Parting words from the first teacher to graduates. To a graduate from a literature teacher

When thinking about how to congratulate the teachers present at the graduation party, remember that together with the heroes of the occasion, they went through a difficult path from their entry into school to graduation from it, that behind them they have the troubles of organizing, conducting and preparing for the Unified State Exam, the excitement for their students and that this evening is, first of all, a big holiday for them, at which they would like to finally relax and have fun. Therefore, in addition to solemn speeches and touching words of gratitude, it would be nice to arrange an unusual congratulation for them.

We offer comic and original congratulations to teachers at graduation that will please them and entertain their guests

1. Competition with congratulations for teachers "Friendly cartoon"

This competition for teachers is organized by graduates. Its meaning is to remember in advance about each teacher present at the holiday, something characteristic only of him. This could be: a recognizable manner of speaking or gesticulating, frequently used phrases or sayings, of which you need to come up with a small reprise for everyone. At the same time, you should avoid direct allusions to objects or names of teachers. Then, at the celebration, invite teachers to the center of the hall and show prepared reprises or sketches.

Teachers receive prizes when they find out which reprise is dedicated to him or her. It would be good to make the prizes for this competition at the graduation party also in the theme, for example, friendly cartoons ordered in advance from professional artists or funny caricatures assembled using Photoshop.

2. Original congratulations at the graduation party “Feel our love!”

For this congratulation, you need to prepare in advance for each teacher large hearts cut out of thick paper, making many slits in them (in different directions). The size of the slots should be such that small hearts can be inserted into them (about two centimeters)

Before the start of the evening, large hearts (each signed with the name of the teacher) are fixed on one of the walls; a large number of small hearts and felt-tip pens should be placed nearby. Announce to graduates that during the holiday they can write words of gratitude, wishes and kind words to their favorite teachers on small hearts, and insert them into personalized big hearts. At the end of the evening, teachers will happily take “their” hearts home to read and reminisce.

3, Comic number for teachers "Scientific lecture about the feat of a teacher"

For demonstration, prepare a poster with an applique image of a man, in which all parts of the body can be separated from each other and attached to the poster with Velcro.
"Lecturer" is coming out

Lecturer: After many years of observations of homosapiens of the “teacher” subspecies, scientists analyzed them and published generalized conclusions.

Turns out:

Almost all teachers tear their hair out from time to time. (the “lecturer” tears off the man’s hair);

They work tirelessly and if there is no result, they give up (removes hands from the picture);

And if everything went well, they might lose their heads (removes head);

Coming home after work, they stretch their legs (removes his feet);

Many people break their backs (removes the body)

And what remains after all this? (lecturer addresses the audience) That's right - the heart! And with this heart, every day when I come to work, (addresses teachers) you are ready again and again: to stretch your legs, to break your backs, to pull yourself together, to style your hair and raise your head high towards a new day and each child!

Toast: For your big heart, dear teachers!

4. Comic presentation by teachers “We all come from childhood”

To organize this, you will need their children's photographs and a stand or screen on which they will be displayed.

Leading: You may be very surprised, dear graduates, as well as their parents, but once upon a time, the teachers present here were also little girls and boys.

2. Who is this? That's right, this is a girl (name) who has traveled all over the world in her fantasies and dreams. The girl knew that she would never get lost on any journey, because she knew everything about all countries and continents and decided that she would give this knowledge and this wonderful world to children (geography teacher).

3. What is this girl thinking about and what is her name? Yes, this is the algebra and geometry teacher (name). And here you can see that she always counted everyone, first to 10, then to 100, and then until half past 12, until she completely fell asleep. And she is simply sure that her favorite mathematics is the best gymnastics for the mind, and since she would like there to be as many smart children in the world as possible, she decided to do this gymnastics with schoolchildren.

4. What is this baby’s name? That’s right, this is a girl (name), she was always interested in unusual words, so she was sure that the boys in the yard were terribly smart and knew foreign languages, because she didn’t understand at all what they were talking about. And she really wanted to understand everyone around her and teach others this. And especially the boys in the yard, because as it turned out, those unusual words were not foreign at all, but rather strange (foreign language teacher)

5. And who does this boy remind you of? Of course, this is (name), his passion for archaeological excavations began with the fact that he dug up doll dishes in his sandbox, and his mother told him a mysterious story about the fact that ancient settlers from the country of Dolls left them. This story shocked him so much that (name) realized that listening and telling stories and unraveling the mysteries of the past and captivating others with this is the most interesting thing in life (to history teacher).

