Who lives well in Rus', heroes. Essay on the topic: Savely

The secret of the nickname of Savely, the Holy Russian hero

The reader learns about Savelia, the grandfather of Matryona’s husband, from her story. The image of Savely combines two heroic types of the Russian people. On the one hand, he is a hero - a man of extraordinary strength, a defender of his land and his people, although not a warrior: “And his life is not a military one, and death in battle is not written for him - but a hero!”

On the other hand, Savely is a hero of Holy Rus', of Christian heritage, a believer, a martyr. He has many signs of holiness: he endured bodily torture, has a mutilation, committed more than one mortal sin (by killing the manager and becoming the involuntary cause of the death of Dyomushka), before his death he prophesies, promising men three roads (tavern, prison and hard labor), and women three nooses (silk white, red and black). Savely is taught to read and write, prays a lot and reads the calendar.

Holy Rus' for the Orthodox is the strong country times Kievan Rus, when the people fought the enemy “for the Orthodox faith, for the Russian land.” Savely is similar at the same time to both the heroes and the saints of antiquity, born in a free land, living according to Orthodox laws, the true laws of conscience.

Portrait of Savely

Savely is very old. In total, he lived for 107 years, and met Matryona at the age of 100. He is enormously tall, so that Matryona thinks that, straightening up, he will break through the ceiling. Matryona compares him to a bear. His enormous mane, uncut for 20 years, is called gray, and his beard is also enormous (repeated epithets enhance the quality).

Savely's bent back is a symbol of the Russian man who bends, but does not break or fall. In his youth, in the forest, Savely stepped on a sleepy bear, and, being frightened once in his life, he thrust a spear into her, injuring his back in the process.

Explaining his heroic nature to Matryona, Savely gives a generalized portrait of the hero, coinciding with his own: his arms are twisted with chains, his legs are forged with iron, entire scaffolding is broken on his back, Elijah the prophet rides on his chest and rattles his chariot (hyperbole).

The character of Savely and the circumstances that shaped him

At the time of his acquaintance with Matryona, Savely lived in a special upper room and did not allow anyone into it, despite the protests of his family. He built this room after returning from hard labor. Later, he made an exception for his little great-grandson and Matryona, who was fleeing the wrath of her father-in-law.

The family did not favor Savely when he ran out of money accumulated in hard labor. He did not argue with his family, although he could play a trick over his son, who called him a convict and branded. Grandfather's smile is compared to a rainbow.

The old man had a habit of sometimes saying aphorisms related to his past life and hard labor: “To not endure is an abyss, to endure is an abyss.”

He does not repent of his crime, for which Savely was sent to hard labor. From his point of view, it was impossible to tolerate, although patience- this is the property of a Russian hero. But Savely repents that he caused the death of his great-grandson. He crawls to Matryona on his knees, goes into the forests, and then to the monastery to repent. At the same time, Savely is capable support Matryona, sympathize to her.

The history of relations between the Koryozhinsky men and their masters is the history of the enslavement of Holy Rus'. Savely seems to come from those ancient Russian “blessed” times when the peasants were free. His village was in such remote swamps that the master could not get there: “The devil has been looking for our side for three years.” Life in the wilderness was associated with brutal hunting, so Savely “ petrified, he was fiercer than a beast,” and only love for Dyomushka softened him.

The peasants gave the rent to master Shalashnikov only when he tore them. For them it was the same as a military feat: they stood for their patrimony, they defeated Shalashnikov.

Savely is a man simple and direct, to match master Shalashnikov. He could not cope with the cunning of the German Vogel, the managing heir, who quietly enslaved the peasants and ruined them completely. Savely calls this state hard labor.

The men endured for eighteen years: “Our axes lay there for the time being.” And then they buried the German Vogel alive, whom Nekrasov called Khristyan Khristianich (sarcasm). It was Savely who was the first to push the German into the pit, and it was he who said: “Pump it up.” Savely has the qualities rebel.

Savely knew how to use any circumstances to his advantage. In prison he learned to read and write. After 20 years of hard labor and 20 years of settlement, Savely returned to his homeland, having saved money. Starting the story about Savelya, Matryona ironically calls him lucky. Taking the blows of fate, Savely I was not discouraged and was not afraid.

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Many destinies pass before the eyes of the wanderers of N.A. Nekrasov’s poem, who set off to look for the happy. The image and characterization of Savely in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is multifaceted and versatile. The hero Saveliy of Holy Russia appears realistically. It is easy to describe, but difficult to understand.

