Vaenga is her husband and child. The complex personal life of Elena Vaenga

Elena Vaenga got married. The singer has already appeared in a wedding dress and also shared a photo wedding rings and husband.

Popular singer Elena Vaenga got married on September 30. The chanson star and her lover decided to tie their destinies in one of the registry offices of St. Petersburg.

As journalists managed to find out, Vaenga’s chosen one was a musician from her group, Roman Sadyrbaev. They preferred not to advertise their relationship, citing the fact that happiness loves silence. However, emotions in front of the registry office overwhelmed Elena.

"I know. Very, very close people know what is happening to me. Girlish state. Life, of course, is not sugar honey, but in moments it is simply incredibly cool! – the singer wrote on her microblog on the eve of the ceremony. - I think that I am a good person if kind, good, sincere people love me... And care and help... I feel cared for like a child or sister... Tomorrow... Tomorrow I will hug everyone and cry from happiness... Eh... Life is beautiful... Lord. Thank you".

The holiday turned out to be double. On September 30, Vaenga’s grandmother turned 90 years old. “I’ll cry tomorrow. My grandmother Nadezhda Georgievna is 90 years old. Probably, after the birth of my son, this is the most significant event in my life,” Elena admitted. - She lived. We survived. Already now I bow deeply to the girls for their titanic help in preparation. Julia, Ksyu, Mashulya, thank you! So much love, care, attention and kindness. I felt like family and friends. Tomorrow we will congratulate our grandmother. The gifts are already ready. Waiting for tomorrow. 90... I'm crying again. Whoever is with me tomorrow, I wait and hug.”

They say that it was from her now husband Roman that the artist gave birth to a son in August 2012. By a mysterious coincidence, shortly before the birth of the child, Vaenga broke up with Ivan Matvienko, with whom she lived in an unregistered marriage for 16 years. It’s interesting that she named her son Ivan. However, when asked who his father was, Elena did not answer.

A little over a year later, the media learned the singer’s secret. The chanson star first published a photo of Sadyrbaev on Instagram. She commented briefly on the photo: “And dad with a sword.” Why did Elena decide to change her principle and still post a photo with her beloved? Is she expecting a second child? The photo that the singer recently published also suggests such thoughts. Not even the photo itself, but the caption to it. Vaenga posted an image of a little girl and captioned it: “#want.”

Note that the singer has more than once published a photo of a man, calling him “dad.” But the face of this “dad” was never seen. Fans were all wondering: who does she mean – her father or little Vanya’s father?

Among her friends, Elena Vaenga is called Lenenergo for her charisma, irrepressible character, and the gift of raising the mood in the room where she appears. It doesn’t cost the singer anything to call in the middle of the night if a question arises in her head. concert program. And what’s surprising is that no one will point out the watch to the artist.

Vaenga realizes that the idea that the world revolves around her causes problems and inconveniences, but she has already gotten used to it. Elena herself is ready to respond to a call for help, regardless of where she is and what time of day it is outside.

Childhood and youth

Elena Vaenga, according to her passport Elena Khruleva, was born on January 27, 1977 in the port town of Severomorsk. His parents worked at a ship repair plant, his father was an engineer by training, and his mother was a chemist. The girl grew up with her younger sister Tatyana and half-sister Inna from her father’s first marriage.

The future singer spent her childhood in small village Blizzard at my parents' place of work. The Khrulev family raised their children in strictness, instilling discipline. The girl’s days were literally scheduled hourly: exercise, school lessons, visiting clubs and taking lessons again.

Later in an interview, Elena said that her biography is a combat one. In the house she stood in all the corners, in a visible place hung a belt, from which Vaenga sometimes got hurt. At school, the singer scared teachers and got into boy fights. Due to a conflict with an anti-Semitic teacher, Lena was expelled from school and was taken back only when another teacher vouched for the student.

“In connection with which I gave myself this definition: I am a typical northern woman with southern blood.”

Elena's talent began to manifest itself in early childhood. Vaenga learned to dance from the age of 3. In the same at a young age the girl easily repeated the melody played by her father on the piano, and her parents realized that they were growing future star. At the age of 9, the child wrote his first song.

The parents sent their daughter to a music school. At the same time, Vaenga studied at a sports school, which helped maintain good physical fitness. After graduating from school, Elena moved to St. Petersburg to live with her grandmother to go to university there. However, it turned out that one class was missing for complete secondary education, the girl was forced to go back to school to complete the 11th grade.

In 1994, Elena Vaenga entered the Music College named after, where she continued to master playing the piano. She had a hard time studying, the level music education did not reach the level of the capital, she studied mostly with B grades. The future singer showed enviable zeal; in her 2nd year, Vaenga was even transferred from the paid department to the budget department.

After graduating from college, Elena decided to make her childhood dream come true and go study acting. The choice fell on the Theater Academy (LGITMIK), where the singer entered the course of G. Trostyanetsky. Vaenga studied there for 2 months, receiving an invitation from Moscow to record a music disc.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Elena entered the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law in the theater department. The girl was sure that she would become a theater actress. However, after graduating from the university with honors, Vaenga returned to music again.


As a student theater institute, Elena Vaenga traveled to Moscow by invitation music producer to record the 1st album. But the record was never released, and Razin sold its work to other performers Russian stage. However, the celebrity is not in the mood to sue the famous producer.

The girl became disillusioned with show business and decided to become an actress again, however common law husband and producer Ivan Matvienko persuaded the artist to return to music scene. Thanks to her husband, Elena’s first album, “Portrait,” was released in 2003.

Then Khruleva, on the advice of her mother, took the creative pseudonym Vaenga after the name of the river not far from her hometown, also this word translated from Sami means “deer”. The disc is being released under the singer’s new name. The record was popular in St. Petersburg, but the talented young performer was noticed and began to be invited to various festivals and song competitions.

Vaenga received recognition and love from listeners by releasing the album “ White bird”, which included the songs “Taiga”, “I Wish”, “Airport”, “Chopin” and others.

