St. Nicholas the Summer: folk traditions and signs on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. St. Nicholas Day: the most interesting traditions, rituals and signs

Many of us, even as adults, still habitually look under our pillows, expecting to receive an offering from St. Nicholas on December 19th.

Nicholas the Wonderworker holiday December 19, 2017. The main events

However, it is worth learning about this wonderful holiday and its traditions in order to understand why we expect magic on this particular night and this day?

There are actually several days on which St. Nicholas is honored: the twenty-second of May, the eleventh of August and the nineteenth of December. We are more accustomed last date However, other feasts of St. Nicholas are also celebrated in other countries.

For example, the celebration of the twenty-second of May was established in Italy, when they were able to save the relics of the saint from desecration by the Turks. They managed to take the shrine to Bar, an Italian town, and the relics were safe - this date has been celebrated since then.

At that time, however, the Christian West and East did not honor this date, refusing to accept it at all, and the Greek Church did the same. However, Nicholas the Wonderworker himself has been revered since ancient times, including in Rus'.

The Slavic peoples saw him as their patron, and two holidays were established - the eleventh of August, the day on which St. Nicholas was born, and the nineteenth of December, the day when the saint died in old age.

Customs and traditions

First, let's talk about what you absolutely cannot do on this great holiday, which, as you know, coincides with the time of the Nativity Fast. In addition to the permitted foods, you can eat porridge and soups (vegetarian).

However, on this day it is better not to do things that involve repairs, washing or sewing. Among other things, it is not customary to lend money “to Nicholas”, since along with the money, wealth and good luck are given away from the house. But you are welcome to give away debts; the feast of St. Nicholas is one of the most suitable days for this.

It was even believed that if debts were not repaid before this day, the entire next year could pass for the family in poverty.

According to legend, Saint Nicholas helped the poor, and this is one of the legends that has survived to this day. One day, Saint Nicholas learned that a poor man living nearby was unable to collect a dowry for his three daughters, and therefore would not be able to marry them off.

According to the harsh law of that time, girls were forced to engage in fornication, since no other way of development of events was foreseen...

Saint Nicholas, who at that time worked as a priest, could not allow this to happen, and began tossing bags of gold coins to the poor man. Three nights in a row he sneaked into the house, and three times he left gold, which was more than enough for the dowry of each of the daughters. Thus, the reputation of the poor man's daughters was saved, since they no longer had the need to earn a living by selling their own bodies.

In Rus', among all the saints, Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered as the “eldest”. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the monthly calendar of the Orthodox Church he is honored three times a year. On August 11, believers celebrate the birth of the saint, calling this date “Autumn St. Nicholas,” and on December 19, they remember the day of death, calling it “Winter St. Nicholas.” At the end of May (22nd) they remember the transfer of the relics of the wonderworker to the city of Bari. This date is usually referred to as “Nikola Veshny”.

The saint himself has several names: St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas the Pleasant, St. Nicholas the Wet. In Western European tradition, the miracle worker became a prototype fairy tale character, "Christmas grandfather" Santa Claus.

Who is Nicholas the Wonderworker?

The image of the saint is based on the real historical figure. Nikolai Ugodnik was born in 270 in Asia Minor. The birthplace of the miracle worker was a Greek colony - the provincial town of Patara. His very wealthy Christian parents gave him a varied education. However, from childhood, Nikolai paid special attention to the study of the Holy Scriptures and other books on religious topics. Thanks to the depth and sincerity of his faith, as well as the mentoring of his uncle, the Bishop of Patara, the saint very early became a reader, soon received the priesthood, and then ascended the episcopal throne in the city of Myra (now Demre).

During his service as bishop, Nikolai Ugodnik was known far beyond the borders of Mira and was greatly revered by believers due to his responsiveness, justice and amazing modesty. At the same time, he earned universal respect by continuing his relentless struggle against any manifestations of paganism.

However, real fame and the nickname “Wonder Worker” were brought to Nicholas by his lifetime deeds and posthumous miracles. Five of them are considered the most famous.

