On what day is a person buried in Georgia? The last journey in Abkhazia

"Holy Mountain"- exactly local residents called Mount Mtatsminda in Tbilisi. Built here Pantheon(necropolis) – burial place greatest personalities Georgia: writers, scientists, public figures, artists and national heroes. Landmark - the Church of St. David of Garej, in Georgian - "Mamadaviti".
From the height of the site where it is located temple with pantheon, there are stunning views of the city that you can admire for an endlessly long time.

Get to the temple It’s quite simple - a funicular railway rises here from the city center. This middle station funicular, that’s what it’s called - Pantheon (Griboedov's grave). A little higher is the Tbilisi TV tower, the Ferris Wheel, and Mtatsminda Park. In principle, if it is not too difficult for you, then you can climb on foot.

The official opening date is considered to be 1929, although the temple itself contains several burials from the pre-revolutionary period.
For example, the first significant, epochal event was the burial of a prominent Russian writer, politician and diplomat, poet and pianist A. Griboyedova(in 1829) in a grotto, under the church. Later, his wife, Georgian princess Nino Chavchavadze, found her peace here (in 1857). Thus, the official opening of the pantheon was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the tragic date of the death of the famous playwright in Iran (Persia) at the hands of religious fanatics, where he was sent as a Russian ambassador. Historians believe that almost all members of the Russian diplomatic mission died then, with the exception of one. A. Griboyedov was brutally pelted with stones, and then savagely hacked to pieces with daggers.
To settle such a terrifying scandal, the Shah of Persia personally sent his son to St. Petersburg to the Russian Tsar Nicholas I with rich gifts, including the “Shah” diamond, decorated with numerous emeralds and expensive rubies, which served as decoration for the throne of the Great Mongols, such was the price of the diplomat’s life .
The wife transported the body of the deceased from Tehran to Tiflis (Tbilisi). A. Griboyedov died at the age of only 33 years, his wife was quite young - 16 years old, but the age difference did not in the least interfere with the special, sophisticated romance of falling in love with which they bestowed each other. This is truly Touching story love and devotion, because the princess remained faithful to her husband until the end of her life: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory, but why did she outlive you, my love?”

In the territory Pantheon such eminent personalities as the poet, publicist and outstanding public figure Ilya Chavchavadze(“Father of the Fatherland”, Saint Elijah, canonized in 1987 by the GOC), actor and director Abashidze V. A., film actress Veriko Andzhaparidze, romantic poet Nikoloz Baratashvili, dissident and first President Zviad Gamsakhurdia, mother of Stalin Ekaterina Geladze, journalist, playwright and translator David Eristavi, ballet dancer Vakhtang Chabukiani and many others. The list of prominent figures of Georgia is quite impressive (over 40 people), this is genuine National Pantheon of Glory, a significant cultural, historical and religious site of the Georgian capital.

Pantheon belongs to the municipality of Tbilisi and belongs to a number of popular attractions of the city; excursions are constantly held here for local youth and guests of the city, telling about interesting facts from individual biography and epoch-making moments historical events related to activities bright personalities Georgia. You can often watch the wedding of local couples here.

The history of the rocky site on which it is now located Church and Pantheon Tbilisi, is quite entertaining - it arose in ancient times as a result of the collapse holy mount of david, the collapsed piece strengthened in this place, as if indicating the place for the construction of a new temple.

In the territory Pantheon there is a healing spring with consecrated drinking water, flowing from a cleft in the mountain, and a cave where, according to legend, he lived David Garejsky, who led an ascetic life and came down to the city only on Thursdays. Among the beliefs that have developed among tourists around the source is about the fulfillment of desires. All you have to do is make a wish, dip a pebble in spring water and lean it against the wall of the temple - if it holds, the wish will certainly come true. Be sure to visit this place during.