Hero's appearance

The reader meets the character when he is many years old. In total, Savely lived 107 years. It is difficult to imagine what he was like in his youth, but old age did not hide his powerful physique. The old man’s appearance is similar to the king of the northern forests - the bear:

  • a large gray mane (head of hair), which has not been touched by scissors for more than 20 years;
  • huge beard;
  • back bent into an arc.

Savely compared himself to a village well

...I look like a bitch.

This comparison is surprisingly true: a strong, centuries-old structure with crystal clear water.

Character trait

Wanderers learn about Savelia from the story of Matryona Korchagina. Savely is her husband’s grandfather. The image of the hero combines several types of ordinary Russian people. The main feature is heroism. The Svyatorussky hero has enormous power, he protects the country, the people. But Savely is not a warrior:

“...his life is not a military one, and death is not written for him in battle...”

Grandfather Savely - true Christian. He relies on faith, prays for his fate and for the entire peasant country. The author does not give the character a fabulous quality; he is real and terribly sinful. There are 2 human deaths on it: a German manager and a child. Grandfather is literate and sharp-tongued. This amazing feature Russian person. Proverbs, sayings, songs, prophecies saturate and decorate Savely’s speech. A simple Holy Russian man is similar to the heroes of Ancient Rus' and the saints who freely walk the earth.

The fate of a hero

Savely lived long life, it is clear that there were many events in it. He didn’t tell Matryona everything, but what he told was enough for the reader to accept him and fall in love with him. Strong woman. My grandfather lived in the village of Karezhina, where landowners and managers could not reach. The peasants sent rare dues and corvee payments. But the German outwitted the peasants. He turned the life of freedom-loving peasants into hard labor. The man did not endure it for long. They buried Vogel alive. Savely pushed the manager towards the pit and said one word:

"Pump it up"

The comrades silently supported. This episode confirms the desire of the Russian people to get rid of slavery and speaks of respect for the old man. Saveliy survived the lash. 20 years of hard labor, the same amount of settlement. The man escapes and gets beaten again.

The peasant managed to save money in hard labor. How can a person think about the future in such unbearable conditions? This is unknown to the author. He returned to his family, but they treated him well as long as they had money. The hero's heart turned to stone from grief. It was only the attitude of little Demushka, Matryona’s son, who melted him. But fate played here too cruel joke: the old man overslept the child,

“...fed to the pigs...”

Out of grief for his sin, Savely goes to a monastery to repent. He asks God for forgiveness and begs for softening of his mother’s heart. The old man’s death was as long as his life: he fell ill, did not eat, dried up and “wasted.”

The character of the hero of the poem

Savely has a lot of positive things, which is why the author describes the character through the mouth of a woman. He was the only one from her husband’s family who accepted her and took pity on her. The old man knows how to joke; humor and sarcasm help him not to notice the cruelty of his relatives. He grins like a rainbow, laughing not only at others, but also at himself. kind soul hides and is not open to everyone.

Strong masculine character. Many people around Savely could not stand the hardships. They gave up. Saveliy stood until the end, did not retreat, “endured.” He tries to compare the whips: some hurt, others badly. Savely could stand under the rods and not wince. The peasant's skin became tanned; it lasted for a hundred years.

Love of freedom. Grandfather does not want to be a slave:

“...Branded, but not a slave!”

Pride. The old man does not tolerate humiliation and insults towards himself. He admires past generations.

Bravery. Savely went at the bear with a knife and a spear. When one day he stepped on a sleeping bear in the forest, he did not run away, but began to fight with her. The hero lifts a mighty beast on a spear. There was a crunch in the man’s back, but until old age he did not bend over from the pain.

A simple Russian man stands out among other heroes. He knows how to distinguish true kindness from lies and deception. His character is strong. Grandfather does not argue over trifles, does not get involved with stupid people, does not try to re-educate his relatives. Hard labor takes on a broader meaning for him - it is his whole life.
Savely believes that all Russian men are heroes, they are patient and wise. The old man regrets that he lost his strength under rods and sticks. The heroic prowess is wasted over trifles, but it could change all of Rus', return freedom to the peasant, and bring happiness.

(372 words) The heroes of N. Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” met on their way the “hero of the Holy Russian” Savely, whose image is of great importance in the work. He embodies the basic qualities of the Russian people, which distinguish them from all others. On the one hand, these properties are the key to happiness, and on the other hand, they are the curse of the common man.

