International dance competitions. International choreographic competition International Dance Games

Parents giving their child away early childhood to various dance studios, pursuing the goals of harmonious physical development child. Having acquired some skills and abilities during classes in a studio or in a group, young dancers and choreographers have a need to show the general public their achievements in dance and begin the search for Choreographic competitions. Participation in a competition means new emotions, excitement, the desire to win, the desire to be the best, which means improving acquired skills and new development.

There are a number of festivals and competitions for children's and youth creativity, where, among many areas of creativity, a nomination is presented - choreography. As a rule, such festivals-competitions of various genres are organized by travel companies and, in addition to performances, they offer you ready-made tourist program With sightseeing tours around the cities and visiting the most interesting cultural sites in the country, where the festival-competition itself is held. Participation in such competitions is due to the fact that it is necessary to pay in full for the participation package, including accommodation, meals, and excursions. For beginners, going to European competitions is the most a good option try your hand - everything is clear - every day of the festival-competition is filled with performances, excursions, and master classes. Each group is provided with a local Russian-speaking escort. Typically, the cost of a tour to such a festival-competition is more expensive than just a tourist package and this is due to the fact that the organizers of the festival-competition also invest in the cost of the program the costs of organizing and holding concerts, prizes and diplomas that all participants receive in such competitions.

The next stage is when the child and parents decide to engage in choreography professionally and choose various directions - ballroom dance, classical dance, modern pop show dance. There are Choreographic competitions in dance areas, where participants are only choreographic groups and soloists. The organizers of such competitions are former dancers, heads of their own studios, famous choreographers. The requirements for the competition participants and the dances performed are more stringent and strictly time regulated. There are competitions for young children, from 8 years old, in which you can try yourself and decide whether to continue down the path of professionalism or just continue dancing for your own pleasure, and there are competitions for children from 12-14 years old, which they decide in the future become a dancer. The prizes in such competitions are often cash prizes, scholarships to study dance at summer schools and European schools dance. And in competitions for young professionals, the reward can be a contract to work in the European Theater. The program of such competitions is designed to improve the technical level of dancers, contains competitive performances, master classes and does not involve excursions or any cultural program, so if you decide to go to European country For such a competition, request additional services - transfers, excursions.

Competitions ballroom dancing have long been turned into a sport and this is a whole separate industry with its own rules.

A separate direction of choreography is folk dances. For groups that improve their skills in folk dancing, we offer participation in folklore festivals, where they can meet different cultural movements and learn new traditional dances or characteristic movements. Organizers of folklore festivals offer participants accommodation in families and provide participants with meals during the festival. Applications for participation in such festivals are accepted at least six months before the start of the festival, and the organizers themselves select groups to participate. If you want to participate in such festivals, do not hesitate - you are the best! Try applying. The Art Center staff will help you.

Dance is one of the most ancient forms of art. As long as humanity has existed, it has been dancing for as long. Many centuries have passed, the world has changed beyond recognition, but man continues to dance. Why? But because dance gives fullness and naturalness to life, self-realization. Through dance a person learns the world, learns to interact with him. Dance reflects feelings. Love, hate, sympathy, admiration can be conveyed through dance. Dancing sometimes heals the soul better than words. Dance! You will feel a thirst for life - because if you can move beautifully, then you can live beautifully!

Choreographic festivals and competitions within the framework of the project “Inspiration. Vivat-talent"

Organized since 2006 together with cultural institutions, secondary and higher vocational education and are held at the best concert venues St. Petersburg.
At the "Inspiration. Vivat Talent" festivals, a qualification rating system has been created that allows titles to be awarded according to the grades received. All festivals are open and take place in the presence of spectators, as a celebration of creativity.
Creative groups and soloists, regardless of their departmental affiliation, can take part in festivals and competitions "Inspiration. Vivat Talent" if they submit applications within the established deadlines.

