The theme of love and lyrics in Tyutchev’s works. Tyutchev's love lyrics

The motive for the merger becomes symbol true love in Tyutchev's lyrics. So, remembering E.A. Deniseva, the first happy, still unclouded months of their love, Tyutchev writes:

Today, friend, fifteen years have passed
Since that blissfully fateful day,
How she breathed in her whole soul,
How she poured all of herself into me.

This merging of two souls does not bring happiness to a person, because human relationships are still subject to the same laws, the same forces - enmity and love. Love is a “fusion”, but also a “duel”. It is characteristic that the epithet for “merger” and “duel” is the same - “fatal”, “fatal”. IN poem "Predestination", written in the first years of love for E.A. Deniseva, the poet admits:

Love, love - says the legend -
Union of the soul with the dear soul -
Their union, combination,
And their fatal merger,
And... the fatal duel...

And which one is more tender?
In the unequal struggle of two hearts,
The more inevitable and more certain,
Loving, suffering, sadly melting,
It will finally wear out.

In the understanding of love, one can see another unchanging Tyutchev image: charm. Love is magic, but the “sorcerer” is the person himself, who bewitched another heart, another soul and destroyed it:

Oh, don’t bother me with a fair reproach!
Believe me, of the two of us, your part is enviable:
You love sincerely and passionately, and I -
I look at you with jealous annoyance.

And, pathetic sorcerer, before the magical world,
Created by me myself, without faith I stand -
And blushing, I recognize myself
Your living soul is a lifeless idol.

Extremely strong in Tyutchev's love lyrics the tragic side of human relations was expressed. Love is not only the merging and struggle of two kindred souls, but also the inevitable death of the one who submitted to the fatal feeling. The source of tragedy is not only unkind fate, but also society, the “crowd,” whose laws a loving heart comes into conflict with. “At Tyutchev’s,” writes V.N. Kasatkina, characterizing the unique sound of the poet’s theme of love, “love becomes a tragedy for people not because of the guilt of one of them, but because of the unfair attitude of society and the crowd towards those who love.” At the same time, society acts as an instrument of unkind fate:

What did you pray with love,
What she took care of like a shrine,
Destiny for human idleness
She betrayed me to reproach.

The crowd came in, the crowd broke in
In the sanctuary of your soul,
And you involuntarily felt ashamed
And secrets and victims available to her<...>

This motive is born from the dramatic realities of the actual relationship between Tyutchev and E.A. Deniseva. The love of E. Denisyeva, a student of the Smolny Institute, revealed to society for Tyutchev, no longer young and with a family, made E. Denisyeva, especially in the first years of this love, a pariah in society. The whole complex set of feelings that the poet associated with this love - the happiness of shared love, reverence for the beloved, awareness of his own guilt in her suffering, understanding of the impossibility of resisting the harsh laws of society, which condemned “illegal passion” - all this was reflected in "Denisevsky cycle". It is no coincidence that researchers see in the heroine of the “Denisiev cycle” an anticipation of the image of Anna Karenina and some of the psychological collisions of the famous Tolstoy novel.

But still, what dominates in the “Denisiev cycle” is not the thought of the destructive influence of the “crowd,” but the thought of man’s guilt in the experiences and suffering of the chosen one of his heart. Many of the poems of the “Denisyev” cycle are permeated with a feeling of pain for the suffering of a loved one, with an awareness of one’s own guilt in this suffering:

Oh, how murderously we love,
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dear to our hearts!

Fate's terrible sentence
Your love was for her
And undeserved shame
She laid down her life!

By concluding the poem with the same lines that opened it, the poet thereby raises, as it were, into a universal law the idea of ​​the destructive, rather than the beneficial, power of love. This motif persistently sounds in many poems dedicated to E.A. Deniseva. The thought of love-death lyrical hero tries to inspire, convey to the lyrical heroine, he strives to make her words about the true - destructive force love, as if longing to hear a harsh and fair sentence from her lips:

Don’t say: he loves me as before,
As before, he values ​​me...
Oh no! He is inhumanly ruining my life,
At least I see the knife in his hand is shaking.

