Personal life and biography of Zhanna Badoeva. Biography of Zhanna Badoeva: the story of the country's favorite TV traveler. How tall is Zhanna Badoeva?

Every person dreams of visiting exotic places on earth. Many even choose travel as their goal in life. However, not everyone has the opportunity to travel. In order to go somewhere once, we study a lot of incoming information: we watch videos, sit up in front of TV screens.

Program "Heads and Tails"

None of them existing transmissions I haven’t shown tourist attractions before in the way that the “Heads and Tails” program does. Ukrainian television demonstrates the world in all its manifestations. It not only describes in detail the generally accepted, well-known tourist attractions, but also presents local everyday flavors. "Heads and Tails" became business card one of the brightest famous personalities Ukraine - Zh. Badoeva.

Presenter Zhanna Badoeva, whose biography (especially the periods of her growing up and formation as a person) is described very little, in most cases is mentioned together with her ex-husband. But she deserves it too special attention, since she is currently a successful manager of several projects on Ukrainian television. Despite the fact that several presenters have already changed in the “Heads and Tails” program, the atmosphere created by Zhanna Badoeva still does not fade away. Biography, maiden name, leading is widely discussed in the media today. Zhanna's popularity is growing every day.

Biography of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna is a native of Lithuania. She spent her entire childhood in one of the small towns called Mazeikiai. At the age of 18, she and her parents moved to Kyiv, where she received two higher education: construction and director's. Zhanna Badoeva, whose biography is filled with many bright events, gives great importance family. She tries to devote most of her free time to her children Bora and Lolita. And this is confirmed by the pages in in social networks, on which new facts from life appear every now and then.

At the age of 20, Zhanna connected her life with one of the successful men who was much older than her. It was her first husband, Igor, who became her support, adviser, father, and only authority. However, this marriage did not last long - only seven years. They were destined to part. “It’s just that such a moment has come in life,” says Zhanna Badoeva. The biography took a new turn, the values ​​in the girl’s life changed dramatically. The reason was the husband’s irreconcilability with Zhanna’s personality, as she began to develop professionally, and her worldview began to change, new interests appeared. Her husband was no longer the only object of her attention.

After some time, Zhanna Badoeva married her former classmate Alan Badoev for the second time. They were married for almost 12 years, but separated in 2012. As Zhanna and Alan comment: “love just passed.” Currently, Zhanna Badoeva is engaged to a businessman from Los Angeles. And perhaps in mid-2014 they will create new family. Time will tell what kind of Zhanna Badoeva, whose biography will receive another new twist, will appear before us.

Projects of Zhanna Badoeva

Biography of Zhanna Badoeva, especially her creative activity, quite saturated. Mine creative path she started with the Comedy Club project, where she was the first female resident. Great popularity and success came when Zhanna began to engage in the author’s project “Heads and Tails”. She was one of the founders and co-host of the project. Then there were a few more successful projects on television: “Hurdy Organ”, “I Dance for You”, talent show “Superzirka”, “Master Chef”. Zhanna continues to work in the field of producing. Let's hope that in the near future she will delight viewers with new bright projects.

Badoeva Zhanna Osipovna (b. 1976) – popular, talented Ukrainian and Russian TV presenter.

Childhood and school years

Her mother and father were people with technical education, both worked as engineers. IN small town there was a large oil refinery where the Dolgopolskys worked (that was Zhanna’s maiden name). Naturally, the parents wanted the same future for their daughter: they wanted her to study at a construction institute and acquire a reliable, promising profession.

My grandmother lived with the Dolgopolsky family; there was a piano in the house. Grandma loved music and played the instrument every day. In the evenings, the little girl fell asleep listening to her grandmother plucking the piano keys.

Dad, in addition to his main profession, was very interested in jazz music, V free time played drums in a band. He often performed at concerts with the group, took his little daughter with him, and she had childhood memories of how she stood behind the third curtain as a little girl and waited for her dad.

While studying at school, Zhanna also studied music, but was even more seriously interested in dancing; she was professionally engaged in choreography.

Crazy beauty in school years Zhanna wasn’t there, but even then she showed an amazing quality that still goes with her and helps her through life - it’s incredibly easy and interesting to communicate with Badoeva. This is probably why the coolest boy in school, whom the first beauties ran after, chose Zhanna, and they were quite pleased. long time met.

And then her family moved to the capital of Ukraine - the city of Kyiv. A distant relative of my mother left a house as an inheritance - and they moved there. The girl was 18 years old at that time, and here, as her parents wanted, she entered a construction college.

At first it was not easy for her to adapt to her new place of residence. As Zhanna herself recalls, she thought in Lithuanian, spoke Russian, and many Ukrainian figures of speech were completely incomprehensible.

