How to open a municipal cemetery. How we develop “Open Cemetery”

Some resourceful entrepreneurs may be interested in the question of how to open a cemetery for people and how to draw up a business plan with calculations. After all, there is always a demand for a place to bury relatives. And the acute problem with the shortage and high cost of such services among government agencies gives rise to thoughts about the implementation of the private sector in this direction.

And if in more developed countries a similar practice already exists long years, then this is still only in the government’s plans. It is quite possible that this project will be realized in the near future, but now the situation is quite tense and confusing.


The problem of finding a place to bury people is becoming more acute every year. This problem is partially solved by crematoria, without taking up much space and observing certain environmental rules for nature conservation. And yet the need for cemeteries, especially in major cities and megacities, remains.

Today, finding a grave for a deceased relative is possible only after a long search and expensive bribes. The situation is a little simpler for those families who have worried in advance about having their own family fenced plot, where they plan to bury several generations in a row.

Prohibitions and laws

IN modern conditions In our country, there are standards that provide only municipal plots for the construction of graves. And in most cases they are already full. Only in some regions is this issue resolved using semi-legal methods, when a private individual rents land for a cemetery from the city administration and helps bury people for a reasonable fee in an accessible area.

According to the law, we will not be able to open a private cemetery yet. At the official level, such activities are outside government agency prohibited. Although the Duma already has enough a long period this topic is being actively discussed and some supporters are trying to promote legislation to introduce private practice in opening cemeteries.

Animal services

Things are a little different when it comes to burying pets. The laws of the Russian Federation do not say a word about this, which for most entrepreneurs means that such activities are not prohibited.

And according to regulatory documents for sanitary and epidemiological control, the corpse of an animal of any kind is classified as other biological waste that must be disposed of. Similar activities can also be performed by a private entrepreneur.

It is only important to do this in accordance with the same standards - to bury in graves to a depth of at least 2 meters, and each of the cells must be protected on all sides by concrete ceilings. In this case, you need to act in close contact with the veterinary service and disinfect everything that touched the corpse.

Funeral services for burying pets are considered quite in demand, since in Moscow alone there are about 200 thousand dogs living in apartments or in private areas, as well as at least 2.5 million other pets (from cats to reptiles).

Being attached to them as family members, people want to arrange a funeral for them no worse than for a person. Therefore, they are ready to pay any money just to give their pet his due after his death.

Required documents

In Russia, a system for organizing a cemetery as a business has not yet been established. But such private sectors, at least for animals, are increasingly appearing near metropolitan areas. It should be immediately noted that this process is quite complex and lengthy, requiring an approach to government officials, restraint, large financial investments and patience.

The paperwork begins with the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, which generally takes the least time. Even an individual entrepreneur can easily organize a private cemetery for animals within the framework of Russian legislation. In this case, the following are indicated OKVED codes:

  • 93.03 – provision of funeral services, etc.;
  • 52.48.34 – sale of various accessories for performing rituals;
  • 91.31 – refers to the religious side of the matter;
  • 93.05 – includes other personal services;
  • 71.34 – rental of a hearse or other vehicles.

The taxation system in this case may be simplified. But that's not all. To develop a site, you will have to not only find a suitable territory, but also draw up a long-term operation agreement (49 years) with the possibility of extending the lease. After all, it will not be possible to register such a plot as property.

You should also draw up a cadastral plan of the area, a passport for the land and indicate its intended purpose. Obtain permission from the government authorities for the construction of various premises - a crematorium, burial ground, etc.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to coordinating activities with sanitary and epidemiological control, because you will have to constantly cooperate with them and obtain various certificates. When burying animals, you must also obtain permits from the veterinary service, with which you should establish contact initially.

You can download it here as a sample.

Organizational aspects

It is important to find a comfortable and spacious place relatively far from the city. At the same time, clients should be comfortable getting to it by their own or public transport. In order to inspire a desire to use burial services in this particular area, it is advisable to improve it - plant trees, bushes, and arrange various buildings for service personnel.

In order for the chosen place to meet all the requirements of the regulatory authorities, it is advisable to carefully study documents such as the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” No. 52 of March 30, 1999 and the Federal Law “On Burial and Funeral Business” No. 263 of December 29, 2006. Among the main parameters are:

  1. Certain distance from residential buildings.
  2. Lack of landfills and industrial zones nearby.
  3. The ground is also prepared accordingly, and in some cases a fresh layer of soil is brought in.
  4. It is mandatory to have fences around the common area to prevent wild or stray animals from entering it.
  5. Security of the site is also provided.

Pay attention to the desired dimensions of the free space. Since the land is leased for 49 years and it is desirable to extend it in the future, income should be received throughout this period. After all, if the space runs out much earlier, the success of the business will be in doubt. The recommended plot size is at least 10 hectares of land.