(Similar comments are made for all teachers present).

5. Original gift - “Diary of Confession”

For this congratulations to the teachers it is necessary to buy new progress diaries - according to the number of teachers present at the evening. The organizer of the idea at the evening, recalling how afraid the students were to get a remark in the diary, to “take revenge” on the teachers, and hands out blank diaries to the teachers with a request to fill out the first page themselves. Then everyone, parents and graduates, will leave their “comments” in them: kind words and wishes - teachers receive the completed diaries as a gift, as a souvenir of graduation.

6. A comic surprise for the class teacher “The Last Noodle”.

School time is the best time in every person's life. Only people understand this much later than their last bell rings. The most important event for children and parents is graduation! They prepare for it carefully, choose outfits, choose the venue for the celebration, and decorate the school with balloons and flowers. But the main thing is for graduates. They should be sincere, encouraging to achieve, filled with strength and positive notes. It’s sad to leave school, but a new, interesting and adult life begins!

Cool mom

After graduating from primary school, the children fall into the hands of the class teacher. Over the years, she becomes like family to them, a second mother! This woman protects her students, helps them in everything, improves their grades, and organizes extracurricular activities. Children turn to the class teacher for any question or help. It is very important to find and establish warm friendships with them.

After being together for so many years, the guys are sorry to part with their second mother! And it’s doubly hard for her. That's why it's touching and brings tears to your eyes.

Good words

On graduation day, everyone without exception worries: teachers, parents, children, and the school principal. The speech that the class teacher will give at the gala concert must be prepared in advance: “My dear children, I love you like family! It is very difficult to let you go into the world of adults. There will be no one next to me, there will be no one to advise and help in difficult times! But you will have to make your own way in life. School has given you a lot! You are educated and well-mannered, polite and tactful, kind and humane. You have all the qualities to make us proud. Conquer peaks, strive for perfection! When you have time, come visit your favorite school and brag about your achievements and successes! Good journey, beloved children!”

Parents will also like such wishes for graduates in prose. It’s hard to find words on such an important day, so learn the phrases in advance.


The school director is an important person, but just as humane as all the teachers. She also worries about her graduates. What awaits them in the future, will they go to university, will they be successful in life? The speech and wishes to the graduates from the headmistress are the highlight of the program. Usually these are a few sentences spoken with confidence and sternness. After all, the director cannot lose his face even in the most touching moments:

Poetic form

Parents, teachers, and even junior high school kids want to tell the graduates. The ceremonial assembly should not turn into a sad event. Therefore, a share of humor in parting poems will not be superfluous. A light style and good wishes will not bring sadness to those present.

We wish you everything in life,

Finish college, fall in love!

Find a decent job

Show parents concern.

Never forget school

Come visit us at least once a year during recess.

The doors are always open for relatives,

Beloved students, golden ones.

We, graduates, are proud of you,

Have fun today!

Such simple wishes to graduates will please everyone present. No mournful speeches, only laughter and fun on this memorable day!

Postcard for memory

Graduation... The kids will remember this day for the rest of their lives. But to periodically refresh memories, give schoolchildren memorable cards. You can order them from your nearest printing house or make them yourself. Paste a photo of the entire class into the card and write down your wishes to the graduates.

The years have flown by quickly,

Heat and rain, thunderstorm, blizzards!

For eleven years you were within the walls of your family,

Now we see you off, dear ones!

Go ahead and be happy!

You are young, smart and incredibly beautiful!

Go out today and have fun,

What path in life have you chosen?

And don’t forget to visit the classroom once a year!

The kids will keep these cards as souvenirs along with vignettes and graduation ribbons. You can also write wishes to graduates in prose on the postcard:

  • "Graduates! Today is the day we have both been waiting for and fearing. It's time to let you go free, but I don't want to! You grew up before our eyes, became smarter and wiser. We are proud of you and look forward to new successes and victories! You are strong individuals, confident in yourself and your abilities! Create and accomplish!”
  • "Dear Guys! You are no longer children, but smart teenagers who bring us only joy. We worry about your future and are rooting for you! But we are still confident that you will walk your life’s path with pride and we will hear about your victories more than once!”

The children will like such wishes for graduates in prose; they will re-read them and gain even greater confidence in their abilities.


It is always difficult to part with students, because teachers get used to them and consider them their own children. They, just like their parents, worry and dream about a better future for them. But there is no need to be sad on graduation day. Have fun, dance with the guys and watch the sunrise. Take more colorful photos, later you can get together as a friendly group and look at them. graduates hear this day non-stop. No longer schoolchildren, but not yet students - the best period in the children’s lives! They are young, beautiful, smart. Give them a fabulous prom night!