Elena Vaenga - “Chopin”

A number of compositions instantly became hits in Russia. Journalists wrote en masse about the singer’s growing popularity and about the “Elena Vaenga phenomenon,” who achieved serious success without the help of famous producers, composers and influential relatives. The artist’s songs compared favorably with what modern pop performers offered listeners en masse.

Soon Vaenga was given the title “Queen of Chanson”. In 2009, the singer received her first Golden Gramophone award for the song “I Smoke.” A year later, the composition “Airport” received the “20 best songs", and the track "Absinthe" - "Song of the Year". Since 2011, Elena has given tours in the countries of the former CIS, Germany and Israel.

Elena Vaenga - “I smoke”

In 2012, the artist had to take a break from the concert tour because Vaenga damaged her vocal cords and was physically unable to sing. She performed in her homeland and went to maternity leave, re-entering the stage only at the end of the year. Since 2012, Elena Vaenga has been awarded the title of singer of the year according to the Chanson of the Year award for 5 years.

In addition, in 2012, the composition “Where Was” received prestigious awards“Song of the Year” and “Golden Gramophone”, in 2013 awarded the “Golden Gramophone” new song Vaenga “Bride”, and in 2014 - recorded in a duet with “Neva”. Creative Union I didn’t stop there with Busulis. Together with the singer, Elena Vaenga performed another composition called “Gravity”.

Elena Vaenga and Intars Busulis - “Gravity”

In 2013, the singer performed at the Slavic Bazaar festival. The event was remembered by Elena’s fans for another interesting duet. She sang the song “Two Souls” together.

In 2014, Vaenga participated as a jury member in the transformation show “Just the Same” on Channel One.

Elena Vaenga on the show “Exactly” - “Once a year the gardens bloom”

At the end of 2015, Elena Vaenga gave a solo concert in the Kremlin and performed as best songs from the repertoire known to the public, as well as completely new compositions. The performance at the State Kremlin Palace was timed to coincide with the release of the singer’s new program and new album.

In 2016, the composition “Lady Di” was nominated for the Russian National music award in the Urban Romance category. Also this year, Elena traditionally took part in the gala concert of the national award “Chanson of the Year,” where she sang the song “What Have We Done?” The concert was broadcast on Channel One.

Elena Vaenga and Mikhail Bublik - “What have we done”

In December 2016, Elena Vaenga spoke at the annual New Year's concert“NON-Blue Light”, where she sang a duet with the “Tortilla Turtle Song”, familiar to many from childhood, and also appeared together with the Latvian pop singer. Elena shared a joint photo with the latter in "Instagram" and received compliments on the festive appearance of the artists.

In 2017, the singer went on a tour of cities in Russia and neighboring countries, but was forced to cancel or reschedule some concerts due to being hospitalized with the flu.

Personal life

Elena met her common-law husband Ivan Matvienko in 1995 in St. Petersburg. He is of gypsy blood, which caused disapproval from the girl’s parents. However, 18-year-old Vaenga chose her beloved over the opinion of her family. The artist almost immediately moved to Ivan, having quarreled with her family.

Matvienko supported his talented wife as best he could. The man left the city to work in order to provide Elena with the opportunity to record albums and buy stage costumes. He produced her first and subsequent albums. Despite ideal relationship, the couple separated in 2011. According to Elena, the reason for the end of the relationship was the lack of children in this union. However, the singer remained on friendly terms with Matvienko, ex-spouses They even live in neighboring apartments and now continue to communicate.

In 2012, Vaenga gave birth to a son, whom she named Ivan. She later admitted that the baby’s father is a participant musical group Roman Sadyrbaev.

Motherhood has given Elena real happiness, although she doesn’t see her son very often because of her tours. Ivan is raised by his grandparents, whom Vaenga sends every winter to live in Cyprus with a friend. The performer tries to visit her son as often as possible, and sometimes takes Vanya with her on tour.

The artist only dreams of spending the winter by the sea and says that she has sacrificed her personal life for her career: Elena is the only breadwinner in the family.

“Everyone wants to be aristocrats with billions in their accounts, so that mom and dad stay at home all the time, and 25 children are fed, clothed and educated. But in my situation, I can either shed tears or work for days!”

In 2016, the singer attracted attention to her appearance. At the beginning of the year, Elena dyed her hair blonde, which shocked fans, and then changed her image again and cut her hair short.

In addition, that year the woman once again lost weight, causing approval from fans. Elena immediately shared changes in her appearance with subscribers on Instagram. However, the artist, whose height is 177 cm, did not perceive excess weight as a problem. Although in 2014, she lost 15 kg in 4 months, arguing with her own concert director for money.

Elena Vaenga now

Elena Vaenga's concert schedule, judging by the official website, is scheduled for 3 months in advance. The singer tours in Russia, the Baltic countries and Central Asia. In 2016, the artist visited Crimea for the first time and has been coming there every year since then, for which the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker” blacklisted her.

At the beginning of 2018, Elena presented a new song “Confession” to listeners.

Elena Vaenga - “Confession” (2018 premiere)

In the fall of the same year, another album called “1+1” was released, which contained compositions performed in a duet with Mikhail Nikitin, Alena Petrovskaya, Jein (Evgenia Lavrentieva) and participant of the show “Achi Purtseladze”. Already familiar Laima Vaikule and Intars Busulis are also present.

Latin American motifs were heard in the song Mueve la Cintura Mulata, performed by Vaenga with Roberto Quel Torres, who represented Cuba at the competition “ New wave" in 2013.

The Slavic Bazaar 2018 festival, as a number of websites wrote, showed new Vaenga: live sound, an incendiary program, works in which jazz, rock and gypsy tunes are heard. Brass section, drums, percussion. In general, nothing from the usual chanson, where critics classified the artist’s work in the early 2000s.

Elena has also changed as an actress, not inferior in experiencing each song as a separate performance. In her performance, the singer got rid of the tragic strain and sluggish pronunciation of the ends of phrases, which previously blurred the meaning of the song.

