St. Nicholas the Summer: folk traditions and signs on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Signs for the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19)

The history of the holiday

Prayer to Saint Nicholas

Spell for joint pain

Conspiracy of fear

Safe words on the way

“The Road is a princess, the Path is my king. There was faith in Christ in ancient times, and there is faith to this day. With me is my shield, Jesus Christ himself, the hand of Savior from every enemy. Whoever reaches out to me will become a dead man himself. The key is in my mouth, the lock is in the river, the amulet is on me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Fortune telling and rituals for the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

On this day, young people loved to perform rituals and tell fortunes.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Unmarried girls went out into the yard in the evening, took off their shoes from their left feet and threw them over the gate with all their might. The farther the shoe flies, the farther the girl will go after the wedding. In which direction the toe of the shoe points, that’s where the groom will come to woo. And if the toe of the shoe pointed to the house where the girl lives herself, then she will not get married this year.

Ritual for wealth on the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

In order for money to come into the house, empty wallets were placed in a visible place. Supposedly the saint will see that the person is poor and will help them. Some hung signs with the words “there is nothing” to convey their need to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Ritual to fulfill a wish for Nikola

To carry it out, prerequisite is the presence of an icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant in the house. You will also need 40 church candles. On St. Nicholas Day, you need to put his image on the table and place candles near the icon. Then you should light the candles one by one, and while they are burning, turn to the Wonderworker with your request.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

Today you can perform a ritual to fulfill your wish. Buy twelve church candles and place them in front of the icon of St. Nicholas. Light the candles and, while they are burning (about an hour), ask the Pleasant of God to fulfill your deepest desire (however, not related to finances).

We wish you all the best and no troubles! Be happy and healthy!

On December 19, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. We all know this holiday well. Since childhood, we know that on this day all obedient children receive gifts that the saint leaves under their pillow or in their shoes. At the same time, not everyone knows who Nicholas the Wonderworker was, what deeds he performed, what kind of traditions are associated with his name in different countries and beliefs.

Saint Nicholas, who lived in the 3rd-4th centuries, became famous as a great saint of God, which is why people usually call him Nicholas the Pleasant.

The life story of Nikolai Ugodnik

The life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is not at all shrouded in legends. This saint was real historical figure. It is believed that he was born in 270 AD. e. and lived until 345. The parents of Nicholas the Wonderworker were very pious and wealthy people: Theophanes and Nona. He was only child in family. His parents prayed constantly, since for a long time they had no children at all.

When a baby appeared in their family, they promised God that Nicholas’s life would be devoted to worship, faith and religion. Everything did not happen as planned, because the boy was left an orphan. The life of Nicholas the Wonderworker at that time was marked by the fact that he began to live away from people, like a hermit. The man was completely occupied scientific activity. Nicholas the Wonderworker was among the participating bishops in the first Ecumenical Christian Council in 325.

He performed many holy deeds and wonderful things:

For example, while making a trip (pilgrimage) to Jerusalem, Nicholas calmed the storm-tossed sea with prayer. After the prayer, the sailor came to life, having been killed by falling from the mast.

There are also legends that Nicholas did not allow the executioner to carry out the death sentence for three falsely accused by the local mayor.

prevented severe famine for the inhabitants of his native city called Mira;

More than once he saved people from misfortune and hunger on water and land.

Nicholas died on December 6, 334, having lived to a ripe old age. After his death he was recognized as a saint. According to church tradition, the relics of St. Nicholas have been preserved, exuding myrrh that healed parishioners. In 1087, the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant were transferred to Italy, to the city of Bar (Bari), where they are still located.

As recently as 2009, based on X-rays and cranioscopy, scientists were able to describe the saint’s facial features. It was determined that he was a man of short stature (about 1 meter 68 centimeters) with a high forehead, prominent cheekbones and chin, he had brown eyes and dark skin.

The Church canonized Nicholas, and nowadays in many homes they pray to this saint in grief and joy, and children receive gifts every year on St. Nicholas Day. But the main thing is that they learn kindness and love for people, so that they can later pass on this unshakable tradition to their children. And as long as tradition and history are alive, the people are alive and the family is alive.