Having received a diploma from a construction college, the girl nevertheless decided to connect her life with television.

Beginning of a television career

Zhanna submitted documents for admission to the Kiev Institute of Theater and Film; she chose the acting department, but did not qualify due to her age. I had to study directing.

She was a very good student, and her talent showed up immediately, which was noticed by acting teacher Nina Vladimirovna Sharolopova. She invited Zhanna to teach at the acting department after graduation, where Badoeva worked for several years.

Along the way, together with her former classmates, Zhanna built her career on television by leaps and bounds:

  • she was the first resident girl of the Comedy Club;
  • worked as a creative producer;
  • acted as a production director on several projects (such popular shows on the Ukrainian channel “1+1” as “Sharmanka”, “Dancing for You”, “Superstar”).

"Heads and Tails"

Finest hour Zhanna Badoeva stepped in television show"Heads and Tails."

This is her original project. The essence of the show was that two hosts travel to a country and live there for several days - one can spend an unlimited amount of money, and the second only $100. Who would get how much was decided by lot, by tossing a coin. The program was very popular among viewers, thanks to it people could get acquainted with the features of poor and rich holidays abroad. Zhanna’s co-host in “Heads and Tails” was her husband Alan Badoev.

The show debuted in Barcelona, ​​by the way, during the entire duration of the project this was the only city where they were robbed (the video camera was stolen from film crew). And in Barcelona, ​​Zhanna had to spend the night on the street, since it turned out that she couldn’t find a place to sleep there for 100 dollars.

Zhanna worked on this show all her time, literally lived it, but in 2012 she left the project, citing fatigue and the inability to pay due attention to the children. During the project, she visited 67 countries, most of all she remembers Peru and the city of New York, these are the places where she would really like to return again.

Other TV projects

However, Zhanna soon appeared on the jury of the show “MasterChef” on the STB channel, where, with the famous restaurateur Nikolai Tishchenko and chef Ekter Hemenez-Bravo, she tasted a variety of dishes prepared by the project participants. She says that after this program she became a real gourmet.

On the Ukrainian channel “Inter”, Badoeva took part as a presenter along with dancer Dmitry Kolyadenko in the show “Don’t Stop Me.”

Now Zhanna works on the Friday TV channel.

Her first project is called “Battle of Salons”, where she and her team are testing the Russian beauty industry.

Recently started a new romantic show“Zhanna Get Married,” where Badoeva organizes the most unusual weddings for lovers. The young couple chooses the country and city, Zhanna takes care of the rest of the wedding organization. But the newlyweds will have to follow local traditions.

First marriage to an oil tycoon

The first time Zhanna got married was a very young and inexperienced girl. She was 19 years old at that time, her husband was businessman, owner of a large oil business (gas station chain) Igor Kurachenko. He was much older than her, an interesting and erudite man who had previously graduated from the Faculty of Journalism at Shevchenko University.

She had everything, her husband provided for the girl completely, but in order not to get bored, Zhanna decided to also try herself in business. She started opening a salon selling audio and video recordings. When the premises for the store had already been prepared, repairs had been made, sellers had been selected, cassettes had been purchased, she suddenly became uninterested in all this, since she was of little interest in money and profit. Zhanna realized that she would not make a businesswoman.

Fortunately, their first child, son Boris, was born soon. She plunged into caring for the child, and her husband closed his wife’s business, which had not yet developed.

Then Zhanna entered college, she developed her own opinion, and began to often argue with her husband about different topics, while noticing that the husband had completely stopped developing. He didn’t like that his wife was becoming an increasingly independent person, and he had ceased to be the only authority in her life. Igor demanded that she constantly sit at home and manage household. As a result, scandals began, which ended with her husband throwing Zhanna and her eight-month-old son out the door.

She went to her mother. At that moment, the girl felt as if the ground had disappeared from under her feet, but she withstood the difficulties and did not even sue for alimony. Now, after many years, she does not regret the decision taken. There are normal diplomatic relations between the former spouses, the son sees his father whenever he wants, Zhanna never forbade this.

More than love with Alan Badoev

Zhanna met her second husband, the famous music video director Alan Badoev, at the institute, when they were both studying to become directors. She didn’t pay any attention to him then, she only remembers a skinny boy who had a huge creative potential and crazy ambitions.

After graduating from college, Zhanna and Alan, together with their classmates, took their first steps on television. Having received their first fees, everyone decided to spend it on a vacation in Egypt, but in the end only Alan and Zhanna flew. They vacationed together as friends, and only when they arrived home did they realize that something was happening between them. Alan began to court Zhanna. There was no special romance. Firstly, they had known each other for too long, and secondly, they were completely absorbed in work.