Elena Vaenga and Lyudmila Sokolova - “Finicky Horses” (premiere 2018)

Vaenga invited artists to Vitebsk “who are not played on TV or radio,” including. Elena liked the native of Volgograd since the days of the show “Three Chords”, where the woman sat on the jury. Both performers were remembered by the public for their unique version of the song “Fasicky Horses.”


  • 2003 - “Portrait”
  • 2003 - “Flute 1”
  • 2005 - “Flute 2”
  • 2005 - “White Bird”
  • 2006 - “Chopin”
  • 2007 - “Absinthe”
  • 2007 - “Dunes”
  • 2008 - “Keys”
  • 2012 - “Lena”
  • 2015 - “New”
  • 2018 - “1+1”

Elena’s joke: “All journalists ask me who the father of the child is. I answer: old Elvis. Elvis Presley” was reprinted in September last year by almost all publications in the country. Vaenga likes to hide her personal life behind seven seals. Almost a year and a half has passed since the birth of her son Vanya, and until now no one knew who the baby’s father was. “StarHit” found out that the boy’s father is a percussionist and drummer from the Vaenga band, 30-year-old Roman Sadyrbaev.

It turns out it's love!

The country first paid attention to Roman in February 2012, when the musician had an accident while driving a white Mercedes that belonged to Vaenga. No one understood why he was driving her car. But the band’s musicians already knew: Roma and Lena were together. He often drove her car - he took his pregnant lover on all errands. Roman is caring, tenderly looks after her: he brings sweets to the dressing room, irons her stage dresses before performances...

The guy came to St. Petersburg from Krasnodar to enroll in the pop department State University culture and arts. He made his own career. At first he worked as a percussionist in Surganova’s team for two years, and in 2008 he moved to Vaenga. Over time, he became Elena's favorite, her right hand.

“Roma knows how to charm the ladies,” Sadyrbaev’s friend Renat shares with StarHit. “At first he just wanted to stand out among the musicians, to make friends with the star, and then a spark really ran between them. We used to go with him to sit in a bar, but two years ago he literally disappeared, no matter how much I adjusted to his schedule, I could not get him out. He was always busy. And then I found out that he, it turns out, is in love.” The lovers did not advertise their relationship. On tour, they performed on the same stage and spent the night in different hotel rooms. “Romka is a romantic guy,” continues Renat. “He’ll secretly put a gift in Elena’s room, or he’ll book a table in a restaurant and invite her after the concert.”

Sadyrbaev used to rent an apartment not far from Vaenga. He often came to visit her, and when feelings flared up between them, he began to stay with the singer, and then practically moved. Having learned about the affair, the tactful musicians of the group continued to pretend that nothing was happening. And Sadyrbaev’s friend, musician Sergei Sokolov, thinks: “Romka is generally handsome and a cool musician. Even when he didn’t play with Lena, we different projects participated. Now, however, we rarely see each other. I know that . Last time we crossed paths in Chelyabinsk: both I and he had concerts there. And then we had an afterparty at the club and walked until the morning. True, without Lena.”

Hello Elvis!

Meanwhile, people continued to discuss the “secret of paternity” popular singer. She did not immediately announce the separation from her common-law husband Ivan Matvienko. But in such a way that it became clear that she was going through a very difficult time... “I’ve been living alone for six months now. Oh, I’m sorry that I didn’t write here, how bad I feel... Sorry that I didn’t write to the whole country that I have a hole instead of a soul,” Elena left a post on the wall of her official website in January 2012. “And I thought that you could guess from the songs... No one will ever know... to what extent I am unhappy.” But rumors that the father of the child could still be Matvienko subsided only when it became known that on August 10, 2012 - the birthday of Lena's son -. And to the one who got through to him, the producer replied: “Have you given birth? Did not know. When I come back, I’ll congratulate you!”

Last summer, at the Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk, the singer spent time in the company of the son of the director of the St. Petersburg Concert Hall “Oktyabrsky” Vlad Lavrinovich. They walked arm in arm and smiled. Maybe he is - new man Elena?

“What are you talking about! – “StarHit” was assured by those surrounded by Lavrinovich. – Vlad is a family man, he has a wife and two children. And with Lena they are simply friendly. She
She often vacations with him and his wife Natasha. Vlad Vaenge organized concerts. Besides, she has a family too.”

This is how Lena managed to hide her love from prying eyes for so long... In public, she and Roman did not show feelings, they played the roles of “friends.” In order not to attract unnecessary attention, after being discharged from maternity hospital No. 6 named after Professor Snegirev, the singer walked two blocks to her house with a child in her arms - and there were no men next to her. No one knew that Roman’s mother soon moved in with her to babysit her grandson. Judging by the photo from Elena’s Instagram, her son, whom she calls Ulybaikin, is growing up cheerful and active. And Roman, as they say in his circle, approached the role of a father responsibly. He changes his diapers himself, walks with him and spoon feeds him...

Many of those whom we are used to seeing on the TV screen or on stage have made a lot of effort to become the center of everyone's attention. And one of these purposeful individuals who managed to achieve fame and recognition was Elena Vaenga.

Her stage name is known not only to domestic audiences, but also abroad. Strong, beautiful and incredibly talented, from childhood she amazed her parents and other people around her with her capabilities. This bright and eccentric modern pop performer can be treated differently, but Elena’s work does not leave the majority of the public indifferent, touches a nerve, and provokes emotions.

Therefore, the biography of Elena Vaenga, in particular her work and personal life, arouse great interest in her person. It was she who got to the top of the star musical Olympus, we decided to dedicate today's article.

The childhood of a charismatic singer

The star of the singer, whose fame was brought by her repertoire in the chanson genre, lit up very early. Her acting and singing talent appeared when little Lena was about three years old. The baby was just beginning to learn dancing and playing the piano, which came quite easily to her.

Elena Vaenga was born in Severomorsk in the winter of 1977 (exact date of birth - 01/27/1977). But now we know the singer under a pseudonym, and at birth the girl received her father’s surname. Thus, the real name of the famous chanson performer is Elena Vladimirovna Khruleva. Her nationality is Russian.