The history of the holiday

Perhaps the holiday occurred after this incident:

“One poor man could not provide a dowry for his daughters. According to the customs of that time, due to the lack of a dowry, they could not get married. Therefore, the father decided to send them to work. Nikolai found out about this and decided to take advantage of his father’s inheritance in order to make the whole family happy. For three nights, he secretly came to the poor man's house and every night threw a piece of gold into the room (through the window) where the sisters spent the night - as a dowry for each daughter. Nikolai decided to keep his benevolent activities a secret.”

There is also this legend:

The Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated not only in December, but also in May - this is the day when his relics were transported to the Italian city of Bari. These two months (May and December) were chosen for a reason, because both are important for grain growers. As our ancestors said: “One Nicholas pleases with grass, the other with frost.”

“One day a simple man was driving along a country road, and his cart got stuck in the mud. The cart was very heavy: the peasant could not pull it out alone. Just at that time the saints were walking to God. One of them, Kasyan, passed by a man with a cart Then the peasant begged for help. Kasyan was offended that he was being bothered over such a trifle. beautiful clothes he passed by the peasant. Then St. appeared near the cart. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The man also asked him for help. The saint helped the peasant without hesitation. Together they pulled the cart out of the mud. But Nikolai got all dirty. All the saints gathered with God. He began to ask them: why was Nikolai so late, because of which all his clothes were smeared in mud? Then Nicholas the Wonderworker told what story happened to him along the way. God then asked Kasyan why he didn’t help the man and walked past him? He replied that he could not be late for the meeting with God and come in dirty clothes. The Almighty then said that people would celebrate the feast of St. Kasyan only once every 4 years - on February 29. At the same time, St. Nicholas Day will be celebrated twice a year - in May and December. After all, he helps without hesitation ordinary people, let them honor and glorify him.No.

In the folk calendar, December 19 is St. Nicholas the Winter Day. The peasants treated this day with special trepidation: matchmaking began, and with it - very coldy. That is why The day of December 19 was called Nikolsky frosts.

Saint Nicholas himself was greatly revered by the people as a protector from all misfortunes and a helper in good deeds.

The saint was popularly considered the main assistant for those convicted of imperfect acts.

Nicholas is also the patron saint of merchants, children and sailors.

Farmers often prayed to him to get a good harvest.

It is interesting that it was Nicholas’s day that was often considered the deadline for carrying out any transaction.

On this holiday, Christian and folk signs and customs.

What not to do on St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Day

December 19 falls during the Nativity Fast. On this day you can eat fish, but you cannot eat meat, eggs and other animal products.

On St. Nicholas Day you cannot lend. Our ancestors believed that the borrower, along with the money, could take good luck and luck out of the house.

In addition, according to folk customs, on this day you cannot do repairs, sew, or wash.

What to do on St. Nicholas Day

On this day, believers must definitely go to church and pray. On December 19, it is best to start with the morning service.

Following the example of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, on this day it is necessary to help loved ones, give alms, but not advertise it.

According to folk tradition, on St. Nicholas Day gifts are placed under the pillow, most often sweets: sweets, chocolate, gingerbread. Gifts should be placed at night so that in the morning a person wakes up and finds a present from Nikolai under the pillow.

Our ancestors always had fun on St. Nicholas Day, held festivities, set a sumptuous table, and invited guests. This fun party, so December 19 should be spent in joy and fun.

Folk signs for December 19:

  • .what is the weather like on St. Nicholas the Winter, this will be the day of St. Nicholas the Spring (May 22);
  • If frost falls before St. Nicholas Day, there will be a good harvest
  • If winter covers its tracks before Nikolin's day, the road will not stand.
  • Sadness on Nicholas Day brings severe frosts.
  • Praise winter after Nikolin's day. As much as Nikola the Winter will give snow, so much Nikola the Spring will give herbs.
  • If a person was born on December 19, then he should wear lapis lazuli or rhodonite as a talisman.

For what needs do they pray to St. Nicholas?

  • Girls and married women pray to St. Nicholas about getting married safely and living with your spouse in love and harmony.
  • Drivers, sailors and travelers pray to avoid dangers on the road.
  • There are many known cases when St. Nikolai saved drowning people.
  • People often resort to the saint as a quick defender of the unjustly offended and slandered.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas

“O all-merciful Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow with faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer! Strive quickly and deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that are destroying it; and protect every Christian country and save it with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and With the help of His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and will deliver me from this place, and will make me worthy to be on the right hand with all the saints. Amen."