At the time of the poem, Savely is already a hundred-year-old man. He lived stormy life, which led him, proud and brave, to humility and repentance. Being an ordinary peasant, he was completely subservient to the German clerk. The master sent him to manage his lands. Over the course of 17 years of activity, Vogel completely ruined his charges. The exhausting work and black ingratitude of the boss prompted Savely and other men to deal with the oppressor. In this situation, the phenomenal patience of the Russian people is demonstrated - they have endured terrible treatment for almost two decades! But here another one appears, dark side the souls of Russian people - the meaninglessness and mercilessness of rebellion, which A. Pushkin spoke about. They buried the living clerk in a hole that he ordered to be dug. Then the hero and his friends were sent to hard labor, which, despite all its torment, did not break the spirit of these people. Savely doesn’t think twice about corporal punishment: “The fighting there is bad,” he complains. It is also known that he escaped several times, and the punishment did not bother him either. This speaks of the courage, endurance and fortitude of a simple Russian peasant. His craving for freedom and inner independence amaze and make us admire him as folk hero. But after hard labor, life in the settlement and all the dramatic events, he comes to the most difficult test - pangs of conscience. They were awakened by the death of his great-grandson. Saveliy did not finish watching, and Dema was eaten by pigs. Then the strongman and the threat of the settlement begins to melt before our eyes and constantly disappears at the boy’s grave. He realizes his guilt not only before Matryona, but also before the entire Christian world for the blood that stained him Strong arms. Unshakable moral basis His character makes itself felt when we see the scale of his repentance: he leaves the world for a monastery in order to completely surrender to grief and regret.

Saveliy's potential is enormous: he learned to read and write in prison, and had remarkable strength. But such heroes need to be given the right direction, because they themselves cannot complete their rebellion to the end, they cannot carry it out honestly and without unnecessary cruelty. Because people's defender is Grisha Dobrosklonov, who must persuade the people to do good, as follows from his last name.

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Matryona Timofeevna told the walkers about the fate of Savelia. He was her husband's grandfather. She often sought help from him and asked for advice. He was already a hundred years old, he lived separately in his upper room, because he did not like his family. In solitude he prayed and read the calendar. Huge, like a bear, hunched over, with a huge gray mane. At first Matryona was afraid of him. And his relatives teased him about being branded and a convict. But he was kind to his son’s daughter-in-law and became a nanny for her first-born. Matryona ironically called him lucky.

Savely was a serf of the landowner Shalashnikov in the village of Korega, which was lost among impenetrable forests. That is why the life of the peasants there was relatively free. The master excellently tore down the peasants who were withholding the rent from him, since due to the lack of roads it was difficult to reach them. But after his death it got even worse. The heir sent manager Vogel, who turned the life of the peasants into real hard labor. The crafty German convinced the men to work off their debts. And in their innocence they drained the swamps and paved the road. And so the master's hand reached out to them.

For eighteen years they endured the German, who with his death grip let almost everyone around the world. One day, while digging a well, Savely carefully pushed Vogel towards the hole, and the others helped. And they responded to the German’s cries with “nine shovels,” burying him alive. For this he received twenty years of hard labor and the same amount of imprisonment. Even there he worked a lot and managed to save money to build an upper room. But his relatives loved him while they had money, then they began to spit in his eyes.

Why does Nekrasov call this cold-blooded killer a Holy Russian hero? Savely, who has a truly heroic physical strength and strength of spirit, for him the intercessor of the people. Savely himself says that the Russian peasant is a hero in his patience. But he has a glimmering thought that “the men have axes for their adversaries, but they are silent for the time being.” And he chuckles to himself in his beard: “Branded, but not a slave.” For him, both not to endure and to endure are all the same thing, that is an abyss. He speaks with condemnation of the obedience of today's men, who died in his day, the lost Aniki warriors, who are only capable of fighting with old men and women. All their strength in small things was lost under rods and sticks. But his wise folk philosophy led to rebellion.

Even after hard labor, Savely retained his unbroken spirit. Only the death of Demushka, who died through his fault, broke the man who had endured hard labor. He will spend his last days in the monastery and in wanderings. This is how the theme of people's long-suffering was expressed in the fate of Savely.

Essay Savely in the poem Who Lives Well in Rus'

Nekrasov set himself a huge task - to show how exactly the abolition of serfdom affected life ordinary people. To do this, he creates seven peasants who walk all over Rus' and ask people if they are living well. Grandfather Savely becomes one of the respondents.

Outwardly, Savely looks like a huge bear, he has a large gray “mane”, broad shoulders and a big increase, he is a Russian hero. From Savely’s story, the reader understands that he is not only a hero outwardly, he is also a hero internally, in character. He is a very persistent, resilient and filled with life wisdom person. A man who experienced many sorrows and many joys.

