the pelvic floor muscles. Not only does this negatively affect the sexual sphere, but this, perhaps, can be considered the least harm that comes from insufficient development of intimate muscles. For women, underdevelopment of muscles has the most negative effect on the sexual sphere: inflammation and even tumors appear, uterine prolapse, and urinary incontinence may begin (especially with age). It can even lead to infertility.

If the problem did not lead to such severe consequences, and the woman carried and gave birth to a child, then after childbirth this situation always worsens even more. In addition, the better developed the intimate muscles, the easier it is for a woman to bear a fetus and give birth to a child.

Intimate gymnastics has two directions: developing intimate muscles and facilitating childbirth.

So, what are the benefits of intimate gymnastics in different areas of a woman’s life:

  • Health

Prevents various gynecological problems (inflammation, uterine prolapse, swelling, etc.), cures some diseases (inflammatory processes in the genital organs), helps not only to bear and give birth to a child, but also to get pregnant.

  • Sexual sphere

Makes sex life more vibrant and varied, helps solve the problem of frigidity and impotence. In addition, if partners do this gymnastics together, then their intimate culture increases in an incredible way; they learn to feel each other again (and some for the first time!). And not only in an intimate sense, but also in a psychological sense.

  • Psychological sphere

Vumbuilding allows a woman to improve, better understand and reveal herself, develop her own sexuality, and establish a connection with her partner. All this makes a woman more confident, sexy, feminine and relaxed.

Wumbuilding: a system of exercises for women

The exercises that later formed the imbuilding system were created in the 40s of the 20th century by Arnold Kegel, a famous urologist and gynecologist. The exercises were aimed at developing the muscles of the perineum. Both women and men performed gymnastics. And over time, patients noted that they began to experience more vivid orgasms, their sex life began to bring much more pleasure. After this, gymnastics gained fame and began to be supplemented with new exercises. Today, imbuilding is gaining more and more popularity.

The beauty of imbuilding is that you do not need to visit gyms, etc. - it can be successfully practiced at home. For this purpose, special simulators are used: vaginal egg, Kegel simulator, laser simulator. Gymnastics consists in the fact that a woman, placing them in her vagina, develops intimate muscles. After the exercises, a special camera is used, which massages the vaginal walls.

However, you can do without purchasing special exercise equipment. It will be enough to learn a few simple exercises and perform them regularly. To get the first tangible results, 2 weeks of training will be enough. Of course, you shouldn’t stop there - there is no limit to perfection in this matter!

So, where should a beginner start training?

First you need to determine where these most intimate muscles are located. If you don't know for sure which muscles we are talking about, try to determine it this way: when urinating, try to hold and then release the stream. It is the intimate muscles (vaginal) that are responsible for this, which need to be trained.

Once you have determined which muscles you need to work, it is important to choose the right place to exercise. Some exercises are performed while lying down, but most of them are performed while sitting. Therefore, you need a hard chair for studying. You need to sit on it straight.

In addition, there are several rules, the implementation of which will speed up the results of your studies:

  • do the exercises regularly, every day;
  • complete them at a time convenient for you;
  • Don’t rush - you definitely won’t get results in one day.

A set of imbuilding exercises for women

The system includes a set of five exercises and massage. Perform them correctly, regularly - and the result will not keep you waiting long. Even if it seems to you that you are not succeeding, continue to train - intimate muscles are pumped up just like any others in our body. The less “pumped” they are, the more time it will take to tone them up. But the effort is worth it. Moreover, classes using this system bring a lot of positive feelings.

  • Muscle contraction

Tighten your intimate muscles as much as possible. Hold them in this state for 5-20 seconds, then relax as much as possible. It is better to do this in stages, and not immediately squeeze the muscles with all your might: strain them slightly, hold them in this position for 5 seconds, then squeeze them even tighter, hold them some more, etc. - and so on until you squeeze the muscles with with all possible strength. The same applies to relaxation: try not to completely relax the muscles immediately, but also gradually, holding the muscles for 3 seconds. This exercise must be performed 10 times.

  • Muscle contraction

Tighten and relax your muscles as quickly as you can. The good thing about this exercise is that it can be done anywhere. The more often you perform it, the faster you can achieve the desired result. This exercise must be performed 10 times.