After living together for seven years, they decided to legitimize their relationship. They went to the registry office in jeans and sneakers, and then hired a limousine and went to a specially rented house outside the city, where they invited friends to celebrate the wedding.

In this marriage, Zhanna gave birth to a daughter, Lolita.

In 2012, the couple separated and officially filed for divorce. It was like a bolt from the blue - beautiful, successful, loved by fans. But this happens when feelings pass. Zhanna and Alan remained the most best friends and loved ones. Alan always the best way referred to Jeanne's son from her first marriage. And even now, after the divorce, both children often spend their holidays with Alan Badoev in St. Petersburg.

Personal life now

In her third marriage, Zhanna tries to take into account all the mistakes she made in the first two. None of our own ex-spouses she doesn't hold a grudge. With a bit of self-irony, she says that over time she grew, changed, and her tastes and morals also changed, so she had to change spouses. At a certain moment, she needed a person from whom she could learn something, each of them ended up in his place and at his time, as it was destined by fate.

Her third husband was businessman Vasily Melnichin. They got married at the end of 2014. And the wedding took place in the fourteenth episode of Badoeva’s show “Zhanna Get Married” in Sardinia in the city of Cagliari.

With her third husband and children, Zhanna now lives in Italy, not far from Venice; Vasily settled here a long time ago. She feels at home, but she just doesn’t have time to take courses and learn Italian.

What is she like in everyday life?

Zhanna is a very positive person. All her life she has been trying to help someone - relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances. She is filled with joy when she sees that people are truly happy.

She can become a crying vest; girlfriends often turn to her for advice when they have some problems in their personal lives.

As Zhanna herself says, there comes a time in every mother’s life when a child’s request for a dog must be answered: “Yes.” Daughter Lolita for a long time She promised that she would completely look after her little four-legged friend, feed him, walk him and clean the potty, and also assured him that the grades at school would be only good. And for the Easter holiday, Zhanna gave her daughter a stunning puppy - a snow-white Pomeranian Spitz, Stevie. Since the four-legged friend appeared in the family on Easter, they all call him “Easter cloud.”

Zhanna is a quick-tempered person, she can get angry and quarrel, but she moves away very quickly and is absolutely not vindictive. She also becomes very attached to people, so any separation is extremely painful for her.

Zhanna has never been on a diet, she is not into sports and fitness, she keeps in shape with the help of massages and hydromassages. Her beauty secret is proper nutrition And active image life. According to Badoeva, a person should always monitor his health, because everything in the body should be organic.

Her profession obliges Zhanna to look her best; she regularly uses the services of a hairdresser, cosmetologist, and does manicures and pedicures. But all these salons, social events and parties are only part of the presenter’s image. The most comfortable and desirable things for her were, are and will be - home, children and family.

Zhanna Badoeva is talented and one of the most popular TV presenters in Ukraine. She is known for her participation in many popular television projects. Her ex-husband is Alan Badoev, together with her he was the host of such a program as “Heads and Tails”. They have a daughter together, Lolita.

Childhood and family of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna was born in Lithuania in a city called Mazeikiai. Her parents were engineers. Being people of technical professions, they dreamed that their daughter would go to a construction institute after school. Zhanna's grandmother loved music, she played the piano every day. The girl got used to falling asleep listening to her grandmother play. Having matured, she began to study music, in addition, she was seriously interested in dancing.

Zhanna grew up and, following the wishes of her parents, entered the construction institute. By this time the family moved to Kyiv. After a construction university, realizing that she wanted to be creative, the girl became a student at the Institute of Film and Television. She studied at the directing department. Her dream was to enter the acting department, but she did not qualify due to her age.

The beginning of Zhanna Badoeva's career

Jeanne's talent could not go unnoticed. Sharolopova Nina Vladimirovna (acting teacher) invited her to teach at the acting department. Zhanna worked as a teacher for several years.

Soon Zhanna began to engage in creativity. It was she who became the first resident girl of such a popular comedy program as Comedy Club. Badoeva took the position of creative producer on television. She was also a production director on several projects. We're talking about these popular shows channel “1+1”, such as “I Dance for You”, “Hurdy Organ”, talent show “Superzirka”. Over the course of several years of work, the talented girl gained considerable experience in television production.

Zhanna Badoeva on the show “Heads and Tails”

Zhanna Badoeva’s real finest hour can be considered her participation as a presenter in the television show “Heads and Tails.” The essence of the program was that two presenters had to travel to one of numerous countries, and one of them could live “like a king” without limiting his means, while the second could spend only one hundred dollars in two days of travel.