  • While still a very young man, during his sea voyages the saint repeatedly resurrected sailors who had become victims of an accident or the abyss of the water, and also warned of an approaching storm. Since then, Nicholas has been considered the patron saint of all sea travelers.
  • The miracle worker performed another well-known good deed while already in the rank of bishop. He accidentally learned that one of the inhabitants of Mira had not saved a dowry for his three daughters. Unable to marry off the girls, he had already earmarked their beauty for sale. To prevent injustice, Nikolai secretly planted gold in the townsman’s house, and he was able to happily arrange the fate of all the girls.
  • Once, only by the power of his prayer, the saint saved the people of Myra and the entire province from the threat of starvation. He appeared in a dream to one of the Italian grain merchants, ordered him to immediately take his grain to Lycia and even left three gold pieces as a deposit. Waking up from his dream, the merchant actually found three coins. He could not violate the will of the saint and led his ship to the starving region.
  • Even after his death in the middle of the 4th century, the saint did not leave people with his help. After his death, his relics not only remained incorruptible, but also began to flow myrrh. The ointment released could heal the most incurable patients and work real miracles.
  • For several centuries, the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker were kept in a Byzantine temple, however, in 1087, part of them was reburied in the city of Bari. According to legends, this was done because the saint himself appeared to one of the Italian priests and asked him to save the remains from desecration. Indeed, soon after the theft, Byzantium was subjected to barbaric raids by Turkish hordes and complete plunder. The surviving shrine is still kept in the Italian basilica, and grateful Christians celebrate it every year miraculous salvation May 22, calling the celebration “Nikola Veshny Day.”

Traditions and customs on St. Nicholas of the Winter

Among the three church dates, dedicated to the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the most popular and beloved holiday is St. Nicholas the Winter, often called Cold or Frosty. According to the new style, it is celebrated on December 19. It is from this day that a whole month of New Year and Christmas celebrations begins, which continue until Epiphany.

On the holiday of veneration of the saint, people not only take part in traditional church rituals, but also enjoy immersing themselves in a series of cheerful pagan rituals.

  • For a believer, December 19 always begins with attending a church service. After all, it is on this date that Nikolai Ugodnik takes all the requests and aspirations of the people especially close. During prayer, it is customary to ask the saint for help and intercession for all the poor and offended, the poor and disadvantaged. In addition, travelers and sailors, unjustly convicted people and cattle breeders, farmers and beekeepers always turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for support and protection. He is also loved by women who ask the saint to preserve the health of their children and peace in the family.
  • And what is a holiday without a richly laid table? Despite the Filippov Fast, on St. Nicholas the Winter they always prepared a delicious treat with the inevitable fish and cabbage pies, freshly brewed beer. Funds for it were collected from the entire village, and the feast was universal. It was called “Nikolshchina” or “brotherhood”, as it was conceived not only for friendly and family communication, but also for the reconciliation of enemies and forgiveness of mutual grievances.
  • On this day it was customary for people to honor the older generation. The most respected old people gathered at a common table and sedately talked about life, while the carefree youth indulged in fun: they organized sleigh rides, sang, danced and began preparing for Christmastide.
  • Nikolai Ugodnik also “cooked” for the kids pleasant surprises. On this holiday, boys and girls received plenty of sweet gifts from the saint. In order not to be left without a treat, they tried all year to behave well and obey their elders. Children believed that naughty brawlers and deceivers would receive birch rods for the holiday instead of sweets and gingerbread.
  • In addition to festivities for younger generation On St. Nicholas of the Winter, the time for matchmaking began. After all, the saint has long been considered the patron saint of happy marriages. On this day, all secret sympathies became obvious, and preliminary agreements were announced publicly, turning into official engagements.
  • Girls who had not yet found their betrothed by December 19 were sure to guess on that day about their future husband. It was believed that the night before St. Nicholas the Pleasant was the best time to find out the prospects for marriage. You can, for example, throw a shoe behind the gate and see where its toe points. If he is turned away from home, the girl will soon be asked to marry.

