Unusual graves. Maybe this guy died because he smoked too much? The most unusual cemeteries in the world

It often happens that the relatives and friends of the deceased want to perpetuate the memory of him in some non-trivial way, trying to emphasize as best as possible how much he did for them during his lifetime, and what kind of person he was. wonderful person with many talents, which is why his passing from life is felt especially acutely. However, the death of a dear, beloved and very loved one always causes very sharp and excruciating pain no matter who he was. This is the hardest loss.

However, sometimes people think that the standard tombstone will not be able to express all the bitterness of their loss and the magnitude of their grief, and at the same time will not be able to pay tribute to the life of the deceased. Therefore, we completely understand their desire to decorate the grave of the deceased in such a way that it is most consistent with his lifetime achievements and deeds. In such cases, we offer the family of the deceased complex,... We always have in stock ready-made architectural solutions especially beautiful tombstones , so there is every opportunity to urgently produce unusual tombstones.

The main feature of such tombstones is that they are usually made from expensive types of granite and marble, which have a unique color. Naturally, the most people are working on creating such monuments. the best masters, putting your whole soul into their creation, and not just talent and skill. Characteristic feature unusual tombstones is both their unique shape and the fact that to create such ritual architectural complexes, stone of several colors, and sometimes several breeds, is used.

In addition to the unique blocks of stone from which they are created unusual beautiful monuments to the grave, they are also often decorated with cast metal decor, the surface is covered with intricate stone carvings, and beautiful images, sayings, epitaphs and religious symbols are applied using laser engraving. Also unusual tombstones decorated with sculptural images - bas-reliefs, high reliefs and volumetric sculpture on religious topics, as well as on topics that personify the lifetime deeds and achievements of the deceased person.

Our company “Center for the Production of Monuments on Prospekt Mira” has extensive experience in the production of exclusive and unusual beautiful monuments for the grave, which the best way will bring to life all your wishes aimed at perpetuating the memory of the deceased.

Grieving relatives do everything to perpetuate the memory of their deceased loved ones, turning ordinary gravestones either into something very allegorical or into sculptures that are real works of art

Grieving relatives do everything to perpetuate the memory of their deceased loved ones, turning ordinary gravestones into either something very allegorical or into sculptures that are real works of art:

1. Woman at the piano. She may have been a musician during her lifetime.

2. This woman really loved Mickey Mouse

3. Maybe this guy died because he smoked too much?

4. The tomb of the creator of the labyrinth

5. "Eternal Dream"

6. The tree swallowed the old grave

7. Tombstone over the grave of the inventor of the gas lamp, Charles Pigeon, Montparnasse cemetery, Paris, France

8. This grave was made at the behest of a grief-stricken mother for her late 10-year-old daughter in 1871.

When the girl was alive, she was terrified of thunderstorms. Next to her grave there is a special basement that was dug to the level of the coffin. During a thunderstorm, the girl’s mother went down to the basement to “calm down” her child.

9. A life-size monument to a girl under a glass cover was custom-made at the request of her mother.

10. This is the grave of a 16-year-old girl. The tombstone was made by order of her sister

11. “Love to the grave”, Thailand

12. This monument depicts the Savior holding in his hands two ropes from a simple children's swing with a crossbar

A little girl is sitting on a swing below. Sculptural composition reminds us that the life of everyone on earth is in the hands of God.

13. A tombstone in the shape of a mobile phone was discovered in one of the Israeli cemeteries

The tombstone is engraved with various inscriptions, such as: “Please leave a message - I will reply as soon as I can.”

14. "Together Forever"

15. This terrifying grave is located in a cemetery in Genoa, Italy.

16. The grave of the Belgian writer Georges Rodenbach.The tombstone represents the writer himself, rising from the grave with a rose in his hand

17. The design of this Victorian grave is to ensure that the dead do not leave their final resting place.

Many in those days firmly believed in the existence of vampires and thus prevented the release of the reincarnated deceased. In fact, medical students needed corpses to study anatomy, and in order to gain knowledge, they did not disdain excavating fresh graves. To protect the assassination attempt, relatives ordered forged gratings for the graves of their loved ones.