The entrepreneur also needs to take care of purchasing the following specialized equipment:

  • freezer for hearse;
  • surgical instruments for opening an animal for examination;
  • cremation oven;
  • refrigeration equipment for corpses;
  • lighting fixtures with the ability to move them to any place.

Some buildings will have to be built on the site - a crematorium, an administrative building, a hall for funeral services, mausoleums, a religious institution. It will be convenient if a veterinary clinic is located on the same territory. Thus, there is no need to transport the animal in special transport and carry out additional disinfection of all surfaces.

Although the cemetery business does not involve mass advertising, especially with the help of the media, it is still necessary to somehow inform the population about the services provided. For this it is recommended to use following channels:

  1. Create a website and conduct unobtrusive private advertising of funeral services on certain resources.
  2. Print out printed advertising materials (flyers, business cards) and leave them in places where they may be relevant, for example, in veterinary clinics, pet stores, etc.
  3. It is appropriate to order an information post from specialized publishing houses about animals, where the editor will allocate a place for it in the correct section.

Once local pet owners hear about you, the word will spread quickly through word of mouth. This is what will work for you for free and without extra effort. The owner of a private cemetery will only need to comply with the established prices for a wide variety of segments of the population (economy class, VIP sections) and provide a wide range of services at a high-quality level.

Video: ritual business.

Financial part

Almost no one can help with calculations in organizing a cemetery business. Existing entrepreneurs in this segment are reluctant to share such information as they are trying to protect themselves from competition. In addition, the amount of investment strongly depends on the region of the country, land prices, rented area and the list of buildings that the business owner is focusing on. In general, the indicators may be as follows.

Investments Price, in rubles
1 Construction of a crematorium and other structures 100 000
2 General arrangement of the territory 100 000
3 Purchase of equipment 200 000
Total: 400 000

To this you will have to add a significant amount to pay rent for the land, which ranges from 30-50 thousand per square meter. And also don’t forget about monthly expenses.

Depending on the services provided and the availability of related additional institutions, income also fluctuates greatly. Moreover, near a metropolis, the demand for such a cemetery is much higher than in remote areas, which will also affect the number of clients and their level of solvency.

With a competent approach, in large cities you can fully count on an annual profit of about 1 million rubles. Thanks to this, it will be possible to cover the initial investment within 6-18 months.

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There will be no dependence on the authorities. Any person who becomes an entrepreneur is responsible to himself. You just have to think about what is the best thing to do.

Private cemeteries in world practice

On the one hand, the idea of ​​creating a business to provide a final refuge is very logical. However, world practice shows that the solution to this issue is ambiguous.

Even in the New World and Europe a hundred years ago, the existence of private cemeteries was common.

At present, such an idea is clearly not welcomed by the authorities. Why is this happening? The fact is that many years of experience in running such a business have shown that privatization inevitably entails many problems associated with landscaping, as well as the right of ownership of graves located on a given territory.

Private cemeteries in Russia

Currently, the places where the final resting places are located are under the authority of the municipality. How to open a private cemetery? Today in Russia such business is contrary to current legislation. However, the Antimonopoly Federal Service has already made a proposal to change regulations.

There is a possibility that a number of legislative acts will still be amended, and private graveyards will appear on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that land plots will be allocated for them, leased for forty-nine years. According to experts, this will reduce the cost of funeral procedures. Once the lease expires, the cemetery will not be demolished. The authorities will conclude a new agreement on the use of the land plot for another forty-nine years.

Burial of pets

How to open a private cemetery until amendments to existing ones have been adopted legislative acts? Currently, a business idea for burying pets is being implemented in Russia. This problem is relevant not only for city residents. It also worries the population of rural areas.

Today, an increasing number of people keep animals in their city apartments. Pets often become practically members of the family. However, their life expectancy is much shorter than that of humans. The death of an animal turns out to be a tragic event for the owner. In addition, the burial of the animal becomes a big problem. It is impossible to do this within the city limits, and hardly anyone would dare to throw a dead pet into the trash.

Business idea

Currently, private cemeteries for pets exist near the capital. However, in the regions there are still many empty niches for such activities. Using this idea will not be difficult. In this case, you can receive good dividends.

First steps

In order to organize your own business for burying pets, you will need to draw up a business plan for the cemetery. This document should develop basic provisions regarding the provision of such services. First of all, a cemetery business plan is a document in which it is necessary to reflect the criteria for choosing a land plot.

This should be an area located either within the city or on its outskirts, but away from residential buildings. This stage the most difficult one, because it is necessary to select a site that is not of particular value to the city authorities. After this, you will need to sign a lease agreement.