  • Pushing

Women who have given birth will understand the meaning and procedure of this exercise, since it is very similar to labor pushing. If you have not given birth, then the meaning is something like this: try to perform pushing movements, as during defecation, only with the muscles of the vagina. This exercise must be performed 10 times.

  • Developing the bulbospongiosus muscle

This exercise may not work out at first, but if you don't stop, it will soon begin to work out without problems. You need to lie on your back and focus on the clitoris. Start pulling in and pushing out. You need to perform this exercise for 5-10 minutes. By doing this exercise, you may become aroused or even have an orgasm.

  • Flashing

Lie on your back, bend your knees a little and begin to retract your anus. Hold it in this position for 5 seconds, then begin to slowly release it and at the same time retract the clitoris. And so - 10 approaches. This exercise will perfectly strengthen and improve the superficial and deep muscles of the pelvic floor.

  • Massage

Of course, this is not exactly an exercise, but if you add it to a set of daily exercises, the results will simply amaze you and your partner! It is in this matter that you will need his help. Ask your partner to massage your labia, clitoris, and the area above it every day for 10-15 minutes. And let him not forget about a large amount of massage oil. Such a massage will improve blood circulation in the intimate area, as a result of which the muscles will also become stronger. During the massage, relax, get rid of embarrassment and completely trust your partner.

Contraindications to classes

No matter how beneficial a system of exercises for training intimate muscles may be for a woman’s health, it also has a number of contraindications.

  • Pregnancy

If you were involved in imbuilding before pregnancy, this is not a contraindication for you. Even during pregnancy and after childbirth, you can continue exercising. If you did not engage in intimate gymnastics before pregnancy, starting it while pregnant is strictly prohibited. Moreover, you should refrain from training for 2-3 months after giving birth.

  • Gynecological diseases

Although wumbling is indicated for many diseases in women, there are some diseases of the genital organs for which gymnastics is prohibited. These include bleeding (postoperative and intrauterine), acute inflammatory processes that are accompanied by fever, vascular disorders (thrombophlebitis in the pelvic vessels and lower extremities), and septic conditions.

In any case, before you start imbuilding exercises, even if you do not observe any ailments, it is best to consult a gynecologist. He will help you choose a training program individually for you: you may have to exclude some exercises, and pay closer attention to others.

Vumbuilding - intimate muscle training. Modern women have taken note of such activities and “colored” their intimate lives with new colors. At the same time, this type of training helps the fair half of humanity forget about the mass of exclusively female diseases. Using this technique can make you desirable, confident, and healthy. Wumbuilding – we’ll tell you everything you were too shy to ask.

The main thing in the article

What is wumbling and why is it needed?

Vumbuilding is an activity that helps strengthen the vaginal muscles. Geishas were the first to think of training these muscles, which is why they are still considered the most skilled ladies in bringing pleasure. This is not surprising, because they have studied the art of satisfying a man throughout their lives. Today's women have adopted this technique and are actively involved in this “sport”. Why do you need wumbling classes? The main reasons why you need to start training include:

  • your pleasure, if the muscles tightly compress the male organ, despite its size, incredible sensations are experienced, and orgasms become more violent and memorable;
  • partner's pleasure, Here we can give an example: you probably know couples where a mousy woman, unattractive at first glance, lives with a handsome handsome man. What do you think she used to get it? They say it’s true, if a woman knows something in bed, then she is in demand and desired, because “they don’t leave people like that”;
  • health, training promotes more active blood flow to the pelvis, which significantly reduces the risk of developing “female” diseases. Scientists have proven that women who engage in vumbilding experience menopause much later;
  • opportunity to give birth easily , muscle training promotes their elasticity, which helps during the birth process to bring a child into this world without unnecessary complications, ruptures and severe pain;
  • beautiful shapes , when training intimate muscles, nearby tissues are affected. In other words, such exercises allow you to tighten your buttocks and remove extra centimeters on your hips.

The effect of wumbling at home

Every girl wants to be the object of adoration for her partner, and wumbling is the key to attractiveness, desirability and lust. Performing simple exercises will help you achieve:

  • success in intimacy, since training contributes to the development of erogenous zones in the vagina;
  • easy childbirth, since before planning a pregnancy, wumbling exercises will help prepare the birth canal;
  • health, because this type of “sport” is excellent prevention of female diseases. Those who train intimate muscles are much less likely to be diagnosed with uterine prolapse or prolapse and urinary incontinence;
  • long youth: the fact is that during exercise there is an increased flow of blood to the pelvic organs, including the ovaries, which produce hormones responsible for maintaining the “youth” of the body;
  • delaying menopause, women who have experience with wumbling “get to know” menopause much later and its attacks are not as pronounced.