Beloved children, for us you are not just students, but dear people for whom we always worried and were responsible. Now you are leaving school. I would like to wish you a good journey and happiness. May each of you be able to fulfill your cherished dream. May faith and hope, love and joy, good luck and luck be next to you.

You grew and matured before our eyes,
And everyone succeeded in their studies,
But now it's time to say goodbye
And you will set off on a new journey.

Victories and accomplishments await you,
Doubts, ups and downs.
Don't believe sad stories,
You can do anything in this life!

Everything that is planned will come true,
It just takes a little effort.
Don't be afraid to ask for help
Learn to trust and live!

The day of parting has come, but guys, know: teachers never forget their students. Years will pass, and you will always be able to return to your home school, as if it were your home. May your destiny work out in the best way and everyone receive what they deserve through perseverance, work and talent. Go ahead guys, the adult world awaits you!

We taught you with love,
There is no one closer or dearer to us,
Remember in adult life
You are your teachers.

“Bon voyage” - today we’ll say
And we'll cry secretly.
We love you all very much, children.
Congratulations on this day.

I wish you happiness, great success,
Never give up.
May you always be a ray of light
Gives a bright star.

Congratulations, our dear and wonderful graduates. Today a farewell school ball will take place in your honor, and tomorrow you will wake up with thoughts about where to go next, who to become and what path to choose for yourself. We wish you, dear children, never to lose faith in yourself, follow the call of your heart and follow your dreams. May the wind of good luck and bright rays of prosperity accompany you in the world of adulthood.

Today is your graduation -
This is the beginning of a long journey.
But the secret of success is simple -
You need to go wisely and honestly.

Let your roads go
Beyond the horizons of bold victories.
Let adversity pass around the edge
And life will be bright without troubles.

Be brave on the road
Don't lose your honor and face.
After all, today on the school threshold
We are proud of you like no one else.

Our wonderful and dear students, today it is time to say “Goodbye” to the school, namely “Goodbye”, not “Farewell”. After all, we hope that you will often come to visit us and remember our fun activities, wonderful adventures and funny stories. May your future path be filled with bright happiness, great success and great victories, may everything work out for you, we wish you not to lose faith in yourself and your dreams.

We taught, and you surprised
Us with success and kindness,
But you grew up quickly,
And now it's your graduation!

Happy travels to you guys
In this life, sometimes difficult,
Let it be bright, beautiful,
Like today's prom!

Graduated from school. And you have matured.
And your evening is graduation.
We grew up, we were in a hurry, we wanted to finish -
Say goodbye to schoolland.

We tried so hard to teach you
Everything that we ourselves have comprehended.
You argued and doubted
And new things were revealed to us.

Today you turned the page of childhood,
You are entering a serious, adult world.
We wish you, graduates and graduates,
Good luck, take the right landmark.

Go boldly, conquer all obstacles,
May good luck accompany you on the road,
We wish you guys to get closer to your dream,
Let troubles and adversity pass by.

Dear graduates! It seems that just recently you, timid and shy, said goodbye to elementary school, then I told you goodbye to the exams after the 9th grade, and today your last bell will ring - a symbol of graduation.

This is a holiday for everyone, a holiday that is sad and happy at the same time. Diaries, breaks, school teachers will be a thing of the past... The carefree school years are over, which gave you a lot of good things and made you smarter, friendlier, prepared you for adult life, a life full of new worries and opportunities that can lead you to your dream. Now everything is in your hands. Good luck, my dears!!!

Dear graduates! It seems like just yesterday that our hospitable school welcomed you into its friendly family. Having crossed the school threshold for the first time, you were full of timid hopes and unclear expectations. Now you are leaving with slight sadness these walls that have become forever dear. Let your innermost plans be realized one hundred percent. Boldly to victory!

Exactly eleven years ago you came to school, you came to your first class and for the first time in your life you sat down at your desk. The first school bell in your life sounded for you, for the first time in your life you learned what a lesson and recess are. After you received your first grades, you received your first homework. And so every day you had something new and for the first time.
Today you are graduates. Some of you barely remember elementary school, but I remember all of you, your first and dearest class! I remember you all when you were still very small and stupid. I remember how we got to know each other, how you didn’t trust me, how we became friends and your trust grew.
I am very pleased that you were able to reach the title of school graduates! And I am especially pleased that I am also involved in your successes. In a few minutes you will hear your last school bell and say goodbye to school forever. In a few minutes, school will become something of the past and not present for you. But know that everyone remembers you, and will remember you for a long time, and will set you as an example to other students.
I wish you to pass your only important exam perfectly - the exam of life. So that we can proudly talk about you - these are our students, these are our graduates!