Signs on St. Nicholas Day

Believes on Nikola Kholodny, like most church holidays, are mainly of a weather nature.

  • By December 19, they determine what Nikola Veshny will be like (May 22). Lots of snow and heavy precipitation predict a rainy spring, but frosts without snowdrifts herald a hot and dry start to the summer season.
  • In the morning they pay attention to the branches of the trees. If they are covered with frost overnight, then you can hope for a bountiful harvest in next year. The sowing time was also determined using the same sign. Snow laces that appeared before St. Nicholas Day prompted the peasant to plant early, but frosty decorations after the 19th warned that there was no need to rush into planting grain in the spring.
  • Our ancestors always looked at how much snow would fall before St. Nicholas Day. If all roads are covered before December 19, then a thaw and thaw will soon come. But heavy snowfall on the holiday itself foreshadows excellent haymaking.
  • Even the mood on a special day must be cheerful and bright. Our ancestors believed that sadness and boredom on Nikola Kholodny would definitely cause a harsh winter.

Our religion is rich in saints, to whom you can always turn for help and ask for strength and faith, health, etc. And the most revered (after the Mother of God) is St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, whose popularity in Ukraine could be evidenced by the number of churches dedicated to him in pre-revolutionary Kyiv. In Ukraine .

The name of Nicholas is recorded in the list of bishops - participants in the first Ecumenical Christian Council in 325, which was convened by Emperor Constantine the Great. During his lifetime, he performed many miracles: he saved three slandered military leaders from death, saved hometown Worlds from severe famine, he repeatedly saved the needy on land and at sea. After his peaceful death, the relics of the saint began to exude healing myrrh, which glorified him even more.

In 2009, Nikolai’s face was reconstructed using X-rays and craniological measurements at the University of Manchester. According to scientists, Nikolai was a stocky man, about 1.68 m tall. He had a high forehead, prominent cheekbones and chin, brown eyes and dark skin.

Tradition of the feast of St. Nicholas on December 19

St. Nicholas Day 2018 begins a string of Christmas holidays. And one of the pleasant events of this is the arrival of the saint at night: in Ukraine he puts sweets under children’s pillows, in Europe - in socks hung by the fireplace.

The story of the birth of this tradition is as follows: next door to Saint Nicholas lived a poor widower who had a daughter. The girl had a lover from a rich family. But his parents did not want to accept a homeless girl into the house. Having learned about this, Nikolai thought: “I have everything, but someone nearby is suffering.” And to help the girl, he decided to take advantage of his father’s inheritance. At night, in order not to be recognized, he made his way to a wretched house and threw a bundle of gold coins into the girl’s bedroom window.

So he united the hearts of his lovers, and a rumor spread throughout the city that sky Angel helped the lovers. Saint Nicholas felt happy for the first time in his life. He began bringing warm clothes, toys and food to the homes of the disadvantaged. And always under the cover of darkness, so as not to be recognized. But one day the townspeople tracked him down and were very surprised when they found out that this reserved and shy young man had such kind heart. They later chose Nicholas as their bishop.

"Saint Nicholas is on the threshold - help me on the road"

Due to his actions, Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of ordinary people, sailors, merchants and children. There is a legend that in Alexandria, while still young, he resurrected a sailor who had fallen from a piece of ship's equipment in a storm and crashed to his death.

IN popular consciousness Nikolai helps in both military and peasant affairs: “Nikola saves at sea, Nikola lifts a peasant’s cart.” And also Saint Nicholas is the deliverer of all evils, the organizer of marriage ties and marital happiness (“he helps at every hour”), the defender of the slandered and innocently condemned.

People turn to Saint Nicholas in hopeless situations and under difficult financial circumstances; unmarried and married women ask Nicholas the Pleasant to get married safely and live with their spouse in love and harmony. Drivers, sailors and travelers pray to avoid dangers on the road.

Parable about the advent of St. Nicholas Day

St. Nicholas has two days a year for veneration - in May and December. Both of these months are important for grain growers (“Two Nicholas: one with grass, the other with frost”). And the legend according to which the saint got these very days is connected with a peasant peasant. A man was driving along a country road and got stuck in the mud with a heavy cart.