The business plan for the cemetery should include putting the leased plot in order. Landscaping will consist of marking the area for buildings. For advertising purposes, you will need to arrange four to five graves.
The cemetery where pets will be buried must have the following:

A wall for cremated pets, which will be a brick structure divided into square meters;
- “Walk of Fame” for especially distinguished animals, who during their lifetime were rescuers, circus performers, etc.;
- economy and VIP class areas for clients with different financial capabilities;
- a service center for those owners who want to order a coffin, photo medallion, cemetery monuments and other ritual accessories for their deceased pets.

Initial Investment

How to open a cemetery? You will need a certain amount of initial capital. Cash investments are needed to pay for the rented land plot. The amount of this amount directly depends on the region in which the private cemetery is located. There will also be costs associated with landscaping the area. Their size can range from one hundred fifty to three hundred thousand rubles. To promote your business you will need advertising (prepare about ten thousand rubles).

What documents will be needed?

A pet cemetery business plan should include all the preparatory paperwork. A license to conduct this activity is not required. However, before starting work, it is necessary to conclude a number of agreements with environmental services, with sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as well as with the animal disease control station.

A deceased pet is subject to mandatory examination by a veterinarian. In addition, all services must be provided in compliance with existing anti-epizootic measures. Even transportation carried out in special vehicles requires special certificate number three.

A prerequisite for this business is the daily disinfection of vehicles providing zoo-ritual services. Once a month a specialist from the veterinary station should be invited. He will carry out a complete disinfection of vehicles.

List of services provided

Foreign experience shows that you can earn a good income by opening a pet ritual business. A pet sematary should make a good profit. Its specific dimensions will depend on the list of services provided. The main income of such cemeteries is generated from the amounts paid for rented cemetery space. A significant portion will be payment for the funeral services provided.

Cemetery prices in Moscow for one grave start from five thousand rubles per year. Owners whose pet's ashes are placed in the wall contribute a little less. The annual fee for a place is three thousand rubles. A grave located on the Walk of Fame is much more expensive. Here you will need to pay fifteen thousand rubles a year for one place.

If your company delivers animal corpses to a cemetery, you will need special transport equipped with a refrigeration chamber. The transportation fee will vary depending on the mileage.

You can build a building on the territory of the cemetery, equipping it with a cremation oven. If there is no financial opportunity, this can be done by a veterinary clinic, with which an appropriate agreement must be concluded. The cost of services provided by the crematorium will be about eight thousand rubles. This rate is set for individual burning of ashes.

The profitability of your business will also depend on the range of services of the service center, which can produce monuments and portraits of their beloved pets upon the owners’ orders.

It would be advisable to open an animal shelter not far from the cemetery. In it, the owners will be able to find a new friend. A veterinary hospital could also be built at the cemetery, which would provide services for euthanizing old and sick animals.

Now you can calculate the profitability of the pet ritual business. By renting burial sites, an amount from three hundred to five hundred thousand rubles per year will be received from every hundred clients. Providing funeral services will bring income from 0.5 to 1.5 million rubles. The services of the service center will allow you to charge clients from two hundred to seven hundred and fifty thousand rubles. Thus, the annual income will be from 1 to 2.75 million rubles.

“Open Cemetery” is a service where you can order grave care services online. It is important that you can go through the entire cycle of selecting services, paying, and agreeing on the quality of work performed without leaving your couch and from anywhere in the world.

Stage 1: The Unknown

In May 2014, I participated in the Open Data Portal Hackathon with my project Rip24. Then it was just an aggregator of ritual goods and services with a system of recommendations and ratings. But it was at this moment that the social significance of my business was appreciated by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, and I realized that I was moving in the right direction.

Then there was a series of competitions, “Harvests” and “Hackathons”, where we either took prizes or not, with varying degrees of success. At that time, Mikhail was already receiving hundreds of orders through his service for three years, without straining too much - solely due to organic growth. His project was noticed by Forbes, Business Quarter wrote about it, and one day Mikhail casually won with “Le Dor Va Dor” at Harvest in Yekaterinburg, where the service entered the top best projects of the Year according to the Mentors Club.

The first period of our life together we called it “The Unknown”.

Mikhail Sverdlov

One day in the summer of 2014, Lesha wrote to me and offered to collaborate. That’s when I decided that the project needed to be taken out of the niche category (at that time we were working in more than 40 cemeteries in the CIS and had a database of burials for each of them) into federal history without reference to religion. I needed reliable partners to work at the head office in Moscow. The guys seemed cheerful to me, and we very quickly came to an agreement, discussed plans and development strategy, after which we began to work on “taking over the world.”

Stage 2: Rethink

In the fall of 2014, we were invited to the IIDF accelerator. We are in set 6, which we are successfully completing at the time of writing. At the Foundation, we began federalization and testing product hypotheses for rapid scaling.