“My dear adult children. It seems like just yesterday I met you on the threshold of school as little boys and girls. So funny, clumsy and capricious. 11 long years flew by quickly. Today, on such a joyful and sad day, you stand on the threshold of adulthood. What it will be depends only on you. For 11 long years we have tried to put the best into your hearts. All life is a choice, and only you can decide what it will be. Listen to wise advice, take all the lessons from life, adopt other people's experiences and share yours. Remember the main rule taken from the Bible: “Always treat people the way you want to be treated.” Good luck, my dear adult children!”

Dear Guys!
Your school years have flown by, YOU have a long life ahead of you, and there are many roads in life. There is only one compass - a dream and a goal. I really want YOU to successfully achieve your goal and all YOUR dreams come true.
YOU will succeed, everything will be fine!

Remember! My dears, what is it by you that our people are judged? Be simple, friendly, but not flattering. Maintain your dignity, but don't be proud. We must also remember: will is not self-will, daring is not robbery, valor is not cruelty. The brave are always kind because they are strong! Any service is YOURS, let it be a service to the people! When you don’t lecture anyone down, but explain and advise, and only when YOU are asked for advice. Goodness and happiness on YOUR path!

And now you are quite big! You have become adults, independent and simply the most beautiful! But I remember you completely different: small, scared, stupid and excited. But with burning eyes that read that you want to learn everything new, comprehend all the facets of science and become what you are now!
And I must say that you did it perfectly! You only have one step left to say - I was able to achieve something greater in life than everyone else. And this step is an exam. But do not think that after passing the exam you will be able to sit with your hands folded, because life will give you new tests every day and this is the real exam of life.
I congratulate you with all my heart on graduating from school, and I want to tell you to always strive forward, so that your eyes always sparkle like when you first came to me in first grade. Good luck, my beloved first graders!

Parting words from the first teacher to graduates in verse

11 years have flown by so quickly
And now on the threshold of your dear school,
Do you remember how we started once
You guys are on your way with me.
How difficult it was, how scary you were,
And the first deuce, and tears like a river,
And, as soon as you receive your answer, you get a high five.
You flew home on the wings of dreams!

Now childhood is a thing of the past.
School bells rang.
Think positive
And it will always be with you.
Behind elastic bands and bows
Broken knees, bruises.
I wish you romance in life
And wisdom from the school board.
Today you say goodbye to childhood
You are parting with the school and with us.
Here you can always warm up,
And meet the teachers.

I'm a little surprised
That time flies so quickly.
And today you are graduates,
Although it seems like yesterday I saw you,
Admitted to first grade.
My dear children,
I wish you a bright journey.
Each of you has your own calling in life.
Easy to find and easy to find.
It's very difficult, guys.
I need to believe that you are so mature.
On your way to an adult, a new one.
Never forget your native school.

Recently you were hiding behind bouquets
And with surprised eyes they entered the first class.
After all, you didn’t know then
What awaits you ahead?
Now you are graduates
We handed over all the notebooks and hid the diaries.
Have a good and bright journey,
What awaits you, friends, ahead?..

I think you didn’t expect to see me today, this evening.
Nevertheless, I really missed you because none of you were unnoticed.
Recently, when you were still very little, I brought you to first grade.
Everything was new and unexpected for you that day.
And today, completely grown up, you are leaving school,
The bells will no longer ring for you during lessons,
You will no longer occupy your desks at this school.
But you will go on a new path,
To further explore life.
Good luck to you, peace, luck,
Have a great mood.
May everything work out great for you in life,
My best former first class.

Sad moments of parting,
But we won't cry now.
Everything is behind: excitement, anticipation,
And I would like to say in memory:
The whole path that we went through together,
Walking up the steep steps,
I will remember it for a long time, honestly!
You have become my family forever.
I've enjoyed you all these years,
I gave my whole soul to you,
Like a mother, I admired my children,
I had tender feelings for you.
Thank you for your honesty,
For your sincerity. Patience.
For those eyes that looked at me,
Understanding everything, without a doubt.
Each of you has your own path,
Whatever path you choose.
I'm waiting for you all at the school door
With an open, pure soul!