Customs associated with funerals are a significant part of the culture of every nation. They vary: in some countries they strive for a luxurious and solemn funeral, in others, on the contrary, for a modest one, in the circle of those closest to them. Some nations bury the dead in the ground, others set fire to it or float the bodies down the river. What do we know about the traditions and rituals of other countries?

Funeral in Germany

In Germany, the most pressing problem of funerals is the cynicism of funeral parlors and the very high prices to organize a funeral even for Europe.

A normal funeral costs from 7 thousand euros, the most budget ones cost at least 3 thousand. Germans complain not only about the price, but also about the bureaucracy associated with paperwork. Because of this, 1.5-2 months may pass from the moment of death to the burial ceremony. Cemetery places are also expensive - from 2,500 euros. Plus, you must pay an annual fee for landscaping the site.

The Germans are far from a poor people, but such expenses are quite a serious burden for the average family.

Therefore, now many German residents, especially at an advanced age, open funeral accounts while they are still alive, so that if something happens, financial issues do not bother their relatives. If the deceased did not have a funeral bill, and it is difficult for relatives to pay all the expenses, cremation is carried out instead of burial. It is cheaper than burial in the ground, although not by much. The poor population, mainly emigrants, turn to special services to save money. These services take bodies for cremation in the Czech Republic, which is cheaper.

How do they bury themselves in Brazil?

Here, unlike Germany, relatives have a choice. You can organize a funeral for $100 or several thousand.

It can be done for free - at the expense of the state, or you can agree on an installment plan. Cremation is not prohibited, but the bulk of burials are in the ground. Although there are some nuances here too. The cemetery space is leased for only three years.

Then the lease must be extended, otherwise the remains will be buried in a common burial vault, and the grave will be rented to another family. main feature funeral in Brazil - devotion to one's family. Brazilians try to bury their dead the way they lived - as a large family.

Therefore, “reserving” places in a cemetery is quite common.

Funeral traditions Georgia

Another country with pronounced family traditions- Georgia.

Georgians, whose possessions include land and big house, bury the remains of their relatives in family tombs. But there is also municipal cemeteries, with paid plots, but quite accessible to the population.

Since the official religion of Georgia is Orthodoxy, people are buried here according to Orthodox customs. Therefore, it is not customary to cremate remains. Feature funeral in Georgia - a magnificent, generous wake.

A modest meal is considered unworthy of the memory of the deceased, and a bad rumor may spread about a family that “spared” on funeral treats.

Burial and commemoration in Israel

Funerals in Israel differ markedly from burial traditions in other countries. But the point is not in the state itself, but in the beliefs of the Jews.

The entire organization of the funeral is undertaken by the monopoly funeral bureau - Chevra Kadisha.

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Georgia is a country with many legends. One of them says that when God distributed the earth among the peoples, the Georgians were busy with a feast on the occasion of the creation of the world. Having raised toasts, they still came. But it turned out that they were too late. Then the Georgians said: “Sorry, dear, we’re late - we drank to your health.” God thought and said: “I have saved a piece of land here for myself, but for your spontaneity and directness I am giving it to you! Remember that the land is very beautiful and incomparable to anything, and people will admire and admire it in all ages.” It happened as the Almighty said. For many centuries now, everyone has admired the beauty of a small but proud country.

Agree, interesting legend? And how many of these you will hear during your trip to Georgia! Don't count!

But the number of facts in our article is limited. And all of them, believe me, are no less interesting than ancient myths.

  1. Sakartvelo - this is what Georgians call their country. This word comes from the name of the people who lived in the territory present Georgia- Kartvelians. The word "Georgia" came into our language in the 17th-18th centuries from the Arabic "Gurjistan".


  1. IN Ancient world Georgia and Spain were called the same - Iberia. And the language of the Basques (the people living in Spain) is very similar to Georgian.
  2. Georgia adopted Christianity much earlier than Ukraine. Back in 319.
  3. In the Georgian language there is no stress as such, only the tone rises on a certain syllable. Also in Georgian there are no capital letters, there is no masculine and feminine gender (it is determined by context).