Is wumbling useful for achieving orgasm?

Of course, trained muscles perceive the movement inside the vagina much better, since the erogenous zones become more sensitive.

Women who previously did not know what a vaginal orgasm is, after a short time of training, begin to receive it more than once during sexual intercourse.

According to reviews, sensations change dramatically, and a woman can independently control both her sensations and her partner’s sensuality.

Vumbuilding for beginners at home: how to do it?

In order to start a standard workout, you need to undergo some kind of preparation. It consists of the following stages:

  • learn to retract the anal ring without straining the muscle tissue on the stomach and buttocks;
  • learn to concentrate on your feelings and completely relax mentally.

The last point is very important, since in the human brain there are certain control zones that control every muscle in the body. Thus, nature has designed that the vaginal muscles are “invisible” to the brain, so concentrating on sensations will help the brain center control these muscles.

If someone says that you can pump up your vaginal muscles in 3–5 days, don’t believe it! In order to feel the first changes, you need about half a month of intense training, which can be done at home.

To carry out a set of exercises, 30–40 minutes per day is enough. For greater effect, you can use simulators, we’ll talk about them later.

Methods and techniques of wumbling: TOP 7 exercises

Before starting a set of exercises, you need to improve your breathing. To do this, lie on your back and completely relax. Breathe with your belly. It should rise and fall smoothly up and down. Stand up and try to resume these breathing movements while standing.

Once you have managed to breathe as correctly as possible, you can begin the fundamental exercises. We present the basic minimum of TOP 7 exercises:

  1. Do the exercise You can either stand or lie down. Tighten your vaginal muscles for 8-10 seconds, relax for the same time, and tighten again. Gradually speed up, reducing the time of tension and relaxation to 5 seconds. Execution time – 5 minutes.
  2. An exercise called "Elevator", is performed as follows:
    - first floor - slightly tighten the vaginal muscles for 5 seconds;
    - second floor - increase the voltage by half and hold for another 5 seconds;
    - third floor - tighten your muscles even more;
    - fourth floor - squeeze the vaginal tissues tightly for 5 seconds;
    - fifth floor - squeeze the vagina with maximum force.
    “Rides” on the elevator should be up, with increasing tension and down, gradually relaxing the muscle tissue.
  3. Half-squat (feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent), place your hands behind your head. As you inhale, tighten your anus and squat down. Exhale, relax and return to the starting position. It is worth starting such squats from half a minute, gradually bringing the session to 5 minutes.
  4. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Rhythmically lift your pelvis up. The exercise time is 3–5 minutes.
  5. Starting position as described in the exercise above. When raising the pelvis, squeeze the anus and buttocks. Fix in this position for 1–2 minutes. Lower your pelvis and relax for 30 seconds. 5 approaches will be enough.
  6. Lying on your back, spread your legs, bent at the knees, to the sides, close your feet together. Try to raise your pelvis from this position as high as possible. At the top point, fixate and squeeze the anus as much as possible. You need to be in this position to the maximum.
  7. The last exercise will be “Blinking”. To perform it, you need to slowly tense the vaginal muscles, then relax them. Gradually increase the compression speed so that the movements resemble peculiar blinking.

What types of simulators are there for wumbling?

The very first exercise machine for strengthening vaginal muscles is considered to be a Kegel exercise machine, which was developed by a doctor in the 50s of the last century and was used for the treatment of drip urinary incontinence and the prevention of pelvic organ prolapse. Much later, it was noted that in addition to the therapeutic effect, such simulators significantly improve the quality of intimate intimacy. Today, the following simulators are used in vumbildin classes:

Wumbuilding at home: a set of exercises in pictures and photos

Wumbuilding using the method of Lyudmila Kerimova

Angelika Zaitseva's wumbling program

Muranivsky's simulator for wumbling

Muranivsky's pneumatic simulator was developed by scientist V. Muranivsky and named in his honor. It is a device with a tonometer. The main part is inserted into the vagina, and the tonometer records the force of compression of its muscles.

