Prayer to Peter and Fevronia in Russian. About family well-being

Everyone lives surrounded by loved ones - parents, spouse, children make up a single society. Orthodoxy views it as nothing other than small church. Prayers for the family are offered to Saints Peter and Fevronia. These holy spouses are the patrons of Christian marriage.

Consecrated Union

Why is the Church so sensitive to the institution of marriage? Because this is the basis of society. If quarrels, betrayals, and disrespect begin in families, problems will also appear at the state level. The consequences will be felt throughout the country. This includes a decline in the birth rate, uncontrollable children who only want entertainment. Such people will not think about the good of the Motherland. Therefore, upbringing must be carried out from the cradle, parents must become an example in everything, and not just read morals.

These were Saints Peter and Fevronia, to whom they pray for their family. For the sake of his wife, the rich prince did not hesitate to give up power when he was faced with such a choice. He did not know what would happen in the future, but he firmly decided not to part with the wife that God had given him. A great example for every man. And the wife should be the stronghold, consolation and honor of her half.

What to pray for

Since the holy spouses became famous for being able to maintain respect and love throughout their lives, blessed Peter and Fevronia pray for a family. It is no easier to be saved in marriage than in monasticism. There are a lot of temptations and bustle around. You must be able to maintain dignity in a variety of situations. Therefore, you should ask the Lord for help, to send you patience, wisdom, and simply give you strength. After a busy day at work, it is necessary to take care of your loved ones.

Today, the sanctity of marriage is an empty phrase for many. When they come to a wedding, newlyweds think only about performing a spectacular ceremony. But the couple makes a promise to God - to remain faithful, to endure any trials together. Therefore, alliances should not be concluded in a hurry, so that later you do not have to pray for the preservation of the family. After all, even Peter and Fevronia will not be able to forcibly return their husband who has been on a spree. You should think about this in advance when choosing a spouse.

A couple's relationship should not be limited to just physical ones. You can't build a lasting marriage on this. When spiritual and emotional communication prevails, then it is easier for people to support each other. This is what we should strive for.

It is not known for sure whether the holy couple had their own children. But they cared about each other, about their subordinates, preserved the faith in Christ, and therefore became a model of Christian marriage. Undoubtedly, one can pray to the saints to raise the younger generation with dignity.

Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia (approved by the Moscow Patriarchate)

Oh, great servants of God and wonderful miracle workers, faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, representatives of the city of Murom, guardians of honest marriage and prayer books for all of us with zeal for the Lord!

During the days of your earthly life, you showed nature the image of piety, Christian love and fidelity to each other even to the grave, and thereby glorified the lawful and blessed marriage of nature.

For this reason, we come running to you and pray with strong zeal: bring your holy prayers to the Lord God for us sinners, and ask us for everything that is good for our souls and bodies: rightful faith, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, success in good deeds *, especially in marriage, through your prayers, grant chastity, love for each other in a bond of peace, unanimity of souls and bodies, a bed of hate, a shameless stay, a long-lived seed, grace for your children, houses filled with goodness and in eternal life an unfading crown of Heavenly glory.

Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not despise our prayers, offered to you with tenderness, but be our intercessors before the Lord and make us worthy through your intercession to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, and let us glorify the ineffable love for mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God, forever and ever. Amen.

* if a prayer service is performed for those preparing to get married, then the prayer is read as follows:

Most of all, through your prayers, grant to those who want to be united in marriage chastity, loyalty and love to each other in a union of peace, like-mindedness of souls and bodies, unashamed abiding and in eternal life an unfading crown of Heavenly glory.

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Prayer for the family of Peter and Fevronia - read and listen online was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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The prayer to Peter and Fevronia for marriage is very popular among Christians, since these saints are the patrons of family and marriage. This is no coincidence, because their life is an example of fidelity, love, wisdom and patience.

The spouses are considered the ideal of the Russian family; they have passed many tests in their life path, but remained devoted to each other.

Facts about Peter and Fevronia:

  • lived in the 13th century;
  • a story has been written about their lives;
  • became a monk;
  • died on the same day;
  • during their lifetime they bequeathed their bodies to be placed in one coffin;
  • buried in the Murom Church.

Unfortunately, little information about them has reached us. It was either lost over time or mixed with the inventions of the authors of the stories.