Conspiracies on St. Nicholas Day

Spell for joint pain

“Aches, pains, bone birthmarks, all joints and semi-joints, tops, don’t creak, don’t hurt the servant of God... (name), so that she doesn’t suffer anymore, let her sleep. Amen."

After pronouncing the spell, light a church candle and read the prayer to St. Nicholas three times.

Conspiracy of fear

On Sunday at noon, read the prayer to St. Nicholas, light a church candle and, approaching the icon, say:

“There is no fear, neither in the dark night, nor in the light of day, nor in the deserted desert, nor in fire, nor in water, nor in military affairs, nor in fistfights, nor in the face of the deceased, nor in earthly judgment. There is no fear in the heart of the servant of God/servant of God... (name). In the name of Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, who was not afraid of death on the cross. Amen."

Spell to cleanse the body

If you feel tired throughout your body, suffer from insomnia, are tormented by premonitions of trouble, and also after communicating with unpleasant people- after prayer, Nikolai needs to take a contrast shower of seven ablutions. For women, the procedure begins with hot water, for men - with cold. After you wash yourself for the seventh time, looking at the running water, say: “You are water, holy water! You wash everything and cleanse everything! Wash away from me, God's servant/slave... (name) the touches, ghosts, troubles, adversity. Amen". And read “Our Father” three times.

A conspiracy to prevent a child from falling into bad company

This conspiracy is also read after a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, at the head of the bed of a sleeping child.

“Go, child, to your home and do not bow to anyone else except your father, except your mother. Bow to the icon (Nicholas the Pleasant) (3 times) and submit to your parents. Amen."

“May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has been buried on you. , who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen."

December 19, 2019 is the day on which Orthodox Christians will honor St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This is one of the most revered saints in the Christian world. He is especially loved by Russians - despite the fact that the great Saint lived in distant Malaysian lands.

He is considered the patron saint of sailors (and in general, all travelers, everyone on the road), helps and promotes a quick and safe return home. He is the intercessor of all those unjustly offended, the conqueror of the elements, who in one word pacified the sea storm; not only Christians, but also pagans and infidels turned to his protection, and everyone received quiet, but gracious and powerful help, and got rid of superstition and unbelief.

He was a secret helper during his life - he invisibly showed mercy to those who needed it, and he remained the intercessor and patron of all those who asked even after his physical death.

His faith, truly boundless, consistent with the covenants of Christ, his tangible help encouraged and encourages people to do the best and purest that their hearts are capable of, despite difficulties and superstitions.

Nikolsky signs

Signs for St. Nicholas Day are numerous and varied. The days of remembrance of the great saint fall in winter and spring (hence the names - St. Nicholas the Spring (Travny) - May 22, and St. Nicholas the Winter - December 19). Folk omens tend to come true, do not forget to check them in the current year, 2019.

Nikola winter - cold. On this day, folk omens predicted heavy snowfalls and severe frosts: “A mountain of snow will fall on Icy Nikola,” “If Nikola’s day would come, there will be winter on the sleds.” The first serious frosts were called, after the saint, St. Nicholas frosts - check in 2019.

Cold weather was considered a timely, good sign on this day (it will be the same in 2019) - a prosperous spring was associated with it. The kind of snow on St. Nicholas the Winter - the kind of grass there will be on St. Nicholas the Spring. In general, the folk tradition of linking weather signs with the quantity and quality of the future harvest is a long-standing and true one, but it is especially applicable and popular when associated with major religious holidays.

Frost on this day is a sign of a good harvest of oats and other grains. Also, Nikola the Winter is the beginning of winter matchmaking; on this holiday, prayer services were traditionally served in the church by those who decided to get married soon.

There are also numerous folk superstitions, associated with demons and deliverance from them on this particular day, but one should not attach importance to them.

What is really worth doing is fighting the demons in your soul, and not only on December 19, but every day.

How to behave on St. Nicholas Day?

St. Nicholas Day - traditionally enshrined folk beliefs as a guest holiday. The proverb teaches: “There is beer in every house for Nikola” and suggests stocking up treats for guests on this day. In the morning, our ancestors attended a church service dedicated to the great saint of God, and then they went to visit the guests, organized festivities and fun.