Now in anger, now in tears, sad, indignant,
Carried away, wounded in my soul,
I suffer, I don’t live... by them, by them alone I live -
But this life!.. Oh, how bitter it is!

He measures the air for me so carefully and sparingly...
They don’t measure this against a fierce enemy...
Oh, I’m still breathing painfully and difficultly,
I can breathe, but I can’t live.

But love is not only an inevitable tragedy, but also light, not only “hopelessness,” but also “bliss.” Metaphor last love- evening dawn. In the poem “Last Love,” where this image is given, Tyutchev paints a picture of a magical evening, nature, permeated by the sun leaving the world. And this picture deeply and accurately symbolizes the bright sadness, the hopeless bliss of the last human love:

<...>Shine, shine, farewell light
Last love, dawn of evening!

Half the sky was covered in shadow,
Only there, in the west, does the radiance wander, -
Slow down, slow down, evening light,
Last, last, charm.

Tyutchev's lyrics of love clearly reveals the accuracy of the law of true creativity, once formulated by L. Tolstoy: “The deeper you scoop, the more common to all, more familiar, dearer.” The confession of a suffering heart only becomes an expression of the pain of other people when the words and experiences are extremely sincere and deep.

Another feature of Tyutchev’s poems from the “Denisyev cycle”: written in different years, they form a single story, a novel in verse, in which the reader saw vicissitudes full of drama love feeling, based on which he compiled a story of human love. The deep psychologism of these lyrics, the amazing accuracy in the description of contradictory, complex human feelings, indeed, allow us to talk about the poet’s influence on the development of the Russian novel - the leading genre of Russian literature late XIX century.

Love lyrics Tyutchev is one of the pinnacle phenomena of world poetry. The central place in it is occupied by the study of the “dialectics of the soul”, complex and contradictory processes of the human psyche.

Researchers have identified a special cycle from Tyutchev, associated with his passion for E. A. Denisyeva and therefore called “Denisyevsky”. This is a kind of novel in verse, stunning in its courage of introspection, sincerity and psychological depth. Of course, you are more interested in poems about first love, but appreciate Tyutchev’s confessional poem, full of inner drama, called “Last Love”:

Oh, how in our declining years we love more tenderly and more superstitiously. Shine, shine, farewell light of the last love, the dawn of evening! Let the blood in the veins become scarce, But the tenderness in the heart does not become scarce. O you, last love! You are both bliss and hopelessness.

Love, traditionally (according to “legend”) presented as a harmonious “union of the soul with the dear soul,” is perceived by Tyutchev in a completely different way: it is a “fatal duel” in which death is inevitable, predetermined loving heart("Predestination"):

And the more tender one of them is in the unequal struggle of two hearts, the more inevitable and sure, Loving, suffering, sadly melting, It will finally wear out...

The fatal impossibility of happiness depends not only on the “crowd” that rudely breaks into the sanctuary human soul, not only from the “immortal vulgarity of people,” but also from the tragic, fatal inequality of people in love.

The innovation of Tyutchev’s love lyrics lies in the fact that it is dialogical in nature: its structure is built on a combination of two levels, two voices, two consciousnesses are expressed in it: her And his. Wherein her the feeling turns out to be stronger, which predetermines the inevitable death of a deeply loving woman, her fatal defeat. “Tyutchevsky man” feels his inability to answer her in the same way strong feeling.Material from the site

Around the same time (50s), Nekrasov created his love lyrics, in which the image of a woman was also highlighted. Thus, in the work of two great poets, the image of another person, another “I”, appears independently of each other, giving love lyrics the character not of a monologue (as is most often the case in poetry of the first half of the 19th century), but of dialogue. Instead of a form of confession, a dramatic scene often appears, conveying a conflict clash caused by complex psychological collisions.

Tyutchev's love lyrics


1. Introduction

2.Muses of the poet


Tyutchev's love lyrics significantly enriched Russian literature. In life I was a fan of “pure” art an ordinary person, which is characterized by mistakes and hobbies. Tyutchev had serious affairs with several women.