With the help of the Muranivsky simulator, within just a few months, women notice a significant strengthening of the vaginal wall.

Vaginal balls for wumbling

Kegel exercises for wumbling

Kegel exercises help train your intimate muscles. They are even prescribed to women who want to carry a child to term and give birth without complications. After successful delivery, the Kegel complex is used as rehabilitation therapy. It should also be noted that wumbling is a prevention of problems during pregnancy such as cervical weakness (failure to retain the fetus). Exercise minimizes the likelihood of miscarriage.

Wumbuilding during pregnancy: features of exercises

You should approach wumbling during pregnancy very carefully. You can engage in such sports only if there is no risk to the fetus and with the permission of the gynecologist. The positive effects of this “sport” include:

  • improvement of blood circulation in the pelvic area;
  • reducing the risk of hemorrhoids;
  • increasing the elasticity of the birth canal.

You need to carry out the exercises carefully, half-heartedly, since an increase in intra-abdominal pressure is unacceptable, as it can cause complications during pregnancy. Pregnant women are prohibited from using wumbling machines.

Wumbuilding for virgins

We would like to note right away that the use of exercise machines can damage the hymen, so virgins should only use training using muscle tension and relaxation.

To train intimate muscles, I have prepared for you a list of lessons for self-study. In order to feel and control the intimate muscles of the pelvic floor well, you must first learn to tense them separately from the abs and buttocks, without holding your breath. This does not mean that these muscle groups will not be involved in the future; on the contrary, we will actively use them, but later. So you can optionally actively engage in sports.

According to my observations, women who lead a healthy lifestyle, with all other data being equal, achieve greater success in training.

The first thing you need to learn is to retract and hold your anus and at the same time breathe through your stomach, inflating it strongly. Then, while holding the anus, we will breathe with a relaxed stomach. First, try to simply squeeze the muscles of the anus; if this works, then try to pull it strongly up. Do this several times, listen to yourself and feel with which muscles you are doing all this. Then it is recommended to try to feel the muscles of the entrance (urethra-vaginal sphincter).

Usually, when the anus is retracted, this muscle also works, but we need to try to focus our attention on these sensations. The compression of the vaginal canal can be divided into four walls (anterior, lateral and posterior). We squeeze the anus to reduce the gap in the vagina from the sides and back, but the tension of the muscles of the entrance will narrow the vagina in front.

You can play with these muscles and try to squeeze alternately the muscle of the entrance and the muscles of the anus. In reality, this only happens with weak compression, but this exercise will give you the opportunity to better feel the work of these muscles.

Try turning on your “fountain of passion.” Tighten these muscles at the same time and pull upward as much as possible. Imagine taking the energy and raising it. It runs up and fills your body, it begins to sound. Try not to do this exercise during meetings at work, the effect may be unpredictable. You will already begin to radiate a special energy of being desired, loving and loved.

If you succeeded in the previous exercises, let’s move on to mastering breathing. During exhalation, we pull the stomach inward, increasing the pressure in the peritoneum, which pushes the diaphragm upward. And during inhalation, we relax the stomach, while intra-abdominal pressure drops and the diaphragm lowers.

Simply put, while inhaling, we inflate our stomach to the maximum, and while exhaling, we pull it inward. If you can't do this movement while standing, try doing it lying on your back with your knees bent. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Try not to move your chest while inhaling - only your stomach rises and falls as you breathe.

After mastering belly breathing, we move on to combining breathing with contractions of the anus. Lying on your back, take a deep breath into your stomach and at the same time retract your anus. As you exhale, relax. Then try doing this exercise while standing. If the result is positive, retract your anus and do several breathing cycles. Try to keep your anus tucked in at all times.

As a result of performing the exercise, you will realize that you can easily maintain tension without the participation of the abdominal muscles and other associated muscles.

Note: jade eggs have now become very popular; they are inexpensive and can be easily purchased in Chinese pavilions. Many famous geisha schools are happy to sell them. There is one danger in using them. There is an opinion that in China previously jade was not used, but jadeite, and here we sell jadeite, not jade.

