Makogonenko Denis Fonvizin creative path. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin

List of printed works by G. P. Makogonenko

(When compiling this list, we took into account the publication:
Timofeeva L. A. List of works by G. P. Makogonenko on Pushkin studies // Pushkin: research and materials. T. 14. L., 1991. P. 324-329. (68№№)).

1. A. N. Radishchev. (Essay on life and creativity). M., “Goslitizdat”, 1949. - 192 p.
2. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. 1745-1792. (Russian playwrights. Popular science essays). M.-JL, “Art”, 1950. - 172 p.
3. Nikolai Novikov and the Russian enlightenment of the 18th century.<1-й завод>. M.-L., “Goslitizdat”, 1951. - 544 p.
4. Nikolai Novikov and the Russian enlightenment of the 18th century.<2-й завод>. M.-L., “Goslitizdat”, 1952. - 544 p.
5. Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev. (To help the lecturer). M., “Goskultprosvetizdat”, 1952. - 80 p.
6. Radishchev and his time. M., “Goslitizdat”, 1956. - 774 p.
7. Denis Fonvizin. Creative path. M.-L., “Goslitizdat”, 1961. - 443 p.
8. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. (Mass Historical and Literary Library). M., “Goslitizdat”, 1963. - 146 p.
9. A. N. Radishchev. Biography. A manual for students. M.-L., “Enlightenment”, 1965. - 152 p.
10. From Fonvizin to Pushkin. From the history of Russian realism. M., " Fiction", 1969. - 510 p.
11. “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin. (2nd ed., additional) (Mass historical and literary library). Medvedeva I. N. “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov. Makogonenko G. P. “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin. M., “Fiction”, 1971. P. 101-208.
12. The work of A. S. Pushkin in the 1830s (1830-1833). L., “Fiction”, 1974. - 374 p.
13. National originality of Russian literature: Essays and characteristics. (Co-authored with E. N. Kupreyanova). L., “Science”, 1976. - 415 p.
14. “The Captain’s Daughter” by Pushkin. L., “Fiction”, 1977. - 108 p.
15. The work of A. S. Pushkin in the 1830s (1833-1836). L., “Fiction”, 1982. - 463 p.
16. Gogol and Pushkin L., “ Soviet writer", 1985. - 351 p.
17. Lermontov and Pushkin. Problems of the continuous development of literature. Afterword V. M. Markovich. L., “Soviet Writer”, 1987. - 398 p.
18. Selected works: About Pushkin, his predecessors and heirs. L., “Fiction”, 1987. - 638 p.

Selected editions of dramatic works
19. They lived in Leningrad. A play in 4 acts, 9 scenes. (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts). M., Publication of the distribution department of the All-Union Directorate for Copyright Protection, . — 52s.
20. They lived in Leningrad. A play in 4 acts, 9 scenes. (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts). M., Publication of the distribution department of the All-Union Directorate for Copyright Protection, 1944. - 48 p.
21. They lived in Leningrad. A play in 4 acts, 9 scenes. (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts). M.-L., Art, 1945. - 112 p.
22. On our earth. A play in 4 acts, 6 scenes. (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts). M., Publication of the All-Union Directorate for Copyright Protection, . — 85 s.
Translations of books into foreign languages
23. Romance on Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”.<На болгарском языке>. Per. S. Kostova. Sofia, “Narodna Prosveta”, 1966. - 112 p.

Theses and abstracts of dissertations
24. Moscow period of Nikolai Novikov’s activity. Abstracts of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences. [L., 1946]. — 5 s.<Отдельный оттиск из: Вестник Ленинградского университета. Л., 1946. № 1. С. 116—119.>Published without title. Lista and region
25. A. N. Radishchev and his time. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology. L., Leningrad State University, 1955. - 43 p.

Articles in the newspaper "Krasnaya Zarya".
(Two-day newspaper. Organ of the party committee and factory committee of the telephone plant
"Red Dawn" Leningrad).
26. Machines and people. (Essay) // No. 96 (168), November 17, 1930, p. 3.
27. Leaflets of master Suslov. (Essay) // No. 83 (268), August 7, 1931, p. 2-3.
28. A whole series of inconsistencies // No. 7 (331), January 17, 1932, p. 4. Co-authored.
29. Level up lagging areas // No. 13 (337), January 29, 1932, p. 3. Co-authored.
30. Heating lamp in a case // No. 26 (350), February 21, 1932, p. 1. Co-authored.
31. Shop inconsistencies cut the plan // No. 46 (370), March 20, 1932, p. 1. Co-authored.
32. Capacitor workers fulfilled the March plan // No. 53 (377), March 30, 1932, p.1. Signed "G.M."
33. Getting ready for the review of Komsomol forces // No. 61 (385), April 15, 1932, p. 4. Signature “G. M."
34. Another bungling // No. 81 (405), May 27, 1932, p. 1. Co-authored.
35. More attention to waste // No. 93 (417), June 21, 1932, p. 2.
36. D&P or racial group? // Ibid., p. 4. Signature "Mac".
37. Second grade - consumer goods // No. 103 (427), July 11, 1932, p. 4.
38. Learn to win from them // No. 106 (430), July 17, 1932, p.1.
39. Learn from them how to organize a case // No. 109 (233), July 23, 1932, p. 1. Co-authored.
40. Implement these proposals // No. 131 (455), September 8, 1932, p. 1. Co-authored.
41. Systematic bungling or deliberate policy // No. 133 (457), September 12, 1932, p. 1. Co-authored.
42. Iron briefcases resolve the issue // No. 136 (460), September 19, 1932, p. 1. Co-authored, signed “Mac”.
43. The show should become an impetus // No. 150 (474), October 17 an impetus. 1932, p. 1. Co-authored.
44. Don’t get carried away by promises // No. 151 (478), October 19, 1932, p. 1. Signature “G. M."
45. But there is still no trade union leadership // No. 153 (480), October 23, 1932, p. 1. Co-authored, signed “Mac”.
46. ​​As always, the study was crumpled // No. 165 (492), November 20, 1932, p. 1.
47. Who is in charge here? // No. 183 (509), December 25, 1932, p. 1.
48. “Don’t spare money!..” // No. 184 (511), December 27, 1932, p. 1.
49. Workshop born of the five-year plan // No. 186 (513), December 31, 1932, p. 1.
50. The first indicative of quality // No. 19 (531), February 8, 1933, p. 1. Co-authored,
signature "Mac".
51. Here they are the best of the best // No. 32 (545), March 7, 1933, p. 1. Signature "Mac".
52. Awaiting the order // No. 33 (546), March 9, 1933, p. 1.
53. In the midst of bureaucrats // No. 37 (540), March 17, 1933, p. 1. Signature “G. M."
54. Consequences of lack of management // No. 40 (552), March 23, 1933, p. 1. Co-authored.
55. On the art of managing // No. 41 (554), March 25, 1933, p. 1. Signature “G. M."
56. They cover up the marriage makers // No. 47 (560), April 7, 1933, p. 1.
57. Harmful traditions // No. 53 (566), April 24, 1933, p. 1.
58. People who are used to jerks // 58 (566), May 8, 1933, p. 1. Co-authored.
59. Here they are - the facts of slowness // No. 60 (568), May 12, 1933, p. 1. Co-authored.
60. Protocols filed with the case... // No. 64 (572), May 20, 1933, p. 1. Co-authored.
61. Results of one day // No. 133 (633), November 8, 1933, p. 4.