The poet was married twice, but his family and children could not force him to give up his secret “civil” life. Someone may consider the two main misfortunes of a. Tragic death his first wife died.

The poet's most serious romance with L. Denisyeva also ended with the death of his beloved at an early age. These losses introduced motifs of sadness and longing into the poet’s love lyrics.

First strong love the poet fell in love with Amalie von Lerchenfeld during his stay in Munich. Tyutchev proposed, but received a decisive refusal from the girl’s parents. During Tyutchev's short departure from Munich, the family married Amalia. At the beginning of his courtship, the poet dedicated the poem “Your sweet gaze, full of innocent passion...” to Amalia, which is a declaration of love.

Much later, he recalled this in his work “I Remember the Golden Time...”. The poem “K.” is also dedicated to Amalia. B.”, which became a widely popular romance “I Met You...”. Tyutchev's first wife was a young widow with three children, Eleanor Peterson. Eleanor was fragile woman with a sensitive soul. She was very upset by the news of her husband’s betrayal with Ernestina Dernberg. Nervous fatigue had a significant impact on her health. An elementary cold caused the last blow poor woman. Eleanor left the poet two more daughters and a son.

There are two known works of the poet, posthumously dedicated to Eleanor: “I am still languishing with the anguish of desires...” and “In the hours when it happens...”. Soon after the death of his wife, Tyutchev married his old lover- Ernestina Dernberg. Happy marriage continued for a long time, until Tyutchev experienced a new hobby. Ernestina knew very well about her husband’s betrayal, but forgave him for the sake of the children. Love for Ernestine became a rich source of inspiration for the poet. Such beautiful poems as “I love your eyes, my friend...”, “She was sitting on the floor...”, etc. are dedicated to her.

The most popular poems by Tyutchev were works dedicated to the poet’s latest hobby - E. A. Denisyeva. She was much younger than Tyutchev, but she loved him with incredible self-sacrifice. They despised her and openly laughed at her mistress's position. Such a life became the cause of rapidly progressing consumption. Denisyeva died at the age of 40. The result of the novel was the “Denisevsky cycle” of poems, including “Oh, how murderously we love,” “More than once have you heard a confession...”, “There is not a day when the soul does not ache...” and others. Shortly before his death, Tyutchev summed up his love relationships, writing the poem “Everything was taken from me by the executing God...”. He dedicated it to his most faithful friend in life, Ernestine Dernberg.

Home distinctive feature Tyutchev's works about love had a special sincerity. The poet was an “incorrigible” romantic. His poems are very chaste, they do not mention the rough everyday trifles. Tyutchev worships the magical feeling of love. He compares his relationships with women to worshiping a deity. Dedications to a loved one are very pure and full of solemn phrases. Tragic motives appear in the Denisevsky cycle.

“Illegal” love left its mark on Tyutchev’s work. He described what he himself experienced. A great feeling was combined with hopelessness, romance - with misunderstanding and rejection by society, tender relationships - with the impossibility of being together. Tyutchev's love lyrics became an example of Russian poetic classics. It reflected the most intimate movements of the human soul, both in happiness and in suffering.

How many of us know the face of young Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev? Almost nobody. We remember his appearance in his declining years: serious sad eyes, high forehead, gray sparse hair, lips dry from suffering, long fingers. Yes, we remember him as a mature and serious person. And this is how he came to poetry - mature and serious. It is generally accepted that with the publication of twenty-four poems in the third and fourth books of Pushkin's Sovremennik in 1836, Tyutchev made his debut in poetry. In Tyutchev's poems, little things and details of everyday life disappear, are erased, disappear into oblivion.

As the ocean envelops the globe,

Earthly life is surrounded by dreams;

Night will come, and with sonorous waves

The element hits its shore.

That's her voice; he forces us and asks...

Already in the pier the magical boat came to life;

The tide is rising and sweeping us away quickly

Into the immeasurability of dark waves.