It has a porous structure and, when worn, can cause thrush and inflammation. Our egg is made of medical grade plastic and is safe to wear and use. Do not buy jade eggs, they were actually used thousands of years ago by the ancients, but they did not have such terrible diseases as now. And who would even think of using a horse instead of a car now?

Starting position - lying on your back, knees bent. Insert the lubricated egg into the vagina and hold it with your hand by the thread. We squeeze the muscles and then, while relaxing, pull the egg back to the entrance, carefully so that it does not fall out. During compression, the muscles make a passage into the vagina in front of the egg, and it is pushed inside.

Then, while relaxing, we move the egg to the entrance. After mastering this technique, let's try to do the same while standing. We pull the egg up and then allow it to fall down under its own weight, for nulliparous women this process can be difficult, and we hang a bottle with a weight on a thread (100-200 grams is enough), this weight is only needed so that the egg can easily fall down When relaxing, do not try to increase the weight.

Very often, after childbirth, women, as a result of muscle sprains, are not able to hold the egg in a relaxed standing position, then it is recommended to insert a finger on one phalanx into the vagina and do the same exercises, using your finger to insure the egg from falling out. While retracting the muscles, you should feel that the egg has come off your finger and after a few seconds relax the muscles, allowing the egg to fall down.

This concludes the first lesson.

After training, you can not take the egg out, but leave it inside, and wear it and tighten it regularly throughout the day. You can set an alarm on your phone to remind you to pull up an egg, for example, 500 times an hour.

Carrying an egg not only trains intimate muscles, but also further increases tactile sensations. Check at home to see if your egg falls out when you urinate, so you don't lose an egg later in a public toilet.

If an egg falls out, remove it every time you go to the toilet. At first, you need to gradually get used to carrying the egg and at first only walk with it at home, then you can walk with it for 6-8 hours a day. After use, rinse the egg under running water and you can treat it with miramistin.

Note: Before going to bed, remove the egg from the vagina. You can't sleep with an egg.

Methodology or universal instructions for working with a Kegel exercise machine for intimate muscles

To train with a Kegel machine, you can buy condoms; if you are allergic to latex, it is recommended to use Japanese polyurethane condoms. You can simply wash the machine every time before and after training.

You can start working with the simulator only after mastering all the exercises with a pointer and an egg.

Fasten the simulator and inflate the sensor to the desired elasticity. To simplify insertion into the vagina, it is recommended to lubricate it, lie on your back, relax and bend your knees, insert the sensor to the limiter and then relax. Release the clamp and set the pressure on the simulator to 40 or 50 mm. Then close the clamp.

First, relax your abs and breathe with your stomach. After squeezing your intimate muscles, just as you squeezed them when working with a laser pointer or an egg, raise the arrow and hold the muscles under tension for several seconds. Then relax.

Try to pay more attention to muscle work and don’t chase results. A good result is considered if the needle rises from 40 to 80 mm. Repeat this exercise many times until your muscles feel tired. You can, for example, do 40 muscle compressions and then long relaxation.

Do three series of compressions and then do exercises with intimate muscles without delay, also 40 times in three approaches, for example. After this, try doing several short compressions and one long one. If during the exercises you see that the arrow drops below 40 mm during relaxation, then it is recommended to open the clamp on the simulator and raise the pressure to 40 mm and close the clamp. This happens because the muscles relax better during training.

Try not to move your pelvis while training your intimate muscles, as this may change the values ​​of the simulator. As a result, the vaginal lumen may change and the arrow reacts to this, and not to compression by the necessary muscles.

Avoid arching your lower back or pressing your pelvis down. Remember that during the exercise your stomach should be relaxed and watch your breathing. Under no circumstances should you push.

In the future, you can change positions and perform the same exercises for intimate muscles as described above.

Independent training of intimate muscles with a TP simulator

Attention: independent training is contraindicated in cases of prolapse. You take full responsibility upon yourself. It is recommended to train muscles only under the supervision of an instructor.

The first exercise is called “Tower”, its essence is to learn how to simultaneously pull in the pelvic muscles and lower abdomen. The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles, which will actively participate in maintaining intra-abdominal pressure. The pressure created by the diaphragm will try to push the stomach out and will cause a sinking effect, and tense and retracted abdominal muscles will prevent this. It is very important to learn to draw in the muscles of the anus along with the lower abdomen and imagine that they are stretching upward.