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  1. In the Georgian language there are words with 8 consonants in a row -გვფრცქვნის (gvprtskvnis). But this is not even a “ceiling” - in the famous Georgian work “The Knight in the Tiger’s Skin” a word with 11 consonants in a row is used - ვეფხვთმბრდღვნელი and sounds - vefhvtmbrdgvneli.
  2. Before you pronounce a Georgian word, make sure it sounds correctly. After all, you can find yourself in a funny situation when one wrong sound radically changes the meaning of the word.
  3. The Georgian language uses the base-20 system for naming numbers. To pronounce a number between 20 and 100, you need to divide it into twenties and say their number and remainder. For example: 33 is twenty-thirteen, and 78 is three-twenty-eighteen.


  1. Even in the Georgian language, all known and native words sound like this: “mama” is dad, “deda” is mom, “bebia” is grandmother, “babua” or “papa” is grandfather.
  2. The remains of the first representatives of the human race were found on the territory of Georgia. They were discovered in 1991 in Dmanisi and date back to approximately 1 million 770 thousand years ago. They were given the names Zezva and Mzia.

© oxun.ge
  1. Russian is spoken mainly by older people in Georgia. Russian is unpopular among young people and has very limited use. In the mountains no one owns it at all. Now in the country, English is vying to become the second official language in Georgia; children learn it in schools from the first grade.
  2. Georgia strives to become a tourist Mecca for the whole world. Therefore, all signs, information boards and tablets are made in Georgian and English languages, even turns to the smallest villages.
  3. Time in Georgia is 2 hours ahead of Kiev in winter, and 1 hour in summer.
  4. If you have drunk a lot while visiting and do not want to get behind the wheel of your car, then calmly call the police patrol, warning in advance that you do not want to create emergency situations on the road. In gratitude for this behavior, the police will take you and the car to your home. And it's all absolutely free.

© chistoprudov, chistoprudov.livejournal.com
  1. In Georgian high-rise buildings, elevators with payment or a personal key are very often found. Elevators with payment - to go up, you need to put a certain number of coins into the mechanism. The descent is free.
  2. One of the many attractions of Georgia is the laundry hanging from everywhere, which Georgians place not on the balcony, but outside it.

© commons.wikimedia.org
  1. Don't be surprised if you see men kissing on the cheek in Georgia. After all, according to Georgian tradition, everyone kisses when they meet.
  2. Not all houses in Georgia have central heating. In villages and small towns, people warm themselves using stoves.

Yesterday I was at the funeral of our friend’s mother... In connection with this, I wanted to write how funeral ceremonies take place in Georgia... Our funeral days are Tuesday and Thursday, they also bury people on Sunday and Saturday sometimes... They do embalming right away, i.e. To. it takes several days for the funeral procession.. All relatives, neighbors, friends, acquaintances, co-workers are notified.. Documents are drawn up at the funeral agency, and a conclusion from the doctor and the police is required... All paraphernalia is bought right there... For believers in churches order a prayer service and bring a priest who conducts the ritual of earthing the deceased.. At the head of the coffin an offering is placed in the form of fire - a candle, water - in a glass and added as it evaporates, smells - incense, flowers, grains of wheat and sometimes food: fruits, sweets , wine, although the priests say that food is no longer needed.. Before the day of the funeral, days of farewell to the deceased are appointed - a memorial service, in which people who not only know the deceased, but also all the acquaintances and friends of family members come to support in difficult moments of separation. .

So as not to sound very sad and not to traumatize sensitive hearts, I will first write how I got there.

My husband couldn’t take time off from work for the funeral due to his workload - he just got back from vacation... So he sent me with condolences and apologies... As always, I do everything at the last minute... Time is running out - I need to have time to buy flowers and get to I'm taking it out. I didn’t buy flowers - there weren’t any decent ones where I usually buy them..