Participation nominations:

  • "Classical dance and stylization"
  • "Folk dance and stylization"
  • "Children's dance": rhythm and gymnastics, etc.
  • "Dance Theater" dance show"
  • "Ballroom dancing" (including formation)
  • "Pop dance, pop-sports dance"
  • "Modern choreography: Jazz, Modern, Free plastic"
  • "Sports dance, acrobatic dance"
  • "Step"
  • "East Dance, Indian dance"
  • "Youth trends": hip-hop, disco, break dance, etc.
  • "Chorese Mastery"
Unified rules for dividing participants into categories:
  • Category "Beginners" - children of the first year of study with mandatory age indication.
  • “Children’s category - 0” - Up to 6 years
  • Kindergarten groups and creative teams additional education are assessed separately.
  • “Children’s category-I” - 7-8 years old
  • “Children’s category-II” -9-10 years
  • "Children's category - III" - 11-12 years old
  • “Youth category-I” - 13 -15 years old
  • “Youth category-II” - 16 -18 years old
  • Category “Youth” - 19-25 years old
  • “Senior category” - 26-35 years old
  • “Seniors” - from 36 years old;
  • “Mixed category” - with mandatory indication of age limits in the team.
  • “Professional” - Students of secondary and higher specialized vocational schools participate educational institutions, as well as professional performers/teachers.

Criteria for evaluating competitive performances:

skill and technique of performing movements, compositional structure numbers, repertoire matching age characteristics performers, stage performance (plasticity, costume, props, performance culture), selection and correspondence of musical and choreographic material, artistry, disclosure of the artistic image.


Festivals in St. Petersburg in autumn in November

Festivals in St. Petersburg in winter in December

within international festival"Assemblies of Arts"

Festivals in St. Petersburg in winter in January

Festivals in St. Petersburg in spring in March

Within m international forum art competition "St. Petersburg Spring"

Does your child love and know how to dance? All-Russian and International competitions children's dance and choreographies are waiting for you!

You can take part in dance competitions as part of the following projects:

Dancing is one of the areas of art in which every child sooner or later awakens interest. Children can experience the joy of rhythmic movements to music and new bodily sensations very early. Children's dance competitions and demonstration performances for their relatives - such entertainment is organized by both children of kindergarten age and older children.

Nature has given every little one the desire to move to the beat of a cheerful song - it is important to maintain this interest and develop your child’s dancing abilities. If a young artist is growing up in your family, ready to dress up and learn new steps from morning to evening, waiting for praise and stellar success, help him! Children's ballroom dance competition from the project "Forward! To success!" - this is an opportunity to “show” your child’s creativity to recognized masters of choreography and dance art. The demonstration of the talents of children from 5 to 17 years old takes place in absentia format, allowing even children from the most hidden corners of Russia to appear before the eyes of famous masters of choreographic art.

Organizing a “minute of fame” for your child is not at all difficult:

  • apply for participation in the children's choreography competition directly on our website,
  • pay the registration fee,
  • send a video of a young dancer’s performance and wait for the announcement of the winners of the prestigious creative competition!

We also consider applications from children's ensembles and creative teams institutions of further education (UDO).

For children's choreography competition You can prepare a performance in any genre and with any creative idea: folk and stylized, modern and pop, sports and hip-hop, classic - let young ladies and gentlemen express themselves on stage in the most rehearsed and enjoyable way!

The jury will evaluate not only the performance technique and dancing skills of each participant, but also the overall stage presence, the harmony of the composition of the performance, and its suitability for the child’s age. Teachers and parents will receive feedback and advice from directors of creative ensembles and leading soloists on how to increase the level of skill and impact from classes, how to motivate children and how to maintain interest in beautiful art goddess Terpsichore.

By participating in the children's dance competition from the project "Forward! To Success!", children will be convinced of the uniqueness of their choreography, gain faith in themselves, and feel the taste of real success. Little dancers sooner or later go through a stage when classes become boring and cease to bring pleasure. At this moment, it is important for them to give support and recognition, to realize that the path to glory is difficult and thorny, but the result is worth it.