Mikhail Sverdlov

Co-founder of the Open Cemetery project

Our idea is that the ritual sphere in Russia is at a level far from such words as “convenience” and “transparency.” For a person who does not have the opportunity to travel to the cemetery on his own, it becomes incredibly difficult to take care of the resting place of a loved one. Our project allows you to order services for beautifying graves online, as well as receive photo reports in any way convenient for the customer

As we began to receive orders for cleaning cemeteries where we did not have a catalogue, we encountered the first pitfalls. We called this period of our lives “Rethinking”.

Stage 3: Awareness

Since the service was conceived not only for Moscow, but also for the regions of Russia and even the CIS countries, we identified the first and most important problem - the search for burials. It turned out that many people do not know or do not remember exactly where their relative is buried - they probably only know in which cemetery. And the fact that burials in cemeteries are often located chaotically in our country, and the cemeteries themselves are dimensionless and unstructured, makes the search almost impossible...

We decided to contact state organizations with the hope of getting at least some prototype of the burial base, and a terrible thing turned out. Such a database does not exist (!). I would call this period of the project’s life “Awareness”.

Mikhail Sverdlov

Co-founder of the Open Cemetery project

In fact, there is a base. First, there are huge paper “house books” with a sequential list of burials, sorted by date of death and with a signed grave number in the cemetery. As you correctly understand, this information does not in any way correlate with the actual location of the burial. At best, the detail goes only to the number of the square, in which more than 5,000 people could be buried.

Another option is a “knowledge base” in the mind of the caretaker. She works as long as the caretaker works at the cemetery. It’s paradoxical, but in many regions where we have done cataloging, cemeteries themselves use our system. In Kazan and Saratov they even ordered turnkey cataloging from us with the compilation of a map of burials. This was just the beginning of our B2B branch, when we implement for a region or cemetery a management system with CRM, a communication strategy with customers, a catalog of burials with a database and a system for ordering services.

We can say that at that moment we realized what a serious area we had touched upon, what a difficult path we had ahead of us, how much we still needed to do. Having collected information bit by bit and entered into cooperation with many public organizations, we have collected a database of 150 thousand burials. And it is constantly growing. In 2015, we added bases at more than 9 cemeteries in cities such as Odessa, Vilnius, Minsk, and Moscow.

We had to actively engage in development strategy and reengineering of the current business process for rapid scaling to the CIS countries.

Stage 4: Legislation is the engine of progress

In connection with the new bill from the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, our service has become in demand both by clients and municipalities. On the one hand, people do not want their relatives to be reburied due to the principle of abandoned graves. And here we are ready to help - to put the graves in order. On the other hand, cemeteries were required to conduct an inventory, and we have all the tools for this. We are ready to carry out turnkey cataloging at a rate of up to 10,000 burials per day per cemetery, and the process from our entry into cemeteries to their use of a ready-made implemented system can be as short as 1-2 weeks (including staff training).

In addition, we are perhaps the only ones who know the true number of abandoned burials in those cemeteries where we have already cataloged them, and we have an assessment of each of them in the database.

Mikhail Sverdlov: “Cemeteries can become parks”

We called this stage of development of our project “Legislation – the engine of progress.”

Stage 5: Where is the money, Zin?

Currently, 120 families use the service (this does not include the “Le Dor Va Dor” project at Mikhail’s). 90% of clients order services on next year, and 70% recommend the service (we did not lower this bar, taking all the business processes built in the Le Dor Va Dor project, the communication strategy and the quality control system from the project).

Mikhail Sverdlov

Co-founder of the Open Cemetery project

We have collected more than 150 thousand burials in the database with a photo of each and understand that from organics in the database of burials we have a stable conversion of 0.1%. This is good, well actually, very good. And this means that by creating a database of all Moscow cemeteries, we will reach a volume of 40-50 thousand orders without any marketing. And taking into account the fact that our average bill now exceeds 11 thousand rubles with a margin of 75-80%, we clearly understand where and how we should go in terms of development.

We are already negotiating with several regions about joint cataloging of burials for them on a turnkey basis, discussing a partnership with MosGorRitual and looking for investors for cataloging burials in Moscow. According to our calculations, we are before the start next season We will catalog 3 large cemeteries and reach a base of 1 million burials. In addition, we are already collecting the first franchise for a project for our partners in one of the CIS republics.

At this stage we realized where the money was.

Stage 6: Insight

During acceleration at IIDF, our main task was to find a point of explosive growth and “settle down” the team. We successfully dealt with the second one and even developed a roadmap - who and at what point in our development we will need to attract, practically with names. As part of the growth point, we found two “fiery” topics that we had overlooked before. Both lie in a plane affiliate programs. We were able to find those two groups of partners who, the only ones on the funeral market, have important things for building a “care business.” These are contacts of relatives who will potentially be interested in caring for the grave and the location of the grave itself. We have now launched a number of pilots and are looking at the funnels to see how much each of these offline channels will bring us.

We called this stage “Illumination”.

