Who will host the show while everyone is at home? The program “While everyone is at home”: why it was closed

Today this news was officially confirmed by the TV channel. The TV channel terminated the contract with the production company of “While Everyone is Home” after a scandal involving the financing of the filming of videos about orphans.

Since the program does not belong to the TV channel and was created by the production company, “While Everyone is Home” will no longer be broadcast on Channel One. The decision to terminate the contract was made about a month ago.

According to an RBC source, the termination of the contract with Dom LLC occurred as a result of an internal audit organized by the TV channel after the funds mass media there were reports that the hosts of “While Everyone is Home,” Timur and Elena Kizyakov, took money from several sources at once to produce so-called video passports of orphans, which were shown in the section “You will have a child”


The section “You will have a child” talked about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. “The channel began checking as soon as the first publications appeared in the media. As a result, the information about the fraud was confirmed, and the decision was made to close the program,” explained RBC’s interlocutor. " main reason- damaged reputation of the program. And everyone was waiting for some action from Channel One,” the interlocutor added.

According to an RBC source, it turned out that the company received money for this section from the TV channel (for outsourcing the production of the program), the state (for the production of the so-called video passports for children) and from sponsors (for example, from the manufacturer ceramic tiles Kerama Marazzi). According to RBC’s interlocutor on Channel One, the production of the “While Everyone is Home” program was carried out by Dom LLC, registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the United state register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities), 49.5% of the LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share belongs to his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.

The fact that companies that belong to the creators of the “While everyone is at home” program received funding in the amount of about 110 million rubles. for the creation of videos about orphans from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities, the Vedomosti newspaper reported at the end of December 2016. According to procurement documents studied by Vedomosti, the production of one such video passport costs 100 thousand rubles.


Channel One representative Larisa Krymova then told the publication that the TV channel was not aware that the company producing the program was filming video passports with money received from the state. She also said then that the channel intends to look into whether this violates the terms of the contract. According to the newspaper, Channel One pays about 1.5 million rubles for one episode of the program “While Everyone is Home.” The “You're Having a Baby” section also has a separate sponsor - the tile manufacturer Kerama Marazzi, and the creators of the show also receive part of this money. For the column “You will have a child,” Alexander Mitroshenkov, Timur Kizyakov and Elena Kizyakova received the Russian government award in the field of mass media in 2015.

The permanent presenter of the program, Timur Kizyakov, first assured that he knew nothing that the contract had been terminated, then he stated that the producers of the program themselves decided to stop collaborating with Channel One. He said this in a commentary to the radio station “Moscow Speaks”.

The main reason is that we do not accept the methods of the management of Channel One that are currently being practiced there,” said Kizyakov. What methods exactly? we're talking about, dont clear.

According to Kizyakov, in December 2016, after publications were published about the situation with video passports of orphans (then it turned out that Kizyakov received money from the budget for them), Channel One simply stepped aside.

Now I believe that Channel One is trying to save face when programs with a long-standing reputation are leaving,” the presenter said.


According to Kizyakov, the decision to terminate cooperation with Channel One in the Dom company (half owned by Kizyakov) was made in May 2017. At the same time, the Vedomosti newspaper writes that the decision to terminate the contract was made in April. According to Vedomosti, one of the reasons for this was the decline in the program’s ratings. “The scandal with video passports of orphans became the final point for the channel,” the newspaper reported, citing a source on Channel One.

Kizyakov does not consider the claims to be justified. According to him, “While everyone is at home” is a “bone in the throat” for competitors who also make videos about orphans. However, he did not specify which programs he was talking about.

As long as we exist, we have someone to compare with. Look closely at these programs through the eyes of a potential adoptive parent - what information will give you a reason to travel across the country to see your child? - says Kizyakov.

He emphasized that thanks to the “You will have a child” section in “While everyone is at home,” 2.5 thousand children from orphanages left for families. “And when 20-30 thousand videos are filmed, and five children are arranged, the effectiveness is zero,” he believes, calling competitors’ content “props” and “appearance.”

Kizyakov said that all funding for the production of video passports came from government agencies - the Ministry of Education and Science or regional authorities.


In order for a child to be seen, a certain amount of information, a certain amount of professional work is needed,” he explained.