The television project started in 2011. Zhanna's co-host was her husband Alan Badoev. For nine months a year they traveled to one country or another, delighting television viewers with stories about the possibilities of a rich and poor tourist.

Having traveled halfway around the world, Zhanna left the project in 2012. She explained such an unexpected departure by saying that she was too tired and did not want to sacrifice her family and communication with her children anymore.

Zhanna Badoeva on the show "MasterChef"

Almost simultaneously with her departure from the television project “Heads and Tails,” Zhanna became a co-host in another no less interesting project. It was a culinary show “MasterChef”, where, together with Zhanna, it was hosted by Hector Hemenez-Bravo, a famous chef, as well as Nikolai Tishchenko, a famous restaurateur. It should be noted that in order to participate in the program, Badoeva had to go through a serious casting.

After starting the MasterChef program, Zhanna became a real gourmet. This is not surprising, because she had to taste a lot of different dishes.

Another new project with the participation of Badoeva - “Don’t stop me.” It is shown by the Inter channel. In this show she works together with Dmitry Kolyadenko.

Badoeva continues to work in the field of producing. She has a lot of new ones ahead bright projects, with which she will delight her many admirers.

Personal life of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna first married at the age of twenty. Her husband was much older than her. He worked in the oil business. The name of the first spouse is Igor. The family had a son, Boris. Soon this marriage broke up. Zhanna believes that the reason was her husband’s irreconcilability with the fact that she had many interests besides her family. Zhanna was given a condition - either family or college. She did not leave the institute, and the promised divorce soon followed.

The TV presenter married music video director Alan Badoev for the second time. They lived together for twelve years. The couple raised Zhanna's son Boris and their joint daughter Lolita. For the Badoevs, family and family relationships always came first, communication with children was always of great importance. That is why the couple devoted all their free time to family vacations. On the Internet you can find many photographs of them, where you can see how happy the children and their parents are. In 2012, unexpectedly for many married couple decided to break up. Badoeva believes that feelings have disappeared between them. Divorce did not make them strangers. They spend a lot of time together, going on vacation or traveling as a family. Alan speaks very warmly about Zhanna, calling her the most wonderful woman in the world.

Soon after the divorce, Badoeva began a relationship with businessman Sergei Babenko. They met in America. Sergei and Zhanna announced their engagement back in 2013. The wedding was supposed to take place on February 16, 2014. But the couple broke up in the fall, never making it to the altar.

The third husband of the presenter was Vasily Melnichin. He is a businessman, lives and works in Italy, and Zhanna spends all her free time there. The lovers met in Venice. Zhanna often posted photos together on social networks, but it was very unexpected for fans that the couple secretly got married at the end of 2014.

Zhanna Badoeva is a popular and very charming TV presenter. She looks great on camera, has charm and a good sense of humor, and is always a pleasure to watch.

Zhanna was born in the Lithuanian SSR, in the city of Mazeikiai, into an ordinary family of engineers. Grandmother future star loved to play the piano, so little Zhanna often listened to her play and even fell asleep listening to her. She loved music with all her heart. The girl also enjoyed attending dance classes and practiced them professionally.

When the time came to go to university after graduating from school, her parents insisted on choosing a technical specialty, so Zhanna entered the construction institute. By this time, the family had moved to Ukraine, to Kyiv. The girl studied at the university and successfully graduated. But by that time she realized that the profession chosen by her parents was not at all for her and entered the Institute of Film and Television in the directing department. True, she initially planned to study to become an actress, but she was not accepted because of her age. Then she changed her mind and went to study as a director, since there were no age restrictions for this department.

The teachers noticed the artistic student at the very beginning of her studies. She showed herself so brightly that the acting teacher invited her to work as a teacher in the acting department, which she did. Zhanna worked in this position for several years.

Successes before becoming a TV presenter

The creative path of the future presenter began with participation in the Ukrainian Comedy Club. She became its first female resident. Then Zhanna accepted the position of creative producer on television, and then became a production director on several television projects. Zhanna worked on such a popular TV channel as “1+1”. This practice brought her considerable experience.

In February 2011, a new project was launched - the travel show “Heads and Tails”. This was Zhanna's original idea. She became the leader in it along with her husband Alan Badoev. They filmed the first season, then Alan was replaced by another presenter, and Zhanna remained on the show. She traveled to 67 countries with the program, literally lived this project as if it were her brainchild, and then left the program, citing the fact that she practically stopped seeing her family and children.

Zhanna Badoeva on the set of the program “Heads and Tails”

But she did not leave television and almost immediately took the place of co-host in cooking show"MasterChef". In order to get into this project, Zhanna had to go through a serious selection process.