Conversion, sales funnels, LTV, CRM and the realities of municipal unitary enterprises of cemeteries

Mikhail Sverdlov

Co-founder of the Open Cemetery project

When you come to the director of the cemetery and start telling him hipster-startup stories about loyalty, LTV, conversions to first and second purchases, churn, retention and finishing off his CRM - you plunge the person into a stupor. This is not quite a classic B2B due to the specifics of the industry, but the head of the enterprise definitely understands the story in terms of money. Therefore, we are talking with the cemetery about increasing profits by 5-15% and clarifying that we do not want anything from the cemetery (or we do, depending on the model), we are ready to train, in in some cases- even assign a person from us so that he can handle all the bases without distracting our partners from the main work: digging, burying. Here we immediately find mutual language and begin to move forward together.

However, we do not require any permission or assistance from the cemetery for cataloging history. Our employees complete filming and digitizing much faster with minimal costs, and they won’t be able to use an iPad for filming. Yes, we are aesthetes, and we love to do work not only quickly, efficiently and inexpensively, but also beautifully.

Question of legality

The project’s activities regarding the publication of personal data of deceased people are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data.”

Based on Articles No. 3, clause 12 and No. 7, clause 2 of the same law, ensuring the confidentiality of personal data is not required in relation to publicly available personal data. Based on the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technology and on the protection of information,” publicly available information includes generally known information and other information, access to which is not limited (Article No. 7, paragraph 1). Public information can be used by any persons at their discretion, subject to the restrictions established by federal laws regarding the dissemination of such information (Article No. 7, paragraph 2).

When implementing the project, we proceed from the fact that by placing appropriate inscriptions on the monument, the relatives themselves make personal data about the deceased publicly available. Our system in the burial card publishes only publicly available personal data taken from gravestones and placed there by relatives of the deceased for public viewing. This:

    Photo of the monument;

    Full name of the deceased;

    Date of Birth;

    Date of death;

    Available information about the inscriptions on the tombstone;

    Available information about the location of the burial.

Information on the burial place in the cemetery is available only to registered users.

However, on the basis of Article No. 8, Clause 2 of Federal Law No. 152, photographic information about the subject of personal data can be excluded at any time from publicly available sources of personal data at the request of the subject of personal data or by decision of a court or other authorized government agencies. We strictly fulfill the requirements, in compliance with the necessary procedures provided for by the Law “On Personal Data”.

And we are actively looking for people to join our team and partners in different cities. We consider cemeteries, funeral services, engraving and stone-cutting workshops as partners.

Cover photo: Shutterstock.

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Free plots of land

In Moscow you can register a plot of land for free:

  • - Alabushevsky, Khovansky (Western), Khovansky (Central) and Shcherbinsky (all of them are located outside the Moscow Ring Road);
  • - only for the burial of those who had Veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, veterans military service, veterans and disabled combatants, people with titles, awards and other services to the Russian Federation and Moscow.">special services before society and the state.

In both cases, plots of land are provided only upon death (that is, after receipt).

Paid areas land

You can purchase the right to place a family (tribal) burial place - a plot of land in an open or closed cemetery where you can bury Family members: parents, spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, brothers and sisters, grandparents, great-grandparents, adoptive parents and adopted children, full and half-siblings.

">members of the same family. This is not the acquisition of land as a property, but a kind of perpetual lease, since the land allocated for cemeteries is state-owned.

You can draw up an agreement:

  • (if there is a death certificate) - without auction;
  • - based on the results of an open auction in electronic form.

You can purchase the right to place a family (tribal) burial place only at the Department of Trade and Services.


The burial of the body of the deceased can also be carried out by cremation in a crematorium followed by placing an urn with ashes in an open or closed sarcophagus. Storage space for the ballot box is provided for a fee.

2. How to register for a free plot in an open cemetery?

It is not possible to choose a specific location for the grave.

3. How can I register a place in a cemetery for free for someone who had special services to society and the state?

Step 1. Obtain permission to bury a person who had special services to society and the state. You will need:

  • application (the application form is issued by an employee of the Department on site);
  • identity document;
  • , The applicant has the right not to submit a death certificate issued by the Moscow Civil Registry Office; data can be obtained through interdepartmental interaction.">issued by the Civil Registry Office;
  • These may be the following documents: a certificate of a disabled person of the Great Patriotic War, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a veteran of military service, a disabled combat veteran and a combat veteran, or another document certifying that the deceased has titles, awards and other services to the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow." >documents, confirming the right to bury the deceased in a cemetery closed to free burial;
  • certificate of cremation (in case of applying for permission to bury an urn with ashes).

The package of documents must be submitted to the one-stop service department of the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow at the address: 1st Krasnogvardeisky proezd, building 21, building 1.

Step 2. Talk to . The Department's permit must be presented to the cemetery administration along with your identification document and death certificate.