The girl's father, Vladimir Khrulev, worked as an engineer at a local shipyard. Mother was a chemist by profession. Despite the fact that Elena Vladimirovna’s paternal grandparents were city dwellers, native residents of St. Petersburg, the baby’s parents decided to set off to explore the northern expanses and went to the Murmansk region. Later, when Vaenga grows up, she will even write a song dedicated to her native North and her father (its title is “Dad, Draw!”).

In addition to Elena, the family had two more children: eldest daughter Inna (father's name - stepsister Elena) and the youngest - Tatyana. Parents raised all girls in strictness and from childhood tried to instill in them the habit of order and discipline. Therefore, the little ones had practically no time left for idleness - each of their days was scheduled literally minute by minute, starting with morning exercises and definitely included extracurricular activities and household duties.

First steps to glory

Already at the age of three, Elena Vaenga, whose biography and personal life is presented here, began dancing and could repeat any melody played by her dad on the piano, thereby demonstrating perfect pitch. And at the age of nine, Lenochka had already written the lyrics to her first song. It was then that the parents decided to seriously develop their daughter’s creative talent and enrolled her in a music school.

From that time on, the future winner of the Golden Gramophone award and popularly beloved singer Elena Vaenga began diligently, step by step, to lay the foundations of her musical career. She wrote poems and performed them herself at various competitions in order to gain valuable experience and master the basics of stagecraft. Without graduating from high school, future star national stage Elena Vaenga (Khruleva) decided to go to the northern capital to enter a music university.

But the promising and talented singer Elena Vaenga did not manage to enter the institute the first time due to the lack of a certificate of secondary education. Therefore, instead of going to university, the girl was forced to go back to school to finish her last year. Then she applied for the piano department music school named after Rimsky-Korsakov in St. Petersburg, from which she graduated with a diploma as a teacher and accompanist.

After completing her studies, Elena began teaching at music school while studying vocals at the same time. But that’s it for Elena Vaenga, last news whose life is now constantly covered in the media, I decided not to stop. Soon Elena Vladimirovna, at that moment already married woman, applied to the Theater Academy in St. Petersburg, successfully entered there, but studied for only two months.

The fact is that the girl chose a career as a singer over her childhood dream of becoming an actress, because one of the famous metropolitan producers became interested in Elena’s composing experiments and invited her to Moscow. So, after two months of studying at the Theater Academy in St. Petersburg, Elena Vaenga, the future winner of the Golden Gramophone, leaves to record her first album.

Bitter experience and taste of victory

However, Vaenga, who had no experience in show business, entered into a very unfavorable contract for herself. Producer Stepan Razin, who invited our heroine to the capital, of course, helped Elena record her first album. But his demands turned out to be too much for the aspiring pop star, who found himself behind the scenes of the music industry for the first time. She ran away from her producer and returned to St. Petersburg.

To compensate for the damage, Razin resold all of Elena Vaenga's songs. Thus, the text and music of the composition “Bride” went to A. Marshal, the song “Thin Branch” - to the girls from “Strelok”, the words of the song “My Most Favorite” - to the pop group “ Ladybug" etc.

This turn was very unexpected for Elena Vaenga. She did not want to prove her authorship through the court, but she was very disappointed in show business and even decided that this sphere of creativity was not for her. But the music beckoned Elena, which our heroine’s husband noticed every day. He persuaded the promising performer to try her hand at the music stage again.

So, in 2003, thanks to the incredible efforts of Elena Khruleva and the powerful support of her husband, the collection of compositions “Portrait” was released. On the eve of its release, the girl decided to take a creative pseudonym, and therefore was not listed on the new disc. real name Elena is Khruleva, and her pseudonym is Vaenga. The performer, on the advice of her mother, decided to use the name of the Vaenga River, which flows near the hometown of the heroine of our story, as her stage name.

The record attracted the attention of the St. Petersburg music public, but did not go beyond the city on the Neva. Despite this, the promising performer was noticed by the organizers of concert tours and festivals, who began to invite her to participate in musical events singer Elena Vaenga, and news from the world of show business increasingly began to repeat her name.

And two years later she was able to release her new album, which included 23 original compositions by Elena Vaenga, among which listeners especially highly appreciated the songs “Smoke”, “Cities”, “Airport”, “Absinthe” and the composition whose title gave the name to the entire album , - "White bird".

This disc turned out to be more successful. Vaenga gained her first fans, her songs began to occupy high places in the charts. Elena Khruleva became mega-popular in 2011, after the release of the performer’s collection in DVD format, although before that the discography of the Russian celebrity was replenished with new albums four times (in 2006, twice in 2007 and back in 2008). In addition, five videos were shot - the pop star stopped at this number, since he does not favor this format for presenting his musical creativity.

In total, the discography of the popular pop singer Elena Vaenga includes 10 collections with her original compositions. A list of them, as well as release dates, can be found on the Wikipedia page. Currently pop star continues to create and delight his fans with new programs, touring throughout Russia and abroad.

Under the gun: private life

The press is constantly discussing creative activity Elena Vaenga, as well as her personal life. And, by the way, it began to develop successfully for the heroine of our article back in 1995, when eighteen-year-old student Elena met her future (civilian) husband, Ivan Matvienko.

Despite the man's age (he older than Elena Vaenga for twenty years), as well as his belonging to a gypsy family, their relationship was happy and long-lasting. Elena Vaenga (Khruleva) and Ivan Matvienko lived together for more than fifteen years. He was not only her lover and true friend, but also the main sponsor.

However, Elena Vaenga, whose children did not appear in this union, at some point considered her long affair with Matvienko to be a hopeless relationship. And therefore famous performer decided to leave my husband. This event gave rise to a lot of gossip around our heroine. And since there were no comments on this matter, Elena Vaenga’s personal life found itself in the crosshairs of paparazzi cameras.

The singer began to be credited with numerous affairs with different men. One of them turned out to be Mikhail Blinov in 2012, a childhood friend and personal driver stars. But these rumors were denied even by Elena Vaenga’s ex-husband, Matvienko. Later, after about 2 years, Elena Vaenga and Mikhail Bublik performed in the New Year’s “light” together, performing an impromptu song “What have we done.” After the appearance of this duet, many considered them a couple.