18. Nature is inexorable...

19. Fernand Arbelot was a musician and actor who died in 1990

He was buried in the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris. During his lifetime, Fernand wished to look at his wife's face forever.

20. 18th century gravestone under which a French journalist rests

21. Gravestone in the form of a scrabble board

22. The graves of a Catholic woman and her Protestant husband, who were not allowed to be buried together

In the 1800s, it was illegal for Catholics and Protestants to be buried in the same cemetery.

23. This grave is all that remains of an old rural cemetery in India

An interstate highway was built on the site of the cemetery. The grandson, whose grandmother was buried there, refused to move the grave. In the end, the authorities met him halfway and built a road around the grave.

The cemetery is not the most pleasant place that most of us have ever visited in our lives. IN literally the deathly silence that envelops this place instills fear, and the crows sitting on rickety crosses, whose cawing breaks the silence with a piercing sound, instill real horror. Although the tombstones that can be seen in a cemetery can be much creepier than the cemetery itself. Here are 25 of the strangest, most heartbreaking and sometimes funny gravestones from around the world.

Woman at the piano. I wonder if she played during her lifetime?

This Woman Really Loved Mickey Mouse

We hope that this man's death and smoking are not related.

Tomb of the creator of the labyrinth

Now they will sleep forever

The tree mercilessly swallowed up the old grave

This tomb is located in Paris, France and contains the inventor of the gas lamp, Charles Pigeon.

This grave contains a 10-year-old girl who died in 1871, who was very afraid of thunderstorms during her lifetime. After the death of her daughter, her grief-stricken mother ordered the construction of a basement next to the girl’s grave, where she could go down during a thunderstorm and calm her daughter.

This life-size monument in a glass box was commissioned by the mother of the deceased

This is the grave of a 16-year-old girl whose sister commissioned this life-size headstone.

Lovers from Thailand

One of the most heartbreaking monuments we have ever seen, and one that reminds us that we are all in God's hands.

A tombstone in the shape of a mobile phone in one of the Israeli cemeteries

Happy forever

A terrifying tomb located in Genoa, Italy

In this grave with an eerie tombstone lies the writer Georges Rodenbach, who emerged from it.

Mortsafe: This appearance of the grave was common in 18th century Scotland and was done to protect graves from looting, which was a common occurrence among medical students who were so lacking in practical material

Nature is unforgiving

The frightening tombstone of Fernand Arbelot, who was a musician and actor

Tomb of an 18th century French journalist

Whoever's lying here really enjoyed playing Scrabble.

These are the interconnected graves of a husband and wife. The wife was a Protestant and the husband was a Catholic. They died at a time when Catholics and Protestants were buried in different cemeteries

This is the last remaining grave in an old cemetery in rural Indiana. Much of the cemetery was moved to make way for the state highway. The grandson of the woman buried there refused to allow his grandmother to move. The county eventually gave in and built a road around the grave

Colonel J. W. C van Gorcum, who died in 1880, is buried on the Protestant side. And his wife, Lady van Efferden (J.C.P.H van Aefferden) speaks Catholic. They married in 1842, when she was 22 and he was 33.

His wife, who belonged to a noble family, did not want to lie in the family tomb; instead, she wanted to be closer to her husband and asked to be buried as close to him as possible.

Her wish was granted, and the lovers are still holding hands.

The Argentine Cemetery of Recoleta - a famous cemetery located in the eponymous district of Buenos Aires - became the last refuge of Eva Duarta de Peron (Evita Peron) and not only. Many military leaders, presidents, scientists and poets are buried here.

David Alleno was an Italian immigrant who worked as a cemetery caretaker for 29 years. David also dreamed that his body would lie in this cemetery. He saved money to buy himself a place and built his own tombstone. He even returned to his homeland to find a stone-cutter there who would bring his idea to life. The caretaker wanted the carver to depict him with keys, a broom and a bucket of water. Rumors say that David invested own life into this work, and as soon as the tombstone was completed, he died.

