Notes on drawing nodes in the middle group on the theme of a small gnome. Summary of odes on drawing in the middle group on the topic "gnome"

Notes on drawing in the middle group on the topic “Little Dwarf”.

Target : teach children to convey in a drawing the image of a little man - a forest gnome, making up an image from simple parts: a round head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms.

Tasks : consolidate the ability to draw with paints and a brush; lead to a figurative assessment of finished work.

Demo material : pictures of gnomes, theater puppet– gnome, bell, wooden shoes, song by Ekaterina Semenova “Little Dwarf”.

Handout : album sheets, pencils, erasers, gouache, brushes, sippy cup.

Methodical techniques : conversation - dialogue, game, reading the fairy tale “Dwarf Helpers” (translation by Ekaterina Nevilova), looking at illustrations and talking about them, summing up.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher . Guys, today we will meet little people!
-Who do you think they are? (gnomes). They are as small as you. There are even smaller ones (I show pictures).
- Show me how small they are (we all show fingers together) That’s what gnomes are like!
-Let's see what the gnomes have? (beard). There is a beard, a long beard (we show it). The gnomes have wooden shoes on their feet (I’m showing shoes made of wood), which knock loudly.
- How do wooden heels click? (children stomp their feet).
- What do the gnomes wear on their heads? (caps). But it’s not just a cap, but a funny one with a bell that rings ding-ding (I show a real bell and how it rings).
Guys, do you know where gnomes live (children's answers)? Dwarves live in a forest cave. In the cave, the gnomes love to play crackers with their grandfather. Listen to a poem about gnomes.

Poem by I. Evdokimov On the edge an old house, lives in it cheerful gnome
Sometimes he laughs so hard, as if thunder had struck somewhere.
When he sees everything big, he laughs: What is it?
I have never seen anything like this because I am short.
During the day the gnome usually plays, at night he lights up the stars -
This is nothing for him! That's it, a gnome! What an eccentric!
The forest is one of his family, the animals are best friends,
I wish I could make friends with him! Maybe I'll become a gnome?

Guys, let's play! You will become gnomes, and I have a doll - grandfather gnome. When grandfather claps his hands, you will walk towards him, and if he sings “la-la-la” you will jump. (a game is being played).
Independent work.
Now let's sit down at the tables and draw our little forest people - gnomes. If desired, I call one child to the board for a demonstration, and together with him I draw a gnome: the child draws the head (circle) and cap (triangle), and we draw the cone-shaped shirt and arms (stripes) together. Afterwards, all the children draw gnomes on their pieces of paper. First, let's draw with a simple pencil, then decorate with gouache.
Children draw to the music of Ekaterina Semyonovna “Little Dwarf”. Summarizing.
At the end of the work, we examine the drawings and invite the children to choose the most beautiful, elegant gnomes or the funniest, saddest. We look at and enjoy the resulting drawings.

Summary of fine art activities in the middle group on the topic: “Little Dwarf”

Author: Svetlana Sergeevna Polukarova, teacher of fine arts activities of the MKDOU "Anninsky kindergarten" ORV "ROSTOK" urban settlement. Anna, Voronezh region.
Description of material: I offer you a summary of fine art activities for children middle group(4-5 years) on the topic “Little Dwarf” This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers of drawing.