In fact, at that time Elena Vaenga was in a romantic relationship, but did not advertise it. Only after some time it became known that the singer was having an affair with a colleague, a drummer from her group. Elena Vaenga, for whom family had never come first, began to devote more time to her lover, Roman Sadyrbaev.

In the summer of 2012, Elena Vaenga gave birth to his son. The boy, who was born on August 10, 2012 in one of the St. Petersburg maternity hospitals, received Russian name Ivan. But Elena Vaenga’s wedding, with all the honors and the official part, took place only four years later - in September 2016.

The current husband of the famous pop singer Vaenga tours with his wife, while Elena’s parents are raising their son. The singer tries to arrange a joint annual vacation for the whole family in Cyprus. Sometimes Elena Vaenga, her son and beloved husband Roman Sadyrbaev go on concert tours with the whole family.

It’s not often that Elena Vaenga gives interviews. She usually does not comment on her personal life in them. Sometimes published in the media latest photos Elena Vaenga, at which she is also present little son. Now she is active concert activities, traveling all over the country. The singer permanently lives in a prestigious house on the Fontanka embankment (in St. Petersburg). By the way, the neighbor of the national pop star, who lives on the floor below, is her former common-law husband Matvienko.

Over the past few years, Elena Vaenga has maintained excellent physical shape. Before the wedding, she lost a lot of weight, which caused a storm of enthusiastic emotions among her fans. Despite her age (the singer celebrated her 41st birthday this year), Vaenga looks simply gorgeous. Author: Elena Suvorova

Elena Vaenga - famous pop singer and actress. Elena is distinguished not only by her strong and soulful voice, but also by her unusual lyrics, which Elena writes herself. According to rumors, Vaenga wrote more than 800 songs in total. Despite such high productivity and recognized acting abilities, she does not particularly like music videos: V creative biography The singer has only five video clips.

Elena Khruleva, better known as Elena Vaenga, was born on January 27, 1977 in the port town of Severomorsk. Her parents worked at a ship repair plant, her father was an engineer by training, and her mother was a chemist. The girl grew up with her younger sister Tatyana and half-sister Inna from her father’s first marriage. The future singer spent her entire childhood in the small village of Vyuzhny at her parents’ place of work. The Khrulev family raised the future singer in strictness, instilling in her discipline. The girl’s days were literally scheduled by the hour: exercises, schoolwork, attending clubs and back to school.

Elena's talent began to manifest itself in early childhood. She learned to dance from the age of three. At the same young age, the girl easily repeated the melody played on the piano by her father, and her parents realized that they had a future star growing up. At nine years old, the child wrote his first song.

Parents sent their daughter to study at a music school. At the same time, Vaenga studied at a sports school, which helped her maintain good physical shape. After graduating from school, Elena moved to St. Petersburg to live with her grandmother to go to university there. However, it turned out that she was one class short of completing secondary education; the girl was forced to go back to school to complete the eleventh grade.

In 1994, Elena Vaenga entered the Music College named after. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, where she continued her piano studies. Elena had a hard time studying, the level of her musical education did not reach that of St. Petersburg, she studied mostly with “B” grades. The future singer studied music diligently; in her second year she was even transferred from a paid department to a budget department.

After graduating from college, Elena decided to make her childhood dream come true and go study acting. Her choice fell on the Theater Academy (LGITMIK), where she entered the course of G. Trostyanetsky. Vaenga studied there for only two months, having received an invitation from Moscow to record her music disc.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Elena entered the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law in the theater department. The girl was sure that she should become a theater actress. However, after graduating from the university with honors, Vaenga returned to music again.


As a student at the theater institute, Elena Vaenga traveled to Moscow at the invitation of music producer Stepan Razin to record her first album. But the record was not published, and Razin sold its work to other Russian pop performers. However, Vaenga was not in the mood to sue the eminent producer.

The girl became disillusioned with show business and decided to become an actress again, but her common-law husband and producer Ivan Matvienko persuaded the artist to return to the music stage. Thanks to him, Elena’s first album, “Portrait,” was released in 2003. At the same time, Khruleva, on the advice of her mother, took for herself the creative pseudonym “Vaenga” after the name of the river not far from her hometown; this word also means “deer” in Sami. The disc is no longer released under the singer’s real name. The record was popular only in St. Petersburg, but the promising young singer was noticed and began to be invited to various festivals and song competitions.

Vaenga gained real fame and love from listeners by releasing the album “White Bird” in 2005, which included songs such as “Taiga”, “I Wish”, “Airport”, “Chopin” and others. Many songs instantly became hits in Russia. Journalists wrote en masse about the singer’s growing popularity and about the phenomenon of “Elena Vaenga,” who was able to achieve serious success without the help of famous Russian producers, composers and influential relatives. Her songs differed favorably from what modern pop performers offered listeners en masse.

Soon she firmly secured the title of “Queen of Chanson”. In 2009, the singer received her first Golden Gramophone award for the song “I Smoke.” A year later, her composition “Airport” received the “20 Best Songs” award, and the track “Absinthe” received “Song of the Year”.

Since 2011, Elena has given tours in the countries of the former CIS, Germany and Israel.

In 2012, the singer had to take a break from her concert tour because Vaenga damaged her vocal cords and was physically unable to sing. She performed for the last time in her homeland and temporarily went on maternity leave, returning to the stage only at the end of the year. Since 2012, Elena Vaenga has consistently received the title of singer of the year according to the Chanson of the Year award for five years.

In addition, in 2012, the composition “Where Was” received the prestigious “Song of the Year” and “Golden Gramophone” awards; in 2013, Vaenga’s new song “Bride” received the “Golden Gramophone” award, and in 2014, “Neva”, recorded in a duet with Intars Busulis " The creative union with Busulis was not limited to one song. Together with the singer, Elena Vaenga performed another composition called “Gravity”.