A story of eternal love

Together with his wife, the prince returned to Murom, where the boyars did not like her at all, not wanting to be ruled by a peasant woman.

As a result, the ruler renounced power and money and left the city with the young princess.

But soon the ambassadors from Murom overtook married couple and begged them to come back. Peter and Fevronia returned and ruled happily ever after.

In old age, they took monasticism and asked God to die on the same day, as it happened.

Prayer to the Saints

You can listen to the prayer to the saints on video:

Where to pray

It is better to pray in church or on pilgrimage trips, but you can also pray at home. It is not prohibited to pray in other places, but the environment should be calm and quiet.

For home prayers, it is worth setting up a so-called “red corner” with shelves for icons and a table for candles.

Visit churches during services. It is believed that the power of your thoughts during this period is enormous. Services are usually held in the morning and evening.

Rules for visiting the temple:

  • Get in a spiritual mood, read spiritual literature (the Bible);
  • Clothing should be modest and clean;
  • A woman should wear a skirt and cover her hair with a scarf;
  • You cannot use cosmetics and perfume;
  • Men should always bare their heads;
  • At the entrance they cross themselves three times, and at the end they bow;
  • It is not customary to talk inside the church;
  • Phones must be turned off.

Of course, these rules are not obligations, but you should not neglect them.

How to address the saints correctly

Prayer is a conversation with God. You can talk to him out loud, in a whisper, or to yourself, but always with utmost attention and concentration.

Unspoken conditions under which prayer will be effective:

  • Have faith in your words;
  • “Open” your heart;
  • Not only ask, but also do something on your part;
  • Do not ask for bad things for your soul;
  • Address patron saints;
  • Read the prayer in Church Slavonic;
  • Focus as much as possible;
  • Make sense of your words;
  • Cross yourself at the beginning and end of the prayer;
  • Place a burning candle in front of the icon;
  • Wash with holy water;
  • Cleanse your soul and thoughts.

Try to comply with all the conditions at once, then the result will not keep you waiting.

How to be baptized correctly

Are being baptized right hand. Three fingers (thumb, index and middle) are put together in a “pinch”, they imply the trinity: father, son and holy spirit. The remaining two (ring and little fingers) are pressed against the palm and represent the divine and human natures.

Icon of Peter and Fevronia

Turning to the image of the saints will help you:

  • Find love, meet your soulmate;
  • Get pregnant;
  • Get married;
  • Strengthen the family;
  • Heal diseases;
  • Maintain a strong marriage;
  • Bring back your loved one;
  • Normalize relations.

There is a peculiarity of icons with images of Peter and Fevronia: you cannot turn to them only in grief, you should remember the saints in joy, otherwise they will no longer help you.

There are also other icons to which unmarried people turn for help: “ Everlasting color" and "Kozelshchanskaya".

Rituals on the day of veneration of saints

There are several actions that are worth taking on this day:

  1. Take a photo that shows you and your lover, read a prayer and cross it;
  2. If you don’t have a soulmate yet, then you need to take two candles and wrap them with red thread. Light the candles;
  3. It is preferable to go to church and read a prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia about marriage.

Since July 8 falls on Peter's Fast, marriage should not be concluded. Russian Synod Orthodox Church established another day of celebration - September 19.

Other prayers for marriage

You can pray for marriage to the saints:

  • Holy Great Martyr Catherine;
  • Righteous Philaret the Merciful;
  • Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called;
  • Saint Nicholas, Miracle Worker of Myra;
  • Saints Peter and Fevronia ;
  • Saint Martha.

Results and reviews

Around the world, millions of people respond positively to the prayer to the holy couple. Families that cannot even be counted say words of gratitude for the fact that they have found their happiness. No matter how much people love money and their work, family is the most important thing in every person's life. After all, it is so difficult to maintain warm relationships even between spouses, especially now, in the age of divorce.

You should not hope for an instant result, but be patient and work on yourself and your thoughts every day.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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No matter how desperately careerists argue, family is the most important and important thing a person can have. Unfortunately, even strong families sometimes they collapse, but Lately this trend is accelerating at an alarming rate. If a menacing cloud of divorce suddenly hangs over your marriage, start reading a prayer to Peter and Fevronia to save the family. She has helped millions of people reunite families and take relationships between spouses to a new level.