Target: teach children to convey in a drawing the image of a little man - a forest gnome, making up an image from simple parts: a round head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms.
Tasks: consolidate the ability to draw with paints and a brush; lead to a figurative assessment of finished work.
Demo material: pictures of gnomes, a theatrical doll - a gnome, a bell, wooden shoes, the song “Little Dwarf” by Ekaterina Semenova.
Handout: album sheets, pencils, erasers, gouache, brushes, sippy cup.
Methodical techniques: conversation - dialogue, game, reading the fairy tale “Dwarf Helpers” (translation by Ekaterina Nevilova), looking at illustrations and talking about them, summing up.
Progress of the lesson.
Teacher. Guys, today we will meet little people!
-Who do you think they are? (gnomes). They are as small as you. There are even fewer. (showing pictures).
- Show me how small they are? (we all show fingers together). This is what gnomes are like!
-Let's see what the gnomes have? (beard). There is a beard, a long beard. (show). The gnomes have wooden shoes on their feet (I’m showing shoes made of wood), which knock loudly.
- How do wooden heels click? (children stomp their feet).
- What do gnomes wear on their heads? (caps). But it’s not just a cap, but a funny one with a bell that rings ding-ding. (I show a real bell and how it rings).
Guys, do you know where gnomes live? (children's answers). Dwarves live in a forest cave. In the cave, the gnomes love to play crackers with their grandfather. Listen to a poem about gnomes.
Poem by I. Evdokimov

Guys, let's play! You will become gnomes, and I have a doll - grandfather gnome. When grandfather claps his hands, you will walk towards him, and if he sings “la-la-la” you will jump. (a game is being played).
Independent work.
Now let's sit down at the tables and draw our little forest people - gnomes. If desired, I call one child to the board for a demonstration, and together with him I draw a gnome: the child draws the head (circle) and cap (triangle), and we draw the cone-shaped shirt and arms (stripes) together. Afterwards, all the children draw gnomes on their pieces of paper. First, we draw with a simple pencil, then we decorate with gouache.

At the end of the work, we examine the drawings and invite the children to choose the most beautiful, elegant gnomes or the funniest, saddest. We look at and enjoy the resulting drawings.



Lesson summary for the middle group on art activities

Summary of fine art activities in the middle group on the topic: “Little Dwarf”

Author: Svetlana Sergeevna Polukarova, teacher of fine arts activities of the MKDOU "Anninsky kindergarten" ORV "ROSTOK" urban settlement. Anna, Voronezh region.
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of fine arts activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) on the topic “Little Dwarf.” This material will be useful for teachers in kindergarten drawing.
Summary of fine art activities in the middle group on the topic “Little Dwarf”.
Target : teach children to convey in a drawing the image of a little man - a forest gnome, making up an image from simple parts: a round head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms.
Tasks : consolidate the ability to draw with paints and a brush; lead to a figurative assessment of finished work.
Demo material: pictures of gnomes, a theatrical doll - a gnome, a bell, wooden shoes, the song “Little Dwarf” by Ekaterina Semenova.
Handout: album sheets, pencils, erasers, gouache, brushes, sippy cup.
Methodical techniques: conversation - dialogue, game, reading the fairy tale “Dwarf Helpers” (translation by Ekaterina Nevilova), looking at illustrations and talking about them, summing up.
Progress of the lesson.
Teacher . Guys, today we will meet little people!
-Who do you think they are? (gnomes). They are as small as you. There are even fewer. (showing pictures).
- Show me how small they are? (we all show fingers together). This is what gnomes are like!
-Let's see what the gnomes have? (beard). There is a beard, a long beard. (show). The gnomes have wooden shoes on their feet (I’m showing shoes made of wood), which knock loudly.
- How do wooden heels click? (children stomp their feet).
- What do gnomes wear on their heads? (caps). But it’s not just a cap, but a funny one with a bell that rings ding-ding. (I show a real bell and how it rings).
Guys, do you know where gnomes live? (children's answers). Dwarves live in a forest cave. In the cave, the gnomes love to play crackers with their grandfather. Listen to a poem about gnomes.
Poem by I. Evdokimov
On the edge of the forest there is an old house, a cheerful gnome lives in it
Sometimes he laughs so hard, as if thunder had struck somewhere.
When he sees everything big, he will laugh: “What is it?
I haven’t seen anything like this because I’m short.”
During the day the gnome usually plays, at night he lights up the stars -
This is nothing for him! That's it, a gnome! What an eccentric!
The forest is one of his family, the animals are his best friends,
I wish I could make friends with him! Maybe I'll become a gnome?