62. Instead of a preface // Bezbakh S. A. Great lesson. (Ericksonians January 9, 1905). L., 1934. S. 3-8.
63. In the fight against the enemies of the people.<О поэзии Маяковского>// News. M., 1938. No. 87, April 14. S. 3.
64. The political meaning of the novel “Nov” // Scientific notes of Leningrad State University. L., 1939. No. 47, issue. 4. pp. 248-272.
65. The political meaning of the novel “Nov” // Literary contemporary. L., 1939. No. 7-8. pp. 260-270.
66. Pushkin and Radishchev // Scientific notes of Leningrad State University. L., 1939. No. 33, issue. 2. pp. 110-133.
67. The image of Lenin in Mayakovsky’s poetry. (In collaboration with I.Z. Serman) // Literary contemporary. L., 1939, No. 1. P. 185-195.
68. Essays on the history of Russian literature of the 18th century.<Рецензия на кн.: Гуковский Г. А. Очерки по истории русской литературы и общественной мысли XVIII века. Л., 1938>. (In collaboration with I.Z. Serman) // Literary Review. M., 1939. No. 6. P. 53-57.
69. The truth about Suomi.<О книге В. Кнехта «Страна на замке» 1932 г.>// Cutter. L., 1939. No. 23/24. pp. 31-32.
70. About the composition “Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A. N. Radishchev // XVIII century. Sat. 2. M.-L., 1940. P. 25-53.
71. History of Russian literature of the 18th century ( short essay). (Co-authored with I.Z. Serman) // encyclopedic Dictionary Partnership Garnet. Ed. 7. T. 36. Part VII. M., 1941. Stlb. 186-214.
72. The story of one uprising.<Рецензия на кн.: Чуковская Л. История одного восстания. М.-Л., 1940>// Literary review. M., 1940, No. 23. P. 15-19.
73. Posters of Mayakovsky.<Рецензия на кн.: Эвентов И. Маяковский-плакатист. Критический очерк. Л.-М., 1940>. Literary contemporary. L., 1940, No. 12. P. 163-164.
74. <Рецензия на кн.: Маяковский, 1930—1940: Статьи и материалы. Л., 1940>. (In collaboration with A. Kukulevich) // Literary Review. M., 1941, No. 1. P. 40-42.
75. Memories of Mayakovsky.<Рецензия на кн.: Перцов В. Наш современник. М., 1940>// Literary review. M., 1941, No. 3. P. 43-46.
76. Memories of Mayakovsky.<Рецензия на кн.: Спасский С. Маяковский и его спутники. Л., 1940>// Literary contemporary. L., 1941. No. 4. P. 111-125.
77. The policy of the government of Catherine II in literature. Shcherbatov // History of Russian literature. Textbook for universities. M., 1941. T. 1, part 2. P. 168-174.
78. Official literature // History of Russian literature. Textbook for universities. M., 1941. T. 1, part 2. P. 174-179.
79. “All sorts of things” // History of Russian literature. Textbook for universities. M., 1941. T. 1, part 2. P. 179-180.
80. Young Izhorians // Youth of Leningrad. [Collection]. M., 1942. S. 21-35.
81. Leningrad Symphony. (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts) // TVNZ. M., 1942. No. 194, August 19. S. 4.
82. Baltic heart. (In collaboration with O. F. Berggolts) // Smena. L., 1942. No. 158, October 16. S. 4.
83. Leningraders. (In collaboration with O. F. Berggolts) // Smena. L., 1942. No. 180, November 12. S. 2.
84. Hike. Excerpt from the film script “They Lived in Leningrad.” (In collaboration with O. F. Berggolts) // Komsomol of the city of Lenin. L., 1943. P. 128-153.
85. Leningraders. (In collaboration with O. Berggolts and R. Iyulsky) // Komsomolskaya Pravda. M., 1943. No. 17, January 21. S. 4.
86. On the banks of the Neva. (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts) // Komsomolskaya Pravda. M., 1944. No. 104, May 1. S. 3.
87. Leningraders are advancing // Trud. M., 1944. No. 144, June 18. S. 2.
88. Righteous retribution! (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts) // Komsomolskaya Pravda. M., 1944. No. 227, September 23. S. 3.
89. Russian line. (In collaboration with O. F. Berggolts) // Izvestia. M., 1944. No. 192, August 13. S. 4.
90. Russian woman. (In collaboration with O. F. Berggolts) // Izvestia. M., 1944. No. 197, August 19. S. 3.
91. The power of love. (In collaboration with O. F. Berggolts) // Rural Variety. Vol. 8. M., 1944. P. 7-15.
92. They lived in Leningrad. Film story. (In collaboration with O. F. Berggolts) // Znamya. M., 1944. No. 1/2. 102-158.
93. Leningrad - Sevastopol. (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts) // Red Baltic Fleet. L., 1944. No. 280, November 24. S. 4.
94. Leningrad - Sevastopol. (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts).<Начало>// News. M., 1945. No. 2, January 3. S. 3.
95. Leningrad - Sevastopol. (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts).<Окончание>// News. M., 1945. No. 3, January 4. S. 3.
96. Leningrad Symphony. Film script. (Literary version.) (Co-authored with O. F. Berggolts) // Zvezda. L., 1945. No. 3. P. 50-80.
97. Leningrad theme // Banner. M., 1945. No. 1. P. 206-211.
98. Russia and the American Revolution // Scientific Bulletin of Leningrad University. L., 1946. No. 8. P. 14-19.
99. Moscow period of Nikolai Novikov’s activity // Bulletin of Leningrad University. L., 1946. No. 1. P. 116-119.
100. The power of love. (Scenes from the play “They Lived in Leningrad”). (In collaboration with O. F. Berggolts) // Literary and artistic collection. L., 1946. S. 221-229.
101. Main currents of social thought of the 1760-1780s.<Разделы 4—5; остальные разделы главы написаны Г. Гуковским>// History of Russian literature. T. IV. M.-L., 1947. P. 27-34.
102. N. I. Novikov.<Разделы 3—5; остальные разделы главы написаны И. Серманом>// History of Russian literature. T. IV. M.-L. 1947. pp. 135-151.
103. On our earth. Play. (In collaboration with O.F. Berggolts) // Zvezda. L., 1947. No. 12. P. 120-161.
104. Alexander Radishchev. (Introductory article) // Radishchev A. N. Selected works. M.-L., 1949. pp. III—LVIII.
105. A wonderful Russian revolutionary writer.<Об А. Н. Радищеве>
106. Our national pride. <Под псевдонимом Ник. Демин>// Literary newspaper. M., 1949. No. 70, August 31. S. 3.
107. Russian prose of the 18th century. (Enter, art.) // Russian prose of the 18th century. T. 1. M.-L., 1950. P. III—X.
108. N. I. Novikov // Russian prose of the 18th century. T. 1. M.-L., 1950. P. 275-290.
109. Folk journalism of the 18th century // Russian prose of the 18th century. T. 1. M.-L., 1950. P. 195-208.
110. D. I. Fonvizin // Russian prose of the 18th century. T. 1. M.-L., 1950. P. 451-464.
111. A. N. Radishchev // Russian prose of the 18th century. M.-L., 1950. T. 2. P. 5-22.
112. Folk journalism of the 18th century and Radishchev // Radishchev. Articles and materials. L., 1950. P. 26-65.
113. Nikolai Novikov // Novikov N. I. Selected works. M.-L., 1951. pp. III—XXXVIII.
114. From the editor // Novikov N. I. Selected works. M.-L., 1951. P. XXXIX—XL.
115. About the authorship of Novikov // Novikov N. I. Selected works. M.-L., 1951. P. 675-707.
116. Book about the Radishchevo poets.<Рецензия на кн.: Орлов В. Н. Русские просветители 1790—1800-х годов. Л., 1950>// Literary newspaper. M., 1951. No. 25, March 1. S. 3.
117. Alexander Radishchev. (Introductory article) // Radishchev A. N. Selected works. M., 1952. S. III—L.
118. Radishchev and Russian social thought of the 18th century // Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences, L., 1952. No. 9. P. 63-79.
119. For an exemplary edition of the classics. (In collaboration with D. Blagiy and B. Meilakh) // Literary newspaper. M., 1952. No. 85, July 15, p. 3.
120. Great feat. (To the 150th anniversary of the death of A. N. Radishchev) // Literary newspaper. M., 1952. No. 115, September 23. S. 2.
121. A. N. Radishchev - great Russian revolutionary, patriot // Socialist agriculture. M., 1952. No. 227, September 24. S. 3.
122. Who is the author of A Critic's Journey?<О переиздании книги С. фон Ферельцта>// Ogonyok. M., 1952, No. 50. P. 28.
123. Poetry of Alexander Radishchev // Radishchev A. N. Poems. (Poet's book, small series). L., 1953. S. 5-74.
124. At the origins of Russian literature.<Рецензия на кн.: Лихачев Д. С. Возникновение русской литературы. М.-Л., 1952>// Literary newspaper. M., 1953. No. 28, March 5. S. 3.
125. Karamzin N. M.<Без подписи>// TSB, 2nd ed. T. 20. M., 1953. P. 132-134.
126. Against the “decay of the raw word” // New world. 1954, No. 12. P. 124-134.
127. N. I. Novikov 1744—1818 // Russian writers about literary work. T. 1. L., 1954. P. 49-51.
128. Novikov N. I.<Без подписи>// TSB, 2nd ed. T. 30. M., 1955. P. 79-80.
129. Radishchev A. N.<Без подписи>// TSB, 2nd ed. T. 35. M., 1955. P. 579-582.
130. Generalization and research.<Рецензия на кн.: Пигарев К. В. Творчество Фонвизина. М., 1954>// Literary newspaper. M., 1955. No. 28, March 5. S. 3.
131. Tasks and needs of the “Poet's Library”. (In collaboration with V.N. Orlov) // Literary newspaper. M., 1955. No. 57, May 14. S. 3.
132. Russian advanced and social thought. (In collaboration with P.K. Alefirenko and Yu. Ya. Kogan) // Essays on the history of the USSR. (Russia in the second half of the 18th century). M., 1956. S. 469-498.
133. Study on Pushkin’s realism.<Рецензия на кн.: Гуковский Г. А. Пушкин и проблемы реалистического стиля. М., 1957>// Questions of literature. M., 1958. No. 8. P. 231-241.
134. New about Fonvizin // Literature and life. M., 1958. No. 30, June 15. S. 3.
135. New materials about D.I. Fonvizin and his unknown works // Russian literature. L., 1958. No. 3. P. 135-147.
136. Modern theme and traditions of Russian realism // Questions of literature, M., 1958. No. 8. P. 3-23.
137. Russian poetry of the 18th century. (Introductory article) // Russian poetry of the 18th century. (B-poet, small series). L., 1958. P. 5-124.
138. Life and work of D. I. Fonvizin // Fonvizin D. I. Collected works. T. 1. M.-L., 1959. S. V—XLVIII.
139. History of publications of D. I. Fonvizin’s works and the fate of his literary legacy // Fonvizin D. I. Collected works. T. 2. M.-L., 1959. P. 622-664.
140. Poetry of Konstantin Batyushkov. (Introductory article) // Batyushkov K. N. Poems. L., 1959. (Poet's book, small series). pp. 5-88.
141. Russian enlightenment and literary trends of the 18th century // Russian literature. L., 1959. No. 4. P. 23-53.
142. Pushkin the artist and his time.<Рецензия на кн.: Мейлах Б. С. Пушкин и его эпоха. М., 1958>// Questions of literature. M., 1959. No. 11. P. 144-154.
143. Abuse. (About the book by B. Ivanov “The Distance of a Free Novel”) // Literary newspaper. M., 1959. No. 120, September 29. S. 3.
144. Reflections on the play “The Inspector General”.<О постановке в Ленинградском театре Комедии>// Soviet culture. M., 1959. No. 48, April 16, p. 3.
145. From the publisher.<Без подписи>// Gukovsky G. A. Realism of Gogol. M.-L., 1959. P. 3.
146. Russian drama of the 18th century // Russian playwrights of the 18th-19th centuries. T. I. L.-M., 1959. P. 5-68.
147. D. I. Fonvizin. 1745-1792 // Russian playwrights of the 18th-19th centuries. T. I. L.-M., 1959. P. 207-289.
148. Was there a Karamzin period in the history of Russian literature? // Russian literature. L., 1960. No. 4. P. 3-32.
149. The fight is for a person.<Рецензия на кн.: Герман Ю. Один год. Л., 1960>// Literary newspaper. M., 1960. No. 104, September 1. S. 3.
150. Paths paved by Chekhov. (In collaboration with G. Byaly) // Literary newspaper. M., 1960. No. 12, January 28. S. 1, 3.
151. People of brave life // Literary newspaper. M., 1961. No. 104, March 21. pp. 2-3.
152. On the history of Russian Enlightenment and realism of the 18th century // Problems of Russian Enlightenment in the literature of the 18th century. M-L., 1961. S. 173-189.
153. There are controversial issues! They need to be discussed. (Response to B. Bursov).<К спорам об «Евгении Онегине»>// Questions of literature. M., 1961. No. 1. pp. 108-117.
154. Preface // Pini O. A. A. N. Radishchev in portraits, illustrations, documents. Manual for teachers. L., 1961. S. 3-32.
155. For the creative method to D. I. Fonvizin. (Character and features) // Ezik and literature. Sofia, 1961. No. 5. P. 11-24.
156. Karamzin’s literary position in the 19th century // Russian literature. L., 1962. No. 1. P. 68-106.
157. Pouchkine vivant // Oeuvres et Opinions. Moscow, 1962. No. 2. P. 147-152.
158. Why is it necessary to argue?<О спектакле «Горе от ума» в постановке Г. А. Товстоногова>// Neva. L., 1963. No. 2. P. 191-192.
159. They defended music. (To the 20th anniversary great victory near Leningrad).<Об исполнении 7-й симфонии Д. Д. Шостаковича в блокадном Ленинграде>// Leningradskaya Pravda, L., 1964. No. 20, January 24. S. 4.
160. "The enemy of the Parnassian bonds."<О поэзии И. С. Баркова>// Russian literature. L., 1964. No. 4. P. 136-148.
161. Life and work of N. M. Karamzin. (In collaboration with P. N. Berkov) // Karamzin N. M. Selected works in 2 vols. T. 1. M.-L., 1964. P. 5-76.
162. When did Russian realism take shape? // Questions of literature. M., 1965. No. 2. P. 148-170.
163. Romance literary criticism.<Рецензия на ст.: Шторм Г. Потаенный Радищев // Новый мир. М., 1964. № 11. С. 115—161>// Literary newspaper, M., 1965. No. 18, February 11. S. 2.
164. Continuation of life.<Вступит. ст.>// Gukovsky G. A. Pushkin and Russian romantics. M., 1965. P. 3-10.
165. Pushkin and Dmitriev // Russian literature. L., 1966. No. 4. P. 19-36.