Modern man, who sometimes lacks simple joys, would do well to learn cheerfulness from his wise ancestors. Try to celebrate the holiday in 2019 with the scope and fun with which people have celebrated it for many years.

What to do on this great holiday, and what signs did people come up with for the day of memory of St. Nicholas? On December 19, it was prescribed to have fun from the heart, the Church allowed the eating of fish on this holiday (which was a relaxation of the Nativity (Philippov) Fast), people had fun in a variety of ways.

Children waited for gifts on this day - the folk tradition was more widespread in Europe, but our parents also tried to please their children with small, pleasant souvenirs and sweets. In Europe, on this day, decorated socks were hung on fireplaces so that Klaus would put gifts in them. Later the tradition moved to Christmas, and St. Nicholas became the symbol of this particular holiday.

On this bright day you cannot be sad, despondent, or quarrel, or do anything unkind.

Also on this day, a visit from a wealthy person was a good sign. His luck spread to all the rooms he entered first. But a visit from a poor or unlucky person could bring disaster. Women were not allowed to leave the house for household needs on this holiday. Check bad omens It’s not worth it, but inviting a rich neighbor on this day in 2019 will not be superfluous in any case.

You cannot lend money on this day - it is believed that by taking anything from home (even an insignificant, small, low-value thing), the borrower, even without wanting it or realizing it, can take away good luck and profit. Don’t make this mistake in 2019; you can’t test the effects of bad omens on yourself or others.

On December 19, Christians celebrate the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, after which a string of New Year and Christmas festivities begins.

According to the signs of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on December 19, believers determine the future weather for the winter - people say that the frost is getting stronger on the saint. In addition to signs, December 19 is considered a good day for conspiracies and rituals on happy marriage And family life, for prosperity and fulfillment of desires, for healing from illness and protection from adversity.


The customs of the holiday include signs, the validity of which has been tested for centuries.

There is an ancient sign - on December 19, to give gifts to children. For those who have not indulged during the year and obeyed their parents, the holy saint brings candies and sweets under the pillow in the morning.

December 19 is considered a special holiday among Christians. There is a sign - if you work or sew or wash, then the saint will not give the family a blessing.

From the morning of December 19th at Orthodox churches the prayer service began. After the service, believers come home and cook festive table. According to signs, you cannot be sad on a holiday, otherwise human sadness will lead to severe frosts. The triumph of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated folk festivals and a fair. After December 19, the Nativity fast begins - you cannot eat animal foods, for example, meat and eggs.

There is a sign that on December 19, the Wonderworker goes from house to house and punishes offenders. Therefore, in the morning it is customary to ask forgiveness for the grievances caused from relatives and neighbors.

According to marriage signs, on December 19, the prayers of single parishioners to the holy saint will be heard and their soulmate will soon be found. Therefore, on the holiday, girls arrange fortune telling for the groom, place a candle in front of the image and ask for help in finding their betrothed.

The arrival of St. Wonderworker marks the beginning of the time of matchmaking and marriages. It is believed that a marriage blessed by the face of a saint will be happy and long.

On December 19, according to signs, a woman is forbidden to leave the house for household needs. It is believed that only on December 19th can she “take” wealth and well-being out of the house.

There is a sign that to scare away evil spirits from the house, the owner must walk around the house three times. It is believed that when he goes around the house, he is accompanied by the saint.


The signs for December 19, St. Nicholas Day, originate from many years of observations and superstitions of the Russian Orthodox people.

  1. if there is frost in the morning, expect a good harvest of oats;
  2. the sun is shining and the day is frosty - next year promises a good harvest;
  3. the amount of snow that fell on December 19 determines the amount of grass in the spring;
  4. if the weather is severe on December 19, there will be a thaw until Spiridon (December 25);
  5. a rich guest on the doorstep means good luck in the house, a poor guest on the doorstep means bad luck;
  6. matchmakers came in December - wait for family paradise;
  7. in December, do not ask or lend money - you will be poor;
  8. there is a lot of snow or precipitation on this day - it will be a rainy spring;
  9. The Wonderworker brought frosts - for a hot summer;
  10. Winter plays on the Wonderworker.


Conspiracies for the nineteenth are carried out at home, reading a prayer in front of the home icon of the saint. For the ritual, purchase the required number of candles from the church.