Guys, let's play! You will become gnomes, and I have a doll - grandfather gnome. When grandfather claps his hands, you will walk towards him, and if he sings “la-la-la” you will jump. (a game is being played).
Independent work.
Now let's sit down at the tables and draw our little forest people - gnomes. If desired, I call one child to the board for a demonstration, and together with him I draw a gnome: the child draws the head (circle) and cap (triangle), and we draw the cone-shaped shirt and arms (stripes) together. Afterwards, all the children draw gnomes on their pieces of paper. First, we draw with a simple pencil, then we decorate with gouache.
Children draw to the music of Ekaterina Semyonovna “Little Dwarf”.
At the end of the work, we examine the drawings and invite the children to choose the most beautiful, elegant gnomes or the funniest, saddest. We look at and enjoy the resulting drawings.
Photos from the lesson

Summary of fine art activities in the middle group on the topic: “Little Dwarf”

Author: Svetlana Sergeevna Polukarova, teacher of fine arts activities of the MKDOU "Anninsky kindergarten" ORV "ROSTOK" urban settlement. Anna, Voronezh region.
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of fine arts activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) on the topic “Little Dwarf.” This material will be useful for teachers in kindergarten drawing.
Summary of fine art activities in the middle group on the topic “Little Dwarf”.
Target: teach children to convey in a drawing the image of a little man - a forest gnome, making up an image from simple parts: a round head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms.
Tasks: consolidate the ability to draw with paints and a brush; lead to a figurative assessment of finished work.
Demo material: pictures of gnomes, a theatrical doll - a gnome, a bell, wooden shoes, the song “Little Dwarf” by Ekaterina Semenova.
Handout: album sheets, pencils, erasers, gouache, brushes, sippy cup.
Methodical techniques: conversation - dialogue, game, reading the fairy tale “Dwarf Helpers” (translation by Ekaterina Nevilova), looking at illustrations and talking about them, summing up.
Progress of the lesson.
Teacher. Guys, today we will meet little people!
-Who do you think they are? (gnomes). They are as small as you. There are even fewer. (showing pictures).
- Show me how small they are? (We all show fingers together). This is what gnomes are like!
-Let's see what the gnomes have? (beard). There is a beard, a long beard. (show). The gnomes have wooden shoes on their feet (I’m showing shoes made of wood), which knock loudly.

How do wooden heels click? (children stomp their feet).
- What do gnomes wear on their heads? (caps). But it’s not just a cap, but a funny one with a bell that rings ding-ding. (I show a real bell and how it rings).
Guys, do you know where gnomes live? (children's answers). Dwarves live in a forest cave. In the cave, the gnomes love to play crackers with their grandfather. Listen to a poem about gnomes.
Poem by I. Evdokimov
On the edge of the forest there is an old house, a cheerful gnome lives in it
Sometimes he laughs so hard, as if thunder had struck somewhere.
When he sees everything big, he will laugh: “What is it?
I haven’t seen anything like this because I’m short.”
During the day the gnome usually plays, at night he lights up the stars -
This is nothing for him! That's it, a gnome! What an eccentric!
The forest is one of his family, the animals are his best friends,
I wish I could make friends with him! Maybe I'll become a gnome?

Guys, let's play! You will become gnomes, and I have a doll - grandfather gnome. When grandfather claps his hands, you will walk towards him, and if he sings “la-la-la” you will jump. (a game is being played).
Independent work.
Now let's sit down at the tables and draw our little forest people - gnomes. If desired, I call one child to the board for a demonstration, and together with him I draw a gnome: the child draws the head (circle) and cap (triangle), and we draw the cone-shaped shirt and arms (stripes) together. Afterwards, all the children draw gnomes on their pieces of paper. First, we draw with a simple pencil, then we decorate with gouache.
Children draw to the music of Ekaterina Semyonovna “Little Dwarf”.
At the end of the work, we examine the drawings and invite the children to choose the most beautiful, elegant gnomes or the funniest, saddest. We look at and enjoy the resulting drawings.
Photos from the lesson