He jumped off the cart and tried to pull the cart out, but nothing happened. At this time, Saint Kasyan walked past in elegant clothes. The man asked him for help. Kasyan was offended that they bothered him because of such a trifle - after all, he was in a hurry to go to heaven with God. And he passed by. After some time, another wanderer passed by the cart - Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. When a man asked him for help, he immediately offered his shoulder, got covered in mud, but helped pull out the cart and went on his way.

When the saints came to God, he asked Nicholas: “Why were you late and covered in mud?” Nikolai told what happened to him on the road. God asked why Kasyan didn’t help the peasant? He replied: “I was in a hurry to meet you. How could I come in dirty clothes?” - “Since you didn’t help the peasant, Kasyan, they will glorify you only once every four years. And Nikola the Pleasant, quick to the rescue, will be celebrated twice every year.” Since then, St. Kasyan's Day is celebrated only on February 29, but St. Nicholas the Ugodnik celebrates every year both in the spring (May 22 - the day of the arrival of his relics in Bari, Italy) and in the winter (December 19 - the day of Nikolai's death).

Signs for St. Nicholas Day 2018

It was believed that Nikolai’s day also brings Nikola’s frosts with it: “Praise winter after Nikola’s day,” “Nikola would come, and winter will come for him on a sleigh,” “We took winter on a sleigh to Nikola, and here’s the thaw.”

On the feast of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the peasants of the entire village gathered, brewed beer, lit a candle in the church as a whole and said a prayer service for the sending of all good things, so that next year there would be a harvest of food and fruits. After which all the villagers began to be treated to mash, beer, pies and a merry ride with songs: “We said hello to the snowy winter by driving around the village three times on a sleigh.” The leftover food was distributed to the poor. And in sayings this day was described as follows: “Nikolshchina is beautiful with beer and pies,” “Invite a friend to Nikolshchina, invite your enemy, both will be friends.”

“Nikolsky bargaining is a decree for everything” or “Nikolsky bargaining sets bread prices” - December 19 was considered in the old days to be the first day of grain trading.

Interesting Facts

Nicholas the Wonderworker (who was of Greek origin) is revered by both the Orthodox and Catholic churches. Even Muslims and pagans turn to him for help. After all, it is considered the simplest and fastest to fulfill the saint’s request.

In the iconography, the icons of “Winter St. Nicholas” and “Spring St. Nicholas” are distinguished, corresponding to the days of veneration in the year. At the same time, the “winter” Nikola is depicted in a bishop’s miter, and the “spring” one is depicted with his head uncovered. According to legend, the iconography of “St. Nicholas the Winter” arose during the reign of Nicholas I, who drew attention to the fact that on his icon heavenly patron depicted without a headdress and made a remark to the clergy.

Saint Nicholas is the prototype of Santa Claus. And in countries Western Europe A donkey helps him deliver gifts. Therefore, children leave a couple of carrots near the boot for sweets, because the animal may get tired and hungry during an overnight journey.

P.S. The upcoming holiday gives anyone the opportunity to show themselves in the role of a secret assistant. Who will your help and love be addressed to: orphanages, schools, hospitals, loved ones, and maybe yourself? You decide.

Photo:, open sources online

Hairstyle ideas for New Year for long hair

St. Nicholas Day is the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, celebrated on December 6 (19). In the Roman Catholic Church the commemoration is celebrated on December 6th. Gregorian calendar, V Orthodox Church December 6 according to the Julian calendar (in the XX and XXI centuries- December 19 according to the Gregorian calendar). The holiday was established in memory of the repose of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, one of the most revered Christian saints in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Who was Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker? history of the holiday

Unlike most saints, whose lives are learned from beliefs and legends, Saint Nicholas is a historical figure. The years of his life are considered to be 270 - 345. AD According to legend, Nikolai was the only son of rich and pious parents Feofan and Nona. They begged him from God, because long time were childless, and for this they promised to dedicate their child to religion. Saint Nicholas was orphaned early and lived isolated from everyone, immersed in the world of science.