166. Radishchev’s doctrine of the active person and Pushkin // The role and significance of literature of the 18th century in the history of Russian culture. (To the 70th anniversary of the birth of P. N. Berkov) / XVIII century. Sat. 7. M.-L., Nauka, 1966. P. 345-352.
167. Pavel Naumovich Berkov. (On the occasion of his seventieth birthday) // Russian literature. L., 1966. No. 4. P. 248-253.
168. Happiness? This is a struggle.<О трилогии Ю. Германа>// Literary newspaper. M., 1966. No. 22, February 19. S. 3.
169. Karamzin N. M. / Brief literary encyclopedia. T. 3. M., 1966. Stlb. 392-396.
170. Antioch Cantemir // Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. P. 7-12.
171. Mikhail Lomonosov / Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. P. 19-25.
172. Alexander Sumarokov // Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. P. 47-51.
173. Ivan Khemnitser // Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. P. 69-73.
174. Gabriel Derzhavin // Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. P. 83-88.
175. Alexander Radishchev // Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. S. 143-149.
176. Nikolai Karamzin // Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. P. 169-174.
177. Ivan Dmitriev // Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. P. 189-191.
178. Ivan Krylov // Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. P. 205-210.
179. Vasily Zhukovsky // Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. S. 247-256.
180. Konstantin Batyushkov // Russian poets. Anthology. T. 1. M., 1965. P. 327-332.
181. Alexander Pushkin // Russian poets: Anthology. 1799-1837. T. 2. M., Children's literature, 1966. P. 5-28. Signed "G. M."
182. “Private Pinde warrior.” (Poetry by Ivan Dmitriev) // Dmitriev I. I. Complete collection poems. (B-poet, large series). M., 1967. P. 5-68.
183. Russian classic literature in the light of Lenin's concept liberation movement// Questions of literature. M., 1968. No. 4. P. 3-27.
184. About “Tales of Belkin” by A. S. Pushkin // Pushkin A. S. Tale of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin. M., 1968. S. 5-20.
185. Pushkin and Derzhavin // XVIII century. Sat. 8. Leningrad, Nauka, 1969, pp. 113-126.
186. Stories by Nikolai Karamzin // Karamzin N. M. Poor Liza. Stories. L., 1970. S. 5-22.
187. Russian Enlightenment and the problem of folklore // Russian literature and folklore. L., 1970. P. 180-225.
188. Radishchev // Russian literature and folklore. L., 1970. S. 409-430.
189. Paths of literature of the century // Russian literature XVIII V. L., 1970. P. 3-44.
190. Russian realism on its initial stage// Problems of Enlightenment in world literature. M., 1970. S. 180-202.
191. Radishchev A. N. // Brief literary encyclopedia. T. 6. M., 1971. Stlb. 143-148.
192. Russian prose of the 18th century // Russian prose of the 18th century. (B-ka world literature). M., 1971. S. 5-38.
193. Unusual literary criticism.<Рецензия на кн.: Наровчатов С. Необычное литературоведение. М., 1970>// Literary newspaper, M., 1971. No. 20, May 12. P. 6.
194. Russian poetry of the 18th century // Poets of the 18th century. (B-poet, large series). M., 1972. S. 5-61.
195. Grigory Aleksandrovich Gukovsky // Questions of literature. M., 1972. No. 11. P. 109-124.
196. Karamzin and Enlightenment. (Report at the VII International Congress of Slavists) // Slavic literature. VII International Congress of Slavists. Warsaw, August 1973. Theses of the Soviet delegation. M., 1973. S. 295-318.
197. Problems of the Renaissance and Russian literature // Russian literature, L., 1973. No. 4. P. 67-85.
198. Page about your work. (Tell by critics and literary scholars) // Questions of literature. M., 1973. No. 9. P. 304-305.
199. Pushkiniana: future pages: LG Questionnaire. G. P. Makogonenko and others answer // Literary Newspaper. 1973. No. 23, June 6. S. 2.
200. About “Tales of Belkin” by A. S. Pushkin // Pushkin A. S. Tale of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin. 2nd ed. M., 1974. S. 3-24.
201. “...Happiness is the best university.” Polemical notes on the study of Pushkin's love lyrics // Neva. L., 1974. No. 5. P. 178-188.
202. “A person’s self-esteem is the key to his greatness.” (Notes on Pushkin’s realism) // Questions of Literature, M., 1974. No. 6. P. 35-69.
203. "Citizen of Future Times." To the 225th anniversary of the birth of A. N. Radishchev // Neva. L., 1974. No. 8. P. 188-193.
204. Der Realismus Puschkins // Kunst und Literatur. Berlin, 1974. No. 12. S. 1316-1337.
205. About the romantic hero of Decembrist poetry // Literary heritage Decembrists. L., 1975. S. 6-24.
206. Pushkin and Goethe. (On the history of the interpretation of Pushkin’s “Scenes from Faust”) // XVIII century. Sat. 10. L., Nauka, 1975. pp. 284-291.
207. O artistic space in realistic literature // Cultural heritage Ancient Rus': origins, formation, traditions. M., 1976. S. 237-245.
208. A. N. Radiscev und das Problem des Historismus // Karl-Marx-Universitat. Leipzig, 1977, no. 4. S. 285-296.
209. "A Satirical Appeal to Indignation."<О книге «Путешествие из Петербурга в Москву» А. Н. Радищева>// Vertices. The book about outstanding works Russian literature. M., 1978. P. 54-74.
210. “Fire Poems.”<Ода «Вольность» А. Н. Радищева>// Vertices. A book about outstanding works of Russian literature. M., 1978. S. 75-95.
211. Sacred gift.<Вступит. ст.>// Pushkin A. S. Selected works in 2 volumes. T. 1. M., 1978. P. 5-48.
212. Letters from Olga Berggolts // Questions of literature. M., 1978. No. 5. P. 196-224.
213. “The Bronze Horseman” and “Notes of a Madman.” From the history of creative relations between Gogol and Pushkin // Questions of Literature, M., 1979. No. 6. P. 91-125.
214. Briefe von Olga Bergholz // Kunst und Literatur. Berlin, 1978. No. 12. S. 1317-1339.
215. About some features of poetics “ Queen of Spades" To the 180th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin // Neva. L., 1979. No. 6. P. 177-188.
216. Alexander Radishchev and Laurence Sterne // Great Britain and Russia in the XVIII century: contacts and comparisons. Newtonville, 1979, pp. 84-93.
217. What was the idea of ​​“Journey to Arzrum”? // Neva. L., 1980. No. 6. P. 183-191.
218. Letters of Russian writers of the 18th century and the literary process // Letters of Russian writers of the 18th century. M., 1980. P. 3-41.
219. From the editor // Letters from Russian writers of the 18th century. M., 1980. S. 42-43.
220. Nikolai Karamzin and his “Letters of a Russian Traveler” // Karamzin N. M. Letters of a Russian Traveler. M., 1980. S. 3-24.
221. Paths of formation of Russian literature of the 18th century and the formation of its national identity // History of Russian literature. T. 1. L., 1980. P. 465-490.
222. Derzhavin // History of Russian literature. T. 1. L., 1980. P. 627-654.
223. Literary traditions XVIII century and Russian literature of the XIX century // History of Russian literature. T. 1. L., 1980. P. 765-780.
224. Sacred gift.<Вступит. ст.>// Pushkin A. S. Selected works in two volumes. T. 1. M., 1980. P. 5-54.
225. When and why was “The Feast of Peter the Great” written? // Evening Leningrad. L. 1980. No. 128, June 4. S. 3.
226. Narrator and author in “The Queen of Spades” by A. S. Pushkin. (On the role of epigraphs in the story) // Slavia orientalis. Warszawa, 1980, No. 3. S. 359-365.
227. Letters from the road. (Olga Berggolts during the days of the siege) // Literature of great feat. Great Patriotic War in literature. Vol. 3. M., 1980. P. 460-490.
228. Pushkin’s last poetic cycle // Neva. L., 1981. No. 6. P. 173-182.
229. Did Belinsky know the original text “ Bronze Horseman"? // Questions of literature. M., 1981. No. 6. P. 148-157.
230. About the dialogues in “The Captain’s Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin // Classical heritage and modernity. L., Nauka, 1981. pp. 126-137.
231. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” and questions of its interpretation // Boldin Readings. Vol. 10. Gorky, 1981. pp. 22-31.
232. Friend of freedom. (Introductory article) // Fonvizin D.I. Works. M., 1981. S. 3-28.
233. Friend of freedom. (Introductory article)<2 изд>// Fonvizin D.I. Works. M., 1982. S. 3-8.
234. Nikolai Karamzin and his “Letters of a Russian Traveler.”<2 изд.>// Karamzin N. M. Letters of a Russian traveler. M., 1982. S. 3-24.
235. Theme of St. Petersburg in Pushkin and Gogol. (Problems of successive development) // Neva. L., 1982. No. 8. P. 150-159.
236. From Lomonosov to Gorky // Literary newspaper. M., 1982. No. 37, September 15. S. 4.
237. Actual problems Pushkin Studies // Current state and the main problems of studying and teaching the Russian language and literature: Abstracts of reports and messages / V International Congress of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature. Prague, 1982. pp. 459-460.
238. Current problems of Pushkin studies. (Study and teaching) // Current state and main problems of studying and teaching Russian language and literature: reports of the Soviet delegation at the V Congress of MAPRYAL. M., 1982. S. 211-218.
239. ...His students all their lives. (Conversation with G.P. Makogonenko) // Smena. L., 1982. No. 131, June 6. S. 4.
240. On innovation and discoveries of Soviet literary criticism in the study of Russian literature // Comparative-typological studies of Slavic languages ​​and literatures. L., 1983. S. 114-130.
241. Historical novel about people's war// Pushkin A. S. Captain's daughter. ( Literary monuments). L., Nauka, 1984. pp. 200-232.
242. M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” and Russian realism of the 1830s. (Pushkin’s beginning in Lermontov’s poem) // Problems of Russian poetics realism XIX century. L., 1984. S. 3-33.
243. Belongs to Russia: 175 years since the birth of N.V. Gogol // Zvezda. L., 1984. No. 4. P. 154-171.
244. About the work of Denis Fonvizin and Alexander Radishchev // Fonvizin D. I., Radishchev A. N. Favorites. M., 1984. S. 3-24.
245. Nikolai Karamzin - writer, critic, historian // Karamzin N. M. Works. T. 1. L., 1984. P. 5-50.
246. Listen to us, Mother country! (To the 40th anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad from the siege) // Soviet culture. M., 1984. No. 10, January 24. P. 6.
247. They lived in Leningrad. Film story. (In collaboration with O. Berggolts) // At the Walls of Leningrad: Collection of plays and film scripts, L., 1984. P. 211-269.
248. Let us turn to Pushkin’s poetic text // Questions of literature. M., 1985. No. 7. P. 160-175.
249. About the epigraph to Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” // Problems of study cultural heritage. M., 1985. S. 243-245.
250. In memory of Vladimir Nikolaevich Orlov.<Некролог>// Literary newspaper. M., 1985. No. 13, March 27. P. 7.
251. Derzhavin’s Anacreontics and its place in poetry early XIX century // Derzhavin G. R. Anacreontic songs. (Literary monuments). M., 1986. S. 251-295.
252. The creative path of Mikhail Lermontov // Lermontov M. Yu. Collected works in 4 volumes. T. 1. M., 1986. P. 3-38.
253. Vladimir Orlov (1908-1985).<Вступительная статья к публикации стихов В. Н. Орлова>// Star. L., 1986. No. 1. P. 127-128.
254. The theme of St. Petersburg in Pushkin and Gogol // St. Petersburg stories by A. S. Pushkin and N. V. Gogol. M., Pravda, 1986. P. 5-42.
255. About Anna Akhmatova’s collection “Odd” // Questions of literature. M., 1986. No. 2. P. 170-189.
256. Derzhavin’s Anacreontics and its place in the poetry of the early 19th century // Derzhavin G.R. Anacreontic songs. (Literary monuments). M., 1987. S. 251-295.<Допечатка тиража издания 1986 года>.
257. Sacred gift. (Essay on the work of A. S. Pushkin) // “...I awakened good feelings with the lyre...”. A collection of poems by A. S. Pushkin for additional reading in high school in Moldavian schools. Chisinau, 1987. pp. 4-6.
258. Poetry that recreates the “true picture of nature” // Derzhavin G.R. Works, L., 1987. P. 3-26.
259. Ancient Russia, discovered by Karamzin // Karamzin N. M. Traditions of the centuries: Tales, legends, stories from the “History of the Russian State”. M., 1987. S. 5-28.<1-й завод>.
260. Leningrad Symphony: About the first performance of Symphony No. 7 by D. D. Shostakovich.<Киносценарий>.(In collaboration with O. Berggolts) // Berggolts O. F. Plays and scripts. L., 1988. S. 187-233.
261. Nikolai Karamzin and his “Letters of a Russian Traveler” // Karamzin N. M. Letters of a Russian Traveler. M., 1988. P. 5-30.
262. Ancient Russia, discovered by Karamzin // Karamzin N. M. Traditions of the centuries: Tales, legends, stories from the “History of the Russian State”. M., 1988. P. 5-28.<2-й завод>.
263. Ancient Russia, discovered by Karamzin // Karamzin N. M. Traditions of the centuries: Tales, legends, stories from the “History of the Russian State”. M., 1989. P. 5-28.<3-й завод>.
264. “...Happiness is the best university” // Pushkin’s hidden love. St. Petersburg, 1997, pp. 381–405.
265. Nikolai Karamzin - writer, critic, historian // Karamzin N. M. Poor Liza: stories. M., 2005. P. 5-67.