Try this exercise without a machine first. Draw your lower abdomen inward and upward, while drawing in your pelvic floor in the same way as you pulled in the egg. Try holding the tension for a few seconds until your abdominal and anal muscles become tired.

While doing the exercise, try not to hold your breath, breathe lightly and shallowly through your chest, trying to exhale long and inhale short. If you manage to feel tired in the lower abdomen and anus, you can move on to training with a simulator.

Insert the simulator inside, you can put a condom on it first. Open the clamp and increase the pressure in the chamber by pressing the bulb to 50 mm. Then close the clamp and try to squeeze the muscles as you tried to do without the machine, squeezing the lower abdomen and retracting the anus. Try to hold the tower for 15-30 seconds.

The main thing is do not try to squeeze high results on the camera, since the compression is below the camera you are compressing, the result cannot be higher than 60-80. Otherwise, it proves that you are doing the exercise incorrectly. I recommend continuing to train with the egg and laser pointer before moving on to training with the TP machine.

After mastering the “Tower” exercise, you can move on to the “Compression” exercise.
Read the article again: “Training intimate muscles. How not to harm yourself." There is an anatomy section where it is clearly visible that compression of the upper part of the vagina occurs due to increased intra-abdominal and pelvic pressure.

It is very important to learn to feel the pressure that compresses the vaginal walls, and not that which pushes down.

The abdominal muscles, respiratory diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles create intrapelvic and intra-abdominal pressure. We trained the work of the abs and pelvic floor in the “Tower” exercise, now it is important to learn how to work correctly with the diaphragm.

It tenses when you strain (as during bowel movements), it is important to do this with tense abs and tight intimate muscles (pelvic floor). When you push, it is important not to hold your breath, that is, not to help the diaphragm with air pressure in the lungs. Try singing or talking at the same time as you do the exercise, this way you will release excess air and understand that in this case the diaphragm works itself.

So, now try to push and pull your stomach in and up strongly and tighten your pelvic floor muscles. The vaginal walls should not come out, and with such compression you will feel that the act of defecation will be impossible. The press should not release pressure further than the lower abdomen. This is exactly how you should work with the simulator in the “Compression” exercise.

Insert the camera of the simulator (number 1 in the picture of the simulator device) into the vagina, as in the previous “Tower” exercise. Relax your abs, open the clamp and set the pressure on the pressure gauge to 40-60, pressing on the bulb, then close the clamp.

The starting position of the body is standing - this makes it easier to control the coordinated work of the muscles. Try to do the following at the same time:

  • tighten the pelvic floor;
  • pull the lower abdomen up, preferably while exhaling, trying not to lift the chest;
  • tense the diaphragm, try to push it down.

That is, do the “Tower” exercise by connecting the diaphragm. Hold the tension for a second, then relax and inhale. Repeat until tired.

Important: never hold your breath when working with the diaphragm! Try to contract your diaphragm as you exhale slowly!

Remember that you can proceed to TP training only with developed pelvic floor muscles, preferably with an instructor, after mastering all the exercises with an egg, a laser pointer and the “Tower” exercise. Improper execution of exercises can lead to prolapse of the vaginal walls, pelvic and abdominal organs, and poor vision.

If during training a camera comes out of the vagina, then you are doing the exercise incorrectly and you need to contact your instructor!

Exercise “Resistance” with a TP simulator for training intimate muscles

In figure number 4 there is an additional chamber that will be actively used when performing this exercise; it is compressed by hand and increases the pressure in the diaphragmatic chamber, which will be located inside the vagina.

She will press from the inside and thus massage the vaginal wall. The mechanical effect will be exerted on connective, smooth muscle structures, and so on.

This exercise strengthens the vaginal walls.
Starting position: woman standing, later you can use the woman on top pose.
Insert the camera inside, as in preparation for the “Squeeze” exercise, apply the same pressure, only leave the clamp open.


  • retract the pelvic floor muscles (intimate muscles);
  • strain your lower abdominal muscles;
  • continue to exhale slowly - strain your diaphragm;
  • you squeeze the additional camera with your hand.

It is very important to simultaneously squeeze the camera with your hand while performing the Squeeze exercise. Try to perform this exercise so that it does not cause you discomfort; it is advisable to strive for pleasant sensations.