In 2013, the singer performed at the Slavic Bazaar festival. The event was remembered by Elena’s fans for another interesting duet by the singer. Vaenga sang the song “Two Souls” with Alexander Malinin.

In 2014, Vaenga, as a member of the jury, took part in the transformation show “Exactly” on Channel One.

At the end of 2015, Elena Vaenga gave a major solo concert in the Kremlin and performed both the best songs from the repertoire known to the public and completely new compositions. The performance at the State Kremlin Palace was timed to coincide with the release of the singer’s new program and new album.

In 2016, the composition “Lady Di” was nominated for the Russian National Music Award in the “Urban Romance” category. Also this year, Elena traditionally took part in the gala concert of the national award “Chanson of the Year,” where, together with Mikhail Bublik, she sang the song “What have we done.” The concert was broadcast on Channel One.

In December 2016, Elena Vaenga performed at the annual New Year's concert "NOT Blue Light", where she sang a duet with Lyubov Uspenskaya, known to many from childhood, "The Tortilla Turtle Song", and also performed together with the Latvian pop singer Laima Vaikule. Elena shared a joint photo with the latter on her Instagram and received many compliments on the festive appearance of the artists.

In 2017, the singer went on a tour of cities in Russia and neighboring countries, but was forced to cancel or reschedule some concerts due to the fact that she was hospitalized due to an outbreak of influenza.

Personal life

Elena met her common-law husband Ivan Matvienko in 1995 in St. Petersburg. Ivan was a gypsy by birth, which caused disapproval from the girl’s parents. However, eighteen-year-old Vaenga chose her beloved over the opinion of her family. She almost immediately moved in with Ivan, having quarreled with her family.

Matvienko supported his talented wife as best he could: he was forced to leave the city to work in order to provide Elena with the opportunity to record albums and buy stage costumes. He became the producer of her first and subsequent albums. Despite an almost perfect relationship, the couple separated in 2011. According to Elena herself, the reason for the end of the relationship was the lack of children in this union. However, she remained in wonderful relationship with Matvienko, they even live in neighboring apartments and continue to communicate to this day.

In 2012, Vaenga gave birth to a son, whom she named Ivan. Later she admitted that his father was a member of her team, Roman Sadyrbaev. Motherhood has given Elena real happiness, although she doesn’t see her son very often due to her busy tour schedule. Ivan is raised by his grandparents, whom Vaenga sends every winter to live in Cyprus with his girlfriend. The singer tries to visit her son as often as possible, and sometimes takes him on tour with her.

In 2016, the singer attracted active attention to her appearance. At the beginning of the year, Elena dyed her hair blonde, which shocked her fans, and then changed her image again and cut her hair short.

Elena Vaenga lost weight and changed her image

In addition, the singer has lost a lot of weight this year, to the approval of her fans. Elena immediately shared all the changes in her appearance with subscribers on Instagram.


  • Portrait
  • Flute 1
  • Flute 2
  • White bird
  • Chopin
  • Absinthe
  • Keys
  • Neva (New)

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Vaenga

At first glance, it is quite difficult to determine what height, weight, age, how old Elena Vaenga is. Maybe this is also because the singer sometimes has a mixed repertoire, “soulful” songs. Elena Vladimirovna celebrated her forty-first birthday this year, at the end of January. The poetess is 176 centimeters tall and weighs 63 kilograms.

As a child, the girl attended sports school, went to dances, in the future this helped her keep herself in great shape.

Elena Vaenga's photos in her youth and now differ significantly: you can see how the girl's stage image changes with her popularity.

Biography of Elena Vaenga

The biography of Elena Vaenga was quite complicated. Since childhood, Elena’s day was scheduled minute by minute: in addition to basic school, she also attended music and ski schools.

At the age of nine, the girl wrote her first song, and later managed to reproduce it from memory. musical composition on the piano after his father. Her father, Vladimir Khrulev, and mother worked together at a plant that repaired nuclear submarines. The family also raised a younger sister, Tatyana, and a half-sister, Nina, a daughter from Vladimir’s first marriage.

After graduating from school, the girl goes to St. Petersburg to fulfill her dream of becoming an actress. First there was a music school, then a theater academy, from which she left in order to record her first album in Moscow. Under the pseudonym Nina, Elena recorded a video, but it was never shown on television.

The young singer signed a contract in which she had virtually no say - everything was decided by her producer Stepan Razin. Vaenga, having received his first bitter experience in show business, runs away back to St. Petersburg. Razin, taking advantage of the situation, distributed her songs among other performers, who later became hits.

In 2000, Elena graduated from Velyaminov’s courses with a degree in dramatic art, later playing in the play “Free Couple”.
Thanks to Ivan Matvienko, who for a long time became the artist's producer, and in 2003 her first solo album, entitled "Portrait". People's Artist began to be noticed and invited to various performances and competitions.

Two years later, they record and release another album, many of the songs from which become instant hits. The singer’s popularity is growing every day; she began to be called the “Queen of Chanson.”

Vaenga’s songs were awarded the Golden Gramophone award three times, and for five years in a row she won first place in the singer of the year competition, which was held by Chanson of the Year. She began performing concerts abroad, often visiting Germany and Israel, where there were also many fans of the artist.

There was a forced break in Elena’s work due to damaged ligaments of the poetess. Vaenga took part in the Slavic Bazaar festival and was a jury member in a popular music show.

Three years ago, the singer recorded another album and performed a solo program in the Kremlin.

Personal life of Elena Vaenga

Elena Vaenga’s personal life did not always develop the way the singer would have liked. However, she is still grateful to her first, common-law husband, Ivan Matvienko. For sixteen years, he was not only her favorite person, but also the man who managed to make Elena a famous artist and singer not only in Russia, but also abroad. At one time there were even rumors that the girl was a gypsy, she knew the gypsy language, dances and their customs so well. In honor of ex-husband she named her son Ivan.

On this moment, Elena happy wife and mother. Together with their spouse, they devote a lot of time to work. The singer, smiling sweetly, always laughs it off from annoying journalists who are trying to find out the details of the artist’s personal life.