Preparation of collections of works of fiction
266. Kuprin A.I. Selected works. Vst. Art. L. A. Plotkina. L., Lenizdat, 1947.
267. Radishchev A. N. Selected works. M.-L., “Goslitizdat”, 1949.
268. Kuprin A.I. Stories. M.-L., “Detgiz”, 1949.
269. Russian prose of the 18th century. In 2 vols. T. 1. (Together with A.V. Zapadov). M.-L., “Goslitizdat”, 1950.
270. Russian prose of the 18th century. In 2 vols. T. 2. (Together with A.V. Zapadov). M.-L., “Goslitizdat”, 1950.
271. Novikov N.I. Selected works. M.-L., “Goslitizdat”, 1951.
272. Radishchev A. N. Selected works. M., “Goslitizdat”, 1952.
273. Radishchev A. N. (Poet's book, small series). Poems. L., “Soviet Writer”, 1953.
274. Poets of the 18th century. In 2 vols. T. 1. (Poet's book, small series). (Together with I.Z. Serman). L., “Soviet Writer”, 1958.
275. Poets of the 18th century. In 2 vols. T. 2. (Poet's book, small series). (Together with I.Z. Serman). L., “Soviet Writer”, 1958.
276. Batyushkov K. N. Poems. (B-poet, small series). L., “Soviet Writer”, 1959.
277. Fonvizin D.I. Collected works. In 2 vols. T. 1. M.-L., “Goslitizdat”, 1959.
278. Fonvizin D.I. Collected works. In 2 vols. T. 2. M.-L., “Goslitizdat”, 1959.
279. Russian playwrights of the 18th–19th centuries. T. 1. Leningrad-M., “Art”, 1959.
280. Karamzin N.I. Selected works in two volumes. (Together with P. N. Berkov). M.-L., “Fiction”, 1964.
281. Dmitriev I. I. Complete collection of poems. (B-poet, large series). L., “Soviet Writer”, 1967.
282. Russian literature of the 18th century: Collection of works by poets, playwrights and prose writers of the 18th century. (Reader). L., “Enlightenment”, 1970.
283. Russian prose of the 18th century. (B-ka of world literature). M., “Fiction”, 1971.
284. Russian poetry of the 18th century. (B-ka of world literature). M., “Fiction”, 1972.
285. Poets of the 18th century. In 2 vols. T. 1. (Poet's book, large series). M., “Soviet Writer”, 1972.
286. Poets of the 18th century. In 2 vols. T. 2. (Poet's book, large series). M., “Soviet Writer”, 1972.
287. Pushkin A. S. Selected works in two volumes. M., “Fiction”, 1978.
288. Pushkin A. S. Selected works in two volumes.<2-е изд.>. M., “Fiction”, 1980.
289. Karamzin N. M. Works. In 2 vols. T. 1. L., “Fiction”, 1984.
290. Karamzin N. M. Works. In 2 vols. T. 2. L., “Fiction”, 1984.
291. Karamzin N. M. Favorites. (Together with P. N. Berkov). M., Pravda, 1984.
292. Derzhavin G. R. Anacreontic songs. (Together with G.N. Ionin and E.N. Petrova). M., Nauka, 1986.
293. St. Petersburg stories by A. S. Pushkin and N. V. Gogol. M., Pravda, 1986.
294. Lermontov M. Yu. Collected works in 4 volumes. T. 1. M., “Pravda”, 1986.
295. Lermontov M. Yu. Collected works in 4 volumes. T. 2. M., “Pravda”, 1986.
296. Lermontov M. Yu. Collected works in 4 volumes. T. 3. M., “Pravda”, 1986.
297. Derzhavin G.R. Works. (Together with V.P. Stepanov). L., “Fiction”, 1987.
298. Karamzin N. M. Traditions of the centuries: Tales, legends, stories from the “History of the Russian State.”<1-й завод>. M., Pravda, 1987.
299. Karamzin N. M. Traditions of the centuries: Tales, legends, stories from the “History of the Russian State.”<2-й завод>. M., Pravda, 1988.
300. Karamzin N. M. Traditions of the centuries: Tales, legends, stories from the “History of the Russian State”.<3-й завод>. M., Pravda, 1989.