The vault of heaven, burning with the glory of the stars

Looks mysteriously from the depths, -

And we float, a burning abyss

Surrounded on all sides.

The poet feels keenly and speaks intelligibly about man among the planets, as if he himself lives there. According to L.N. Tolstoy, Tyutchev was “one of those unfortunate people who are immeasurably higher than the crowd among whom they live, and therefore are always alone.” But also, he was a living person, who was characterized by all the weaknesses and mistakes. I would like to dwell on this side of his life in more detail. In my essay I will show Tyutchev as a connoisseur female beauty. Thus, I set the goal of my work: to show the influence of love feelings on the poet’s work, to consider Tyutchev’s love lyrics.

Tyutchev's love lyrics

For poets" pure art"characteristic high culture, admiration for perfect examples of classical sculpture, painting, music, romantic craving for the ideal of beauty, the desire to join the “other”, sublime world. Love lyrics are permeated with a powerful dramatic, tragic sound, which is associated with the circumstances of his personal life. He survived the death of his beloved woman, which left an unhealed wound in his soul. Tyutchev's masterpieces of love poetry were born from genuine pain, suffering, a feeling of irreparable loss, a sense of guilt and repentance.

The highest achievement of love lyrics by F.I. Tyutchev is the so-called "Denisevsky cycle", dedicated to love, experienced by the poet “in his declining years” to Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva. Their characteristic understanding of love as a tragedy, as a fatal force leading to devastation and death, is also found in early work Tyutchev, therefore it would be more correct to name the poems related to the “Denisyev cycle” without reference to the poet’s biography. This amazing lyrical novel lasted 14 years, ending with Deniseva’s death from consumption in 1864. But in the eyes of society it was a “lawless”, shameful relationship. Therefore, even after the death of his beloved woman, Tyutchev continued to blame himself for her suffering, for failing to protect her from “human judgment.” Tyutchev himself did not take part in the formation of the “cycle”, so it is often unclear to whom certain poems are addressed - to E.A. Denisyeva or his wife Ernestina. Poems about the poet’s last love have no equal in Russian literature in terms of the depth of psychological disclosure of the topic:

Oh, how in our declining years

We love more tenderly and more superstitiously...

Shine, shine, farewell light

Last love, dawn of evening!

The enormous power of influence on the reader is the sincerity and artlessness of expressing a deep, hard-won thought about the transience of enormous, unique happiness, which cannot be returned. Love in Tyutchev’s view is a mystery, highest gift fate. It's exciting, whimsical and out of control. This is love for a woman. Therefore, the poet wrote many poems on this topic. Love in Tyutchev's lyrics is not an external passion or admiration for the charm of a beloved being, it is a deep, elemental feeling that absorbs the entire human soul. Attraction suddenly bursts into an explosion of passion, which can give a person the highest rapture and can lead to his death. Tenderness and giving of oneself to a loved one can unexpectedly turn into a “fatal duel.” In the poem, part of the famous “Denisyev cycle,” love is called “murderous.”

Love love -

legend says -

Union of the soul with the dear soul -

Their connection, combination,

And their fatal merger,

And... the fatal duel...

However, such a metamorphosis is still not capable of killing love; moreover, a suffering person does not want to get rid of the torments of love, for it gives him a fullness and acuteness of perception of the world. Love is thus associated with suffering, longing, heartache, tears. Tyutchev's love lyrics can be read as a kind of intimate diary, which reflects his whirlwind romances. Tyutchev's poems contain a storm of feelings; he describes love in all its diversity of manifestations. The poet believed that fate leads a person to true love. With the death of a beloved woman, life, dreams, desires went away, her life faded before bright colors. A painfully accurate comparison that likens a person to a bird with broken wings conveys a feeling of shock from bereavement, emptiness, and powerlessness:

You loved, and the way you love -

No, no one succeeded!

Oh Lord!.. and survive this...