Family of Elena Vaenga

Today, Elena Vaenga’s family consists of her parents, husband and beloved son Ivan. Most of the time the child is raised by his grandparents; due to a busy concert schedule, the singer is rarely at home. Elena is very grateful to them for the attention and care they show to her and her son. As a sign of gratitude every winter loving daughter and mother, sends her family to her friend on the warm peninsula of Cyprus - to relax and improve their health.

Elena Vaenga, as a deeply religious person, is grateful to God that he gave her a son and gave her the opportunity to experience all the joys of motherhood. In her youth, she worked for some time as a piano music teacher at school; working with children was easy and interesting for her.

Children of Elena Vaenga

The children of Elena Vaenga can probably be considered as plans for the future, because now she is raising her only son, Vanechka. The actress gave birth to a child when she was thirty-four years old. Pregnancy and childbirth caused a wave of gossip, and many rumors among journalists and Elena’s fans. And the whole point is that at first no one could say for sure who the boy’s real father was: a former common-law husband or another man. The celebrity herself dispelled doubts, saying that biological father is her work colleague.

Elena Vladimirovna adores her child and, in order to spend more time with him, she quite often takes him on tour. So Vanya has been getting used to behind-the-scenes life since childhood.

Former common-law husband of Elena Vaenga - Ivan Ivanovich Matvienko

Elena Vaenga’s former common-law husband, Ivan Ivanovich Matvienko, is twenty years older than his chosen one. Their acquaintance occurred when the girl had just turned eighteen. Despite such a big age difference, their whirlwind romance, which lasted sixteen years. Lena's parents were categorically against this relationship: they were horrified by the age of their daughter's chosen one, and also by the fact that he was a gypsy. However, Vaenga showed strength of character and, having quarreled with her family, went to live with Matvienko. Whether Elena was the reason for Ivan’s divorce from his first wife (by the way, their daughter together is two years older than Vaenga) is not known for certain.

Despite all the hardships of life, Ivan and Elena were happy together. The husband turned out to be a caring, sensitive and exemplary family man. In those difficult times, he did everything possible to feed his family, pay for their rented housing and so that his beloved wife had the opportunity to pursue her career. Ivan made money by transporting cars from Germany.

The yellow press has repeatedly deceived married couple, the poetess always reacted negatively to such publications. As a result, in 2012, Matvienko himself announced that their family union had broken up.

Ivan and Elena still maintain friendly relations, even living on the same landing and sometimes go to each other for tea.

Elena Vaenga's husband - Roman Sadyrbaev

Elena Vaenga’s husband, Roman Sadyrbaev, is six years younger than his wife. The young man was born and raised in Krasnodar, in a family of musicians. He moved to St. Petersburg to continue his studies at the university. As a student, he begins to work in the team of Svetlana Surgaeva. Since Roman is not just a drummer, but a musician who can play various musical instruments– he is lured into Vaenga’s team by her producer.

For a long time, no one in the team even suspected any relationship between the singer and the drummer. At rehearsals and concerts they behaved as usual, showing no signs of attention to each other. While on tour, they filmed separate numbers and did not appear together in public. Elena hid her pregnancy until the very end, performing concerts in different cities. Even after giving birth to a child, she did not voice her father’s real name, so journalists and fans were sure that it was Matvienko.

Vaenga’s colleagues began to guess what was happening, but did not talk about it. Fans of the poetess’s work learned the whole truth much later.

Elena and Roman, after the birth of their first child, immediately began to live together, but, again, without advertising it. Officially, the couple legalized their relationship only four years later, after the birth of the baby - in 2016.

At first, Roman’s mother helped the couple – she happily sat with her grandson, and then Elena’s parents also got involved.

Many fans of the singer’s work are confident that they will never see a photo of Elena Vaenga in Maxim magazine - no matter how much they want it. Elena Vladimirovna is a believer, so appearing in a magazine that was originally intended for a male audience, and even being naked, is not about the great poetess.

In 2012, the chanson performer reacted positively to the decision to open a lawsuit against a group that sang the song “Mother of God, drive Putin away” in church, believing that by this act they were insulting the feelings of Christians. Seeing such a reaction, one can assume that candid photos honored artist - will never appear either on social networks or in glossy magazines.

Elena Vaenga generally doesn’t really like to talk about her behind-the-scenes life; she shares family photos. Consequently, even if there are photos of her in a swimsuit, they are only in a home album, for those closest to her.

Elena Vladimirovna Vaenga(real name - Khruleva) - Russian pop singer, actress, songwriter. Vaenga's biographies report that she composed more than 800 songs. Elena is active touring activities, during the 2011 tour she gave more than 150 concerts, including in the USA and Germany. During the first half of 2017, Elena Vaenga gave more than 50 concerts.

Elena Vaenga's childhood and education

Elena Vladimirovna Vaenga was born on January 27, 1977 in Severomorsk, Murmansk region. The pseudonym Vaenga was invented by Elena’s mother. “Vaenga” was the name of Severomorsk until 1951. Translated from the Sami language it means “deer” (Kild. Vayongg).

Father - Vladimir Borisovich Khrulev, an engineer by training.

Mother - Irina Vasilievna Zhuravel, a chemist by training.

Both lived in the village of Vyuzhny (now Snezhnogorsk). This locality was founded in 1970, in Soviet time in open correspondence it was called Murmansk-60. The basis of the city's economy: the Nerpa shipyard, which repairs and dismantles nuclear submarines. Elena’s parents worked at this plant, according to her biography on Wikipedia.

Maternal grandfather - Rear Admiral of the Northern Fleet Vasily Semenovich Zhuravel.

Grandmother Nadezhda Georgievna Zhuravel loves her granddaughter’s work and often attends Elena Vaenga’s concerts.

My grandfather and grandmother on my father’s side are native Leningraders. We survived the blockade. My grandfather was an anti-aircraft gunner who fought near Oranienbaum, and my grandmother served as a doctor in a hospital.

Elena has younger sister Tatyana is an international journalist by training.