Already as a youth he was made a reader in the church, as a young man ordained a priest, and as a young man he received the episcopal staff. His church career began during difficult times for Christians. Emperor Diocletian issued a decree according to which preaching Christianity on the territory of the Roman Empire was punishable by death.

Traditions on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Winter St. Nicholas is the day of death of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, celebrated on December 6 (19). The name of the day comes from the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In Slavic folk Orthodoxy, the day ends with a three-day holiday complex: Varvarin, Savin, Nikolin days.

St. Nicholas Day 2017 begins a string of Christmas holidays.

On St. Nicholas's Day, everyone usually gathered together in church to pray to him for health, patronage, protection, and so on. Also, villages and hamlets often practiced the custom of lighting a large joint candle in the church for St. Nicholas, and for this the whole village collected money. The whole village also collected funds in order to organize a holiday.

There was usually kutya, uzvar, wheat beer and other dishes on the tables, and the children were always presented with “Nikolaychiki” (ordinary cookies), telling the children that St. Nicholas had been preparing them for the children all day. Also on this day it was customary to perform as many good deeds and deeds as possible. On St. Nicholas Day they tried to help the poor, the infirm and the homeless.

Signs for the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

It was believed that Nicholas the Wonderworker is not only the patron saint of sailors, but he also helps to make peace and forget all quarrels. Therefore, on this holiday they tried to make amends for all grievances, ask for forgiveness and forgive their offenders themselves.

If the weather was sunny and warm on St. Nicholas Day, then this indicated that the harvest would be meager and poor. Our ancestors also believed that the more snow there was this year, the more greenery and grass there would be in the summer.

If the weather on St. Nicholas is cold and frosty, then the whole winter will be like this, but if the weather is warm on this holiday, then, accordingly, the winter will not be cold.

It was believed that Nikolai’s day also brings Nikola’s frosts with it: “Praise winter after Nikola’s day,” “Nikola would come, and winter will come for him on a sleigh,” “We took winter on a sleigh to Nikola, here’s the thaw.”

On the feast of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the peasants of the entire village gathered, brewed beer, lit a candle in the church as a whole and said a prayer service for the sending of all good things, so that next year there would be a harvest of food and fruits. After which all the villagers began to be treated to mash, beer, pies and a merry ride with songs: “We said hello to the snowy winter by driving around the village three times on a sleigh.” The leftover food was distributed to the poor. And in sayings this day was described as follows: “Nikolshchina is beautiful with beer and pies,” “Invite a friend to Nikolshchina, call your enemy, both will be friends.”

What to give for St. Nicholas the Wonderworker's Day

Gifts for St. Nicholas the Wonderworker's Day depend on the age and hobbies of the children. For example, older children will not be as pleased with sweets as they are with new gadgets or a warm, fashionable sweater.

Therefore, we decided to create a list of the most best gifts for St. Nicholas Day: The first thing, of course, is sweets, but they are more suitable for small children. However, don’t stop at traditional sets. You can cook it yourself, you can buy it, but let it be decorated in an interesting and colorful way. Curious and inquisitive children give educational games. After all, their activity is in full swing and their energy needs to go somewhere. And such a game will interest him and, importantly, will help in the development of the child’s intellectual abilities. But clothes, such as warm sweaters or cardigans, jeans, blouses, ties and shirts, are best given to older children who want to show off their new clothes in front of friends and classmates. You can also give toys, but this type of gift is more suitable for kids. If you want to give such a gift to adult children, then it is better to choose for girls Stuffed Toys, and for boys something more interesting, for example, a radio-controlled helicopter (whether it’s a boy or a man, but at any age they dream of such a toy). A gift-impression is suitable for any child - this can include tickets to the cinema, theatre, circus, performance, excursions and more. Believe me, he will remember this day for a long time.