Confirmation of registration of a place in the cemetery is a burial passport, which should be issued to you by the cemetery administration.

4. How to purchase a place in a cemetery after death?

Step 1. Select a site and reserve it. Information about all areas intended for family (tribal) burials is included in the appropriate one. You need to select a cemetery and plot on the registry website (it should be marked with the “Based on a death certificate (no bidding)” checkbox), click the “Proceed to submit an application for the purchase of a plot” button and fill out the application. Then to the address you specified Email you will receive a notification about your reservation, as well as electronic The procedure for concluding an agreement on the placement of a family (tribal) burial without bidding; payment order; reservation information; standard contract; application for concluding a contract.

">samples of documents. The letter will indicate the deadline no later than which you will need to contact the one-stop service department of the Department of Trade and Services to draw up an agreement on the placement of a family (family) burial.

Step 2. Conclude an agreement on the placement of a family (ancestral) burial place. For this you will need:

  • statement;
  • identity document (original and copy);
  • the person for whose burial the plot is provided, The applicant has the right not to submit a death certificate issued by the Moscow Civil Registry Office; data can be obtained through interdepartmental interaction.">issued by the Civil Registry Office(original and copy);
  • original payment document confirming payment of a one-time fee.

Documents must be submitted to the one-stop service department of the Moscow Department of Trade and Services. He works at the address: 1st Krasnogvardeisky proezd, building 21, building 1.

On the day of your application, you will be given an extract from the electronic registration journal. The signing of the agreement and its delivery to the applicant occurs no later than the working day following the day of registration of the application.

Step 3. Please refer to the site where the right to place a family (ancestral) burial site is granted. You need to have with you:

  • a copy and original of the signed agreement on the placement of a family (tribal) burial;
  • copy and original identity document;
  • a copy and original of the death certificate issued by the civil registry office;
  • an invoice for funeral services (when contacting specialized services) or a certificate from the crematorium (in the case of burying an urn with ashes).

After paying for the services according to the cemetery price list, the burial is carried out and responsibility for the burial place is formalized with the issuance of a burial passport.

5. How to purchase a family (ancestral) burial during your lifetime?

Step 1. Select a piece of land. All sites available for placing family (tribal) burials are included in. You need to select those plots that are marked with the “Based on the results of an open auction” checkbox. Each site can be viewed on the map and photographs. The database also contains information about the size of plots, possible ways burials on them, the trading platform and the starting price of the auction for the right to create a family burial plot on the site.

Step 2. Take part in the auction. Trading is held on two electronic trading platforms - roseltorg (accreditation by or by) and sberbank (accreditation by). You need to obtain accreditation from the site that is holding an auction for the right to create a family burial plot on your chosen plot, and submit an application to participate in the auction.

A deposit of 20% of the starting auction price will also be required. This amount must be in your bank account, it is blocked before the auction, and subsequently counted towards the final price of the contract, which must be transferred by the auction winner, or is returned to all auction participants, except those who refused to enter into the contract.

After you submit your application, the operator of the electronic platform will notify you According to the regulations, auctions are held on the 32nd calendar day from the date of publication of the notice of the auction or, if this day is a day off, on the first working day following it.

">about the day and time of the auction.

The auction step is 5% of the initial auction price. The winner is the participant who offers maximum amount. If he subsequently refuses to conclude an agreement for the placement of a family (ancestral) burial, the corresponding opportunity will be offered to the auction participant who made the penultimate offer on the auction price.

If only one person submitted an application to participate in the auction, the auction is considered invalid, but an agreement on the placement of a family (tribal) burial site is still concluded with the participant. The price in this case is set at the initial auction price.

The auction winner must transfer the contract price minus the deposit amount to the account of the bidding initiator within 10 days from the date of posting the protocol on the auction results on the electronic platform. In case of failure to transfer the price of the contract within the established period according to the details, he will be recognized as having evaded concluding the contract, and the deposit amount will not be returned.

Step 3. Conclude an agreement on the placement of a family (ancestral) burial place. It can be concluded no earlier than 10 days and no later than 20 days from the date of posting the protocol on the results of the auction on the electronic platform.

You need to contact the one-stop service department of the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow at the address: 1st Krasnogvardeisky proezd, building 21, building 1.

You must have with you:

  • identification document (copy and original);
  • document confirming payment of payment (original) for the right to conclude an agreement.

Then, when the need arises, the person in charge of the burial will need to contact. She is obliged to provide a plot of land upon request. After the funeral, responsibility for the burial place is formalized with the issuance of a burial passport.

6. How to arrange a place in the columbarium?

The columbarium consists of walls with niches in which urns with ashes are stored. The niches are covered with marble slabs, which indicate the names, surnames, patronymics, dates of birth and death of those buried.