In order not to waste time, I get into the first taxi I see in the parking lot. I tell the taxi driver that I’m in a hurry to go to the funeral and need to buy flowers on the way... The driver starts the car, but it won’t start, he’s nervous, he doesn’t want to lose a client, he apologizes a hundred times, fusses: “I’ll fix everything quickly!” He jumps out of the car, opens the hood and twitches something. He gets into the car, starts it, doesn’t start again..., jumps out of the car and asks other taxi drivers to help, gets into the car. The drivers come up and start pushing the car forward. We pushed it a few meters - it wouldn’t start... Let’s go back, they say, push it. They push it back and again it won’t start... Then one says, let me pick you up, the driver jumps out of the car, takes out a thick rope, hooks it up, and gets into the car. We are driven a little ahead and the car reluctantly starts up with a dissatisfied cough and grumbling) The driver runs out, removes the rope, and gets into the car. Finally we eat! At the same time, he kept looking at my facial expression and said that now, now... It’s already inconvenient to leave a person in trouble and leave him without income - that’s how the person gets worried))) Well, that’s it - let’s go. I say that I hope you know better than me how to drive faster without traffic jams... But for some reason we are driving through all the traffic lights and traffic jams... As I understand it, it was important for him to buy flowers, and if he drove along the embankment, then there will be no flowers there anymore - the task was to deliver and buy flowers))

I don't know the exact address. I agreed on my mobile phone with a friend where he would be waiting for me, just in case I clarified the address - where it is visually... I see that I don’t have time to buy flowers and this is no longer relevant - I wish I could make it in time for takeout... We drive past the planned meeting - no one no... I say, let's move on... We've driven a little and it's already too late to turn into the alley, because... the funeral procession has taken place and the people are seated in the accompanying vehicles - buses, cars... I quickly jump out of the taxi - fortunately I have already paid in advance on the way (at least I succeeded in this!) and throw myself around with condolences and apologies to a friend who is making his last orders for accommodating people... By the way, the friend with whom I agreed to meet was still on the road and didn’t arrive.. Later, I was just in time for the wake..

We take them to the largest cemetery for burial. It’s very warm in the city, but you have to go up to the mountains - it’s always windy and cool there... After farewell and burial, an offering is made of a little of everything from the funeral table - food, wine - this remains the work... Then we go to the banquet hall, where the tables are set people for 150...

The ritual funeral table also consists of a certain set of dishes. Usually these are snack bars with cold dishes according to the season. In this case, these are three types of mkhali - badrizhdan with nuts, green beetroot with nuts, beet tops with nuts, fresh tomato-cucumber salad, a plate with various greens - parsley, leeks, regan sprigs, green pepper pods; bread-lavash, mchadi - flatbreads made from corn flour, lobiani, two types of cheese, three types of fish - fish satsivi, tsotskhali - small boiled fish, and in a sauce with vinegar and herbs, stewed mushrooms, even caviar was with butter. Then hot dishes are served, carried by waiters and also in a certain order: boiled beans in a thick sauce, boiled potatoes sprinkled with dill, hot khachapuri, spicy meat in small pieces in tomato sauce, khashlama - boiled pieces of meat and the commemoration ends with pilaf, which is served by order of the toastmaster..B Lately served in two types: sweet option- rice with raisins and apricots and lamb pilaf with black pepper and cumin. Yes, there is also boiled wheat on the table in cups, seasoned with raisins, nuts and honey...

The drinks on the table are dry white wine, lemonade and Borjomi. The number of toasts is also ritual: first for the deceased, for the deceased herself, for her deceased parents, for the relatives of the deceased on her mother’s side and on her father’s side, for all those who died untimely, died in wars, for all those present in the hall who have left. Then it’s the turn to honor the living: for the health of the husband, brothers and sisters, relatives, children, grandchildren, neighbors, co-workers, friends, friends of family members present... Don’t be alarmed - the glasses are small for wine and everyone has a snack...