Summary of a game lesson in the nursery group of a kindergarten (for children of the 3rd year of life), topic: “Gnome”


Form stable ideas about color, shape, size, location of an object in space.
Continue to teach children to count objects and determine quantity using the words “one-many.”
To consolidate children's knowledge about the number “1” as a sign indicating quantity.
Introduce words of greeting, farewell, and invitation into the children's active vocabulary.
Teach children to draw straight lines and curved lines without going beyond the boundaries of the “track”.
Practice brush painting and appliqué.
Develop a sense of rhythm and tempo.
Develop fine and gross motor skills.
Cultivate accuracy when doing work, the desire to independently put toys and educational materials in place.


Toy "Gnome".
Picture with drawn cups with different quantities pencils in them. Numbers "1".
Picture of a gnome and bags different shapes, colored silhouettes of objects from bags: Christmas tree, mushroom, pear, carrot, apple, strawberry.
A picture of a gnome without a beard. White gouache, brushes.
Silhouette images of gnomes of different sizes.
Black and white drawing of a gnome's house and matching color details.
Picture of a gnome without a cap and shirt, shirt caps cut from colored paper, glue sticks.
Silhouette images of lanterns, colored clothespins.
Picture with paths of different shapes, pencils.
Audio recordings: “Procession of the Dwarves” by E. Grieg, “There are Dwarves in the World”, “There Lived a Dwarf in the Forest”, “Dwarfs”.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting "Everyone clapped their hands"

Everyone clapped their hands
Friendship, more fun!
Our feet began to knock
Louder and faster!
We'll hit you on the knees.
Hush, hush, hush.
Handles, hands up,
Higher, higher, higher!
Our hands began to spin.
They went down again.
Spun around, spin around
And they stopped.

Surprise moment “Call a guest”

Our guest is very small. He's standing outside the door. Let's invite him to come in, say: “Please come in!”

The gnome is very small,
But he’s remote!
Smiles playfully;
Smart, kind and beautiful!

Let's say hello to the Gnome. Let's tell him: “Hello!”

Didactic game “What’s in the gnome’s bag?”

Here is the gnome and the bags. How many gnomes? One gnome. How many bags? Lots of bags. Try to guess what is in the gnome's bags.

Children apply silhouette images to the outlines of the bags, choosing the appropriate shape.

Didactic game “How many pencils?”

The gnome loves to draw. Here he has cups with pencils. Find a cup with one pencil. Label it with the number "1". How many pencils are in the other cups?

Drawing "Dwarf beard"

With white gouache, children draw straight lines at the bottom of the gnome's face.

Game with clothespins “Light a flashlight for the gnome”

Here are the lanterns, the gnomes light them at night. We'll try to light them now. Attach colorful clothespins to the lantern. Take the flashlight by the loop and shine it up, down, right, left, in front of you, behind you.

Listening to the music “Procession of the Dwarves” by E. Grieg

First, children listen to music while sitting, then walk at different tempos, according to the tempo of the music.

Drawing “Guide the Dwarfs Home”

The gnomes are hurrying home. Take pencils and guide the gnomes along the paths.

Try to ensure that the pencil does not go beyond the path - after all, there is a swamp and thorny bushes around the paths, the gnomes do not want to get dirty or prick themselves.

Construction of a “House for a Dwarf”

On the edge of the forest - a house
A cheerful gnome lives in it.
The dwarf is not afraid of the wolf -
He built a strong house.
The house is surrounded by a fence,
There is a sign on the door - a gnome.

Let's build a house for the gnome. Take the parts and place them in the right place.

Finger gymnastics “Gnome Arkashka”

In the pocket of the gnome Arkashka
(Clap your hands)

Papers are always piling up:
Wrappers, tickets -
(Clenching and unclenching fingers)

Everything that is in the world.
One two three four five -
(rubbing each finger)

Application “Dress the gnome”

Choose a cap and a shirt for the gnome in the same color as his pants.