Open columbariums are located on the street, closed ones - in special rooms.

You can rent a place to store the urn from, where there are columbariums. This usually works out much cheaper than burying it in the ground. To do this, you will need an identification document of the person responsible for the burial and a death certificate.

Cemeteries also offer niche maintenance services. Most often, the corresponding agreement is concluded for one year.

Please note that after paying for services according to the cemetery price list, responsibility for the burial place must be formalized with the issuance of a burial passport.

7. What if I already have a family burial?

In a family burial (regardless of what cemetery it is located in) you can only bury members of one family - parents, spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, brothers and sisters, grandparents, great-grandparents, adoptive parents and adopted children, full and half-grandparents brothers and sisters.

Also, only he can make a claim or petition to the cemetery administration: obtain permission to plant landscaping on the grave, install a monument, cross or fence, and the like.

You can apply in person or with a notarized power of attorney.

The person responsible for the burial not only has rights: he is obliged to maintain the property assigned to him. burial mound, fence, plinth, monument and flower garden in proper form.

Responsibility for burial can be re-registered to another person with the consent of the responsible person or in the event of his death.

In addition, the legislation provides for the possibility of dividing responsibility for graves within a related burial (the presence of two responsible persons, each with a certificate for one of the two graves at the burial site).

More information about this can be found on the website under the serial number. If no relatives have appeared during these five years, then exhumation and cremation are carried out. Then the ashes are placed in common grave at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Until the moment of cremation and burial of the ashes, relatives can bury the body of the deceased, having first gone through the identification procedure.

Now in Russia , alas, there are often problems with burial. Namely, it can be difficult to bury our loved ones the way we want. And the point here is not only about material capabilities (although that too), but also about the fact that in our great and truly huge country there is beginning to be a catastrophic shortage of convenient areas for cemeteries. It started back V the middle of the last century. By the way, it was then, because of problems with good places for burials and a very strong tradition has now arisen of fencing off designated family plots. So they began to visually separate “ours” from “theirs,” thus saving the issued land from anyone’s claims to it.

The problem of lack of good (and convenient) burial grounds has been and continues to be particularly acute. V cities, even relatively small, county ones. Here is a very real example. Some of my relatives live from one of my deceased grandmothers V small town Voronezh province. They have 2 there cemeteries both are out of town But V relative availability. The old one, located next to a residential neighborhood, is already closed to new burials. They bury people there only in existing family plots. The new, operating one was opened further away - near the landfill for processing household waste. The place, frankly speaking, is not trump card at all. But now the townspeople are happy that there are still places on it. However, they are filling up at an alarming rate.

Private cemeteries V Russiaand other countries.

My brother told me that he had recently buried a friend. Just six months ago there was emptiness around the fresh grave - only a dirt road passed there. A week ago, my brother visited the grave and was amazed: around it there was literally an area densely “populated” with the deceased. Apparently, invisibly fresh graves. They say that in just a year the territory for new burials will be completely closed, and the next cemetery will be opened very far away - 28 kilometers from the city. It’s terrible, but nothing can be done: suitable sanitary standards there is simply no land closer. How to get there if you don’t have a car? How much time and effort will people have to spend visiting and caring for expensive graves?

And this is the story of a small town. A V regional centers and even more so in megacities, old prestigious cemeteries , located within the city, have been overcrowded for a long time and are considered closed. That is You can bury there, but only very close relatives Vold family graves, and even with special permission. Or for quite a lot of money, and the amount is set (legally or not) by financially interested persons from the administration cemeteries . It is often determined completely arbitrarily, so it is difficult to calculate and plan in advance. IN In Moscow, the cost of a place in a prestigious churchyard generally starts from 150 thousand rubles. These circumstances explain the great interest of Russians in the idea private cemeteries , which could solve at least some of the emerging problems.

What do they callprivate cemeteryand what it might look like.

Actually, uh that's quite normal cemetery, but much more civilized and well-groomed than most municipal. At private In churchyards, crematoriums, columbariums, and complexes for funeral ceremonies are often built; chapels and other temples are always erected, V where you can sing the funeral service for the deceased and pray for his soul, light candles, and order a liturgy. These work cemeteries in accordance with burial legislation and other regulations of the state in whose territory they are established.

From neighboring countriesprivate cemeteries

is on Ukraine and VKazakhstan, but they not quite traditional. I mean, their existence and work cannot be considered completely legal. This is especially true for Ukraine, on whose territory such graveyards arise spontaneously. There are them near Kiev, Zaporozhye, in the west of the country. And here V Their presence and operation are not regulated in any way by state legislation. The Rada (Ukrainian legislative body) is just about to adopt law on private cemeteries. However, this does not prevent these Ukrainian necropolises from looking luxurious, since only wealthy people can buy places on them from the owners of the territory. Such pleasure is quite expensive, and an annual contribution for improvement is also required. But the graves are provided with year-round care, they are guarded, you can buy a place for a family tomb and even a ready-made crypt.