At the same time, Kizyakov claims that the sponsor of the column - the tile manufacturer - had nothing to do with the videos, and the sponsor's gift goes to the children's institution where the child - the hero of the column - lives. Kizyakov included the costs of the journalists' trip to the orphanage in the program production estimate - it was assumed that Channel One would pay for this.

I’m interested in how the channel will comment on the fact that the presenters are leaving one by one. We will not make excuses, but will continue to do what we were doing. The program may die, but it cannot die, said Kizyakov. He added that he was considering the possibility of concluding a contract with another TV channel and continuing to show “While everyone is at home.”


The press service of Channel One did not comment on the information about Kizyakov’s departure.

  • The program “While Everyone is Home” has been broadcast on Channel One since 1992 on Sundays. The TV presenter visited celebrities and talked with their families.
  • According to TV meter Mediascope (formerly TNS), the program “While everyone is at home” remained in Lately in the second half of the rating “100 most popular programs among Russians over the age of 4 years.” The ratings for the releases “While Everyone is Home” in the spring did not exceed 3%.

The entertainment program “While Everyone is Home” is an old-timer on domestic television. It has been on the air since November 8, 1992. Author and presenter Timur Kizyakov came to visit famous artists, musicians, athletes and over a cup of tea asked about life. But the program will not be aired in the new season - Channel One decided to close it due to ethical and financial problems.


The scandal erupted over the column “You’re Having a Child,” which had been published since 2006. Timur Kizyakov’s wife, Elena, spoke about children from Russian orphanages, promoted foster care and foster families, and helped with adoption.

According to the State Procurement website, in 2011, companies that belong to the creators of the program “While Everyone is Home” received a lot of money in tenders of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regional authorities, to create videos about orphans. The amount is really huge – 110 million rubles. They spent it, as the Vedomosti newspaper writes, on creating so-called video passports about orphans: 100 thousand for each.

At the same time, Channel One bought a license from the manufacturer on commercial terms for the entire program, including the section “You will have a child.” The channel did not know that videos about orphans were produced at the expense of the state, assure the leadership of Channel One.

Everything was revealed at a meeting at the Ministry of Education and Science. According to TASS and the newspaper " TVNZ", department employee Evgeny Silyanov said that Kizyakov receives money from the budget to create videos about orphans and is suing others charitable foundations, if they try to use the term "video passport".

As a result, Channel One terminated the contract with the production company “While everyone is at home.” “We closed it because of its tarnished reputation; it was difficult to make it to the end of the season, but we have already been preparing since April new program", sources on the First told the site.

The host of “While everyone is at home” Timur Kizyakov told RBC that he did not know about the termination of the contract: “I don’t have such information - I’m away.” Co-owner of the Dom company, Alexander Mitroshenkov, noted that he could not comment on anything, since he “does not have any information.”

Timur Kizyakov’s program “While Everyone is Home,” which aired for 25 years. The fact is that the section of the program “We’re Having a Baby” was suspected of illegal financing. It turned out that the company received outside money for the stories. This fact could have affected the reputation of the television company, so they decided to abandon the program.

Presenter Timur Kizyakov responded to the accusations. On his Facebook page he wrote fast, in which he spoke in detail about how the section functioned, how much money was spent on helping orphans find their home and a loving family.

For each child who became the hero of the column, Kizyakov’s team filmed a so-called “video passport.” The cost of the video is 100 thousand rubles. Kizyakov was accused of the amount being too large, and the TV presenter explained why exactly that much money was required.


“Yes, it is expensive, but only this quality guarantees a complete impression of the child. Only then will he not get lost in the general faceless mass of 2-3 minute videos, if there are thousands of them. And people will decide to travel across the country to this child, and when they meet, they will see him exactly as they expected. Our task is not to flash the child so that they can see him, but to show him so that they can see him. Only this quality is not a shame to show to the whole world, demonstrating how Russia helps its children. Video passports are only taken professional equipment, only by on-air specialists with medical books and receipts for non-disclosure of legally classified information about children. 100,000 is the cost of work for 1 video passport, it has remained unchanged for 10 years (although everything has become more expensive: equipment, rent, transport, accommodation), and for 10 years this has been available online official information. It is clear in all agreements that total amount contract is always a multiple of the number of passports produced. Sometimes the regions help with business trips, sometimes they don’t. You have to provide tickets and accommodation at your own expense. I repeat, but funding goes only to video passports, not a penny is spent on the “You will have a child” section or on other expenses. We can prove it, we have all the documents,” explained the TV presenter (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. - Note edit.).