The grave of D. I. Fonvizin at the Lazarevskoye cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin at the monument “Millennium of Russia” in Novgorod


1755 - Fonvizin enters the noble gymnasium at Moscow University.

1758 , December - Fonvizin is transferred to the higher classes of the gymnasium.

1759 , December - brothers Denis and Pavel Fonvizin visit St. Petersburg (until January 1760). First impression of the theater.

1760 (?)

1761 - publication of the translation of “Moral Fables” by L. Holberg. Publication in the magazine “Useful Fun”. Work on the translation of Voltaire's tragedy "Alzira".

1762 , June- the Fonvizin brothers are promoted to students at Moscow University.

October - Fonvizin leaves the university and goes to serve in the College of Foreign Affairs.

Winter (1762/63)- trip to Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Translations for the magazine "Collection best essays" Release of the first volume of the translation of J. Terrasson’s novel “Sif”.

1763 - moving to St. Petersburg. Service under the direction of I.P. Elagin. Translation of the novel by J. J. Barthelemy “The Love of Karita and Polydor.” Fonvizin’s first original poems: “Message to my servants: Shumilov, Vanka and Petrushka”, “Message to Yamshchikov”, “To my mind”.

1764 - Fonvizin is promoted to titular councilor. Production of the first comedy "Corion".

1768 - completion of the translation and publication of the book “Heroic Virtue, or the Life of Seth.”

1769 - promotion to the rank of court councilor and appointment of N. I. Panin as secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Translations of “Sidney and Scilly” by D’Arnot and “Joseph” by J. Bitobe. Beginning of collaboration with N.I. Novikov. Completion of work on "Brigadier".

1771 - creation of the “Word for the recovery of His Imperial Highness the Tsarevich and Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich.”

1772 , August - The first production of "The Brigadier" at the court theater in Tsarskoe Selo.

1773 - N.I. Panin rewards Fonvizin with an estate in Belarus.

1774 - marriage to Ekaterina Ivanovna Khlopova.

1777 , August - travel to France (until October 1778). Letters to sister Feodosia, Pyotr Panin and Yakov Bulgakov. Translation of “Words of Commendation to Marcus Aurelius” by A. L. Tom.

1779 - appointment to the post of “adviser’s office” at the Secret Expedition. Translation from French of the book “Ta-Gio, or the Great Science Containing High Chinese Philosophy.”

1780 - production of the comedy “Brigadier” in St. Petersburg.

1781 - takes the place of State Councilor, member of the Public Expedition for Postal Affairs.

1782 - promoted to state councilor and retired.

September - premiere of "The Minor" in St. Petersburg.

1783 - publications in the magazine “Interlocutor of Lovers of the Russian Word”. Work on the “Dictionary of the Russian Academy”.

1784 - journey to Italy. Publication of “The Life of Count Nikita Ivanovich Panin” in French.

1785 - continuation of the journey to Italy, the first apoplexy. Visit to Austria, Germany. Translation from German “Discourse on National Curiosity” by I. G. Zimmerman. Return to Moscow.

1786 - creation of the story “Callisthenes”.

June- trip to Austria.

1787 - publication of the fable “The Fox the Executor.”

August - return to Russia.

1788 - preparation of articles for the magazine “Friend of Honest People, or Starodum”. Writing the article “Opinion on the selection of plays in the Moscow Works.”

1789 , June - September - visiting Riga, Baldon, Mitava.

1790 , November December - arrival from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

1791 - creation of “Discourse on the vain life of man,” dedicated to the death of Prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky. Unfinished “Frank confession of my deeds and thoughts.” Trip to Polotsk.

Summer- stay in Moscow (until June 1792).

1792 - trip to Shklov.

November 30th- performance of the comedy “The Governor’s Choice” (“Hoffmaster”) in Derzhavin’s St. Petersburg house.


Berkov P. N. History of Russian comedy of the 18th century. L., 1977.

Bookchin S. The court case of Denis Fonvizin // Questions of literature. 1979. No. 2.

Vyazemsky P. A. Denis Von-Vizin. St. Petersburg, 1843.

Gukovsky G. A. Russian literature in German magazine XVIII century // XVIII century. M.; L., 1958. Sat. 3.

Dmitriev I. I. A look at my life. M., 1866.

Druzhinin P. A. Unknown letters from Russian writers to Prince A. B. Kurakin. M., 2002.

Notes of V. S. Khvostov // Russian Archive. 1870. Book. I.

From Klosterman’s unpublished notes // Russian archive. 1881. Book. III.

Kostyshin D. N. Materials for the history of the Fonvizin family // Russia in XVIII century. M., 2009. Issue. 3.

Kochetkova N. D. Fonvizin in St. Petersburg. L., 1984.

Kulakova L. I. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. M.; L., 1966.

Lebedev P. Experience in developing contemporary history from unpublished sources. Part 1. Counts Nikita and Pyotr Panin. St. Petersburg, 1863.

Levinton-Lessing V.F. D. I. Fonvizin and art // Devinton-Lessing V.F. Story art gallery Hermitage (1764–1917). L., 1985.

Madariaga I. de. Russia in the era of Catherine the Great. M., 2002.

Makogonenko G. P. Denis Fonvizin. Creative path. M.; L., 1961.

Pigarev K.V. Creativity of Fonvizin. M., 1954.

Serman I.Z. Letters from Fonvizin to Panin from France: the problem of genre // Oxford Slavonics papers. Vol. XXI. 1988.

Skabichevsky A. M. Essays on the history of Russian censorship (1700–1863). St. Petersburg, 1892.

Works of D. I. Fonvizin: Complete collection of original works. St. Petersburg, 1893.

Stepanov V. P. Controversy around D. I. Fonvizin during the creation of “The Minor” // 18th century. L., 1986. Sat. 15.

Strichek A. Denis Fonvizin: Russia of the Enlightenment. M., 1994.

Tikhonravov N. S. Materials for the complete works of D. I. Fonvizin. St. Petersburg, 1894.

Fonvizin D. I. Collected works: In 2 vols. M.; L., 1959.

Chebyshev A. A. The source of Empress Catherine’s comedy “Oh, Time” // Russian Antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1907.

Edgerton W.B. Fonvizin’s acquaintance with Lablancherie in Paris // The role and significance of literature of the 18th century in the history of Russian culture. M.; L., 1966.

Denis Fonvisine. Lettres de France (1777–1778) /Trad, du russe et comment, par Henri Grosse; pref. de Wladimir Berelowich. Paris, 1995.

Kantor M. Fonvizin and Holberg: a comparison of the Brigadier and Jean de France // Canadian-American Slavic Studies. \bl. 7 No. 4. 1973.

Labriolle F. de. La dramturgie de Fonvizin // La Revue des Études Slaves. Paris, 1967. T. 46.

Moser Ch. A. Denis Fonvizin. Boston, 1979.

Østerby M. Fonvizins forhold til Holberg // Fonvizin D. I. Brigaderen. Landjunkeren. Odense, 1973.


Makogonenko G.P. Denis Fonvizin: Creativity is the way. M.;L., 1961.

Lebedeva O. B. History of Russian literature of the 18th century. M., 2000 (Poetics of poetic high comedy: “Sneak” by V.V. Kapnist).

Seminar No. 4

Poetry and prose of Russian sentimentalism and pre-romanticism

Sentimentalism as “classicism topsy-turvy” (V. A. Zapadov). Sentimental “religion of feelings” and paradoxes of sensitivity. Poetic and prose genres Russian sentimentalism.

Poetry of M. N. Muravyov and N. M. Karamzin and the aesthetic system of Russian pre-romanticism. Romantic concept of genius, new image lyrical hero and his feelings (melancholy, impulse towards the transcendental, autopsychologism, image of man and the Unknown World).

Poor Liza" by N. M. Karamzin as a manifesto of Russian sentimentalism: the concept of personality and features of poetics.

Gothic story by N. M. Karamzin “Bornholm Island”: a new understanding of the world and man.


Karamzin N. M. Collection. cit.: In 2 vols., M., L., 1964.

Muravyov M. N. Poems. L., 1967.

3. Russian literature - XVIII century. Lyrica, M., 1990.

4. Gukovsky G. A. Russian literature of the 18th century. M., 1998.

Zapadov V. A. Sentimentalism and pre-sentimentalism in Russia // Problems of studying Russian literature of the 18th century. L., 1983.

Zapadov V. A. Sentimentalism and pre-romanticism in Russia // Problems of studying Russian literature of the 18th century. Vol. 5, L., 1985.

Orlov P. A. Russian sentimentalism, M., 1977.

Kochetkova N. D. Literature of Russian sentimentalism: (Aesthetic and artistic quest), Leningrad, 1994.

Korman B. O. The crisis of genre thinking and the lyrical system (On the poetry of M. N. Muravyov) // Selected works on the theory and history of literature. Izhevsk, 1992.

Kulakova L. Poetry of M. N. Muravyov // Muravyov M. N. Poems. L., 1967.

Lotman Yu. M. Karamzin’s poetry // Karamzin N. M. Complete collection of poems. M.-L., 1966 or: Lotman Yu. M. Selected works, vol. II, M., 1992.

Pavlovich S. E. Paths of development of Russian sentimental prose of the 18th century, Saratov, 1974.

Kanunova F.Z. From the history of the Russian story. Tomsk, 1967.

Toporov V.N. “Poor Liza” by Karamzin: Reading experience. M., 1995 or: Toporov V.N. About “Poor Liza” by N.M. Karamzin. Narrative structure // Russian short story: Problems of theory and history. St. Petersburg, 1993.

Vatsuro V. Gothic novel in Russia M., 2002 (See N. M. Karamzin “Bornholm Island” in Part One).

Malkina V. Ya., Polyakov A. A. “Canon” of the Gothic novel and its varieties // Gothic tradition in Russian literature, M., 2008

Test questions for the course “History of Russian Literature of the 18th Century.”

general characteristics literary life of the first quarter of the 18th century. Russian fiction of the Peter the Great era. The originality of the genre of history (story). Formation of types of new heroes of the time.

Baroque culture in Russian literature in the first third of the 18th century.