In his youth, Savely lived far in the forest, where the hand of evil landowners had not yet reached. But one day a German manager was appointed to the settlement. Initially, the manager did not even demand money from the peasants, the tribute required by law, but forced them to cut down the forest for it. The narrow-minded peasants did not immediately understand what was happening, but when they cut down all the trees, a road was built into their wilderness. It was then that the German manager came with his entire family to live in the wilderness. Only now the peasants could not boast of a simple life: the Germans were fleecing them. A Russian hero is capable of enduring a lot for a long time, Savely argues during this period of his life, but something needs to be changed. And he decides to rebel against the manager, whom all the peasants are burying in the ground. Here the enormous will of our hero is manifested, which is even stronger than his boundless Russian patience.

For such insolence he is sent to hard labor for 20 years, and after that for another 20 years he works in the settlements, saving money. Not every person is capable of plowing for 40 years for one goal - to return home and help his family with money. It is worthy of respect.

Upon returning home, the worker is greeted very cordially, he builds a hut for his family and everyone loves him. But as soon as the money runs out, they start laughing at him, which greatly offends Savely, he does not understand what he did to deserve such treatment.

The end of the grandfather’s life ends in the monastery, where he atones for the sins he committed: it was his fault that his grandson died. Savely is the image of a true Russian hero, capable of enduring a lot, but ready to rush into the fight for the freedom of his neighbors. The author calls him “lucky” with irony, and this is true: he is unhappy for the rest of his life.

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The great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov touched upon the most global problems of society, combining them in one poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” It is difficult not to highlight the main characters of the poem on whom the narrative is based.

Observing the life of ordinary people under the rule of an unjust ruler, it is difficult not to take into account fate Holy Russian hero Savelia.

In the poem, the reader meets an old man who lives with his son and his family. The relationship of a son to his father and vice versa cannot be called friendly and family. Ironically, grandfather Savely becomes the culprit in the death of his great-grandson. The feeling of guilt eats up the old man, and he goes to a monastery. Then he returns home and soon dies.

In his youth, the hero was endowed with enormous strength, while his main virtues were: fearlessness, nobility, justice, patience. Love for nature complemented the hero with courage.

Previously, grandfather Savely had a carefree life. The peasants had their own freedom of action in everything, until the appearance of the manager. Large quitrent collections began.

The life of the peasants turned into real hard labor.

The struggle for justice changes the character not only of Savely, but of the entire people. Weak-willed residents lose faith and weaken in spirit. Meanwhile, patience is running out, and the heroic spirit is tempered by the dream of reprisal.

After reprisal against the ruler, Saveliy was in slavery for 20 years, performing hard physical work. After an unsuccessful escape, he spends another 20 years in a shelter.

But in his mind there lives hope for a bright future.

Bravery, pride, faith, endurance, and patience characterize the long-lived old man Savely.

Life is like a bargaining chip, you never know what will happen next. But despite all the oddities of fate, Savely did not break down, he was able to remain an invincible hero, a hero of that time.

Essay The image of Savely the hero of the Holy Russian reasoning

The great Russian writer Nekrasov introduced the image of grandfather Savely into his work ironic statement, which immediately shows the attitude towards this hero and his meaning in this work. This hero is represented by the image of an adult who has almost lived his life, who now ends up simply living out his life in the family of another heroine of this work.

It is worth noting that the image of this hero is very important, as it shows the idea of ​​Russian heroism, which was so important for the Russian people at a certain point in time.

Savely is a man who, by his origin, comes from deep forests, the road to which is sometimes not even possible to find.

Outwardly, this hero somewhat resembles a bear; it is also impossible not to say that he can be compared with other animals, but no less dangerous and predatory.

His actions and phrases reflect his love for his homeland, for his land on which he grew up and lived. The times were not simple, many peasants suffered serious humiliation from people of other classes and were not subject to their will and their desires. According to our hero, a Russian peasant can endure a lot, which is why they are called heroes. He expressed such phrases to all his loved ones and just people around him, to which he received the strongest ridicule in response, because people responded to such statements that even cockroaches could offend such heroes.
In general, the entire characteristic of this hero coincides with the characteristic of the most motionless, clumsy hero, who essentially can and knows little, but nevertheless considers himself a real Russian hero.

The life and fate of this hero were not very bright and beautiful; he spent more than twenty years of his life in hard labor, and about half of this time was in a settlement. But, in spite of everything, Savely never despaired, he tried to work honestly everywhere and was able to accumulate some fortune so that upon his arrival home he could build for himself and his family a fairly decent hut, which was not only strong and warm, but also was entirely considered his personal achievement.

And yet the fate of this hero can hardly be called happy. The attitude towards him all his life was this: while he could work and, accordingly, earn money, he was loved and respected, but as soon as he lost this ability, he immediately began to receive ridicule and reproaches addressed to him.

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