Kizyakov noted that the column did not cost Channel One anything; on the contrary, it generated income through advertising: “For 10 years, the channel received considerable income from the constant presence of sponsorship advertising precisely and only in this section. What is the ultimate, true goal of organized bullying? The goal is not at all to improve the children's lot, but to get rid of us as dangerous competitors interfering with their business. And the methods fully correspond to the purity of their hands and souls. The main judges for us are people who have children and children who have families. It’s especially interesting to show these children, when they grow up, those who believed that their fate and life were not worth a hundred thousand,” Kizyakov wrote. Many Internet users supported the TV presenter and expressed their dissatisfaction with the closure of the program.

Our hero today is the presenter (“While everyone is at home”) Timur Kizyakov. He is loved by TV viewers and respected by his colleagues. Would you like to study the biography of Timur? Or maybe you are interested personal life TV presenter? Then we recommend that you study the contents of this article.

Timur Kizyakov, biography: family and childhood

Born in 1967 (August 30) in the town of Reutov near Moscow (two kilometers from the capital). He is from an ordinary Soviet family. Timur's father was a military man. The man devoted his youth to serving in the army; he was sent to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant colonel. As for our hero’s mother, she worked as an engineer for many years.

Timur grew up as an active and sociable child. The boy loved to play with his friends in the yard. WITH early years he played sports. Give Special attention His father advised him to do physical training.

At school, Kizyakov Jr. studied with straight A's and B's. His favorite subjects were literature, music and natural history (later geography).

Student years

By the time it ends high school Timur Kizyakov has already decided on his profession. He, like his father, wanted to become a military man. The guy submitted documents to the Yegoryevsk Aviation School, opened under DOSAAF. He managed to enter this institution.

In 1986 he received the long-awaited diploma. From now on, Timur could call himself an MI-2 helicopter pilot. How worthy and necessary profession, is not it?! However, Kizyakov began to have doubts about the correctness of his choice of specialty. As a teenager, he dreamed of the sky and flying. Now everything has changed. He has already realized his dream.

Kizyakov decided to get a civilian specialty. To do this, our hero entered the Energy Institute in Moscow. His choice fell on the Faculty of Automation and Mechanics. In 1992 he graduated from this university. However, the specialty he received was not useful to him.

Working on television

In 1988, a friend who studied at VGIK told Timur about one thing creative competition. Participants must submit a script for a new children's program. Kizyakov was very interested in this. As a result, his project was recognized as the best. Our hero was the co-author and presenter of the program “Early in the Morning.”

In the early 1990s, the editorial office turned into the Klass television company. Timur stayed to work there. He created programs related to various topics.

"While everyone is at home"

In 1992, Kizyakov concentrated on one project. A native of Reutov presented to TV viewers morning show“For now everyone is at home.” It aired once a week on the ORT channel (now on Channel One). Our hero acted not only as a presenter. He is also the producer and screenwriter of this program. And the corporate logo (splash) with the inscription “While everyone is at home” is also his handiwork.

The very first episode was filmed in the house of famous actor and theater director Oleg Tabakov. He introduced the audience to his large family, told the secrets of his personal life, and talked about his creativity.

The program “While Everyone is Home” has existed for 24 years. During this time, the charming presenter visited many Russian celebrities(actors, writers, directors, etc.).

Personal life of Timur Kizyakov

Our hero is polite, educated and Attractive man. Many ladies would like to connect their fate with him. But only one woman was lucky - his current wife. Let's take a closer look at their love story.

On May 28, 1997, within the walls of the Ostankino television center, Timur Kizyakov met the beautiful Lena Lyapunova, editor of the Vesti program. He liked the girl at first sight. The fact that she was married didn't even stop him. Kizyakov did everything to win her favor. As a result, Elena got divorced. And in December 1997, she and Timur got married. The eyes of the bride and groom shone with happiness.

In 1998, the couple became parents for the first time. Their eldest daughter was born. The girl was named after her mother - Elena. Kizyakovs for a long time dreamed of having a son. But in 2003, Timur’s wife again gave him a daughter, Valya. Over time, the man came to terms with his fate of “living in a woman’s kingdom.” And in 2012, his wife gave birth to an heir. The son was named Timur. The TV presenter's joy knew no bounds. Now he has everything for complete happiness: a large family, a comfortable home and work that brings moral satisfaction.