Russian theater of the first third of the 18th century. Kinds theatrical performances, plots of plays, heroes. The tragic comedy “Vladimir” by F. Prokopovich as an example of national drama of the early 18th century.

Classicism as a literary and aesthetic movement. National originality of Russian classicism.

Ideological problems of satires by A. Cantemir. Their connection with the educational culture of the Petrine era.

Syllabic-tonic reform of Russian versification: V.K. Trediakovsky and M.V. Lomonosov.

Odic world of M. V. Lomonosov and G. R. Derzhavin. The evolution of the civil (Pindaric) ode in their work.

The genre of spiritual ode in the works of M. V. Lomonosov and G. R. Derzhavin.

The genre of tragedy in Russian literature of the 18th century. The search for the ideal of an “enlightened monarch” as the main conflict in the tragedies of A.P. Sumarokov. The theme of the tyrant monarch and the problem of impostor in Sumarokov’s tragedy “Dmitry the Pretender”.

The theme of freedom and liberty in the tyrant-fighting tragedy of Ya. B. Knyazhnin “Vadim Novgorodsky”.

The evolution of the comedy genre in Russian literature of the 18th century. Search for national comic images in the works of A. P. Sumarokov, D. I. Fonvizin, V. V. Kapnist.

Comedies by D. I. Fonvizin (“Brigadier”, “Minor”) in the context of cultural and political problems of the Enlightenment.

Russian journalism of the 18th century and its connection with the culture of the Russian Enlightenment. Using the example of satirical journalism by N. Novikov.

General characteristics of Russian fiction of the 18th century. M. D. Chulkov’s picaresque novel “The Pretty Cook.”

Philosophical and aesthetic principles and genre system of Russian sentimentalism. Pre-romantic trends in Russian literature of the late 18th century.

Poetic world Russian sentimentalism and pre-romanticism (based on the example of the works of M. Muravyov, N. Karamzin, I. Dmitriev, Yu. Neledinsky-Meletsky).

General characteristics of N. M. Karamzin’s prose (“Poor Liza,” “Letters of a Russian Traveler,” “Natalia, the Boyar’s Daughter,” “Marfa the Posadnitsa,” “Bornholm Island”). Genre originality of stories.

  1. Reflection of the philosophy of the Enlightenment in “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by A. N. Radishchev.


Literature of the Peter I era:

History about the Russian sailor Vasily Koriotsky; The story of the brave Russian nobleman Alexander. Russian glory, sad glory; Panegyric poetry, everyday books and love lyrics Peter's era (Victorious song for the victory of Poltava, Who comes with an army, crowned with laurels, Oh, that there is light and in the light, everything is opposite; Evil fortune that you create; Oh, since I have found great joy; My joy is more than measure, joy dear; Love, with an acrostic; Ah, my bitter light of my youth; The storm dissolves the sea (according to the textbooks of A. V. Kokorev and V. A. Zapadov).

Prokopovich F. Tragedocomedy "Vladimir".

Kantemir A. Satire 1. On those who blaspheme the teaching. To your mind; Satire 2. On the envy and pride of the evil nobles; Satire 4. To his Muse. About danger satirical works; Satire 7. About education. Prince Nikita Trubetskoy.

Trediakovsky V.K. A new and short way to compose Russian poetry.

M. V. Lomonosov. Ode to the capture of Khotin; Ode on the arrival of...Empress Elizabeth Petrovna from Moscow to St. Petersburg in 1742 upon coronation; Ode on the day of Elizabeth Petrovna’s accession to the All-Russian throne in 1747; Ode selected from Job; Arrangements of Psalms 14, 26, 34, 143, 145; Letter about the rules of Russian poetry.

Sumarokov A. P. Khorev; Sinav and Truvor; Semira (choice); Dimitri the Pretender; Tresotinius; Guardian, Cuckold by imagination; Epistole II. About poetry.

Fonvizin D. I. Brigadier; Minor; A sincere confession about my deeds and thoughts.

Knyazhnin Ya. B. Vadim Novgorodsky.

Kapnist V.V. Sneaky.

Novikov N. I.“Drone” polemic with “All sorts of things”; Conversation between a Russian and a Frenchman (Wallet); Letters to Falaley.

Chulkov M. D.. The pretty cook, or the adventures of a depraved woman.

Derzhavin G. R. To rulers and judges; On the death of Prince Meshchersky; God; Waterfall; Felitsa; Nobleman.

Muravyov M. N. Election of a poet; Time flies, friends, time flies irrevocably; Night; Grove; To the Muse; O sweet dream; To Feona; Regret of youth; Rural life; Goddess of the Neva; Winter's Desire; Comrades, mentors, friends.

Neledinsky-Meletsky Yu. A. You command me to be indifferent; Finally your deceptions; I'll go out to the river; Darling was sitting in the evening; If only you were in the world; The happy days are over; The thunderstorm is chasing us, Lisa; Oh! I'm sick of it.

Dmitriev I. I. Two tombs; Someone else's sense; Message to N. M. Karamzin; The blue dove moans; Oh! If only I had known before; I saw a glorious palace; Sing, jump, spin, Parasha!; More than all the flowers; Youth, youth! Have fun.

Radishchev A. N. Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow; Life of Fyodor Vasilyevich Ushakov; Diary of one week; Liberty; Eighteenth century; You want to know: who am I? What am I?

Karamzin N. M. Letters of a Russian traveler; Poor Lisa; Natalya, boyar's daughter; Martha the Posadnitsa, or the Conquest of Novgorod; Bornholm Island; Sierra Morena; Poetry; To the poor poet; Song of Peace; Happy hour; To the nightingale; Melancholy; Cemetery; Autumn; Message to Dmitriev; To yourself.

additional literature

1. Dictionary of Russian writers of the 18th century. Vol. 1–3. L.–SPb.– 1988–2010.

2. Russian literature of the 18th century. Classicism. – M.: Bustard, 2009. – 222 p.

3. Orlov P.A. . History of Russian literature of the 18th century: Textbook. for univ. - M.: Higher school, 1991. – 320 p.

4. Zapadov V. A . Literary trends in Russian literature of the 18th century. St. Petersburg, 1995.

5. The role and significance of literature of the 18th century in the history of Russian culture. - M.; L.: Nauka, 1966. – 462 p.

6. From the history of Russian culture (XVIII – early XIX century): In 4 volumes. T. 4..– M.: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 1996.– 832 p.

7. Liban N. I . The formation of personality in Russian literature of the 18th century: Lectures and essays: Textbook. allowance. – M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 2003. – 240 s.

8. Lotman Yu. M . Russian literature of the post-Petrine era and the Christian tradition // Lotman Yu. M. Selected articles: In 3 volumes. T. 3. Tallinn, 1993. – pp. 127–137.

9. Stennik Yu.V. Russian satire of the 18th century. – L.: Nauka, 1985. – 364 p.

10. Pumpyansky L. V . On the history of Russian classicism: Lomonosov’s Poetics // Context: Literary Critical Studies. 1982. – M., 1983. – P. 303–335.

11. Pumpyansky L. V . Classical tradition: Collection of works on the history of Russian literature. – M., 2000. – P. 30–157.

12. Serman I.Z. Russian classicism. Poetry. Drama. Satire. – L.: Nauka, 1973. – 282 p.

13. Serman I.Z . Poetic style of Lomonosov. – L.: Nauka, 1966. – 260 p.

14. Zapadov A. V . Poets of the 18th century: M. V. Lomonosov, G. R. Derzhavin. M., 1983.

15. Moskvicheva G.V. . Russian classicism. – M.: Education, 1986. –1901 p.

16. Berkov P.N. . History of Russian comedy of the 18th century. – L.: Nauka, 1977. –392 p.

17. Zapadov A.V. . Poets of the 18th century: A. Kantemir, A. Sumarokov, V. Maikov, M. Kheraskov. - M.: Nauka, 1984. – 235 p.

18. Sakharov V.I. . Hieroglyphs of freemasons. Freemasonry and Russian literature of the 18th – early 19th centuries. – M.: Publishing house of spiritual literature, 2001. – 304 p.

19. Zaborov P. R . Russian literature and Voltaire. XVIII – I third of the XIX centuries – L.: Nauka, 1978. – 244 p.

20. Zhivov V. M., Uspensky B. L. . Metamorphoses of ancient paganism in Russian history XVII culture–XVIII centuries// From the history of Russian culture XVIII – early. XIX century: in 5 volumes, T. 4, M.: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 1996. – P. 449–525.

21. Zhivov V. M . State myth in the era of Enlightenment and its destruction in Russia at the end of the 18th century // From the history of Russian culture of the 18th - early. XIX century: in 5 volumes. T. 4. – M.: Languages ​​of Russian Culture, 1996. – 657–685.

22. Gasparov M. L . Essay on the history of Russian verse: Metrics. Rhythm. Strophic. – M., 200. – P. 35–43.

23. Taranovsky K. F. From the history of Russian verse of the 18th century: (Odic stanza in Lomonosov’s poetry) // The role and significance of literature of the 18th century in the history of Russian culture. – M.; L., 1966. – P. 106–115.

24. Bochkarev V. A. Russian historical dramaturgy of the 17th–18th centuries. – M., 1988.

25. Savelyeva L. I . -Antiquity in Russian poetry of the late 18th – early 19th centuries. – Kazan: Kazan Publishing House. University, 1980. – 120 p.

26. Proskurina V . Myths of the Empire: Literature and Power in the Age of Catherine II. – M.: New Literary Review, 2006. – 328 p.

27. Prikazchikova E. E. . Cultural myths in Russian literature of the second half of the 18th – early 19th century. – Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. Univ., 2009. – 528 p.

28. N. M. Karamzin:PRO ET CONTRA . The personality and creativity of N. M. Karamzin in the assessment of Russian writers, critics, and researchers. Anthology. – St. Petersburg, 2006.

29. Ricardo Nicolosi . St. Petersburg panegyric of the 18th century: Myth–ideology–rhetoric.– M.: Languages Slavic culture, 2009. –216 p.

30. Abramzon T. E. Poetic mythologies of the 18th century (Lomonosov, Sumarokov, Kheraskov, Derzhavin). – Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2006. – 480 p.