Light a candle from the church in front of the holy face of the saint. First, read the prayer in front of the image, then say the words of the conspiracy.

Complete the spell for joint pain by re-reading the prayer to the image of the saint.

Conspiracy of fear

At noon on December 19, place a church candle in front of the holy image of the saint and light it. While the candle is burning, say the words of the spell several times, pronouncing each word slowly and clearly.

A conspiracy to prevent a child from falling into bad company

A conspiracy for a prosperous fate is read in front of the head of the bed over a sleeping child. Before the ritual, pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with a lit candle in your hands. After the words of the conspiracy, read the prayer “May God rise again” three times over the child and cross yourself.

Spell to cleanse the body

If a person becomes restless, tired and suffers from insomnia, he needs to make a conspiracy to cleanse the body on St. Nicholas Day.

For the ceremony, light a church candle near the image of St. Nicholas. Read the prayer, looking at the face, without being distracted by extraneous sounds.

Then perform a 7-fold contrast ablution. For a woman, start the shower with hot water, for a man - with cold water. Last ablution, looking at the flowing water, say a request to the water so that it washes away adversity and troubles. Then read the “Our Father” three times.


Nicholas Day is famous among Christians as miraculous. Therefore, on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, rituals are held to attract wealth and family well-being to the house.

On this day, put your empty wallet in a visible place in the morning. It is believed that when a holy saint comes to a house, he will see that the owner of the house is poor and will help. Sometimes believers hang a sign on their house with the inscription “Nothing” in order to quickly convey their petition to the Wonderworker.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

To carry out the ritual, take a home icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and 40 candles purchased from the church. The ritual begins with the alternate lighting of candles in a circle in front of the icon on the table. When the candles are burning, pronounce the words of petition to Nicholas clearly, without being distracted and without taking your eyes off the holy face.

It is important to know that you cannot ask for personal material enrichment in your deepest desire. The saint helps those who need, and not those who already have.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

On this day, unmarried girls perform a ritual of fortune-telling for the groom. For the ritual, a boot is taken and thrown over the shoulder. Wherever the toe of the shoe points, the groom will be there. And if the boot falls far from the gate, it means that the betrothed will arrive from distant lands.

On the night of Nicholas I dream prophetic dreams. Unmarried girls put a comb under the pillow and ask their betrothed to come and comb his hair before going to bed.

To find out whether a girl will meet her betrothed in the coming year, unmarried ladies place a cherry branch in the water. According to the sign, if a branch blooms on Easter, a betrothed person will soon be found.

Safe words on the way

According to the sign, before departure to long journey, perform a ritual parting words on the road. It is believed that after reading the safe spell to St. Nicholas, the person asking receives the saint’s blessing for a successful and easy journey.

During his lifetime, the elder was considered the patron saint of the disadvantaged and oppressed. On December 19, the saint is especially close to believers and accepts requests from those asking.

Folk traditions and signs for December 19 have been determined for centuries from believers’ observations of the weather and events of that day. Offering prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps people receive God's support and help from illness or troubles in life, protection from attacks and insults. In prayers to the saint they ask for intercession and blessings.

Many of us, even as adults, still habitually look under our pillows, expecting to receive an offering from St. Nicholas on December 19th.

Nicholas the Wonderworker holiday December 19, 2017. The main events

However, it is worth learning about this wonderful holiday and its traditions in order to understand why we expect magic on this particular night and this day?

There are actually several days on which St. Nicholas is honored: the twenty-second of May, the eleventh of August and the nineteenth of December. We are more accustomed last date However, other feasts of St. Nicholas are also celebrated in other countries.

For example, the celebration of the twenty-second of May was established in Italy, when they were able to save the relics of the saint from desecration by the Turks. They managed to take the shrine to Bar, an Italian town, and the relics were safe - this date has been celebrated since then.

At that time, however, the Christian West and East did not honor this date, refusing to accept it at all, and the Greek Church did the same. However, Nicholas the Wonderworker himself has been revered since ancient times, including in Rus'.

The Slavic peoples saw him as their patron, and two holidays were established - the eleventh of August, the day on which St. Nicholas was born, and the nineteenth of December, the day when the saint died in old age.

Customs and traditions

First, let's talk about what you absolutely cannot do on this great holiday, which, as you know, coincides with the time of the Nativity Fast. In addition to the permitted foods, you can eat porridge and soups (vegetarian).