Others object to this that David did not die until many years later.

The bust of this stern woman is also located in the Recoleta cemetery. The stone statue of a man sitting back to back with a lady is none other than her husband. Unlike the charming Catholic and Protestant couple, these spouses do not hold hands or even look at each other.

The husband died first, and a few years later the wife also died. They lived together for 30 years. Without saying a word to each other.

Fernand Arbelot was a musician and actor. He died in 1990 and was buried in the Père Lachaise cemetery, and before his death he wanted only one thing - to look into the face of his wife forever.

A boy who spent most of his young life in a wheelchair, after death, was able to break these boundaries and fly - now he is free.

The Parisian Père Lachaise cemetery can rightfully be considered one of the most visited cemeteries in the world, where many of the monuments are real works of art. But perhaps the most dramatic of all comes from a writer most people have never even heard of.

Georges Rodenbach - Belgian writer XIX century, author of the symbolic story “Dead Bruges” (Bruges-la-Morte). Main character works - Yug Vian, a widower inconsolably mourning his early departed wife.

The cemetery in the village of Sapinta, Maramures County, Romania, is known for its cheerful atmosphere. Surely those who asked to be buried in this cemetery had a strong sense of humor.

The graves reflect people's hobbies during life. Some were shepherds, others were soldiers, and others loved parties and poetry. Some tombstones tell the story of the death of those buried: some were killed by thieves, others were killed in a car accident...

Perfect Sense of Humor

Jack Crowell - owner last factory for the production of wooden clothespins in the USA. He always wanted children to be able to play on his grave.

When Ray Tse Jr. died at the age of 15, his older brother, a successful businessman, decided to give his brother, who always dreamed of driving a car, a posthumous gift. The stone car cost $250 thousand, but maybe now Ray is happy driving his own Mercedes Benz. The grave is in Linden Cemetery in New Jersey.

Probably the second most popular French cemetery, Montparnasse, became the refuge of the inventor Charles Pigeon, who sits up in the bed where he lay with his wife and looks around in search of an angel.

Going to the city cemetery to look at unusual tombstones is probably the last thing that comes to mind. However, getting to know them can tell a lot about the culture of the people and individual residents of the country, as well as give an unforgettable experience, not only creepy, but also positive.

So in some cemeteries you can find real masterpieces worthy of becoming museum exhibits. Others are interesting for their historical value. If you throw away all superstitions and fears, you can discover something new and broaden your horizons.

The most unusual cemeteries in the world

Church of the Dead

In Urbania (Italy) the Church of the Dead is located, which is famous for its collection of 18 mummies dating back to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The church once served as a cemetery, but then Napoleon ordered the bodies to be buried outside the city. During the move, it was discovered that the remains themselves had turned into mummies.

At first, what happened was taken as a miracle, but later experts found that the secret of such natural mummification lies in a special type of mold growing in those parts. She dried the bodies, absorbing moisture from the tissues.

The “exhibits” displayed behind the altar of the church each have their own history, for example, there is a woman who died in childbirth, and also the abbot of the brotherhood. Tourists come with pleasure to see the chilling spectacle. What’s interesting is that for the residents of Urbania, putting human remains on public display is not considered something immoral. On the contrary, it is an honor. Only outstanding personalities are given this honor.

Discovered in the 1920s, the Peruvian cemetery of Chauchilla dates back to approximately the 1st-2nd century AD, which means some of the remains are about 2,000 years old. They probably belong to the Nazca civilization (those who created mysterious geoglyphs in the sand).

Chowchilla includes thousands of burials, but the remains are not buried, but placed in sitting position in open tombs whose walls were lined with bricks. What’s also surprising is the “facial expression” of the skeletons – they smile. A smile sometimes looks welcoming, and sometimes it looks creepy. There is a feeling that they are waiting for someone, inviting them to join.