It is worth adding that in different regions There are customs that vary slightly, but in general they follow this scenario... It is customary to put in a small amount of money and as a result, as a rule, such large expenses are covered...

After the funeral it is considered bad omen to go to someone’s house - it’s better to go straight to your own... But some friends, drunk from wine, all wanted to come to us, and I said that it doesn’t matter to you - go to yours) Still, we persuaded our girlfriends and came to us for coffee , though through the store - it still didn’t work out that way)..

Ksenia Maksimova


Funerals in Germany are an expensive undertaking. On average they cost 7 thousand euros. Much depends on the burial site, services and attributes. According to statistics, 60% of the deceased are buried in coffins, and 40% are cremated.

The option of burial in a coffin in a cemetery is the most expensive. You cannot buy a place, you can only rent it and pay a fee for it. Typically such an agreement is concluded for twenty years. After this period, the rental space can be extended if desired.

The average price for a place in a German cemetery is 2,400 euros. To this amount you need to add another 600-800 euros per year for grave care. The larger locality, the more expensive. Prices in cemeteries located at churches are usually lower than those indicated in the price lists of municipal cemeteries.

The elderly father of a friend of mine from Düsseldorf had long ago opened a funeral account in the bank, into which he deposited 20 thousand euros. He is a believer, it is important for him that he be carried out on his final journey according to everyone. church canons. But money does not solve all problems. Another friend’s son committed suicide, and the parents had to do a lot of running around before finding the deceased’s final resting place. The cemeteries refused to accept the suicide, and he was eventually buried, by agreement, in the cemetery of the Jewish community. Another one young man, who threw himself under a train at the end of summer, his parents were allowed to bury him without dispute in the center of the most famous Berlin cemetery. True, I had to pay almost 8 thousand euros, and at the same time book a seat next to my son for myself.

The most modest option is anonymous cremation, it will cost 2 thousand. Afterwards, you can do whatever you want with the ashes. For example, bury it in the ground in a cemetery, in a special forest, place it in a columbarium, or scatter it over the sea.

It usually takes six to eight weeks from the date of death to the funeral

Funeral expenses literally become the last debt that must be paid to the relatives of the deceased. By law, these expenses fall on the shoulders of heirs or blood relatives. Sometimes it happens that, for example, adult woman The bill for the funeral of her father, whom she saw three times in her life and then in distant childhood, falls on her head. Relatives can also become a hindrance in the process of sending off on their last journey. For example, a 63-year-old resident of Munich has been forced to keep an urn with her husband’s ashes at home for six months. It turned out that the man somewhere had a daughter from his first marriage, with whom he did not maintain any relationship. The widow cannot find the daughter of the deceased, and without her consent the urn is not allowed to be buried.

As elsewhere, the funeral business in Germany is extremely profitable and cynical. Internet forums are filled with complaints from relatives on whom cunning agents are profiting. The problems are the same as in Russia: competing firms vying with each other to offer their services, before the person has time to let out last breath, and sell grief-stricken loved ones expensive coffins and unnecessary accessories.

The prohibitive prices for funerals have given rise to a new service in Germany. Recently, companies have appeared here offering funeral arrangements at several times cheaper prices. Such intermediaries take the deceased to a kind of transshipment morgue, wait for a whole truckload of bodies to accumulate (this can take several months), and then transport the cargo to the neighboring Czech Republic. There, cremation and subsequent burial are incomparably cheaper.

Another problem is with timing. It is simply impossible to bury the deceased according to Christian customs, on the third day (and even more so according to Muslim customs - before sunset). It usually takes six to eight weeks from the date of death to the funeral. If you're very lucky, you can do it in two to three weeks. It's a matter of bureaucracy: it's faster to collect everything necessary documents and it won’t be possible to sign up for the funeral. Everyone dies, so get in line!