There are several prayer texts with which you can ask Saints Peter and Fevronia for the preservation of the family and protection from divorce. Despite some differences in content, they are characterized by the same features of use. The prayer ritual, within which you need to pray to the saints for the well-being and preservation of the family, will be given below.


This text can be pronounced by both the wife and the husband who want to save the marriage and prevent the separation and departure of the other half. Text:



The prayer is said by the wife. Instead of parentheses, you need to give the names of both spouses. Text:

From divorce

If the relationship between husband and wife has deteriorated so much that the family is in danger of divorce, read the words below:

Features and effectiveness of the prayer ritual

The reason for turning to the saints in prayer is the breakdown of relationships in a married couple, which threatens the destruction of the family. It is advisable to start praying to the saints at the first alarm bells. As already stated above, any of the spouses can pronounce sacred words, but most often women do this, since they perceive the current situation more acutely and emotionally and let everything pass through themselves.

It is recommended to ask Fevronia and Peter to help your family every day, morning and evening - the final result and further fate marriage. When turning to the saints with prayer, you should not immediately hope for an instant result. Reuniting a family and returning everything to normal is a long process that requires patience and effort. A positive result may take several months to appear, and this phenomenon is completely normal.

As practice shows, for restoration past relationships On average, it takes 3 months between husband and wife. Do not rush to give up and give up halfway, if after 3 months of using prayer you have not seen any improvements - each family is individual, and each case is also individual.

How to pronounce sacred words correctly?

The selected prayer addressed to Peter and Fevronia must be learned by heart. It is not permissible to read it from a piece of paper, since prayer is nothing more than a direct conversation with the saints. Reading from a piece of paper is also fraught with an absolute lack of results.

You choose the manner of saying the prayer yourself: you can read the text out loud, in a whisper, or silently - decide which method is preferable to you than the others. In the morning, the Muromsky prayer for the preservation of the family is said immediately after waking up, and in the evening - before going to bed. You are allowed to contact the saints during the day if you feel such a need. The frequency of reading is 3 times for each pronouncement.

This prayer must be read in front of the icon of the saints. Unfortunately, it cannot be found in every temple. The way out is to buy an icon with the image of the Murom couple for your home and place (or hang) it at the head of the marital bed. You need to pray as if directly addressing the saints: imagine that they are standing in front of you, and you are having a personal conversation with them, asking for help.

Prayers to these saints are powerful because they invoke blessings on a married couple. The couple of saints always respond to requests for help coming from married people and always pray to the Lord for them. Be sincere, pray fervently, and Fevronia will always support you and help you in your trouble.

From the life of the Saints of Murom

The Memorial Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom falls on June 25 - according to the old style, July 8 - according to the new style. In honor of the married couple, July 8 was proclaimed in Russia as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom are considered the standard of an ideal Orthodox family. Hand in hand they went through all the trials fate had in store for them. The story of Peter and Fevronia is described in detail in the poetic “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia,” the author of which is the priest Eromolai the Prehreshny (in monasticism - Erasmus).

Summary of the story

The Murom leader, Prince Peter, after a battle with a werewolf snake, fell ill with severe leprosy, so much so that not a single doctor was able to cure him. Only a girl of peasant origin, Fevronia, was able to heal him, but in return she made the prince promise to take her as his wife. The prince fell in love with the commoner and made her his wife, Princess of Murom, causing anger on the part of the boyars with his actions. The boyars gave him a choice: either the princely throne or a wife. Peter chose Fevronia, they left Murom together.

The couple faced many trials, but the husband and wife passed them with dignity. After some time, the boyars, sending messengers, persuaded the prince to return back to Murom, since discord and bloodshed began to reign in the city after the departure of Peter and Fevronia.

The pious spouses returned and continued to reign in Murom, showing themselves as fair and wise rulers. Peter and Fevronia created good deeds, helped all those in need and suffering. The people loved and respected them very much.

In old age, the couple took monastic vows and began to live in different monasteries (male and female). Peter and Fevronia promised each other to meet their death on the same day and at the same hour - this is what happened later. Having died on the same day, they once again proved their love and loyalty to the grave.

When people buried Peter and Fevronia, their bodies were placed in separate coffins - it was inappropriate to put servants of the Lord in one coffin. However, after a while, it was discovered that the spouses were lying in a single coffin, holding hands - they did not want to be separated from each other even after their death.