The children of Timur Kizyakov are bright and comprehensively developed personalities. Eldest daughter, Lena, turned 18 this year. The girl entered one of the Moscow universities. The middle daughter, Valya, is still in school. She is 13 years old. She goes in for dancing and sports. Son Timur is still small. Four year old boy attends kindergarten. He enjoys drawing, dancing and playing with his peers. Timur and Elena love all their children equally. They did everything possible to provide them with a happy childhood and a decent education.

Socio-political activities

Kizyakov Timur cannot be indifferent to the problems occurring in our society. First of all, he is concerned about the fate of orphans. In 2006, the “You’re Having a Baby” section appeared on the “While Everyone is Home” program. In each episode, Kizyakov’s wife, Elena, talks about children in orphanages. The goal of this project is to help orphans find parents.

In 2016, Timur became a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. Together with his colleagues, he plans to engage in placements for children in boarding schools and orphanages. That's not all. Party members will seek an increase in children's programs on TV.

  • Timur Kizyakov loves to cook. In the early years life together She and Lena could not share the kitchen. Over time, the TV presenter’s wife became a full-fledged mistress.
  • Kizyakov always comes to visit with his slippers.
  • He is a member of the Russian Television Academy.
  • Our hero believes in omens and various signs of fate. For example, he met his future wife on May 28, 1997. On the same day, 2 years later, they baptized their daughter Lena. Some will consider this a coincidence. But Timur doesn't think so. December 18 is the birthday of my beloved wife and the date of their wedding. That's not all. The TV presenter was born on August 30. And the wedding of the Kizyakov couple took place on August 30.

  • Timur has several awards in his collection, including the Order of Friendship (2006), the gold medal named after. L. Tolstoy and the Order of Honor (2012). He has repeatedly become a TEFI Award nominee.


We reported where he was born and what educational establishments graduated from Timur Kizyakov. His creative path and personal life were also discussed in the article. Let's wish this talented presenter, producer and screenwriter financial and family well-being!

Last week, TV viewers were shocked by the news that the program “While Everyone is Home” will no longer air on Channel One due to the fact that its permanent presenter Timur Kizyakov was suspected of making money from orphans. It turned out that three sources allocated funds for the production of videos about children left without parental care - the television company, the state and sponsors. According to journalists, the audit confirmed information about financial fraud.

The TV journalist himself denies such accusations and claims that they are a fabrication aimed at ruining his reputation. Timur Kizyakov decided to respond in detail to the claims against him on his Facebook page. The man posted a post entitled “Punishment without a crime,” in which he spoke in detail about the violations attributed to him.

Thus, the presenter is often reproached for registering the name “Video Passport,” but he considers his actions “an absolutely normal, correct and legal step.” According to Kizyakov, everyone who starts serious work should do this.

After video passports began to gain popularity, one former home renovation company won a competition to create the stories. As a result, its employees presented low-quality products, according to Kizyakov. Timur and his colleagues decided to sue the organization. The man emphasized that this was the only time they decided to resolve the conflict legally.

“The attackers got to work and produced a video that caused bitterness, shame and indignation, a wretched hack called a video passport!” – noted the presenter.

In his address to the public, Kizyakov also commented on the cost of performing a video profile of a child left without parental care. The presenter and his colleagues argue that 100 thousand rubles is not a fabulously high amount for such work.

“Video passports are filmed only with professional equipment, only by on-air specialists with medical books and receipts for non-disclosure of information about children that is classified by law. 100 thousand is the cost of work on one video passport, it has remained unchanged for 10 years (although everything has become more expensive: equipment, rent, transport, accommodation), and for ten years this official information has been available on the Internet. In all contracts it is clearly visible that the total amount of the contract is always a multiple of the number of passports produced,” he said.

// Photo: Shot from the program “While everyone is at home”

Kizyakov added that it was often necessary to buy tickets separately and pay for accommodation for employees when it came to traveling to other regions. “Funding goes only for video passports,” the presenter added, saying that the “You’re Having a Child” section is not funded from three sources, as previously stated. Kizyakov also disclosed the terms of his company’s agreement with third-party organizations that purchased placement on the air of the TV show.

Then Kizyakov explained how the creation of video passports differs from the “You will have a child” section. According to him, these are two different formats, the production of each of which has its own characteristics.

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