31. Salova S. A . Anacreontic myths of G. R. Derzhavin. – Ufa: RIO BashSU, 2005.–126 p.

32. Russian thought in the Age of Enlightenment. – M.: Nauka, 1991. – 280 p.

33. Serman I.Z . Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin. – M., Education, 1967.–120 p.

34. Kochetkova N. D . Radishchev and the Masons // Russian literature. – 2000. – No. 1. – P. 103–107.

35. Stennik Yu. V. . Pushkin and Russian literature of the 18th century. – St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1995. – 350 p.

36. Orlov P. A . Russian sentimentalism. – M.: MSU, 1977. – 271 p.

37. Uspensky B. A . History from the point of view of semiotics. Tsar and impostor: cultural and historical phenomenon. King and God. The role of dual models in the dynamics of Russian culture (until the end of the 18th century) // Uspensky B. A. Izb. Proc.: In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 50–59, 75–109, 110-218, 219–253.

38. Kochetkova N. D . Literature of Russian sentimentalism. Aesthetic and artistic quests. – St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1994. – 280 p.

39. Kochetkova N. D . Hero of Russian sentimentalism. Reading in the life of a “sensitive” hero // XVIII century. – L.: Nauka, 1983. – Collection. 14. – pp. 121–143.

40. Kochetkova N. D . “Confession” in Russian literature of the late 18th century. // On the path to romanticism. L., 1987. – P. 71 – 99.

41. Mikhailov A. V . Antiquity as an ideal and cultural reality of the 18th – 19th centuries. // Antiquity as a type of culture. – M., 1988. – P. 308–324.

42. Lotman Yu. M . Rousseau and Russian culture of the 18th–early 19th centuries // Lotman Yu. M. Izbr. Art.: In 3 vols. T. 2. Tallinn, 1992. – P. 40–99.

43. Problems of the Russian Enlightenment in the literature of the 18th century. – M.-L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1961. – 270 p.

44. Stennik Yu. V. . Polemics about national character in magazines of the 1760–1780s // XVIII century. – St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2002. – Sat. 22– P. 85–95

45. Makogonenko G . Radishchev and his time. – M., GIHL, 1956. – 775 p.

46. Kupreyanova E. I . On the issue of classicism // XVIII century. – M.-L.: Nauka, 1959. – Collection. 4.– pp. 5–44.

47. Bicilli P.M. . The tragedy of Russian culture. Research. Articles. Reviews. – M.: Russian way, 2000. – 608 p.

48. Kupreyanova E. N., Makogonenko G. P. . National originality of Russian literature: Essays and characteristics. – L.: Nauka, 1976. – 415 p.

49. Ustinov D. V., Veselova A. Yu . “Utopia as an activity” in Russian culture of the second half of the 18th century. // Vestn. St. Petersburg University. Ser. History, linguistics, literature. – 1998. – No. 1 – P. 77 –85.

50. Lotman Yu. M . Ways of development of Russian educational prose of the 18th century // Lotman Yu. M. Russian literature and culture of the Enlightenment. – M., 2000. – P. 207–230.

51. Lotman Yu. M . Reflection of the ethics and tactics of the revolutionary struggle in Russian literature of the late 18th century // Lotman Yu. M. Selected articles: in 3 volumes. T. 1. – Tallinn: Alexandra, 1992. – P. 134–159.

52. Pavlovich S. E . Ways of development of Russian sentimental prose of the 18th century. – Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 1974. – 225 p.

53. Parsamov V . Power and Enlightenment in Russia // Logos. – 2003. – No. 4–5 – pp. 243–259.

54. Lotman Yu. M . Conversations about Russian culture: Life and traditions of the Russian nobility (XVIII - early XIX centuries). – St. Petersburg: Art – St. Petersburg, 1994. – 399 p.

55. Lotman Yu. M . Poetry of Karamzin // Lotman Yu. M. Selected works. Art.: In 3 volumes. T. 2. – Tallinn, 1992. – P. 159–193.

56. Lotman Yu. M . The creation of Karamzin. – M.: Young Guard, 1998. – 382 p.

57. Toporov V. N . “Poor Liza” by Karamzin. Reading experience. – M.: Russkiy Mir Publishing House: Moscow. educational, 2006. – 432 p.

58. Buranok O. M . Russian literature of the 18th century: an educational and methodological complex for students of philological specialties. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 1999. – 392 p.

59. Dmitrieva E., Kuptsova O . The life of an estate myth: paradise lost and found. – M.: OGI, 2003 – 528 p.

60. Strichek A . Denis Fonvizin: Russia of the Enlightenment. – M.: Prometheus, 1994. – 512 p.

61. Toporov V. N . From the history of Russian literature. T. 2: Russian literature of the second half of the 18th century: research, materials, publications; M. N. Muravyov: Introduction to creative heritage. Book 1. – M.: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 2001. – 912 p.

62. Toporov V. N . From the history of Russian literature. T. 2: Russian literature of the second half of the 18th century: research, materials, publications; M. N. Muravyov: Introduction to creative heritage. Book 2. – M.: Languages ​​of Russian Culture, 2003. – 928 p.

63. Stedtke K. Subjectivity as fiction: The problem of author’s discourse in “Letters of a Russian Traveler” by N. M. Karamzin // Logos. – 2001. – No. 3. – P. 143–151.

64. Valitskaya A. P . Russian aesthetics of the 18th century. – M.: Art, 1983. – 238 p.

65. Vatsuro V. E . Gothic novel in Russia. – M.: New Literary Review, 2002. – 544 p.

66. Vernadsky G. V . Russian Freemasonry during the reign of Catherine II. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House named after N.I. Novikov, 1999. – 567 p.

67. Wolf L . Inventing Eastern Europe. Map of civilization in the consciousness of the Age of Enlightenment. – M.: New Literary Review, 2003. – 560 p.

68. Gachev G . Private honest life. Alternative Russian literature // Literary studies. – 1989. – No. 3. – P. 119–128.

69. Dunaev M. M. Orthodoxy and Russian literature: at 5 hours. Part 1. – M.: Christian Literature, 1996. – 320 p.

70. Zhivov V. M . Language and culture in Russia in the 18th century. – M.: Languages ​​of Russian Culture, 1996. – 591 p.

71. Zorin A. L . “Feeding the Double-Headed Eagle”: Literature and state ideology in Russia in the last third of the 18th – first third of the 19th centuries. – M.: New Literary Review, 2001. – 416 p.

72. Levin Yu. D . Ossian in Russian literature. The end of the 18th – first third of the 19th century. – L.: Nauka, 1980. – 202 p.

73. Longinov M. N . Novikov and Moscow Martinists. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2000. – 672 p.

74. Chudinov A. V . Utopias of the Age of Enlightenment: a course of lectures. – M.: IVI RAS, 2000. – 90 p.

Web resources:

Russian literature of the 18th century – http: |||id|russian|18vek.

Russian literature of the 18th century in the non-profit electronic library ImWerden –

http: |||cat|modules.

Russian virtual library. – Electronic library of Russian literature of the 18th–early 19th centuries – http: |||18vek.

Fundamental digital library"Russian literature and folklore". – Russian literature of the 18th century. – http: ||| feb|feb|c18.htm.

“Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times.”

DI. Fonvizin

Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich - great Russian writer, one of the most famous Russian writers of Catherine's era, talented creator of the first Russian domestic comedy, playwright, publicist and translator.

Writer r got dressed April 14, 1744 years in a wealthy noble Moscow family. He spent his childhood in a patriarchal atmosphere in the house of his father, Ivan Andreevich Fonvizin, who was an official of the Moscow Revision Board.

His origins were the most noble: his ancestral historical roots went back to the ancient knightly family, whose representatives settled in Russia under Ivan the Terrible, having left Livonia. Until mid X IX century, the surname of this family was written in two words or with a hyphen Von-Wiesen (or Von-Wiesin, German von Wiesen). This eminent family gave Russia several generations of serving nobles.

In 1755-1760 studied at the gymnasium at Moscow University, then for a year at the university’s Faculty of Philosophy. IN student years began publishing in Moscow magazines.

In 1762 he moved to St. Petersburg and took the position of translator at the College of Foreign Affairs. In 1763 - 69 he served as secretary of the cabinet minister I. Elagin, who was in charge of the analysis of petitions for the highest name, and from 1766 - of the imperial theaters.

During these same years, Fonvizin became close to a circle of young freethinking officers and, under their influence, created the satirical work “Message to My Servants...” (1769). Interest in theater was expressed in work on an original Russian satirical comedy (before that he had adapted foreign comedies “to Russian customs”). "The Brigadier", written in 1766 - 69 and staged in 1770, was published only in 1792 - 95. N. Novikov said about this comedy: “it was composed exactly in our morals.”

In 1777-78 he traveled abroad, to France and Germany, which he later wrote about in “Notes of the First Traveler,” which played a crucial role in the development of Russian prose.

His most significant work, a comedy "Undergrown"(1781), Fonvizin created in the atmosphere of reaction that came after the suppression of the Pugachev rebellion. It directly indicates the root of all Russia's ills - serfdom and public ignorance, which, according to Fonvizin, can be overcome by reforms in the spirit of the Enlightenment.

In March 1782 he resigned, deciding to devote himself completely to literary creativity. In 1783 he published a number of satirical works: “The Experience of a Russian Estatesman”, “Petition to the Russian Minevra from Russian Writers”, “The Narrative of an Imaginary Deaf and Mute”.

In 1784–85, Fonvizin visited Germany and Italy, anonymously published in French “The Life of Count Nikita Ivanovich Panin,” painting the image of an ideal enlightened nobleman.

In the future, Fonvizin was not allowed to appear in print; the five-volume collection of his works was not published. His articles were distributed only in lists.

The last years of his life the writer was seriously ill, but literary studies did not leave: he began the autobiographical story “A Sincere Confession of My Deeds and Thoughts” (it was not completed, but even in its unfinished form it is a wonderful example of Russian prose).