Since ancient times, Peter and Fevronia of Murom have been considered the patrons of marriage and family happiness. There is a belief that holy spouses still walk around the world hand in hand, uniting lovers and strengthening families.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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Patrons of the family, love relationships, are Saints Peter and Fevronia. Prince Peter fell in love with the village girl Fevronia for her piety and kindness and married her after his healing of leprosy by Fevronia. This is an example of an ideal marriage among Christians.

The Church blesses those married couples who live according to Love and Divine laws.

The couple had good fame and mercy, and died on the same day. The relics of the saints are kept in the city of Murom. There are prayers with appeals to saints. At the beginning of summer, Family Day is celebrated and the patron saints of the hearth, Peter and Fevronia, are sung in prayers.

In the Bible there are words: “It is not good for a man to be alone.” Therefore, in search of a companion, one must resort to prayer.

Prayer to the saints helps many people strengthen their marriage. Often people turn to them for a quick and successful marriage. If there is discord in the family, then for example they read a prayer to Peter and Fevronia. For families with no children, the spouses say a prayer for the granting of heirs.

Prayer:“O saints of God, blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, we come running to you and pray to you with strong hope: offer up your holy prayers for us sinners (names) to the Lord God and ask His goodness for all that is good for our souls and bodies: faith in justice, hope in goodness, love unfeigned, piety unshakable, success in good deeds. Seek us from the King of Heaven for a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not despise our prayers, but awaken in your dreams to intercede with the Lord, and with your help make us worthy to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, so that we glorify the ineffable love for mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever and ever.”

The icon will protect you and your loved ones and help preserve the love between spouses. Prayer before the icon of the Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia will protect your family from quarrels and misunderstandings, preserve peace and prosperity. If peace and love reign in a family, then healthy, happy and strong-willed children are born. Parents in such a family become role models for their children.

Stories about the amazing marital history of the earthly life of Saints Peter and Fevronia, words of prayer, will save the family from a possible wrong step in a relationship, for these saints are intercessors before the Lord God about the strength of marriage, a virtuous life in marriage.

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A person faces many difficulties along the path of life. Love helps overcome obstacles. But what to do if you haven’t found your soulmate yet, or worse, your family is falling apart? The article will tell you why prayer to Peter and Fevronia saves couples from a crisis.

All Lovers Theory

Many troubles await us on the road of life. It is especially difficult in modern society save the marriage. If you used to work on problems, now it’s easier to just give up on them.

But here people forget that the path to happiness lies through pain. The dream is at the top of a steep mountain, the path to which is full of obstacles. Their goal is to help a person understand whether he needs given fate or not.

A prayer to Peter and Fevronia to save the family implies, first of all, the awareness that you are ready to work through misunderstandings. A person who does not value marriage and does not want to preserve it will never turn to the Lord for help.

Now one of the motives for divorce is the independence of both partners. Women have become less submissive, while men have no respect and often do not value their partner.

For lovers who for some reason find it difficult to save their marriage, prayer to Peter and Fevronia will help. People ask these blessed ones for the return of a loved one to the family, for overcoming difficulties and for the proper upbringing of children.

Real figures

The story of these two people is very popular in the Orthodox world. They became a couple that all families should look up to. The legend of lovers appeared back in the 1200s. Since then, the story has acquired new details and over time turned into a fairy tale with a happy ending.

Today thousands of people turn to the saints with prayers. But it is worth noting that it is not only couples who are helped by the blessed. The prayer to Peter and Fevronia for marriage sounds from the lips of the young ladies, the young men ask to send them good girl to start a family, and married people beg to strengthen their marriage.

For the first time, the chronicler Ermolai the Pregreshny took up the description of their biography. He began work at the insistence of the Metropolitan. Then the author had no idea that his work would become a role model and top the list of the best works of the 16th century.

From trouble to great happiness

With the popularity of this story, the fame of the saints spread. In every house there was a prayer to Peter and Fevronia.

The events of the myth unfolded in the city of Murom. In the 1200s, Prince Paul ruled this territory. There was trouble in his family. A snake began to come to the monarch's wife at night. He tried to seduce a woman and bring her to sin. But the young lady fought back the demon every time. The husband tried to save the soul of his beloved. He decided to defeat the evil one by cunning.

Paul persuaded his wife to question the serpent about how he would die. The princess did just that. The demon told her that he would die at the hands of the ruler’s younger brother, Peter. He will defeat him with Agric's sword.

Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia can be aimed not only at strengthening love in family life. It is also worth asking the blessed ones about the courage that each of them possessed. After all, the younger brother needed to have extraordinary courage in order to decide on the next action.

Destiny to be together

The guy, as soon as he heard about the prophecy, immediately decided to help the family. First he scouted out where to find the sword, and then he killed the snake. But during the fight, the poisonous blood of the enemy splashed onto the young man. This caused terrible wounds to open on his body.

The best healers treated the daredevil, but in vain. Nobody could help him. Love saved the young prince.

This whole story is a clear example of the healing power of sincere feelings. During a difficult period of life, Peter and Fevronia of Murom met. Prayer for marriage is appropriate at any time. These two found each other when one of them was terminally ill. The couple has become a symbol of the fact that you should not pay attention to temporary difficulties, you should hope for the best.

From one of the ruler's messengers, the girl Fevronia learned about the hopelessly ill prince. God endowed her with an unusual gift of healing, and she skillfully treated people. After thinking for a minute, she told them to bring the man to her. But the girl agreed to help him only on the condition that the prince would become her husband.

The ultimatum was not invented at random. God decided long ago that these people should be together. That is why a prayer to Peter and Fevronia for love is not only an appeal to the saints, but also a request from the Almighty to unite your destinies in heaven.

Execution of will

The man, having heard such a request, agreed. But in his heart he understood that he would never marry a simple girl. The sorceress also knew about this.

That is why Fevronia, having given the prince medicine, ordered to smear all but one wound. The ulcers healed, but the place where he did not rub the ointment again infected the whole body with the disease. That's why the prince married a peasant woman.

The couple overcame all obstacles together, although at first it was not easy for Peter and Fevrony of Muromsky to get along. Praying to these saints will help strengthen mutual understanding in the family and put marriage above your own desires.

The wife was distinguished by her special mercy: she fed the hungry and helped the poor. The prince fell in love with her for her simplicity and warmth. Then they began to rule the city together.

In joy and sorrow

But the courtiers did not like the good witch. They kicked her out of Murom. The prince also left with her.

When the couple was sailing in a boat, he stared at the young lady married man. To this, the princess told him that the water on both sides of the board was the same and it was not right to admire someone else’s wife, since they were similar.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia saves not only your marriage as a whole, but also strengthens love. If one of the partners has planned infidelity, the philosophy of this story will help him get on the right path.

The prince was grieving. But the woman calmed him down and said that everything would work out. And so it happened. In Murom, the courtiers fought for power until they bled. As a result, there was no one to rule, and the people returned Peter and his wife from exile.

Since then, the city has not known grief, for the wisdom of the spouses knew no bounds.

Even to heaven together

The couple gave birth to five wonderful children who grew up to be worthy Christians. Prayer of Peter and Fevronia for family well-being means that your children will be safe. You will raise them to be wonderful people.

Even when the couple grew old, their love did not fade away. In their declining years, the couple entered a monastery. The day before they agreed that they would die on the same day and at the same hour. And so it happened.

The princely family bequeathed to bury them in the same grave. But the people did not comply with the request, explaining that according to the law it was forbidden to bury monks in this way, and they put them in different coffins. But the next morning the bodies were nearby again. In this event, the people saw God's blessing for such an action, and the couple was buried together.

The prayer to Peter and Fevronia for love will become your talisman and will help you meet old age together.

The road to happiness is sincerity

It is worth reading the words to the saints not only in moments of despair, but also in moments of joy. The text of the appeal is as follows: “Great and merciful pious Peter and Fevronia. You have become an example of the purity and sanctity of marriage. We ask for your help. Send us faith, patience and sincerity. May our lives be filled with the same light of love and devotion as your path. Give us the strength to cherish the sanctity of marriage. Unite us with love on earth, and bind our souls in heaven. Let neither life’s adversities nor human words jinx us. For this, let us serve the Lord our God with faith and truth. We will glorify His name and yours. Amen".

This and any other prayer to Peter and Fevronia should be heard from a pure heart. When pronouncing it, remember that even the prince himself, who decided not to keep his promise and not marry a simple girl, could not be healed.

If the heart is dark and wants to deceive heaven, it will not receive help. But sincerity and kindness will not go unnoticed.

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