Elena Vaenga began singing and learning music at the age of three. And Elena wrote her first song “Pigeons” at the age of 11 and became the winner of the All-Union Competition of Young Composers on the Kola Peninsula.

In Snezhnogorsk, Elena Vaenga studied in three schools at once - music, art and skiing. And she graduated successfully.

“My education is a different story. Just when I was studying, there was confusion in the education system, and another year was added. I studied for ten years, but it turned out that I had to complete one more class to get a secondary education,” Elena Vaenga recalled in her biography.

After school, Elena entered the music school named after ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov piano class in St. Petersburg. The future singer received a diploma as an accompanist teacher. Elena Vaenga began her working career as a teacher at a music school. Elena studied vocals as an elective.

Like many girls, Elena Vaenga dreamed of becoming an actress. And after music school, Vaenga entered the Theater Academy (LGITMIK) for a course Trostyanetsky. However, soon Elena Vaenga received an invitation to Moscow to record her first album, and the girl left the theater school. But here Elena suffered a deep disappointment (both in the producer and in show business) - the album, although it was recorded, was not released, and the singer left the producer and returned to St. Petersburg. Nevertheless, Vaenga’s songs were performed in the repertoire Alexandra Marshall("Bride"), Tatiana Tishinskaya(“And you pour me white wine”, “Mom, why are you crying”, etc.), the group “Strelki” sang the song “Thin Branch”, and the group “Ladybug” performed the songs “My Heart”, “My Most Beloved” " It turned out that all these songs former producer distributed without the permission of Elena Vaenga. But the girl did not sue him.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Elena Vaenga continued to improve her level of education and entered the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law, having learned that the department theatrical arts gaining course Petr Velyaminov. After completing her studies, the singer received a diploma in dramatic art.

Musical career of Elena Vaenga

Elena Vaenga performed in concerts while still studying. She became a laureate of the St. Petersburg competition “Hit of the Year 1998” with the song “Gypsy”. Elena Vaenga took part in the concert-festivals “Spring of Romance”, “Free Song over the Neva”, “Nevsky Breeze”.

And Vaenga’s popularity was brought by the album “White Bird”, released in 2005 with such hits as “I Wish”, “Airport”, “Taiga”, “Chopin”.

On November 28, 2009, Elena Vaenga received the first prize “Golden Gramophone” for the song “I Smoke.” In 2010, Elena was again awarded the Golden Gramophone award for the song “Airport”.

2010 - 2011 were particularly successful in the work of Elena Vaenga. She became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival, performing the composition Absinthe, and performed for the first time with solo concert in the State Kremlin Palace. In 2011, Elena Vaenga gave 150 publicity concerts and toured in the USA, Germany, and Israel.

Elena Vaenga characterizes the genre in which she performs: “50 percent is folk rock, there are old ballads, urban romances, chanson. But it’s almost impossible to draw boundaries between them.”

Elena Vaenga's repertoire includes her own songs, ancient and modern romances, ballads and folk songs, as well as songs based on poems by classics such as Sergey Yesenin(“The evening began to smoke”) and Nikolay Gumilyov(“Giraffe”, “Jester”).

In 2012, Elena had a concert tour in Ukraine and Germany. However, trouble happened: the singer lost her voice due to mechanical damage to the ligaments. After recovery, Elena Vaenga gave last concerts in the cities of the Middle Volga and went on maternity leave.

Personal life of Elena Vaenga

Since 1995, Elena Vaenga lived in a civil marriage with Ivan Matvienko, whom I met at the age of eighteen. He is Elena's producer. It was he who, with his patient persistence, brought Elena to the national stage.

In those hectic 90s, when he had to feed his family, Ivan Matvienko made money by transporting cars from abroad. Then he invested all the money he earned through hard and dangerous work in Elena. Matvienko bought her stage costumes and paid for the recording studio. Elena, still unknown singer, took first places, received certificates and diplomas. The couple did not have their own home, so they constantly moved to different apartments. Then Ivan Matvienko became Elena Vaenga’s producer.

The couple separated in 2011. According to Elena herself, the reason for the end of the relationship was the lack of children in this union. However, she remained in excellent relations with Ivan Matvienko.

In 2012, Vaenga gave birth to a son, whom she named Ivan. Later she admitted that his father is a member of her team Roman Sadyrbaev. On September 30, 2016, Elena Vaenga married Roman. Now the artist is in the midst of a tour of Germany, where Elena Vaenga takes her 5-year-old son Ivan with her on tour. The news reported the singer's plans to adopt a girl from an orphanage so that Ivan would have a sister.

Scandals with Elena Vaenga

Elena Vaenga is a caring person, sometimes she makes it into the news with original initiatives. So she said she was going to ask Vladimir Putin close the notorious reality show "Dom-2".

As they wrote in the news, during her concert Elena Vaenga announced that she had decided to attend a reception with the presidential candidate. At the meeting with Putin, she plans to talk with him about the fate of the television project, which, in her opinion, needs to be closed.

On social networks, Elena Vaenga can be too sincere and direct. Thus, the prosecutor's office of the Frunzensky district in Vladivostok opened an administrative case against the singer Elena Vaenga for insulting a local blogger when she was in the city on tour, Lifenews reported.

Blogger Evgeniy Koval I didn’t like the posts that Elena Vaenga shared on her Instagram account. Vaenga complained about the hotel, about poor service and about the concert organizers. He commented on Elena’s post, reprimanding her and calling her “rude.” In response, Vaenga went to the blogger’s page at social network, and cursed him obscenely.

Elena Vaenga is known for her difficult relationship with yellow press, in an interview " Komsomolskaya Pravda“She called such publications “jackals” and “garbage dumps.”

Income of Elena Vaenga

Elena Vaenga took 28th place in the Forbes income ranking “Main Russian celebrities 2016". The magazine estimated Vaenga's income at $2 million. IN Forbes rating Elena Vaenga was included 4 times; the most successful year in terms of income for Elena Vaenga was 2011. This year, the singer rose to 9th place in the ranking, earning $6.4 million.

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