Now glue the cap and shirt in the right place using a glue stick.

Didactic exercise “Rank the gnomes by height”

Count the dwarves. How many gnomes do each of you have? Three dwarfs. Are gnomes the same or different? Different. Arrange the gnomes by height - first the largest, then the smaller ones and the smallest. What color is the biggest gnome's clothes? The smallest gnome?

Dynamic pause “There lived a gnome in a dense forest”

Children walk along a correction path, a bench, or a tunnel to the music.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “There are gnomes in the world”

Children beat out the rhythm on metallophones.
It's time for the gnome to leave. Let's say goodbye to him, say: “goodbye, Dwarf!”

Lyudmila Gulyaganova
Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “Little Dwarf”

Educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, speech development.

Lesson objectives:

Teach children to convey an image in a drawing small forest man gnome, composing an image from simple parts;

Strengthen the skill paint with paints and brush;

Provide a figurative assessment of finished work.

Materials for the lesson:

- gnome, made of multi-colored geometric shapes;

Geometric shapes-stencils for tracing (circle, cone, triangle, narrow rectangle, half oval);

Landscape-sized paper, a simple pencil, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (per child).

Preliminary work: telling and reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations, toys.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time

Educator: Guys, do you like solving riddles? Then I’ll tell you one now, listen and guess.

Fun cap.

And he's only tall

With a child's shoe.

With a flashlight and a song

Walking in the forest at night.

You can't go wrong if

You'll say: - This. (dwarf)

Educator: Did you guess it? Well done! This is a riddle about gnome. And what is he like? gnome, do you remember we looked at the pictures? Can you describe it? What are his arms and legs and head? What is he wearing?

Main part of the lesson

Educator: But look who I have here. Who is this? Look like gnome? Who can tell what this one is made of? gnome? From geometric... that's right, shapes. And from which figures do you recognize? What figures do you see here? Yes, circle, triangle. But this figure is called a cone. And this is a rectangle. You also have such figures on your tables and you can use them to create your own gnome on half a white sheet. Try it, add it up, and I’ll tell you a poem about gnome.

"Who lives under the ceiling?"

- Dwarf.

"Does he have a beard?"

"And a shirtfront and a vest?"

"How does he get up in the morning?"

“Who drinks coffee with him in the morning?”

“How long has he lived there?”

"Who runs along the rooftops with him?"

"Well, what's his name?"

"He's being naughty, isn't he?"


(Sasha Cherny)

Educator: Did everyone succeed? Who needs help, raise your hand. Okay, now everyone has gnome. Now remove everything from the sheet, leave only the circle, place it above the middle and circle it with a pencil. Do not press too hard, hold the pencil correctly, make thin lines. It turns out? Who needs help? Now place a triangle cap on top and outline it. (The teacher describes the sequence drawing, monitors implementation, helps).

Finger gymnastics

Educator: Guys, to everyone got a gnome, let's get our fingers ready for drawing.

We today painted,

Our fingers are tired.

Let's shake our fingers

Let's start drawing again.

One two three four five,

Everyone is so necessary

Strong and friendly.

Educator: Let's get to work. We already have a pencil sketch. Now we will color the drawing with gouache. Face and hands what color gnomes will be? What color are your hands? That's right, pink. To get pink, what colors need to be mixed? Yes, white and a little red, just a drop. If you succeed, paint your face and hands gnome. You can choose the color of the cap, clothes and cloak yourself, whichever you like. Do not blur the paint too much so that it does not flow beyond the contours of the drawing. When the gnome's face will dry out, do not forget draw his eyes and mouth, Very small.

Summing up the lesson

Review and collective assessment of each work individually.

Educator: Guys, today we did great in class. gnomes. Once they're dry, you can take them home or give them to a friend, or hang them in your locker room.

Publications on the topic:

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