Diplomas from the project, which has become an international platform for children's successes, will lift your spirits and take their rightful place in the portfolio of your daughters and sons.

Still unsure whether you need a children's dance competition? Send videos of your children's performances and we will help them become famous and successful!

Dance today is a way of self-expression. Some express themselves alone in front of a mirror, others go to conquer competitions. Dance addictions modern man are reflected in various directions. There are many different dance competitions and festivals held in Russia. If you are seriously interested in dancing, the competition is a great opportunity try your skills and have a great time.

Everybody dance! Almost all...

A fact proven by historians and ethnographers: as long as people exist, dance exists. At first it was ritual and thanksgiving dances and then appeared different schools, directions and styles.

There are people who constantly feel a craving for plastic movements. They live in dance: they work as choreographers, study in ballet schools, attend various dance competitions and simply dance at every opportunity. Even in ordinary life Such dancers can be seen from afar: their movements are flexible, their gait is graceful, their posture is ideal.

Another category of people has no talent, but they have plenty of desire and perseverance to learn to dance. It is often difficult for amateurs to decide on the dance direction they would like to practice. Girls and boys enroll in dance schools and master flamenco, tango, waltz, strip dance, foxtrot, hip-hop and other styles. Why are they doing this? Of course, for myself, and in order to conquer the opposite sex. By the way, there are also various competitions for non-professional dancers. Dance competitions take place at dance schools or night clubs.

The third category is people who rarely dance due to various reasons: complexes, constant lack of desire, fatigue and other individual barriers. Although every physically healthy person dances, albeit rarely, he dances! Usually under the influence of alcohol, company, music and Have a good mood“not a dancer” demonstrates his body movements.

Regional and regional dance competitions

Fortunately, that terrible time when young people were addicted to beer and drugs is passing. Now in fashion healthy image life, sports and... dancing. Not only are boys and girls rocking the dance floor, more and more young people are going to dance schools. This is facilitated by a huge selection of dance styles, TV shows and movies, as well as social advertising.

In any city or district center In our vast country, there are a lot of dance schools where children and adults come to study. Performances by students of these institutions are often included in the program of local concerts. There are enough holidays and public events in Russia when the local administration must organize concert program. Local talents come to the aid of the Houses of Culture. Regional or regional competitions become no less colorful holidays. Dance schools They send their best students to these competitions in order to win the right to be the first in their field.

Children's dances

The child begins to dance as soon as he learns to walk. It's very funny how he stomps his feet and moves his butt to the music. At this age, children resemble dancing ducklings, but often, as they grow up, children want to learn to dance in a group.

Dance is an opportunity to throw out energy and emotions; it has a beneficial effect on health. The school, program, teacher and staff are very disciplined. All of the above benefits of dancing encourage parents to send their children to dance classes.

Children's dance competitions- is a fairly common phenomenon today. What is a competition? This includes hard work, the adrenaline of performing, interacting with children and the experience of speaking in public.

Russian dance competitions

Various competitions and competitions, including dance ones, are very popular in the Russian Federation. In our country they are carried out on a paid basis. Funds can be contributed not by the participants personally, but by the schools that the dancers represent.

The most famous Russian competitions and their dates:

    All-Russian National Festival-Competition " Great Russia"(09.06.-13.06).

    All-Russian competition modern choreography“Dance Quarter” (22.10-24.10).

    Competition-festival “Smiles of Russia” (30.10-01.11).

    Competition-festival “Tradition” (07.11-09.11).

    Competition-festival “Lace” (27.11-29.11).

International dance competitions and festivals


the date of the

Competition name


International choreographic competition and Summer Dance School “Viva Dance”


International competition "Musical Wave"


International festival-competition “On the wings of music and dance”


16th International Festival-Competition of Children and Youth Creativity “Creative Discoveries. Choreography and theater"


3rd International Festival-Competition Children's and Youth Creativity “Moscow believes in talent. Choreography and Theater"

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