Still from the program “MasterChef”

Then there were other projects in Ukrainian and Russian television. Now she is the permanent host of the show “ZhannaPozheni” on the Friday TV channel.

Personal life

For the first time, Zhanna married at the age of 19 to a wealthy man - the owner of a gas station chain named Igor. He was much older than her. Zhanna's first marriage left her with memories of complete youthful stupidity. She had just entered college, and soon she and Igor had a joint son, Boris. After some time, the girl realized that Igor had stopped developing. The husband insisted that his wife take care of the house and household chores, and did not want to put up with her independence. As a result, he kicked her out of the house with an 8-month-old child in her arms. Zhanna then “got the ground out from under her feet.” She went to her mother, where she was able to collect her thoughts and find the strength to survive the divorce.

Zhanna got married for the second time seven years later. Alan and I studied at university together. At first there were no ardent feelings between them. One day in 2003, colleagues decided to fly together on vacation to Egypt, booked a hotel, and had to bring money the next day. Of the whole company, only Zhanna and Alan came, and they set off on the trip. During the trip, nothing happened between them either, and only on the way back did the young people suddenly start talking about getting married. That's how it all started. It was happy marriage. In total, Alan and Zhanna lived together for 9 years. In their marriage, they had a daughter, Lolita. In 2012, the couple decided to break up, saying that there were no former feelings between them. However, Alan and Zhanna kept a good relationship and continue to actively communicate with each other.

After the divorce, Zhanna began an affair with businessman Sergei Babenko, an engagement was even announced, but the wedding was upset.

In 2015, Zhanna married for the third time to businessman Vasily Melchinin. The family lives in Italy.

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Participant's name: Zhanna Osipovna Badoeva

Age (birthday): 11.03.1976

City: Mazeikiai, Lithuanian SSR

Education: Theatre Institute, Construction Institute

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Read with this article:

Zhanna Badoeva was born and raised in Lithuania, her parents worked as engineers and believed that their daughter should definitely follow in their footsteps.

Zhanna's grandmother had different preferences, she instilled in her granddaughter a love of music - thanks to her, Zhanna became interested not only in notes, but also in choreography.

After graduating from school, Badoeva entered construction, as the parents wished, but a year later the family had to change their place of residence, moving to Kyiv.

Here Zhanna’s fate began to take shape, despite the wishes of her father and mother, she decided not to transfer to the construction department, but to submit documents to the theater department.

Zhanna no longer qualified for the acting department due to her age., so she entered the theater school.

The teachers immediately noticed the potential in the new student a real actress, so after the second semester she was offered to teach a subject at the acting department. She worked in this position for almost 2 years.

After graduating teaching activities and training, Zhanna discovers new facets of herself - she becomes a resident of the Ukrainian Comedy Club. Soon she leaves the stage and moves to the position of producer of a humorous project.

This was followed by an offer to become a production director for a number of programs on the “1+1” channel - this work, to which Zhanna devoted several years of her life, gave her an incredible experience.

The project “Heads and Tails” brought enormous popularity to the talented girl.

She came up with the basic concept of the show, believing that it would be interesting for viewers not only to look around the whole world and see its beautiful sights, but also to find out whether it is possible to relax in a particular place for $100.

The second participant was asked to do the same, only with a bank card with an unlimited amount of money.

An ordinary coin was entrusted to decide the fate of which of the participants would show off and which would be modest. Hence the name of the project.

The first presenters were Zhanna and her husband Alan Badoev, in the second season Andrei Bednyakov took his place.

Zhanna herself lasted for several seasons, and in 2012 she vacated her position as host, citing being too busy with her family and being tired of traveling all the time.

Badoeva did not rest for long; the travel show was followed by a culinary show, then “Don’t Leave Me,” then “Zhanna Get Married” and many others. Today, the TV presenter has a lot of projects, but even more have not been implemented, which are just getting ready for release.

Zhanna's personal life is just as varied and full bright events - She got married for the first time while still a university student. Her chosen one was Igor, an oil businessman.

From him Zhanna gave birth to a son, they named him Boris. But the couple quickly separated, as the husband wanted his wife to be at home, and Zhanna was simply torn by ideas and passion for creativity.

The second husband was director Alan Badoev - two kindred spirits quickly got married, and soon their daughter Lolita was born. But after 9 years, Zhanna divorced again.

Now she is married to businessman Vasily living in Italy. Interestingly, the newlyweds celebrated their wedding in the strictest secrecy - there is still not a single photo from this event on the Internet.

Photo of Zhanna

The presenter has an Instagram with almost 1 million subscribers.

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