Chowchilla bodies can be called a “scientist’s dream.” They were well preserved due to the dry desert climate, as well as due to a special burial technique: the dead were dressed in cotton clothes, then doused with resin.

The find made it possible to learn more about the Nazca people, but the preservation of this cultural heritage is under threat. The burial structures were partially looted and continue to be robbed by “black diggers.” They are interested in jewelry and ancient artifacts that were buried with the dead.

This portal tomb is located in the Burren (Ireland). The estimated time of its creation is 4000-3000. BC.

The Pulnabron dolmen is a kind of tombstone made of 2 huge stone slabs of 2 m each, on top of which lies a third. It turns out to be a huge stone table. During the restoration, skeletons of more than 20 people were found under the dolmen, including a newborn child. Various things were also buried in the ground: weapons, dishes, household items.

Hanging coffins are a custom rather than a specific burial site. It is distributed in several regions: China, Indonesia and the Philippines. Instead of burying coffins in the ground, they are hung on rocks, high above the ground.

This was originally done to protect bodies from animals, but over time, hanging coffins became a tradition.

La Recoleta

You can walk around this necropolis in Buenos Aires for hours, looking at the structures there. At La Recoleta Cemetery there are not ordinary monuments, but large mausoleums that look like houses. It feels like you're walking around small town. Each of the 6,000 mausoleums has individual style, sometimes they resemble Gothic chapels or Greek temples.

People from high society were buried on La Ricoleta - presidents, politicians, writers, artists, famous doctors. That's why the buildings look so pompous.

Neptune Memorial

The Neptune Memorial was dedicated in 2007 in Biscayne Bay, Florida. This is the first underwater mausoleum, which became the resting place of thousands of dead. The idea is very original: on the ocean floor, cremated people were sculpted from a mixture of cement and ashes the whole city with roads, sculptures, benches. Reminds me of Atlantis.

But this is not just a structure, but an artificial reef. Thus someone's death will give new life. In addition, land area is saved.

On the roads of the underwater streets there are memorial tables with the names of the dead buried there. The reef area is 65,000 m2, but it continues to be expanded.

You can get a place in Neptune's cemetery for no less than $7,000. However, relatives will have to scuba dive to visit the grave of loved ones.

Unusual cemeteries and tombstones in Russia

City of dead

Often called City of the Dead, Dargavs village ( North Ossetia– Alanya) is considered one of the most mysterious places Russia. This ancient necropolis, hidden in the Caucasus Mountains, looks like the ruins of a medieval village at first glance. The crypts with the remains of the dead look like white houses with roofs. Only when you get closer do you realize what it really is.

By official version Valley residents buried loved ones there. Each family had a separate crypt. How more people buried there, the higher he is. Some sources claim that the oldest crypts date back to XVI century, supposedly at that time the plague was rampant in the neighboring territories, and the village became a burial place for dead patients.

Interesting fact: recently it was planned to film a new horror film in Dargavs, but the residents of the Republic took this news negatively, since for them the necropolis is sacred. As a result, the shooting was postponed.

This is the old necropolis of Moscow, containing a large number of tombstones that can be called works of art. Most of the time they are creations outstanding artists, architects and other craftsmen. The Vagankovskoe cemetery was founded in 1771. At first it served to bury patients who died from the plague, then the poor were buried there.

Celebrities appeared here only in the 19th century. Now on the territory of the Vagankovo ​​necropolis you can find the burial places of famous Russian figures: Vladimir Vysotsky, Alexander Abdulov, Vladimir Voroshilov, Bulat Okudzhava, Oleg Dahl, Sergei Yesenin. To see the most interesting places, you can book a tour with local guides.

Especially stands out on Vagankovskoe cemetery the grave of the famous criminal Sonya “Golden Hand”. It is believed to bring good luck and material gain. Therefore, “pilgrims” come to her (mostly representatives of the criminal world, although there are also ordinary people). They write down their requests on paper and leave them near Sonya. The statue, by the way, is missing arms and head. They say that it was broken off by some drunk man who was trying to climb in and kiss his idol.