DI. Fonfizin died in St. Petersburg on December 12, 1872. He was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

About the life and work of D.I. You can read Fonvizin:

S. Rassadin. Die, Denis or the Empress's Undesirable Interlocutor.

The story of the life and work of Denis Ivanovich Fonviziin. The book contains vivid portraits of Empress Catherine II, poet G.R. Derzhavin, Count N.I. Panin and many other prominent personalities of that era.

S. Rassadin. Satire is a brave ruler.

This book is about D.I. Fonvizin is an extraordinary writer, thinker, and person who reflected the strangeness and complexity of the Russian 18th century. It is also about the character of that amazing century, about the people who lived in it: about G. Derzhavin, N. Panin and others. The book is a portrait of the writer, but a group portrait - against the backdrop of the era and surrounded by its remarkable personalities.

Creativity of D.I. Fonvizin

1. Biography and personality of the writer.

2. The beginning of a creative journey. Translations and original works.

3. The comedy “Nedorosl” is the pinnacle of Russian drama of the 18th century. Genre, issues, plot and conflict, features of composition, language and style. Problem creative method.

4. Fonvizin – publicist.

5. Master class “Genres and forms of youth culture in working with the classical heritage (based on the play “The Minor”)”


Fonvizin D.I. Collection Works: In 2 vols. M., L., 1959

Pigarev K.V. Creativity of Fonvizin. M., 1954.

Makogonenko G.P. From Fonvizin to Pushkin. M., 1969. pp. 336-367.

Berkov P.N. History of Russian comedy of the 18th century. L., 1977.

History of Russian drama: XVII - first half of the XIX century. L., 1982.

Moiseeva G.N. Ways of development of Russian drama of the 18th century. M., 1986.

Strichek A. Denis Fonvizin: Russia of the Enlightenment. M., 1994.

Lebedeva O.B. Russian high comedy of the 18th century: Genesis and poetics of the genre. Tomsk, 1996. Ch. 1 (§ 5), 2 (§ 2, 3), 4, 5 (§ 4).

1. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is one of the remarkable representatives of the century, who shared with him its ups and downs, hopes and disappointments.

On the one hand, he is a secular man who has made an excellent career (personal secretary of I. Elagin and N. Panin, after Panin’s resignation, he headed the postal department), quite rich, one of the first in Russia to begin to deal with the acquisition of art objects abroad, on the other hand - “The Satires of the Brave Lord” and “Friend of Freedom”, the author of “The Minor”, ​​“Court Grammar”, who compiled the famous “Testament of Panin” (certain provisions of this document were used by the Decembrists in their political platforms), a man who was suspected of conspiracy against Catherine.

The personality is lively and captivating. A.S. Pushkin wrote about him:

It was a famous writer,

Famous Russian merry fellow,

The mocker with his laurels

Denis, the ignorant are scourged and afraid.

He was an unusually witty person. From memoirs: “Very early on, a penchant for satire appeared in me... my sharp words rushed around Moscow, and as they were caustic for many, the offended denounced me as an evil and dangerous boy. ... They soon began to fear me, then hate me.” Fonvizin had the gift of a parodist and also had undoubted artistic abilities. In a home performance in the Apraksins’ house, he played the role of Taras Skotinin (!). From the memoirs of contemporaries (about reading the comedy “The Brigadier” in the Hermitage for Catherine and her entourage): “... showed his talent in all its brilliance. ... he depicted the most noble nobles in their faces, engaged in an argument while playing whist, so skillfully, as if they themselves were here.”

Coming from a German aristocratic family (which had become fairly Russified by the 18th century), received a good education, and was an expert in European languages, Fonvizin, in the words of A.S. Pushkin, was “from the Per-Russian Russians.” From the writer’s letter: “If any of my young fellow citizens who have a sound mind become indignant, seeing abuses and disorder in Russia, and begin to alienate themselves from it in their hearts, then to convert to proper love for the fatherland there is no better way than to send him as soon as possible.” To France. Here, of course, he will learn very soon by experience that all the stories about the perfection here are a complete lie, that he is just smart and worthy person is rare everywhere and that in our fatherland, no matter how bad things sometimes happen in it, you can, however, be just as happy as in any other country.” Looking ahead a little, I would like to note the following. In 1785, he translated Zimmermann’s book “Discourse on National Curiosity” into Russian. In this translation, he expressed and at the same time deepened his understanding of the essence and nature of patriotism - “love of the fatherland, civic virtue, which is associated with love of freedom.”

2.Early work of D.I. Fonvizin associated with the ideas of the French and German enlightenment. Thus, he translated into Russian the Moral Fables of the Danish Enlightenment and Satirist L. Golberg, the novel Heroic Virtue, or the Life of Seth, King of Egypt by J. Terrason, and the anticlerical drama Alzira by Voltaire.

He also wrote satires. One of them has reached our time: “Message to my servants, Shumilov, Vanka and Petrushka” (1760).

His next important period literary activity associated with I.P. Elagin’s circle. The circle, along with Fonvizin (then still von Vizin), included talented representatives of the golden youth of St. Petersburg: Vladimir Lukin, Fyodor Kozlovsky, Bogdan Elchaninov. They began to “inflect the texts of foreign plays into Russian morals”: ​​they moved the scene of action to Russia, gave the characters Russian names, and introduced some features of Russian life. This is how the well-known comedies of the 18th century by I. Elagin “The Russian Frenchman” (an adaptation of Golberg’s play), Vl. Lukin’s “Mot Corrected by Love” (an adaptation of a play by Detouche), and D. Fonvizin’s “Corion” (an adaptation of a play by Gresse) appeared.

2. Original comedy creativity of D.I. Fonvizin connected with the history of the creation and production of his famous plays “The Brigadier” and “The Minor.” Fonvizin worked on the comedy “The Brigadier” in 1768-1769. According to contemporaries: “This is the first comedy in our morals.” Its themes: 1) education of nobles; 2) extortion and bribery; 3) the emergence of new people. The genre of “Brigadier” is comedy of manners with elements of slapstick comedy. For the first time in the history of Russian comedy, it presents such techniques as 1) travesty of the structure of bourgeois drama (respectable fathers of families embark on love affairs) 2) the technique of self-exposure of the character; 3) verbal techniques of the comic (use of macaroonisms, puns).

3. The comedy “The Minor” is the pinnacle of the playwright’s creativity. He worked on it starting in the 1770s. Its premiere took place on September 24, 1782 in St. Petersburg on the Field of Mars. The most famous Russian actors took part in the production: Dmitrevsky, Plavilshchikov, Mikhailova, Shumsky.

Ivan Dmitrevsky, who played Starodum, chose the play for his benefit performance. At this time, he returned from a brilliant tour of Europe, thanks to which, in fact, the production of “The Minor” became possible; Catherine was afraid of publicity. Subsequently, the play was removed from the repertoire, but its premieres still took place in a number of provincial theaters. The play was a stunning success; it was celebrated by throwing purses onto the stage. G. Potemkin is credited with the famous phrase: “Die Denis or don’t write anything else, your name known from this one play!”

Comedy genre research literature is not defined unambiguously: it is called popular, political, and high.

The problems are also multifaceted: 1) the hidden anti-Catherine orientation is palpable in it: “the edge of political satire was directed against the main social evil of the era - the complete lack of control of the highest authorities, which gave rise to moral devastation and arbitrariness” (P.N. Berkov). Interesting materials, in our opinion, confirming this point of view is available in the book by Yu.V. Stennik “Russian satire of the 18th century. L., 1985, pp. 316-337). In particular, this is an analysis undertaken by the scientist of the plays of the empress herself, the scene of trying on a caftan in the first act of Fonvizin’s play, a comparison of the dialogues of Starodum and Pravdin in the third act of the comedy with Fonvizin’s text “Discourses on the indispensable state laws” 2) the problem of the true dignity of a nobleman; 3) education in the broad sense of the word.

The comedy is masterfully constructed. Three levels of structure are noteworthy: 1) plot; 2) comedic-satirical, 3) ideal-utopian. Basic compositional technique- contrast. The climax can be considered a kind of examination of Mitrofan in the fourth act of the play.

Moreover, each level of the structure has its own style dominant: compositional-satirical - superbly written morally descriptive satire; ideal-utopian - the dialogue manner of philosophical treatises (for more details, see: Stennik Yu.V. Op. cit.).

The question of the similarities and differences between this comedy and the classic comedies of Western Europe also seems important. As a rule, such comedies did not allow 1) mixing of the serious and the comic; 2) the images-characters became carriers of one character property; 3) consisted of five acts, with the climax necessarily occurring in the third act; 4) demonstrated the rules of three unities; 5) comedies were written in free verse.

On this basis, the following classicistic features can be identified in Fonvizin’s comedy:

1) it also demonstrated the author’s rationalistic interpretation of reality (low reality was displayed in a low genre);

2) her images became bearers of certain advantages and disadvantages, which was secured by the presence of meaningful/speaking surnames/nicknames;

3) consisted of five actions;

4) demonstrated the rule of three unities.

There were also serious differences. They can be boiled down to the following points:

1) there was a mixture of the serious and the comic in it;

2) a description of everyday life has been introduced;

3) there was some individualization of the characters and their linguistic manner;

4) the climax is attributed to the fourth act;

5) the comedy is written in prose.

We will clarify all these points in detail during the practical lesson.

In the 80s, D.I. Fonvizin became the author of remarkable publications in the “Interlocutor of Lovers of the Russian Word” (“Several questions that can arouse special attention in smart and honest people”, “The Experience of a Russian Estatesman”, “A Petition to the Russian Minerva from Russian Writers , “Narrative of an imaginary deaf and dumb”); participated in the compilation of the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” (he compiled dictionary entries for the letters “K” and “L”); translated Zimmerman’s book “Discourses on National Curiosity”, Schubart’s fable “The Fox the Executor”, wrote the story “Callisthenes”, attempted to publish a new magazine “Friend of Honest People, or Starodum” and even prepared several original materials for it, unfortunately, the magazine was banned by censorship; compiled “Court Grammar”, spoke in the genre of confession (“Frank confession of my deeds and actions”), two out of four books were completed.

On November 30, at the Derzhavins’ house, already seriously ill, the writer read his new play “The Tutor’s Choice.” And on December 1, 1792 he was gone.

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