However, on this day it is better not to do anything that involves repairs, washing or sewing. Among other things, it is not customary to lend money “to Nicholas”, since along with the money, wealth and good luck are given away from the house. But you are welcome to give away debts; the feast of St. Nicholas is one of the most suitable days for this.

It was even believed that if debts were not repaid before this day, the entire next year could pass for the family in poverty.

According to legend, Saint Nicholas helped the poor, and this is one of the legends that has survived to this day. One day, Saint Nicholas learned that a poor man living nearby was unable to collect a dowry for his three daughters, and therefore would not be able to marry them off.

According to the harsh law of that time, girls were forced to engage in fornication, since no other way of development of events was foreseen...

Saint Nicholas, who at that time worked as a priest, could not allow this to happen, and began tossing bags of gold coins to the poor man. Three nights in a row he sneaked into the house, and three times he left gold, which was more than enough for the dowry of each of the daughters. Thus, the reputation of the poor man's daughters was saved, since they no longer had the need to earn a living by selling their own bodies.

St. Nicholas Day is traditionally celebrated on December 19th. This is a favorite holiday for both children and adults. There is a lot connected with this day interesting signs, traditions and rituals. We will tell you what you cannot, and what you can and should do on this day.

December 19 begins a series of Christmas holidays. Children look forward to St. Nicholas Day so that in the morning they will find a gift under their pillow. It is customary to give gifts not only to children, but also to adults. Finding a surprise under your pillow is nice at any age, right?

Nicholas the Wonderworker - one of the most revered Saints after the Virgin Mary. In honor of St. Nicholas, many churches have been built in the world; people pray to him for health, prosperity and fulfillment of desires.

St. Nicolas day - one of the brightest winter holidays. Moreover, both in folk tradition and in church tradition. The tradition of celebrating St. Nicholas Day on December 19 is entrenched in Christianity; Catholics celebrate St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Day according to Gregorian calendar- December 6.

This is the saint's day of remembrance. In Catholic countries, Saint Nicholas became the prototype of Santa Claus and other winter fairy-tale characters.

St. Nicholas Day: what not to do on this day, December 19

There is a belief that you cannot do anything for yourself on St. Nicholas Day. Only for those who need your help. But if you don’t take care of the poor or orphans on this day, you will suffer losses for seven years.

Despite the fact that the tables on December 19 were laid luxuriously and many people were invited, all dishes were Lenten, because until January 7, the Orthodox observed the Nativity Fast.

The main tradition on December 19 is, of course, putting gifts under children’s pillows. Most often they give candies and other sweets. In Europe, gifts are placed in special socks that are hung over the fireplace.

And on this day it is customary to do good deeds: help those in need, give gifts to orphans, the poor, and children from large families. On this day, people bring sweets, clothes to boarding schools and orphanages, and simply give them a few hours of warmth and joy.

Christians consider St. Nicholas their intercessor, patron of sailors and travelers. It is to him that sailors pray before sailing, and those who face a long journey turn to him.

It is customary to celebrate St. Nicholas Day in a grand manner, setting tables and inviting relatives and friends.

From the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the period of matchmaking began, since after Christmas it was already possible to have weddings.

St. Nicholas Day: interesting rituals and traditions

St. Nicholas Day is rich in traditions and signs. Our ancestors performed very interesting rituals on this day. For example, on December 19, the owner was supposed to wake up at dawn in order to be the first to walk around his entire household. If someone managed to get ahead of him, in next year misfortune could befall the family.

Moreover, the owner had to look into the barn and feed the cattle. At the same time, it was necessary to say: “God grant, have a good day, so that the skinny woman is healthy, and I am with you and my wife” (Ukrainian).

When the father returned, the whole family went to church for service. It was customary to dress up in best clothes, and put sweets in bags, which were then distributed to the children of relatives, godchildren and orphans.

After the service there was a magnificent feast. It was customary to invite not only relatives and friends, but also those people with whom you had quarreled. It was believed that on this day it was necessary to come to peace and improve relationships. Moreover, refusing such an invitation was considered a sin.

On December 19, for St. Nicholas Day, Lenten dishes were prepared, as well as honey shortcakes and Mikolajczyk gingerbread cookies, which were distributed only to children.

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