But people come to Vysotsky’s grave for inspiration. Some even claim that the poet is somehow mystically helps them compose lyrics and poems. His monument also deserves attention: the sculptor sculpted Vysotsky from bronze, wrapped in a peculiar straitjacket, and bursting out of flames. Next to him is his eternal companion – a guitar.

Yesenin's grave is notorious for its sadness. Near her, many people took their own lives, following the example of the sad famous poet. It all started with his friend Galina Benislavskaya. She came to Yesenin’s burial place and shot herself in the head with a revolver. She was subsequently buried next to her lover.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery still keeps many secrets. It is worth visiting and getting acquainted with the history and legends of the local “residents”.

Novodevichy Cemetery

Another popular cemetery among Russians, which is an object of the country’s cultural heritage, is Novodevichye. This is because many celebrities are buried here - N.S. Khrushchev, A.N. Tolstoy, M.A. Bulgakov, N.V. Gogol, V.I. Vernadsky and others. The monuments erected in their honor are true masterpieces.

One of the most unusual graves Novodevichy Cemetery belongs to Yuri Nikulin - a well-known Soviet actor. The sculpture depicts Nikulin sitting with a cigarette in his hand. It reflects the simplicity and sincerity of this person.

A marble chapel was erected in memory of Chekhov. And a memorial to the recognized surgeon A.N. Bakulev, the founder of cardiovascular surgery, looks like two hands holding a large red stone - a symbol of the heart.

Original tombstones

Père Lachaise is a large Parisian necropolis, which is visited by more than 3 million tourists annually. Why is he attractive? A huge number of famous figures found their final resting place on Père Lachaise: from composer Frederic Chopin to writer Gertrude Stein and musician Jim Morrison.

In addition, each grave has its own design. On top of some there are busts of the deceased, and near others there are amazing statues. For example, above the burial site of Oscar Wilde there is a sphinx carved from a 20-ton piece of wood. The memorial at the grave of musician and actor Fernand Arbelo depicts him holding his wife's face so that he can look at her face forever.

Merry tombstones

In the Romanian village of Sapinta there is a cemetery called Merry. The point is in unusual colored tombstones with images of scenes from the life of the deceased and a bizarre epitaph.

Such monuments turned a dull place into something cheerful and bright. Although, if you look closely at them, you will notice that the drawings and phrases engraved on the tombstones are not so joyful. For example, one of them depicts a man who was hit by a truck. Another contains the inscription “don’t disturb my mother-in-law, otherwise she will bite your head off.”

The monuments were carved from wood and hand-painted by a local artist. He continued to do this business until his death in 1977, having completed more than 800 objects. Now the cemetery has been turned into a museum, which is popular among tourists.

It is quite natural that Jules Verne is the father science fiction, will unusual monument. 2 years after his death, a sculpture was installed entitled “Vers l’Immortalité et l’Eternelle Jeunesse” (“Towards immortality and eternal youth"). The statue depicts the writer breaking a tombstone and emerging from a crypt.

A strange procession that never moves

Surprisingly, this monument belongs to the grave of only one person - Colonel Henry G. Wooldridge. It is located in Maplewood Cemetery, Kentucky. The statues were built under the direction of the military man during his lifetime. It took 7 years to create from stone all the people dear to him whom he had lost, including his mother, sisters, and wife. There is also a sculpture of Henry Wooldridge's favorite horse on the grave.

Crying angel

This statue commemorates Francis Haseroth, a Seattle entrepreneur. A seated bronze angel of human height holds an inverted torch - a symbol of extinct life. The mysticism of the angel is added by the black “tears” that seem to flow from his eyes.

Unusual tombstones can be found in probably every cemetery. People erect in honor of loved ones or in memory of themselves not only beautiful monuments depicting a person resting under it, but also statues in the form of cars, pieces of furniture, theater stage, favorite animals. There is even a tombstone with a computer carved into it, as well as a cell phone!

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