Tyutchev's love lyrics are full of desire to understand the soul of a woman, deification and sympathy. Tyutchev's love splits into two and begins to fight with itself: on the one hand, Tyutchev's love is affectionate and tender, and on the other hand it is terrible, destroying people, fatal. A man of strong passions, he captured in poetry all the shades of this feeling and thoughts about the inexorable fate that pursues a person. After all, love turned out to be one of the manifestations of the element of life so close to Tyutchev. Love poetry Tyutchev is a whole story, which has its own prologues and beginnings, explosions and climaxes. Love in Tyutchev's poetry is a thunderous, destructive passion. Throughout his work there is a contrast between the quiet dawn of love and the stormy height of passion. Tyutchev looked into such depths, into such abysses of the human soul, like no one before him. The movement of lyrical thought very clearly conveys the movement of the human heart.

Love is the biggest shock in a person's life. It is love that fills with meaning, internal burning, makes the human heart shudder, and contributes to the soaring of the human mind and spirituality. The poet defends everyone’s right to this feeling and shows how personal it is.

For the poet, love is both bliss and hopelessness, and tension of feelings that brings suffering to a person and the happiness of two hearts. The theme of love is revealed with special drama in poems dedicated to E.A. Deniseva. Tyutchev strives to abandon the narrowly subjective point of view of his beloved. He wants to more clearly reveal the world of feelings, her personality. The poet focuses on his own experiences, but strives to penetrate spiritual world women. He reveals it through a description of external manifestations of feelings, and thus the romantic outpouring begins to be supplanted by the description: “She was sitting on the floor and sorting out a pile of letters.” In the lyrics, a second voice is introduced - the voice of a woman.

In terms of her psychological make-up, the beloved in the “Denisyev cycle” resembles Turgenev’s heroines. For both, love is a “fatal duel.” Tyutchev in his thoughts about female share, O feminine character close to Turgenev. In the “Denisyev cycle” she is similar to the heroine of Turgenev’s story “Three Meetings”. Textual similarities between Tyutchev’s poems and Turgenev’s novels and stories are revealed, in the image love suffering. The hero's inferiority is expressed in woeful "self-criticism".

More than once you have heard the confession:

I'm definitely not worthy of you

"I'm not worth your love..."

You are not worth it to me

Before your love

We have become detached from your sphere.

It hurts me to remember myself...

I'm parting with you, probably forever,

You too understand my humility.

And leave you with a worse memory of yourself

Before your loving heart.

The one I deserve

It would be too bitter.

This is why I am writing to you.

I don't want to make excuses

Don't blame anyone

Except for myself...

Excerpts from Rudin's letter indicate the similarity of the moral and psychological state of the heroes of Turgenev and Tyutchev. The love story itself, told by Tyutchev in the “Denisiev cycle” in psychologically reminiscent of the love story of Turgenev's heroines. However, Tyutchev's hero has more determination and passion. The main thing that Tyutchev saw and highly appreciated in a woman was the strength of feeling. His beloved appeared in poetry as a true heroine of love who accomplished a feat. Tyutchev asserts a woman’s right to personal feelings, to love, to fight for her. In love for her, the heroine revealed herself, best qualities your personality, your capabilities. Reading Tyutchev's poems, we are again and again amazed at the inexhaustible wealth of the Russian language. Tyutchev’s exacting attitude to poetic craft distinguishes him. Poems teach us the poetic word. “He doesn’t joke with the muse,” Tolstoy said about him. Tolstoy encouraged young writers to learn this ability to harmoniously combine content and form when he told the aspiring Gorky: “We must learn poetry from Pushkin, Tyutchev, Shenshin.”

Over time, Tyutchev's lyrics become more and more imaginative and concrete. The experience of Russian realism did not pass without a trace for the poet. The finalizer of Russian romanticism, Tyutchev goes beyond its limits. His work becomes a harbinger of the artistic movement of symbolism at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Last years life in Tyutchev's lyrics affirmed the idea that love, even tragic, is a symbol of true human existence, without which life is unthinkable. In Tyutchev's love lyrics one can trace Difficult life hearts. According to Tyutchev, only love can one be saved “in deep old age,” only love lies the meaning of human existence.

love lyrics Tyutchev

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