Sergiu Grimalschi

psychosocial consultant

There are no crematoria in Romania; people are buried in coffins in a cemetery or in crypts. If the cemetery is central, in Bucharest or another large city, then the place is expensive, on average 3-3.5 thousand euros, or even more. The rich love luxurious funerals. One of my friends found out that she had cancer and wanted to take care of a good grave in advance - they told her an amount that could buy several cars. And to lie in the Bellu cemetery, where celebrities are buried, finances alone are not enough, you also need connections. In small towns it’s cheaper, but in the villages it’s completely free. But you bought it once, and you don’t have to pay more. In Romanian this is called “eternal place”.

Cemetery space can be resold if, for example, a family leaves the region. Some poor people do this because they can get good money for a plot of land. And the next generations, in order not to buy land, are buried in floors. The remains of the deceased are dug up, the grave is deepened, reburied, and then covered with a slab and placed on top of the next one.

If relatives stop visiting the grave, the cemetery administration eventually removes it and sells it to others. This frees up space. IN rural areas, where many families have enough land (sometimes seven hectares), they are buried not in the cemetery, but in their own plot, somewhere in the distance, under an oak tree.


Evelina Hesse


The funeral itself costs from 100 to 4 thousand euros, depending on the quality of the coffin and other accessories. If there is no money, then the deceased will be buried free of charge, at the expense of the state. The family simply needs to declare that their income does not allow them to pay for the funeral. This happens in every fourth case. Another option for low-income people is to pay for the funeral in installments.

A place in the cemetery costs approximately 45 euros per square meter for three years, in a columbarium - 131 euros for five years. IN major cities prices are a little higher, in small ones - a little lower. After three years, you have to pay for the land again or take out the bones and place them in a special tomb. If no one cares about the remains, then after this period they will be sent to a common burial vault.

If the cemetery is overcrowded, then the administration itself can ask to “vacate the premises” after three years. Also, after three years, first-degree relatives may request that the body be exhumed for reburial elsewhere or for cremation.

In Sao Paulo, the following law applies: if a person bequeathed his organs for transplantation, then his family will not have to pay certain taxes and bills associated with his death.

There are no prestigious cemeteries. For wealthy people, it is more important that family members be buried in the same plot. The rich often buy this land in advance. Usually they choose either a cemetery that is located near the place where the deceased lived, or one where other family members are buried. If the deceased had special wishes for their funeral (for example, scattering ashes over Lake Titicaca in Peru), this is taken into account where possible.


Andrey Mikhailov


In Norway, cemetery sites are distributed by the church. The location of the burial depends on which parish the person belonged to and where he lived. If suddenly a family wants a grave in the wrong place, and there are limited places, they need to send a special request to the church. During their lifetime, Norwegians pay church tax - 2 percent of their salary, so the costs of paperwork are not very high.

The ceremony costs from 2 thousand euros. The cemetery plot itself is purchased for twenty years. But relatives have to pay for grave care. Gardener services cost from 100 euros per year. After twenty years, the contract can be renewed (it costs approximately 100 euros per year), otherwise the place will be taken away. By the way, you can reserve a place in the cemetery for yourself during your lifetime; this also costs about 100 euros per year. You can keep an empty grave for no longer than twenty years. If the deceased has no relatives left or lived on social benefits, the state will cover all funeral expenses, including the ceremony.


Anna Gracheva


Finland has two state religions - Lutheranism and Orthodoxy. If the deceased was a parishioner, then he will be buried in an active cemetery, Lutheran or Orthodox, where there is space. It will not be possible to bypass this rule and agree on a place where the relatives want: in Finland, bribes are strict. All parishioners pay a church tax - 1.75 percent of their salary per year - so their funeral service is free. As a rule, in the same church they organize

wake. It could be just coffee and buns, or maybe a whole table, like in Russia. The amount of food depends on how much money the deceased had. It is interesting that relatives do not pay anything for the funeral; everything is paid from the money of the deceased. If the deceased did not have savings, then the state helps, and benefits are allocated for the funeral. Relatives only buy bouquets for the grave with their own money.