It is possible and advisable to alternate the “Compression” exercise (it is important to close the clamp before performing this exercise) with the “Resistance” exercise.

Your workout might look like this:

  • Insert the chamber inside and set the pressure on the pressure gauge to 40 mm;
  • Do the “Tower” exercise 5 times;
  • Measure the strength of your maximum compression (let’s say today it was 150 mm);
  • Do “Resistance” 5 times at 70 mm, then “Compression” at 70 mm;
  • Then 5 times “Resistance” at 90 mm and 5 times “Compression” at 110 mm;
  • Another 5 times “Resistance” at 130 mm and 5 times “Compression” at 130 mm;
  • Try “Resistance” 5 more times at 150 mm and “Compression” 5 times at 150 mm;
  • You are trying to increase the “Compression” value, to do this you do “Resistance” 5 times at 170 mm and “Compression”, try to do it at a maximum greater than the first maximum compression, for example, up to 165 mm;
  • Continue training as well, increasing the “Resistance” value to 230 mm.

Once you reach your maximum compression strength, continue to practice squeezing about 50 times (check to make sure you remember to close the clamp) at your maximum.

If you get tired during the warm-up process, you can reduce the load on yourself; over time, strength and endurance will come to you; perhaps you started doing these exercises too early. Perhaps you should also practice more with the pointer and egg.

Over time, you will be able to start warming up with higher pressures.

Training intimate muscles in poses:

Top pose

You can roll up a blanket or sit on a pillow and place a camera inside the vagina.
Try moving the way you normally move during sex, such as moving your hips back and forth. First, move without connecting the intimate muscles, then over time, when moving your pelvis forward, include compression, first slight...

Then try moving your hips back and forth, but doing the compression as you move your pelvis backwards. Move until you are tired. These will be the movements that you can actively use during sex.

Next, try moving your hips up and down, squeezing as you move your body up. Follow the needle on the pressure gauge. Remember that this movement can only be used during sex if you are not using a condom, as you will pull it off during sex, which can lead to an unwanted pregnancy.

Next exercise: “Up and Down Movement”

Only this time, try squeezing as you move your body down. This movement of the intimate muscles can also be actively used during sex in the future. Watch your breathing, in no case should you hold it, so it is recommended to train it by producing natural moans, as a rule, characteristic of you when making love.

Missionary position: a sandwich position in which you act as the bread

Try lifting your hips up and down, turning your pubis towards you; with each lift, try to perform the “Squeeze” exercise. Alternatively, you can lift your pubis up, do the “Tower” exercise and freeze in this position for 30-40 seconds.

This movement can be performed if the man moves too quickly and you do not have time to adjust to the rhythm of your partner’s movement.

Knee-elbow pose

Imagine that for every frictional movement of your partner you need to do a compression, first start performing this movement slowly, monitoring the process on the pressure gauge, then slowly speed up...

If in your sexual life you understand that you cannot squeeze for every frictional movement of your partner, try doing this squeeze every other time, or for every two movements of your partner. So that the man feels a tight entrance.

Such movements indirectly develop a man’s sexuality and train his intimate muscles, since with each entry he will have to overcome the hardness and elasticity of the vagina, for this he will have to develop the hardness and elasticity of his penis. If your partner’s erection is insufficient, then it will simply be difficult for him to even enter you. So control the compression level wisely.

After mastering the movements in regular poses, try to do the same, experimenting with different poses. For example, you can lie on your back, spread your legs to the sides as far as your stretching allows, and practice the “Squeeze” exercise, perform it, imagining that each time you are actively working with your intimate muscles when a man enters you.

How many times should you perform each movement?

At first, you shouldn’t overwork your muscles with active training. It is advisable not to combine training with diets, since excessive weight loss can also weaken the intimate muscles. Eat right.

I noticed that the intimate muscles often react to the menstrual cycle; during ovulation, some people notice a weakening of the intimate muscles. For some, muscle weakening occurs immediately after sex, which is natural if you worked with them, they are simply tired.

Some people need a couple of days to recover from long airplane flights, although over time, your love muscles will actively develop and you will notice less of their weakening.

Remember that it is important to pump up the intimate muscles of the entrance, because if the pressure of the diaphragm is stronger than the pressure of the muscles of the lower abs and pelvic floor, then the man’s penis will pop out every time during sex, not to mention the health hazard that you expose yourself to every time, doing these exercises incorrectly.