Before Christmas, the entire Orthodox world annually celebrates the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on December 19th. Both children and adults look forward to this holiday. From time immemorial, the Slavs celebrated it on a grand scale, prayed on this day and asked St. Nicholas for help, protection from troubles, and the girls told fortunes about their betrothed. Read about traditions and fortune telling on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the article prepared by the editors of TM “Placent Formula”.

According to popular belief, at night, December 19, Nicholas the Wonderworker descends from heaven to earth and helps all the offended, poor and disadvantaged: he disperses dark forces.

Among people he is known as the protector of travelers, sailors, the poor, the weak and the unjustly convicted. People also call him Winter Nicholas, Nicholas the Pleasant, and are considered the patron saint of marriages.

Traditions of the Feast of St. Nicholas

In villages and villages, the holiday always began with a prayer service in the church. One large candle was lit (money was collected from everyone for it) to protect all residents from disasters and misfortunes. Then, when the church service was over, a brotherhood took place - fun party, where all the treats were bought together. Such an interesting tradition was also aimed at forgiving grievances and reconciling enemies - “Call a friend to Nikolshchina, call your enemy, both will be friends.”

Since the feast of St. Nicholas falls during the Nativity fast, the main dishes on the table were pies with mushrooms and cabbage, and beer was the drink. That’s why people used to say: “Nikolshchina is red with beer and pies.”

Well, the children had gifts under their pillows at home. Their parents secretly put them there so that the children would believe in the miracle created by the saint.

It was believed that with the onset of Nikolin's day, real winter begins, and autumn loses its ground.

Also, the girls were really looking forward to the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. They began to prepare outfits for the upcoming Christmastide and prayed for a happy marriage. The girlfriends gathered on the night of December 18-19 and told fortunes about the grooms and made wishes.

According to legend, it is the day of Nicholas that is a strong magical time in which rituals and ceremonies are held for the fulfillment of desires, for marriage and liberation from the shackles of loneliness.

Fortune telling and omens for St. Nicholas Day

Previously, girls used to tell fortunes on shoes, on fences... What methods of fortune telling will help modern representatives of the fair sex find out about their destiny?

Five proven methods of fortune telling on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Ask married woman who is happily married, wedding ring. Take a glass of water and hang this ring above it on your own hair. If it hits the edge of the glass, you won’t get married this year. If it starts to rotate slowly, there will be two marriages in life, and if quickly, you will get married this year;

It is believed that on the night before the holiday one dreams prophetic dreams. It is very important to remember it and even make a cherished wish the day before. For example, you can ask “the betrothed-mummer come to me to drink some water” and place a glass of water next to the bed. Try to interpret what you dream about without using dream books;

One of the simplest and most harmless fortune telling. The girl should cut a branch of a cherry tree and place it in a vase with water. If it blooms by Easter, she will be married;

Take the paper and cut it into several strips. The quantity doesn't matter. Write on each male name- quickly, without thinking, which ones came to mind. Twist and place under the pillow, mixing them well together. In the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, take out the “lottery ticket”. This will be the name of your future groom.

Not only unmarried people can ask for a wish to be granted. It is advised to go to church on this day, pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and light a candle near his icon, ask for something cherished, for example, material benefits oh happy family life about health... Believe that St. Nicholas continues to work miracles today.

There is even a special ritual to fulfill a wish. Forty candles are taken, placed in a plate with salt and set on fire in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. Read the “Our Father” prayer and ask St. Nicholas for intercession. You write a letter in which you sincerely indicate your unrighteous actions and even repent of sins you have not yet committed (10 deadly sins). Then you set fire to the letter and at this time think about your desire. Let the candles burn out completely. Take the remains to the church when you light a candle for the saint there.

In the old days there was still interesting custom, with the help of which one could get rid of loneliness, the “seal of celibacy”, illness... It was necessary to make a stuffed horse out of anything, small in size. Be sure to tie it with red ribbons and burn it on the street. Old things, checks, various papers were also sent to the fire, and as a symbol female loneliness- a strand of hair.

Fulfillment of desires, health, happiness, love! Happy holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker! - TM “Placent Formula”

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