IN Kazakhstan in last years state cemeteries are transferred to privatehands - to the companies that won the relevant tender. Of course, businessmen are not interested in the mazars (graves) that are located V bare steppe (such cemeteries in majority in the country), and city churchyards V Almaty, Aktobe and so on. New owners bring territory V order, they set prices for renting plots and for all sorts of services - organizing funerals, arranging and cleaning the territory, ensuring security and other benefits. V By the way, prices are rising significantly, which causes Kazakh society is indignant. After allFormer city cemeteries are becoming private

IN , where everyone used to be buried - both rich and poor. Now people with low incomes are suffering due to the exorbitant costs of maintaining graves. European Unionsameprivate cemeteries– it’s quite common. There, municipalities ensure that a certain social justice reigns in their territories. For example, my second cousin from Riga, Latvia, recently buried her husband at the first funeral in Latvia private V churchyard. It was opened there at the beginning of the two thousandth. So it has premium and VIP class areas with luxurious monuments, crypts, smooth lawns and plants from the botanical garden. And there are economical areas where there are standard steles, but the same cleanliness and well-groomed conditions reign. V You can even buy expensive places

IN Russia

installments for 2 years. Payment for the maintenance of the grave is made every year. But if After 5 years of no money being received for the plot, the monument is removed and the mound is leveled. Business – and nothing personal. cemeteryunfortunately, for now legally and officially open such no idea at all V Federal Law “On burial and funeral business” (No. 8-FZ of January 12, 1996), which today regulates everything. But it is known that in the Duma for a long time it's already underway(with varying success) discussion of the new bill “On burial and funeral business.” It suggests the possibility of opening private cemeteries . This initiative is still V In 2003, it was submitted for consideration by the Antimonopoly Committee, concerned about the unimportant state of affairs V ritual Russian business.

However, the adoption of the law is constantly postponed due to all sorts of disagreements and emerging contradictions. For example, legislators fear that graves located on private lands may actually become the property of the owners or tenants of such cemeteries . In addition, many amendments need to be made in parallel V Land Code of the Russian Federation and many other legislative acts. So V in the best case, licensing for funeral business and the opportunity to make investments to cemeteries some individual entrepreneurs may receive (and not soon) V Moscow and St. Petersburg. This will be like a pilot project that will show in practice all the pros and cons of existence private cemeteries in Russia.

About rumors.

From different sources it is known that, according to the new bill, to open private cemetery in Russia it will be necessary not only to obtain a license and win bids for land plot, suitable for a graveyard. Besides, a number of agreements will be required: with environmental services, with sanitary and epidemiological supervision, with morgues and municipal funeral services. IN in general, to collect a huge package of documents and approvals.

These graveyards will be located on lands specially designated for burial. Their the arrangement must also comply with the specified standards. There it is necessary to provide economical and expensive areas for people with different financial capabilities, as well as places for burying ashes in the urn (including columbar wall), and for traditional funerals. Mandatory criteria for opening such cemeteries there will be a ritual hall and appropriate amenities (paved and landscaped alleys, water supply systems, lighting, and so on). Sami burial plots are supposed to be given to those who wish Vlease for a period of 25 years with the possibility of subsequent extension. A certain amount of money will be charged for rent - a one-time fee. And for maintaining the territory - another, annual fee. And, of course, such cemeteries will offer all kinds of ritual services: burial, making and installing a monument, additional improvement of the grave, and others.

Despite the absence of the necessary law, V Russia still has several small cemeteries, which can also be visited in a certain sense call it private. Although they are presented as municipal enterprises. One of them is located V Kostroma region. It was still open V 2004, the owner of a funeral home. He got the land V lease for 49 years from the local municipality and operates in agreement with all city authorities. Second private cemetery in Tolyatti is part of the city churchyard, given over individual entrepreneur. He invested significantly under the terms of a public-private partnership. IN As a result, the businessman gained control over the old territory cemetery, which he brought to order, partially redesigned and equipped VIP category family plots there. Not free, of course. However, those wishing to rest the remains of their relatives there are not transferred.

IN In general, our horse (as usual when it comes to entrepreneurship) goes before the cart. But what to do if the cart slows down, and the demand is not only there, it’s literally enormous? Of course, different opinions can be expressed on this topic. On the one hand, illegal business is bad and leads to chaos and corruption. On the other hand, we already have enough corruption in this area. It simply cannot but exist given the severe shortage of good cemeteries and places on them. Representatives of all kinds of municipal unitary enterprises and state unitary enterprises take advantage of these circumstances and pump money out of them. Bribes, bribes, bribes. So I am for private cemeteries appeared with us as quickly as possible, and already existing options I think their work is good.

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