A person is buried only after a doctor’s conclusion. Orthodox Christians try to bury on the third day, since the coffin in the church is opened for the funeral service. Lutherans sometimes bury them even after a month and a half (they wait until all the relatives have arrived, so that everything is convenient for everyone), the coffin is not opened for farewell.

A friend of mine's father-in-law died.
She got into debt and organized a funeral for 600 people

Again, if the deceased was a member of the church, the grave will be dug free of charge. If you were an atheist, you will have to pay for this service. IN small towns it costs 250 euros for two places for 25 years. In general, funeral arrangements are carried out, as elsewhere, by special bureaus. Most often, a standard kit costs from 750 to 5 thousand euros.

A separate expense item is an advertisement in the newspaper. It costs from 240 to 2 thousand euros. And this is not just a whim of relatives. Such publication has legal force and indicates the date of death. Within six months from the date of death, everyone who has property claims against the deceased (debts, disputes, litigation) can report them to a notary, so that after this period, when the inheritance case is opened, the debts of the deceased will be deducted from the inheritance.


Evelina Menteshashvili-Vyazovska


There are 26 departmental cemeteries in Tbilisi. If a family does not have a family burial vault, then they need to contact the city administration. The administration will allocate a place that will need to be purchased. Such a departmental place and the funeral itself will cost 250 lari (about 125 euros). In fifteen years, with the permission of the sanitary service, it will be possible to make a new burial here. If the deceased belonged to the category of “socially vulnerable persons,” then the mayor’s office will cover all expenses for his funeral. There are no crematoria in Georgia yet, Orthodox Church against cremation.

But there are also expensive cemeteries. The price for a place there starts from a thousand lari (500 euros). At such funerals there are usually rich commemorations, and this is a separate large expense item, because no less than 150 people are invited to them.

A friend of mine, the owner of a vegetable stall, had her father-in-law die. They came to Tbilisi from western Georgia, where it is customary to organize weddings and funerals on a grand scale - such a custom. She got into debt and organized a funeral for 600 people. He says it cost 10 thousand dollars. And this is not counting funeral services and gravestones. Then, due to debts, the woman had to sell the apartment. She relied heavily on financial contributions from friends and relatives. (It is our custom to provide financial assistance to the family of the deceased.) But, oddly enough, she was unable to collect enough money. It’s strange, because usually there is so much money that there is enough left over to organize the forties. As a result, this woman is now selling her shop.


Leah Geldman

Beinisrael portal editor

All funerals in Israel are organized through a religious institution, both legally and at the state level. We deal with them Hevrat Kadisha (from Hebrew “chevra” - “company”, “Kaddish” - prayer for the deceased). Hevrat Kadisha is the same as the Russian Railways company in the Russian market railways. They have taken such a place that everyone is forced to turn to them - I don’t even know if there are other companies that

doing funerals. Hevrat Kadisha is run by religious radicals - their website is not even open on Saturdays (Shabbat). Unfortunately, they created a bribe system, which once again gave the secular population a reason to hate themselves and call themselves “ohley hinam” - “those who eat for free,” at the expense of other citizens, taxes, the state, and so on. For example, they make lucrative offers for spouses burying their departed loved ones: “Buy yourself land next to your spouse, and we’ll give you a discount for it.” The corpse itself is not cremated in Israel; this is not a Jewish rite. The funeral ceremony requires the presence of seven adult men at the ceremony. And then everything follows Jewish traditions: seven days of complete mourning, forty days of wake, and so on.

The average cost of a funeral is about 1.5-2 thousand dollars. Of these, $200 is the cost of Hevrat Kadisha services, about $1,400-1,500 is for the monument (part of this amount is often covered by compulsory civil insurance), then $50 for prayer to the rabbi at the cemetery, another $30 for the gravedigger, and $15 for the memorial prayer a month later.

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