If you have any questions, write or sign up for individual lessons with us.

A woman is a rare gift from the Universe, the keeper of a special energy for the continuation of life, inexhaustible beauty and sensual pleasures. Today, it is possible for any of us to remain beautiful, healthy and desirable for many years. Allow yourself not to think about age, wealth or expensive means. By understanding simple techniques and paying attention to yourself, you will remain active, sexy and happy for many years to come. Let's start a new life right now, the first step will be training your intimate muscles.

Unfortunately, very often our work involves sitting at an office desk, then we sit in the car on the way home, and in the evening we spend a couple of hours at the computer... Many have experienced inflammatory processes and diseases of the pelvic organs, abortions. Almost half of women after childbirth are faced with the problem of prolapse of the walls of the vagina or cervix. And I don’t even want to remember about rare sexual contacts or a complete absence of sex life. But all of the above are the reasons for the deterioration of the pelvic floor muscles and ligamentous apparatus.

You definitely need to start exercises to train your vaginal muscles if you notice: when coughing, sneezing or laughing; frequent urge to urinate; air entering the vagina during active movements, bending and sexual intercourse; getting water into the vagina when swimming in a bath or in a pond; frequent nagging pain in the lower abdomen; recurring inflammatory and infectious diseases.

If a woman has had at least one pregnancy and became a mother through natural childbirth, training the intimate muscles is necessary to reduce the volume of the vaginal canal, completely restore the tissue after childbirth and increase the sensitivity of the erogenous zones. Along with the effect of the exercises, local immunity will improve, and you will receive a bright emotional fulfillment in your sex life.

Gymnastics for the vaginal muscles is called vumbilding. There are many techniques and suggested exercises. If you decide to become an amazing lover who can enjoy sex and experience multi-orgasms, you need to know that the first results will be in about a month of regular practice, they will definitely please you and surprise him. It is worth going to the doctor to rule out the presence of gynecological diseases. prohibited during pregnancy.

A woman's vagina has a three-layer structure. The first porous layer, which fills with blood after stimulation, which leads to a narrowing of the canal. This is why we need foreplay and the generation of desire so much. The second layer is the mucous membrane, which is responsible for lubrication. The third layer is actually muscular; it is responsible for the force with which the vagina compresses the lover’s genitals. Weakness of the muscle layer leads to loss of sensation, problems in bed and partners' dissatisfaction with each other.

Before you start training, here is some useful advice: when you are training intimate muscles, imagine erotic scenes, let your imagination help you discover sensuality in you, mentally attract the image of an ideal lover.

Pay attention to your breathing. While doing the exercises, take a leisurely breath in through your mouth, filling your stomach with air, then exhale slowly, drawing in your stomach as much as possible and performing the exercise, then count and do the next cycle. This can be considered as a separate exercise if you do 20 repetitions, while exhaling, strongly squeezing the buttocks, anal and vaginal. Let's call this exercise “all in yourself.”

The next exercise is called the “lift.” Just remembering how this device functions, it is easy to imagine the methodology for its implementation. It is better to perform the exercise while lying in bed, with your legs apart and your knees bent. Imagine the vaginal muscles as a ring that goes up, like an elevator car, and down. You can make stops, fixing each with a stronger compression. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

There is an ancient training of intimate muscles, which was used by women from noble Russian noble families. It was performed twice a day - morning and evening. The woman sits on her heels, straightens her back and, slightly tilting her head forward, closes her eyes. Imagining the person with whom she dreams of making love, she contracts her muscles while inhaling, maintains a fixed position of the muscles, counting a certain number of times, then slowly exhales, completely relaxing the muscles. At first you can hold it for a second or two, then gradually work your way up to 10 seconds. Each lesson lasts no more than 10 minutes. Alternate 10 times in a slow rhythm, 10 times in a fast rhythm - and so we repeat for the entire 10 minutes of the lesson. If you practice without skipping days, the results will be obvious within three weeks.

Isn't a month of training worth a harmonious and intense sexual relationship? Let's make the nerve endings of the vagina “work for us”, try to learn how to control our orgasms and give ourselves and him unforgettable nights. And one last note: according to research, after a woman begins to train her intimate muscles, her body intensively produces pheromones that attract men like a magnet.

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