2013-06-18 12:31:20 - Tatyana Dmitrievna Loseva
Marina Leonidovna! Maybe it will be useful?

Sad moments of parting,
But we won't cry now.
Everything is behind: excitement, anticipation,
And I would like to say in memory:
The whole path that we went through together,
Walking up the steep steps,
I will remember it for a long time, honestly!
You have become my family forever.
I've enjoyed you all these years,
I gave my whole soul to you,
Like a mother, I admired my children,
I had tender feelings for you.
Thank you for your honesty,
For your sincerity. Patience.
For those eyes that looked at me,
Understanding everything, without a doubt.
Each of you has your own path,
Whatever path you choose.
I'm waiting for you all at the school door
With an open, pure soul!

I had an amazing class!
You, children of a subtle soul, rich responsiveness, openness to everything good and beautiful.
My dear children!
I say thank you from the bottom of my heart
It was easy for me to work with you.
And today I see you off,
I wish you good luck and health.
And I hasten to tell you,
That I want to hug you all,
Protect from potholes in the road,
So that you do not know anxiety in life.
The main thing is never to be discouraged...

I wish you, dear children,
Never lose heart!
Even though the roads ahead of YOU are difficult -
Never lose faith!
And let him be nearby, no matter what happens,
Only luck and success come!
What was planned happened right away!
Let adversity and worries go away!

I wish your eyes to warm,
Burn with love, tenderness and passion!
I wish my soul to sing songs,
Words to which happiness dictates.
I wish you to live in harmony with yourself,
Illuminate friends and loved ones with a smile,
Know how to give and receive love,
And light up at the slightest spark.
With the fire of hopes and wildest dreams,
I wish that fate protects you all,
And all desires are like many bright candles,
She did it only for you
I wish you a strong shoulder next to you,
So that you won’t be afraid to lean on him,
Love so hot
Be happy! Loved and desired!

Dear Guys!
Your school years have flown by, YOU have a long life ahead of you, and there are many roads in life. There is only one compass - a dream and a goal. I really want YOU to successfully achieve your goal and all YOUR dreams come true.
YOU will succeed, everything will be fine!

Remember! My dears, what is it by you that our people are judged? Be simple, friendly, but not flattering. Maintain your dignity, but don't be proud. We must also remember: will is not self-will, daring is not robbery, valor is not cruelty. The brave are always kind because they are strong! Any service is YOURS, let it be a service to the people! When you don’t lecture anyone down, but explain and advise, and only when YOU are asked for advice. Goodness and happiness on YOUR path!

The years flew by unnoticed
Goodbye, school forever!!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into a great life!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself
Success and happiness lie ahead!
And that's the end! And maybe even strange
You will be without teachers, guys
Don’t leave right away, I’ll tell YOU,
What they say to loved ones when they say goodbye:
I wish YOU to walk through life boldly,
I wish everyone to find happiness,
Let everyone's wish come true.
On the road, friends! Bon Voyage

You grew up in front of us
And before everyone’s eyes they became smarter!
Suddenly they suddenly blossomed
And they grew up imperceptibly!
Just yesterday, students
That we became best friends!
And now the graduates
We admire, we are proud of YOU!

I am glad that you have matured so much,
That instead of foolish children,
which once surrounded me,
You have grown into worthy people.
I'm glad that you are all so beautiful,
That you are in the prime of life's spring!
That there are no soulless and arrogant among you
And your dreams are directed into the distance.
I rejoice at your dreams and plans
And I believe you will go far!
But there is sadness in the soul that came to the wounds
Parting, oh, how difficult it is

My children! Darlings! Dear ones! How glad I am to see you now, Grown up, beautiful, big, Not my first, but my favorite class. How can I live without you now, Will I be able to fill the void? I will get over the separation from you, I just don’t know what I will find in return. Let the years fly by I will remember All your radiant eyes, kind light And no matter how much time passes, I will hear And your voices and ringing laughter. And after many years you will be loved, Believe me, so Etc. He tells you guys, dear, you are unique, and in this life you are my bright moment.

I look at you and remember the days when you came to first grade. How we were left alone for the first time. And I, worried, studied you. There was interest in me in your glances:
What is she like? And what are they? I was burning over a low fire, You were blazing like field poppies. The days flew by, and the months, and the years flew by. And again we are almost alone now. Well, what did you want to remember today? How did you make noise in class? Didn’t you go to physical education? Didn’t you teach literature? How did you cover for each other, And give nicknames to teachers? Yes, that was all once, And you also had nicknames. But I will remember you guys, As the coolest class in the world.

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